New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (2025)

Today is our big sale. All weekend long (Black Friday through Cyber Monday)

New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (1)

Over 200 games at reduced prices! Many just $1 for this weekend.
We have a bunch of new games, including many new titles from Button Shy.

New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (2)

All weekend long: For every $1 you spend, you will be entered into our giveaway for $50 in PNPArcade Credit. We will choose two winners Friday, one on Saturday, one on Sunday and one on Monday.

New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (3)

New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (4)

Also, our third PNP Arcade Publishing Kickstarter is LIVE now! Check out Power Creep at the lowest price it gets, for just $3 (or $10 for the yearlong adventure) at

It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (5)

Here’s what is new this week:

  • Forest Floor
  • Forest Floor Basics
  • Rpage: The Lair of the Adorned Worm
  • Crow Court
  • Arctic Roll

  • No Good Deed
  • Active Hero
  • Rotation Rumble
  • The Beast Bulletin: Volume 3
  • The Beast Bulletin: Volume 4
  • Dangerous Space: Thaydiss, Commandeer Mission

Forest Floor

In Forest Floor, you and your friends hike into the woods to soak up the last few weeks of summer. You spot wildlife, hunt for bugs, pick berries, and marvel at the beauty of the forest floor. Each critter and plant has a role to play in this puzzle as old decay spurs new growth. Whoever finds the most diverse and vibrant section of forest wins.

There’s a lot of interesting game packed into this one. Not only is there a really cool and innovative way of rolling dice for the round - dice leapfrog each other, so each round you only roll 1 die and add the two together - but each total provides options for effects and symbols to trigger on your board. Layers of decisions are always a great thing, and this can play up to a very, very large number of players or down as low as providing 2 different ways to play solitaire. It even comes with a special head-to-head board for those playing with two, a very important feature for those who tend to only have a single person they regularly game with.

Forest Floor Basics

In Forest Floor, you and your friends hike into the woods to soak up the last few weeks of summer. You spot wildlife, hunt for bugs, pick berries, and marvel at the beauty of the forest floor. Each critter and plant has a role to play in this puzzle as old decay spurs new growth. Whoever finds the most diverse and vibrant section of forest wins.

If you want a chance to try the basics of the game out quickly before making a purchase, this might be a great option. Solo and 2-player specialized content from the above are not included in this one, but even if you’ll always play with 3+ players, there’s reason to use this as a try-before-buy option rather than a cheaper alternative. This version has fewer elements included - there are a lot in the game, but this removes four of the elements from the full game, reducing the decision space for creating your hike.

Rpage: The Lair of the Adorned Worm

You are entering an old, dirty, and stinky place, it is known that here is the home of strange creatures, in particular a grotesque being known as “The Adorned Worm”. Rumors say that the being collects peculiar objects, some quite valuable, and places them in his body as ornaments to display to his prey. They say that when he wanders around the dungeon, sometimes some of his treasures fall to the floor. And that’s why you got involved in this endeavor, hoping to achieve something valuable and improve your life of poverty…It’s good that you come back alive from this endeavor!

A small pamphlet that you can explore, rolling dice while managing your resources such as energy, health, and light from a torch.Can you reach the center of the lair, defeat the worm, and escape with your arms full of valuable treasure? Or will you get lost amidst the darkness, either because you are no longer possessing a light source or because you were defeated along the way? With simple rules, a nice list of encounters corresponding to your progress, and plenty of combat to keep the dice rolling, you are certain to enjoy your time spent delving through Rpage.

Crow Court

A “Crow Court” is a real life, natural phenomenon where a murder of crows gathers around a crow they believe has wronged the group, and exact their dark justice. The sentence is swift and merciless, where the accused is pecked to death, attacked by the rest of the murder. This restores order to the group, and maintains a cruel, calculated hierarchy.

A fiercely competitive game of hand management, as you’ll be trying to balance having enough cards to play the right ones at the right time, without being one who gets stuck with either the Death card - making you lose the game - or one of the Low cards following it - meaning you’re not the overall victor either. Play cards to force other players to draw new cards, or even to redirect an attack on you to another player, as you jockey to avoid being found guilty by the ruthless court of crows.

Arctic Roll

Lead a tribe of intrepid hunters, head out across the ice to hunt for fish and to find shelter. Compete over the scarce resources, move across the ice and excavate fishing holes.

Use dice to move around a shared map, making ice holes and/or hunters based upon the die you choose for placement. Plan your moves well, because the die you use for movement has to be used in full, and has restrictions on where you can end up. Vye to gather items and catch fish before other players, and gain points for just about everything you do along the way - the name of the game is to be a little more efficient in your dice usage and bonus selections, maximizing your scoring potential in this quick little game.

No Good Deed

After traveling the world you thought you could find peace in your old neighborhood. Little did you know that a crime syndicate had moved in and pushed out your friends and family through intimidation and violence. TIme to return the old corner to its original shine.

Let’s confess here: we all have wanted to play the role of a vigilante at some point in time, bringing about justice to those who feel they are above the law. Well, this game has you being a hero vigilante battling criminals through several floors, rescuing hostages. Use the dice to eliminate threats, move across the map, and save the helpless without losing your health. With several floors to play across, and three difficulties to enhance the experience, this is one of those simple, yet satisfying games that is a great addition to most collections.

Active Hero

As a player in Active Hero you take on the role of a vigilante cleaning up the crime in your city. To do so, you’ll train your body and equip your gear. By completing daily exercises you will earn bonuses and basic skills. Use these skills and bonuses to complete daily missions.

A different sort of game than you might be used to - this one helps motivate you to get moving a bit, with daily exercises that are doable throughout the day in spurts of only a few minutes, and completely without gym equipment, allowing you to fit it into even a busy daily schedule. If you’ve been looking for that extra motivation to stay fit - whether due to the holidays and all the eating that comes from it, or for other reasons - there’s plenty of fun to find through Active Hero, since you’ll use your daily results to take down baddies and level up your character.

Rotation Rumble

In Rotation Rumble, you take on the role of a guild coach who hires and commands mercenaries in weekly rumble fights for money, cheesecake, and glory! Choose your favorite fighters and items to create the perfect combination of reckless rumblers!

Rotation Rumble is a micro card game featuring square cards. Most cards have a different ability on each of their sides, which can be used or activated by rotating them, offering endless strategic combinations!

Jason Greeno here…to tell you about a super unique, tight little competitive game. Rotation Rumble is easy to craft a few decks and has a ton of extra decks you can mix and match. I’m looking forward to printing this one up for the holidays to play with family, tournament style.

The Beast Bulletin: Volume 3

A collection of monster profiles for Four Against Darkness.

This collection provides 16 monsters, complete with images, background text, statistics, and more for use in your Four Against Darkness games. These monsters all come from some form of published 4AD material, so if you already have everything there isn’t something new-to-you to be found here, but these are able to be printed and collected into a binder, sorted by name or any other method you want to use to organize things. This way you’ll have these beasties in one easy-to-browse location, rather than flipping through books and supplements to find the right monster to encounter.

The Beast Bulletin: Volume 4

A collection of monster profiles for Four Against Darkness.

This collection provides 17 more monsters, complete with images, background text, statistics, and more for use in your Four Against Darkness games. Everything about the Volume 3 probably applies here, but you’ll want to snag this chance to have easy access to monsters of all types: vermin, minions, weird monsters, bosses, and more. Take on foes like the Acolyte of Zuras, The Rotten Ones, Giant Three-Headed Chicken, Flying Reptiles, and more in your future adventures!

Dangerous Space: Thaydiss, Commandeer Mission

“Lightbulb” has earned his seat on the dropship. His willingness to cold-dive without a vacuum seal has made him a respected member of the crew.

We wrap up our time with Lightbulb by looking at one of the more challenging missions, requiring you to mark two sides adjacent to each lever and then having the matching numbers in the Interface spaces. Thankfully, as we discussed last week, Thaydiss has a clever trick in being able to use 6’s as any value when marked next to a mission icon. With his movement skills, strong attack and defense upgrades, and these skills, you should feel fairly well-equipped for this final mission.

New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (6)

Here’s what is new from Button Shy this week:

  • A Nice Cuppa
  • A Nice Cuppa: A Good Book
  • A Nice Cuppa: Seasonal Stresses
  • RNSM

  • RNSM: Vexing Letters
  • Zebra
  • Agropolis: Harvest
  • Naturopolis: Elevation
  • Tides: Buried Treasure

A Nice Cuppa

Demanding jobs, unpaid bills, health concerns: modern life is filled with constant worry. Let your burdens drift away, if only for a moment, in the rich aromatic steam of your favorite tea.

A game of manipulating worries and cups of tea in a row, working to navigate worry effects and end the game with cards in ascending order as much as possible. There’s a lot to enjoy in the Almes’ line of solo games, and this is sure to appeal to anyone who enjoys his previous work.

A Nice Cuppa: A Good Book

Few things pair together as nicely as a warm cup of tea and a good book. Let the worries of the world go as you settle in for a nice relaxing read.

An excellent expansion that adds new tea cards and new worries to juggle. This can also be used for a full set of 9 tea cards to play a longer game that provides an even greater challenge.

A Nice Cuppa: Seasonal Stresses

Every season seems to bring a new challenge that complicates your normal routine. Addressing it head-on may help you feel better, as long as you don’t ignore your other concerns!

Another small, but excellent, expansion to further your gameplay options and variety in A Nice Cuppa. This adds Stress cards to the mix, and one goes above your Tea line at the start. This allows you a chance to earn its bonus effect during the game, but if you fail to do it you’ll suffer a loss of points.


Your crew thought you’d planned the perfect crime, until a slip of the tongue put the cops on your rail! Outwit your criminal compatriots with clever wordplay to make sure you’re not the one who gets caught.

A clever game where you’re shedding hands of letters, but the caveat here is that you’re adding letters to form new words from the available letters. A game of bluffing, where you only need to share that word if you get challenged but can use any additional letters as needed, this one can quickly get interesting with clever usage of vocabulary.

RNSM: Vexing Letters

Not again! You’ll need to pull out all the stops if you want to avoid getting caught this time.

Six new cards to mix into your game, providing some of the lesser-used letters such as J, X, and Z, to make it a little trickier to make those longer words. It also comes with a new variant, adding a second central word into the mix where you must provide a valid word for each row when challenged.


Each zebra has a unique arrangement of stripes. Create your own distinctive pattern to stand out from the crowd.

A flip-and-write game that has you adding polyomino shapes onto your sheet in one of four patterns, working to maximize points, cover as much area as you can, and more in your quest for victory in this 18-card game.

Agropolis: Harvest

There’s always more work to be done on the farm. As your farm grows, make sure the most important projects are getting done.

A small expansion that provides new, seasonal projects to manage. You can add 3, 4, or 5 of these into the mix during any given session in order to add some challenge to your game. These do not impact scoring, but instead provide an auto-loss if you do not place all starting projects by the end of the game.

Naturopolis: Elevation

As the salmon migrate upstream, hungry bears gather and take advantage of their abundance to feed themselves.

An interesting mix for your Naturopolis game, this has you building upward from the starting card, making sure there are supporting blocks beneath cards as they build up in elevation. That’d be enough, but there’s also bear/salmon cards which you must decide, upon placement, which side to use. Plan their placement well to score points for bears, while running the risk of losing points for any unfed bears at the end.

Tides: Buried Treasure

An ancient pirate left behind their secret riches. Now they’re yours to keep, provided you can find a good use for them.

Who wouldn’t want to find buried treasure while spending time in the sand? This comes with Doubloons, which serve as wild icons for any craft, whereas the chests in here increase your hand size - something that can help make your Tides game smooth out just a little as you try to plan your way into the most point as possible.

Check out the new Button Shy releases here:

See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!

New Games for November 29th, 2024 - Black Friday 2024 Blitz (2025)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.