Outdoor Décor Guide: Decorative Gravel and Natural Stones - FSI Landscape Supply (2024)

Spring is finally here, and it’s the perfect time to focus on landscape designs and spring gardens. It is time to get creative with decorative gravel and natural stones. These versatile materials can add texture, color, and functionality to your garden, patio, or walkway. In this article, we’ll explore some springtime strategies for incorporating decorative gravel and natural stones into your outdoor décor.

Why Use Decorative Gravel and Natural Stones?

For several reasons, decorative gravel and natural stones are popular for outdoor landscaping.

Adds Texture and Color

Decorative gravel and natural stones come in various colors, sizes, and textures, making them a versatile choice for outdoor décor. They can add visual interest and depth to your garden or patio and can even be used to create patterns or designs.

Low Maintenance

Unlike grass or other plants, decorative gravel and natural stones require minimal maintenance. They don’t need to be watered, mowed, or fertilized, making them a great option for those who want a low-maintenance outdoor space.

Durable and Long-Lasting

Decorative gravel and natural stones are durable and long-lasting, making them a cost-effective choice for outdoor décor. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy foot traffic, making them a practical option for walkways and patios.

Springtime Strategies for Using Decorative Gravel and Natural Stones

Now that you know the benefits of using decorative gravel and natural stones, let’s explore some springtime strategies for incorporating them into your outdoor décor.

Create a Garden Pathway

Creating a garden pathway is one of the most popular uses for decorative gravel and natural stones. This not only adds functionality to your outdoor space but also adds visual interest. You can use a variety of colors and sizes to create a unique pathway.

To create a garden pathway:

  1. Start by outlining the path with a garden hose or rope.
  2. Remove any grass or debris from the area and lay down a layer of landscape fabric to prevent weeds from growing.
  3. Add a layer of gravel or stones, and level it out as you go.
  4. Add a top layer of smaller stones or gravel to fill in any gaps and create a smooth surface.

Add a Decorative Border

Another way to incorporate decorative gravel and natural stones into your outdoor décor is by using them as a border. This can be done around flower beds, trees, or even your patio. The border will not only add visual interest but also help to define different areas of your outdoor space.

To create a border, start by outlining the area with a garden hose or rope. Then, dig a shallow trench along the outline and fill it with your chosen gravel or stones.

Use as Mulch

Decorative gravel and natural stones can also be used as a substitute for traditional mulch. They can help to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, and add visual interest to your garden beds. Plus, they won’t break down over time like traditional mulch, making them a long-lasting option.

To use decorative gravel and natural stones as mulch:

  1. Start by removing any existing mulch or debris from your garden beds.
  2. Incorporate a layer of landscape fabric to obstruct weeds’ growth.
  3. Incorporate a gravel layer or stones, making sure to level it out as you go.

Create a Fire Pit Area

If you’re looking to add a cozy and functional element to your outdoor space, consider creating a fire pit area using decorative gravel and natural stones. This can be a great spot for entertaining or simply relaxing on a cool spring evening.

To create a fire pit area:

  1. Start by outlining the area with a garden hose or rope.
  2. Dig a shallow trench along the outline and fill it with your chosen gravel or stones.
  3. Add a layer of sand and place your fire pit on top.
  4. Add a top layer of smaller stones or gravel to fill in any gaps and create a smooth surface.

Tips for Choosing Decorative Gravel and Natural Stones

When choosing decorative gravel and natural stones for your outdoor space, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Consider the Size and Color

When choosing decorative gravel and natural stones, consider the size and color that will best suit your outdoor space. Smaller stones are better for pathways and borders, while larger stones can be used for more decorative purposes. As for color, choose a shade that complements your existing outdoor décor or adds a pop of color to your space.

Think About Functionality

Before purchasing decorative gravel and natural stones, think about the functionality of your outdoor space. If you have a high-traffic area, choose a more durable stone that can withstand heavy foot traffic. If you’re using the stones as mulch, consider a smaller size that will be easier to spread and maintain.

Don’t Be Afraid to Mix and Match

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different types of decorative gravel and natural stones to create a unique and eye-catching look. You can use various colors, sizes, and textures to add depth and visual interest to your outdoor space.

Where to Buy Decorative Gravel and Natural Stones

Decorative gravel and natural stones can be purchased at most garden centers, and landscaping supply stores. You can also find a variety of options online, making it easy to compare prices and styles.

Decorative gravel and natural stones are a versatile and low-maintenance option for adding texture, color, and functionality to your outdoor space. By following these springtime strategies and tips, you can create a beautiful and unique outdoor space your clients can enjoy all season long.

Outdoor Décor Guide: Decorative Gravel and Natural Stones - FSI Landscape Supply (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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