Log Book 2013 - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Fall 2012 - Spring 2013


vUniversity of virginia

Naval ReseRve OfficeRs TRaiNiNg cORpsHonor | Courage | Commitment

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2012 - 2013capTaiN T.M. cashMaN H cOMMaNdiNg OfficeR

UVA NROTC Battalion 2012 - 2013

Honor | Courage | Commitment


H Commanding Officer’s Address ...........................................................4H Unit Staff .................................................................................................5H Fall 2012 Battalion Commanding Officer’s Message .........................6H Spring 2013 Battalion Commanding Officer’s Message ...................7H Battalion Staff .........................................................................................8H Welcome Aboard ...................................................................................9H Farewell to GySgt Salazar ....................................................................10H 1/C Cruise .............................................................................................11H 1/C Nursing Cruise .............................................................................12H 2/C Cruise .............................................................................................13H Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center .........................14H Cortramid .............................................................................................15H 3/C Nursing Cruise .............................................................................16H O-Academy...........................................................................................17H Orientation Week 2012 .......................................................................18H Fall Field Exercise (FEX) ....................................................................20H Navy Birthday Celebration .................................................................21H Nurse Corps Symposium ....................................................................22H Family Weekend ..................................................................................23H 237th Marine Corps Birthday Ball ....................................................24H Toys For Tots ........................................................................................25H USNA Leadership Conference ...........................................................26H Guest Speakers .....................................................................................27H Tri-Service Events ................................................................................28H Dining Out ...........................................................................................29H Villanova Drill Competition ..............................................................30H Navy DEEG-Ball: Philanthropy Dodgeball Tournament ...............31H Dining In...............................................................................................32H Day In The Life of a 4/C Midshipman ..............................................33H Day In The Life of a 3/C Midshipman ..............................................34H Day In The Life of a 2/C Midshipman ..............................................35H Day In The Life of a 1/C Midshipman ..............................................36H Marine Option Platoon .......................................................................37H Nurse Corps Society ............................................................................38H Midshipmen Bible Study ....................................................................39H Lunch with the Lieutenants ................................................................40H Battalion Intramural Sports and Physical Training.........................41H Midshipmen Around the World ........................................................42H Our Academic Diversity .....................................................................43H MIDN Around Grounds .....................................................................44H Advice from 1/C Midshipmen ...........................................................46H Farewell Class of 2013 .........................................................................48H Commissioning Congratulations ......................................................49

Table of ConTenTsUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIANaval ReseRve OfficeRs TRaiNiNg cORps

2012 - 2013

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s I reflect upon the past year on the Grounds of UVA, I am humbled at all the battalion has accomplished, the

pride they show in the NROTC Unit, and the enthusiasm they have for their role as soon-to-be officers in the service to their country! Myself and my entire staff are blessed to have the opportunity to mentor, lead, and train some of the most talented young men and women this country has to offer.

In just a few short weeks, 11 anxious midshipmen will stand on the North steps of the Rotunda on the historic

Grounds of the University of Virginia

and swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic,” in front of family, friends and the entire NROTC Staff. These words carry an incredible amount of responsibility that may not be fully appreciated among our soon to be Ensigns; but will serve as the backbone of many decisions that are either made on their behalf or by them in the coming months and years while serving this great nation. The young men andwomen who will be commissioned on 18 May 2013 are exceptionally

talented midshipmen capable of handling the challenges that await them; I am extremely confident they will make us all proud!

The UVA NROTC Battalion is proud to commission the following 1/C midshipmen and wish them "fair winds and following seas!” We have 4 midshipmen who were selected to train in Pensacola, Florida to become Naval Aviators (MIDN Julia Freeburg,

John Weisskopf, Scott Blaha and Robert Mills); 2 midshipmen selected for Nuclear Power School who will serve on nuclear-poweredsubmarines (MIDN Garrett Greensmith and Peter Lai-Lepage); 3 midshipmen selected to be Navy Nurses (MIDN Caroline O’Dwyer, Tiffany Torres and Laila Cruz); 1 midshipmen was selected for EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal – MIDN Colin Maloney); and 1 selected to serve in Yokosuka, Japan as a Surface Warfare Officer (MIDN Alex Clemmer). It has been an honor watching these young men and women mature over the past year and I have no doubt they

are ready to SERVE!

In closing, I want to thank an incredible staff of professional officers, enlisted and civilians. Their collective enthusiasm and commitment to this unit

cannot be matched, and I greatly appreciate all they have done to better prepare the midshipmen under their charge for the responsibilities that lie ahead.

I look forward to meeting the parents, family members and friends of each and every midshipman during my time as commanding officer. If you ever have a question, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at [emailprotected]; call me directly at (434) 924-0972 or stop by Maury Hall.

Commanding Officer’s AddressCapTain T.M. CashMan, Usn

UniT sTaff 2012-2013

LT William GoldenAsst. Prof. of Naval Science

Surface Warfare Officer Instructor

LT Clifford MayAsst. Prof. of Naval ScienceAviation Officer Instructor

LT Joseph AnglinAsst. Prof. of Naval ScienceSubmarine Officer Instructor

CAPT Mike CashmanCommanding Officer

Professor of Naval Science

Maj David WrightMarine Officer InstructorBattalion Staff Advisor

CDR Mike KunkelExecutive Officer

Assoc. Prof. of Naval Science

SSgt Charlie CoulterAsst. Marine Officer


John CochranSupply

Connie McGowanAdministration






|| UV




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baTTalion CoMManding offiCer’s Message spring 2013

by MIDN 1/C Weisskopf

baTTalion CoMManding offiCer’s Message fall 2012

by MIDN 1/C Freeburg

his fall was another busy semester at Mr. Jefferson's University. Almost every upperclass midshipman returned togrounds early to welcome our new group of 4/C to Orientation Week. Enduring seven challenging days, the 23 new arrivals bonded as a class and emerged ready for the demanding life of a midshipman. While the 4/C wored hard,

arriv the real heroes were the 2/C and 3/C who led as troop handlers, taught drill, or worked behind the scenes for a flawless week. As my classmates and I remarked throughout the week, your spirit and effort in those long hours made Maury Hall an incredible team-focusedatmosphere above anything we'd seen in our time here, and set the tone for the rest of a positive semester.

After O-Week, the highlights of the semester were severalsuccessful Operation Orders, planned and executed by eachplatoon. MIDN Chang's platoonplanned an exciting fall Field Exercise: the Confidence andLeadership Reaction courses at Fort Pickett, VA were memorable challenges for all. MIDN Senerchia ensured a warm reception for all of our families during Family Wekend, showcasing the many societies and activities of the battalion. He also later led a successful toy drive in support of the local Marine CorpsReserve Toys for Tots. MIDN Taylor and Baldwinhelped uphold time-honored traditions at at the unit, planning our Navy and Marine Corps Birthday celebrations. For the firsttime in recent memory, the Navy included alumni, parents, andand benefactors of the unit. MIDN Baldwin’s thorough planning ensured the most successful Marine Corps Birthday Ball I’ve seen in my time at the unit.

The fall also saw the resurecction of the "Physical Training Instructor position; MIDN Weisskopf and Bessette brought a new level of rigor and quality to Battalion PT. Other new additions included two new members of Unit Staff. LT Golden drives the battalion's

PT and has helped build a newmodel of mentorship from the LTs. SSgt Coulter, our new Assistant Marine Officer Instructor, sets high

standards for military conduct and discipline, but also helps us learn the value of the junior officer-staff NCO relationship.

Serving as Battalion Commander has truly been my greatest honor here at the unit. I have learned a great deal from all of the midshipmen in the battalion, and

say with great sincerity that I appreciate the effort you all put into this program. There

is a special bond between members of this midshipmen family that I have not found equaled anywhere else at the University. We all make mistakes—theimportant thing is that we learn as we move forward. I hope you will take to heart a lesson I learned from our

former GySgt Salazar: “It’s called Leadership Laboratory because it’s your

chance to experiment on each other before you get to the Fleet. You’re supposed

to make mistakes.”

Thank you to my staff for their friendship and dedication, and to members of Unit Staff for their mentorship.

“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself-and be lenient to everybody else.”


his quote by motivational speaker Art Turock is the spirit I tried to set when I took command as the Spring semester 2013 battalion commander. I brought back the “word” for the semester this semester with “commitment.” From no position in the

battalion does one get to see the level of commitment that everyone in the battalion puts out than mine. I can point to specific examples such as the outstanding performance of the platoon commander’s OPORDERs or the exceptional PRT scores, but to truly capture the sense of commitment I have seen in our battalion is impossible to capture in this short address.

Tuesday and Thursday morning drill periods were run efficiently and effectively this semester due to the hard work and coordination of MIDN Maloney. Our two physical training instructors, MIDN Coryell and Van Beek, worked with LT Golden to run a successful remedial and battalion physical training regimen. This, along with individual commitment to physical excellence culminated in everyone passing the PRT with most performing well above the standards. Thursday mornings consisted of stimulating and informative briefings from some highly qualified individuals. To name a few, we were a able to have a discussion with former Wahoo RADM Donegan, incredibly well received finance and Middle East briefings, a women in the military panel, and Dean Groves’ always-enjoyed discussion on University structure and status.

Our battalion enjoyed a night of camaraderie and traditions with our first dining-out. MIDN Cypher did an

outstanding job in organizing this truly entertaining event. The Tri-service competition was brought back by joint efforts between MIDN Freeburg and representatives from Army and Air Force. Of course NROTC brought

home the first place trophy, as anyone would expect. When April came aroundour drill teams headed up to Philadelphia for the Villanova University Drill Competition MIDN Tarmann did a fantastic job organizing the logistics, and ourinspection team ended up taking third place. On April 20th, two platoons worth of

work over the semester culminated in our first ever joint Delta Gamma Sorority-NROTC philanthropy dodgeball tournament and another well executed and entertaining 1/C dining-in.

It has truly been an honor to serve as the Spring semester 2013 Battalion Commander. I

owe all the success of this semester to an extremely competent staff and commitment from everyone in the battalion. To the battalion, you should all feel incredibly proud of the great traditions and history you come from among everything else you have

accomplished. There are some truly amazing people in this battalion, and I

cannot wait to serve in the fleet with each and every one of you.

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circ*mstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”

-Art Turock


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Staff Sergeant Coulter joined the UVA NROTC Unit in August after training Marine officer candidates in

Quantico, VA. Staff Sergeant Coulter has served in the Marine Corps since July 1999, when he enlisted as a Motor Vehicle Operator and went through recruit training at MCRD San Diego. After completing MCT and MOS school, he reported to 2nd Battalion, 10th Marines, Battery F, Camp Lejeuene, NC, and some short months later, his unit was sent to Salmon, Idaho to fight

wildfires. As a part of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, his unit deployed as a part of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. Having also participated in OPERATION DYNAMIC REPSONSE in Kosovo, and OPERATION SOUTHERN WATCH, SSgt Coulter was again deployed in 2003 during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM to reinforce Task Force Tarawa in An Nasiriyah, Najaf, Al Kut, and

many other Iraqi cities. He reported to his next unit in July 2003, H&S Company, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii. While serving as a Motor Vehicle Operator, he also became the Color Sergeant for Marine Forces Pacific. This duty entailed the honors of conducting Repatriation of Remains, Honor Cordons, Parades, and other ceremonies. SSgt Coulter was assigned to Drill Instructor School, Parris Island, SC, in September 2005. As a Drill Instructor, Senior Drill Instructor, and Martial Arts Instructor at 1st Battalion, Recruit Training Regiment, Company A, he trained 7 separate platoons. In 2009, he returned to Afghanistan as a part of OPERATION MOSHTARAK in Marjah, Afghanistan. In 2011, he was deployed again, serving as Patrol Leader and conducting over 120 Combat Logistics Patrols to over 20 Forward Operating Bases, Combat Outposts, and Patrol Bases. Since arriving in August from training officer candidates, SSgt Coulter has seamlessly assumed his duties and responsibilities, while establishing strong working relationships with midshipmen. His hard-working attitude and personal guidance will unquestionably strengthen the UVA NROTC training environment.




BNXO: MIDN 1/C GreensmithBNMC: MIDN 2/C Warner

N3 (Ops): MIDN 1/C Lai-LePageN4 (Supply) / N5 (Future Plans): MIDN 1/C Cruz

WelCoMe aboard sTaff sergeanT CoUlTer

by MIDN 2/C Donaldson

Welcome aboard Lieutenant Golden! Lieutenant Golden grew up in Freehold, New Jersey, just outside of New York City. The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 hit close to home for him, and led him to join the military to serve his country. Consequently, he enrolled in the United States Naval Academy in June 2004 and graduated in May 2008 with a major in Mathematics and a minor in Spanish. After graduation, he reported to the USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN (CG 57) in San Diego, CA where he served as the Electrical Officer and Training Officer. On board the USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN, Lieutenant Golden made a deployment to the Western Pacific and Arabian Gulf. In August 2010, he reported to the USS INDEPENDENCE (LCS 2) where he served as the Weapons Officer and Navigator.

Lieutenant Golden finished his tour aboard the USS INDENDENCE in August 2012 and reported to the NROTC unit of the University of Virginia shortly after. He serves as the Surface Warfare Officer Instructor and Assistant Professor of Naval Science, teaching Naval Operations

and Seamanship and Navigation. Lieutenant Golden hopes to teach midshipmen what the Surface Warfare community has to offer and advise and advocate for midshipmen in his capacity as a Year Group Advisor. Already, he has been a driving force behind improving our Battalion PT’s to make them more effective and has established a great rapport with midshipmen.

The University of Virginia NROTC unit is very fortunate to have Lieutenant Golden, and we all look forward to his continued presence and leadership.

Alpha CompanyCOCO: MIDN 1/C TorresCPO: MIDN 2/C Cypher

1st PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Chang2nd PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Baldwin

Bravo CompanyCOCO: MIDN 1/C O’Dwyer

CPO: MIDN 2/C Ballato1st PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Senerchia

2nd PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Taylor

BNCO: MIDN 1/C WeisskopfBNXO: MIDN 1/C Mills

BNMC: MIDN 2/C GilloolyN3 (Ops): MIDN 1/C Maloney

N4 (Supply) / N5 (Future Plans): MIDN 2/C Bessette

Alpha Company COCO: MIDN 1/C BlahaCPO: MIDN 3/C Fridley

1st PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Donaldson2nd PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Tarmann

Bravo CompanyCOCO: MIDN 1/C Clemmer

CPO: MIDN 3/C Foley, K1st PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Holy

2nd PLT CDR: MIDN 2/C Cypher


lieUTenanT goldenby MIDN 3/C Foley, M

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fareWell To gUnnery sergeanT salazar

by MIDN 1/C Maloney

1/C CrUiseby MIDN 1/C Clemmer


he purpose of the 1st class cruise is to ready rising 4th year midshipmen to commission as Ensigns, and is mandatory for all midshipmen. They will typically shadow a junior officer (JO), ranging from O-1 to O-3, for the duration of the cruise. It is an opportunity to better understand the role of a JO in the fleet and in the desired community.

For my cruise, I chose to do an extended submarine cruise. I spent 42 days underway on the USS Nebraska (SSBN-739). The Nebraska is an Ohio-class Trident missile submarine. Typically, these submarines, also

known as “Boomers,” operate on roughly a 90-day rotation with a Blue and Gold crew. My time onboard was spent on the second half of this period with the Blue Crew.

During my sta on-board, I was introduced to many aspects of the Sub community. Normal operational days were 18 hours, instead of 24

hours. Most of my time was spent in Control, where I worked on qualifications for the Fire Control, Sonar, and Navigation stations; I even had the chance to operate the periscope. Maneuvering was the other place I spent my time. This is wheremost junior officers stand watch, since it is the first required qualification to earn their dolphins.

Other exciting opportunities I had the chance to participate in included midshipmen firedrills, security drills, and even being part of a medical team for a ship-wide fire drill. Our timing on-board allowed the midshipmen of to witness Halfway Night, a celebration for bing halfway through the patrol and see the procedures for coming home from a patrol.

Submarine life revolves around extremes. During my free time, I learned how to play Cribbage with the CO and XO, had movie nights, and worked out. The mostimportant thing I learned was to always be engaged no matter what you are doing. Staying active and always being around made the experience much moreworhtwhile. GO BIG RED!!!



his fall, the University of Virginia NROTC Unit bid farewell to its previous Assistant Marine Officer Instructor (AMOI), Gunnery Sergeant Alfonso Salazar. GySgt Salazar is an infantryman by trade and has returned to

lead Marines as a platoon sergeant. He is currently with the combined anti-armor team (CAAT) with Weapons Company of 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines. During his last semester at the University, GySgtSalazar completed the advanced course for GySgts in Quantico, VA. Unsurprisingly, he returned to the Unit with honors as the Honor Graduate.

GySgt Salazar set a high standard for midshipmen from day one, and was never afraid to pass on personal anecdotes to help midshipmen learn from his successes and failures. He was the consummate professional who liked to say that he “learned way more from MIDN than we learned from him.” He will forever be remembered by those at the Unit for his genuine intensity and compassion. The

Marine Option Platoon in particular benefited from his guidance, and learned from his example.

Midshipmen also enjoyed the support of a staff member during events outside of normal battalion activities. His grilling was met with welcome mouths at UVA football game tailgates and Unit socials. He also loved to display his competiveness and

athleticism during intramural sports, specifically with the softball and soccer teams. In addition, together

with MIDN Weisskopf, he started the groundfighting club. His experience as a MCMAP Instructor was a great resource during those sessions.

Gunnery Sergeant Salazar oversaw the successful graduation of four classes of midshipmen from Orientation Week. From his veryfirst Orientation Week to his last, GySgt Salzar pushedmidshipmen to discover their strengths and improveon thier weaknesses.The midshipmen ofthis battalion willremember GySgtfor his presence

and his devotion to the ideals of this institution. Farewell, GySgt Salazar, and good luck in San Diego!


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idshipman Torres, Cruz, and I reported to the quarterdeck of Portsmouth Naval Hospital on a hot afternoon in June, looking out of place in our summer whites as we scanned the area for anybody who might be able to help us.

We were quickly spotted by the nurse in charge of our

summer training, who gave us a warm reception. We spent the morning talking about Navy nursing and the hospital with her and had a tour of the grounds in the afternoon. The next day, we got right down to business. We worked three to four twelve-hour shifts per week with an assigned nurse. Every nurse that I worked with was extremely helpful and welcoming. Doctors, corpsmen, and nurses all went out of

their way to ensure that the other midshipmen and I were having a positive experience.

The timing of our cruise could not have been better. Not only was the weather perfect, allowing for excursions to Virginia Beachbut the “Tall Ships Festival" was also in town. An annual festival that makes stops around the world, the Tall Ships Festival is a gathering of hundreds of beautiful "Age of Sail" ships and yachts. They stayed in Norfolk for about a week, accompanied by a lively carnival. In addition, several foreign frigates and cruisers were in port at Norfolk and were open to the public for tours. The hospital was very nice and the city of Norfolk had a lot going on, but it

was the people that made my experience truly memorable. I am very appreciative of the time that the staff at Portsmouth took out of their busy days to teach me. I consider myself lucky to have been assigned Portsmouth as my first duty station to work among such people, and I look forward to reporting in this summer!

econd-class summer cruise is a chance to spend more time with a particular warfare community and get a good sense of what daily life is like in the

Navy, particularly from an enlisted sailor’s perspective. It is the last cruise you go on before starting the service selection process at the end of your third year, so it can also help you decide which path you want to (or don’t want to) follow in the Navy. This past summer, Midshipman 2/C Bessette was lucky enough to be assigned to an aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington (CVN-73). He first flew to Okinawa, Japan, a week before reporting in, since he was given permission to spend a week visiting with friends. He flew to the carrier on a C-2 Greyhound and got to land on it at sea! His assigned running-mate was in the V-2 division of Air Department, so he learned a lot about the catapult and arresting gear. While onboard, he was able to become flight deck qualified, allowing him to be on the flight deck by himself. The V-2 division was even able to outfit him with “flight deck gear”—a green tutleneck, camo pants, a “float coat,” and a cranial (essentially a helmet with hearing protection). That didn’t stop him from exploring the rest of the ship, though, and taking full advantage of the diversity a carrier has to offer. Some highlights included spending almost an hour and a half as the Conning Officer during flight operations and while the CO was on the bridge (understandably a nerve-wracking experience), shooting the .50 caliber while flying in a helicopter, and doing some minor training (fast-roping and rappelling) the EOD team onboard. Once his cruise was over, the midshipmen were catapulted off the carrier in a C-2 and landed at Osan Air Base in South Korea. From Osan, he was able to take day trips to visit the De-Militarized Zone and to Seoul, before finally flying out of Incheon. While getting to see two different countries on cruise is certainly not the typical experience, there always seems to

be someone who gets lucky, and it is certainly an experience to take full advantage of!

While Bessette was exploring the Pacific from the surface, I got to explore its depths on the ballistic missile submarine USS Louisiana, stationed out of Bangor, Washington, along with six other female midshipmen. The USS Lousisiana was scheduled to receive its first female officers in the fall of 2012, so we were the guinea pigs! After spending two days getting to explore Seattle and some of the facilities on base, we met the boat in the Strait of Juan de Fuca on a tugboat. We wouldn’t see the sun again (except through a periscope) for the next 21 days. Having so much time underway allowed me to find out whether I could handle being underwater for so long (it’s really not bad!), and made me feel more like a part of the community, which is what initially attracted me to the submarine force. Surprisingly, after a week and a half, watching movies, playing cards, eating and sleeping, does in fact get old; so, I decided to take advantage of the experience to work on some qualifications. I first set my sights on qualifying as a passive broadband sonar operator. I had to read a lot of manuals about sonar for the knowledge portion, delighted to see my Environmental Science major actually come in handy. Then, I spent several watch sections with the wonderful people of watch section 3 to get some hands-on learning. In the sonar room, it’s dark, and staring at a screen of little green and black lines for six hours can be pretty exhausting, so it’s the camaraderie between the crew that keeps everyone going. The conversations ranged from the silly and ridiculous to the very serious, but they were never boring! Simultaneously, I started working on my helmsman/planesman qualification. These are the people who, by controlling the angle of the fairwater planes, stern planes, and rudder, effectively “drive” the boat by controlling depth and direction. I could easily spend four hours driving

without even realizing it because it really is a pretty fun job, and the diving officer makes sure you don’t do anything wrong. Emergency blow and emergency dive drills were my favorite because you get to push the wheel all the way down (it moves towards and away from you in addition to left and right, unlike a car steering wheel). And, the best part was that now I can say, for the rest of my life, that I could drive a nuclear submarine before I could drive a car (I don’t have my license).

Overall, while we both had atypical summer cruise experiences, the take-aways are pretty universal. We both were amazed at how such complicated systems are able to run so “smoothly” and gained a deep respect for the men and women who make that happen every day in the Navy. Additionally, both of us loved and still keep in touch with our fellow midshipmen from cruise, a testament to the closeness of bonds formed underway.

2/C sUMMer CrUise

by MIDN 2/C Tarmann

S1/C nUrsing CrUise

by MIDN 1/C O’Dwyer



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he Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Bridgeport, CA.While our Navy classmates go on cruise after their second year, Marine Option midshipmen get to spend 10 days training at MWTC. This training included everything

from hiking up 10,000 feet, conducting river crossings

in glacial runoff, climbing and repelling sheer cliff faces, and learning some basic land navigation and survival skills. On our second full day in Bridgeport, we hiked form the barracks located in Pickle Meadow to the Lower Base Camp, where we conducted repelling, climbing, and river crossing operations. The following

day, we did 1-mile SKED races, which showed us the proper procedures for evacuating injured Marines off a mountain. The next morning, we were up at 0330 to get chow and begin our hike up to LZ Penguin. Climbing from roughly 8,000 ft at the Barracks to 10,000 at LZ Penguin, each Marine Option felt the effects of the long hike and the high altitude. The experience of hiking what seemed to be a vertical slope at Mean Peak and trying to shave at 0500 in 15

degree weather accented by 30 mph winds certainly tested our character and desire to be Marines. For the next four days, we stayed at LZ Penguin, conducting land navigation and learning essential survival skills from MARSOC, Recon, and Scout Sniper Marines. These are only a few of the training evolutions that took place, and each was more awesome and challenging

than the next. I was also lucky enough to spend two days as 1st Platoon’s Platoon Commander. It was a harrowing experience that taught me some key lessons in leadership and command.

The ultimate takeaway for me though, was a recognition of the quality and character of my fellow Marine Option midshipmen from units around the country and theMarines who comprised the training staff. Each of us came from different hometowns and backgrounds, yetwe each shared similar motivations, mindsets, and haricuts. It didn't take but a few

hours for it to seem like we had known each other for years. Overall, the experience left me equipped with new training and excited to serve with such amazing people as a United States Marine.

Marine Corps MoUnTain Warfare

Training CenTerby MIDN 2/C Donaldson



This past summer, I participated in my first Summer Cruise: CORTRAMID. Short for “Career Orientation Training for Midshipmen”, CORTRAMID is a chance for midshipmen, over the course of four weeks, to take an in-depth look at four career paths: Submarine Warfare, Aviation, Surface Warfare, and the Marines. Unsure of what I wanted to do in the Navy, I had an open mind from the start.

Week One was with the submarine community, so after arriving in Norfolk, I was hopping on a plane and heading down to Kings Bay, Georgia. There, we did drills for a few days before boarding a submarine. On-board, I met some of the brightest, and at the same time most relaxed, people in the Navy. Before CORTRAMID, I thought of subs as dark and small and not worth considering. Now, the submarine path is near the top of my list.

The next week was aviation, which was a lot of briefs and swimming

training. But eventually, we all got to take part in what Aviation Week is all about: the ride in the T-34. Most of the pilots gave us a wild ride of loops and tricks. Some, mine included, handed over control of the aircraft for a while, so that I actually flew the plane. It was an awesome experience that I’ll remember forever.

After aviation, it was off to Camp Lejeune to spend time with the Marines. This was not my favorite week–not a moment of downtime, and lots of marching with heavy gear under a July sun in North Carolina. Many really enjoyed it, and no one left without a much better understanding of what it means, and what it takes, to be a Marine.

The final week for me was Surface Week. I got underway on the USS Kearsarge for a couple days, and got to see what the day-to-day life of the crew was like. And while it

was not all standing on the bow with a telescope in hand, peering into the horizon, it was an enjoyable experience nonetheless. I believe my future path will be with the Surface community, and so I took a lot away from that week.

CORTRAMID is not all work and no play. The weekends are free, and you get to meet new people from ROTC units across the country. My friends and I spent the weekends bowling, shooting pool, exercising, going to the beach, and just relaxing.

CORTRAMID is a bit tailored – each community is trying to catch the eyes of midshipmen. They won’t show you the worst moments or the boring jobs. But for the midshipman who explores and takes advantage of the time underway to interact with the crew, CORTRAMID is a chance to see what things are like in the ‘Big Navy’ and see what path is right for you.

CorTraMidby MIDN 3/C Novack

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ROTC Nurse Option midshipmen have adifferent summer training experiencethan their peers. Instead of going on

CORTRAMID, we spend a month on a ship, following an enlisted “running mate,” getting a crash course in all things Navy and hands-on experience. I was assigned to the USS Peleliu (LHA-5) an amphibious assault ship fondly referred to as “40,000 tons of steel and sex-appeal!” The Peleliu provides transport and support for the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, and is also the flagship for the Commander of Amphibious Squadron Three. Thus, the Peleliu is equipped with hangar bays to accommodate Landing Craft Utility (LCUs) and aircraft, a huge gym, ship’s store, and living accommodations for the ship’s crew of 2,500 and the 15th MEU. For me though, the best part of the Peleliu was her fully equipped medical department – 4 operating rooms, an intensive care unit, 100 bed sickbay ward, mass triage

room, dental department, and radiology and pharmacy capabilities; I was in the right place!

During our two underway periods, I learned quickly to adjust to shipboard life. With my corpsman running mate, I supervised flight and well deck operations, stood watch in battle dress stations (BDS) awaiting casualties from training evolutions, participated in an underway replenishment (UNREP), witnessed a Sea Whiz demonstration, stood in formation through a frocking ceremony andchange of command, and experienced a POTUS operation. All the while, I conversed with the sailors and marines around me, hearing their personal stories, family situations, and insights on their role in the Navy’s greater mission. These experiences gave me an incredible contextual understanding to apply to my future co-workers and patients.

As a nurse option, the clinical

experience I gained from cruise was unmatched. Each morning I would assist my running mate with sick call patients who presented a wide variety of ailments from psychological distress to injuries. My running mate taught me important clinical skills like taking a patient’s vitals, administering an IV, drawing blood, and proper sterilization technique. I was able to administer injections, perform health checks on ships spaces, and maintain medical records. One of my best cruise experiences was as a double hand amputee in a mass casualty triage drill. These clinical skills will give me a leg up as I begin my nursing clinicals back at UVA.

I am so grateful for all of the opportunities and experiences that the USS Peleliu provided me. The insight I gained about leadership, nursing, and the Navy far exceeded my expectations. I am so excited now more than ever to serve as a Navy Nurse!

enlisTed nUrsing CrUise

by MIDN 3/C Redman efore the new 4/C report in the middle of August for O-Week, upper-class midshipmen are already in Charlottesville and Maury Hall preparing for the incoming class at “O-Academy”.

For these few days, everybody’s focus is on making sure that Maury Hall is ready to accommodate the new midshipmen and that everyone is properly trained to carry out their O-Week duties.

In order to house the twenty or so Midshipmen that will be coming in, Maury Hall has to undergo some changes. Every year we clear out two classrooms on the main floor to serve as the “berthing” (sleeping area) for the 4/C. It’s an all-hands-on-deck effort to move chairs and desks downstairs and then replace them with cots, foot lockers, sleeping bags, and seabags with all of the 4/C’s new uniform items.

Aside from logistics, O-Academy is also meant to ensure that all of the returning Midshipmen will be able to successfully carry out their O-Week duties. After a pizza dinner the first night, we got off to a running start with PRT early the next morning to make sure that everyone has maintained a high level of physical fitness and that everyone will set the example for 4/C during the PT exercises conducted for O-Week.

Among the busiest people during O-Week were the Troop Handlers. We were all a couple days away from controlling every minute of the day for a group of twenty people. This was a large responsibility that required a significant amount of training.

For me and other 3/C Midshipmen, it was strange to be elevated to a position like Troop Handler when only a few months earlier we were 4/C Midshipmen ourselves. Spending a number of 2-3 hour sessions with Gunnery Sergeant Salazar prepared us all for the responsibility. As an experienced Drill Instructor, he

provided us with the “dos” and “don’ts” of this type of position. By the time the new Midshipmen arrived, we felt well prepared for the job.

While the Troop Handlers received their training, other midshipmen prepared for their various roles as well. The Drill Deck went over everything they would teach during the week. Briefersconducted practice

briefs that they would give during the week. Our battalion leaders looked over schedules and plans to ensure that everything would run smoothly. O-Academy was a busy couple of days, but the preparation definitely paid off in a successful O-Week.

o-aCadeMyby MIDN 3/C Fridley




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pressure made me more eager to succeed. Going into the run portion of the PFT I knew I had to push myself. Twelve laps around the track was a painful, lonely run. However, what truly allowed me to succeed was the support from fellow midshipmen. As fatigue was setting in, I could hear my running mate, Ben Lalor, cheering me on. Also, upper class midshipmen ran alongside me to push me. This is when I knew I was about to be a part of a battalion filled with people of great character.

Overall, Orientation Week was a great experience that showed the current 4/C midshipmen what it takes to be a part of the

University of Virginia’s Naval ROTC Unit. It was a rigorous, demanding and challenging week that tested all of us mentally and physically. When graduation day arrived,

we felt proud to put on our whites and show our friends and family what we had accomplished in one short week. We all knew we were about to train to become a part of a community of courageous and selfless individuals. Orientation Week was what prepared us all to become Naval ROTC midshipmen.

rientation Week was a unique experience that allowed all of the 4/C midshipmen to form a bond of friendship, learn

integral Navy and Marine Corps leadership traits and principles, and overall, become acclimated to the life of a Naval ROTC midshipman at the University of Virginia. The experience was a physical and mental challenge that tested our dedication tothe program.Although it wasdifficult, it wasan excitingweek thatallowed allof us to takeaway importantknowledgethat we will need to utilizethroughout ourtime in the battalion and when we are in the Navy and Marine CorpsThroughout the week,many of us continued to look forward to graduation day, however, as we look back now, we all recall great memories.

The afternoon of day one began with the upper class midshipmen challenging our ability to maintain bearing. As they entered the room we were sitting in, they began

yelling out orders. I just remember standing at attention focused

completely on the wall in front of

me. Luckily, I didn't receive as much attention as some of the other midshipmen had on the afternoon of day one. This exercise was what made me locked on for the rest of the week. Truthfully, I was unaware of the level of intensity of Orientation Week. However, as it began, I was excited for the competitive environment.

The most competitive environments were the drill-deck with the drillmaster, Midshipman 2/C Baldwin,

the PRT and PFT tests, and

when we were woken up each morning. These

three activities were some of the main

moments that created an immediate bond between the 4/C. These

experiences were what prepared me most for my life as aMarine

me most for my life as a

Marine-Option m i d s h i p m a n .

My personal e x p e r i e n c e

differed slightly from that of

everyone else. As the only 4/C Marine-

Option midshipman in the battalion, members of the staff

and the upper class midshipmen constantly demanded more of me. The a d d e d

orienTaTion Weekby MIDN 4/C Berger


Overall, Orientation Week was a great experience that showed the current 4/Cmidshipmen what it takes to be a part of UVA NROTC. --MIDN 4/C Cox

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veryone looks forward to that one special day every year: cake candles, partying...no, not your birthday, it’s

the United States Navy’s birthday! On October 13th, 1775 the Continental Congress established our Navy. At UVA, we honor this special day with the Navy Birthday Celebration. This year, the event was conducted differently than in previous years. Instead of a sit-down dinner with just our unit and various special guests, it was a co*cktail hour at nearby Balkan Bistro with heavy hors d’oeuvres and midshipmen were allowed to bring dates or friends. The atmosphere was conversational and relaxed as midshipmen had the opportunity to mingle with each other and members of the community.

Waiters roved around all night with appetizersthat included mini quiche, cheeses, and sausages. Although we went in a new direction this year, thetraditional -cake-cuttingceremony was

not forgotten. The ceremony consists of the oldest and youngest sailor cutting the cake with a sword, and our very own MIDN 4/C Guinn received this honoras the youngest sailor present. This ritual is symbolic of both the old andnew traditions we have in the Navy; we don't want to lose the deep- rooted traditions, yet we welcome

the younger generations of sailors and the new ideas they bring. Asguests devoured their cake, the

CNO’s annual video speech was projected in the front of the venue. I loved watching the speech because of the renewed motivation and purpose I felt after hearing the words of such an accomplished Naval Officer.

One of the main highlights of the night was hearing from the Guest of Honor, Warrant Officer Renner. He

began his career as an enlisted sailor, and went on to become a SEAL and to advance to the rank of Warrant Officer. Seeing personal photos and hearing stories about his time in combat nothing short of inspirational for all guest in attendance,especially our midshipmen with special warfareaspirations.

The ceremony concluded with traditional toasts

and the playing of "Anchor’s Aweigh”. Then the evening drew to a close, and each person in attendance receive a scotch glass memento as a parting gift. The Navy Birthday Celebration was one of the highlights of Fall Semester!

n 22 September 2012, the battalion executed its annual Fall Field Exercise (FEX) at Fort Pickett in Blackstone, Virginia. The purpose of the

FEX was to develop confidence and leadership as well as building camaraderie within the battlaion This year's Fall FEX had two mainevents: the Confidence Courseand the Leadership ReactionCourse (LRC). The Confidence

Course is a 2.5-mile long obstacle course designedto test a person’s physical and mental capabilities by having them complete challenging and sometimes intimidating obstacles like the “Confidence Climb" (an obstacle where a person has to climb up and over a tall vertical ladder) and the “Tough One” (here, a person must climb a rope, move across planks, climb up an A-frame and down a cargo net). The Confidence Course was conducted at the platoon level to build cohesion within the platoon and give platoon commanders and squad leaders a chance to further develop their leadership style.

After having MREs for lunch, the battalion moved to the Leadership Reaction Course and was divided into fire teams of 4-5 midshipmen from all different classes. The course allowedeveryone the chance to leada fire team. Every station involved a difficult task

with a variety of obstacles, time constraints, and limited supplies. These tasks ranged from movingammunition cans over a body of water, using only barrels and a few planks, to crossing a "minefield." The purpose of these stressful andthought-provoking scenarios wasn’t to see if the mission was accomplished, but to see how midshipmen responded as leaders in a demanding environment with subordinates to take care of.

This year’s Fall Field Exercise was a huge success. A-1 Platoon was in charge of its planning, preparation, and execution. The entire Battalion enjoyed a day of PT, character and leadership building, MREs, and camaraderie- a good day for any midshipmen.

fall field exerCise (fex)by MIDN 2/C Chang


navy birThday CelebraTionBy MIDN 3/C Van Beek



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he Nurse Corps Symposium was hosted by Marquette University’s NROTC unit from 09Nov-11Nov2012 with midshipmen from all around the country in attendance to learn more about the

Navy Nurse Corps. This symposium was tremendously helpful because NROTC units do not have a nurse option staff member, which can make it hard for nursing midshipmen to learn what their lives will really be like.

The director of the Navy Nurse Corps made a video specifically for the symposium telling us how excited she was that we were having it. Seven Nurse Corps Officers from around the country came to speak about their experiences. To me, the speeches by Ensign Gillette and and Nurse Corps Detailer

L i e u t e n a n t Commander (LCDR) Gomez were e s p e c i a l l y pertinent. ENS Gillette is a pediatric nurse who works at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego. She spoke about a life as an ensign, which as a 1/C is just around the corner for me! LCDR Gomez, a critical care nurse who worked with the Marines, provided v a l u a b l e information on figuring out where to go for our first duty


LCDR Hutchinson, an obstetrics nurse, talked about Duty Under Instructions (DUINS), a program that provides Navy funding for three years of graduate work in nursing, a great opportunity which I am certainly looking into. At the end of the briefs, there was a panel of all of the speakers for the midshipmen to ask questions and a catered dinner offered another opportunity for midshipmen to mingle and network.

Midshipmen Fuller and I were very grateful to be the first from the UVA NROTC Unit to attend the symposium. The symposium is a great tool for nurse option midshipmen and I hope that our unit will continue to send representatives!

nUrse Corps syMposiUMBy MIDN 1/C Cruz

Oh hey, TJ. Even at Marquette, Mr. Jefferson makes an impact.

MIDN Cruz and I had the opportunity to meet nurse options from all over the country at the Navy Nursing Symposium at Marquette University.

–MIDN 3/c Fuller



ometimes it’s hard to explain exactly what we do in the NROTC program to family members, especially relatives with no military background. Family Weekend is a great way for families to come see what their kids have been doing during their time

in the unit. The event is mostly geared toward parents of 4/c midshipmen, who get the chance to show off their new drill skills. This year my platoon was in charge of the event, so rather than having my parents come visit, I had the chance to work behind the scenes and see how the whole weekend was orchestrated.

Most of the preparation for this event was done the morning of. We got food from the caterer, set up for the ceremony in the amphitheater, and prepared Maury Hall, the main NROTC building, for the incoming parents. Midshipmen gave tours to family members

of the midshipmen. This gave parents and siblings the opportunity to look around the building where we all spend so much of our time. They got

to see rooms such as the Navigation Room, where Naval Science classes are held, and the lounge, located in the basem*nt. The lounge is a great place for midshipmen to nap on the couches or watch TV, and it

makes Maury feel like more

of a social place than an academic

building. Parents also had the chance to see the Computer Room and Ward Room, frequent study spots for midshipmen during the week.

After the tours, the parents were moved to the amphitheater. MIDN Fuller sang the Star Spangled

Banner, and other upper class midshipmen marched as the color guard while the fourth class drilled under the command of MIDN Baldwin. Parents now had the chance to see how their kids’ drill abilities had improved since they last saw them at the Orientation Week graduation ceremony. This was also many parents’ first time seeing their children march with rifles. The drill went well, and afterwards everyone was invited to the Ward Room afterwards for refreshments. It’s really important for family members, parents especially, to know that their college students are being taken care of and are continuing to grow. Family Weekend not only educates them about the NROTC program as a whole, but also gives them the peace of mind of knowing that their student has a

place where they belong. This year, the event was a major success with perfect weather, and the parents were impressed not only with their children, but with the unit as a whole.

faMily Weekendby MIDN 3/C Orr


Honor | Courage | Commitment


Family WeekendOctober 27, 2012

You Are Cordially Invited to...

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n Friday, November 9th, UVA NROTC hosted its annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball in celebration of the 237th birthday of the Marine Corps. As in years past, this year’s Ball was held at King Family Vineyards in

Crozet, VA. The Marine Corps Ball marks one of the few times each

year that Naval ROTC staff, midshipmen, and active-duty and retired guests are able to gather together not only to pay tribute to the Marine Corps, but also to socialize outside of the unit. Midshipmen also bring dates, which allows our fellow students a peek into unit life.

The evening began with a traditional cake-cutting ceremony,the reading ofGeneral Lejuene'soriginal birthdaymessage, and remarks by theGuest of Honor,

General Robert Robert Magnus. A UVA alumnusand a former Assistant Commandantof the Marine Corps, General Magnus focused his speech on the Marine Corps

core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment, and emphasized that, as future officers, the midshipmen owed these values to the men and women that they would one day command. Select midshipmen participated in this ceremony as the sword detail and cake escorts, and Colonel Larry Brown and Staff Sergeant Charlie Coulter rounded out the crew as the oldest and youngest Marines, respectively. Following the ceremony, everyone enjoyed a buffet dinner and a night of dancing.

The Marine Corps Ball remains one of UVA NROTC’s largest events, and thanks to the generosity of the King family and the hard work of several midshipmen and Unit staff, this year’s Ball went down as one more in a long line of successful celebrations of the history of the United States Marine Corps.

237Th Marine Corps birThday ballby MIDN 3/C Baldwin


oys for Tots is a nation-wide annual toy drive, run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve, which seeks to help needy families achieve a sense of normalcy during the holiday season by providing toys for their

children. Our battalion's participation in Toys for Tots to raise money and collect toys for the Charlottesville community has become a favorite unit tradition that not only supports a great cause, but alsoraises our morale.

Many other organizationsaround grounds set up tables to raise money or tell their fellow students aboutan upcoming event, but I like to think we take it to a whole new level. At our table outside of Maury, we have Christmas carols blaring and midshipmen either in uniform or in costume—as Santa Claus or an elf. Midshipmen often pass their hour-long shifts away by inventing crazy slogans to yell out at passersby. “Spread some cheer, donate to Toys for Tots here!” “Don’t be a Grinch, help a kid in a pinch!” And “Donate to toys for tots, you’ll make a child smile lots and lots!” were just a few of the perennial favorites. Some of our midshipmen in costumes have even been

known to start dancing or singing carols—working hard to earn every extra dollar from the occasional Ebenezer Scrooge. Even if people don’t have cash or don’t want

to donate, we’re spreading the word about Toys for Tots and Christmas joy within the UVA community.

In additionto our usualtable outsideof Maury, this year we also c o l l e c t e d donations at the Lighting of the Lawn, and set up a new table outside ofThornton Hall, with help from ourfuture fellowofficers fromAir Force andArmy ROTC.

Midshipmen alsovolunteered their weekends to set up a donation table at K-Mart. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, this year turned out to be a record success: over 100 toys and $2,600 were collected.

Toys for ToTsby MIDN 2/C Senerchia

100 TOYS & $2,600



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he USNA Leadership Conference was a very educational and rewarding experience. The Naval Academy generously provided two other midshipmen and myself with lodging and food in Annapolis for the entire four-day event, along with a personal escort to

show us around the Yard. We stayed at the Loews hotel with the other invitees of the conference – midshipmen

and leadership students from around the country and the world. The structure of the conference consisted of lectures from prominent business and military leaders in the morning, group discussion or Yard tours in the afternoon, and a nice dinner with additional speakers in the evening.

The speakers at the conference included Louis Freeh, former director of the CIA; Colonel Arthur Athens,

director of the Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership; LSU Coach Dale Brown (Basketball Coach Hall of Famer); Susan Chambers, Executive Vice President of Wal-Mart; Ronald Spears, Senior Executive Vice President of AT&T; and Navy Lieutenant Brad Snyder, Wounded Warrior, former EOD, and Paralympic gold medalist and swimmer. Lieutenant Brad Snyder’s talk, the last one of the conference, left the greatest impact on me. His inspirational story of tragedy, optimism, and strength is truly incredible and sets an example for all of us.

It was a privilege to hear from leaders with such impressive resumes. In addition to the experience of the conference itself, I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the

Naval Academy and the city of Annapolis. The college and the city were very old, beautiful, and rooted in naval traditions and history. I had a great time meeting the other midshipmen and students and learning from the incredible and diverse lecturers at the event. The USNA Leadership Conference is a very worthwhile experience and I would encourage any midshipman with the opportunity to attend to do so.

UniTed sTaTes naval aCadeMy leadership ConferenCe

by MIDN 1/C O’Dwyer


T“The USNA Leadership Conference was a great way to meet other midshipmen and hear from great speakers and was a very rewarding experience.”

-MIDN 1/C Blaha

he battalion has hadthe opportunity tohost many great guest speakers the course of the year. In the fall,guest speakers

from a host of communities such as Submarine Warfare, Engineering Duty, and Surface Nuclear gave brief overviews of their respective community, the requirements, and the benefits of joining. Because unit staff only contains officers from unrestricted line communities, hearing from these more specialized communities was helpful in giving us a sense of the many paths we can take in the Navy and what is out there.

Later in the fall semester, the battalion was pleased to welcome ADM John C. Harvey to the Charlottesville area after his retirement as the Commander of U.S. Fleet Forces Command. ADM Harvey spoke about leadership and the evolution of the Navy. He shared

many of his experiences in the Navy, ranging from a being a midshipman to being an Admiral, and reflected on how certain events during his career transformed him as a leader. A few midshipmen also had the opportunity to attend a luncheon where Admiral Harvey spoke as well and interact with veterans in the local community.

Just before Winter Break, the battalion had the privilege of welcoming Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON), MCPON Michael D. Stevens to discuss his views on leadership and his path to becoming the MCPON.

He discussed born and made leaders and discussed how we can all

do little things like staying informed and taking an interest in people to improve our leadership skills.

Rear Admiral Kevin M. “Kid” Donegan’s visit was a highlight of the spring semester drill periods. RADM Donegan is Director of Warfare Integration and he spoke to the battalion on the future of the Navy. One of the best parts about guest speakers is the opportunity to ask questions at the end of their brief and at the bagel breakfast in the Wardroom following drill.

In addition to hearing from current and former Naval officers, we also had the opportunity to hear the insights of civilian experts. In the fall, we welcomed Howard Hoege, Assitant Dean of the Frank Batten School of Public Policy at UVa speak about his combat experience in the Middle East as an Army officer. In addition to simply telling us his stories, he gave us hypothetical situations that challenged us to think of how we would respond as leaders. In the spring semester, the Battalion had a guest lecture from an expert on Islam and the Middle East. This brief provided valuable background

information on the history of Islam, its sects, and the evolution of radical Islam as well as resolving many common misconceptions.

The numerous guest speakers the battalion has had the opportunity to host this year have given midshipmen great insight on the Navy that awaits after graduation.

We really appreciate the time and advice they have shared with us (and the relief from the usual GMTs)!

gUesT speakersby MIDN 4/C Unger


“The finance brief was a great learning experience on how to manage money effectively. Ms. Bonding shared with us the benefits of starting a Roth IRA early and I will definitely be looking in to creating one soon.”

-MIDN 3/C Foley

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n today’s military, our operations are guided by an idea of a Joint Strike Force. Though the branches of the military are separated in our roles, all three still work towards a common goal in defending the United States

of America and support each other in every objective pursuant to that goal. Here at UVA, we clearly aren’t on the front lines working to directly protect the nation, but we also haven’t forgotten the importance of ajoint military effort.

Throughout the semester we have strived to work together with the ROTC’s of the other branches in order to remind us

that we're all fighting on the same team and to instill that sense of camaraderie that is so integral to our military today. One of the highlights of the semester was the Tri-Service competition in which all three UVA ROTC Units (Navy, Air force, Army) came together for a day of fierce competition and an opportunity to

see what each other unit was all about. We opened the day at 0900 with a Physical Training (PT) competition in which each unit put together their best, nearly herculean, PTers. The gruesome physical trial consisted of a push-up/sit-up challenge, mile run, a movement

under fire exercise, medley of partner exercises, stair sprints, and finally, pull-ups. Those who did not participate played an intense, service versus service paintball game in the woods of O-Hill.

Afterwards all of the groups reunited at Nameless Field for matches of flag football and sand volleyball, but first Coach Mike London, the head coach

of UVA Football, came to speak with us, giving an inspiring message about teamwork and dedication. Using football metaphors, he spoke to us about the importance of completing the task at hand and challenging ourselves, but urged us to ever forget the person next to us. He stressed that no matter whether

we're on the front lines of a war zone, flying recon, or launching jets off a U.S. Navy carrier, we are still a part of the same team and must strive to support one another. The football and volleyball games were ferocious as the spirit of competition and camaraderie fueled our thirst for victory because after all, what’s the point in playing if you’re not going to strive to win? Before we knew it, the day was over and cadets and midshipmen conversed over burgers, hotdogs, and cake while anxiously awaiting the results of the day’s competition. All waited

in suspense as MIDN Freeburg, one of the main organizers of the competition, announced the results. To the delight of UVA Naval ROTC, we emerged victorious and proudly returned to Maury Hall with our heads held high and first place trophy in hand.

The Tri-Service competition was a great success, but our joint cooperation doesn’t stop there. Throughout the semester midshipmen and cadets alike have participated in numerous charitable events in support of each other’s philanthropies. These include efforts towards Toys-4-Tots, Operation Flag the Lawn in support of Wounded Warriors, a blood drive for the Armed Services Blood Program, and many other events all working towards developing a sense of community between the UVA ROTC units.

It was a great year as we made giant strides in connecting the joint force of UVA ROTC, and we hope to continue these efforts to an even greater extent in years to come.

Tri-serviCe evenTsby MIDN 1/C Mills


In 23 March 2013, guests from the Charlottesville community, and our guest-of-honor, Rear Admiral Brian C. Prindle, joined our unit for a formal Dining out. Dining Out is a naval tradition that

began as a celebration among a unit and their spouses after a successful battle or a long voyage. The tradition continues today, and aims to build camaraderie within a unit outside of the typical military setting.

The evening began with a co*cktail hour, during which midshipmen, officers, and their guests arrived at Ern Commons and were able to greet one another and mingle before the ceremonial portion of the evening began. Mr. President, MIDN 1/C Weisskopf, called everyone to order, and the “parading of the beef” began. Mr. Vice, MIDN 1/C Greensmith, tasted the beef to determine whether or not it was fit for human consumption. Throughout the meal, guests ate and enjoyed the company of those seated near them, but under the watchful eye of Mr. Vice, who was carefully observing and recording any violations of the “Rules of the Mess” in order to dole out fines later in the night.

Following the meal, Rear Admiral Prindle gave his remarks, and then the toasts and fines began. Mr. Vice called out the “egregious” violations and crimes committed throughout the night, referring the offending Midshipmen to Mr. President in order for just punishment to be awarded. The punishments included various visits to the grog bowl, the singing of the Navy and Marine Corps Hymns, dancing, and the shaving off of MIDN 4/C Kennedy’s mustache. Throughout the evening, MIDN 3/C McCarthy would regularly stand on his chair and announce the time, preceding his announcements with the appropriate number of “dings” that would be made by a clock. For disregarding professionalism and making a more-than-minor change to his uniform, namely donning brown leather cowboy boots, MIDN 2/C Baldwin earned a trip to the grog bowl. MIDN 1/C Freeburg was made to imitate a jet, sounds included, by “flying” around the dining area. In a battle to determine the better twin, both MIDN 3/C Michael and Kevin Foley went head-to-head in a battle to tell the best joke. The matching bowties of MIDN 4/C Mettenburg and MIDN 4/C Unger

earned both a trip to the grog bowl as well. MIDN 1/C Mills was called out for failing to adequately prepare with readings for his Naval Science classes. There were several dancing

performances, given by MIDN 2/C Donaldson and MIDN 4/C Getty, and MIDN 2/C Cypher found

himself rapping. The Marine Option Platoon displayed its comraderie and unity when MIDN 4/C Berger was told to stand on his chair and sing the Marine Corps Hymn as punishment, and the entire platoon subsequently joined in. MIDN 4/C Eric Bowden and MIDN 4/C Taylor Bowden were able to break from the typical tough-guy attitudes displayed in their multiple work-out videos, and show a softer side by singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Finally, in a last-minute effort to bring Unit Staff in on the fun, an attempt was made to fine Lieutenant Anglin for failing to bring his wife to the event and thus depriving a table of what was sure to be excellent conversation; however, Mr. President wisely declared that the evening had already concluded, and thus no punishment would be given.

Overall, Dining Out was a great opportunity for the members of different classes and Unit Staff to build bonds in a professional, yet very lighthearted and entertaining atmosphere. The night laid the foundations for what will likely become a tradition in years to come within the NROTC unit at the University of Virginia.

dining oUT by MIDN 4/C CoxO

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aking up at 0530 is no newe x p e r i e n c e for UVA m i d s h i p m e n . All fourth-class m i d s h i p m e n have devoted

each Friday morning this year to platoon drill, practicing through warm, through cold, and through enough snow to make us wonder if we’d accidentally gone to the University of Alaska. However,

finding ourselves on a gym floor bundled in sleeping bags at 0530 was a new experience. Such was our awakening on a day we had anticipated all year: the Villanova Drill and Military Excellence Competition.

We hardly had a moment to shake the influence of slumber before we found ourselves back on that gym floor, this time formed up in uniform, ready for inspection. For

those of us who could still feel sleep’s tight grasp on our faculties, the yells of the inspecting Gunnery Sergeant quickly obliterated its hold and brought us to an unmistakable state of alertness. Despite various mistakes, we Wahoos remained calm and collected, earning third place in platoon inspection and a trophy to bring home. Following inspection, the team was evaluated on its execution of basic platoon drill. Under the command of MIDN 2/C Baldwin, we gave a fine display of drill skill that made those Fridays worth it.

Several midshipmen also represented UVA in some of the competition’s numerous other events. In the drill competition, Midshipman 2/C Donaldson commanded a squad of fourth-class in squad basic drill, and Midshipman 3/C Sloat and his team overcame last minute learning of complicated movements to compete successfully in the Color Guard category.

In recent years, Villanova has also added a Military Excellence and Athletics Competition, featuring a host of running and swimming relays, as well as combat-fitness oriented events. A handful of upperclass midshipmen competed in the Distance Medley race in the morning, and Midshipmen Bowden (E), Bowden (T), Chen, and Berger made UVA’s first appearance in the Tactical Assault event, working as a fire-team with rifles to make their way across a football field, without being “killed” by the enemy. The team of the Bowden twins, Midshipman 2/C Cypher, and Midshipman 4/C Hale, placed first in their heat of the BUDs Seal

challenge. Every year our presence in these events has increased, a trend that will hopefully continue.

Each midshipman performed well and appreciated the challenge of a multi-unit competition far from grounds. Villanova proved to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, partly because of the opportunity to bond with fellow UVA students while meeting midshipmen from other schools, and also because of the pride that comes with adding a little weight to the shelves of trophies in Maury Hall’s Wardroom.

villanova drill & MiliTary exCellenCe

CoMpeTiTionby MIDN 4/C Boelsche

“Our time at Villanova provided great camaraderie with other midshipmen. Not just with the drill competition, but with the other competitions as well. It’s definitely a weekend that I’ll remember.” - MIDN 4/C Bowden, E-



navy deeg-ball:philanThropy dodgeball ToUrnaMenT

by MIDN 4/C Guinn

ate in second semester, the NROTC battalion teamed up with Delta Gamma sorority to host a dodge ball tournament at the Dell Basketball Courts. All the proceeds

went to benefit the Service for Sight Foundation to help support the men and women of the Armed Forces who have suffered eye injuries. Everyone was really excited about this event. Leading up to the

tournament, one of our platoons painted Beta Bridge to get the word out about it. The girls from Delta Gamma also set up tables to help gin up interest as well. The event was a huge success, and everyone there had a great time. The weather was perfect, and there was plenty of dodge ball, loud music, and burgers straight off the grill for everyone to enjoy. Teams from several fraternities and sororities around campus showed up, as well as a few teams from our own battalion. Everyone seemed to enjoy the fast-paced games, as well as spending time with friends and getting to know people from all the other teams. We managed to raise several hundred dollars for the foundation as well, and one of our own battalion teams even won the tournament. Overall, the philanthropy dodge ball event was a great time—everyone had fun playing dodge ball and socializing and we raised a bunch of money to help a great cause. I really enjoyed it and I hope we get to take part in more events like this in the future.

L“This year’s philanthropy was the most successful event we’ve held in my time at UVA. Teaming up with another organization really helped in getting people excited about it and the idea of a dodgeball tournament was excellent. I hope we continue to hold these events on a more consistent basis because everyone enjoys them!”

–MIDN 2/C Ballato

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n April 20th, 2013, the first class midshipmen and unit staff members attended the annual Dining-In ceremony. Dining-In is a formal ceremony that is a longstanding Navy tradition designed to be light-hearted and boost camaraderie within a unit.

Due to the construction that is currently taking place on the Rotunda, this year’s Dining-In was held in the Solarium room at the Colonnade Club. The evening started with a co*cktail hour outside in the garden, where midshipmen and unit staff members enjoyed the nice weather and shared stories about the last four years.

Dinner began with the parading of the beef and the playing of bagpipes. After the meat was declared “fit for human consumption”, the meal was served. The Battalion commanding officer, MIDN Weisskopf served as president of the mess, while MIDN Maloney assumed the role of the vice president, or Mr. Vice. Mr. Vice’s job for the evening is to enforce the rules and traditions of the mess, and recommend punishments for anyone who violates them.

After dinner concluded, formal toasts were made and punishments were dolled out to the offenders of the

mess. Everyone got a kick out of watching midshipmen be forced to sing and dance or take trips to the grog bowl. LT Seth Ervin, an SH-60 pilot and UVA alumnus, was the guest of honor for the night. LT Ervin delivered a very

inspiring speech about his career in the Navy, leaving the first-class midshipmen eager to start their careers.

The night came to an end with the presentation of gag gifts and watching the 1/C slideshow. After leaving

the Colonnade Club, the 1/C gathered at the steps of the Rotunda to share cigars and reminisce one last time before calling it a night. It was a truly memorable event that no one will soon forget.

dining inby MIDN 1/C Blaha

ednesday night has come again. Despite having what seems like mounds of homework due

the following day, I’m preparing my uniform—shining my shoes, making sure there are no wrinkles or “train tracks” on my uniform, and making sure my nametag is ¼ inch above the front pocket, since last week we were in SDBs, but Word says we’re in khakis tomorrow. The whole process generally doesn’t take much time, except when I am preparing for Inspections, when it consumes in excess of two hours, as I must make sure that everything—shoes, cover, pants—are as close to perfect as possible.

After uniform prep, I turn in around 0100 and set my alarm for around 0615 for 0700 drill. As I get out of bed, I groan—still sore from that intense circuit course PT on Tuesday. The time buffer ensures that I will not be rushed in putting on my uniform and will arrive at Maury for drill no later than 0645, because even though we won’t start until 0700, in ROTC, if you’re not 15 minutes early, you’re late.

At 0700 sharp, we assemble outside of Maury for the presentation of colors and then all midshipmen are reviewed by their platoon

c o m m a n d e r s to ensure that everyone is within uniform and grooming regulations. It is all to prepare us for the Final Inspection at the end of the semester, where each midshipman is reviewed by a member of Unit Staff.

Following colors, we file into Maury for a General Military Training (GMT) presentation on safe driving. GMT briefs cover

a variety of topics and often guest speakers brief the battalion on different aspects of the Navy life and different career paths. Once drill is over, we wear our uniform around grounds for the rest of the day, which means we as 4/C

must always be on the lookout for platoon commanders, battalion staff, and Unit staff members to salute, lest we forget and face the wrath of an upperclassman.

On Thursday afternoon, it’s time for Naval Science. For first years, it’s Introduction to Naval Science taught by Lieutenant May. We get a basic rundown of all the unrestricted

line communities of the Navy and learn how to identify ranks, ships, planes, and more. Finally, as COB draws nigh, I’m anxious to be able to change out of my uniform, since those pesky shirt-stays are really starting to dig into my leg. Once I do, I’m back to being a regular college student again—not MIDN 4/C Mettenburg, but just Conor. That is, at least until tomorrow morning at 0515 to go to “field day,” where 4/C midshipmen clean Maury Hall, polishing, dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. We make the best of it though, as someone always brings an iHome and iPod so we can jam-out while we clean. Once we’re done with that, it’ll be time to grab our rifles and meet our drill instructors, under whose tutelage we learn the lefts, rights and ups and downs (quite literally) of rifle manual and precision drill every Friday morning from 0630-to 0800. But all of that’s tomorrow, and for now I’m happy to have made it through another drill day.

a day in The life of a 4/C MidshipManby MIDN 4/C Mettenburg




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he first day in the life of a third-class is a glorious day. You are no longer a fourth-class! You made it through all the uncomfortable growing pains of being a new midshipman, not to mention Friday morning drill. You get to put on your first stripe, revel in your new leadership position,

and feel like you earned your place in the battalion.

The second day in the life of a third-class midshipman is a reality check. You realize that being a squad leader is more than just a title. Not only do you have

to worry about yourself, as you did last year, but you have to worry about all of the mistakes that five other m i d s h i p m e n might make. You are particularly c o n c e r n e d about the new fourth-class. Are you telling me I

have to teach them how to do morning colors?! I only just learned to do that myself!

Before you know it, you have Initial Inspection and a calculus midterm the next day, and your platoon commander just informed you that you have to make place-cards for the Marine Corps Birthday by COB. After class, you rush over to Maury Hall to start printing the place cards. In the meantime, you start studying your knowledge so you can quiz your squad at pre-inspection. Right before pre-inspection, the printer runs out of ink! You dash out to your car, drive to Staples to get some more ink, and make it back just in time. You nitpick all of your squad’s uniforms and teach the fourth-class midshipmen how to handle inspection. You then get them to help you with the place cards (the joys of delegation!). After they are all done, you head home to prep your own uniform and try to make sense of partial derivatives. The next morning you wake up at 0530 to get ready for inspection. The inspector asks you to recite all of your squad members’ hometowns. You just barely manage to rattle them off. Whew! Passed Inspection! Now for that calculus test...

a day in The life of a 3/C MidshipManby MIDN 3/C Costelloe


Squad Leader MIDN 3/C Orr and MIDN 1/C Greensmith converse during drill.

Back at O-Week, newly minted 3/c MIDN show off their shoulder boards.

MIDN 3/C Sibilla shines her shoes

the night before a Thursday morning

drill period.

MIDN 3/C Fuller, Green, and Redman at clinical.

MIDN 3/C Hough inspects her squad

during drill.

“As a 3/c midshipman, it is a pleasure leading 4/C midshipmen while still seeking advice and wisdom from the upper class midshipmen.” –MIDN 3/C Green

a day in The life of a 2/C MidshipManby MIDN 2/C Warner

By the time you have reached the status of a 2/C midsh ipman, you feel like

you have got it made. You are halfway done with your ROTC career and you are only inferior to the 1/C, who always seem to be sick with “senioritis,” and never seem to be around. The underclassmen look at you like some divine creature as you strut your way through Maury Hall. There is nothing that can bring you down.

It only takes a few weeks of school before reality sets in and your head has shrunk back to its normal size. Third year at the University of Virginia is much more demanding than you expected. Your evenings are consumed by term papers, group projects, and problem sets that are so confusing they might as well

have been written in gibberish. That leadership position you took in your extracurricular activity is starting to take its toll as your inbox is flooded

with countless requests and events need to be organized. On top of all this, you have your ROTC commitments. You still have to show up to drill, PT, and plan your Operation Order for the battalion. It’s a never-ending cycle as the number of hours you sleep each night steadily decline. You feel as though you are in

a black hole of work and responsibility.

Finally, you see something that puts you over the edge. You see a 4/C walk into the Computer Room. His shoes are dull, his nametag is missing, and his haircut screams “out of regs”. You approach the midshipman, ready to correct his egregious uniform violations and release all your frustration.

Suddenly, you notice his face, and you can see that he is stressed. You realize he is signing up for classes and has no idea what to take. It hits you that what he needs is not scolding, but guidance. You can let his squad leader play the bad cop. You sit down with him and teach him what you have learned over the past two years and guide

him through the process. It is these moments that remind you why you joined Naval ROTC. You want to be a leader. These moments make you realize that in the end, all that hard work will be worth it.


“2/c year is a big transition year; this is the year you get more involved with the leadership and execution of major events. It is really challenging, but also rewarding. It definitely helps shape us as growing leaders.”

-MIDN 2/C Senerchia


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a day in The life of a 1/C MidshipManby MIDN 1/C Blaha

eing a first-class midshipman can be both rewarding and challenging. You have finally worked your way

from the bottom of the totem pole, all the way to the top. Being the most senior members of the midshipman battalion has its perks. Underclassmen look up to you and treat you with more respect. Underclassmen are quick to pick the brains of the first-class if they have questions about the way something should be done. Unit staff tends to start treating you as a young officer rather than just a lowly midshipman.

With great power comes great responsibility, however. As a first-class midshipman, you are just months away from being a commissioned officer. That is a feeling that is hard to fathom back when you were a fourth-class, fresh out of high school.

The expectations of first-class are much higher than the rest of the battalion. First-class are charged with running the day-to-day operations of the midshipman battalion, planning weekly drill events, and ensuring that the underclassmen are performing up to expected standards. This can be a full-time job on its own, but when you consider that the first-class still have a full course load of classes as well, it can seem overwhelming. After four years of training in leadership and management, this is what you have been preparing for.

At the start of the fall semester, commissioning and graduation still seem a long ways off. The fall semester is always busy and winter break seems like it will never arrive. When you arrive back in Charlottesville for the spring, you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The spring semester starts to fly by right before your eyes and before you know it, you are sending out invitations to commissioning. Everything you have worked hard for the last four years starts to become a reality. The first-class have no doubt that their time here at UVA has adequately prepared them to be Naval officers and are eager to hit the fleet at the end of May.


MIDN 1/c Cruz locked on at inspection.

First class midshipmen celebrate after receiving

their service selections this fall.

MIDN 1/C Freeburg changes command of the battalion with MIDN 1/C Weisskopf.

“Being Battalion Commander was definitely the defining leadership experience of college.”

- MIDN 1/C Freeburg

he Marine O p t i o n ( M O ) Platoon is made up of a fire team of four

motivated midshipmen (MIDN 2/C Baldwin, MIDN 2/C Donaldson, MIDN 3/C Hough, and MIDN 4/C Berger) who have earned a United States Marine Corps Scholarship. While we participate in Drill and PT along side our Navy peers, our path to commissioning is unique and contains additional challenges. To maintain our combat fitness, we have additional PT sessions on Monday and Wednesday and on Tuesday afternoons we have class to learn land navigation, mapping, effective mission briefing, and other skills. In the spring, we put what we have learned into practice by conducting squad assaults at nearby Observatory Hill. This all culminates

with a twenty-four hour field-training exercise (FEX) held at the end of the semester where we get invaluable leadership experience controlling a squad during combat against live aggressors with paintball guns. All of this training is critical in preparing us for Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia. All Marine Option midshipman must be able to graduate from OCS in the summer before their final year of college in order to commission as Marine officers. This year is very unusual because we do not have any first-class Marine Option midshipmen, who, having just graduated from

OCS, can provide guidance and lead the training and development of the rest of the platoon. However, this has given our second-class midshipmen an additional leadership opportunity by giving them the chance to be Platoon Commander earlier than normal.

Small but might, the Marine Option Platoon will continue to develop and produce successful

Marine Officers.

Marine opTion plaToonby MIDN 3/C Hough



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Midn bible sTUdyby MIDN 4/C Bowden, E

IDN Bible Study is a weekly fellowship led by MIDN Torres for midshipmen to discuss the Bible, their struggles in college, and what it takes to nurture their faith in college and in the battalion. For the first few weeks, midshipmen shared their testimonies on how they grew in their relationship

with Christ. Sessions would usually start off with each member sharing their high points, low points, and the ways they’ve seen God work in their lives throughout the week. Then members would then proceed to discuss a variety of topics in scripture.

While usually led by Torres, MIDN Bible study is sometimes led by other midshipmen, such as Midshipman Sloat, who examined the parables of Christ, and my brother, who discussed the impact of fear as an obstacle to fulfilling God’s will for our lives.

A highlight of the fall semester was when LT May shared how he has held the faith while serving in the fleet, and how his faith in God has kept him accountable and has given him the strength to make good decisions in the Navy, whether on duty or on liberty.

As it progressed, the Bible study proved to be a great support group for many midshipmen, who could just come in and share their thoughts while learning from their brothers and sisters, in arms and in Christ. It was an equal playing field, where midshipmen could address each other honestly without regard to rank, class, or chain of command.



nUrse Corps soCieTyby MIDN 3/C Fuller

he Nurse Options in the battalion are small in number, but certainly don’t go unnoticed. With three 1/C preparing for commissioning, one 2/C, three 3/C and

one new 4/C, Nurse Options participate in the battalion as company commanders, platoon commanders, squad leaders, and other officer positions. While we do not have a Nurse Corps officer stationed here, through Nurse Corps Society, we are able to support each other and provide advice and guidance to each other throughout our college experiences.

Nurse Corps Society meets a few times a month, where we discuss Nurse Option summer cruise, nursing school curriculum, ROTC, and life in general. We operate as a support system for each other. All the upperclass nurses are extremely willing and enthusiastic about helping the underclass nurses acclimate to the battalion and the UVA School of Nursing. Our meetings generally take place in the lounge of Maury Hall, but every once in a while we branch out to go to dinner or do something fun. In the future, we hope to tour a naval hospital or even see a hospital ship. Because we are so different in our academic and career paths from the rest of the battalion, it is crucial for

us to band together and help each other within our own school.

In addition to our fellow midshipmen, we are extremely fortunate to have 3 Nurse Corps officers currently working on their master’s degrees here at UVA. LCDR Pozniak, LT Garcia, and LT Ross have been excellent resources for all our questions, and have provided invaluable information about Navy Nursing. They make appearances at our meetings and accompany us to dinner. LCDR Pozniak spent a vast amount of his career as an aircraft carrier nurse, and is able to share all kinds of experiences that happen in a ship’s medical department. LT Garcia has worked in hospitals in both Kuwait and Afghanistan, with more boots-on-ground experience. LT Ross, who spent his career working with Marines, just began his master’s work this summer, and we are excited to welcome him into the Nurse Corps Society.


“As a small minority within the battalion sometimes it can be hard for us to get a perspective on what our lives will truly be like in the fleet, and how to balance the very time-intensive nursing curriculum with ROTC. Nurse Corps Society provides an outlet for these questions and opportunities for mentorship that enrich our experience in the battalion and better prepare us for the future.”

-MIDN 3/C Redman

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tarting in the 2012 fall semester, LT Anglin began to invite any Midshipman of the Battalion to join him and the other Lieutenants on lunch outings Friday

afternoons. The locations of these lunches have included No.3, Boylan Heights, Lemongrass, Trinity Irish Pub, the Biltmore Grill, and other restaurants on The Corner.

These unofficial events are a great way for midshipmen to meet with unit staff in a less formal environment than that of Maury Hall. Midshipmen, especially 4/c midshipmen, who are able to attend Lunch with the Lieutenants found themselves able to talk to unit staff in a more comfortable way, while also maintaining a proper level of respect.

Lunch with the Lieutenants may also be an excellent tool for midshipmen to learn how to conduct themselves in the wardroom as commissioned

officers. Though Boylan Heights is far from being the wardroom of a ship in the fleet, the rules of conversation are the same for both settings. It is valuable for each midshipman to learn how to

carry himself or herself in a comfortable yet respectful manner in the presence of

superiors, while refraining from talking shop, religion or


During Lunch with the Lieutenants, midshipmen have great opportunities

to talk with unit staff about engaging military related topics or non-military topics. Interesting sea stories or descriptions of what life is like out in the fleet were generally the most popular subjects of conversation during the lunches. Attending these lunches is an easy and fun way to learn important life skills, to receive great advice from experienced officers, and to show an interest in one’s future experiences in the Navy.

lUnCh WiTh The lieUTenanTs by MIDN 4/C Brasek

S very semester, the Battalion sponsors Intramural (IM) Sports. This fall we played softball andoutdoor soccer,

and in the Spring semester we participated inindoor soccer, a sloor hockey tournament, and sand volleyball. These sports help to increase camaraderie by providing an environment outside of the normal ROTC routine for midshipmen of all classes to interact and have fun.

Softball started up first inSeptember. Some, such as MIDN Bisallion were practicallysoftball profess ionals. MIDN Demello used his long stretch as first baseman and MIDN Hale could hit with a strong arm from third. Making a one game appearance, MIDN Van Beek found her calling as a softball player. Soccer picked up soon after in October. Everyone was a little rusty except for MIDN Holy who was by far the MVP. In addition to making countless saves from point blank range as goalie, MIDN Holy scored the only goal of one game all the way from midfield.

The spring semester brought more opportunities for IM Sports. MIDN Hartman, Cox, Clemmer, and Fridley were the core of an Indoor Soccer team that was sometimes overmatched but never outhustled. MIDN Cypher made some

appearances and added some crucial goals for the team. The floor hockeytournament saw some very mixed results. As an experienced street hockey player, MIDN DeMello proved capable of some pretty impressive moves and shots

around opposing defensem*n. The rest of the team, led by superb goaltending from MIDN Clemmer, showed some serious heart but failed to advance to the championship. As warmer summer weather approached, the Sand Volleyball season began. MIDN Jahncke and Redman were thrilled to participate

and showcase their skills on the court. Othermidshipmen, such as MIDN Cypher, Hartman, and Hale helped to make the team one of the most intimidating on grounds.

Whether we have a perfect losing record or a perfectwinning record, all the MIDN who participatein IM Sports have a blast. Team sports

breed competition but also encourage teamwork. Although this year we failed to bring any IM Sports championships back to Maury Hall, the future looks bright. A team of talented and athletic Midshipmen are always on the verge of IM Sports domination.

EbaTTalion inTraMUral sporTs & physiCal Training by MIDN 2/C Cypher & MIDN 3/C Fridley


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MidshipMen aroUnd The Worldby MIDN 2/C Taylor

utside of the UVA community, many midshipmen take advantage of the opportunity to study and do service projects

abroad. This past summer, I was awarded a Project GO (Global Officer) grant to study Arabic in Irbid, Jordan. The Project GO scholarship was created specifically for ROTC students and focuses on creating fluency and building cultural bridges for strategic languages. Most of my time in Yarmouk was occupied by classes five hours a day on Grammar, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and the Jordanian dialect of Arabic. Additionally, we had our choice of an elective like Islamic Poetry, Music, or Qur’anic Recitation. To facilitate language learning outside of the classroom, we were also assigned language partners—students at the university who would introduce us to their friends and show us the meaning of Arab hospitality by inviting us out to dinner at their house or maybe even a wedding. On weekends, we were also able to go on day trips to nearby attractions. My favorite trips were Wadi Rum, where Lawrence of Arabia hid from the Turks, and the Dead Sea, where I floated at the lowest point on Earth’s crust. We had a break in the middle of summer semester during which many people went to visit neighboring countries. I went to Egypt to visit friends, but others went to hit the clubs in Beirut or walk the holy streets of Jerusalem.

MIDN 3/C Sibilla was also able to take advantage of the Project GO scholarship this past summer to travel to Kiev, Ukraine with Arizona State University to continue learning Russian. Because of the classes she took there over the summer and her immersion in the environment, she was able to skip a whole level when she got back to UVA. She will travel to Moscow this summer on an additional Project GO scholarship award. She’ll be fluent in no time!

Numerous midshipmen are also engaged in service-learning projects abroad. MIDN 2/C Bessette returned to Ghana this January for the second time as a part of UVA’s chapter of Global Medical Brigades. Global Brigades, of which Medical Brigades is just one piece, is the largest student-run international development organization in the world. Medical Brigades works with local doctors and medical professionals to collect medications that the brigaders then take with them on their trip, where they work in a clinic and have the opportunity to conduct basic medical procedures.

MIDN 2/C Tarmann also traveled to Tajikistan over winter break and volunteered at a British charity/educational center, SWORDE-Teppa. “It was my second time traveling to Tajikistan, but this time I got a very different experience being on my own, not as a part of a language program,” she said. She spent most

of her time in Quorghonteppa, Tajikistan, helping English-language students and getting to know the staff at the center. The purpose of her trip was to scope out SWORDE-Teppa in the hopes of returning in the summer to do a research project. And in February we found out that we were in fact awarded a grant from the Jefferson Public Citizens Program to conduct a survey-based research project in Tajikistan with SWORDE-Teppa this summer, along with MIDN 3/C Orr and MIDN 3/C Van Beek. It will certainly be an eye-opening experience for everyone, and an exciting opportunity to learn about a culture not many people outside of the region know about. Next year, we will even get to have our findings published!

In short, midshipmen in our battalion are aware that as future naval officers, we will often act as unofficial ambassadors, and the experiences abroad we have during college will undoubtedly come in handy in the Fleet.

oUr diversiTy

62 MidshipMen From Around The World

aCadeMiC Majors

Arts & SciencesAstronomy



Environmental ScienceForeign Affairs

HistoryLeadership and Public Policy

MathematicsMedieval Studies

Physics Political Science and Government

Public Policy and Government Russian Statistics

Nursing All Nurse Options

CommerceFinance and Management

Engineering & Applied Sciences

Aerospace Engineering Biomedical EngineeringChemical Engineering

Civil EngineeringComputer Engineering

Computer Science Electrical Engineering Engineering Science

Mechanical EngineeringSystems Engineering



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ClUbs and independenT organizaTionsAsian Leadership ProgramBlack Voices Gospel ChoirBlueprint Leadership ProgramCavalier DailyCollege RepublicansE-Guide for Engineering SchoolHoos In the Stairwell A Capella GroupJefferson Public CitizensMadison HouseMartha Jefferson Hospital VolunteerOrganization for Young Filipino AmericansOrganizing For AmericaOutdoors ClubResident AdvisorSalsa ClubSlavic Student AssociationUniversity DemocratsUVA Green DiningWomen’s Leadership Development ProgramYoung Women Leaders Program

serviCe groUpsBuford Middle School Volunteering Cavs and PanthersCharlottesville SPCACross-Cultural Solutions VolunteeringGlobal Environmental BrigadesGlobal Medical BrigadesMadison House Charlottesville Area Riding TherapyMadison House Dental ClinicMadison House Hot Shots Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire DepartmentVolunteers with International Students and ScholarsWestern Albemarle Rescue Squad

religioUs organizaTionsCatholic Student MinistryChi AlphaChrist Episcopal Softball TeamGrace Christian FellowshipInter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Latter Day Saints Student AssociationMIDN Bible StudyNursing Christian FellowshipSt. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 9 AM ChoirSt. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Sunday School Teacher

sporTsAKAdeMiX Dance CrewBoxing ClubClub Swim Club Wrestling TeamFishing ClubIntramuralsLax ClubMahogany Dance TroupeMen’s Club Water PoloSCUBA clubUniversity Dance ClubVarsity Swimming and Diving

aCadeMiC soCieTies and sCholarshipAED Health Honor SocietyASMA Health Honor SocietyCardiovascular Biomechanics Research LabCollege Science ScholarsEchols ScholarsEnvironmental Sciences OrganizationJefferson ScholarsMulti-Scale Muscle Mechanics Research LaboratoryPi Epsilon Environmental Science Honor SocietyRodman ScholarSigma Alpha Lambda Academic SocietySigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society

greek lifeAlpha Chi Omega SororityAlpha Delta Pi SororityAlpha Omega Epsilon Engineering SororityKappa Delta SororityPanhellenic CounselorPhi Delta Theta FraternityPhi Gamma Delta FraternityPhi Psi FraternityPi Kappa Alpha FraternitySigma Delta Tau SororitySigma Kappa SororitySigma Sigma Sigma SororitySt. Anthony Hall FraternityTau Kappa Epsilon FraternityTheta Chi FraternityTrigon Engineering FraternityZeta Tau Alpha Sorority

MidshipMen involved aroUnd groUnds


exTraCUrriCUlar aCTiviTies

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adviCe froM 1/C MidshipMenO’Dwyer, Cruz, Torres, Weisskopf, Mills, Lai-LePage, Freeburg, Maloney, Clemmer, Greensmith & Blaha

O’Dwyer: “The best advice I ever got (even if I didn’t always follow it) was to stay true to who you are, no matter what billet you are in. Sometimes we might feel pressured to act a certain way because we feel like that is how someone in our billet is “supposed” to behave. In reality, you will be a better and happier leader if you adapt the billet to fit your personality and not the other way around. Everyone has something to bring to the table and your people want to get to know you, not the front that you put on because you think it’s what they expect or want. You are allowed to have a personality in the Navy!”

Cruz: “I would say that balance is the key to a happy college career. NROTC should be important in your life, but balance your social life, NROTC life and personal life. Don’t emphasize too much of anything. Also with NROTC, just pay attention to the details. It’s very hard to do, but if you are attentive, organized and timely with things, then it will make your life so much easier! And whenever you can, try to mentor and help your classmates and other MIDN because you never know who needs help or just needs to be checked. It doesn’t ever hurt to do so!

For those nurse options, enjoy every clinical and learn what you can from your patients and instructors! Make sure that you get plenty of sleep before clinicals because they can be long days with lack of sleep! In regards to the NCLEX, practice questions are definitely important. NCLEX review books (Saunders and Kaplan) will definitely help you succeed! Stay focused in your last year and keep studying! It gets tough, but just keep up the studying

and the practice questions and they will help you to be more successful on the HESI and NCLEX. Good luck and enjoy the time you spend with the MIDN and NROTC because as clinicals get longer and more frequent, you won’t see MIDN as often! Stay connected to the BN because you will definitely miss the people!”

Torres: “Balancing ROTC, academics, and a having a life is pretty challenging, especially with the rigors of going to UVa. But, like Kelly Clarkson tells us in her song, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”. Being at a school I didn’t initially like has helped me learn that when you can’t change something, you gotta change the way you think about it. Attitude really is everything - determines the approach you have towards life, responsibilities, and relationships. My advice, for the rest of your time here in ROTC and UVa, is that you learn WHO you really are, especially what your values are, and stick to them. You don’t want to gain the whole world and lose your soul! At the end of the day, you need to make sure you’re happy and honest with who you are and who you want to be. Additionally, wherever you go, you’re in a position where you can influence others’ lives - as a MIDN, student, friend, son/daughter. When all is said and done, it’s helpful to reflect and think what kind of difference did you make -

did you add to or take away from the lives of others (quote-Mark Sanborn)? I challenge you all to be a light wherever you are and to not let anyone leave you without a smile and their lives a little better =) The news inevitably brings bad and sad stories, but remember that good things happen all the time. I encourage you all to be part of that movement.”Weisskopf: Rules to being a success in ROTC:• Be a bro• Don’t act stupid/ do stupid stuff in

front of staff• Be in good shape (go to the gym

at least 4 times a week)• Read and actually learn how to

do the above rule or talk to LT Golden

• Get outside and do stuff... Charlottesville has lots of opportunities you probably don’t take advantage of

• Do things with a purpose and try not to half-ass them

• Don’t fail any classes

Mills: “My time at UVA has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. For those who follow behind me, remember to focus on classes and develop


yourself as a leader, but never forget to take a break and enjoy the simple things. UVA is one of the most unique places in the world, so take a moment out of each day to enjoy it. Go hang out with some friends on the lawn, volunteer in the community, or even grab some lunch with the cute girl/guy you met last weekend. Live each day to the fullest because before you know it, time will pass you by whether you seize it or not.... Oh and don’t blow you knee out three months before you commission; surprisingly enough that tends to complicate things.”

Lai-LePage: “When it comes to mission accomplishment, the devil’s in the details. Yet at the same time, don’t let yourself be consumed by ROTC, and try to keep everything in perspective. As for service selection and what is to come, don’t worry; He somehow knows what you need even if it may not be what you think you wanted. Regardless of where you end up, just know that your time at UVA and in the Unit has prepared you well for whatever you may face in the future."Farewell and Godspeed, shipmates.”

Freeburg: “Remember that we are all in ROTC together, and that our ability to impact each other is uniquely magnified by the challenges we face. Choose to be positive when the going gets

tough. Choose to take the hit that makes others’ lives a little easier. Don’t be afraid to push your own personal limits and live outside your comfort zone. You just might inspire someone else to do the same. Challenge the concept of “that’s how we’ve always done it” with “what if we did it better.” Ask for advice from the LTs--they have a lot to share.

Most importantly, if you haven’t already figured it out, you are surrounded by some incredibly awesome people. Don’t let the moment that they have to bail you out be the first time you tell them

thank you for their friendship.”

Maloney: "It is easy to get consumed by the daily routine as a midshipman and student at the University. Every once in a while, think back to why you wanted to a part of the Navy in the first place. Also, do not settle for the minimum. Leave this Unit better than you found it and mentor those who come after you. Learn how to use

this time to your advantage.”

Clemmer: “Don’t take your time at the University for granted. These four years were the best of my life, but they go by fast. The opportunities you have here will set you up for success in the fleet and later on in life. Find what drives you to do your best and hold on to it! Try new things, go outside your comfort zone; you would be surprised what you’re capable of accomplishing. I took some hard electives and often times struggled, but I learned more and felt more accomplished afterwards. Most importantly thoughfind the joy in what you’re doing

and bring that joy to others.”

Greensmith: “Don’t spread yourself out too thinly. That is probably the greatest lesson I’ve learned over my past four years. Everyone will probably tell you that, but it’s such a easy mistake to make at a place like UVA. Find a few things that you are interested in (your parents might suggest school?) and focus on these. Also, get into wild and crazy shenanigans. It helps build morale

within the Unit.”

Blaha: “Take your job seriously and try to get the most out of it. Try to take care of things as soon as they come up, you’ll be thankful later. Don’t make excuses when you screw up. Time spent in ROTC isn’t always the most enjoyable, but it flies by and it’s all worth it in the end.”

adviCe froM 1/C MidshipMen (ConTinUed)

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fareWell Class of 2013by Midshipmen 1/C Blaha, Clemmer, Cruz, Freeburg, Greensmith, Lai-LePage,

Maloney, Mills, O’Dwyer, Torres, Weisskopf“These past four years have been an incredible experience and I’m grateful to have been able to share it with some really awesome people. Some of my favorite memories from my time here at UVA include dominating Army in flag football and beating Duke at home in basketball. Go Hoos.”

-MIDN 1/C Blaha“These past 4 years at the Unit a magnificent adventure. It wasn’t always easy, but it was well worth it in the end. Stories and memories of my time here will last a lifetime. If you are ever in Japan, look me up! “Fair winds and following seas.”

-MIDN 1/C Clemmer“After 4/c Orientation Week, 16 PRTs and 16 uniform inspections, I can’t believe that I made it through four years of UVA Naval ROTC in Maury Hall. It’s been a long journey, but I would not change it for the world. NROTC has shown me that I can handle more than I ever thought I could, and do more things I would never have dreamed of. I’ve also made lifelong friends at the unit and I wish my class the very best and see you all in the fleet! Bloom where you are planted!” -MIDN 1/C Cruz“Despite our ROTC PTSD from the crackdown as 4/c, I’d said we turned out alright. Thank you for the many memories, from Maury to San Diego to New Orleans. Thank you for the great friendship, for making the early mornings a little easier, for the insane nights we shared, and for the loyalty you showed me. I’m excited to hear what kind of trouble you all get up to in the fleet, and I hope to reunite when we all come back as the crazy alumni who get a little too nostalgic on the corner and sleep through our speeches to the BN.”

-MIDN 1/C Freeburg“Fair winds and following seas, shipmates.”

-MIDN 1/C Greensmith“It’s amazing to think about how far we've comesince O-Week and the Battle of Chipotle. My time at UVA has been transformative, and I’m glad to have been a part of the Unit. I am truly thankful for the experiences I’ve had and the people I’ve met along the way. I wish you all the very best as we go to theFeet!

-MIDN 1/C Lai-LePage

“My time at the Unit was very humbling. It was one of several ups and downs. But, the part I will always remember is the many impressive individuals and friends I met through the Unit. Stay motivated and I’ll see you out there!”

-MIDN 1/C Maloney

“I will never forget my time with all of you. From the memories of the Battle of Chipotle and the tears of Red cascading to the floor to the questionable and unforgettable events of the Mardi Gras trip, every moment will be forever etched into my mind.”

-MIDN 1/C Mills

“He didn’t even know her.”

-MIDN 1/C O’Dwyer

“Hey class - it’s been about real as much as you can get real. From O-Week (“the Battle of Chipotle”, name tags losing their “sticky”, the “choir” singing the Marine Corps Hymn) to our refreshing Field Days and glorious Friday morning drill periods (somehow winning 3rd place in Villanova’s inspection), to finally being Squad Leaders and finding out how many trees NROTC actually kills, to carrying out Op-Orders and being on BN Staff, to going through the motions of Morning Drill Periods, death-by-powerpoint GMTs, and somewhat better PTs now - it’s been a journey for the little four years we’ve had here! I’ve definitely learned a lot about leadership and character

from you all, and I really look up to each and EVERY one of you! Thank you for helping me grow not only as a friend, but a person as well. I do really mean that. Enjoy your first duty stations, finally making real money, and being on your own. Looking forward to seeing your names in the paper - you guys got great hearts, go out and change the world!”

-MIDN 1/C Torres

“Thanks for a fun and unforgettable 4 years to everyone. Keep the Mardi Gras tradition living on. Be a bro.”

-MIDN 1/C Weisskopf



Ensign Colin J. MaloneyExplosive Ordinance Disposal

Panama City, FL

“A true man of honor feels humbled himself when he cannot help humbling others”

-Robert E. Lee

Ensign John G. WeisskopfAviation (Pilot)Pensacola, FL

“That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our

power to do is increased.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ensign Burnell A. ClemmerSurface Warfare Officer

USS ANTIETAM (CG-54), Yokosuka, Japan

“In matters of style, swim with the current; In matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

-Thomas Jefferson

Ensign Julia M. FreeburgAviation (Pilot) Pensacola, FL

“You can have anything you want - if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness

of purpose.” -Abraham Lincoln

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Ensign Tiffany D. TorresNurse Corps Officer

Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in

faith and in purity.” -1 Timothy 4:12

Ensign Robert K. MillsAviation (Pilot) Pensacola, FL

“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by

the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” -General Douglas MacArthur

Ensign Peter C. Lai-LePageSubmarine Warfare

Charleston, SC

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an envi-ronment where excellence is expected.”

-Steve Jobs

Ensign Laila F. CruzNurse Corps Officer

Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterBethesda, MD

"Believe you can and you’re halfway there." -Theodore Roosevelt

Ensign Caroline A. O’DwyerNurse Corps OfficerNaval Medical Center

Portsmouth, VA“By endurance we conquer”

-Ernest Shackleton

Ensign Scott C. BlahaAviation (Pilot)Pensacola, FL

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an

exception, it is a prevailing attitude.”-Colin Powell

Ensign Garrett “Creigh” GreensmithSubmarine Warfare

Charleston, SC

“Cease to do evil, learn to do good; Seek justice, Re-prove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow”

- Isaiah 1:16d-17


Wahoo Wa!

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.