The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


OLD CAROLINA ADAGE THAT STATE GOOD SHEEPSHEAD BAY I THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES" BECAUSE IT, CAVE THE SCRAPPY LITTLE GUY HIS PRO START MASS. MUTUAL IS NEW BIC LEADER WITH DOUBLE WIN Week's Play Leaves Four Teams in Second Place Tie Massachusetts Mutual moved into first place in the Bankers, Insurance and Commercial League this past week by virtue of two victories. Monday, the Insurancemen knocked: Carlisle. Hardware out 43 of the top spot with A 10-0 win, as John Farquharson pitched a one-hitter. Tom Franco's single was the ofly hit for the losers.

On Wednesday night, the league leaders knocked off F. B. Mallory, 16-10, with Jerry Burr hitting a home run for Mutual. At present, there Are four teams tied for second place. Army.

Recruiters, Carlisle, Hoods and Springfield Fire and -Marine all have identical five-and-two records. This' situation will dissolve itself, at least -partially this coming. week, because, Fire Marine meets Carlisle Monday and Army plays Hoods on: Wednesday In other contests last week, Army routed Mallory, 12-5; Blair outlasted Sealtest. 13-10. and Fire and a Marine edged Breck, 8-5.

The big gun in the Fire Marine attack this season has -been first baseman Joe D'Ascoll. Joe has averaged a home run. A game and he: hit another one against Breck Wednesday. Shortstop Vins Baird and centerfielder Tony Verducci are others who lend potent support, both offensively and defensively. Breck has been having its troubles this season, but has made an improved showing In its last two The chemists have.a good third baseman and Fran Devine and a fine leftfielder in Jim Pratt.

League Standing Pet Massachusetts Mutual Army: Recruiting Carlisle' Hardware: H. P. Hood Sons Fire Marine U.S. Envelope 500 Blair Mfg. Co.

.286 John H. Breck Co. Sealtest Tee Cream. F. B.

Mallory This -000 Schedule ve Sealtest. at Triangle TomorrowFire Marine Carlisle at Field Mana. Mutual vs, Breck. at Mass. Mallory vs Blair at Triangle Army Va Hoods at Blunt 1 1 Breck.

A. Envelope at Blunt FAWCETT TOPS SKIPPERS New London, June 14: (P) Howard IL Fawcett of the Yacht Racing Union Jed field of nine skippers who survived. elimination in the: dinghy races on the Thames River: here today. The nine compete tomorrow for the chancel to represent United States wIn the Finn Class dinghy championships of the Olympic com petition in Helsinki this year. Edward A.

Melaika, Alan a momber of the Massachusetts Union, survived the races: today which eliminated 13 other skippers. Faw. cett and Melaka are Massachusetts Institute of Technology students. Omaha, Neb. -Every club in the Western League has booked the oneman baseball show, Jackie Price, for the month of June, While Ing the members of the 'armed forces in Korea last winter he set up his bazooka and shot autographed baseballs towards Reds.

Price said they could see the halls nctually land behind the Ied lines and watched the Reds pick them up. Jackle was a minor, league player for 10 years and was finally taken up by the Cleveland Indians in 1946. Ilg gensational talent as a trick baseball artist overshadowed his hitting Ability to such an extent that he decided to devote all his time to entertaining. 6 Standard Time Seeking Fourth League Victory Undefeated Leaders in Junior City 'A' Loop Meets Popular Market at Van Horn Today; Other Tilts Listed In Junior 'B' and Suburban Circuits Eleven games, constituting play: Suburban Baseball Leagues, have There will 'be four in the 'A' group, Suburban. Standard: Time, trail will be seeking their fourth successive Popular Market at Van Horn, 1.30.

the fruits of victory in three starts. City A'. Holy Cross AA and Ruth, Elizabeths, will cross bats at Ruth Elizabeth. "Both of these teams have records. 3 Holy Name vs.

Mohawks South End Indians and Fost 625, each sporting 1-0. records in the Junior City 'B'acircuit, will get; toE gether at Blunt Park, No. 1, at o'clock. Holy Name, winner by forfelt over: Turners last week, will to Goodwin Park where In1, dian Orchard Mohawks will serve as hosts. Youth will be their second Victory in the Suburban rial Boys' Mittineague Park.

loop entertaining, Stevens- MemoOther league games and, current standings follow: LEAGUE STANDINGS (Junior City PC Sizadard Time 1.000 Holy Cross 1.000 Ruth Elizabeth 1. 1.000 Italian AC 0 1.000 Turners .500 Internat. Stamping .000 Jewish War Vets: .000 Sacred Heart: .000 Popular Market -000 (Junior City PC Post 625 1 1.000 Holy Name 1.000 3 South End 1 1.000 Little Devils 1.000 Orchard Mohawks .000 Turners 1 .000 Blunt Park Bears 1 .000 Ruth Elzabeth .000 A (Suburban League) PC Merrick. Youth 1.000 Ludlow SMBC .000 Agawam Pirates 00 ,000 Agawam St. John's: .000 Longmeadow White Sox.

.000 Longmeadow Blue Sox .000 TODAY'S SLATE JUNIOR LEAGUE Popular Market, Van 1.30; Standard Time vs. Forest Park Tuller, Vassar. Sacred Heart vs. Jewish War Emily Bill, 2 p. Granger, Corliss, International Stamping vs.

Turners, West St, D'Amico. Wands. Holy Cross vs. Ruth Elizabeth, 2 at Ruth Elizabeth; Glover, A Danford. JUNIOR 'B' LEAGUE (All games, 2.

p. Turners vs. Roth Ellzabeth, Blunt 2: Smith, Daudelln. End Indians vs. Post.

625, Blunt Park No. 1: Keongh, Beatty. Blunt Park Bears vs. Little Devil Emerson Wight; Wright, pagne. Holy Name vs Indian Orchard Mohawks, Goodwin Park; Fleury, har.

SUBURBAN LEAGUE (All games, 2 p.m.) John's vs. Longmeadow White Sox, Ludlow Williams SMBC vs. Merriek in the Junior Junior 'B' and 5. been scheduled for this afternoon. four in the B'aclass and three in the blazers in the Junior: City 'A group, victory by opposing Forest Park The Marketmen have as yet to taste Two undefeated teams in the Junior SPRINGFIELD YMCA WILL OPEN SUMMER SLATE TOMORROW Slate Listed for Swimming, Volleyball, Squash and Other Activities The summer program opens in the Education.

Dept. of the Springfield. YMCA with physicals activities to meet the needs of all members, according to Larry Ellershaw physical director. The swimming pool will: be open daily a. m.

to: 9.45 p. I with instruction periods set up for Wednesday and Friday nights; from :7.15 p. m. to 8.15 p.m. and for individual instruction by appointment with instructor John Scheehser, ora other.

staff members. Life saving classes will be conducted every Friday night at for those inYMCA or Red life saving terested in becoming, certified in methods. Sun Root Available, Those interested in the recreational type of volleyball games will have the opportunity to participate Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays at 10.45 a. m. and.

at 5.30 p. Members interested in the physical aspects of Civil Service examinations for police or firemen will have available instructions on. Monday nights at' 7.15 There will be individual skills in-3 structions for beginners in squash, and badminton by appointament with staff members Larry ElI lershaw The and sun "Chuck" roof has Jones. been put 1 in shape with more than forty benches to relax on and absorb the sun's rays and will be open daily from 9 a. m.

with many business men working in the vicinity of the now dropping in during lunch hour for thirty minute period of relaxation in thee sun followed by a dip the pool, All other physical department fa.cilities will be open daily from m. to 9.30 p. m. including shower rooms, gymnasiums, handball courts, and squash courts, while the health service room including massage, ultraviolet and infrared lamps, electric cabinet baths, etc. "will be open daily from 12" noon to 7 p.

m. and Saturday from 12 noon to 6. p. m. under the direction of A.

M. Kallgren, phyio, therapist. White Mittineague. wam Longmeadow. Pirates, we Blue Memorial Sox Field.

TS. Aga- Americans Will Be Greedy For Olympic Gold Medals A New York, June 14 (AP) Olympic track, and field competition in the 15th summer games at Helsinki gold: medal 24 triumphs years. at London They figure four erage the last Helsinki and perhaps pick up 13 with jump. On the records, Americans jump higher and. throw things farther than athletes 'of any other nation, They have the world's greatest -putter in Jim Fuchs (58 feet inches), two pole vaulters in Bob Richards and Don Laz who have gone over 15 feet and an excellent discus man in big Sim.

Iness of the University: of 183 Southern feet, California, inches who has done this year. George Brown's 26 feet inches make him the outstanding contender in the broad jump. Walter: Davis: of Texas did 6 feet: inches, bettering the world record, but 'the high jump was disallowed on technicality. A The United States is conceding the javelin throw and hammer throw, in: which it expects to place, and the hop, Americans should dominate the sprints" and, hurdles in the track 400 meter relay. The 1600 meter relay is expected to go to George Rhoden, Herb McKenley, Arthur Wint and of Jamaica.

Andy Stanfield: rated by; some as the world's fastest human, is returning to shape for the 100-meter dash: and should be hard to beat. in that specialty. Mal Whitfield (:47.) and Matson (:46.9) are threats in the 400 meters, where Jamaicans should dominate. 3 defender in the 800 have stern competition from his felmeters, a has done 3 1:49.6. He may low countryman, Don Gehrmann, Uncle Sam's premier miler, who says the fears he can't get in shape for the 1500 meters.

However, many' feel Gehrmann may try both. 'The U. S. has the world's best in the 400 meter hurdles in Charles Moore, who has been clocked at 50,9 seconds this years, and has real threats in the 110-meter hurdles in Craig (:13.9), Jack Davis and Dick Attlesey, all clocked in :14. Attlesey has been troubled with a bad leg.

Bob Mathias, decathlon defender, has good- competition in Bob Richards. traditionally aren't stayers and as a result don't -figure to prevail gin 5000 10,000 meters. Fred Wilt, the G- man is the chief hope fin the 5000. He's: done 14:41.9 this year. Browning Ross (31:36.1) is the leading contender in the 10,000.

MONTREAL TEAM IS WINNER OVER TORONTO BY 8-6 Royals Go Ahead in Sixth Inning; DeMars For Losers Toronto, June 14 (A) The Montreal Royals, Leafs, tonight 8-6 in downed an the International Toronto Baseball, League game after the lead had changed hands three times.h Royals Score First Montreal broke out 1-0 in the first Inning on a walk, an error and 'a single by Don Thompson. Toronto tied it in the last of the first on three suocessive singles, and took a lead in the third when Billy DeMars homered with none on. In the fifth, Royals tied it up when Don Hoak singled and drove in Hank Coleman from second, Montreal then went ahead, to stay in the sixth. The box scores 3 MONTREAL (IL) Mauro Hoak, 8-Marchio, Gilliam D. Thompson, Moryn.

Lutz. Fiala, Pendleton. C. Thompson. Coleman, Totals TORONTO Bowers, DeMara, 3 Morton, 1 Rickert, rf Anderson.

b--Sheridan Goliat. Stevens, Jennings, -White Markelt, Hudson, Shore, Totals 12 MONTREAL 100 011 TORONTO 101 010 RBI- D. Thompson 3. Rickert, DeMars, Hoak. Lutz; Gilliam Stevens: Morton 5 Hr DeMars, D.

Thompson; S--Mari kell: Jennings to Goliat to Stevens. Golfat to Jennings to Stevens: L- Montreal T. Toronto 11; BR- Coleman 8, Hudson S0-Markoll Coleman 5: HO- Markell 10 "in 8 1-3 Innings, Hudson 0 in 0, Shore 3 In R-ER-Markell. 5-3; Coleman 6-6, Hudson 1-0, Shore 2-0; Coleman. 1.

(7-1): L--Markell (7-5) U-Serfin, Jinsalata and Fleming: 0341. a- Walked for Mauro in 9th b-Ran for. Anderson in: 9th -Struck out for Jennings In 9th THREE-GAME SLATE The Sacred Heart 16-18 team will play the Jewish War Vets this afternoon at Emily Bill: playground startins at 2. o'clock. Thursday night the Churchmen are seeking a home game at Emily Bill.

Friday night at Van Horn the Contois. Chiefs will provide the opposition. Call Harvey Burger at 7-3663 for games home and away, Catjakis in Army The coach of: the 14-16 Sacred Heart team, Soco: Catjakis. is now in the Army and this team is looking for someone to handle them for the remainder of the season. Catjakis was given a present from the boys of Sacred Heart at a dinner held at Blake's recently.

Anyone interested in taking over this team please contact Bill Sullivan, 29 Murray Hill or Tom McKenna, 88. "Melha Ave, The Sacred Heart 12-14 team, tered in the Daily News League, is seeking games from independent teams." Genes Sullivan at. 2-9868 is the one to contact for games. Friday night at Emily Bill is open for this team. Ed Sullivan's 10-12 group will play the Little Red Sox today at 3 p.m.

at Emily Bill playground on Diamond No. 2.. This Sacred Heart team wishest to book games and they may he had by dialing 3-5560 and asking for Mike Cavanaugh. The Sacred Heart Aces 10-12 team is anxious for games. Frank Murray, is the booking manager.

Lady of Hope and Turners please take notice. Engelson's Fire Chiefs will play the Red Sox Pee Wees at 1.30 p.m. today on the softball diamond at Emily BIll playground: This group won honorable mention at the Centennial Parade. with their baseball diamond, float and appeared on television last Monday, along with an appearance on the radio. the Sons of Erin are presenting the second TV Hour at Tara Hall for the beneft of sandlot haseball teams, and the entire Sacred Heart A sports group has been to attend this worthwhile cause.

1: FOR SACRED HEART BALL TEAMS TODAY Seniors Host to Jewish War 3 at Emily Bill; Benefit Show Tonight A BRIGGS AND DISCUSS TIGER TROUBLE Detroit, June (A) President Spike Briggs and the board of directors huddled today, presumably to, discuss the misfortunes of the lastplace Detroit Tigers. No statement was issued after the meeting. Rumors had leaped around in the last 24 hours that manager Red Rolfe might be fired and replaced with, coach Ted Lyons. little pressure was taken off Rolfe when his Tigers won a dramatic 7-6 victory over the Washington Senators to open home stand. Pinch -hitter Vic Wertz hit a two-run eighth -inning home run to end the Tigers' seven-garne losing streak.

Rolfe is hopeful that the club can sweep Sunday's double-header from the Senators. The Tigers haven't won three games in a row thin season. The Tigers care still talking trades with two or three other clubs. But it now the trading deadline at midnight: Sunday will paRs with no A large turnout of today also helped Rolfe's position, Although some fans are reportedly" critical Rolfe's: managing, attendance have held up with For slightly above last year's Agures. The Tigers Anished Afth in 1351.

Kitsos Has Good Start Toward the Big Show Plucky Little Shortstop of Springfield Cubs Has Proven, His Ability to Fans; Hopes Some Day to Move Up To Chicago Cubs FRANCIS The Springfield Cubs of the ball player in Chris Kistos. He berth and is doing a first-rate job, tention from the bosses of the team. Baseball is Kitsos' first love. "Hustle and play winning ball." ambition is to some day advance into job as. of the' New York Yankees, his idol.

Lives In Brooklyn Kites of Greek nationality. He is born and on February 11,:1929 got peek of what wAS going on in this big world of ours. This took place: in New" York City, His present residence is in Brooklyn, one of the real "hotbeds" of baseball. He is married and has a three-month-old. boy, George.

Kitsos joined the ranks of the benedicts on February 8, 1950 he married Sadie Cabrara, Spanish girl. The wedding took place, Brooklyn. Springfield's hard working shortstop is a product of Madison High School of Brooklyn. He graduated in 1946 and was a three-letterman at the Flatbush school, playing baseball, football and handball. 'In baseball he performed at shortstop.

He was a halfback on the football team and a top performer with the handballers. Kitsos made his how in 1 professional baseball in. 1947. with the High Point: club of the North Carolina State League, He. also played with Ponca City, Oklahoma, and Kingston York) of: the Middle Atlantic League the same year.

1 The 1948 season found the hustling Kitsos with Johnstown (Pa.) of the Middle Atlantic League. Kitsos played' under "Pepper" Martin, former: St. Louis Cardinal great, 1949 with the Miami (Florida) Sun Sox of the Florida State League. He broke his right ankle and later: was sent to the Lancaster club where he played in some: 50 games. In 1950 Kitsos played under the banner of the club of the TriState Last fall Brooklynite was drafted by athe Springfield Cubs from the of the Mobile club.

of the Southern Association." Hit .334 Last In the 1951 season with Asheville Tri-State League, Kitsos led the circuit in doubles with 43 and tallied: 134 runs. He played in 134 games and 1 posted a batting average of .334. The -American slapped out 165 hits for a total of 249 bases. Chris obtained seven home runs and, drove in 68. He made the Tri-State League's All-Star team and At'.

the close of the campaign was picked at shortstop on an "all" team picked. by International, League have a real hustling holding down the shortstop one that "he hopes will command atChicago Cubs, parent club of the local 1 It is on his mind, all of the time. That's Chris Kitsos'. motto. His big the major leagues and do as good 1 a the circuit Kitsos beat out Nasternak, who opened the current season here with the Cubs at shortstop.

When Kitsos trots out to his shortstop position in home games at Pynchon' Park the majority of the fans say' "there goes the greatest little shortstop we've had around here in years." This was the sentiment of many of the veteran fans. For. the grinning little Greek-American has shown with his skill speed his steady work and hustle that he can carry his' own weight, 165 pounds, in International League company. He has won. the approval of Manager Bill 'Kelly and President Jack Sheehan.

His sparkle and class around the has drawn many admirers for Kitsos. Those who have watched his sparkling play here Tat Pynchon pPark heartily agree that Kitsos is our boy, and one that' some day will land a position with the Chicago Cubs. Kitsos some great fielding in the double -header with the Rochester Red Wings on. Saturday, June 7 at Pynchon: Park. Fans are still talking about his performance.

His batting has been on the weak side to date, however, to his mates and Manager Kelly it's his fierce competitive spirit, that burning desire to win, the fact that he goes all out, never spares, himself when the chips are" down, that above all 'else impresses. Kitsos has fishing as one of his hobbies. He 'does deep sea fishing with his sin during the off months at Sheepshead Bay. When he is' at home Chris likes to' putter. around the house, doing things here and there make this Brooklyn residence comfortable for his wife and baby, George.

One of his biggest thrills is a baseball: came against Rochester Wings in the June 7: twinbill here when his fielding plays made feel like a major leaguer. He also got a big kick when he was from Brooklyn by the Chicago Cubs. Kitsos gives. Emil Verban, Springfield second baseman, much credit for" helping him along. Verban is Kitsos' roommate on the road trips.

Chris is high praise, of Springfield Cubs. "They are fine fellows and the best ever that have played withrin pro baseball," revealed Kitsos during the recent. Montreal trip: Heavyweights Will Hold Top Spots in Tomville Cloud and Vincent to Headline 10-Bout Amateur Card On Thursday Night; Corbin vs. Powers Thompsonville, June 10-bout amateur boxing card on Arena, it was announced today by Sapsuzian. The two heavy hitters, Vincent of New York City, will see has George Corbin of, Ware opposing semifinal event.

Both Cloud and the Belmont Avenue Arena marked its' 20th season of boxing with 1400 fans present for: the first show of 1952. Martino vs Forrest In other bouts, popular Nicky Martino of Springfield, last week scored a second round TKO in his Arst amateur fight? will take 4 on Eddie. Forrest of Boston al, 160- while Nick Grimaldi Stamford has been entered against J. B. Waters of Boston in the 135- pound class.

Six other action bouts will be announced, In the week, DeMaria said. However, Cecil Carter BUFFALO TROUNCES 4 15 TO Baltimore, June 14 (A) Unloading a 15-hit attack against starter Paul Stuffel and three relief men, the Butfalo. Bisons made it two out of three in the series by defeating Baltimore, 16 To 6, here tonight, 'Andy' Birrer -and Hank Borowy gave up 10 hits to the Orioles. Buddy Kerr had four of them. Borowy was the winner.

Birrer leaving the mound in the second inning. Don Lund, with two homers and a single, paced the Bison attack, seconded by Hal Daugherty with a homer and two mingles John Phillips contributed three safeties. Daugherty stole home in the second inning on: Stuffel, while Ken Trinkle, the, third Bird hurler, wildpitched another home in the third. Baltimore's four runs In the unearned. The box score: BUFFALO ab 2: Zernia, 5.

Lerchen, Jaaka, Lund, 3, Sullivan. J. Phillips, Mordarski, Birrera IT Borowy. TotalsBALTIMORE Young, 2 Weatherly, Kerns, chell, Scala: Jones, Kerr, Lakeman. P'eterson, Trinkle, Sloat, Totals: 6 10 27 BUFFALO 0:5 050 BALTIMORE 110 004 CH a RBI-8chell.

Daugherty Peterson. Phillips. Federoff, Zernia Lerchen. 2, Lund 2B-Schell. Federof.

Kerr, Scale: Larchen: HR -Lund Daugherty; to Daugherty to Zernia: left--Buffalo 7. Baltimore 11: BBBirrer 1, Stuffel 1. -Peterson 3. Borowy Trinkie 1: 80-Stuffel Peterson 1. Trinkle 2, Borowy: 2, Bloat 1: HO -Birrer tn 1 1-3 Innings, Borowy 6 in 7 2-3.

StufTel 3 In 12-3, Peterann In 1-3, Tinkle 1, Float 8 In 3: Trinkle: winner -Borowy (4-4): Stuffel (6-4); U--Holmes, Froese, Tatier: -Singled for Trinkle in 6th, KEY WEST TAKES OVER I Key West, June. 14 (P)-Formation of the Key. Weat: Club, Anch for the purpose of puri chasing the Florida International League franchise of the homeless Stars, formerly the Fort Lauderdale Braves, was announced today. 14-Two heavyweights will headline the Thursday, the 19th, at the Thompsonville promoters Joe. DeMaria and Gregory Harold Cloud of Stamford Sammy, action at 180-pounds on a card which Johnny Powers.

of Boston in the Corbin scored victories last week when FL De -American athletes, who have dominated since: 1928, will be as greedy as ever next month. They picked up 11 approximately their avthey can at least duplicate that at a little luck in the discuss and high still can run shorter distances faster, gold. medals home from the London Altogether, 74 Americans wore games and "nine of these had a pair of the championship symbols. Americans may equal that performance again, with another crack swimming team, a prohibitive basketball, favorite, dominant crews in many and outstanding. representatives of the minor specialties such as wrestling, boxing, weight-lifting and fencing.

Max Ritter, honorary secretary of the World Amateur Swimming Fede eration, expects America to come close to equalling its brilliant 1948 water record when it the men's eight divisions and won four I of seven women's titles. Ford: Konoox, Wayne Moore, Scholes. Dick Thoman and Jack Taylor give the Americans a big edge in the freestyle and backstroke. Only in the breaststroke, where Germany's Herberti and Australia's John Davies are tops, does the veteran official see a U. The women should berequally, uccessful with a standout diver Ann Olsen, second to Vicky Draves at London, and men divers in Skippy Browning; and Bob Cloth worthy, U.

basketball team, com: posed chiefly of players from the University of Kansas and the Peoria Caterpillars, should have much and savvy for the Russians and Argentines, hoth highly rated. Bob Kurland, seven-foot is back again with help from Kansas' sensational six -nine All America, Clyde Lovellette. John Henry" world record holder. in the heavyweight weightlifting, a 3: strong American muscle team. Henry Wittenberg, the wrestling cop, will defend his heavyweight wrestling crown.

An Eastern team, Navy, the S. in the eight-oar crew racing. The sailors have piled up an unbeaten record to challenge California, rated the best: the Pacific Coast. Jose Decapriles deads a strong U.S, fencing team. The will be struggling merely to place in several other events, such F.

AB soccer; equestrian events and. cycling, but' they'll have plenty of muscle where it counts -in track and swimming. Parker, Westover Field airman who (47 scored an impressive third round knockout last week over Don Williams of Boston in the main event, will not. be. on hand this, Thursday.

The 18-year-old former Golden Glove champion from Alabama is presently' on. a two-week furlough at home near He is expected to return in time to see: action on the 26th. The Thursday night bouts move underway at 8.30 p. with children under 14 admitted free it accompanied by either Rookie right, hander George Condrick breezed 9-1 Rochester Red Wing night. victory over, the Ottawa A Athletics to- ROCHESTER TRIUMPHS 6 OVER OTTAWA, 9-1 Rochester, June 14 (Pr Fu Condrick scattered eight hits as he racked up his fifth win against two losses.

Starter and loser Ed Burtschy was shelled out in the fourth, after Rip Repulski's "two runt homer for, a 6-0 ad Rochester lead. The Red Wings took a 3-0 lead in the series, and vaulted into second place, two games back of Montreal. The box score: ROCHESTER (IL) Repulsk ct a 1 3b rf. Walker, It Bucha, McAllister, Derry? if Mickelson, 1b Ortiz. Totals OTTAWA AL Gentry, ct Conway Kirk: rt Limmer, 1b Moscovich.

2h Mattrell. D'oole. Hurtachy. Mueller; Murray Totals 34 ROCHESTER 202 OTTA 00 RBI- Ortiz, Condrick. Mickelson 3.

Res Gantry. ker. R- DP-Littrell to Moral covich to Limmer, Geptry to Moscovich to Moscovich to Littrell to Limmer. LEFT- Ottawa 10; Rochester 10. achy 4.

Condrick 2. Jueller 5. Swingle 1. 80-Condrick 7. 7 in 3 innings (none out in 4th): Mueller 2 in 1-0: Swingle in 2 2-3 innings.

HBP-by Mueller (Derry). P- Mueller. PB- Poole. Winachy' Condrick 2, Mueller Swingle -Flaherty, Felerakf and Gallin. a- Struck out for Swingle In 9th CLUB THROWERS ARE ADMONISHED Dallas, June 14 (AP)-The U.

A S. Golf Association said today several players: have been admonished about I club-throwing displays in the 52d National Open golf tournament. No players were mentioned by name but Tommy Bolt of Durham, N. C. Cary Middlecoft Memphis and Doug Ford of Harrison, N.

have tossed one or more sticks duringi the event. 1. 3 3 9 4 F. "We've come to the right place, Mabel. Everybody here shaves with Feather Weight Gem 3 13 Prove Gem Razor Best by your own Finger- Lip Test! 4 A Feather Weight Gem shave 1.

always cleaner, smoother! 6 The built-in shaving angle of this wonder razor gets every 13 whisker at the base. Try. it!" $1,80 FOR' VALUE ONLY FEATHER WEIGHT GEM. 10-BLADE GEM PUSH-PAK, PERMANENT CASE 4 4:.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.