The Hybrid Alpha's Baby (Dragons of Cinderhollow #1) (2024)

Len Evans Jr

1,474 reviews219 followers

February 28, 2021

This is the second series I am reading by this author and it looks to be just as good as the first! Awesome characters with wonderful storytelling!! A total winning combination! Love these two MCs and the worldbuilding that went into this book! Am jumping right into book 2!

    dragons fated-mates lgbt


386 reviews23 followers

June 3, 2018


This was an interesting read, but it definitely needed more world building, imo. It kept my interest enough to read the next one when it comes out.


781 reviews21 followers

June 9, 2018

Want to know how awful this story is ?.

Basically - one shifter decided he needed to rescue his pack by building a protective barrier to surround it. Now you might think, why is that awful ? Simple. The shifter pack already had an impenetrable wall around it !! The whole time, this wolf shifter is wondering how he can help his pack step out of this "cage" they're in aka the wall. So his solution was to make the cage bigger ? Good gracious.

On top of that, anyone who has read shifter books knows that they are fierce, strong, big. However, this author has ALPHA wolf shifters afraid of humans. I just can't even with this story. And on top of all that, let's throw in some "I'm home DEAR" into the mix, because the story is not crappy enough as it is.

Oh man, do yourself a favor and skip this book. Want some incredibly well written Dragon & shifters ? Please read anything written by TS Joyce, you will not be disappointed with her work.

Romance All the Way

399 reviews90 followers

June 21, 2021

Really cute omegaverse mpreg novel.



375 reviews6 followers

April 8, 2022

4,5 csillag

Első olvasásom az írónőtől, de biztos, hogy nem az utolsó - már csak azért sem, mert ez egy igazán jó sorozatindító kötet volt.
Nem volt tökéletes, egyáltalán nem és igazából, megtalálható benne minden, ami egy igazi alakváltó, omegaverse, mpreg, MM regénynél elvárható, ennek ellenére nagyon szerettem az egészet.
A szereplők nem tökéletesek, megvannak a maguk hibái ennek ellenére nagyon szerethetőek és az ember drukkol nekik.
Gabriel egy farkasváltó omega, aki egy elzárt (szó szerint kőfalakkal elzárt) falucskában él a falkájával. Nagy gondban van, ugyanis pár napja van, hogy alfát válasszon magának, ha nem akarja, hogy a falka elüldözze a falakon túlra, ahol a biztos halál vár rá. Ezzel egyetlen gond van: nem akar magának alfát, főleg nem a helyiek közül. Világot szeretne látni és majd egyszer valamikor - a távoli jövőben - lekötni magát.
Hallotta a pletykákat, hogy egyszer valamikor egy Loni nevű omega megszökött, aki rögtön bele is halt a próbálkozásba. Ugyanis a falakon túl ott vannak az emberek, akik az alakváltókra vadásznak.
Gabriel makacs és "csakazértis" alapon megszökik, gondolva, hogy az egész egy mese. Rá kell döbbennie, hogy ez bizony maga a véres valóság és, amikor már azt hiszi, hogy nem sok van hátra, hirtelen megjelenik egy sárkány, aki megmenti és magával viszi fel a hegyekbe Cinderhollowba.
Dante a sárkányváltó, ősi család sarja. Erős, hatalma van, imád olvasni és egyáltalán nem akarja magát lekötni senki mellett. Tudja, hogy valahol vár rá az életpárja, az egyetlen, akit neki szánt a sors, de egyáltalán nem sürgeti semmi, hogy meg is találja. Nem is lehetne nagyobb a meglepetése, amikor a megmentett farkasban ráismer a párjára.

Mivel a regény nem túl hosszú a főszereplőink nagyon hamar összejönnek és Gabriel is rájön, hogy Dantén és leendő gyermekükön kívül nem akar semmi mást. Amíg ki nem derül, hogy képes varázsolni.

A főszereplőket nagyon szerettem, bár Gabrielt néha szívesen fejbevágtam volna, főleg, amikor meggondolatlan volt. Azonban még így is nagyon kedvelhető karakter. Dante pedig... igazi alfa, kicsit arrogáns, de nagyon gondoskodó.

A könyv nagy pozitívuma még a mellékszereplők felvonultatása, akik nagyon sokat adnak a történethez. Ez tipikusan egy olyan sorozat, ahol az első kötetben megismered a főbb szereplőket, akik a folytatásokban majd párra találnak.

Imádtam Antont, Dante és Lorenzo (Dante bátyja) apját. Az a fickó egyszerűen odavan a plüssállatokért. :)
Cinderhollow egy igazán varázslatos városka, szerencsés, aki rátalál és ott élhet. :)

Kíváncsian várom a következő kötetet.


154 reviews12 followers

July 22, 2018

This was my first book by this author. I would recommend to others.
I hope there will be more books in this series. Now on to the next series...

    00mm-kindle-unlimited 00mm-shifter 00mpreg-shifter

The Eighth

369 reviews14 followers

September 20, 2018

Enjoyable but did not keep my attention until the end.

    m-m own shapeshifter-s


5 reviews

May 24, 2019

This book had potential but there were many instances where I thought the author sacrificed story for story length. The main character is immediately likable because he is the odd one out (and what reader doesn't relate to that?) and is ostracized by his village for it. Then BOOM all of a sudden we go straight from a near death experience to sex. Not bad, I'm not complaining about the sex scene, yet the characters adamant denial about wanting a child is suddenly brushed off at the appearance of an Alpha penis. Such a dramatic character change should take at least more than a few pages.
The frustration continues...there is a shocking lack of detail into Cinderhollow and the main characters foray into magic. So much potential that felt cut off. Lastly, the final battle was unnecessary and rushed as if the author just wanted to be done with the story.
Sex scene was ok but forgettable.


3,409 reviews27 followers

May 28, 2018

What's sexier than a Dragon shifter who can also turn into a Wolf

Gabriel is an Omega wolf shifter who must make a choice - be forced to mate with one of his pack's alphas or be banished and face the Humans who will rip any shifter apart. Frustrated by the way the pack does things and not seeing any alphas of interest, he chooses to leave the pack and immediately gets attacked by the humans. Luckily a Dragon shifter gears his cries.
Alpha dragon/Wolf Hybrid shifter Dante is on a mission when he hears and sees his dates mate and comes to his rescue. The connection and attraction is instant and Gabriel agreed to go home with Dante to Cinderhollow.
The two shifters mate and get pregnant, happy to start a family together. And Gabriel learns a new trade -magic. Happy in his new pack, Gabriel feels compelled to help his old pack find freedom too. With his new magic, his dates mate, and help from a few friends, can Gabriel break down the walls for his old pack and show them how to protect themselves from the outside world?

Great story with cute, sweet and sometimes sexy scenes. Dante is a living and protective alpha while Gabriel is a strong and determined omega. The supporting characters add to the overall quality of the book. Good start for the new series, I can not wait for the next book. Definitely recommended.


145 reviews

August 17, 2021

This book was something interesting, but it definitely wasn’t for me. The whole book seemed half made to me, like the author had an idea, but didn’t edit beyond the rough draft.

There really was no buildup. The book moved quickly from one thing to the next, with the characters changing their minds and ideas so quickly it gave me whiplash. I felt like there was no gradual progression or growth in this book, just abrupt changes.

Dante was so annoying and controlling. The author tried to pass it off as possessive, but it felt pretty creepy. He only gave in to Gabriel for the dumbest things. Gabriel was childish and reckless. He continually did whatever he wanted, with no thought of others or the consequences of his actions. Give and take is important in a relationship, and this book just decided to skip past it to this toxicity. Together, this dysfunctional pair made up a train wreck of a relationship.

Also that annoying bit at the end about how people who use epidurals during birth are wimps was definitely not it. It was both offensive and just kind of lazy writing. To all authors: don’t project your prejudice onto the readers!

I’m also not a fan of the fated mates dynamic, so maybe that soured this book for me. I’m not the most unbiased reviewer, but book was not my thing at all.

John-Torleif Harris

2,669 reviews12 followers

June 3, 2018


I wanted to like this book more than I did. I'll probably read more in this series as they come out, but I just felt that there were too many inconsistencies in the story to really be more than ok.

How is making the walls around the Stoneheart compound bigger freeing them? How do rumors about other packs get to Stoneheart if no one ever leaves and no one visits? If magic is so commonplace in Cinderhollow, why have all of the human technology and the necessary infrastructure to support it? How did Gabe not know that speaking of fated mates was taboo when talking to Marlowe when (as we find out later in the book) that was how everyone treated the subject? Why isn't Cinderhollow a legend among shifters, like some kind of utopian Shangri-La, that most don't really believe in, but they long for?

Overall, I was entertained by the story bit unimpressed by the execution. I was left with too many questions to be satisfied and I felt that several scenes could have been expanded to help them not feel rushed.


155 reviews1 follower

June 1, 2018


📑THE HYBRID'S ALPHA BABY is the first book of Hawke Oakley's new series, DRAGONS OF CINDERHOLLOW.
📚 This new series is somewhat of a spin-off of the author's INDIGO MOUNTAIN PACK (IMP) series where we met Virgil. Virgil grew up in a pack/clan where the members continued to possess the ancient ability to shift into two different animal forms. Some could shapeshift into dragons and also into wolves; Virgil was able to shift into a wolf and also into a raven. In this book, Dante saves and meets Gabriel while in his dragon form; a little while later, Gabriel is shocked to discover that Dante can also shift into a wolf.
I am looking forward to reading Book 2 when it's released; I'm curious to see what the author has planned for this series.


406 reviews3 followers

December 4, 2018

I enjoyed the world this was set in. I thought the different packs/tribes were interesting and that we found this out through Gabriel’s eyes drew me in. There were a couple of things I didn’t like and wished that the story flowed a bit differently. I loved Gabriel and his fight to be seen more equal but that really takes a nose dive when he meets Dante. I also wanted more magic and more practicing from Gabriel before he takes off on his mission. The other thing that threw me off was the aging of the baby. The last couple of chapters left me scratching my head at just how much time had passed. Other than those though I thought it was a good story. I liked Lorenzo’s character and there was something mysterious that makes me want to read his story but the premise has me second guessing that decision....I might pick it up later....

June 11, 2018

Love dragon shifter books!

When the thought of dying is preferable than mating with someone who is not a faded mate where do you go from here. In this story the Omega decides to take a chance outside away from the safety of the pack. Taking a chance with his life for the pursuit of happiness is worth it to him.

When an Alpha dragon flying over the scene of a young Omega about to be torn into pieces he must decide what is the best course of action. After making his decision to saving the Omega does he find out this is his mate.

The story was very entertaining, once I started it I couldn't put it down. Through the ups and downs that go with the story I was spellbound and curious as to what would come next. I would strongly recommend the story as an entertaining read.


509 reviews

May 31, 2018

It was great! Apart from one continuity error: They say the baby was half dragon but the doctor said the baby was a dragon. They don’t address if it was an error of the doctor or if it was an error from the writer.

Also the Omega pissed me off a couple of times. He was selfish, impulsive and disregarded the safety of everybody for his own whims, including the life of his unborn child and then cried about it when things inevitable went wrong.

The trope of “Omega is in danger so Alpha saves him just in the nick of time” gets boring and repetitive after a while and this book rode on that trope twice.

Mim Crenshaw

1,858 reviews3 followers

May 12, 2019

Loved Loved Loved it

This was an amazing start to this series. This was my first Mpreg book, and it won't be my last...I'm hooked. The story flowed so well, and I was engrossed from the first page . I loved Gabe. He was so sweet and coy, and perfect for Dante. I loved how Dante knew from the glance that Gabe was his rated mate. The author was just brilliant in how she wrote this book and made you see and feel every emotion that they had. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

MN Lisa

557 reviews8 followers

October 15, 2022

Gabriel is an omega wolf who must mate or die. Not really, but he would be banished from his pack, but that usually means death....or does it? Dante is a Dragon/Wolf Shifter who is flying by and sees Gabriel being attacked and saves him only to find that Gabriel is his fated mate. What happens next is a bit weird in that they mate, but don't really discuss it. I'm slightly confused about the middle part, but the end is wonderful. Gabriel helps his old pack, returns to his new pack/clan and has a dragon baby.

    mm-dragon mm-magic mm-shifter


753 reviews4 followers

May 17, 2024

This series started off much stronger than the other one I had been reading. There was still an infuriatingly fast insta-love situation, but after the relationship is established, the plot actually moves pretty seamlessly. I really liked the fact that Dante encouraged Gabriel's interest in magic, not only because of his safety but because he had a natural affinity. Ryu was one of my favorite characters and I'm also curious about Lorenzo. The dragon's Dad Anton was also a nice addition. Overall a great start to a series.

Ally Lupold

226 reviews1 follower

June 13, 2018

Interesting storylines

I loved the direction the author went with this book it would be great if it became a series. Ryu, and Lorenzo haven't found their mates and Scar whose to say someone isn't out that's his true mate. I can see this going so many ways. I found very refreshing from the usual mpreg stories and would love 💘 to read more !like this I was awestruck throughout the book I couldn't put my kindle down until I finished it.


2,372 reviews36 followers

July 12, 2018

A gay male shifter mating romance with some magic use, male pregnancy, and a few heroic rescues thrown in.
Typos: like used for as, whole for hole, reign for rein, less for fewer, I for me, lay for lie, laid for lay, beared (not an actual word) for bore, an extra verb (we decided to send a few scouts went back), adjective for adverb, incorrect apostrophe and hyphen use, numerals for written numbers.

Dottie Mae

289 reviews1 follower

November 2, 2018

The Hybrid Alpha's Baby (Dragons of Cinderhollow Book 1) by Hawke Oakley

Great book that will keep you entertained with omega wolf shifters and dragons drama. It was easy to rate this book with five stars that is well deserved. I chose this book because I enjoy reading about paranormal romance and thoroughly enjoyed each chapter. Please enjoy reading works created by Hawke Oakley.


200 reviews1 follower

December 2, 2019

Dragons and wolves! Yes!

At first start, I wasn't sure if I would like this book. Once I got into it my opinion definitely changed. The shifter magic took hold and I was hooked. The author makes you want to cheer for, yell at, and maybe slap the characters upside the head for not thinking before saying or doing some thing dumb. I really did enjoy this book and I just downloaded the second in the series.

Mak ♡

906 reviews7 followers

March 26, 2023

The Hybrid Alpha's Baby (Dragons of Cinderhollow #1) (19)
. . .
É uma leitura F(. . .), desculpe pela palavra, eu amei 🖤. . .
Amei! Eu me encantei com o livro. Um resgate do destino. Um amor fatídico, um casal para a eternidade. Tudo pode acontecer quando tem que acontecer, é perfeito e mágico. E duas almas que se completam geram mais dragon/wolf para brilhar no mundo. Adoro. . . Boa Leitura 😘



69 reviews1 follower

September 18, 2019

Confusing in all counts!

So this story is about male Omgas finding their male mates, which is great bc it's a gay romantic story. But what through me off was that it is also about males getting pregnant??? The plot is good but only if the ones getting pregnant was a female. There are some things that are not right. The person didn't even put in the title. Or say M/M Story.


764 reviews6 followers

March 6, 2022

3.5 stars

While I liked the story and the characters for the most part, Gabriel had a moment where I could absolutely not stand him. I don't want to spoil anything but his stubbornness is unmatched. The only brightside of that is that Dante seems to like it. I will be reading more in this series.


20 reviews

March 11, 2023

oh my gwad gurl lemmy tell you shhhheeeiiishhhh

Oh gotcha girl let me tell you this book is so good. I love it so much it is so cute. This is literally a perfect book this author, or this group of authors is a freaking amazing. Like oh my God, I’m praying to them I’m always gonna be praying and I ain’t even religious SSSSHHHHEEEESSSHHH

Good Girl

156 reviews4 followers

June 18, 2023

This is not very good, but, for some reason, I kept reading, and I don't regret it, but I cannot say that I would recommend this to anyone. Actually, I take that back. I would ask someone to read that really strange section involving the bizarre ass hoard p*rn because I don't want to be be scarred by myself.

brian g. fraser

60 reviews

May 28, 2018

Sweet story

Dragon alpha saves a wolf omega turned out they are dated mates after learning to utilize his magic the omega saves the very pack that left him to die. Look forward to the older brother Dragon finding his mate and maybe the dad Dragon finding someone.


272 reviews11 followers

June 24, 2018

Not bad

Not a bad first book in a series. There are a few things that just click for me. I'm hoping with the next book, we will find out. What's with the humans. I did like how Gab took to the magic. Looking forward to the next book.

The Hybrid Alpha's Baby (Dragons of Cinderhollow #1) (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.