A History of the English Language Fifth Edition Baugh and Cable’s A History of the English Language has long been considered the standard work in the field. A History of the English Language is a comprehensive exploration of the linguistic and cultural development of English, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The book provides students with a balanced and up-to-date overview of the history of the language. The fifth edition has been revised and updated to keep students up to date with recent developments in the field. Revisions include: • a revised first chapter, ‘English present and future’ • a new section on gender issues and linguistic change • updated material on African-American Vernacular English A student supplement for this book is available, entitled Companion to A History of the English Language. Albert C.Baugh was Schelling Memorial Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Thomas Cable is Jane and Roland Blumberg Centennial Professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin.
A History of the English Language Fifth Edition
Albert C.Baugh and Thomas Cable
First published 1951 by Routledge & Kegan Paul Second edition 1959 Third edition 1978 Fourth edition published 1993 by Routledge Authorized British edition from the English language edition, entitled A History of the English Language, Fifth Edition by Albert C.Baugh and Thomas Cable, published by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Inc. Copyright © 2002 Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005. “To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to http://www.ebookstore.tandf.co.uk/.” All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from Routledge. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-203-99463-9 Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-415-28098-2 (hbk) ISBN 0-415-28099-0 (pbk)
Contents Preface
1 English Present and Future
viii 1
2 The Indo-European Family of Languages
3 Old English
4 Foreign Influences on Old English
5 The Norman Conquest and the Subjection of English, 1066–1200
6 The Reestablishment of English, 1200–1500
7 Middle English
8 The Renaissance, 1500–1650
9 The Appeal to Authority, 1650–1800
10 The Nineteenth Century and After
11 The English Language in America
Appendix A Specimens of the Middle English Dialects
Appendix B English Spelling
The Counties of England
The Home of the English
The Dialects of Old English
The Dialects of Middle English
The Dialects of American English
William Bullokar’s Booke At Large (1580)
The Editors of the New (Oxford) English Dictionary
Extract from the Oxford English Dictionary
The American Spelling Book of Noah Webster
Preface Before the present author ever became associated with Albert C.Baugh’s A History of the English Language, several generations of teachers and students had appreciated its enduring qualities. Not least of these, and often remarked upon, was the full attention paid to the historical and cultural setting of the development of the language. This original emphasis has made it possible for subsequent editions to include discussions of current issues and varieties of English in ways that could not have been specifically foreseen in 1935. The fifth edition continues this updating by expanding the sections on African American Varnacular English and Hispanic American English, adding a section on Gender Issues and Linguistic Change, and incorporating small changes throughout. Once again global events have affected global English and necessitated revisions, especially in the first and last chapters. Baugh’s original text was supported by footnotes and bibliographies that not only acknowledged the sources of his narrative but also pointed directions for further study and research. In each successive edition new references have been added. To avoid documentary growth, sprawl, and incoherence by simple accretion, the present edition eliminates a number of references that have clearly been susperseded. At the same time it keeps many that might not usually be consulted by students in order to give a sense of the foundations and progress of the study of the subject. In the first edition Baugh stated his aim as follows: The present book, intended primarily for college students, aims to present the historical development of English in such a way as to preserve a proper balance between what may be called internal history—sounds and inflections—and external history—the political, social, and intellectual forces that have determined the course of that development at different periods. The writer is convinced that the soundest basis for an undersanding of present-day English and for an enlightened attitude towards questions affecting the language today is a knowledge of the path which it has pursued in becoming what it is. For this reason equal attention has been paid to its earlier and its later stages. As in previous editions, the original plan and purpose have not been altered. The various developments of linguistic inquiry and theory during the half century after the History’s original publication have made parts of its exposition seem to some readers overly traditional. However, a history presented through the lens of a single theory is narrow when the theory is current, and dated when the theory is superseded. Numerous other histories of English have made intelligent use of a particular theory of phonemics, or of a specific version of syntactic deep and surface structure, or of variable rules, or of other ideas that have come and gone. There is nothing hostile to an overall linguistic
theory or to new discoveries in Baugh’s original work, but its format allows the easy adjustment of separable parts. It is a pity that a new preface by convention loses the expression of thanks to colleagues whose suggestions made the previous edition a better book. The fifth edition has especially benefited from astute comments by Traugott Lawler and William Kretzschmar. The author as ever is sustained by the cartoonist perspective of Carole Cable, who he trusts will find nothing in the present effort to serve as grist for her gentle satiric mill. T.C. A History of the English Language
PHONETIC SYMBOLS [a] in father [a] in French la in not in England (a sound between [a] and [æ] in mat [ε] in met [e] in mate [I] in sit [i] in meat in law [o] in note [U] in book [u] in boot [Λ] in but [ə] in about [y] in German für [eI] in play [oU] in so [aI] in line [aU] in house in boy [ŋ] in sing [θ] in thin [ð] in then [š] in shoe [ž] in azure [j] in you
[ ] enclose phonetic symbols and transcriptions. : after a symbol indicates that the sound is long. ′ before a syllable indicates primary stress: [ə′bΛv] above. In other than phonetic transcriptions ę and indicate open vowels, ẹ and ọ indicate close vowels. * denotes a hypothetical form. > denotes ‘develops into’; string; ME weng >wing). The spelling Ingland occurs in Middle English, and the vowel is accurately represented in the Spanish Inglaterra and Italian Inghilterra. 7 The term Anglo-Saxon is occasionally found in Old English times and is often employed today to designate the earliest period of English. It went out of use after the Norman Conquest until revived in the sixteenth century by the antiquarian William Camden. Although amply justified by usage, it is logically less defensible than the term Old English, which has the advantage of suggesting the unbroken continuity of English throughout its existence, but it is too convenient a synonym to be wholly discarded.
A history of the english language
a distinctive type of conjugation of the verb—the so-called weak or regular verbs such as fill, filled, filled, which form their past tense and past participle by adding -ed or some analogous sound to the stem of the present. And it shows the adoption of a strong stress accent on the first or the root syllable of most words,8 a feature of great importance in all the Germanic languages because it is chiefly responsible for the progressive decay of inflections in these languages. In the second place it means that English belongs with German and certain other languages because of features it has in common with them and that enable us to distinguish a West Germanic group as contrasted with the Scandinavian languages (North Germanic) and Gothic (East Germanic). These features have to do mostly with certain phonetic changes, especially the gemination or doubling of consonants under special conditions, matters that we do not need to enter upon here. And it means, finally, that English, along with the other languages of northern Germany and the Low Countries, did not participate in the further modification of certain consonants, known as the Second or High German Sound-Shift.9 In other words it belongs with the dialects of the lowlands in the West Germanic area. 38. The Periods in the History of English. The evolution of English in the 1,500 years of its existence in England has been an unbroken one. Within this development, however, it is possible to recognize three main periods. Like all divisions in history, the periods of the English language are matters of convenience and the dividing lines between them purely arbitrary. But within each of the periods it is possible to recognize certain broad characteristics and certain special developments that take place. The period from 450 to 1150 is known as Old English. It is sometimes described as the period of full inflections, because during most of this period the endings of the noun, the adjective, and the verb are preserved more or less unimpaired. From 1150 to 1500 the language is known as Middle English.10 During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down toward the end of the Old English period, become greatly reduced, and it is consequently known as the period of leveled inflections. The language since 1500 is called Modern English. By the time we reach this stage in the development a large part of the original inflectional system has disappeared entirely, and we therefore speak of it as the period of lost inflections. The progressive decay of inflections is only one of the developments that mark the evolution of English in its various stages. We shall discuss in their proper place the other features that are characteristic of Old English, Middle English, and Modern English. 8
This is obscured somewhat in Modern English by the large number of words borrowed from Latin. 9 The effect of this shifting may be seen by comparing the English and the German words in the following pairs: English open—German offen; English water—German wasser; English pound— German pfund; English tongue—German zunge. 10 Some of the developments which distinguish Middle English begin as early as the tenth century, but a consideration of the matter as a whole justifies the date 1150 as the general line of demarcation.
Old english
39. The Dialects of Old English. Old English was not an entirely uniform language. Not only are there differences between the language of theearliest written records (about A.D. 700) and that of the later literary texts, but the language differed somewhat from one locality to another. We can distinguish four dialects in Old English times: Northumbrian, Mercian, West Saxon, and Kentish. Of these Northumbrian and Mercian are found in the region north of the Thames settled by the Angles. They possess certain features in common and are sometimes known collectively as Anglian. But Northum-brian, spoken north of the Humber, and Mercian, between the Humber and the Thames, each possess certain distinctive features as well. Unfortunately we know less about them than we should like since they are preserved mainly in charters, runic inscriptions, a few brief fragments of verse, and some interlinear translations of portions of the Bible. Kentish is known from still scantier remains and is the dialect of the Jutes in the southeast. The only dialect in which there is an extensive collection of texts is West Saxon, which was the dialect of the West Saxon kingdom in the southwest. Nearly all of Old English literature is preserved in manuscripts transcribed in this region. The dialects probably reflect differences already present in the continental homes of the invaders. There is evidence, however, that some features developed in England after the settlement. With the ascendancy of the West Saxon kingdom, the West Saxon dialect attained something of the position of a literary standard, and both for this reason and because of the abundance of the materials it is made the basis of the study of Old English. Such a start as it had made toward becoming the standard speech of England was cut short by the Norman Conquest, which, as we shall see, reduced all dialects to a common level of unimportance. And when in the late Middle English period a standard English once more began to arise, it was on the basis of a different dialect, that of the East Midlands. 40. Some Characteristics of Old English. The English language has undergone such change in the course of time that one cannot read Old English without special study. In fact a page of Old English is likely at first to present a look of greater strangeness than a page of French or Italian because of the employment of certain characters that no longer form a part of our alphabet. In general the differences that one notices between Old and Modern English concern spelling and pronunciation, the lexicon, and the grammar. The pronunciation of Old English words commonly differs somewhat from that of their modern equivalents. The long vowels in particular have undergone considerable modification. Thus the Old English word stān is the same word as Modern English stone, but the vowel is different. A similar correspondence is apparent in hālig—holy, gān—go, bān—bone, rāp—rope, hlāf—
A history of the english language
THE DIALECTS OF OLD ENGLISH Note. Only the major dialect areas are indicated. That the Saxon settlements north of the Thames (see § 34) had their own dialect features is apparent in Middle English. loaf, bāt—boat. Other vowels have likewise undergone changes in fōt (foot), cēne (keen), (fire), riht (right), hū (how), and hlūd (loud), but the identity of these metan (mete), words with their modern descendants is still readily apparent. Words like hēafod (head),
Old english
fæger (fair), or sāwol (soul) show forms that have been contracted in later English. All of these cases represent genuine differences of pronunciation. However, some of the first look of strangeness that Old English has to the modern reader is due simply to differences of spelling. Old English made use of two characters to represent the sound of th: þ and ð, thorn and eth, respectively, as in the word wiþ (with) or ðā (then), which we no longer employ. It also expressed the sound of a in hat by a digraph œ (ash), and since the sound is of very frequent occurrence, the character contributes not a little to the unfamiliar appearance of the page. Likewise Old English represented the sound of sh by sc, as in scēap (sheep) or scēotan (shoot), and the sound of k by c, as in cynn (kin) or nacod (speech). (naked); c was also used for the affricate now spelled ch, as in Consequently a number of words that were in all probability pronounced by King Alfred almost as they are by us present a strange appearance in the written or printed text. Such words as ecg (edge), scip (ship), bæc (back), benc (bench), þorn (thorn), pæt (that) are examples. It should be noted that the differences of spelling and pronunciation that figure so prominently in one’s first impression of Old English are really not very fundamental. Those of spelling are often apparent rather than real, as they represent no difference in the spoken language, and those of pronunciation obey certain laws as a result of which we soon learn to recognize the Old and Modern English equivalents. A second feature of Old English that would quickly become apparent to a modern reader is the rarity of those words derived from Latin and the absence of those from French which form so large a part of our present vocabulary. Such words make up more than half of the words now in common use. They are so essential to the expression of our ideas, seem so familiar and natural to us, that we miss them in the earlier stage of the language. The vocabulary of Old English is almost purely Germanic. A large part of this vocabulary, moreover, has disappeared from the language. When the Norman Conquest brought French into England as the language of the higher classes, much of the Old English vocabulary appropriate to literature and learning died out and was replaced later by words borrowed from French and Latin. An examination of the words in an Old English dictionary shows that about 85 percent of them are no longer in use. Those that survive, to be sure, are basic elements of our vocabulary and by the frequency with which they recur make up a large part of any English sentence. Apart from pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, and the like, they express fundamental concepts like mann (man), wīf (wife, woman), cild (child), hūs (house), weall (wall), mete (meat, food), gœrs (grass), lēaf (leaf), fugol (fowl, bird), gōd (good), hēah (high), strang (strong), etan (eat), drincan (drink), (sleep), libban (live), feohtan (fight). But the fact remains that a considerable part of the vocabulary of Old English is unfamiliar to the modern reader. The third and most fundamental feature that distinguishes Old English from the language of today is its grammar.11 Inflectional languages fall into two classes: synthetic 11
The principal Old English grammars, in the order of their publication, are F.A.March, A Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language (New York, 1870), now only of historical interest; P.J.Cosijn, Altwestsächsische Grammatik (Haag, 1883–1886); E.Sievers, An Old English Grammar, trans. A.S.Cook (3rd ed., Boston, 1903); K.D.Bülbring, Altenglisches Elementarbuch (Heidelberg, 1902); Joseph and Elizabeth M.Wright, Old English Grammar (2nd ed., Oxford, 1914), and the same authors’ An Elementary Old English Grammar (Oxford, 1923); Karl Brunner,
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and analytic. A synthetic language is one that indicates the relation of words in a sentence largely by means of inflections. In the case of the Indo-European languages these most commonly take the form of endings on the noun and pronoun, the adjective and the verb. Thus in Latin the nominative murus (wall) is distinguished from the genitive muri (of the wall), dative muro (to the wall), accusative murum, etc. A single verb form like laudaverunt (they have praised) conveys the idea of person, number, and tense along with the meaning of the root, a conception that we require three words for in English. The Latin sentence Nero interfecit Agrippinam means “Nero killed Agrippina.” It would mean the same thing if the words were arranged in any other order, such as Agrippinam interfecit Nero, because Nero is the form of the nominative case and the ending -am of Agrippinam marks the noun as accusative no matter where it stands. In Modern English, however, the subject and the object do not have distinctive forms, nor do we have, except in the possessive case and in pronouns, inflectional endings to indicate the other relations marked by case endings in Latin. Instead, we make use of a fixed order of words. It makes a great deal of difference in English whether we say Nero killed Agrippina or Agrippina killed Nero. Languages that make extensive use of prepositions and auxiliary verbs and depend upon word order to show other relationships are known as analytic languages. Modern English is an analytic, Old English a synthetic language. In its grammar Old English resembles modern German. Theoretically the noun and adjective are inflected for four cases in the singular and four in the plural, although the forms are not always distinctive, and in addition the adjective has separate forms for each of the three genders. The inflection of the verb is less elaborate than that of the Latin verb, but there are distinctive endings for the different persons, numbers, tenses, and moods. We shall illustrate the nature of the Old English inflections in the following paragraphs. 41. The Noun. The inflection of the Old English noun indicates distinctions of number (singular and plural) and case. The case system is somewhat simpler than that of Latin and some of the other Indo-European languages. There is no ablative, and generally no locative or instrumental case, these having been merged with the dative. In the same way the vocative of direct address is generally identical with the nominative form. Thus the Old English noun has only four cases. The endings of these cases vary with different nouns, but they fall into certain broad categories or declensions. There is a vowel declension and a consonant declension, also called the strong and weak declensions, according to whether the stem ended in Germanic in a vowel or a consonant, and within each of these types there are certain subdivisions. The stems of nouns belonging to the vowel declension ended in one of four vowels in Germanic (although these have disappeared in Old English): a, ō, i, or u, and the inflection varies accordingly. It is impossible here to Altenglische Grammatik (3rd ed., Halle, Germany, 1965), based on Sievers; Randolph Quirk and C.L.Wrenn, An Old English Grammar (2nd ed., London, 1973); and Alistair Campbell, Old English Grammar (Oxford, 1959). The first volume, on phonology, has appeared in Richard M.Hogg’s A Grammar of Old English (Oxford, 1992). Two classroom texts with grammars and readings are F.G.Cassidy and Richard N.Ringler, Bright’s Old English Grammar & Reader (3rd ed., New York, 1971), and Bruce Mitchell and Fred C.Robinson, A Guide to Old English (5th ed., Oxford, 1992).
Old english
present the inflections of the Old English noun in detail. Their nature may be gathered from two examples of the strong declension and one of the weak: stān (stone), a masculine a-stem; giefu (gift), a feminine ō-and hunta (hunter), a masculine consonantstem. Forms are given for the four cases, nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative: Singular
It is apparent from these examples that the inflection of the noun was much more elaborate in Old English than it is today. Even these few paradigms illustrate clearly the marked synthetic character of English in its earliest stage. 42. Grammatical Gender. As in Indo-European languages generally, the gender of Old English nouns is not dependent upon considerations of sex. Although nouns designating males are often masculine and those indicating females feminine, those indicating neuter objects are not necessarily neuter. Stān (stone) is masculine, mōna (moon) is masculine, but sunne (sun) is feminine, as in German. In French the corresponding words have just the opposite genders: pierre (stone) and lune (moon) are feminine while soleil (sun) is masculine. Often the gender of Old English nouns is quite illogical. Words like mœgden (girl), wīf (wife), bearn (child, son), and cild (child), which we should expect to be feminine or masculine, are in fact neuter, while wīfmann (woman) is masculine because the second element of the compound is masculine. The simplicity of Modern English gender has already been pointed out (§ 11) as one of the chief assets of the language. How so desirable a change was brought about will be shown later. 43. The Adjective. An important feature of the Germanic languages is the development of a twofold declension of the adjective: one, the strong declension, used with nouns when not 12
When the stem is short the adjective ends in -u in the nominative singular of the feminine and the nominative and accusative plural of the neuter.
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accompanied by a definite article or similar word (such as a demonstrative or possessive pronoun), the other, the weak declension, used when the noun is preceded by such a word. Thus we have in Old English gōd mann (good man) but sē gōda mann (the good man). The forms are those of the nominative singular masculine in the strong and weak declensions respectively, as illustrated below. STRONG DECLESION WEAK DECLENSION Masc. Singular
Fem. 12
gōd-e gōd-an gōd-ena or gōd-ra
This elaboration of inflection in the Old English adjective contrasts in the most striking way with the complete absence of inflection from the adjective in Modern English. Such complexity is quite unnecessary, as the English language demonstrates every day by getting along without it. Its elimination has resulted in a second great advantage that English possesses over some other languages. 44. The Definite Article. Like German, its sister language of today, Old English possessed a fully inflected definite article. How complete the declension of this word was can be seen from the following forms: SINGULAR PLURAL Masc.
All Genders
D. A. I.
Old english
While the ordinary meaning of sē, sēo, ðœt is ‘the’, the word is really a demonstrative pronoun and survives in the Modern English demonstrative that. Its pronominal character appears also in its not infrequent use as a relative pronoun (=who, which, that) and as a personal pronoun (=he, she, it). The regular personal pronoun, however, is shown in the next paragraph. 45. The Personal Pronoun. From the frequency of its use and the necessity for specific reference when used, the personal pronoun in all languages is likely to preserve a fairly complete system of inflections. Old English shows this tendency not only in having distinctive forms for practically all genders, persons, and cases but also in preserving in addition to the ordinary two numbers, singular and plural, a set of forms for two people or two things— the dual number. Indo-European had separate forms for the dual number in the verb as well, and these appear in Greek and to a certain extent in Gothic. They are not found, however, in Old English, and the distinction between the dual and the plural was disappearing even from the pronoun in Old English. The dual forms are shown, however, in the following table of the Old English personal pronoun: Singular
N. ic
hē (he)
hēo (she)
hit (it)
G. mīn
D. mē
A. mē (mec)
ðē (ðec)
N. wit (we two)
git (ye two)
G. uncer
D. unc
A. unc
N. wē
G. ūser (ūre)
D. ūs
A. ūs (ūsic)
ēow (ēowic)
46. The Verb. The inflection of the verb in the Germanic languages is much simpler than it was in IndoEuropean times. A comparison of the Old English verb with the verbal inflection of Greek or Latin will show how much has been lost. Old English distinguished only two simple tenses by inflection, a present and a past, and, except for one word, it had no inflectional forms for the passive as in Latin or Greek. It recognized the indicative, subjunctive, and imperative moods and had the usual two numbers and three persons.
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A peculiar feature of the Germanic languages was the division of the verb into two great classes, the weak and the strong, often known in Modern English as regular and irregular verbs. These terms, which are so commonly employed in modern grammars, are rather unfortunate because they suggest an irregularity in the strong verbs that is more apparent than real. The strong verbs, like sing, sang, sung, which represent the basic Indo-European type, are so called because they have the power of indicating change of tense by a modification of their root vowel. In the weak verbs, such as walk, walked, walked, this change is effected by the addition of a “dental,” sometimes of an extra syllable. The apparent irregularity of the strong verbs is due to the fact that verbs of this type are much less numerous than weak verbs. In Old English, if we exclude compounds, there were only a few over 300 of them, and even this small number falls into several classes. Within these classes, however, a perfectly regular sequence can be observed in the vowel changes of the root. Nowadays these verbs, generally speaking, have different vowels in the present tense, the past tense, and the past participle. In some verbs the vowels of the past tense and past participle are identical, as in break, broke, broken, and in some all three forms have become alike in modern times (bid, bid, bid). In Old English the vowel of the past tense often differs in the singular and the plural; or, to be more accurate, the first and third person singular have one vowel while the second person singular and all persons of the plural have another. In the principal parts of Old English strong verbs, therefore, we have four forms: the infmitive, the preterite singular (first and third person), the preterite plural, and the past participle. In Old English the strong verbs can be grouped in seven general classes. While there are variations within each class, they may be illustrated by the following seven verbs: I. drīfan II. cēosan
drifon 13
(ge) drifen
III. helpan
IV. beran
(fare, go)
V. sprecan VI. faran VII. feallan
The change of s to r is due to the fact that the accent was originally on the final syllable in the preterite plural and the past participle. It is known as Grammatical Change or Verner’s Law for the scholar who first explained it (cf. § 16). In Modern English the s has been restored in the past participle (chosen) by analogy with the other forms. The initial sound has been leveled in the same way. 14
The personal endings may be illustrated by the conjugation of the first verb in the above list, drīfan:
Old english
The origin of the dental suffixes by which weak verbs form their past tense and past participle is strongly debated. It was formerly customary to explain these as part of the verb do, as though I worked was originally I work—did (i.e., I did work). More recently an attempt has been made to trace these forms to a type of verb that formed its stem by adding -to- to the root. The origin of so important a feature of the Germanic languages as the weak conjugation is naturally a question to which we should like very much to find the answer. Fortunately it is not of prime importance to our present purpose of describing the structure of Old English. Here it is sufficient to note that a large and important group of verbs in Old English form their past tense by adding -ede, -ode, or -de to the present stem, and their past participles by adding -ed, -od, or -d. Thus fremman (to perform) has a preterite fremede and a past participle gefremed; lufian (to love) has lufode and gelufod; libban (to live) has lifde and gelifd. The personal endings except in the preterite singular are similar to those of the strong verbs and need not be repeated. It is to be noted, however, that the weak conjugation has come to be the dominant one in our language. Many strong verbs have passed over to this conjugation, and practically all new verbs added to our language are inflected in accordance with it. INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE Present
drīf-st (-est)
In addition to these forms the imperative was drīf (sing.) and drīfað (plur.), the present participle drīfende, and the gerund (i.e., the infinitive used as a verbal noun) tō drīfenne.
47. The Language Illustrated. We have spoken of the inflections of Old English in some detail primarily with the object of making more concrete what is meant when we call the language in this stage synthetic.
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In the later chapters of this book we shall have occasion to trace the process by which English lost a great part of this inflectional system and became an analytic language, so that the paradigms which we have given here will also prove useful as a point of departure for that discussion. The use of these inflections as well as the other characteristics of the language so far pointed out may be seen in the following specimens. The first is the Lord’s Prayer, the clauses of which can easily be followed through the modern form, which is familiar to us from the King James version of the Bible.
Fæder ūre, þū þe eart on heofonum, sī þīn nama gehālgod. Tōbecume þīn rīce. Gewurþe ðīn willa on eorðan swā swā on heofonum. Ūrne gedæghwāmlīcan hlāf syle ūs tō dæg. And forgyf ūs ūre gyltas, swā swā wē forgyfað ūrum gyltendum. And ne ac,
þū ūs on costnunge, ūs of yfele. Sōþlīce.
The second specimen is from the Old English translation of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History and tells the story of the coming of the missionaries to England under St. Augustine in 597:
Old english
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48. The Resourcefulness of the Old English Vocabulary. To one unfamiliar with Old English it might seem that a language which lacked the large number of words borrowed from Latin and French that now form so important a part of our vocabulary would be somewhat limited in resources. One might think that Old English, while possessing adequate means of expression for the affairs of simple everyday life, would be unable to make the fine distinctions that a literary language is called upon to express. In other words, an Anglo-Saxon might seem like someone today who is learning to speak a foreign language and who can manage in a limited way to convey the meaning without having a sufficient command of the vocabulary to express those subtler shades of thought and feeling, the nuances of meaning, that one is able to suggest in one’s native language. This, however, is not so. When our means are limited we often develop unusual resourcefulness in utilizing those means to the full. Such resourcefulness is characteristic of Old English. The language in this stage shows great flexibility, a capacity for bending old words to new uses. By means of prefixes and suffixes a single root is made to yield a variety of derivatives, and the range of these is greatly extended by the ease with which compounds are formed. The method can be made clear by an illustration. The word mōd, which is our word mood (a mental state), meant in Old English ‘heart’, ‘mind’, ‘spirit’, and hence ‘boldness’ or ‘courage’, sometimes ‘pride’ or ‘haughtiness’. From it, by the addition of a common adjective ending, was formed the adjective mōdig with a similar range of meanings (spirited, bold, high-minded, arrogant, stiff-necked), and by means of further endings the adjective mōdiglic ‘magnanimous’, the adverb mōdiglīce ‘boldly’, 15
The original is here somewhat normalized.
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‘proudly’, and the noun mōdignes ‘magnanimity’, ‘pride’. Another ending converted mōdig into a verb mōdigian, meaning ‘to bear oneself proudly or exultantly’, or sometimes, ‘to be indignant’, ‘to rage’. Other forms conveyed meanings whose relation to the root is easily perceived: gemōdod ‘disposed’, ‘minded’, mōdfull ‘haughty’, mōdlēas ‘spiritless’. By combining the root with other words meaning ‘mind’ or ‘thought’ the idea of the word is intensified, and we get mōdsefa, mōdgeþanc, mōdgeþoht, mōdgehygd, mōdgemynd, mōdhord (hord=treasure), all meaning ‘mind’, ‘thought’, ‘understanding’. Some sharpening of the concept is obtained in mōdcræft ‘intelligence’, and mōdcræftig ‘intelligent’. But the root lent itself naturally to combination with other words to indicate various mental states, such as glœdmōdnes ‘kindness’, mōdlufu ‘affection’ (lufu=love), unmōd ‘despondency’, mōdcaru ‘sorrow’ (caru=care), mōdlēast ‘want of courage’, mādmōd ‘folly’, ofermōd and ofermōdigung ‘pride’, ofermōdig ‘proud’, hēahmōd ‘proud’, ‘noble’, mōdhete ‘hate’ (hete=hate). It will be seen that Old English did not lack synonyms for some of the ideas in this list. By a similar process of combination a number of adjectives were formed: micelmōd ‘magnanimous’, swīþmōd ‘great of soul’ (swīþ=strong), stīþmōd ‘resolute’, ‘obstinate’ (stīþ=stiff, strong), gūþmōd ‘warlike’ (gūþ=war, battle), torhtmōd ‘glorious’ (torht=bright), mōdlēof ‘beloved’ (lēof−dear). The examples given are sufficient to illustrate the point, but they far from tell the whole story. From the same root more than a hundred words were formed. If we had space to list them, they would clearly show the remarkable capacity of Old English for derivation and word formation, and what variety and flexibility of expression it possessed. It was more resourceful in utilizing its native material than Modern English, which has come to rely to a large extent on its facility in borrowing and assimilating elements from other languages. 49. Self-explaining Compounds. In the list of words given in the preceding paragraph are a considerable number that we call self-explaining compounds. These are compounds of two or more native words whose meaning in combination is either self-evident or has been rendered clear by association and usage. In Modern English greenhouse, railway, sewing machine, one-way street, and coffee-table book are examples of such words. Words of this character are found in most languages, but the type is particularly prevalent in Old English, as it is in modern German. Where in English today we often have a borrowed word or a word made up of elements derived from Latin and Greek, German still prefers self-explaining compounds. Thus, for hydrogen German says Wasserstoff (water-stuff); for telephone Fernsprecher (far-speaker); and for fire insurance company Feur|versicherungs|gesellschaft. So in Old English many words are formed on this pattern. Thus we have lēohtfæt ‘lamp’ (lēoht light+fœt vessel), medu-heall ‘mead-hall’, dœgred ‘dawn’ (day-red), ealohūs ‘alehouse’, ealoscop ‘minstrel’, ēarhring ‘earring’, eorþcrœft ‘geometry, fiscdēag ‘purple’ (lit. fish-dye), fōtādl ‘gout’ (foot-disease), gimmwyrhta ‘jeweler’ (gem-worker), fiellesēocnes ‘epilepsy’ (falling-sickness; cf. Shakespeare’s use of this expression in Julius Caesar), frumweorc ‘creation’ (fruma beginning+work), and many more. The capacity of English nowadays to make similar
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words, though a little less frequently employed than formerly, is an inheritance of the Old English tradition, when the method was well-nigh universal. As a result of this capacity Old English seems never to have been at a loss for a word to express the abstractions of science, theology, and metaphysics, even those it came to know through contact with the church and Latin culture. 50. Prefixes and Suffixes. As previously mentioned, a part of the flexibility of the Old English vocabulary comes from the generous use made of prefixes and suffixes to form new words from old words or to modify or extend the root idea. In this respect it also resembles modern German. Among the words mentioned in the preceding paragraphs there are several that are formed with the suffixes -ig, -full, -lēas, -līce, -nes, and -ung. Others frequently employed include the adjective suffixes -sum (wynsum) and -wīs (rihtwīs), the noun suffixes -dōm (cyningdōm, eorldōm), -end, and -ere denoting the agent, -hād (cildhād), -ing in patronymics, -ung (dagung dawn), -scipe (frēondscipe), and many more. In like manner the use of prefixes was a fertile resource in word building. It is particularly a feature in the formation of verbs. There are about a dozen prefixes that occur with great frequency, such as ā-, be-, for-, fore-, ge-, mis-, of-, ofer-, on-, tō-, un-, under-, and wiþ-. Thus, with the help of these, Old English could make out of a simple verb like settan (to set) new verbs like āsettan ‘place’, besettan ‘appoint’, forsettan ‘obstruct’ foresettan ‘place before’, gesettan ‘people’, ‘garrison’, ofsettan ‘afflict’, onsettan ‘oppress’, tōsettan ‘dispose’, unsettan ‘put down’, and wiþsettan ‘resist’. The prefix wiþenters into more than fifty Old English verbs, where it has the force of against or away. Such, for example, are wiþcēosan ‘reject’ (cēosan=choose), wiþcweþan ‘deny’ (cweþan=say), wiþdrīfan ‘repel’, wiþsprecan ‘contradict’, and wiþstandan. Of these fifty verbs withstand is the only one still in use, although in Middle English two new verbs, withdraw and withhold, were formed on the same model. The prefix ofer- occurs in more than a hundred Old English verbs. By such means the resources of the English verb were increased almost tenfold, and enough such verbs survive to give us a realization of their employment in the Old English vocabulary. In general one is surprised at the apparent ease with which Old English expressed difficult ideas adequately and often with variety. ‘Companionship’ is literally rendered by gefērascipe; ‘hospitality’ by giestlīþnes (giest stranger, liþe gracious); gītsung ‘covetousness’ (gītsian=to be greedy). Godcundlic ‘divine’, indryhten ‘aristocratic’ (dryhten=prince), giefolnes ‘liberality’ (giefu=gift), gaderscipe ‘matrimony’ (gadrian=to gather), ‘medicine’ ( =physician) illustrate, so to speak, the method of approach. Often several words to express the same idea result. An astronomer or astrologer may be a tunglere (tungol=star), tungolcræftiga, tungolwītega, a tīdymbwlātend (tīd=time, ymb=about, wlātian=to gaze), or a tīdscēawere (scēawian= see, scrutinize). In poetry the vocabulary attains a remarkable flexibility through the wealth of synonyms for words like war, warrior, shield, sword, battle, sea, ship—sometimes as many as thirty for one of these ideas—and through the bold use of metaphors. The king is the leader of hosts, the giver of rings, the protector of eorls, the victory-lord, the heroes’ treasure-keeper. A sword is the product of files, the play of swords a battle, the battle-seat
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a saddle, the shield-bearer a warrior. Warriors in their woven war-shirts, carrying battlebrand or war-shaft, form the iron-clad throng. A boat is the sea-wood, the wave-courser, the broad-bosomed, the curved-stem, or the foamy-necked ship, and it travels over the whale-road, the sea-surge, the rolling of waves, or simply the water’s back. Synonyms never fail the Beowulf poet. Grendel is the grim spirit, the prowler on the wasteland, the lonely wanderer, the loathed one, the creature of evil, the fiend in Hell, the grim monster, the dark death-shadow, the worker of hate, the mad ravisher, the fell spoiler, and the incarnation of a dozen other attributes characteristic of his enmity toward humankind. No one can long remain in doubt about the rich and colorful character of the Old English vocabulary. 51. Old English Syntax. One of the most obvious features of syntactic style in any language is the degree to which grammatical and semantic relationships are expressed by subordinate clauses. A high proportion of long sentences with subordination, as in the prose of Edward Gibbon or Henry James or the poetry of John Milton, is known as hypotactic style, whereas shorter sentences and a higher proportion of principal clauses, as in the prose of Ernest Hemingway, is paratactic. Parataxis may also be interpreted as immature and childish, as in examples given by S.O.Andrew:
Then I asked him; then he replied… They came to a place on the road; there stood a temple. There lived in the convent a certain monk; he was called Martin: he said…16 16
S.O.Andrew, Syntax and Style in Old English (Cambridge, UK, 1940), p. 87.
There are clear differences in our modern perceptions of Old English written in this paratactic style and Old English written with many embedded clauses. The problem is in determining whether a particular clause is independent or subordinate, because the words that do the subordinating are often ambiguous. Thus, Old English þā the beginning of a clause can be either an adverb translated ‘then’ and introducing an independent clause, or a subordinating conjunction translated ‘when’ and introducing a dependent clause. Similarly,
can be translated as ‘there’ or ‘where’, þonne as ‘then’ or ‘when’, swā
as ‘formerly’ or ‘ere’, siððan as ‘afterward’ or ‘since’, nū as ‘now’ or as ‘so’ or ‘as’, ‘now that’, þēah as ‘nevertheless’ or ‘though’, and forðām as ‘therefore’ or ‘because’. In each pair the first word is an adverb, and the style that results from choosing it is a choppier style with shorter sentences, whereas the choice of the second word, a conjunction, results in longer sentences with more embedded clauses. Current research in Old English syntax aims to understand the use of these ambiguous subordinators and adverbs. The conclusions that emerge will affect our modern perception of the
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sophistication of Old English writing in verse and prose. Earlier editors tended to read a high degree of parataxis in Old English and to punctuate their editions accordingly. This reading fitted in with the idea that English subordinating conjunctions had their origins in adverbs. However, one can accept the adverbial origin of conjunctions and still argue, as Andrew did in 1940, that Old English style had attained a high degree of subordination (although Andrew’s conclusions now seem extreme). Furthermore, it is important to bear in mind that parataxis and hypotaxis are stylistic options and not syntactic necessities, because Old English clearly had the means for a highly subordinated style. Syntactic investigators now find generally more hypotaxis than earlier editors did, but the efforts are directed toward discovering specific structural cues before making generalizations. The most obvious cues are in the word order of the clause as a whole, which includes familiar historical patterns of subject and verb such as S…V, VS, and SV. These patterns have been intensively analyzed for the principles operating in the placement of the finite verb, which typically occurs in second position in main clauses, and in final position in subordinate clauses.17 In addition, there are more subtle cues in the patterning of auxiliaries, contractions, and other structures.18 Finally, as Bruce 17
See Robert P.Stockwell and Donka Minkova, “Subordination and Word Order Change in the History of English,” in Historical English Syntax, ed. Dieter Kastovksy (Berlin, 1991), pp. 367– 409. See also two essays in Parameters of Morphosyntactic Change, ed. Ans van Kemenade and Nigel Vincent (Cambridge, UK, 1997): Anthony Kroch and Ann Taylor, “Verb Movement in Old and Middle English: Dialect Variation and Language Contact,” pp. 297–325; and Ans van Kemenade, “V2 and Embedded Topicalization in Old and Middle English,” pp. 326–52. 18 See, for example, Daniel Donoghue, Style in Old English Poetry: The Test of the Auxiliary (New Haven, CT, 1987), and Mary Blockley, “Uncontracted Negation as a Cue to Sentence Structure in Old English Verse,” Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 89 (1990), 475–90.
Mitchell reminds us, it may be anachronistic to impose modern categories that result from our translations into words such as ‘then’ and ‘when’, “implying that the choice was simply between a subordinate clause and an independent clause in the modern sense of the words.”19 We should be especially cautious about imposing modern notions that equate hypotaxis with sophistication and parataxis with primitiveness until we know more about the full range of syntactic possibilities in Old English. Ongoing research in this subject promises to revise our ideas of the grammatical, semantic, and rhythmic relationships in Old English verse and prose. 52. Old English Literature. The language of a past time is known by the quality of its literature. Charters and records yield their secrets to the philologist and contribute their quota of words and inflections to our dictionaries and grammars. But it is in literature that a language displays its full power, its ability to convey in vivid and memorable form the thoughts and emotions of a
Old English Syntax, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1985), I, § 1879.
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people. The literature of the Anglo-Saxons is fortunately one of the richest and most significant of any preserved among the early Germanic peoples. Because it is the language mobilized, the language in action, we must say a word about it. Generally speaking, this literature is of two sorts. Some of it was undoubtedly brought to England by the Germanic conquerors from their continental homes and preserved for a time in oral tradition. All of it owes its preservation, however, and not a little its inspiration to the reintroduction of Christianity into the southern part of the island at the end of the sixth century, an event whose significance for the English language will be discussed in the next chapter. Two streams thus mingle in Old English literature, the pagan and the Christian, and they are never quite distinct. The poetry of pagan origin is constantly overlaid with Christian sentiment, while even those poems that treat of purely Christian themes contain every now and again traces of an earlier philosophy not wholly forgotten. We can indicate only in the briefest way the scope and content of this literature, and we shall begin with that which embodies the native traditions of the people. The greatest single work of Old English literature is Beowulf. It is a poem of some 3,000 lines belonging to the type known as the folk epic, that is to say, a poem which, whatever it may owe to the individual poet who gave it final form, embodies material long current among the people. It is a narrative of heroic adventure relating how a young warrior, Beowulf, fought the monster Grendel, which was ravaging the land of King Hrothgar, slew it and its mother, and years later met his death while ridding his own country of an equally destructive foe, a fire-breathing dragon. The theme seems somewhat fanciful to a modern reader, but the character of the hero, the social conditions pictured, and the portrayal of the motives and ideals that animated people in early Germanic times make the poem one of the most vivid records we have of life in the heroic age. It is not an easy life. It is a life that calls for physical endurance, unflinching courage, and a fine sense of duty, loyalty, and honor. A stirring expression of the heroic ideal is in the words that Beowulf addresses to Hrothgar before going to his dangerous encounter with Grendel’s mother: “Sorrow not…. Better is it for every man that he avenge his friend than that he mourn greatly. Each of us must abide the end of this world’s life; let him who may, work mighty deeds ere he die, for afterwards, when he lies lifeless, that is best for the warrior.” Outside of Beowulf Old English poetry of the native tradition is represented by a number of shorter pieces. Anglo-Saxon poets sang of the things that entered most deeply into their experience—of war and of exile, of the sea with its hardships and its fascination, of ruined cities, and of minstrel life. One of the earliest products of Germanic tradition is a short poem called Widsith in which a scop or minstrel pretends to give an account of his wanderings and of the many famous kings and princes before whom he has exercised his craft. Deor, another poem about a minstrel, is the lament of a scop who for years has been in the service of his lord and now finds himself thrust out by a younger man. But he is no whiner. Life is like that. Age will be displaced by youth. He has his day. Peace, my heart! Deor is one of the most human of Old English poems. The Wanderer is a tragedy in the medieval sense, the story of a man who once enjoyed a high place and has fallen upon evil times. His lord is dead and he has become a wanderer in strange courts, without friends. Where are the snows of yesteryear? The Seafarer is a monologue in which the speaker alternately describes the perils and hardships of the sea
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and the eager desire to dare again its dangers. In The Ruin the poet reflects on a ruined city, once prosperous and imposing with its towers and halls, its stone courts and baths, now but the tragic shadow of what it once was. Two great war poems, the Battle of Brunanburh and the Battle of Maldon, celebrate with patriotic fervor stirring encounters of the English, equally heroic in victory and defeat. In its shorter poems, no less than in Beowulf, Old English literature reveals at wide intervals of time the outlook and temper of the Germanic mind. More than half of Anglo-Saxon poetry is concerned with Christian subjects. Translations and paraphrases of books of the Old and New Testament, legends of saints, and devotional and didactic pieces constitute the bulk of this verse. The most important of this poetry had its origin in Northumbria and Mercia in the seventh and eighth centuries. The earliest English poet whose name we know was Cædmon, a lay brother in the monastery at Whitby. The story of how the gift of song came to him in a dream and how he subsequently turned various parts of the Scriptures into beautiful English verse comes to us in the pages of Bede. Although we do not have his poems on Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, and the like, the poems on these subjects that we do have were most likely inspired by his example. About 800 an Anglian poet named Cynewulf wrote at least four poems on religious subjects, into which he ingeniously wove his name by means of runes. Two of these, Juliana and Elene, tell well-known legends of saints. A third, Christ, deals with Advent, the Ascension, and the Last Judgment. The fourth, The Fates ofthe Apostles, touches briefly on where and how the various apostles died. There are other religious poems besides those mentioned, such as the Andreas, two poems on the life of St. Guthlac, a portion of a fine poem on the story of Judith in the Apocrypha; The Phoenix, in which the bird is taken as a symbol of the Christian life; and Christ and Satan, which treats the expulsion of Satan from Paradise together with the Harrowing of Hell and Satan’s tempting of Christ. All of these poems have their counterparts in other literatures of the Middle Ages. They show England in its cultural contact with Rome and being drawn into the general current of ideas on the continent, no longer simply Germanic, but cosmopolitan. In the development of literature, prose generally comes late. Verse is more effective for oral delivery and more easily retained in the memory. It is there-fore a rather remarkable fact, and one well worthy of note, that English possessed a considerable body of prose literature in the ninth century, at a time when most other modern languages in Europe had scarcely developed a literature in verse. This unusual accomplishment was due to the inspiration of one man, the Anglo-Saxon king who is justly called Alfred the Great (871–899). Alfred’s greatness rests not only on his capacity as a military leader and statesman but on his realization that greatness in a nation is no merely physical thing. When he came to the throne he found that the learning which in the eighth century, in the days of Bede and Alcuin, had placed England in the forefront of Europe, had greatly decayed. In an effort to restore England to something like its former state he undertook to provide for his people certain books in English, books that he deemed most essential to their welfare. With this object in view he undertook in mature life to learn Latin and either translated these books himself or caused others to translate them for him. First as a guide for the clergy he translated the Pastoral Care of Pope Gregory, and then, in order that the people might know something of their own past, inspired and may well have arranged for a translation of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People. A
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history of the rest of the world also seemed desirable and was not so easily to be had. But in the fifth century when so many calamities were befalling the Roman Empire and those misfortunes were being attributed to the abandonment of the pagan deities in favor of Christianity, a Spanish priest named Orosius had undertaken to refute this idea. His method was to trace the rise of other empires to positions of great power and their subsequent collapse, a collapse in which obviously Christianity had had no part. The result was a book which, when its polemical aim had ceased to have any significance, was still widely read as a compendium of historical knowledge. This Alfred translated with omissions and some additions of his own. A fourth book that he turned into English was The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius, one of the most famous books of the Middle Ages. Alfred also caused a record to be compiled of the important events of English history, past and present, and this, as continued for more than two centuries after his death, is the well-known Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. King Alfred was the founder of English prose, but there were others who carried on the tradition. Among these is Ælfric, the author of two books of homilies and numerous other works, and Wulfstan, whose Sermon to the English is an impassioned plea for moral and political reform. So large and varied a body of literature, in verse and prose, gives ample testimony to the universal competence, at times to the power and beauty, of the Old English language. BIBLIOGRAPHY For the prehistory of Europe and Britain, authoritative studies include V.G.Childe, The Dawn of European Civilization (6th ed., London, 1957), J.G.D.Clark, The Mesolithic Age in Britain (Cambridge, UK, 1932), and Stuart Piggott, The Neolithic Cultures of the British Isles (Cambridge, UK, 1954). For the Roman occupation of England the work of F.Haverfield is important, especially The Romanization of Roman Britain, rev. G.Macdonald (4th ed., Oxford, 1923), and The Roman Occupation of Britain (Oxford, 1924). A standard handbook is R.G.Collingwood and lan Richmond, The Archaeology of Roman Britain (rev. ed., London, 1969). The Roman occupation and the Germanic invasions were originally treated in one volume of the Oxford History of England in 1936, Roman Britain and the English Settlements, a classic known as “Collingwood and Myres,” but the expansion of knowledge in both subjects made two separate volumes necessary: Peter Salway, Roman Britain (Oxford, 1981) and J.N.L.Myres, The English Settlements (Oxford, 1986). F.M.Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England (3rd ed., Oxford, 1971), also in the Oxford History, is a masterly account of the period, to which may be added R.H.Hodgkin, A History of the Anglo-Saxons (3rd ed., Oxford, 1952); Kenneth Jackson, Language and History in Early Britain (Edinburgh, 1953); P.Hunter Blair, An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England (2nd ed., Cambridge, UK, 1977); and Dorothy Whitelock, The Beginnings of English Society, Pelican History of England, Vol. 2 (1952; rev. ed., Baltimore, MD, 1974). A useful aid to the histories in illustrating the geographic framework is David Hill, An Atlas of Anglo-Saxon England (Toronto, 1981). For further historical studies, see Simon Keynes, Anglo-Saxon History: A Select Bibliography, OEN Subsidia 13 (Binghamton, NY, 1987). An excellent overview of archaeology is David M.Wilson, ed., The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (London, 1976). The importance for Anglo-Saxon studies of the Sutton Hoo excavation in 1939 is documented in the text and illustrations of R.Bruce-Mitford’s The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial (3 vols., London, 1978–1983). For the phonology and morphology of Old English the best sources are the grammars mentioned on p. 56. Two works that provide Indo-European and Germanic background to the synchronic grammars are Samuel Moore and Thomas A. Knott, Elements of Old English (10th ed., Ann Arbor, MI, 1969) and, informed by
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recent linguistics, Roger Lass, Old English: A Historical Linguistic Companion (Cambridge, UK, 1994). For larger structures, see Bruce Mitchell, Old English Syntax (2 vols., Oxford, 1985) and Mary Blockley, Aspects of Old English Poetic Syntax: Where Clauses Begin (Urbana, IL, 2001). A major resource for the study of Old English is the Dictionary of Old English, in progress at Toronto. The new dictionary will replace J.Bosworth, An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, ed. T.N.Toller (Oxford, 1898), and Toller’s Supplement (Oxford, 1921). Among the associated projects of the new dictionary are R.L.Venezky and Antonette di Paolo Healey, A Microflche Concordance to Old English (Toronto, 1980) and R.L.Venezky and Sharon Butler, A Microfiche Concordance to Old English: The High Frequency Words (Toronto, 1985). Separate from the dictionary is A Thesaurus of Old English, ed. Jane Roberts and Christian Kay (2 vols., 2nd ed., Amsterdam, 2001). For both of these sources and other lexical studies, see Alfred Bammesberger, ed., Problems of Old English Lexicography: Studies in Memory of Angus Cameron (Regensburg, Germany, 1985). The main works on Old English etymology are F.Holthausen, Altenglisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (2nd ed., Heidelberg, 1974) and A.Bammesberger, Beiträge zu einem etymologischen Wörterbuch des Altenglischen (Heidelberg, 1979). Other linguistic scholarship can be found listed in Matsuji Tajima, Old and Middle English Language Studies: A Classified Bibliography, 1923–1985 (Amsterdam, 1988). A literary reference that is also valuable for language study is Stanley B.Greenfield and Fred C.Robinson, A Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature to the End of 1972 (Toronto, 1980); see also Stanley B.Greenfield and Daniel G.Calder, A New Critical History of Old English Literature (New York, 1986) and Malcolm Godden and Michael Lapidge, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature (Cambridge, UK, 1991). Current bibliographies of Anglo-Saxon studies appear annually in the Old English Newsletter and in Anglo-Saxon England.
4 Foreign Influences on Old English 53. The Contact of English with Other Languages. The language that was described in the preceding chapter was not merely the product of the dialects brought to England by the Jutes, Saxons, and Angles. These formed its basis, the sole basis of its grammar and the source of by far the largest part of its vocabulary. But other elements entered into it. In the course of the first 700 years of its existence in England it was brought into contact with at least three other languages, the languages of the Celts, the Romans, and the Scandinavians. From each of these contacts it shows certain effects, especially additions to its vocabulary. The nature of these contacts and the changes that were effected by them will form the subject of this chapter. 54. The Celtic Influence. Nothing would seem more reasonable than to expect that the conquest of the Celtic population of Britain by the Anglo-Saxons and the subsequent mixture of the two peoples should have resulted in a corresponding mixture of their languages; that consequently we should find in the Old English vocabulary numerous instances of words that the AngloSaxons heard in the speech of the native population and adopted. For it is apparent that the Celts were by no means exterminated except in certain areas, and that in most of England large numbers of them were gradually assimilated into the new culture. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle reports that at Andredesceaster or Pevensey a deadly struggle occurred between the native population and the newcomers and that not a single Briton was left alive. The evidence of the place-names in this region lends support to the statement. But this was probably an exceptional case. In the east and southeast, where the Germanic conquest was fully accomplished at a fairly early date, it is probable that there were fewer survivals of a Celtic population than elsewhere. Large numbers of the defeated fled to the west. Here it is apparent that a considerable Celtic-speaking population survived until fairly late times. Some such situation is suggested by a whole cluster of Celtic place-names in the northeastern corner of Dorsetshire.1 It is altogether likely that many Celts were held as slaves by the conquerors and that many of the AngloSaxons chose Celtic mates. In parts of the island, contact between the two peoples must have been constant and in some districts intimate for several generations.
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55. Celtic Place-Names and Other Loanwords. When we come, however, to seek the evidence for this contact in the English language, investigation yields very meager results. Such evidence as there is survives chiefly in place-names.2 The kingdom of Kent, for example, owes its name to the Celtic word Canti or Cantion, the meaning of which is unknown, while the two ancient Northumbrian kingdoms of Deira and Bernicia derive their designations from Celtic tribal names. Other districts, especially in the west and southwest, preserve in their present-day names traces of their earlier Celtic designations. Devonshire contains in the first element the tribal name Dumnonii, Cornwall means the ‘Cornubian Welsh’, and the former county Cumberland (now part of Cumbria) is the ‘land of the Cymry or Britons’. Moreover, a number of important centers in the Roman period have names in which Celtic elements are embodied. The name London itself, although the origin of the word is somewhat uncertain, most likely goes back to a Celtic designation. The first syllable of Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Gloucester, Worcester, Lichfield, and a score of other names of cities is traceable to a Celtic source, and the earlier name of Canterbury (Durovernum) is originally Celtic. But it is in the names of rivers and hills and places in proximity to these natural features that the greatest number of Celtic names survive. Thus the Thames is a Celtic river name, and various Celtic words for river or water are preserved in the names Avon, Exe, Esk, Usk, Dover, and Wye. Celtic words meaning ‘hill’ are found in placenames like Barr (cf. Welsh bar ‘top’, ‘summit’), Bredon (cf. Welsh bre ‘hill), Bryn Mawr (cf. Welsh bryn ‘hill and mawr ‘great’), Creech, Pendle (cf. Welsh pen ‘top’), and others. Certain other Celtic elements occur more or less frequently such as cumb (a deep valley) in names like Duncombe, Holcombe, Winchcombe; torr (high rock, peak) in Torr, Torcross, 1
R.E.Zachrisson, Romans, Kelts, and Saxons in Ancient Britain (Uppsala, Sweden, 1927), p. 55. An admirable survey of the Celtic element in English place-names is given by E.Ekwall in the Introduction to the Survey of English Place-Names, ed. A.Mawer and F.M.Stenton for the English Place-Name Society, 1, part 1 (Cambridge, UK, 1924), pp. 15–35. 2
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Torhill; pill (a tidal creek) in Pylle, Huntspill; and brocc (badger) in Brockholes, Brockhall, etc. Besides these purely Celtic elements a few Latin words such as castra, fontana, fossa, portus, and vīcus were used in naming places during the Roman occupation of the island and were passed on by the Celts to the English. These will be discussed later. It is natural that Celtic place-names should be more common in the west than in the east and southeast, but the evidence of these names shows that the Celts impressed themselves upon the Germanic consciousness at least to the extent of causing the newcomers to adopt many of the local names current in Celtic speech and to make them a permanent part of their vocabulary. Outside of place-names, however, the influence of Celtic upon the English language is almost negligible. Not more than a score of words in Old English can be traced with reasonable probability to a Celtic source. Within this small number it is possible to distinguish two groups: (1) those that the AngloSaxons learned through everyday contact with the natives, and (2) those that were introduced by the Irish missionaries in the north. The former were transmitted orally and were of popular character; the latter were connected with religious activities and were more or less learned. The popular words include binn (basket, crib), bratt (cloak), and brocc (brock or badger); a group of words for geographical features that had not played much part in the experience of the AngloSaxons in their continental home—crag, luh (lake), cumb (valley), and torr3 (outcropping or projecting rock, peak), the two latter chiefly as elements in place-names; possibly the words dun (dark colored), and ass (ultimately from Latin asinus). Words of the second group, those that came into English through Celtic Christianity, are likewise few in number. In 563 St. Columba had come with twelve monks from Ireland to preach to his kinsmen in Britain. On the little island of lona off the west coast of Scotland he established a monastery and made it his headquarters for the remaining thirty-four years of his life. From this center many missionaries went out, founded other religious houses, and did much to spread Christian doctrine and learning. As a result of their activity the words ancor (hermit), (magician), cine (a gathering of parchment leaves), cross, (history) and clugge (bell), gabolrind (compass), mind (diadem), and perhaps cursian (to curse), came into at least partial use in Old English. It does not appear that many of these Celtic words attained a very permanent place in the English language. Some soon died out, and others acquired only local currency. The relation of the two peoples was not such as to bring 3
Cf. E.Ekwall, “Zu zwei keltischen Lehnwörtern in Altenglischen,” Englische Studien, 54 (1920), 102–10.
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about any considerable influence on English life or on English speech. The surviving Celts were a submerged people. The Anglo-Saxon found little occasion to adopt Celtic modes of expression, and the Celtic influence remains the least of the early influences that affected the English language. 56. Three Latin Influences on Old English. If the influence of Celtic upon Old English was slight, it was doubtless so because the relation of the Celt to the Anglo-Saxon was that of a submerged culture and because the Celt was not in a position to make notable contributions to Anglo-Saxon civilization. It was quite otherwise with the second great influence exerted upon English—that of Latin—and the circumstances under which they met. Latin was not the language of a conquered people. It was the language of a highly regarded civilization, one from which the Anglo-Saxons wanted to learn. Contact with that civilization, at first commercial and military, later religious and intellectual, extended over many centuries and was constantly renewed. It began long before the Anglo-Saxons came to England and continued throughout the Old English period. For several hundred years, while the Germanic tribes who later became the English were still occupying their continental homes, they had various relations with the Romans through which they acquired a considerable number of Latin words. Later when they came to England they saw the evidences of the long Roman rule in the island and learned from the Celts additional Latin words that had been acquired by them. And a century and a half later still, when Roman missionaries reintroduced Christianity into the island, this new cultural influence resulted in a quite extensive adoption of Latin elements into the language. There were thus three distinct occasions on which borrowing from Latin occurred before the end of the Old English period, and it will be of interest to consider more in detail the character and extent of these borrowings. 57. Chronological Criteria. In order to form an accurate idea of the share that each of these three periods had in extending the resources of the English vocabulary it is first necessary to determine as closely as possible the date at which each of the borrowed words entered the language. This is naturally somewhat difftcult to do, and in the case of some words it is impossible. But in a large number of cases it is possible to assign a word to a given period with a high degree of probability and often with certainty. It will be instructive to pause for a moment to inquire how this is done. The evidence that can be employed is of various kinds and naturally of varying value. Most obvious is the appearance of the word in literature. If a given word occurs with fair frequency in texts such as Beowulf, or the poems of Cynewulf, such occurrence indicates that the word has had time to pass into current use and that it came into English not later than the early part of the period of Christian influence. But it does not tell us how much earlier it was known in the language, because the earliest written records in English do
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not go back beyond the year 700. Moreover the late appearance of a word in literature is no proof of late adoption. The word may not be the kind of word that would naturally occur very often in literary texts, and so much of Old English literature has been lost that it would be very unsafe to argue about the existence of a word on the basis of existing remains. Some words that are not found recorded before the tenth century (e.g., pīpe ‘pipe’, cīese ‘cheese’) can be assigned confidently on other grounds to the period of continental borrowing. The character of the word sometimes gives some clue to its date. Some words are obviously learned and point to a time when the church had become well established in the island. On the other hand, the early occurrence of a word in several of the Germanic dialects points to the general circulation of the word in the Germanic territory and its probable adoption by the ancestors of the English on the continent. Testimony of this kind must of course be used with discrimination. A number of words found in Old English and in Old High German, for example, can hardly have been borrowed by either language before the Anglo-Saxons migrated to England but are due to later independent adoption under conditions more or less parallel, brought about by the introduction of Christianity into the two areas. But it can hardly be doubted that a word like copper, which is rare in Old English, was nevertheless borrowed on the continent when we find it in no less than six Germanic languages. Much the most conclusive evidence of the date at which a word was borrowed, however, is to be found in the phonetic form of the word. The changes that take place in the sounds of a language can often be dated with some definiteness, and the presence or absence of these changes in a borrowed word constitutes an important test of age. A full account of these changes would carry us far beyond the scope of this book, but one or two examples may serve to illustrate the principle. Thus there occurred in Old English, as in most of the Germanic languages, a change known as i-umlaut4 This change affected certain accented vowels and diphthongs (œ, followed in the next syllable by an and
ā became
) when they were
or j. Under such circumstances œ and ă became ĕ, became
The diphthongs
later Thus *baŋkiz>benc (bench), *mūsiz> plural of mūs (mouse), etc. The change occurred in English in the course of the seventh century, and when we find it taking place in a word borrowed from Latin it indicates that the Latin word had 4
Umlaut is a German word meaning ‘alteration of sound’. In English this is sometimes called mutation.
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been taken into English by that time. Thus Latin monēta (which became *munit in Prehistoric OE)>mynet (a coin, Mod. E. mint) and is an early borrowing. Another change (even earlier) that helps us to date a borrowed word is that known as palatal diphthongization. By this sound-change an
in early Old English was changed to a
diphthong ( and respectively) when preceded by certain palatal consonants (ċ, ġ, sc). OE cīese (L. cāseus, cheese), mentioned above, shows both i–umlaut and palatal diphthongization In many words evidence for date is furnished by the sound-changes of Vulgar Latin. Thus, for example, an intervocalic p (and p in the combination pr) in the late Latin of northern Gaul (seventh century) was modified to a sound approximating a v, and the fact that L. cuprum, coprum (copper) appears in OE as copor with the p unchanged indicates a period of borrowing prior to this change (cf. F. cuivre). Again Latin ĭ changed to ẹ before A.D. 400 so that words like OE biscop (L. episcopus), disc (L. discus), sigel, ‘brooch’ (L. sigillum), etc., which do not show this change, were borrowed by the English on the continent. But enough has been said to indicate the method and to show that the distribution of the Latin words in Old English among the various periods at which borrowing took place rests not upon guesses, however shrewd, but upon definite facts and upon fairly reliable phonetic inferences. 58. Continental Borrowing (Latin Influence of the Zero Period). The first Latin words to find their way into the English language owe their adoption to the early contact between the Romans and the Germanic tribes on the continent. Several hundred Latin words found in the various Germanic dialects at an early date—some in one dialect only, others in several—testify to the extensive intercourse between the two peoples. The Germanic population within the empire by the fourth century is estimated at several million. They are found in all ranks and classes of society, from slaves in the fields to commanders of important divisions of the Roman army. Although they were scattered all over the empire, they were naturally most numerous along the northern frontier. This stretched along the Rhine and the Danube and bordered on Germanic territory. Close to the border was Treves, in the third and fourth centuries the most flourishing city in Gaul, already boasting Christian churches, a focus of eight military roads, where all the luxury and splendor of Roman civilization were united almost under the gaze of the Germanic tribes on the Moselle and the Rhine. Traders, Germanic as well as Roman, came and went, while Germanic youth returning from within the empire must have carried back glowing accounts of Roman cities and Roman life. Such intercourse between the two peoples was certain to carry words from one language to the other. The frequency of the intercourse may naturally be expected to diminish somewhat as one recedes from the borders of the empire. Roman military operations, for example, seldom extended as far as the district occupied by the Angles or the Jutes. But after the conquest of Gaul by Caesar, Roman merchants quickly found their way into all parts of the Germanic territory, even into Scandinavia, so that the inhabitants of these more remote sections were by no means cut off from Roman influence. Moreover,
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intercommunication between the different Germanic tribes was frequent and made possible the transference of Latin words from one tribe to another. In any case some sixty words from the Latin can be credited with a considerable degree of probability to the ancestors of the English in their continental homes. The adopted words naturally indicate the new conceptions that the Germanic peoples acquired from this contact with a higher civilization. Next to agriculture the chief occupation of the Germanic tribes in the empire was war, and this experience is reflected in words like camp (battle), segn (banner), pīl (pointed stick, javelin), weall (wall), pytt (road, street), mīl (mile), and miltestre (courtesan). More numerous are the (pit), words connected with trade. They traded amber, furs, slaves, and probably certain raw materials for the products of Roman handicrafts, articles of utility, luxury, and adornment. The words cēap (bargain; cf. Eng., cheap, chapman) and mangian (to trade) with its derivatives mangere (monger), mangung (trade, commerce), and mangunghūs (shop) are fundamental, while pund (pound), mydd (bushel), sēam (burden, loan), and mynet (coin) are terms likely to be employed. From the last word Old English formed the words mynetian (to mint or coin) and mynetere (money-changer). One of the most important branches of Roman commerce with the Germanic peoples was the wine trade: hence such words in English as wīn (wine), must (new wine), eced (vinegar), and flasce5 (flask, bottle). To this period are probably to be attributed the words cylle (L. culleus, leather bottle), cyrfette (L. curcurbita, gourd), and sester (jar, pitcher). A number of the new words relate to domestic life and designate household articles, clothing, and the like: cytel (kettle; L. catillus, catīnus) mēse (table), scamol (L. scamellum, bench, stool; cf. modern shambles), teped (carpet, curtain; L. tapētum), pyle (L. pulvinus, pillow), pilece (L. pellicia, robe of skin), and sigel (brooch, necklace; L. sigillum). Certain other words of a similar kind probably belong here, although the evidence for their adoption thus early is not in every case conclusive: cycene (kitchen; L. coquīna), cuppe (L. cuppa, cup), disc (dish; L. discus), cucler (spoon; L. cocleārium), mortere 5
The OE flasce should have become flash in Modern English, so that the word was probably reintroduced later and may have been influenced (as the OED suggests) by the Italian fiasco.
(L. mortārium, a mortar, a vessel of hard material), līnen (cognate with or from L. līnum, flax), līne (rope, line; L. līnea), and gimm (L. gemma, gem). The speakers of the Germanic dialects adopted Roman words for certain foods, such as cīese (L. cāseus cheese), spelt (wheat), pipor (pepper), senep (mustard; L. sināpi), cisten (chestnut tree; L. castanea), cires (bēam) (cherry tree; L. cerasus), while to this period are probably to be assigned butere (butter; L. ),6 ynne (lēac) (L. ūnio, onion), plūme (plum), pise (L. pisum, pea), and minte (L. mentha, mint). Roman contributions to the building arts are evidenced by such words as cealc (chalk), copor (copper), pic (pitch), and tigele (tile), while miscellaneous words such as mūl (mule), draca (dragon), pāwa (peacock), the adjectives sicor (L. sēcūrus, safe) and calu (L. calvus, bald), segne (seine), pīpe (pipe, musical instrument), biscop (bishop), cāsere (emperor), and Sæternesdæg (Saturday) may be mentioned. OE cirice (church) derives from a word borrowed into West Germanic during this period, though probably from Greek κυρικóv covrather than from Latin.7 In general, if we are surprised at the number of words acquired from the Romans at so early a date by the Germanic tribes that came to England, we can see nevertheless that the
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words were such as they would be likely to borrow and such as reflect in a very reasonable way the relations that existed between the two peoples. 59. Latin through Celtic Transmission (Latin Influence of the First Period). The circumstances responsible for the slight influence that Celtic exerted on Old English limited in like manner the Latin influence that sprang from the period of Roman occupation. From what has been said above (see page 45) about the Roman rule in Britain, the extent to which the country was Romanized, and the employment of Latin by certain elements in the population, one would expect a considerable number of Latin words from this period to have remained in use and to appear in the English language today. But this is not the case. It would be hardly too much to say that not five words outside of a few elements found in place-names can be really proved to owe their presence in English to the Roman occupation of Britain.8 It is probable that the use of Latin as a spoken language did not long survive the end of Roman rule in the island and that such vestiges as remained for a time were lost in the disorders that accompanied the Germanic invasions. There was thus no opportunity for direct contact between Latin and Old English in England, and such Latin words as could have found their way into English would have had to come in through Celtic transmission. The Celts, indeed, had adopted a considerable number of Latin words—more than 600 have been identified—but the relations between the Celts and the English were such, as we have already seen, that these words were not passed on. Among the few Latin words that the Anglo-Saxons seem likely to have acquired upon settling in England, one of the most likely, in spite of its absence from the Celtic languages, is ceaster. This word, which represents the Latin castra (camp), is a common designation in Old English for a town or enclosed community. It forms a familiar element in English place-names such as Chester, Colchester, Dorchester, Manchester, Winchester, Lancaster, Doncaster, Gloucester, Worcester, and many others. Some of these refer to sites of Roman camps, but it must not be thought that a Roman settlement underlies all the towns whose names contain this common element. The English attached it freely to the designation of any enclosed place intended for habitation, and many of the places so designated were known by quite different names in Roman times. A few other words are thought for one reason or another to belong to this period: port (harbor, gate, town) from L. portus and porta; munt 6
Butter is a difficult word to explain. The unweakened t suggests early borrowing. Butter was practically unknown to the Romans; Pliny has to explain its meaning and use. But a well-known allusion in Sidonius Apollinaris testifies to its use among the Burgundians on their hair. The bishop complains of the rancid odor of Burgundian chiefs with buttered hair. 7 The OED has an interesting essay on the uncertainties of the etymology of church. Other words that probably belong to the period of continental borrowing are ynce (ounce, inch), palenise (palace), solor (upper room), tæfel (chessboard), miscian (to mix), and olfend (camel), but there is some uncertainty about their origin or history. 8 J.Loth in Les Mots latins dans les langues brittoniques (Paris, 1892, p. 29) assigns fifteen words to this period. Some of these, however, are more probably to be considered continental borrowings.
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(mountain) from L. mōns, montem; torr (tower, rock) possibly from L. turris, possibly from Celtic; wīc (village) from L. vīcus. All of these words are found also as elements in place-names. It is possible that some of the Latin words that the Germanic speakers had acquired on the continent, such as street (L. strāta via), wall, wine, and others, were reinforced by the presence of the same words in Celtic. At best, however, the Latin influence of the First Period remains much the slightest of all the influences that Old English owed to contact with Roman civilization. 60. Latin Influence of the Second Period: The Christianizing of Britain. The greatest influence of Latin upon Old English was occasioned by the conversion of Britain to Roman Christianity beginning in 597. The religion was far from new in the island, because Irish monks had been preaching the gospel in the north since the founding of the monastery of lona by Columba in 563. However, 597 marks the beginning of a systematic attempt on the part of Rome to convert the inhabitants and make England a Christian country. According to the well-known story reported by Bede as a tradition current in his day, the mission of St. Augustine was inspired by an experience of the man who later became Pope Gregory the Great. Walking one morning in the marketplace at Rome, he came upon some fair-haired boys about to be sold as slaves and was told that they were from the island of Britain and were pagans. “‘Alas! what pity,’ said he, ‘that the author of darkness is possessed of men of such fair countenances, and that being remarkable for such a graceful exterior, their minds should be void of inward grace?’ He therefore again asked, what was the name of that nation and was answered, that they were called Angles. ‘Right,’ said he, ‘for they have an angelic face, and it is fitting that such should be co-heirs with the angels in heaven. What is the name,’ proceeded he, ‘of the province from which they are brought?’ It was replied that the natives of that province were called Deiri. ‘Truly are they de ira’ said he, ‘plucked from wrath, and called to the mercy of Christ. How is the king of that province called?’ They told him his name was Ælla; and he, alluding to the name, said ‘Alleluia, the praise of God the Creator, must be sung in those parts.’” The same tradition records that Gregory wished himself to undertake the mission to Britain but could not be spared. Some years later, however, when he had become pope, he had not forgotten his former intention and looked about for someone whom he could send at the head of a missionary band. Augustine, the person of his choice, was a man well known to him. The two had lived together in the same monastery, and Gregory knew him to be modest and devout and thought him well suited to the task assigned him. With a little company of about forty monks Augustine set out for what seemed then like the end of the earth. It is not easy to appreciate the difftculty of the task that lay before this small band. Their problem was not so much to substitute one ritual for another as to change the philosophy of a nation. The religion that the Anglo-Saxons shared with the other Germanic tribes seems to have had but a slight hold on the people at the close of the sixth century; but their habits of mind, their ideals, and the action to which these gave rise were often in sharp contrast to the teachings of the New Testament. Germanic philosophy exalted physical courage, independence even to haughtiness, loyalty to one’s family or leader that left no wrong unavenged. Christianity preached meekness, humility, and
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patience under suffering and said that if a man struck you on one cheek you should turn the other. Clearly it was no small task that Augustine and his forty monks faced in trying to alter the age-old mental habits of such a people. They might even have expected difficulty in obtaining a respectful hearing. But they seem to have been men of exemplary lives, appealing personality, and devotion to purpose, and they owed their ultimate success as much to what they were as to what they said. Fortunately, upon their arrival in England one circumstance was in their favor. There was in the kingdom of Kent, in which they landed, a small number of Christians. But the number, though small, included no less a person than the queen. Æthelberht, the king, had sought his wife among the powerful nation of the Franks, and the princess Bertha had been given to him only on condition that she be allowed to continue undisturbed in her Christian faith. Æthelberht set up a small chapel near his palace in Kentwara-byrig (Canterbury), and there the priest who accompanied Bertha to England conducted regular services for her and the numerous dependents whom she brought with her. The circumstances under which Æthelberht received Augustine and his companions are related in the extract from Bede given in § 47 above. Æthelberht was himself baptized within three months, and his example was followed by numbers of his subjects. By the time Augustine died seven years later, the kingdom of Kent had become wholly Christian. The conversion of the rest of England was a gradual process. In 635 Aidan, a monk from the Scottish monastery of lona, independently undertook the reconversion of Northumbria at the invitation of King Oswald. Northumbria had been Christianized earlier by Paulinus but had reverted to paganism after the defeat of King Edwin by the Welsh and the Mercians in 632. Aidan was a man of great sympathy and tact. With a small band of followers he journeyed from town to town, and wherever he preached he drew crowds to hear him. Within twenty years he had made all Northumbria Christian. There were periods of reversion to paganism, and some clashes between the Celtic and the Roman leaders over doctrine and authority, but England was slowly won over to the faith. It is significant that the Christian missionaries were allowed considerable freedom in their labors. There is not a single instance recorded in which any of them suffered martyrdom in the cause they espoused. Within a hundred years of the landing of Augustine in Kent all England was Christian. 61. Effects of Christianity on English Civilization. The introduction of Christianity meant the building of churches and the establishment of monasteries. Latin, the language of the services and of ecclesiastical learning, was once more heard in England. Schools were established in most of the monasteries and larger churches. Some of these became famous through their great teachers, and from them trained men went out to set up other schools at other centers. The beginning of this movement was in 669, when a Greek bishop, Theodore of Tarsus, was made archbishop of Canterbury. He was accompanied by Hadrian, an African by birth, a man described by Bede as “of the greatest skill in both the Greek and Latin tongues.” They devoted considerable time and energy to teaching. “And because,” says Bede, “they were abundantly learned in sacred and profane literature, they gathered a crowd of disciples…and together with the books of Holy Writ, they also taught the arts of poetry,
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astronomy, and computation of the church calendar; a testimony of which is that there are still living at this day some of their scholars, who are as well versed in the Greek and Latin tongues as in their own, in which they were born.” A decade or two later Aldhelm carried on a similar work at Malmesbury. He was a remarkable classical scholar. He had an exceptional knowledge of Latin literature, and he wrote Latin verse with ease. In the north the school at York became in time almost as famous as that of Canterbury. The two monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow were founded by Benedict Biscop, who had been with Theodore and Hadrian at Canterbury, and who on five trips to Rome brought back a rich and valuable collection of books. His most famous pupil was the Venerable Bede, a monk at Jarrow. Bede assimilated all the learning of his time. He wrote on grammar and prosody, science and chronology, and composed numerous commentaries on the books of the Old and New Testament. His most famous work is the Ecclesiastical History of the English People (731), from which we have already had occasion to quote more than once and from which we derive a large part of our knowledge of the early history of England. Bede’s spiritual grandchild was Alcuin, of York, whose fame as a scholar was so great that in 782 Charlemagne called him to be the head of his Palace School. In the eighth century England held the intellectual leadership of Europe, and it owed this leadership to the church. In like manner vernacular literature and the arts received a new impetus. Workers in stone and glass were brought from the continent for the improvement of church building. Rich embroidery, the illumination of manuscripts, and church music occupied others. Moreover the monasteries cultivated their land by improved methods of agriculture and made numerous contributions to domestic economy. In short, the church as the carrier of Roman civilization influenced the course of English life in many directions, and, as is to be expected, numerous traces of this influence are to be seen in the vocabulary of Old English. 62. The Earlier Influence of Christianity on the Vocabulary. From the introduction of Christianity in 597 to the close of the Old English period is a stretch of more than 500 years. During all this time Latin words must have been making their way gradually into the English language. It is likely that the first wave of religious feeling that resulted from the missionary zeal of the seventh century, and that is reflected in intense activity in church building and the establishing of monasteries during this century, was responsible also for the rapid importation of Latin words into the vocabulary. The many new conceptions that followed in the train of the new religion would naturally demand expression and would at times find the resources of the language inadequate. But it would be a mistake to think that the enrichment of the vocabulary that now took place occurred overnight. Some words came in almost immediately, others only at the end of this period. In fact, it is fairly easy to divide the Latin borrowings of the Second Period into two groups, more or less equal in size but quite different in character. The one group represents words whose phonetic form shows that they were borrowed early and whose early adoption is attested also by the fact that they had found their way into literature by the time of Alfred. The other contains words of a more learned character first recorded in the tenth and eleventh centuries and owing their introduction clearly to
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the religious revival that accompanied the Benedictine Reform. It will be well to consider them separately. It is obvious that the most typical as well as the most numerous class of words introduced by the new religion would have to do with that religion and the details of its external organization. Words are generally taken over by one language from another in answer to a definite need. They are adopted because they express ideas that are new or because they are so intimately associated with an object or a concept that acceptance of the thing involves acceptance also of the word. A few words relating to Christianity such as church and bishop were, as we have seen, borrowed earlier. The Anglo-Saxons had doubtless plundered churches and come in contact with bishops before they came to England. But the great majority of words in Old English having to do with the church and its services, its physical fabric and its ministers, when not of native origin were borrowed at this time. Because most of these words have survived in only slightly altered form in Modern English, the examples may be given in their modern form. The list includes abbot, alms, altar, angel, anthem, Arian, ark, candle, canon, chalice, cleric, cowl, deacon, disciple, epistle, hymn, litany, manna, martyr, mass, minster, noon, nun, offer, organ, pall, palm, pope, priest, provost, psalm, psalter, relic, rule, shrift, shrine, shrive, stole, subdeacon, synod, temple, and tunic. Some of these were reintroduced later. But the church also exercised a profound influence on the domestic life of the people. This is seen in the adoption of many words, such as the names of articles of clothing and household use—cap, sock, silk, purple, chest, mat, sack;9 words denoting foods, such as beet, caul (cabbage), lentil (OE lent), millet (OE mil), pear, radish, doe, oyster (OE ostre), lobster, mussel, to which we may add the noun cook;10 names of trees, plants, and herbs (often cultivated for their medicinal properties), such as box, pine,11 aloes, balsam, fennel, hyssop, lily, mallow, marshmallow, myrrh, rue, savory (OE sæþrige), and the general word plant. A certain number of words having to do with education and learning reflect another aspect of the church’s influence. Such are school, master, Latin (possibly an earlier borrowing), grammatic(al), verse, meter, gloss, notary (a scribe). Finally we may mention a number of words too miscellaneous to admit of profitable classification, like anchor, coulter, fan (for winnowing), fever, place (cf. marketplace), spelter (asphalt), sponge, elephant, phoenix, mancus (a coin), and some more or less learned or literary words, such as calend, circle, legion, giant, consul, and talent. The words cited in these examples are mostly nouns, but Old English borrowed also a number of verbs and adjectives such as āspendan (to spend; L. expendere), bemūtian (to exchange; L. mūtāre), dihtan (to compose; L. dictāre) pīnian (to torture; L. poena), pinsian (to weigh; L. pēnsāre), pyngan (to prick; L. pungere), sealtian (to dance; L. saltāre), temprian (to temper; L. temperāre), trifolian (to grind; L. trībulāre), tyrnan (to turn; L. tornāre), and crisp (L. crispus, ‘curly’). But enough has been said to indicate the extent and variety of the borrowings from Latin in the early days 9
Other words of this sort, which have not survived in Modern English, are cemes (shirt), swiftlere (slipper), sūtere (shoemaker), byden (tub, bushel), bytt (leather bottle), cēac (jug), læfel (cup), orc (pitcher), and (blanket, rug). 10 11
Cf. also OE cīepe (onion, L. cēpa), (turnip, L. nāpus), sigle (rye, V.L. sigale). Also sæppe (spruce-fir), mōrbēam (mulberry tree).
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of Christianity in England and to show how quickly the language reflected the broadened horizon that the English people owed to the church. 63. The Benedictine Reform. The flourishing state of the church that resulted in these significant additions to the English language unfortunately did not continue uninterrupted. One cause of the decline is to be attributed to the Danes, who at the end of the eighth century began their ravages upon the country. Lindisfarne was burnt in 793, and Jarrow, Bede’s monastery, was plundered the following year. In the ninth century throughout Northumbria and Mercia churches and monasteries lay everywhere in ruins. By the tenth century the decline had affected the moral fiber of the church. It would seem as though once success had been attained and a reasonable degree of security, the clergy relaxed their efforts. Wealthy men had given land freely to religious foundations in the hope of laying up spiritual reserves for themselves against the life in the next world. Among the clergy poverty gave way to ease, and ease by a natural transition passed into luxury. Probably a less worthy type was drawn by these new conditions into the religious profession. We hear much complaint about immoderate feasting and drinking and vanity in dress. In the religious houses discipline became lax, services were neglected, monasteries were occupied by groups of secular priests, many of them married; immorality was flagrant. The work of education was neglected, and learning decayed. By the time of Alfred things had reached such a pass that he looked upon the past as a golden age which had gone, “when the Kings who ruled obeyed God and His evangelists,” and when “the religious orders were earnest about doctrine, and learning, and all the services they owed to God”; and he lamented that the decay of learning was so great at the beginning of his reign “that there were very few on this side of the Humber who could understand their rituals in English, or translate a letter from Latin into English, and I believe not many beyond the Humber. So few were there that I cannot remember a single one south of the Thames when I came to the kingship.” A century later Ælfric, abbot of Eynsham, echoed the same sentiment when he said, “Until Dunstan and Athelwold revived learning in the monastic life no English priest could either write a letter in Latin, or understand one.” It is hardly likely, therefore, that many Latin words were added to the English language during these years when religion and learning were both at such a low ebb. But abuses when bad enough have a way of bringing about their own reformation. What is needed generally is an individual with the zeal to lead the way and the ability to set an example that inspires imitation. King Alfred had made a start. Besides restoring churches and founding monasteries, he strove for twenty years to spread education in his kingdom and foster learning. His efforts bore little fruit. But in the latter half of the tenth century three great religious leaders, imbued with the spirit of reform, arose in the church: Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury (d. 988), Athelwold, bishop of Winchester (d. 984), and Oswald, bishop of Worcester and archbishop of York (d. 992). With the sympathetic support of King Edgar these men effected a genuine revival of monasticism in England. The true conception of the monastic life was inseparable from the observance of the Benedictine Rule. Almost everywhere in England this had ceased to be adhered to. As the first step in the reform the secular clergy were turned out of the monasteries and
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their places filled by monks pledged to the threefold vow of chastity, obedience, and poverty. In their work of restoration the reformers received powerful support from the example of continental monasteries, notably those at Fleury and Ghent. These had recently undergone a similar reformation under the inspiring leadership of Cluny, where in 910 a community had been established on even stricter lines than those originally laid down by St. Benedict. Dunstan had spent some time at the Abbey of Blandinium at Ghent; Oswald had studied the system at Fleury; and Athelwold, although wanting to go himself, had sent a representative to Fleury for the same purpose. On the pattern of these continental houses a number of important monasteries were recreated in England, and Athelwold prepared a version of the Benedictine Rule, known as the Concordia Regularis, to bring about a general uniformity in their organization and observances. The effort toward reform extended to other divisions of the church, indeed to a general reformation of morals, and brought about something like a religious revival in the island. One of the objects of special concern in this work of rehabilitation was the improvement of education—the establishment of schools and the encouragement of learning among the monks and the clergy. The results were distinctly gratifying. By the close of the century the monasteries were once more centers of literary activity. Works in English for the popularizing of knowledge were prepared by men who thus continued the example of King Alfred, and manuscripts both in Latin and the vernacular were copied and preserved. It is significant that the four great codices in which the bulk of Old English poetry is preserved date from this period. We doubtless owe their existence to the reform movement. 64. Influence of the Benedictine Reform on English. The influence of Latin upon the English language rose and fell with the fortunes of the church and the state of learning so intimately connected with it. As a result of the renewed literary activity just described, a new series of Latin importations took place. These differed somewhat from the earlier Christian borrowings in being words of a less popular kind and expressing more often ideas of a scientific and learned character. They are especially frequent in the works of Ælfric and reflect not only the theological and pedagogical nature of his writings but also his classical tastes and attainments. His literary activity and his vocabulary are equally representative of the movement. As in the earlier Christian borrowings a considerable number of words have to do with religious matters: alb, Antichrist, antiphoner, apostle, canticle, cantor, cell, chrism, cloister, collect, creed, dalmatic, demon, dirge, font, idol, nocturn, prime, prophet, sabbath, synagogue, troper. But we miss the group of words relating to everyday life characteristic of the earlier period. Literary and learned words predominate. Of the former kind are accent, brief (the verb), decline (as a term of grammar), history, paper, pumice, quatern (a quire or gathering of leaves in a book), term(inus), title. A great number of plant names are recorded in this period. Many of them are familiar only to readers of old herbals. Some of the better known include celandine, centaury, coriander, cucumber, ginger,
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hellebore, lovage, periwinkle, petersili (parsley), verbena.12 A few names of trees might be added, such as cedar, cypress, fig, laurel, and magdāla (almond).13 Medical terms, like cancer, circulādl (shingles), paralysis, scrofula, plaster, and words relating to the animal kingdom, like aspide (viper), camel, lamprey, scorpion, tiger, belong apparently to the same category of learned and literary borrowings. It would be possible to extend these lists considerably by including words that were taken over in their foreign form and not assimilated. Such words as epactas, corporale, confessores, columba (dove), columne, cathedra, catacumbas, apostata, apocalipsin, acolitus, absolutionem, invitatorium, unguentum, cristalla, cometa, bissexte, bibliothece, basilica, adamans, and prologus show at once by their form their foreign character. Although many of them were later reintroduced into the language, they do not constitute an integral part of the vocabulary at this time. In general, the later borrowings of the Christian period come through books. An occasional word assigned to this later period may have been in use earlier, but there is nothing in the form to indicate it, and in the absence of any instance of its use in the literature before Alfred it is safer to put such borrowings in the latter part of the Old English period. 65. The Application of Native Words to New Concepts. The words that Old English borrowed in this period are only a partial indication of the extent to which the introduction of Christianity affected the lives and thoughts of the English people. The English did not always adopt a foreign word to express a new concept. Often an old word was applied to a new thing and by a slight adaptation made to express a new meaning. The Anglo-Saxons, for example, did not borrow the Latin word deus, because their own word God was a satisfactory equivalent. Likewise heaven and hell express conceptions not unknown to Anglo-Saxon paganism and are consequently English words. Patriarch was rendered literally by hēahfœder (high father), prophet by wītega (wise one), martyr often by the native word þrōwere (one who suffers pain), and saint by hālga (holy one). Specific members of the church organization such as pope, bishop, and priest, or monk and abbot represented individuals for which the English had no equivalent and therefore borrowed the Latin terms; however they did not borrow a general word for clergy but used a native expression, ðœt gāstlice folc (the spiritual folk). The word Easter is a Germanic word taken over from a pagan festival, likewise in the spring, in honor of Eostre, the goddess of dawn. Instead of borrowing the Latin word praedicāre (to preach) the English expressed the idea with words of their own, such as (to teach) or bodian (to bring a message); to pray (L. precāre) was rendered by biddan (to ask) and other words of similar meaning, prayer by a word from the same 12
A number of interesting words of this class have not survived in modern usage, such as aprotane (wormwood), armelu (wild rue), caric (dry fig), elehtre (lupin), mārūfie (horehound), nepte (catnip), pollegie (pennyroyal), hymele (hop-plant). 13 Most of these words were apparently bookish at this time and had to be reintroduced later from French.
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root, gebed. For baptize (L. baptizāre) the English adapted a native word fullian (to consecrate) while its derivative fulluht renders the noun baptism. The latter word enters into numerous compounds, such as fulluhtbœþ (font), fulwere (baptist), fulluht-fœder (baptizer), fulluht-hād (baptismal vow), fulluht-nama (Christian name), fulluht-stōw (baptistry), fulluht-tīd (baptism time), and others. Even so individual a feature of the Christian faith as the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was expressed by the Germanic word hūsl (modern housel), while lāc, the general word for sac-rifice to the gods, was also sometimes applied to the Sacrifice of the Mass. The term Scriptures found its exact equivalent in the English word gewritu, and ēvangelium was rendered by godspell, originally meaning good tidings. Trinity (L .trinitas) was translated þrines (three-ness), the idea of God the Creator was expressed by scieppend (one who shapes or forms), fruma (creator, founder), or metod (measurer). Native words like fæder (father), dryhten (prince), wealdend (ruler), þēoden (prince), weard (ward, protector), hlāford (lord) are frequent synonyms. Most of them are also applied to Christ, originally a Greek word and the most usual name for the Second Person of the Trinity, but (Savior) is also commonly employed. The Third Person (Spiritus Sanctus) was translated Hālig Gäst (Holy Ghost). Latin diabolus was borrowed as dēofol (devil) but we find fēond (fiend) as a common synonym. Examples might be multiplied. Cross is rōd (rood), trēow (tree), from ārīsan (to arise); peccatum is synn gealga (gallows), etc.; resurrection is (sin), while other words like mān, firen, leahtor, wōh, and scyld, meaning ‘vice’, ‘crime’, ‘fault’, and the like, are commonly substituted. The Judgment Day is Doomsday. Many of these words are translations of their Latin equivalents and their vitality is attested by the fact that in a great many cases they have continued in use down to the present day. It is important to recognize that the significance of a foreign influence is not to be measured simply by the foreign words introduced but is revealed also by the extent to which it stimulates the language to independent creative effort and causes it to make full use of its native resources. 66. The Extent of the Influence. To be sure, the extent of a foreign influence is most readily seen in the number of words borrowed. As a result of the Christianizing of Britain some 450 Latin words appear in English writings before the close of the Old English period. This number does not include derivatives or proper names, which in the case of biblical names are very numerous. But about 100 of these were purely learned or retained so much of their foreign character as hardly to be considered part of the English vocabulary. Of the 350 words that have a right to be so considered, some did not make their way into general use until later—were, in fact, reintroduced later. On the other hand, a large number of them were fully accepted and thoroughly incorporated into the language. The real test of a foreign influence is the degree to which the words that it brought in were assimilated. This is not merely a question of the power to survive; it is a question of how completely the words were digested and became indistinguishable from the native word-stock, so that they could enter into compounds and be made into other parts of speech, just like native words. When, for example, the Latin noun planta comes into English as the noun plant and later
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is made into a verb by the addition of the infinitive ending -ian (plantian) and other inflectional elements, we may feel sure that the word has been assimilated. This happened in a number of cases as in gemartyrian (to martyr), sealmian (to play on the harp), culpian (to humiliate oneself), fersian (to versify), glēsan (to gloss), and crispian (to curl). Assimilation is likewise indicated by the use of native formative suffixes such as -dōm, -hād, -ung to make a concrete noun into an abstract (martyrdōm, martyrhād, martyrung). The Latin influence of the Second Period was not only extensive but thorough and marks the real beginning of the English habit of freely incorporating foreign elements into its vocabulary. 67. The Scandinavian Influence: The Viking Age. Near the end of the Old English period English underwent a third foreign influence, the result of contact with another important language, the Scandinavian. In the course of history it is not unusual to witness the spectacle of a nation or people, through causes too remote or complex for analysis, suddenly emerging from obscurity, playing for a time a conspicuous, often brilliant, part, and then, through causes equally difficult to define, subsiding once more into a relatively minor sphere of activity. Such a phenomenon is presented by the Germanic inhabitants of the Scandinavian peninsula and Denmark, onetime neighbors of the Anglo-Saxons and closely related to them in language and blood. For some centuries the Scandinavians had remained quietly in their northern home. But in the eighth century a change, possibly economic, possibly political, occurred in this area and provoked among them a spirit of unrest and adventurous enterprise. They began a series of attacks upon all the lands adjacent to the North Sea and the Baltic. Their activities began in plunder and ended in conquest. The Swedes established a kingdom in Russia; Norwegians colonized parts of the British Isles, the Faroes, and Iceland, and from there pushed on to Greenland and the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland; the Danes founded the dukedom of Normandy and finally conquered England. The pinnacle of their achievement was reached in the beginning of the eleventh century when Cnut, king of Denmark, obtained the throne of England, conquered Norway, and from his English capital ruled the greater part of the Scandinavian world. The daring sea rovers to whom these unusual achievements were due are commonly known as Vikings,14 and the period of their activity, extending from the middle of the eighth century to the beginning of the eleventh, is popularly known as the Viking Age. It was to their attacks upon, settlements in, and ultimate conquest of England that the Scandinavian influence upon Old English was due.
The term viking is usually thought to be derived from Old Norse vīk, a bay, as indicating “one who came out from, or frequented, inlets of the sea.” It may, however, come from OE wīc, a camp, “the formation of temporary encampments being a prominent feature of viking raids” (OED).
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68. The Scandinavian Invasions of England. In the Scandinavian attacks upon England three well-marked stages can be distinguished. The first is the period of early raids, beginning according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in 787 and continuing with some intermissions until about 850. The raids of this period were simply plundering attacks upon towns and monasteries near the coast. Sacred vessels of gold and silver, jeweled shrines, costly robes, and valuables of all kinds were carried off, and English people were captured to be made slaves. Noteworthy instances are the sacking of Lindisfarne and Jarrow in 793 and 794. But with the plundering of these two famous monasteries the attacks apparently ceased for forty years, until renewed in 834 along the southern coast and in East Anglia. These early raids were apparently the work of small isolated bands. The second stage is the work of large armies and is marked by widespread plundering in all parts of the country and by extensive settlements. This new development was inaugurated by the arrival in 850 of a Danish fleet of 350 ships. Their pirate crews wintered in the isle of Thanet and the following spring captured Canterbury and London and ravaged the surrounding country. Although defeated by a West Saxon army, they soon renewed their attacks. In 866 a large Danish army plundered East Anglia and in 867 captured York. In 869 the East Anglian king, Edmund, met a cruel death in resisting the invaders. The incident made a deep impression on all England, and the memory of his martyrdom was vividly preserved in English tradition for nearly two centuries. The eastern part of England was now largely in the hands of the Danes, and they began turning their attention to Wessex. The assault upon Wessex began shortly before the accession of King Alfred (871–899). Even the greatness of this greatest of English kings threatened to prove insufficient to withstand the repeated attacks of the Northmen. After seven years of resistance, in which temporary victories were invariably succeeded by fresh defeats, Alfred was forced to take refuge with a small band of personal followers in the marshes of Somerset. But in this darkest hour for the fortunes of the English, Alfred’s courage and persistence triumphed. With a fresh levy of men from Somerset, Wiltshire, and Hampshire, he suddenly attacked the Danish army under Guthrum at Ethandun (now Edington, in Wiltshire). The result was an overwhelming victory for the English and a capitulation by the Danes (878). The Treaty of Wedmore (near Glastonbury), which was signed by Alfred and Guthrum the same year, marks the culmination of the second stage in the Danish invasions. Wessex was saved. The Danes withdrew from Alfred’s territory. But they were not compelled to leave England. The treaty merely defined the line, running roughly from Chester to London, to the east of which the foreigners were henceforth to remain. This territory was to be subject to Danish law and is hence known as the Danelaw. In addition the Danes agreed to accept Christianity, and Guthrum was baptized. This last provision was important. It might secure the better observance of the treaty, and, what was more important, it would help to pave the way for the ultimate fusion of the two groups. The third stage of the Scandinavian incursions covers the period of political adjustment and assimilation from 878 to 1042. The Treaty of Wedmore did not put an end to Alfred’s troubles. Guthrum was inclined to break faith, and there were fresh
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invasions from outside. But the situation slowly began to clear. Under Alfred’s son Edward the Elder (900–925) and grandson Athelstan (925–939) the English began a series of counterattacks that put the Danes on the defensive. One of the brilliant victories of the English in this period was Athelstan’s triumph in 937 in the battle of Brunanburh, over a combined force of Danes and Scots, a victory celebrated in one of the finest of Old English poems. By the middle of the century a large part of eastern England, though still strongly Danish in blood and custom, was once more under English rule. Toward the end of the century, however, when England seemed at last on the point of solving its Danish problem, a new and formidable succession of invasions began. In 991 a substantial Viking fleet, which may have been under the command of Olaf Tryggvason, attacked and pillaged various towns along the southeast coast of England. It then sailed up the Blackwater to the vicinity of Maldon, where it was met by Byrhtnoth, the valiant earl of the East Saxons, in a battle celebrated in another famous Old English war poem, The Battle of Maldon. Here the English, heroic in defeat, lost their leader, and soon the invaders were being bribed by large sums to refrain from plunder. The invasions now began to assume an official character. In 994 Olaf, who shortly became king of Norway, was joined by Svein, king of Denmark, in a new attack on London. The sums necessary to buy off the enemy became greater and greater, rising in 1012 to the amazing figure of £48,000. In each case the truce thus bought was temporary, and Danish forces were soon again marching over England, murdering and pillaging. Finally Svein determined to make himself king of the country. In 1014, supported by his son Cnut, he crowned a series of victories in different parts of England by driving Æthelred, the English king, into exile and seizing the throne. Upon his sudden death the same year his son succeeded him. Three years of fighting established Cnut’s claim to the throne, and for the next twenty-five years England was ruled by Danish kings. 69. The Settlement of the Danes in England. The events here rapidly summarized had as an important consequence the settlement of large numbers of Scandinavians in England. However temporary may have been the stay of many of the attacking parties, especially those that in the beginning came simply to plunder, many individuals remained behind when their ships returned home. Often they became permanent settlers in the island. Some indication of their number may be had from the fact that more than 1,400 places in England bear Scandinavian names. Most of these are naturally in the north and east of England, the district of the Danelaw, for it was here that the majority of the invaders settled. Most of the new inhabitants were Danes, although there were considerable Norwegian settlements in the northwest, especially in what is now Cumbria, and in a few of the northern counties. The presence of a large Scandinavian element in the population is indicated not merely by placenames but by peculiarities of manorial organization, local government, legal procedure, and the like. Thus we have to do not merely with large bands of marauders, marching and countermarching across England, carrying hardship and devastation into all parts of the country for upward of two centuries, but also with an extensive peaceable settlement by farmers who intermarried with the English, adopted many of their customs, and entered into the everyday life of the community. In the districts where such settlements took
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place, conditions were favorable for an extensive Scandinavian influence on the English language. 70. The Amalgamation of the Two Peoples. The amalgamation of the two peoples was greatly facilitated by the close kinship that existed between them. The problem of the English was not the assimilation of an alien people representing an alien culture and speaking a wholly foreign tongue. The policy of the English kings in the period when they were reestablishing their control over the Danelaw was to accept as an established fact the mixed population of the district and to devise a modus vivendi for its component elements. In this effort they were aided by the natural adaptability of the Scandinavian. Generations of contact with foreign communities, into which their many enterprises had brought them, had made the Scandinavians a cosmopolitan people. The impression derived from a study of early English institutions is that in spite of certain native customs that the Danes continued to observe, they assimilated to most of the ways of English life. That many of them early accepted Christianity is attested by the large number of Scandinavian names found not only among monks and abbots, priests and bishops, but also among those who gave land to monasteries and endowed churches. It would be a great mistake to think of the relation between Anglo-Saxon and Dane, especially in the tenth century, as uniformly hostile. One must distinguish, as we have said, between the predatory bands that continued to traverse the country and the large numbers that were settled peacefully on the land. Alongside the ruins of English towns—Symeon of Durham reports that the city of Carlisle remained uninhabited for 200 years after its destruction by the Danes—there existed important communities established by the newcomers. They seem to have grouped themselves at first in concentrated centers, parceling out large tracts of land from which the owners had fled, and preferring this form of settlement to too scattered a distribution in a strange land. Among such centers the Five Boroughs—Lincoln, Stamford, Leicester, Derby, and Nottingham—became important foci of Scandinavian influence. It was but a question of time until these large centers and the multitude of smaller communities where the Northmen gradually settled were absorbed into the general mass of the English population. 71. The Relation of the Two Languages. The relation between the two languages in the district settled by the Danes is a matter of inference rather than exact knowledge. Doubtless the situation was similar to that observable in numerous parts of the world today where people speaking different languages are found living side by side in the same region. Although in some places the
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Scandinavians gave up their language early15 there were certainly communities in which Danish or Norse remained for some time the usual language. Up until the time of the Norman Conquest the Scandinavian language in England was constantly being renewed by the steady stream of trade and conquest. In some parts of Scotland, Norse was still spoken as late as the seventeenth century. In other districts in which the prevailing speech was English there were doubtless many of the newcomers who continued to speak their own language at least as late as 1100 and a considerable number who were to a greater or lesser degree bilingual. The last-named circumstance is rendered more likely by the frequent intermarriage between the two peoples and by the similarity between the two tongues. The Anglian dialect resembled the language of the Northmen in a number of particulars in which West Saxon showed divergence. The two may even have been mutually intelligible to a limited extent. Contemporary statements on the subject are conflicting, and it is difficult to arrive at a conviction. But wherever the truth lies in this debatable question, there can be no doubt that the basis existed for an extensive interaction of the two languages upon each other, and this conclusion is amply borne out by the large number of Scandinavian elements subsequently found in English. 72. The Tests of Borrowed Words. The similarity between Old English and the language of the Scandinavian invaders makes it at times very difficult to decide whether a given word in Modern English is a native or a borrowed word. Many of the more common words of the two languages were identical, and if we had no Old English literature from the period before the Danish invasions, we should be unable to say that many words were not of Scandinavian origin. In certain cases, however, we have very reliable criteria by which we can recognize a borrowed word. These tests are not such as the lay person can generally apply, although occasionally they are sufficiently simple. The most reliable depend upon differences in the development of certain sounds in the North Germanic and West Germanic areas. One of the simplest to recognize is the development of the sound sk. In Old English this was early palatalized to sh (written sc), except possibly in the combination scr, whereas in the Scandinavian countries it retained its hard sk sound. Consequently, while native words like ship, shall, fish have sh in Modern English, words borrowed from the Scandinavians are generally still pronounced with sk: sky, skin, skill, scrape, scrub, bask, whisk. The OE scyrte has become shirt, while the corresponding ON form skyrta gives us skirt. In the same way the retention of the hard pronunciation of k and g in such words as kid, dike16 (cf. ditch), get, give, gild, and egg is an indication of Scandinavian origin. Occasionally, though not very often, the vowel of a word gives clear proof of borrowing. For example, 15
On this question see E.Ekwall, “How Long Did the Scandinavian Language Survive in England?” Jespersen Miscellany, pp. 17–30, and R.I.Page, “How Long Did the Scandinavian Language Survive in England? The Epigraphical Evidence,” in England Before the Conquest: Studies in Primary Sources Presented to Dorothy Whitelock, ed. P.Clemoes and K.Hughes (Cambridge, UK, 1971), pp. 165–81.
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the Germanic diphthong ai becomes ā in Old English (and has become ō in Modern English) but became ei or ē in Old Scandinavian. Thus aye, nay (beside no from the native word), hale (cf. the English form (w)hole), reindeer, and swain are borrowed words, and many more examples can be found in Middle English and in the modern dialects. Thus there existed in Middle English the forms geit, gait, which are from Scandinavian, beside gāt, gōt from the OE word. The native word has survived in Modern English goat. In the same way the Scandinavian word for loathsome existed in Middle English as leiþ, laiþ beside lāþ, lōþ. Such tests as these, based on sounddevelopments in the two languages, are the most reliable means of distinguishing Scandinavian from native words. But occasionally meaning gives a fairly reliable test. Thus our word bloom (flower) could come equally well from OE blōma or Scandinavian blōm. But the OE word meant an ‘ingot of iron’, whereas the Scandinavian word meant ‘flower, bloom’. It happens that the Old English word has survived as a term in metallurgy, but it is the Old Norse word that has come down in ordinary use. Again, if the initial g in gift did not betray the Scandinavian origin of this word, we should be justified in suspecting it from the fact that the cognate OE word gift meant the ‘price of a wife’, and hence in the plural ‘marriage’, whereas the ON word had the more general sense of ‘gift, present’. The word plow in Old English meant a measure of land, in Scandinavian the agricultural implement, which in Old English was called a sulh. When neither the form of a word nor its meaning proves its Scandinavian origin we can never be sure that we are dealing with a borrowed word. The fact that an original has not been preserved in Old English is no proof that such an original did not exist. Nevertheless when a word appears in Middle English that cannot be traced to an Old English source but for which an entirely satisfactory original exists in Old Norse, and when that word occurs chiefly in texts written in districts where Danish influence was strong, or when it has survived in dialectal use in these districts today, the probability that we have here a borrowed word is fairly strong. In every case final judgment must rest upon a careful consideration of all the factors involved. 73. Scandinavian Place-Names. Among the most notable evidences of the extensive Scandinavian settlement in England is the large number of places that bear Scandinavian names. When we find more than 600 places like Grimsby, Whitby, Derby, Rugby, and Thoresby, with names ending in -by, nearly all of them in the district occupied by the Danes, we have a striking evidence of the number of Danes who settled in England. For these names all contain the Danish word by, meaning ‘farm’ or ‘town’, a word that is also seen in our word by-law (town law). Some 300 names like Althorp, Bishopsthorpe, Gawthorpe, and Linthorpe contain the Scandinavian word thorp (village). An almost equal number contain the word thwaite 16
The k in this could be accounted for on the basis of the oblique cases, but it is more probably due to Scandinavian influence. It is possible that the retention of the hard k and g is due to Anglian rather than Scandinavian tendencies.
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(an isolated piece of land)—Applethwaite, Braithwaite, Cowperthwaite, Langthwaite, Satterthwaite. About a hundred places bear names ending in toft (a piece of ground, a messuage)—Brimtoft, Eastoft, Langtoft, Lowestoft, Nortoft. Numerous other Scandinavian elements enter into English place-names, which need not be particularized here. It is apparent that these elements were commonplace in the speech of the people of the Danelaw. It has been remarked above that more than 1,400 Scandinavian place-names have been counted in England, and the number will undoubtedly be increased when a more careful survey of the material has been made. These names are not uniformly distributed over the Danelaw. The largest number are found in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. In some districts in these counties as many as 75 percent of the place-names are of Scandinavian origin. Cumbria contributes a large number, reflecting the extensive Norse settlements in the northwest, while Norfolk, with a fairly large representation, shows that the Danes were numerous in at least this part of East Anglia. It may be remarked that a similarly high percentage of Scandinavian personal names has been found in the medieval records of these districts. Names ending in -son, like Stevenson or Johnson, conform to a characteristic Scandinavian custom, the equivalent of Old English patronymic being -ing, as in Browning. 74. The Earliest Borrowing. The extent of this influence on English place-nomenclature would lead us to expect a large infiltration of other words into the vocabulary. But we should not expect this infiltration to show itself at once. The early relations of the invaders with the English were too hostile to lead to much natural intercourse, and we must allow time for such words as the Anglo-Saxons learned from their enemies to find their way into literature. The number of Scandinavian words that appear in Old English is consequently small, amounting to only about two score. The largest single group of these is such as would be associated with a sea-roving and predatory people. Words like barda (beaked ship), cnearr (small warship), scegþ (vessel), liþ (fleet), scegþmann (pirate), dreng (warrior), hā (oarlock) and (rower in a warship), bātswegen (boatman, source of Modern English boatswain), hofding (chief, ringleader), orrest (battle), rān (robbery, rapine), and fylcian (to collect or marshal a force) show in what respects the invaders chiefly impressed the English. A little later we find a number of words relating to the law or characteristic of the social and administrative system of the Danelaw. The word law itself is of Scandinavian origin, as is the word outlaw. The word māl (action at law), hold (freeholder), wapentake (an administrative district), hūsting (assembly), and riding (originally thriding, one of the former divisions of Yorkshire) owe their use to the Danes. In addition to these, a number of genuine Old English words seem to be translations of Scandinavian terms: bōtlēas (what cannot be compensated), hāmsōcn (attacking an enemy in his house), lahcēap (payment for reentry into lost legal rights), landcēap (tax paid when land was bought) are examples of such translations.17 English legal 17
Cf. E.Björkman, Scandinavian Loan-words in Middle English (Halle, Germany, 1900–1902), p. 12.
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terminology underwent a complete reshaping after the Norman Conquest, and most of these words have been replaced now by terms from the French. But their temporary existence in the language is an evidence of the extent to which Scandinavian customs entered into the life of the districts in which the Danes were numerous. 75. Scandinavian Loanwords and Their Character. It was after the Danes had begun to settle down peaceably in the island and enter into the ordinary relations of life with the English that Scandinavian words began to enter in numbers into the language. If we examine the bulk of these words with a view to dividing them into classes and thus discovering in what domains of thought or experience the Danes contributed especially to English culture and therefore to the English language, we shall not arrive at any significant result. The Danish invasions were not like the introduction of Christianity, bringing the English into contact with a different civilization and introducing them to many things, physical as well as spiritual, that they had not known before. The civilization of the invaders was very much like that of the English themselves. Consequently the Scandinavian elements that entered the English language are such as would make their way into it through the give-and-take of everyday life. Their character can best be conveyed by a few examples, arranged simply in alphabetical order. Among nouns that came in are axle-tree, band, bank, birth, boon, booth, brink, bull, calf (of leg), crook, dirt, down (feathers), dregs, egg, fellow, freckle, gait, gap, girth, guess, hap, keel, kid, leg, link, loan, mire, race, reef (of sail), reindeer, rift, root, scab, scales, score, scrap, seat, sister, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slaughter, snare, stack, steak, swain, thrift, tidings, trust, want, window. The list has been made somewhat long in order to better illustrate the varied and yet simple character of the borrowings. Among adjectives we find awkward, flat, ill, loose, low, meek, muggy, odd, rotten, rugged, scant, seemly, sly, tattered, tight, and weak. There are also a surprising number of common verbs among the borrowings, like to bait, bask, batten, call, cast, clip, cow, crave, crawl, die, droop, egg (on), flit, gape, gasp, get, give, glitter, kindle, lift, lug, nag, raise, rake, ransack, rid, rive, scare, scout (an idea), scowl, screech, snub, sprint, take, thrive, thrust. Lists such as these suggest better than any explanation the familiar, everyday character of the words that the Scandinavian invasions and subsequent settlement brought into English. 76. The Relation of Borrowed and Native Words. It will be seen from the words in the above lists that in many cases the new words could have supplied no real need in the English vocabulary. They made their way into English simply as the result of the mixture of the two peoples. The Scandinavian and the English words were being used side by side, and the survival of one or the other must often have been a matter of chance. Under such circumstances a number of things might happen. (1) Where words in the two languages coincided more or less in form and meaning, the modern word stands at the same time for both its English and its Scandinavian ancestors.
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Examples of such words are burn, cole, drag, fast, gang, murk(y) scrape, thick. (2) Where there were differences of form, the English word often survived. Beside such English words as bench, goat, heathen, yarn, few, grey, loath, leap, flay, corresponding Scandinavian forms are found quite often in Middle English literature and in some cases still exist in dialectal use. We find screde, skelle, skere with the hard pronunciation of the initial consonant group beside the standard English shred, shell, sheer; wae beside woe, the surviving form except in welaway; trigg the Old Norse equivalent of OE trēowe (true). Again where the same idea was expressed by different words in the two languages it was often, as we should expect, the English word that lived on. We must remember that the area in which the two languages existed for a time side by side was confined to the northern and eastern half of England. Examples are the Scandinavian words attlen beside English think (in the sense of purpose, intend), bolnen beside swell, tinen (ON
beside lose, site (ON ) beside sorrow, roke (fog) beside mist, reike beside path. (3) In other cases the Scandinavian word replaced the native word, often after the two had long remained in use concurrently. Our word awe from Scandinavian, and its cognate eye (aye) from Old English are both found in the Ormulum (c. 1200). In the earlier part of the Middle English period the English word is more common, but by 1300 the Scandinavian form begins to appear with increasing frequency and finally replaces the Old English word. The two forms must have been current in the everyday speech of the northeast for several centuries, until finally the pronunciation awe prevailed. The Old English form is not found after the fourteenth century. The same thing happened with the two words for egg, ey (English) and egg (Scandinavian). Caxton complains at the close of the fifteenth century (see the passage quoted in § 151) that it was hard even then to know which to use. In the words sister (ON syster, OE sweostor), boon (ON bōn, OE bēn) loan (ON lān, ), weak (ON veikr, OE wāc) the Scandinavian form lived. Often a good Old OE English word was lost, since it expressed the same idea as the foreign word. Thus the verb take replaced the OE niman;18 cast superseded the OE weorpan, while it has itself been largely displaced now by throw; cut took the place of OE snīðan and ceorfan, which survives as carve. Old English had several words for anger (ON angr), including torn, grama, and irre, but the Old Norse word prevailed. In the same way the Scandinavian word bark replaced OE rind, wing replaced OE feþra, sky took the place of ūprodor and wolcen (the latter now being preserved only in the poetical word welkin), and window (eye-thirl, i.e., (=wind-eye) drove out the equally appropriate English word eye-hole; cf. nostril=nose thirl, nose hole). (4) Occasionally both the English and the Scandinavian words were retained with a difference of meaning or use, as in the following pairs (the English word is given first): no—nay, 18
For a detailed study, see Alarik Rynell, The Rivalry of Scandinavian and Native Synonyms in Middle English, especially taken and nimen… (Lund, 1948; Lund Studies in English, vol. 13).
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whole—hale, rear—raise, from—fro, craft—skill, hide—skin, sick—ill. (5) In certain cases a native word that was apparently not in common use was reinforced, if not reintroduced, from the Scandinavian. In this way we must account for such words as till, dale, rim, blend, run, and the Scottish bairn. (6) Finally, the English word might be modified, taking on some of the character of the corresponding Scandinavian word. Give and get with their hard g are examples, as are scatter beside shatter, and Thursday instead of the OE Thunresdæg. Some confusion must have existed in the Danish area between the Scandinavian and the English form of many words, a confusion that is clearly betrayed in the survival of such hybrid forms as shriek and screech. All this merely goes to show that in the Scandinavian influence on the English language we have to do with the intimate mingling of two tongues. The results are just what we should expect when two rather similar languages are spoken for upwards of two centuries in the same area. 77. Form Words. If further evidence were needed of the intimate relation that existed between the two languages, it would be found in the fact that the Scandinavian words that made their way into English were not confined to nouns and adjectives and verbs but extended to pronouns, prepositions, adverbs, and even a part of the verb to be. Such parts of speech are not often transferred from one language to another. The pronouns they, their, and them are Scandinavian. Old English used hīe, hiera, him (see § 45). Possibly the Scandinavian words were felt to be less subject to confusion with forms of the singular. Moreover, though these are the most important, they are not the only Scandinavian pronouns to be found in English. A late Old English inscription contains the Old Norse form hanum for him. Both and same, though not primarily pronouns, have pronominal uses and are of Scandinavian origin. The preposition till was at one time widely used in the sense of to, besides having its present meaning; and fro, likewise in common use formerly as the equivalent of from, survives in the phrase to and fro. Both words are from the Scandinavian. From the same source comes the modern form of the conjunction though, the Old Norse equivalent of OE þēah. The Scandinavian use of at as a sign of the infinitive is to be seen in the English ado (at-do) and was more widely used in this construction in Middle English. The adverbs aloft, athwart, aye (ever), and seemly, and the earlier heþen (hence) and hweþen (whence), are all derived from the Scandinavian. Finally the present plural are of the verb to be is a most significant adoption. While we aron was the Old English form in the north, the West Saxon plural was syndon (cf. German sind), and the form are in Modern English undoubtedly owes its extension to the influence of the Danes. When we remember that in the expression they are both the pronoun and the verb are Scandinavian we realize once more how intimately the language of the invaders has entered into English.
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78. Scandinavian Influence outside the Standard Speech. We should miss the full significance of the Scandinavian influence if we failed to recognize the extent to which it is found outside the standard speech. Our older literature and the modern dialects are full of words that are not now in ordinary use. The ballads offer many examples. When the Geste of Robin Hood begins “Lythe and listin, gentilmen” it has for its first word an Old Norse synonym for listen. When a little later on the Sheriff of Nottingham says to Little John, “Say me no we, wight yonge man, What is nowe thy name?” he uses the ON vigt (strong, courageous). In the ballad of Captain Car the line “Busk and bowne, my merry men all” contains two words from the same source meaning prepare. The word gar, meaning to cause or make one do something, is of frequent occurrence. Thus, in Chevy Chace we are told of Douglas’ men that “Many a doughetë the(y) garde to dy”—that is, they made many a doughty man die. In Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne the Virgin Mary is addressed: “Ah, deere Lady! sayd Robin Hoode, Thou art both mother and may!” in which may is a Scandinavian form for maid. Bessie Bell and Mary Gray, in the ballad of that name, “bigget a bower on yon burnbrae,” employing in the process another word of Norse origin, biggen (to build), a word also used by Burns in To a Mouse: “Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!…And naething now to big a new ane.” In Burns and Scott we find the comparative worse in the form waur: “A’ the warld kens that they maun either marry or do waur” (Old Mortality), also an old word (ON verre) more commonly found in the form used by Chaucer in the Book of the Duchess: “Allas! how myghte I fare werre?” Examples could be multiplied, but it is sufficiently evident that there is much Scandinavian material in the dialects besides what has found its way into the standard speech. 79. Effect on Grammar and Syntax. That the Scandinavian influence not only affected the vocabulary but also extended to matters of grammar and syntax as well is less capable of exact demonstration but is hardly to be doubted. Inflections are seldom transferred from one language to another. A certain number of inflectional elements peculiar to the Northumbrian dialect have been attributed to Scandinavian influence,19 among others the -s of the third person singular, present indicative, of verbs and the participial ending -and (bindand), corresponding to end and -ind in the Midlands and South, and now replaced by -ing. The words scant, want, athwart preserve in the 19
W.Keller, “Skandinavischer Einfluss in der englischen Flexion,” Probleme der englischen Sprache und Kultur: Festschrift Johannes Hoops (Heidelberg, 1925), pp. 80–87.
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final t the neuter adjective ending of Old Norse. But this is of no great significance. It is much more important to recognize that in many words the English and Scandinavian languages differed chiefly in their inflectional elements. The body of the word was so nearly the same in the two languages that only the endings would put obstacles in the way of mutual understanding. In the mixed population that existed in the Danelaw these endings must have led to much confusion, tending gradually to become obscured and finally lost. It seems but natural that the tendency toward the loss of inflections, which was characteristic of the English language in the north even in Old English times, was strengthened and accelerated by the conditions that prevailed in the Danelaw, and that some credit must be given the Danes for a development that, spreading to other parts and being carried much farther, resulted after the Norman Conquest in so happily simplifying English grammar. Likewise, the way words are put together in phrases and clauses—what we call syntax—is something in which languages less often influence one another than in matters of vocabulary. The probability of such influence naturally varies with the degree of intimacy that exists between the speakers of two languages. In those parts of Pennsylvania—the “Pennsylvania Dutch” districts—where German and English have mingled in a jargon peculiar to itself, German turns of expression are frequently found in the English spoken there. It is quite likely that the English spoken in the districts where there were large numbers of Danes acquired certain Danish habits of expression. A modern Dane like Jespersen20 notes that the omission of the relative pronoun in relative clauses (rare in Old English) and the retention or omission of the conjunction that are in conformity with Danish usage; that the rules for the use of shall and will in Middle English are much the same as in Scandinavian; and that some apparently illogical uses of these auxiliaries in Shakespeare (e.g., “besides it should appear” in the Merchant of Venice, III, ii, 289) do not seem strange to a Dane, who would employ the same verb. Logeman21 notes the tendency, common to both languages, to put a strong stress at times on the preposition and notes the occurrence of locutions such as “he has some one to work for” that are not shared by the other Germanic languages. It is possible, of course, that similarities such as these are merely coincidences, that the Scandinavian languages and English happened to develop in these respects along similar lines. But there is nothing improbable in the assumption that certain Scandinavian turns 20
Growth and Structure of the English Language, 10th ed., pp. 76–77. Jespersen’s tentative speculations encounter problems described by E.Einenkel, “Die dänischen Elemente in der Syntax der englischen Sprache,” Anglia, 29 (1906), 120–28. They also are unsupported by the earliest Danish and Norwegian usage as recorded in runic inscriptions. See Max S.Kirch, “Scandinavian Influence on English Syntax,” PMLA, 74 (1959), 503–10. 21 Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen, 116 (1906), 281–86.
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of phrase and certain particular usages should have found their way into the idiom of people in no small part Danish in descent and living in intimate contact with the speakers of a Scandinavian tongue. 80. Period and Extent of the Influence. It is hardly possible to estimate the extent of the Scandinavian influence by the number of borrowed words that exist in Standard English. That number, if we restrict the list to those for which the evidence is fully convincing, is about 900. These, as the examples given above show, are almost always words designating common everyday things and fundamental concepts. To this group we should probably be justified in adding an equal number in which a Scandinavian origin is probable or in which the influence of Scandinavian forms has entered. Furthermore there are, according to Wright, the editor of the English Dialect Dictionary, thousands of Scandinavian words that are still a part of the everyday speech of people in the north and east of England and in a sense are just as much a part of the living language as those that are used in other parts of the country and have made their way into literature. He notes that “if we exclude all sc- words of various origins which are common to the standard language and the dialects, it is a remarkable fact that the English Dialect Dictionary contains 1,154 simple words beginning with sc(sk-).”22 Locally, at least, the Scandinavian influence was tremendous. The period during which this large Danish element was making its way into the English vocabulary was doubtless the tenth and eleventh centuries. This was the period during which the merging of the two peoples was taking place. The occurrence of many of the borrowed words in written records is generally somewhat later. A considerable number first make their appearance in the Ormulum at the beginning of the thirteenth century. But we must attribute this fact to the scarcity of literary texts of an earlier date, particularly from the region of the Danelaw. Because of its extent and the intimate way in which the borrowed elements were incorporated, the Scandinavian influence is one of the most interesting of the foreign influences that have contributed to the English language. BIBLIOGRAPHY On the relation of the various peoples in Anglo-Saxon England some interesting observations, especially inferences drawn from place-names, will be found in R.E. Zachrisson’s Romans, Kelts, and Saxons in Ancient Britain (Uppsala, Sweden, 1927). For the history of the period, see F.M.Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England (3rd ed., Oxford, 1971). A readable account of the introduction of Christianity will be found in 22
Joseph and Elizabeth M.Wright, An Elementary Middle English Grammar, p. 82.
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W.Hunt’s The English Church from Its Foundation to the Norman Conquest (London, 1899), or, in more detail, in A.J.Mason, The Mission of St. Augustine to England according to the Original Documents (Cambridge, 1897). Among modern histories of the English church, see especially Margaret Deanesly, The Pre-Conquest Church in England (2nd ed., London, 1963), and H.Mayr-Harting, The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England (London, 1972). These may be supplemented for the period of the Benedictine Reform by J.A.Robinson’s The Times of St. Dunstan (Oxford, 1923) and David Knowles, The Monastic Order in England (2nd ed., Cambridge, UK, 1963). The fullest discussion of the Latin element in Old English is Alois Pogatscher, Zur Lautlehre der griechischen, lateinischen und romanischen Lehnworte im Altenglischen (Strassburg, 1888). A.Keiser’s The Influence of Christianity on the Vocabulary of Old English Poetry (Urbana, IL, 1919), Otto Funke’s Die gelehrten lateinischen Lehn-und Fremdwörter in der altenglischen Literatur von der Mitte des X. Jahrhunderts bis um das Jahr 1066 (Halle, Germany, 1914), and Helmut Gneuss’s Lehnbildungen und Lehnbedeutungen im Altenglischen (Berlin, 1955) are also valuable. A general discussion of the Latin and Greek element in English will be found in Roland G.Kent, Language and Philology (Boston, 1923), in the series Our Debt to Greece and Rome. The most extensive consideration of the Celtic loanwords in Old English is Max Förster, Keltisches Wortgut im Englischen (Halle, Germany, 1921), which may be supplemented by the important reviews of Ekwall (Anglia Beiblatt, XXXIII, 74–82) and Pokorny (Zeit. für Celtische Phil, XIV, 298). Förster adds to his findings in “Englisch-Keltisches,” Englische Studien, 56 (1922), 204– 39, and Wolfgang Keller discusses “Keltisches im englischen Verbum” in Anglica: Untersuchungen zur englischen Philologie, Alois Brandl zum 70. Geburtstage überreicht (Leipzig, 1925; Palaestra, 147–48), I, 55–66. Excellent accounts of early Scandinavian activities are T.D.Kendrick, A History of the Vikings (New York, 1930); David Wilson, The Vikings and Their Origins (London, 1970); Peter Foote and D.M.Wilson, The Viking Achievement (London, 1970); P.H.Sawyer, Kings and Vikings: Scandinavia and Europe, AD 700–1100 (London, 1982); Gwyn Jones, A History of the Vikings (2nd ed., Oxford, 1984); J. Graham-Campbell, The Viking World (2nd ed., London, 1990), and Else Roesdahl, The Vikings (London, 1991). Essays by various specialists, including those participating in significant archaeological findings, are collected in R.T.Farrell, ed., The Vikings (London, 1982) and in Colin Renfrew, ed., The Prehistory of Orkney (Edinburgh, 1985). On all of these topics, Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder (21 vols., Copenhagen, 1956– 1978) is an encyclopedic work of great importance. For King Alfred, see C.Plummer, Life and Times of Alfred the Great (Oxford, 1902), and Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge, eds. and trans., Alfred the Great: Asser’s Life of King Alfred and Other Contemporary Sources (Harmondsworth, UK, 1983). F.M. Stenton’s “The Danes in England” (1927) is reprinted in Preparatory to Anglo-Saxon England, ed. Doris Stenton (Oxford, 1970). H.R.Loyn surveys the general historical background in The Vikings in Britain (London, 1977); and R.A.Hall focuses on recent archaeological work in “The Five Boroughs of the Danelaw: a Review of Present
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Knowledge,” Anglo-Saxon England, 18 (1989), 149–206. The standard discussion of the Scandinavian element in English is E.Björkman’s Scandinavian Loan-words in Middle English (Halle, 1900–1902), which may be supplemented by his “Zur dialektischen Provenienz der nordischen Lehnworter im Englischen,” Språkvetenskapliga sällskapets i Upsala forhandlingar 1897–1900 (1901), pp. 1–28, and Nordische Personnamen in England in alt-und frühmittelenglischer Zeit (Halle, Germany, 1910). Earlier studies include A. Wall’s “A Contribution towards the Study of the Scandinavian Element in the English Dialects,” Anglia, 20 (1898), 45–135, and G.T. Flom’s Scandinavian Influence on Southern Lowland Scotch (New York, 1900). More recent scholarship is surveyed by B.H.Hansen, “The Historical Implications of the Scandinavian Linguistic Element in English: A Theoretical Evaluation,” Nowele, 4 (1984), 53–95. The Scandinavian influence on local nomenclature is extensively treated in H.Lindkvist’s Middle-English Place-Names of Scandinavian Origin, part I (Uppsala, Sweden, 1912). Gillian Fellows-Jensen has published a valuable series of studies on place-names, including Scandinavian Settlement Names in Yorkshire (Copenhagen, 1972), and, in similar format, Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East Midlands (Copenhagen, 1978) and Scandinavian Settlement Names in the North-West (Copenhagen, 1985). The claims for Scandinavian influence on English grammar and syntax are set forth in the articles mentioned in footnotes to § 79. Much of this material is embodied in an excellent overall treatment by John Geipel, The Viking Legacy: The Scandinavian Influence on the English and Gaelic Languages (Newton Abbot, UK, 1971). Literary and historical relations between Anglo-Saxons and Vikings are treated in recent essays collected in John D.Niles and Mark Amodio, eds., AngloScandinavian England (Lanham, MD, 1989) and in Donald Scragg, ed., The Battle of Maldon AD 991 (Oxford, 1991).
5 The Norman Conquest and the Subjection of English, 1066–1200 81. The Norman Conquest. Toward the close of the Old English period an event occurred that had a greater effect on the English language than any other in the course of its history. This event was the Norman Conquest in 1066. What the language would have been like if William the Conqueror had not succeeded in making good his claim to the English throne can only be a matter of conjecture. It would probably have pursued much the same course as the other Germanic languages, retaining perhaps more of its inflections and preserving a predominantly Germanic vocabulary, adding to its word-stock by the characteristic methods of word formation already explained, and incorporating words from other languages much less freely. In particular it would have lacked the greater part of that enormous number of French words that today make English seem, on the side of vocabulary, almost as much a Romance as a Germanic language. The Norman Conquest changed the whole course of the English language. An event of such far-reaching consequences must be considered in some detail. 82. The Origin of Normandy. On the northern coast of France directly across from England is a district extending some seventy-five miles back from the Channel and known as Normandy. It derives its name from the bands of Northmen who settled there in the ninth and tenth centuries, at the same time that similar bands were settling in the north and east of England. The Seine offered a convenient channel for penetration into the country, and the settlements of Danes in this region furnish a close parallel to those around the Humber. A generation after Alfred reached an agreement with the North-men in England, a somewhat similar understanding was reached between Rollo, the leader of the Danes in Normandy, and Charles the Simple, king of France. In 912 the right of the Northmen to occupy this part of France was recognized; Rollo acknowledged the French king as his overlord and became the first duke of the Normans. In the following century and a half a succession of masterful dukes raised the dukedom to a position of great influence, over-shadowing at times the power of the king of France. The adaptability of the Scandinavian, always a marked characteristic of this people, nowhere showed itself more quickly. Readily adopting the ideas and customs of those among whom they came to live, the Normans had soon absorbed the most important elements of French civilization. Moreover they injected fresh vigor into what they
The norman conquest and the subjection of english, 1066-1200
borrowed. They profited from their contact with French military forces and, adding French tactics to their own impetuous courage, soon had one of the best armies, if we may use the term, in Europe. They took important features of Frankish law, including the idea of the jury and, with a genius for organization that shows up as clearly in the Norman kingdom of Sicily as in Normandy and later in England, made it one of the outstanding legal systems of the world. They accepted Christianity and began the construction of those great Norman cathedrals that are still marvels to the modern architect. But most important of all, for us, they soon gave up their own language and learned French. So rapidly did the old Scandinavian tongue disappear in the Norman capital that the second duke was forced to send his son to Bayeux so that he might learn something of the speech of his forefathers. In the eleventh century, at the time of the Norman Conquest, the civilization of Normandy was essentially French, and the Normans were among the most advanced and progressive of the peoples of Europe. For some years before the Norman Conquest the relations between England and Normandy had been fairly close. In 1002 Æthelred the Unready had married a Norman wife and, when driven into exile by the Danes, took refuge with his brother-in-law, the duke of Normandy. His son Edward, who had thus been brought up in France, was almost more French than English. At all events, when in 1042 the Danish line died out and Edward, known as the Confessor, was restored to the throne from which his father had been driven, he brought with him a number of his Norman friends, enriched them, and gave them important places in the government. A strong French atmosphere pervaded the English court during the twenty-four years of his reign. 83. The Year 1066. When in January 1066, after a reign of twenty-four years, Edward the Confessor died childless, England was again faced with the choice of a successor. And there was not much doubt as to where the choice would fall. At his succession Edward had found England divided into a few large districts, each under the control of a powerful earl. The most influential of these nobles was Godwin, earl of the West Saxon earldom. He was a shrewd, capable man and was soon Edward’s principal adviser. Except for one brief interval, he was the virtual ruler of England until the time of his death. His eldest son, Harold, succeeded to his title and influence and during the last twelve years of Edward’s reign exercised a firm and capable influence over national affairs. The day after Edward’s death Harold was elected king. His election did not long go unchallenged. William, the duke of Normandy at this time, was a second cousin to the late king. Although this relationship did not give him any right of inheritance to the English throne, he had nevertheless been living in expectation of becoming Edward’s successor. Edward seems to have encouraged him in this hope. While William had been on a brief visit in England, Edward had assured him that he should succeed him. Even Harold had been led, though unwillingly, to acknowledge his claim. Having on one occasion fallen into William’s hands, it seems he had been forced to swear, as the price of his freedom, not to become a candidate or oppose William’s election. But the English had had enough of French favorites, and when the time came Harold did not consider himself bound by his former pledge.
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Only by force could William hope to obtain the crown to which he believed himself entitled. Perhaps the difftculty involved in an armed invasion of England would have discouraged a less determined claimant. But William was an exceptionally able man. From infancy he had surmounted difftculties. Handicapped by the taint of illegitimacy, the son of his father by a tanner’s daughter of Falaise, he had succeeded to the dukedom of Normandy at the age of six. He was the object of repeated attempts upon his life, and only the devoted care of his regents enabled him to reach maturity. In early manhood he had had to face a number of crucial contests with rebellious barons, powerful neighbors, and even his overlord, the French king. But he had emerged triumphantly from them all, greatly strengthened in position and admirably schooled for the final test of his fortune. William the Great, as the chroniclers called him, was not the man to relinquish a kingdom without a struggle. Having determined upon his course of action, he lost no time in beginning preparations. He secured the cooperation of his vassals by the promise of liberal rewards, once England was his to dispose of. He came to terms with his rivals and enemies on the continent. He appealed to the pope for the sanction of his enterprise and received the blessing of the Church. As a result of these inducements, the ambitious, the adventurous, and the greedy flocked to his banner from all over France and even other parts of Europe. In September he landed at Pevensey, on the south coast of England, with a formidable force. His landing was unopposed. Harold was occupied in the north of England meeting an invasion by the king of Norway, another claimant to the throne, who had been joined by a brother of Harold’s, Tostig, returning from exile. Hardly had Harold triumphed in battle over the invaders when word reached him of William’s landing. The news was scarcely unexpected, but the English were not fully prepared for it. It was difficult to keep a medieval army together over a protracted period. William’s departure had been delayed, and with the coming of the harvest season many of those whom Harold had assembled a few months before, in anticipation of an attack, had been sent home. Harold was forced to meet the invader with such forces as he had. He called upon his brothers-in-law in the earldoms of Mercia and Northumbria to join him and repel the foreigner by a united effort. But they hung back. Nevertheless, hurrying south with his army, Harold finally reached a point between the Norman host and London. He drew up his forces on a broad hill at Senlac, not far from Hastings, and awaited William’s attack. The battle began at about nine o’clock in the morning. So advantageous was Harold’s position and so well did the English defend themselves that in the afternoon they still held their ground. For William the situation was becoming desperate, and he resorted to a desperate stratagem. His only hope lay in getting the English out of their advantageous position on the hill. Because he could not drive them off, he determined to try to lure them off and ordered a feigned retreat. The English fell into the trap. Thinking the Normans were really fleeing, a part of the English army started in pursuit, intending to cut them down in their flight. But the Normans made a stand, and the battle was renewed on more even terms. Then happened one of those accidents more easily possible in medieval than in modern warfare. Harold, always in the thick of the fight, was killed during the battle. According to tradition, he was pierced in the eye by a Norman arrow (although the Bayeux Tapestry supplies contradictory evidence about the arrow). In any event, his death seems to have been instantaneous. Two of his brothers had already fallen. Deprived of their leaders, the
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English became disorganized. The confusion spread. The Normans were quick to profit by the situation, and the English were soon in full retreat. When night fell they were fleeing in all directions, seeking safety under the cover of darkness, and William was left in possession of the field. Although William had won the battle of Hastings and eliminated his rival, he had not yet attained the English crown. It was only after he had burnt and pillaged the southeast of England that the citizens of London decided that further resistance would be useless. Accordingly they capitulated, and on Christmas Day 1066, William was crowned king of England. 84. The Norman Settlement. William’s victory at Hastings and his subsequent coronation in London involved more than a mere substitution of one monarch for another. It was not as though he had been chosen originally as the successor of Edward. In that case there would doubtless have been more French favorites at court, as in the time of the Confessor, and Normans in certain important offices. But the English nobility would have remained intact, and the English government would have continued with its tradition unbroken. But William’s possession of the throne had been a matter of conquest and was attended by all the consequences of the conquest of one people by another. One of the most important of these consequences was the introduction of a new nobility.1 Many of the English higher class had been killed on the field at Hastings. Those who escaped were treated as traitors, and the places of both alike were filled by William’s Norman followers. This process was repeated several times during the next four years while the Conquest was being completed. For William’s coronation did not win immediate recognition throughout England. He was in fact acknowledged only in the southeast. Upon his return from a visit to Normandy the following year he was faced with serious rebellions in the southwest, the west, and the north. It was necessary for him to enter upon a series of campaigns and to demonstrate, often with ruthless severity, his mastery of the country. As a result of these campaigns the Old English nobility was practically wiped out. Although many lesser landholders kept small estates, the St. Albans Chronicler was but slightly exaggerating when he said that scarcely a single noble of English extraction remained in the kingdom.2 In 1072 only one of the twelve earls in England was an Englishman, and he was executed four years later.3 What was true in the time of the Conqueror was true also in the reigns of his sons, and later. For several generations after the Conquest the important positions and the great estates were almost 1
On the fate of the Old English aristocracy see F.M.Stenton, “English Families and the Norman Conquest,” Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., 4th ser., 26 (1944), 1–12. 2 Roger of Wendover, ed. H.O.Coxe, II, 23 (Eng. Hist. Soc.). 3 P.V.D.Shelly, English and French in England, 1066–1100 (Philadelphia, 1921), p. 32.
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always held by Normans or men of foreign blood. As an English poet, Robert of Brunne (1338), sums up the situation,
To Frankis & Normanz, for þar grete laboure, To Flemmynges & Pikardes, þat were with him in stoure, He gaf londes bityme, of whilk þer successoure Hold
þe seysyne, with fulle grete honoure.4
In like manner Norman prelates were gradually introduced into all important positions in the church. The two archbishops were Normans. Wulfstan of Worcester was the only Old English bishop who retained his office until the end of the Conqueror’s reign, and even his exceptional personality did not prevent him from being scorned by Lanfranc as a simple and untutored man, ignorant of the French language and unable to assist in the king’s councils.5 The English abbots were replaced more slowly, but as fast as vacancies occurred through death or deprivation they were filled generally by foreigners. In 1075 thirteen of the twenty-one abbots who signed the decrees of the Council of London were English; twelve years later their number had been reduced to three. Foreign monks and priests followed the example of their superiors and sought the greater opportunities for advancement that England now offered. A number of new foundations were established and entirely peopled by monks brought over from Norman houses. It is less easy to speak with certainty of the Normans in the lower walks of life who came into England with William’s army. Many of them doubtless remained in the island, and their number was increased by constant accretions throughout the rest of the eleventh century and the whole of the next. The numerous castles that the Conqueror built were apparently garrisoned by foreign troops.6 In the chronicles of the period we find instances extending all through the twelfth century of foreign forces being brought to England. Many of these doubtless made but a short stay in the island, but it is safe to say that every Norman baron was surrounded by a swarm of Norman retainers. William of Newburgh speaks of the bishop of Ely, in the reign of Richard I, as surrounding his person with an army of friends and foreign soldiers, as well as arranging marriages between Englishmen of position and his relations, “of whom he brought over from Normandy multitudes for this purpose.”7 Ecclesiastics, it would seem, sometimes entered upon their office accompanied by an armed band of supporters. Turold, who became abbot of Peterborough in 1070, is
Chronicle, ed. Hearne, I, 72:
Roger of Wendover, II, 52. OrdericVitalis, Bk. IV, passim. 7 William of Newburgh, Bk. IV, chap. 14, 16. 6
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To French and Normans, for their great labor, To Flemings and Picards, that were with him in battle, He gave lands betimes, of which their successors Hold yet the seizin, with full great honor.
described as coming at the head of 160 armed Frenchmen to take possession of his monastery;8 and Thurston, appointed abbot of Glastonbury in 1082, imposed certain innovations in the service upon the monks of the abbey by calling for his Norman archers, who entered the chapter house fully armed and killed three of the monks, besides wounding eighteen.9 Likewise merchants and craftsmen from the continent seem to have settled in England in considerable numbers.10 There was a French town beside the English one at Norwich and at Nottingham,11 and French Street in Southampton, which retains its name to this day, was in the Middle Ages one of the two principal streets of the town.12 It is quite impossible to say how many Normans and French people settled in England in the century and a half following the Conquest,13 but because the governing class in both church and state was almost exclusively made up from among them, their influence was out of all proportion to their number. 85. The Use of French by the Upper Class. Whatever the actual number of Normans settled in England, it is clear that the members of the new ruling class were sufficiently predominant to continue to use their own language. This was natural enough at first, as they knew no English; but they continued to do so for a long time to come, picking up some knowledge of English gradually but making no effort to do so as a matter of policy. For 200 years after the Norman Conquest, French remained the language of ordinary intercourse among the upper classes in England. At first those who spoke French were those of Norman origin, but soon through 8
Freeman, Norman Conquest, IV, 457, 459. Freeman, IV, 390–93. Both incidents are related in the Peterborough Chronicle. 10 A contemporary biographer of Thomas Becket tells us that many natives of Rouen and Caen settled in London, preferring to dwell in this city because it was better fitted for commerce and better supplied with the things in which they were accustomed to trade. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, IV, 81 (Rolls Series). 11 W.Cunningham, Alien Immigrants to England, pp. 35–36. 12 P.Studer, Oak Book of Southampton, I, xii ff. 13 F.York Powell in Traill’s Social England, I, 346, says: “One may sum up the change in England by saying that some 20,000 foreigners replaced some 20,000 Englishmen; and that these newcomers got the throne, the earldoms, the bishoprics, the abbacies, and far the greater portion of the big estates, mediate and immediate, and many of the burgess holdings in the chief towns.” We do not know what the estimate is based upon, but unless it refers, as it seems to do, to the years immediately following the Conquest, it does not seem to be too high. 9
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intermarriage and association with the ruling class numerous people of English extraction must have found it to their advantage to learn the new language, and before long the distinction between those who spoke French and those who spoke English was not ethnic but largely social. The language of the masses remained English, and it is reasonable to assume that a French soldier settled on a manor with a few hundred English peasants would soon learn the language of the people among whom his lot was cast. The situation was well described, about the year 1300, by the writer of a chronicle which goes by the name of Robert of Gloucester:
Pus com lo engelond in to normandies hond. & þe normans ne couþe speke þo bote hor owe speche & speke french as hii dude atom, & hor children dude also teche; So þat heiemen of þis lond þat of hor blod come Holdeþ alle þulke spreche þat hii of hom nome. Vor bote a man conne frenss me telþ of him lute. Ac lowe men holdeþ to engliss & to hor owe speche Ich wene þer ne beþ in al þe world contreyes none Pat ne holdeþ to hor owe speche bote engelond one. Ac wel me wot uor to conne boþe wel it is, Vor þe more þat a mon can, þe more wurþe he is.14 (7537–47) An instructive parallel to the bilingual character of England in this period is furnished by the example of Belgium today. Here we find Flemish and French (Walloon) in use side by side. (Flemish is only another name for the Dutch spoken in Belgium, which is practically identical to that of the southern Netherlands.) Although the use of the two languages here is somewhat a matter of geography—Flemish prevailing in the north and French in the part of the country lying toward France—it is also to some extent dependent upon the social and cultural position of the individual. French is often spoken by the upper classes, even in Flemish districts, while in such a city as Brussels it is possible to notice a fairly clear division between the working classes, who speak Flemish, and the higher economic and social groups, who attend French schools, read French newspapers, and go to French theaters. In the interest of accuracy, it may be noted 14
Thus came, lo! England into Normandy’s hand. And the Normans didn’t know how to speak then but their own speech And spoke French as they did at home, and their children did also teach; So that high men of this land that of their blood come Hold all that same speech that they took from them. For but a man know French men count of him little. But low men hold to English and to their own speech yet. I think there are in all the world no countries That don’t hold to their own speech but England alone. But men well know it is well for to know both, For the more that a man knows, the more worth he is.
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parenthetically that fluency in French is becoming less common in the north, especially among the younger generation. 86. Circumstances Promoting the Continued Use of French. The most important factor in the continued use of French by the English upper class until the beginning of the thirteenth century was the close connection that existed through all these years between England and the continent. From the time of the Conquest the kings of England were likewise dukes of Normandy. To the end of his life William the Conqueror seems to have felt more closely attached to his dukedom than to the country he governed by right of conquest. Not only was he buried there, but in dividing his possessions at his death he gave Normandy to his eldest son and England to William, his second son. Later the two domains were united again in the hands of Henry I. Upon the accession of Henry II, English possessions in France were still further enlarged. Henry, as count of Anjou, inherited from his father the districts of Anjou and Maine. By his marriage with Eleanor of Aquitaine he came into possession of vast estates in the south, so that when he became king of England he controlled about two-thirds of France, all the western part of the country from the English Channel to the Pyrenees. Under the circumstances it is not surprising that the attention of the English should often be focused upon affairs in France. Indeed, English kings often spent a great part of their time there. The Conqueror and his sons were in France for about half of their respective reigns. Henry I (1100–1135) was there for a total of more than seventeen out of the thirty-five years of his reign, sometimes for periods of three and four years at a time.15 Although conditions at home kept Stephen (1135–1154) for the most part in England, Henry II (1154–1189) spent nearly two-thirds of his long reign in France. When we remember that, except for Henry I, no English king until Edward IV (1461–1483) sought a wife in England, it is easy to see how continentally minded English royalty was and how natural a thing would seem the continued use of French at the English court. What was true of the royal family was equally true of the nobility in general. The English nobility was not so much a nobility of England as an Anglo-French aristocracy. Nearly all the great English landowners had possessions likewise on the continent, frequently contracted continental marriages, and spent much time in France, either in pursuance of their own interests or those of the king. When we remember that on many of the occasions when the king and his nobles crossed the Channel they were engaged in military operations and were accompanied by military forces, that the business of ecclesiastics and merchants constantly took them abroad, we can readily see how this constant going and coming across the narrow seas made 15
W.Farrer, “An Outline Itinerary of King Henry the First,” Eng. Hist. Rev., 34 (1919), 303–82, 505–79.
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the continued use of French by those concerned not only natural but inevitable. 87. The Attitude toward English. There is no reason to think that the preference that the governing class in England showed for French was anything more than a natural result of circumstances. The idea that the newcomers were actively hostile to the English language is without foundation.16 It is true that English was now an uncultivated tongue, the language of a socially inferior class, and that a bishop like Wulfstan might be subjected to Norman disdain in part, at least, because of his ignorance of that social shibboleth.17 Henry of Huntington’s statement that it was considered a disgrace to be called an Englishman may be set down to rhetorical exaggeration. It is unreasonable to expect a conquered people to feel no resentment or the Norman never to be haughty or overbearing. But there is also plenty of evidence of mutual respect and peaceful cooperation, to say nothing of intermarriage, between the Normans and the English from the beginning. The chronicler Orderic Vitalis, himself the son of a Norman father and an English mother, in spite of the fact that he spent his life from the age of ten in Normandy, always refers to himself as an Englishman. According to the same chronicler18 William the Conqueror made an effort himself at the age of forty-three to learn English, that he might understand and render justice in the disputes between his subjects, but his energies were too completely absorbed by his many other activities to enable him to make much progress. There is nothing improbable in the statement. Certainly the assertion of a fourteenth-century writer19 that the Conqueror considered how he might destroy the “Saxon” tongue in order that English and French might speak the same language seems little less than silly in view of the king’s efforts to promote the belief that he was the authentic successor of the Old English kings and in the light of his use of English alongside of Latin, to the exclusion of French, in his charters. His youngest son, Henry I, may have known some English, though we must give up the pretty story of his interpreting the English words in a charter to the monks of Colchester.20 If later kings 16
On this subject see the excellent discussion in Shelly, English and French in England. Roger of Wendover, ed. H.O.Coxe, II, 52. 18 Ordericus Vitalis, ed. Prevost, II, 215. 19 Robert Holkot, on the authority of John Selden, Eadmeri Monachi Cantuariensis Historiae Novorum siue sui Saeculi Libri VI (London, 1623), p. 189. 20 The story was considered authentic by so critical a student as J.Horace Round (“Henry I as an English Scholar,” Academy, Sept. 13, 1884, p. 168), but the charter was proved by J.Armitage Robinson to be a forgery. Cf. C.W.David, “The Claim of King Henry I to Be Called Learned,” Anniversary Essays in the Medieval History by Students of Charles Homer Haskins (Boston, 1929), pp. 45–56. 17
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for a time seem to have been ignorant of the language,21 their lack of acquaintance with it is not to be attributed to any fixed purpose. In the period with which we are at the moment concerned—the period up to 1200—the attitude of the king and the upper classes toward the English language may be characterized as one of simple indifference. They did not cultivate English—which is not the same as saying that they had no acquaintance with it—because their activities in England did not necessitate it and their constant concern with continental affairs made French for them much more useful. 88. French Literature at the English Court. How completely French was the English court at this time is clearly shown by the literature produced for royal and noble patronage. In an age that had few of our modern means of entertainment, literature played a much more important part in the lives of the leisured class. And it is interesting to find a considerable body of French literature being produced in England from the beginning of the twelfth century, addressed to English patrons and directed toward meeting their special tastes and interests. We do not know much about the literary conditions at the court of the Conqueror himself, although his recognition of learning is to be seen in many of his appointments to high ecclesiastical positions. His daughter Adela was a patron of poets, and his son Henry I, whether or not he deserved the title Beauclerc that contemporaries gave him,22 was at least married successively to two queens who were generous in their support of poets. His court was the center of much literary activity23 Matilda, his first wife, was especially partial to foreign poets.24 For Adelaide of Louvain, his second wife, David related the achievements of her husband, the king, in French verse. The work is lost, but we know of it from the statement of a contemporary poet, Geoffrey Gaimar, who boasted that he knew more tales than David ever knew or than Adelaide had in books. Likewise for Adelaide, Philippe de Thaun wrote his Bestiary, a poem describing rather fancifully the nature of various animals and adding to each description a moral still more fanciful. Gaimar wrote his History of the English, likewise in French verse, for Lady Custance “li Gentil,” who also paid him a mark of silver for a copy of David’s poem, which she kept in her chamber. At the same time Samson de Nanteuil devoted 21
We do not know whether William Rufus and Stephen knew English. Henry II understood it, although he apparently did not speak it (see § 91). Richard I was thoroughly French; his whole stay in England amounted to only a few months. He probably knew no English. Concerning John’s knowledge of English we have no evidence. As Freeman remarks (Norman Conquest, II, 129), the royal family at this time is frequently the least English in England and is not to be used as a norm for judging the diffusion of the two languages. 22 The question is decided in the negative by David, “The Claim of King Henry I.” 23 For a fuller treatment of the subject, see an excellent study by K.J.Holzknecht, Literary Patronage in the Middle Ages (Philadelphia, 1923), chap. 12. 24 William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Anglorum, II, 494 (Rolls Series).
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11,00 lines of verse to be Proverbs of Solomon for Lady Adelaide de Condé, wife of a Lincolnshire baron. In the reign of Henry II Wace wrote his celebrated Roman de Brut and presented it to the queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine. It is a legendary history of Britain, in which the exploits of King Arthur occupy a prominent place, and was certain to interest a royal family anxious to know something about the history of the country over which it had come to rule. Later Wace undertook in his Roman de Rou to write a similar account of the dukes of Normandy. Works of devotion and edification, saints’ lives, allegories, chronicles, and romances of Horn, Havelok, Tristan, and other heroes poured forth in the course of the twelfth century. It is indicative of the firm roots that French culture had taken on English soil that so important a body of literature in the French language could be written in or for England, much of it under the direct patronage of the court. 89. Fusion of the Two Peoples. As we look back over any considerable stretch of history we are likely to experience in the perspective a foreshortening that makes a period of 150 years seem relatively small, and we fail to realize that changes that seem sudden are in rality quite a natural in the course of a lifetime or a succession of generations. In the years following the Norman Conquest the sting of defeat and the hardships incident to so great a political and social disturbance were gradually forgotten. People accepted the new order as something accomplished; they accepted it as a fact and adjusted themselves to it. The experience of our own time shows how quickly national antagonisms and the biterness of war can be allayed, and what a decade or two in the twentieth century can accomplish in this respect must be allowed to have been possible also in the eleventh. The fusion of Normans and English was rapid, but not more rapid than national interest and the intercourse of everyday life would normally bring about. The distinction between French and English that appears among the Domesday jurors25 or a document of 1100 addressed by Henry I “to all his faithful people, both French and English, in Hertfordshire” does not long survive. When a distinction is made it soon comes to be between the English, meaning all people of England, and the French, meaning the inhabitants of Franch. This early fusion of French and English in England is quite clear from a variety of evidences. It is evident in the marriage of Normans to English women, as when Robert d’Oily further enriched himself by marrying Eadgyth, the daughter of a great English landowner, or when the parents of Orderic Vitalis, already mentioned, were united.26 It is evident from the way in which the English gave their support to 25
Round, Feudal England, pp.120–21. Matthew Paris speaks of the Conqueror as promoting mariages between the Norrnans and the English. Cf. Gesta Abbatum, I, 44 (Rolls Series). 26
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their rulers and Norman prelates, as when William II and Henry I drove off foreign invaders with armies made up almost wholly of English troops or when, Anselm and Becket found their staunchest supporters among the English.27 It is evident in many other ways. Between 1072 and 1079 Wulfstan brought about some sort of spiritual federation between the monks of Worcester and six other English monasteries—Evesham, Chertsey, Bath, Pershore, Winchecombe, and Gloucester—in which we find “the heads of these great monasteries, some Norman, some English,…binding themselves together without respect of birth or birthplace, in the closest spiritual fellowship.”28 Norman nobles identified themselves with their new country by founding monasteries on their estates and chose burial for themselves and their families in their adopted land rather than in Normandy.29 In the towns the associations incident to trade are spoken of by Orderic Vitalis as another factor in bringing about a union between the two peoples.30 Everywhere there are signs of convergence. The fusion seems to have gone forward rapidly in the reign of Henry I, and by the end of the twelfth century an English jurist was able to write: “Now that the English and Normans have been dwelling together, marrying and giving in marriage, the two nations have become so mixed that it is scarcely possible to-day, speaking of free men, to tell who is English, who of Norman race.”31 Only the events of the next century, the loss of Normandy, and the growing antagonism toward France were necessary to complete the union, psychological as well as physical, of all the inhabitants of England. 90. The Diffusion of French and English. The difftcult question of the extent to which English and French were used in England after the Norman Conquest is not easily answered. The evidence on which we can base a conclusion is scattered, must be carefully appraised, and is not always easy to harmonize. From time to time writers of the period tell us that such a one spoke both French and English or that he was ignorant of one or the other language. At times incidents in the chroniclers enable us to draw a pretty safe inference. Books and treatises, such as the Ancrene Riwle and the various thirteenth-century works on husbandry, when we know the individuals for whom they were written, or the social class, at least, to which they belong, shed some light on the problem. From the thirteenth century on, something can be gleaned from the proceedings of the courts, where the language in 27
Hardy, Catalogue of Materials, II, xxiv. Freeman, Norman Conquest, IV, 382–87. 29 Shelly, English and French in England, p. 42. 30 Freeman, IV, chap. VII. 31 Dialogus de Scaccario (1177). Stubbs, Select Charters (4th ed., 1881), p. 168. The Dialogus de Scaccario is edited and translated by Charles Johnson (London, 1950). 28
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which a man testifies is occasionally noted. The appearance of manuals from about 1250 for the teaching of French is significant. In the fourteenth century poets and writers often preface their works with an explanation of the language employed and incidentally indulge from time to time in valuable observations of a more general linguistic nature. In the fifteenth century the evidence becomes fairly abundant—letters public and private, the acts and records of towns, guilds, and the central government, and a variety of incidental allusion. From all of this accumulated testimony the situation can be easily enough stated in general terms, as, indeed, has already been done (§ 85): French was the language of the court and the upper classes, English the speech of the mass of the people. Can we, however, define the position of the two languages more specifically? The question to be asked is really twofold: (1) When and how generally did the upper class learn English? (2) How far down in the social scale was a knowledge of French at all general? 91. Knowledge of English among the Upper Class. We have already remarked that the use of French was not confined to persons of foreign extraction, but that all those who were brought into association with the governing class soon acquired a command of it. It was a mark of social distinction. On the other hand, the fact that English was the language of the greater part of the population made it altogether likely that many of the upper class would acquire some familiarity with it. Such appears to have been the case, at least by the twelfth century. The evidence comes mostly from the reign of Henry II.32 The most striking instance is that reported (c. 1175) by William of Canterbury in his life of Becket. On one occasion Helewisia de Morville, wife of a man of Norman descent and mother of one of Becket’s murderers, invoked the aid of her husband in an emergency by crying out, “Huge de Morevile, ware, ware, ware, Lithulf heth his swerd adrage!”33 Clearly her husband, whatever language he spoke, understood English. Henry II himself seems to have understood English, though he did not speak it. According to a story twice told by Giraldus Cambrensis34 he was once addressed by a Welshman in English. Understanding the remark, “the king, in French, desired Philip de Mercros, who held the reins of his horse, to ask the rustic if he had dreamt this.” When the knight explained the king’s question in English, the peasant replied in the same language he had used before, ad32
Some of William the Conqueror’s English writs were addressed to Normans. But this hardly implies that they understood English any more than the king himself did. It is doubtful whether the recipients in many cases could have read the writ themselves in any language. 33 Maerials for the History of Thomas Becket, I, 128 (Rolls Series). 34 Itinerary through Wales, Bk. I, chap. 6; Conquest of Ireland, Bk. I, chap. 40.
The norman conquest and the subjection of english, 1066-1200
dressing himself to the king, not the interpreter. That the king’s knowledge of English did not extend to an ability to speak the language is in harmony with the testimony of Walter Map, who credits him with “having a knowledge of all the languages which are spoken from the Bay of Biscay to the Jordan, but making use only of Latin and French.”35 His wife, however, Eleanor of Aquitaine, always required an interpreter when people spoke English.36 The three young women of aristocratic family for whom the Ancrene Riwle, or Rule for Anchoresses, was probably written about 1200 were advised to do their reading in either French or English, and the original language of the Rule itself was almost certainly English. That English survived for a considerable time in some monasteries is evident from the fact that at Peterborough the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was continued until 1154. Among churchmen the ability to speak English was apparently fairly common. Gilbert Foliot, bishop of London, a man of Norman descent, was, according to Walter Map,37 very fluent in Latin, French, and English. Hugh of Nonant, bishop of Coventry, a native of Normandy, must have known English, since he criticizes a fellow bishop for his ignorance of it,38 while Giraldus Cambrensis, bishop-elect of St. Davids, had such a knowledge of English that he could read and comment upon the language of Alfred and compare the dialects of northern and southern England.39 At the same date Abbot Samson, head of the great abbey of Bury St. Edmunds, is thus described by Jocelyn de Brakelond: “He was an eloquent man, speaking both French and Latin, but rather careful of the good sense of that which he had to say than of the style of his words. He could read books written in English very well, and was wont to preach to the people in English, but in the dialect of Norfolk where he was born and bred.” From these instances we must not make the mistake of thinking such a knowledge of English universal among people of this station. Others could be cited in which bishops and abbots were unable to preach in anything but Latin or French.40 St. Hugh, bishop of Lincoln in the time of Henry II, did not un35
De Nugis Curialium, V, vi (trans. Tupper and Ogle). Richard of Devizes, in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II, and Richard I, III, 431 (Rolls Series). 37 De Nugis, I, xii. However, his fluency in three languages may have been mentioned because it was unusual. 38 Cf. Freeman, Norman Conquest, V, 831. 39 Descr. of Wales, Bk. I, chap. 6. 40 For example, Jofrid, abbot of Croyland, if we can trust the fourteenth-century continuation of Pseudo-Ingulph. The abbot of Durham who visited St. Godric (died 1170) needed an interpreter because Godric spoke English. Cf. Libellus de Vita et Miracula S.Godrici, p. 352 (Surtees Soc., xx). 36
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derstand English but required an interpreter.41 One of the most notorious cases of a man who did not know English and who was not only an important ecclesiastic but also one of the chief men of the kingdom is that of William Longchamp, bishop of Ely and chancellor of England in the reign of Richard I. The incident is alluded to in a number of chroniclers, of his seeking to escape from England in 1191, disguised as a woman and carrying under his arm some cloth as if for sale. When approached at Dover by a possible purchaser, who asked how much he would let her have an ell for, he was unable to reply because he was utterly unacquainted with the English language.42 It is true that both of these men were foreigners, one a Burgundian, the other a Norman, and the fact of their not knowing English is set down by contemporaries as something worth noting. Among those of lower rank, whose position brought them into contact with both the upper and the lower class—stewards and bailiffs, for example—or men like the knight of Glamorgan, whom we have seen acting as Henry’s interpreter, the ability to speak English as well as French must have been quite general. And among children whose parents spoke different languages a knowledge of English is to be assumed even from the days of the Conqueror if we may consider the case of Orderic Vitalis as representative. His father was Norman and his mother (presumably) English. He was taught Latin by an English priest and at the age of ten was sent to St. Evroult in Normandy. There he says “like Joseph in Egypt, I heard a language which I did not know.” The conclusion that seems to be justified by the somewhat scanty facts we have to go on in this period is that a knowledge of English was not uncommon at the end of the twelfth century among those who habitually used French; that among churchmen and men of education it was even to be expected; and that among those whose activities brought them into contact with both upper and lower classes the ability to speak both languages was quite general. 92. Knowledge of French among the Middle Class. If by the end of the twelfth century a knowledge of English was not unusual among members of the highest class, it seems equally clear that a knowledge of French was often found somewhat further down in the social scale. Among the knightly class French seems to have been cultivated even when the mother tongue was English. In the reign of Henry II a knight in England got a man from Normandy to 41 42
Magna Vita, ed. Dimick, pp. 157, 268 (Rolls Series). One of the fullest accounts is in Roger of Hoveden, III, 141–47 (Rolls Series).
The norman conquest and the subjection of english, 1066-1200
teach his son French.43 That an ability to speak French was expected among this class may be inferred from an incident in one of the chroniclers describing a long-drawn-out suit (1191) between the abbey of Croyland and the prior of Spalding. Four supposed knights were called to testify that they had made a view of the abbot. They were neither knights nor holders of a knight’s fee, and the abbot testified that they had never come to make a view of him. The chronicler adds that “the third one of them did not so much as know how to speak French.”44 Next to the knights the inhabitants of towns probably contained the largest number of those among the middle class who knew French. In many towns, especially in important trading centers, men with Norman names were the most prominent burgesses and probably constituted a majority of the merchant class.45 The likelihood that stewards and bailiffs on manors spoke both languages has already been mentioned. In fact, a knowledge of French may sometimes have extended to the free tenants. At any rate Jocelyn de Brakelond relates that the Abbot Samson conferred a manor upon a man bound to the soil “because he was a good farmer and didn’t know how to speak French.” William Rothwell has discussed the complex situation in medieval England as a result of the presence of three languages—Latin, French, and English—and has noted the greater likelihood of French in regions nearer London: “Latin and French would be found primarily in those places where the business of government was transacted and would be used by men for whom they constituted a professional qualification, not a vernacular.”46 It has sometimes been urged that because preaching to the people was often done in French, such a fact argues for an understanding of the language. But we are more than once told in connection with such notices that the people, although they did not understand what was said, were profoundly moved.47 It would be a mistake to consider that a knowledge of French was anything but exceptional among the common people as a whole. The observation of a writer at the end of the thirteenth century, 43
Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, I, 347; Freeman, V, 891. Continuation of Pseudo-Ingulph, trans. H.T.Riley, p. 286. The continuation in which this incident occurs is not to be confused with the fourteenth-century forgery but is a genuine work of considerable value (Gross). 45 At Southampton at the time of the Domesday survey the number of those who settled in the borough “after King William came into England” was sixty-five French born and thirty-one English born. The figures represent men and many of them doubtless had families. Cf. J.S.Davies, A History of Southampton (Southampton, UK, 1883), pp. 26–28. 46 “Language and Government in Medieval England,” Zeitschrift für französischen Sprache und Literatur, 93 (1983), 259. 47 As, for example, by Giraldus Cambrensis, Itinerary through Wales, Bk. I, chap. 11. A similar instance, equally specific though less trustworthy, is in the continuation of Pseudo-Ingulph attributed to Peter of Blois (trans. Riley, p. 238). 44
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Lewede men cune Ffrensch non, Among an hondryd vnneþis on48 was probably true at all times in the Middle Ages.49 Recent insights from sociolinguistics into the structures of pidgin and creole language have led some linguists to ask whether Middle English was a creole. Much of the ensuing controversy hinges on the definitions that are given to pidgin and creole (for a related problem see § 250.8). A pidgin is a simplified language used for communication between speakers of different languages, typically (during the past five centuries) for trading purposes between speakers of a European language such as Portuguese, Spanish, French, or English and speakers of an African or Asian language. If the simplified language is then learned as a first language by a new generation of speakers and its structures and vocabulary are expanded to serve the needs of its community of speakers, it is known as a creole. The linguistic situation in England during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries had certain external parallels with that in the present-day Caribbean or the South Pacific, where languages are regularly in contact, and pidgins and creoles develop. However, to call Middle English a creole stretches the word beyond its usefulness. Manfred Görlach reviews the evidence, finds a lack of “any texts that could justify the assumption that there was a stable pidgin or creole English in use in thirteenth-century French households,” and concludes: “The English-speaking majority among the population of some ninety percent did not unlearn their English after the advent of French, nor did they intentionally modify its structures on the French pattern—as Renaissance writers modelled their English on Latin. Influence of French on inflections and, by and large, on syntactical structures cannot be proved, but appears unlikely from what we know about bilingualism in Middle English times.”50 48
The Romance of Richard the Lion-hearted, ed. Brunner, lines 23–24:
Common men know no French. Among a hundred scarcely one. 49
Vising, in his Anglo-Norman Language and Literature, pp. 15–18, and in his other contributions mentioned in the bibliography to this chapter, cites a number of passages from poets who explain why they are writing in French as evidence for “the complete dominance of the Anglo-Norman language during the second half of the twelfth and most of the thirteenth century in nearly all conditions of life, and of its penetration even into the lower strata of society.” But the point in every case is that their work is “translaté hors de latin en franceys a l’aprise de lay gent” and is intended for those “ke de clergie ne ount apris,” that is, who know no Latin. Even in the one instance in which the poet included in his appeal “Li grant e li mendre,” his words need apply only to those less than “the great” who can understand his work in French, “Q’ en franceis le poent entendre.” 50 Manfred Görlach, “Middle English—a Creole?” in Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries, ed. D.Kastovsky and A.Szwedek (2 vols., Berlin, 1986), I, 337, 338.
The norman conquest and the subjection of english, 1066-1200
Thus in the period preceding the loss of Normandy in 1204 there were some who spoke only French and many more who spoke only English. There was likewise a considerable number who were genuinely bilingual as well as many who had some understanding of both languages while speaking only one. That the latter class—those who were completely or to some extent bilingual—should have been fairly numerous need cause no surprise. Among people accustomed to learn more through the ear than through the eye, learning a second language presents no great problem. The ability to speak one or more languages besides one’s native tongue is largely a matter of opportunity, as can be seen in a number of European countries today. In this connection we may again recall the situation of Belgium, where the majority of the people can get along in either Flemish or French, regardless of which of the two languages they habitually use. BIBLIOGRAPHY John Le Patourel’s The Norman Empire (Oxford, 1976) furnishes an excellent background to the events discussed in this chapter. It may be supplemented by a work that it partly superseded, Charles H.Haskins’s The Normans in European History (Boston, 1915). Among other older scholarship, disputes between E.A.Freeman and J.H. Round and their followers on the meaning of Englishness after the Conquest have subsided, but there is still much of value in Round’s Feudal England (London, 1895) and in Freeman’s History of the Norman Conquest (6 vols., 1867–1879), available in an abridged edition by J.W.Burrow (Chicago, 1974). David C.Douglas, William the Conqueror (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1964) is an authoritative treatment of William I and his age. Other histories of the period include Austin L.Poole, From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087–1216 (2nd ed., Oxford, 1955), H.R.Loyn, The Norman Conquest (3rd ed., London, 1982), R.Allen Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest (2nd ed., Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1985), and Marjorie Chibnall, Anglo-Norman England, 1066– 1166 (Oxford, 1986). Standard works on their respective subjects are V.H.Galbraith, Domesday Book: Its Place in Administrative History (Oxford, 1974) and Frank Barlow, The English Church, 1066–1154 (London, 1979). Henry G.Richardson and George O.Sayles’s The Governance of Medieval England from the Conquest to Magna Carta (Edinburgh, 1963) is contentious but valuable. On the relations between France and England, see T.F.Tout, France and England: Their Relations in the Middle Ages and Now (Manchester, 1922), especially chap. 3. The first attempt of much value to determine the position of the French and English languages in England, except for Freeman’s discussion, was Oscar Scheibner, Ueber die Herrschaft der französischen Sprache in England vom XI. bis zum XIV. Jahrhundert (Annaberg, Germany, 1880). A valuable attempt to collect the documentary evidence is Johan Vising’s Franska Språket i England (3 parts, Göteborg, Sweden, 1900–1902). The author’s views are epitomized in Le Français en Angleterre: mémoire sur les études de l’anglo-normand (Mâcon, France, 1901) and Anglo-Norman Language and Literature (London, 1923). For criticism of Vising’s influential studies, see lan Short, “On Bilingualism in Anglo-Norman England,” Romance Phil, 33 (1980), 467–79, and the essays cited by William Rothwell in this chapter and the next.
6 The Reestablishment of English, 1200–1500 93. Changing Conditions after 1200. How long the linguistic situation just described would have continued if the conditions under which it arose had remained undisturbed is impossible to say. As long as England held its continental territory and the nobility of England were united to the continent by ties of property and kindred, a real reason existed for the continued use of French among the governing class in the island. If the English had permanently retained control over the two-thirds of France that they once held, French might have remained permanently in use in England. But shortly after 1200 conditions changed. England lost an important part of its possessions abroad. The nobility gradually relinquished their continental estates. A feeling of rivalry developed between the two countries, accompanied by an antiforeign movement in England and culminating in the Hundred Years’ War. During the century and a half following the Norman Conquest, French had been not only natural but more or less necessary to the English upper class; in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries its maintenance became increasingly artificial. For a time certain new factors helped it to hold its ground, socially and officially. Meanwhile, however, social and economic changes affecting the English-speaking part of the population were taking place, and in the end numbers told. In the fourteenth century English won its way back into universal use, and in the fifteenth century French all but disappeared. We must now examine in detail the steps by which this situation came about. 94. The Loss of Normandy. The first link in the chain binding England to the continent was broken in 1204 when King John lost Normandy. John, seeing the beautiful Isabel of Angouleme, fell violently in love with her and, no doubt having certain political advantages in mind, married her in great haste (1200), notwithstanding the fact that she was at the time formally betrothed to Hugh of Lusignan, the head of a powerful and ambitious family. To make matters worse, John, anticipating hostility from the Lusignans, took the initiative and wantonly attacked them. They appealed for redress to their common overlord, the king of France. Philip saw in the situation an opportunity to embarrass his most irritating vassal. He summoned John (1202) to appear before his court at Paris, answer the charges against him, and submit to the judgment of his peers. John maintained that as king of England he was not subject to the jurisdiction of the French court; Philip replied that as duke of Normandy he was. John demanded a safe conduct, which Philip offered to grant only on conditions that John could not accept. Consequently, on the day of the trial the English king did not appear, and the court declared his territory confiscated according to feudal law. Philip proceeded
The reestablishment of english, 1200-1500
at once to carry out the decision of the court and invaded Normandy. A succession of victories soon put the greater part of the duchy in his control. One after another of John’s supporters deserted him. His unpopularity was increased by the news of the death of the young prince Arthur, John’s nephew and captive, who was married to Philip’s daughter and who, it was firmly believed, had been murdered. In 1204 Rouen surrendered, and Normandy was lost to the English crown. So far as it affected the English language, as in other respects as well, the loss of Normandy was wholly advantageous. King and nobles were now forced to look upon England as their first concern. Although England still retained large continental possessions, they were in the south of France and had never been so intimately connected by ties of language, blood, and property interests as had Normandy. It gradually became apparent that the island kingdom had its own political and economic ends and that these were not the same as those of France. England was on the way to becoming not merely a geographical term but once more a nation. 95. Separation of the French and English Nobility. One of the important consequences of the event just described was that it brought to a head the question of whether many of the nobility owed their allegiance to England or to France. After the Norman Conquest a large number held lands in both countries. A kind of interlocking aristocracy existed, so that it might be difficult for some of the English nobility to say whether they belonged more to England or to the continent. Some steps toward a separation of their interests had been taken from time to time. The example of the Conqueror, who left Normandy to his son Robert and England to William Rufus, was occasionally followed by his companions. The Norman and English estates of William Fitz Osbern were divided in this way at his death in 1071, and of Roger de Montgomery in 1094, though the latter were afterwards reunited.1 On several occasions Henry I confiscated the English estates of unruly Norman barons. But in 1204 the process of separation was greatly accelerated, for by a decree of 1204–1205 the king of France announced that he had confiscated the lands of several great barons, including the earls of Warenne, Arundel, Leicester, and Clare, and of all those knights who had their abode in England.2 For the most part the families that had estates on both sides of the Channel were compelled to give up one or the other. Sometimes they divided into branches and made separate terms; in other cases great nobles preferred their larger holdings in England and gave up their Norman lands.3 John’s efforts at retaliation came to the same
For other instances see F.M.Powicke, The Loss of Normandy (Manchester, 1913), p. 482. Powicke, pp. 403, 415. 3 Stubbs, Constitutional History of England, I, 557; J.R.Strayer, The Administration of Normandy under Saint Louis (Cambridge, MA, 1932), p. 7. 2
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effect. It is true that the separation was by no means complete. In one way or another some nobles succeeded in retaining their positions in both countries. But double allegiance was generally felt to be awkward,4 and the voluntary division of estates went on. The action of Simon de Montfort in 1229 must have had many parallels. “My brother Amaury,” he says, “released to me our brother’s whole inheritance in England, provided that I could secure it; in return I released to him what I had in France.”5 The course of the separation may be said to culminate in an incident of 1244, which may best be told in the words of a contemporary chronicler: In the course of those days, the king of France having convoked, at Paris, all the people across the water who had possessions in England thus addressed them: “As it is impossible that any man living in my kingdom, and having possessions in England, can competently serve two masters, he must either inseparably attach himself to me or to the king of England.” Wherefore those who had possessions and revenues in England were to relinquish them and keep those which they had in France, and vice versa. Which, when it came to the knowledge of the king of England, he ordered that all people of the French nation, and especially Normans, who had possessions in England, should be disseized of them. Whence it appeared to the king of France that the king of England had broken the treaties concluded between them, because he had not, as the king of France had done, given the option to those who were to lose their lands in one or other of the two kingdoms, so that they might themselves choose which kingdom they would remain in. But as he was much weakened in body since his return from Poitou, he did not wish to renew the war, and preferred to keep silence; he even sought to repress the impetuous complaints of the Normans, as well as the furious and greedy desire that they manifested to rise against the king of England.6 The action of Louis was no doubt a consequence of the assistance Henry III attempted to give to the Count de la Marche and other rebellious French nobles in 1243, and although Matthew Paris is our only authority for it, there is no reason to doubt its authenticity. We may perhaps doubt whether these decrees were any more rigidly enforced than previous orders of a similar sort had been, but the cumulative effect of the various causes 4
Confiscations continued, as in 1217 and 1224. Cf. Kate Norgate, The Minority of Henry III (London, 1912), pp. 77, 220–21. 5 Charles Bémont, Simon de Montfort (Oxford, 1930), p. 4. 6 Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora, trans. J.A.Giles, I, 481–82. Although Matthew Paris puts this action of Louis IX and Henry III under the year 1244, it is possible that it belongs to the previous year. As early as July 1243, Henry ordered inquiry to be made to determine what magnates of England had stood with the king of France in the last war (Cal. Close Rolls, 1242–47, p. 69), and on January 24, 1244, he granted to his son Edward “a moiety of all the lands which the king has ordered to be taken into his hands and which belonged to men of the fealty of the king of France, and those holding of him” (Cal. Pat. Rolls, 1232–47, p. 418).
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described was to make the problem of double allegiance henceforth negligible. We may be sure that after 1250 there was no reason for the nobility of England to consider itself anything but English. The most valid reason for its use of French was gone. 96. French Reinforcements. At the very time when the Norman nobility was losing its continental connections and had been led to identify itself wholly with England, the country experienced a fresh invasion of foreigners, this time mostly from the south of France. The invasion began in the reign of King John, whose wife, mentioned above, was from the neighborhood of Poitou. A Poitevin clerk, Peter des Roches, was made bishop of Winchester, and rose to be chancellor and later justiciar of England. He is only the most important among a considerable number of foreign adventurers who attracted John’s attention and won his favor. But what began as a mere infiltration in the time of John became a flood in that of his son. Henry III, in spite of his devotion to English saints, was wholly French in his tastes and connections. Not only was he French on his mother’s side, but he was related through his wife to the French king, St. Louis. How intimate were the relations between the royal families of France and England at this time may be seen from the fact that Henry III, his brother Richard of Cornwall, Louis IX, and Louis’ brother Charles of Anjou were married to the four daughters of the count of Provence. As a result of Henry’s French connections three great inundations of foreigners poured into England during his reign. The first occurred in the year 1233, during the rule of Peter des Roches, a vivid picture of which is given by a contemporary: “The seventeenth year of King Henry’s reign he held his court at Christmas at Worcester, where, by the advice of Peter bishop of Winchester, as was said, he dismissed all the native officers of his court from their offices, and appointed foreigners from Poitou in their places…. All his former counsellors, bishops and earls, barons and other nobles, he dismissed abruptly, and put confidence in no one except the aforesaid bishop of Winchester and his son Peter de Rivaulx; after which he ejected all the castellans throughout all England, and placed the castles under the charge of the said Peter…. The king also invited men from Poitou and Brittany, who were poor and covetous after wealth, and about two thousand knights and soldiers came to him equipped with horses and arms, whom he engaged in his service, placing them in charge of the castles in the various parts of the kingdom; these men used their utmost endeavors to oppress the natural English subjects and nobles, calling them traitors, and accusing them of treachery to the king; and he, simple man that he was, believed their lies, and gave them the charge of all the counties and baronies.”7 The king, the same chronicler adds, “invited such legions of people from Poitou that they entirely filled England, and wherever the king went he was surrounded by crowds of these foreigners; and nothing was done in England except what the bishop of Winchester and his host of foreigners determined on.”8 7 8
Roger of Wendover, trans. J.A.Giles, II, 565–66. Ibid., II,567–68.
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In 1236 Henry’s marriage to Eleanor of Provence brought a second stream of foreigners to England. The new queen inherited among other blessings eight maternal uncles and a generous number of more distant relatives. Many of them came to England and were richly provided for. Matthew Paris writes, under the following year, “Our English king…has fattened all the kindred and relatives of his wife with lands, possessions, and money, and has contracted such a marriage that he cannot be more enriched, but rather impoverished.”9 One of the queen’s uncles, Peter of Savoy, was given the earldom of Richmond; another, Boniface, was made archbishop of Canterbury. Peter was further empowered by letters-patent to enlist in Henry’s services as many foreigners as he saw fit.10 The Provençals who thus came to England as a consequence of Henry’s marriage were followed ten years later, upon the death of his mother, by a third foreign influx, this one, like the first, from Poitou. Upon the death of King John, Henry’s mother had married her first love and borne him five sons. Henry now enriched his Poitevin half-brothers and their followers and married their daughters to English nobles. To one he gave the castle of Hertford and a rich wife. Another he made bishop of Winchester, “notwithstanding his youth, his ignorance of learning, and his utter incapacity for such a high station.”11 Of a third the same chronicler says that when he left England “the king filled his saddle bags with such a weight of money that he was obliged to increase the number of his horses.”12 Meanwhile marriages with the strangers were promoted by both the king and the queen,13 Henry’s own brother, Richard, earl of Cornwall, for example, being married to the queen’s sister. Everywhere ecclesiastical dignities were given to strangers, sometimes to reward favorites, sometimes to please the pope. The great bishop Grosseteste, who lived at this time, made an estimate of all the revenues of foreigners in England and found that the income of foreign ecclesiastics alone was three times that of the king. In short, in the course of Henry III’s long reign (1216–1272), the country was eaten up by strangers. Even London, says Matthew Paris, whom we have so often quoted, “was full to overflowing, not only of Poitevins, Romans, 9
Chronica Majora, trans. Giles, I, 122. O.H.Richardson, The National Movement in the Reign of Henry III (New York, 1897), p.75. 11 Matthew Paris, II, 433. 12 Ibid., II, 247. For the extent to which these foreigners were enriched, see Harold S.Snellgrove, The Lusignans in England, 1247–1258 (Albuquerque, 1950; Univ. of New MexicoPub. in History, No. 2). 13 Nothing can equal the impression that would be gained of this period by reading a hundred pages of Matthew Paris. Perhaps a few quotations will help to complete the picture: “My dear earl, I will no longer conceal from you the secret desire of my heart, which is, to raise and enrich you, and to advance your interests, by marrying your eldest legitimate son to the daughter of Guy, count of Angouleme, my uterine brother” (III, 15). “At the instigation of the queen, Baldwin de Rivers married a foreign lady, a Savoyard, and a relation of the queen’s. The county of Devon belonged to this Baldwin, and thus the noble possessions and heritages of the English daily devolved to foreigners” (III, 219). “At the beginning of the month of May [1247],…two ladies of Provence were, by the forethought and arrangement of Peter of Savoy, married to two noble youths, namely, Edmund earl of Lincoln, and Richard de Bourg, whom the king had for some years brought up in his palace. At this marriage the sounds of great discontent and anger were wafted through the kingdom, because, as they said, these females, although unknown, were united to the nobles against their wills” (II, 230). “In the same year, on the 13th of August, by the wish and proposal of the king, Johanna, the daughter of Warin de Muntchesnil, was married to William de Valence, the king’s uterine brother; for, the eldest son and heir of the said Warin being dead, a very rich inheritance awaited this daughter Johanna, who was the only daughter left” (II, 230). 10
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and Provengals, but also of Spaniards, who did great injury to the English.”14 97. The Reaction against Foreigners and the Growth of National Feeling. The excesses of Henry III in his reckless bestowal of favor upon for eigners were not so completely unfavorable to the English language as might be supposed. A reaction was bound to follow. Even the milder tendencies of John toward the favoring of aliens led the patriotic chancellor, Hubert de Burgh, during the minority of John’s son, to adopt a vigorous policy of “England for the English.” When Henry came of age and under the rule of Peter des Roches the first great inpouring of Poitevins occurred, the antagonism aroused was immediate. At a council held at Winchester in 1234 a number of the bishops told the king: “Lord king,…the counsel which you now receive and act upon, namely, that of Peter bishop of Winchester, and Peter de Rivaulx, is not wise or safe, but…cruel and dangerous to yourselves and to the whole kingdom. In the first place, they hate the English people…; they estrange your affections from your people, and those of your people from you…; they hold your castles and the strength of your dominions in their own hands, as though you could not place confidence in your own people;…they have your treasury, and all the chief trusts and escheats under their own control;… [and] by the same counsel all the natural subjects of your kingdom have been dismissed from your court.”15 Upon the threat of excommunication the king yielded and dismissed the foreigners from office. But they were soon back, and popular feeling grew steadily more bitter. As Matthew Paris wrote, “At this time (1251), the king day by day lost the affections of his natural subjects.” The following year the great reforming bishop, Grosseteste, expressed the feeling of native churchmen when he said: “The church is being worn out by constant oppressions; the pious purposes of its early benefactors are being brought to naught by the confiscation of its ample patrimony to the uses of aliens, while the native English suffer. These aliens are not merely foreigners; they are the worst enemies of England. They strive to tear the fleece and do not even know the faces of the sheep; they do not understand the English tongue, neglect the cure of souls, and impoverish the kingdom.”16 Opposition to the foreigner became the principal ground for such national feeling as existed and drove the barons and the middle class together in a common cause. It is significant that the leader of this coalition, Simon de Montfort, was Norman-born, though he claimed his inheritance in England by right of his grandmother. The practical outcome of the opposition was the Provisions of Oxford (1258) and their aftermath, the Barons’ War (1258–1265). Twice during these years the foreigners were driven from England, and when peace was finally restored and a little later Edward I (1272–1307) came to the throne we enter upon a period in which England becomes conscious of its unity, when 14
III, 151. Roger of Wendover, II, 583–84. 16 Quoted by Richardson, National Movement (New York, 1897), pp. 32–33. 15
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the governmental officials are for the most part English, and when the king, in a summons to Parliament (1295), can attempt to stir up the feelings of his subjects against the king of France by claiming that it was “his detestable purpose, which God forbid, to wipe out the English tongue.” The effect of the foreign incursions in the thirteenth century was undoubtedly to delay somewhat the natural spread of the use of English by the upper classes that had begun. But it was also to arouse such widespread hostility to foreigners as greatly to stimulate the consciousness of the difference between those who for a generation or several generations had so participated in English affairs as to consider themselves Englishmen, and to cause them to unite against the newcomers who had flocked to England to bask in the sun of Henry’s favor. One of the reproaches frequently leveled at the latter is that they did not know English. It would be natural if some knowledge of English should come to be regarded as a proper mark of an Englishman. 98. French Cultural Ascendancy in Europe. The stimulus given to the use of French in England by foreign additions to the upper class coincides smoothly with another circumstance tending in the same direction. This was the wide popularity that the French language enjoyed all over civilized Europe in the thirteenth century. At this time France was commonly regarded as representing chivalrous society in its most polished form, and the French language was an object of cultivation at most of the other courts of Europe, just as it was in the eighteenth century. Adenet le Roi tells us in one of his romances that all the great lords in Germany had French teachers for their children.17 Brunetto Latini, the master of Dante, in explaining why he wrote his great encyclopedia, Li Tresor (c. 1265), in French, says: “And if anyone should ask why this book is written in Romance, according to the language of the French, seeing that I am Italian, I should say that it is for two reasons: one, because I am now in France, and the other because that speech is the most delectable and the most common to all people.” At about the same time another Italian, Martino da Canale, translated “the ancient history of the Venetians from Latin into French” “because the French language is current throughout the world and is the most delightful to read and to hear.” Similar testimony (Berte aus Grans Piés, 148 ff.)
Avoit une coustume ens el tiois pays Que tout li grant seignor, li conte et li marchis Avoient entour aus gent françoise tousdis Pour aprendre françoise lor filles et lor fis; Li rois et la roïne et Berte o le cler vis Sorent près d’aussi bien la françois de Paris Com se il fussent né au bourc à Saint Denis.
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comes from Norway and Spain, even Jerusalem and the East18 The prestige of French civilization, a heritage to some extent from the glorious tradition of Charlemagne, carried abroad by the greatest of medieval literatures, by the fame of the University of Paris, and perhaps to some extent by the enterprise of the Normans themselves, would have constituted in itself a strong reason for the continued use of French among polite circles in England. 99. English and French in the Thirteenth Century. The thirteenth century must be viewed as a period of shifting emphasis upon the two languages spoken in England. The upper classes continued for the most part to speak French, as they had done in the previous century, but the reasons for doing so were not the same. Instead of being a mother tongue inherited from Norman ancestors, French became, as the century wore on, a cultivated tongue supported by social custom and by business and administrative convention. Meanwhile English made steady advances. A number of considerations make it clear that by the middle of the century, when the separation of the English nobles from their interests in France had been about completed, English was becoming a matter of general use among the upper classes. It is at this time, as we shall see, that the adoption of French words into the English language assumes large proportions. The transference of words occurs when those who know French and have been accustomed to use it try to express themselves in English. It is at this time also that the literature intended for polite circles begins to be made over from French into English (see § 110). There is evidence that by the close of the century some children of the nobility spoke English as their mother tongue and had to be taught French through the medium of manuals equipped with English glosses. There is no need to heap up evidence of the continued use of French by the upper class in this century. Even at the close of the century it was used in Parliament19 in the law courts, in public negotiations generally.20 Treatises on 18
Cf. Nyrop, Grammaire historique de la langue française, I, 30; Brunot, Histoire de la langue française, I, 358–a99. Writers still speak of the wide popularity of French at a much later date. Christine de Pisan at the beginning of the fifteenth century calls it “la plus commune par I’universel monde” (Le Livre des Trois Vertus, quoted in R. Thomassy, Essai sur les écrits politiques de Christine de Pisan (Paris, 1838), pp. lxxxi–lxxxii) and cf. the anonymous author of La Manière de langage (1396), ed. P. Meyer, Rev. Critique, 10 (1870), 373–408. 19 In the reign of Edward I the archbishop of Canterbury presented to the king and the leaders of the army a Latin letter from the pope and explained its contents in French (Matthew of West-minster, trans. C.D.Young, II, 546). The petitions to Parliament at this time are mostly in French, and sometimes the statutes themselves, though these were commonly drawn up in Latin (Statutes of the Realm, I, xl, and R.L.Atkinson, “Interim Report on Ancient Petitions,” typed transcript bound in the copy of Lists and Indexes, no. 1, in the Literary Search Room of the Public Record Office). 20 As when Edward I was called in (1291) to settle the dispute concerning the Scottish succession (Rymer, Foedera, II, 553).
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husbandry that have come down to us from this time are all in French. All of them21 seem intended for the owners of estates, except possibly Seneschaucie, which is on the duties of the seneschal. French was read by the educated, including those who could not read Latin.22 That the ability was on the decline is suggested by the action of a chronicler at the end of the century who, after citing a petition to Parliament “written in the French language in conformity with the usual custom,” translates it into Latin in order that it “may be more easily understood by those of posterity who may not be so well versed in the above language.”23 That the knowledge of French, even of those who attempted to use it in this period, was sometimes imperfect is quite clear. One author of a French poem says he hardly knows how to write the language because he was never in Paris or at the abbey of St. Denis.24 The most interesting evidence, however, is to be found in the bills or petitions presented to the justices in eyre at the close of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth centuries by those seeking redress at the law. Custom required these bills to be in French. They are obviously not written by lawyers or by the complainants themselves, but by professional scribes or possibly the parish priest. As the editor of a volume of such petitions25 says, “The text of the bills makes it plain that the draftsmen were struggling with the forms of a language that was far from being a living tongue with them,” and he offers good reason for believing “that they neither spoke French nor were accustomed to hear it spoken in their own neighborhood.” Furthermore, declension and conjugation are often incorrect or peculiar, and the writers make the most obvious mistakes in gender, such as using la before a man’s name and le before a woman’s (“le avant dit Aliz”). Yet, 21
Four are edited by E.Lamond, Walter of Henley’s Husbandry (London, 1890). One was supposedly written by Bishop Grosseteste in 1240–1241 for the countess of Lincoln. Walter of Henley’s treatise exists in an English version that is attributed in the manuscripts to Grosseteste. If we could trust the attribution, it would constitute evidence that some of the landowners at this time preferred to read English. But the translation belongs probably to a later date. 22 A French poem on the calendar is addressed to “simpli gent lettre,” that is, those who could read, while Grosseteste’s Château d’Amour was “por ceus ki ne sevent mie ne lettrure ne clergie,” that is, those who could neither read at all nor understand Latin, but could understand French when it was read to them. 23 Continuation of Pseudo-Ingulph, Ingulph’s Chronicle, trans. H.T.Riley, p. 330. 24 Je ne sai guers romanz faire… Car jeo ne fu unques a Parye Ne al abbaye de saint Denys. (Antikrist, latter part of the thirteenth century, cited by Vising, Franska Språket i England, III, 9.) 25 W.C.Bolland, Select Bills in Eyre, A.D. 1292–1333 (London, 1914), pp. xix–xx, xxx–xxxi (Selden Soc).
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singularly enough, the handwriting of some of the worst is excellent and seems clearly to point to an educated person.26 The spread of English among the upper classes was making steady progress. References to a knowledge of the language on the part of members of this class are now seldom found, especially in the latter part of the century, probably because it had become general. We do not know whether Henry III understood English, though he probably did. His brother, Richard, earl of Cornwall, who was elected emperor of Germany in 1257, certainly did, for Matthew Paris tells us that he was chosen partly “on account of his speaking the English language, which is similar in sound to the German.”27 Henry’s son, Edward I, notwithstanding his Provengal mother, spoke English readily, perhaps even habitually.28 While the references to the language are not numerous, they are suggestive. Here a bishop preaches in it;29 there a judge quotes it,30 monks joke in it;31 friars use it to explain to the people of Worcester a legal victory.32 A royal proclamation is issued in it.33 The clearest indication of the extent to which the English language had risen in the social scale by the middle of the thirteenth century is furnished by a little treatise written by Walter of Bibbesworth to teach children French—how to speak and how to reply, “Which every gentleman ought to know.” French is treated as a foreign language, and the child is taken on a very practical course through life, learning the names of the parts of the body, the articles of its 26
William Rothwell summarizes the situation well: “The true role of French in thirteenth-century England was not at all that of a vernacular, except possibly in the case of the king’s immediate entourage.” Also, “French as a vernacular was declining steadily before the twelfth century gave way to the thirteenth, but as a language of culture and administration it prospered all through the thirteenth century and even beyond,” in “The Role of French in Thirteenth-Century England,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 58 (1975–76), 455, 462. 27 Chronica Majora, trans. Riley, III, 209. 28 Cf. an incident in Walter of Hemingburgh, I, 337 (Eng. Hist. Soc.); Freeman, V, 533. 29 Grosseteste (cf. Stevenson, Robert Grosseteste, p. 32). 30 W.C.Bolland, The Year Books (Cambridge, 1921), p. 76. 31 Giraldus Cambrensis, Opera, IV, 209 (Rolls Series). 32 Annals of Worcester, Annales Monastici, IV, 504 (Rolls Series). 33 The agreement reached by the barons and the king in 1258 and known as the Provisions of Oxford was made public by a proclamation that bound everyone in England to the acceptance of it. The proclamation, issued by the king October 18, 1258, was in French and English and was directed “To alle hise holde ilaerde and ileawede” (to all his faithful subjects, learned and lay) in every county. It is the first proclamation to be issued in English since the Norman Conquest, and, although the only one for a good while, is very likely the result of Simon de Montfort’s desire to reach the people of the middle class, the lesser barons, and the inhabitants of the towns. For the text of the proclamation, as entered on the Patent Roll, see A.J.Ellis, “On the Only English Proclamation of Henry III,” Trans. Philol. Soc. (1868), pp. 1–135. The actual copy sent to the sheriff of Oxford was later found and published by W.W.Skeat, “The Oxford MS. of the Only English Proclamation of Henry III,” ibid. (1880–1881), Appendix VI. A facsimile of this copy is given in Octavus Ogle, Royal Letters Addressed to Oxford (Oxford, 1892).
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clothing, food, household utensils and operations, meals, and the like, together with terms of falconry and the chase and other polite accomplishments. The important words are provided with an interlinear English gloss. The person for whom the little manual was prepared was Dionysia, the daughter of William de Munchensy. The latter was among the leaders of the barons in the battle of Lewes and was related, through his sister’s marriage, to the half-brother of King Henry III. Dionysia herself was later married to one of the sons of the earl of Oxford. She thus belonged to the upper circle of the nobility, and it is therefore highly significant that the language she knew, and through which she acquired French, was English. Since the treatise was certainly written in the thirteenth century (not later than 1250) and the number of manuscripts that have come down to us shows that it had much wider circulation than in just the family for which it was originally written, we may feel quite sure that the mother tongue of the children of the nobility in the year 1300 was, in many cases, English.34 Finally, it is interesting to note the appearance at this time of an attitude that becomes more noticeable later, the attitude that the proper language for Englishmen to know and use is English. In the Cursor Mundi, an encyclopedic poem on biblical subjects, written shortly before or shortly after the year 1300, we may detect a mild but nonetheless clear protest against the use of French and a patriotic espousal of English:
Pis ilk bok es translate Into Inglis tong to rede For the love of Inglis lede,35 Inglis lede of Ingland, For the commun at36 understand. Frankis rimes here I redd Comunlik in ilka sted;37 Mast38 es it wroght for Frankis man, Quat39 is for him na Frankis can? In Ingland the nacion, Es Inglis man þar in commun; Pe speche þat man wit mast may spede; Mast þarwit to speke war nede. 34
The treatise has been edited by William Rothwell, Walter de Bibbesworth: Le Tretiz (London, 1990). On the date see Baugh, “The Date of Walter of Bibbesworth’s Traité,” Festschrift für Walther Fischer (Heidelberg, 1959), pp. 21–33. 35 people 36 to 37 each place 38 most 39 what
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Selden was for ani chance Praised Inglis tong in France; Give we ilkan40 þare langage, Me think we do þam non outrage. To laud41 and Inglis man I spell Pat understandes þat I tell… (Cursor Mundi, Prologue, II. 232–50) The Provisions of Oxford, mentioned above, were in Latin, French, and English. Latin was naturally the language of record. It is certain that the document was sent in English to the sheriffs of every county to be publicized. Whether it was also sent in French is not known but seems likely. At all events, fourteen years before (1244), the Annals of Burton record a letter from the dean of Lincoln asking the bishop of Lichfield to proclaim a directive from the pope excommunicating those who broke the provisions of Magna Carta, the pronouncement to be in lingua Anglicana et Gallicana.42 In 1295 a document was read before the county court at Chelmsford, Essex, and explained in gallico et anglico,43 but this may represent no more than the survival of a custom of making important announcements in both languages. We may sum up the situation by saying that in the latter part of the thirteenth century English was widely known among all classes of people, though not necessarily by everyone. 100. Attempts to Arrest the Decline of French. At the close of the thirteenth century and especially in the course of the next we see clear indications that the French language was losing its hold on England in the measures adopted to keep it in use. The tendency to speak English was becoming constantly stronger even in those two most conservative institutions, the church and the universities. Already in the last decades of the thirteenth century the great Benedictine monasteries of Canterbury and Westminster adopted regulations forbidding the novices to use English in school or cloister and requiring all conversation to be in French.44 Similar regulations were found necessary at the universities. A fourteenth-century statute of Oxford required the students to construe and translate in both English and French “lest the French language be entirely disused.”45 Supplementary ordinances drawn up for Exeter College 40
each one ignorant, lay 42 Annales Monastici, I, 322 (Rolls Series). 43 W.A.Morris, The Early English County Court (Berkeley, 1926), p. 173. 44 Customary of the Benedictine Monasteries of Saint Augustine, Canterbury, and Saint Peter, Westminster, ed. E.H.Thompson, Henry Bradshaw Soc., XXIII, 210; XXVIII, 164. 45 Munimenta Academica, II, 438 (Rolls Series). 41
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by Bishop Stapleton in 1322 and 1325, and the foundation statutes of Oriel (1326) and Queen’s (1340), required that the conversation of the students be in Latin or in French. As early as 1284 at Merton, Archbishop Peckham found that Latin was not spoken, as the rules required. Some time later conditions at this fine old college were clearly in a bad way; the Fellows talked English at table and wore “dishonest shoes.”46 Among the Cambridge colleges Peterhouse had a similar rule. Students were expected to speak Latin except that they might use French “for a just or reasonable cause…but very rarely English.47 The primary purpose of these regulations was of course to insure an easy command of the Latin language, but it is evident that without them the language that would have been spoken, if not Latin, would have been English. According to Froissart, a further effort to keep the French language from going out of use was made by parliament in 1332, which decreed “that all lords, barons, knights, and honest men of good towns should exercise care and diligence to teach their children the French language in order that they might be more able and better equipped in their wards.”48 Such efforts as these indicate how artificial was the use of French in England by the fourteenth century. If further evidence were needed it would be found in the appearance of numerous manuals for learning French. As early as 1250 we find a short Latin treatise on the French verb. Walter of Bibbesworth’s Traité of about the same date has already been mentioned. In succeeding years there are several adaptations of it, fuller in treatment and with more attention to pronunciation. They form an unbroken series from that time down to our own textbooks of the present day, and in them all French is treated frankly as a foreign language.49 These works have traditionally been understood as books for children, but it is possible that they functioned more as manuals for adults, both for the adults’ own use and for instructing children. If so, the need for help in French extended at least a generation further back.50 101. Provincial Character of French in England. One factor against the continued use of French in England was the circumstance that Anglo-French was not “good” French. In the Middle Ages there were four principal dialects of French spoken in France: Norman, Picard (in the northeast), Burgundian (in the east), and the Central French of Paris (the Ile-de-France). At the date of the Norman Conquest and for some time after, each enjoyed a certain local prestige,51 46
C.E.Mallet, A History of the University of Oxford (3 vols., London, 1924–1927), I, 118. Documents Relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge (1852), II, 31. 48 Œuvres de Froissart, ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, II, 419. 49 A full account of these books is given in K.Lambley, The Teaching and Cultivation of the French Language in England (Manchester, 1920), and G.T.Clapton and W.Stewart, Les Études françaises dans l’enseignement en Grande-Bretagne (Paris, 1929). 50 See William Rothwell, “The Teaching of French in Medieval England,” Mod. Lang. Rev., 63 (1968), 37–46. 51 Roger Bacon notes the four dialects and says: “A fitting and intelligible expression in the dialect of the Picards is out of place among the Burgundians, nay, among their nearer Gallic neighbors.” The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon, trans. R.B.Burke (Philadelphia, 1928), I, 75. 47
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but with the rapid rise of the Capetian power in the thirteenth century the linguistic supremacy of Paris followed upon its political ascendancy. The French introduced into England was possibly a mixture of various northern dialectal features, but with Norman predominating, and under the influence of English linguistic tendencies, it gradually developed into something quite different from any of the continental dialects. The difference was noticed quite early,52 and before long the French of England drew a smile from continental speakers. It was the subject of humorous treatment in literature,53 and English writers became apologetic. One poet says, “A false French of England I know, for I have not been elsewhere to acquire it; but you who have learned it elsewhere, amend it where there is need.”54 The more ambitious sent their children to France to have the “barbarity” taken off their speech.55 But the situation did not mend. Everybody is familiar with the gentle fun that Chaucer makes of the Prioress:
And Frensh she spak ful faire and fetisly, After the scole of Stratford atte Bowe, For Frensh of Paris was to hir unknowe. One might well feel some hesitancy about speaking a language of which one had to be slightly ashamed. 102. The Hundred Years’ War. In the course of the centuries following the Norman Conquest the connection of England with the continent, as we have seen, had been broken. It was succeeded by a conflict of interests and a growing feeling of antagonism that culminated in a long period of open hostility with France (1337–1453). The causes of this struggle are too complex to be entered into here, but the active interference of France in England’s efforts to control Scotland led Edward III finally to put forth a claim to the French throne and to invade France. The great victories of the English at Crécy (1346) and Poitiers (1356) fanned English patriotism to a white heat, though this auspicious beginning of the struggle was followed by a depressing period of reverses and though the contest was interrupted by long periods of truce. In the reign of Henry V England again enjoyed a brief period of success, notably in the victory against great odds at Agincourt (1415). But the success did not 52
Walter Map says that “if one is faulty in his use of this tongue, we say that he speaketh French of Marlborough.” De Nugis Curialium, V, vi (trans. Tupper and Ogle). 53 H.Albert, Mittelalterlicher Englisch-französischer Jargon (Halle, Germany, 1922). 54 A life of Edward the Confessor in Anglo-French verse of the latter part of the thirteenth century; cf. A.T.Baker in Mod. Lang. Rev., 3 (1907–1908), 374–75. William of Wadington makes a similar excuse: “No one ought to blame me for the French or the verse, for I was born in England and nourished and brought up there.” So too does Gower (Vising, Franska Språket i England, III, 9). 55 Gervase of Tilbury, Otia Imperialia (1212), chap. 20, ed. G.G.Leibnitz, Scriptores Rerum Brunsvicensium (Hanover, Germany, 1707), I, 945.
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continue after the young king’s death, and the exploits of Joan of Arc (1429) marked the beginning of the end. Although this protracted war again turned people’s attention to the continent, and the various expeditions might have tended to keep the French language in use, it seems to have had no such effect, but rather the opposite. Probably the intervals between the periods of actual fighting were too long and the hindrances to trade and other intercourse too discouraging. The feeling that remained uppermost in the minds of most people was one of animosity, coupled with a sense of the inevitability of renewed hostilities. During all this time it was impossible to forget that French was the language of an enemy country, and the Hundred Years’ War is probably to be reckoned as one of the causes contributing to the disuse of French. 103. The Rise of the Middle Class. A feature of some importance in helping English to recover its former prestige is the improvement in the condition of the mass of the people and the rise of a substantial middle class. As we have seen, the importance of a language is largely determined by the importance of the people who speak it. During the latter part of the Middle English period the condition of the laboring classes was rapidly improving. Among the rural population villeinage was dying out. Fixed money payments were gradually substituted for the days’ work due the lord of the manor, and the status of the villein more nearly resembled that of the free tenants. The latter class was itself increasing; there was more incentive to individual effort and more opportunity for a person to reap the rewards of enterprise. The process by which these changes were being brought about was greatly accelerated by an event that occurred in the year 1349. In the summer of 1348 there appeared in the southwest of England the first cases of a disease that in its contagiousness and fatality exceeded anything previously known. It spread rapidly over the rest of the country, reaching its height in 1349 but continuing in the north into the early months of 1350. The illness, once contracted, ran a very rapid course. In two or three days the victims either died or showed signs of recovery. Generally they died. Immunity was slight, and in the absence of any system of quarantine the disease spread unimpeded through a community. The mortality was unbelievably high, though it has often been exaggerated. We can no more believe the statement that scarcely one-tenth of the people were left alive than we can the assertion of the same chronicler that all those born after the pestilence had two “cheek-teeth in their head less than they had afore.” Careful modern studies based on the data contained in episcopal registers show that 40 percent of the parish clergy died of the plague, and while this is apparently higher than for the population at large, the death rate during the plague approximated 30 percent. It is quite sufficient to justify the name “The Black Death.” The effects of so great a calamity were naturally serious, and in one direction at least are fully demonstrable. As in most epidemics, the rich suffered less than the poor. The poor could not shut themselves up in their castles or retreat to a secluded manor. The mortality was accordingly greatest among the lower social orders, and the result was a serious shortage of labor. This is evident in the immediate rise in wages, a rise which the Statute of Laborers was insufficient to control or prevent. Nor was this result merely temporary if we may judge from the thirteen reenactments of the statute in the course of
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the next hundred years. Villeins frequently made their escape, and many cotters left the land in search of the high wages commanded by independent workers. Those who were left behind felt more acutely the burden of their condition, and a general spirit of discontent arose, which culminated in the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. By and large, the effect of the Black Death was to increase the economic importance of the laboring class and with it the importance of the English language which they spoke.56 We may also note at this time the rise of another important group—the craftsmen and the merchant class. By 1250 there had grown up in England about two hundred towns with populations of from 1,000 to 5,000; some, like London or York, were larger. These towns became free, self-governing communities, electing their own officers, assessing taxes in their own way, collecting them and paying them to the king in a lump sum, trying their own cases, and regulating their commercial affairs as they saw fit. The townsfolk were engaged for the most part in trade or in the manufacturing crafts and banded together into commercial fraternities or guilds for their mutual protection and advantage. In such an environment there arose in each town an independent, sometimes a wealthy and powerful class, standing halfway between the rural peasant and the hereditary aristocracy. Such changes in the social and economic life benefited particularly the Englishspeaking part of the population, and enable us better to understand the final triumph of English in the century in which these changes largely occur. 104. General Adoption of English in the Fourteenth Century. At the beginning of the fourteenth century English was once more known by everyone. The most conclusive evidence of this is the direct testimony of contemporaries. So much of the polite literature of England until a generation or two 56
As a result of the plague English must also have made its way more rapidly in the monasteries, as we know it did in the schools, and probably elsewhere. Forty-seven monks and the abbot died at St. Albans in 1349. Their places were filled by men who often knew no other language than English. We may judge of the situation from the words of the chronicler Knighton: “But, within a short time, a very great multitude of men whose wives had died of the pestilence flocked to Holy Orders, of whom many were illiterate and almost sheer lay folk, except in so far as they could read, though not understand.”
before had been in French that writers seemed to feel called upon to justify their use of English. Accordingly they frequently begin with a prologue explaining their intention in the work that follows and incidentally make interesting observations on the linguistic situation. From a number of such statements we may select three quotations. The first is from a collection of metrical homilies written in the north of England about the year 1300:
Forthi wil I of my povert Schau sum thing that Ik haf in hert, On Ingelis tong that alle may
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Understand quat I wil say; For laued men havis mar mister Godes word for to her Than klerkes that thair mirour lokes, And sees hou thai sal lif on bokes. And bathe klerk and laued man Englis understand kan, That was born in Ingeland, And lang haves ben thar in wonand, Bot al men can noht, I-wis, Understand Latin and Frankis. Forthi me think almous it isse To wirke sum god thing on Inglisse, That mai ken lered and laued bathe.57 57
North English Homily Cycle, ed. John Small, English Metrical Homilies from Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century (Edinburgh, 1862), pp. 3–4:
Therefore will I of my poverty Show something that I have in heart In English tongue that all may Understand what I will say; For laymen have more need God’s word for to hear Than clerks that look in their Mirror And see in books how they shall live. And both clerk and layman Can understand English, Who were born in England And long have been dwelling therein, But all men certainly cannot Understand Latin and French. Therefore methinks it is alms (an act of charity) To work some good thing in English That both learned and lay may know. The allusion to clerks that have their Mirror is probably a reference to the Miroir, or Les Evangiles des Domees, an Anglo-French poem by Robert of Gretham.
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Here we are told that both learned and unlearned understand English. A still more circumstantial statement, serving to confirm the above testimony, is found in William of Nassyngton’s Speculum Vitae or Mirror of Life (c. 1325):
In English tonge I schal
wyth me so longe wil dwelle. No Latyn wil I speke no waste, But English, þat men vse mast,58 can eche man vnderstande, is born in Ingelande; For þat langage is most chewyd,59 Os wel among lered60 os lewyd.61 Latyn, as I trowe, can nane But þo, þat haueth it in scole tane,62 And somme can Frensche and no Latyn, vsed han63 cowrt and dwellen þerein, And somme can of Latyn a party, can of Frensche but febly; And somme vnderstonde wel Englysch, can noþer Latyn nor Frankys. Boþe lered and lewed, olde and Alle vnderstonden english tonge.64 (11, 61–78) Here the writer acknowledges that some people who have lived at court know French, but he is quite specific in his statement that old and young, learned and unlearned, all understand the English tongue. Our third quotation, although the briefest, is perhaps the most interesting of all. It is from the opening lines of a romance called Arthur and Merlin, written not later than the year 1325 and probably in the opening years of the century: 58
most showed, in evidence 60 learned 61 unlearned, lay 62 taken, learned 63 have 64 Englische Studien, 7 (1884), 469. 65 English people 59
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is, þat Inglische65 Inglische66 vnderstond, was born in Inglond; Freynsche vse þis gentilman,
Ac euerich67 Inglische can.68 Mani noble ich haue
no Freynsche couþe70 seye.71 The special feature of this passage is not the author’s statement that everybody knows English, which we have come to expect, but his additional assertion that at a time when gentlemen still “used” French he had seen many a noble who could not speak that language. Although, as these quotations show, English was now understood by everyone, it does not follow that French was unknown or had entirely gone out of use. It still had some currency at the court although English had largely taken its place; we may be sure that the court that Chaucer knew spoke English even if its members commonly wrote and often read French. A dozen books owned by Richard II in 1385, most of them romances, seem from their titles to have been all French, though he spoke English fluently and Gower wrote the Confessio Amantis for him in English. Robert of Brunne, who wrote his Chronicle in 1338, implies that French is chiefly the language of two groups, the educated classes and the French.72 That in England French was the accomplishment mainly of the educated in the fourteenth century is implied by the words of Avarice in Piers Plowman (B-text, V, 239): “I lerned nevere rede on boke, And I can no Frenche in feith but of the ferthest ende of Norfolke.” Among the learned we must include the legal profession and the church. French was the language of lawyers and of the law courts down to 1362. We may likewise believe that ecclesiastics could still commonly speak French. We are told that Hugh of Eversdone, the cellarer, who was elected abbot of St. Albans in 1308, knew English and French very well, though he was not so competent in Latin;73 and an amusing story of the bishop of Durham who was consecrated in 1318 66
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everybody knows 69 seen 70 could 71 Arthour and Merlin, ed. E.Kölbing (Leipzig, 1890). 72 Frankis spech is cald Romance, So sais clerkes & men of France (Prol. to part II). 73 Walsingham, Gesta Abbatum, II, 113–14 (Rolls Series). 68
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attests his knowledge of French while revealing an even greater ignorance of the language of the service.74 We have already seen that French was kept up as the language of conversation in the monasteries of St. Augustine at Canterbury and St. Peter at Westminster. It was so also at St. Mary’s Abbey, York, as appears from the Ordinal drawn up in 1390, and was probably the case generally. Chaucer’s prioress spoke French, though she told her tale to the Canterbury pilgrims in English, and the instructions from the abbot of St. Albans to the nuns of Sopwell in 1338 are in French.75 But clerks of the younger generation in Langland’s time seem to have been losing their command of the language.76 Outside the professions, French seems to have been generally known to government officials and the more substantial burgesses in the towns. It was the language of parliament and local administration. The business of town councils and the guilds seems to have been ordinarily transacted in French, though there are scattered instances of the intrusion of English. French was very common at this time in letters and dispatches and local records, and was probably often written by people who did not habitually speak it. An anonymous chronicle of about 1381 is written in French, but, as the editor remarks, it is the French of a man who is obviously thinking in English;77 and the poet Gower, who wrote easily in Latin, French, and English, protests that he knows little French.78 In spite of Trevisa’s statement (see § 106) about the efforts of “uplondish” men to learn French in order to liken themselves to gentlemen,79 French can have had but little currency among the middle classes outside of the towns.80 It is interesting to note that the chief disadvantage that Trevisa sees in the fact that children no longer learn French is that “it will be harm for them if they shall pass the sea and travel in strange lands,” though his scholarly instincts led him to add “and in many other places.” 74
Although he had been carefully coached for his consecration, he stumbled at the word metropoliticae, and finally, when he could not pronounce it, exclaimed, Seit pur dite (let it be considered as said). Later, after making a vain effort to achieve the word aenigmate, he remarked to those present, Par Seint Lowys, il ne fu pas curteis, qui ceste parole ici escrit (Robert de Graystanes, Historia…Ecclesiae Dunelmensis. Chap. 48, in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres, Surtees Soc., IX, 118). 75 Monast. Ang., III, 365–66. 76 Gramer, the grounde of al, bigyleth now children; For is none of this newe clerkes, who so nymeth hede, That can versifye faire ne formalich enditen; Ne on amonge an hundreth that an auctour can construe, Ne rede a lettre in any langage but in Latyn or in Englissh. 77
(Piers Plowman, B-text, XV, 365–69)
The Anonimalle Chronicle, 1333 to 1381, from a MS. written at St. Mary’s Abbey, York, ed. V.H.Galbraith (Manchester, 1927), p. xvii. 78 Mirour de I’Omme, ed. Macaulay, I, 21775. 79 It must be remembered that the term “uplondish” does not only refer to the rural population but doubtless includes everyone outside of London, just as the word “country” on London pillar-boxes does today. 80 It is a mistake to argue, as has been several times done, from the Contes Moralisés of Nichole Bozon that French was widely known among the English middle class. Though this Minorite of the later fourteenth century seems to have the middle class chiefly in mind, these brief items are not sermons, but anecdotes and memoranda for sermons, and do not furnish any evidence that the
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author or those for whose help he made the collection actually preached in French. They are like the similar collections in Latin.
It is clear that the people who could speak French in the fourteenth century were bilingual. Edward III knew English,81 and Richard II addressed the people in it at the time of Wat Tyler’s rebellion. Outside the royal family it would seem that even among the governing class English was the language best understood. When Edward III called a parliament in 1337 to advise him about prosecuting his claim to the throne of France, it was addressed by a lawyer who, according to Froissart, was very competent in Latin, French, and English. And he spoke in English, although, as we have seen, French was still the usual language of Parliament, “to the end that he might be better understood by all, for one always knows better what one wishes to say and propose in the language to which he is introduced in his infancy than in any other.”82 Ten years before, a similar incident occurred when the privileges which Edward II confirmed to the city of London were read before the mayor, aldermen, and citizens assembled in the Guildhall and were explained to them in English by Andrew Horn, the city chamberlain.83 In 1362 the chancellor opened Parliament for the first time with a speech in English.84 English likewise appears at this time in the acts of towns and guilds. In 1388 Parliament required all guilds to submit a report on their foundation, statutes, property, and the like. The returns are mostly in Latin, but forty-nine of them are in English, outnumbering those in French.85 The Customal of Winchester, which exists in an Anglo-Norman text of about 1275, was translated into English at the end of the fourteenth century.86 Finally, in the last year of the century, in the proceedings at the deposition of Richard II, the articles of accusation were read to the assembled Parliament in Latin and English, as was the document by which Richard renounced the throne. The order deposing him was read to him in English, and Henry IV’s speeches claiming the throne and later accepting it were delivered in English.87 Thus the proceedings would seem to have been conspicuous for the absence of French. There can be no doubt in the light of instances such as these that in the fourteenth century English is again the principal tongue of all England. 81
O.F.Emerson, “English or French in the Time of Edward III,” Romanic Rev., 7 (1916), 127–43. Œuvres de Froissart, ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, II, 326. 83 Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I and Edward II, I, 325 (Rolls Series). Andrew Horn was a member of the Fishmongers’ Company and the author of Le Miroir des Justices. He could doubtless have explained the privileges in French. 84 English was again used in 1363, 1365, and 1381. Rotuli Parliamentorum, II, 268, 275, 283; III, 98. 85 Printed in Toulmin Smith, English Gilds (Early English Text Soc., O.S. 40). 86 J.S.Furley, The Ancient Usages of the City of Winchester (Oxford, 1927), p. 3. 87 Annales Ricardi II et Henrici IV, pp. 281–86 (Rolls Series); Rotuli Parliamentorum, III, 423; J.H.Wylie, History of England under Henry the Fourth, I, 4–18. 82
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105. English in the Law Courts. In 1362 an important step was taken toward restoring English to its dominant place as the language of the country. For a long time, probably from a date soon after the Conquest, French had been the language of all legal proceedings. But in the fourteenth century such a practice was clearly without justification, and in 1356 the mayor and aldermen of London ordered that proceedings in the sheriffs’ court of London and Middlesex be in English.88 Six years later, in the Parliament held in October 1362, the Statute of Pleading was enacted, to go into effect toward the end of the following January: Because it is often shewed to the king by the prelates, dukes, earls, barons, and all the commonalty, of the great mischiefs which have happened to divers of the realm, because the laws, customs, and statutes of this realm be not commonly known in the same realm; for that they be pleaded, shewed, and judged in the French tongue, which is much unknown in the said realm; so that the people which do implead, or be impleaded, in the king’s court, and in the courts of others, have no knowledge nor understanding of that which is said for them or against them by their serjeants and other pleaders; and that reasonably the said laws and customs shall be most quickly learned and known, and better understood in the tongue used in the said realm, and by so much every man of the said realm may the better govern himself without offending of the law, and the better keep, save, and defend his heritage and possessions; and in divers regions and countries, where the king, the nobles, and others of the said realm have been, good governance and full right is done to every person, because that their laws and customs be learned and used in the tongue of the country: the king, desiring the good governance and tranquillity of his people, and to put out and eschew the harms and mischiefs which do or may happen in this behalf by the occasions aforesaid, hath ordained and established by the assent aforesaid, that all pleas which shall be pleaded in his courts whatsoever, before any of his justices whatsoever, or in his other places, or before any of his other ministers whatsoever, or in the courts and places of any other lords whatsoever within the realm, shall be pleaded, shewed, defended, answered, debated, and judged in the English tongue, and that they be entered and enrolled in Latin.89 88
R.R.Sharpe, Calendar of Letter-Books…of the City of London, Letter-Book G (London, 1905), p. 73. There are sporadic instances of the use of English in other courts even earlier. Thus in the action against the Templars in 1310 “frater Radulphus de Malton, ordinis Templi…deposuit in Anglico.” Wilkins, Concilia (1737), II, 357; cf. also p. 391. 89 Statutes of the Realm, I, 375–76. The original is in French. The petition on which it was based is in Rotuli Parliamentorum, II, 273.
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All this might have been said in one sentence: Hereafter all lawsuits shall be conducted in English. But it is interesting to note that the reason frankly stated for the action is that “French is much unknown in the said realm.” Custom dies hard, and there is some reason to think that the statute was not fully observed at once. It constitutes, however, the official recognition of English. 106. English in the Schools. From a time shortly after the Conquest, French had replaced English as the language of the schools. In the twelfth century there are patriotic complaints that Bede and others formerly taught the people in English, but their lore is lost; other people now teach our folk.90 A statement of Ranulph Higden in the fourteenth century shows that in his day the use of French in the schools was quite general. At the end of the first book of his Polychronicon (c. 1327), a universal history widely circulated, he attributes the corruption of the English language which he observes in part to this cause: This apayrynge of þe burþe tunge is bycause of tweie þinges; oon is for children in scole þe vsage and manere of alle oþere naciouns beeþ compelled for to leue hire owne langage, and for to construe hir lessouns and here þynges in Frensche, and so þey haueþ seþ þe Normans come first in to Engelond. Also gentil men children beeþ to speke Frensche from þe tyme þet þey beeþ i-rokked in here cradel, and kunneþ speke and playe wiþ a childes broche; and vplondisshe men wil likne hym self to gentil men, and fondeþ wiþ greet besynesse for to speke Frensce, for to be [more] i-tolde of.91 However, after the Black Death, two Oxford schoolmasters were responsible for a great innovation in English education. When the translator of Higden’s book, John Trevisa, came to the above passage he added a short but extremely interesting observation of his own: manere was moche i-vsed to fore þe firste moreyn and is siþþe sumdel i-chaunged; for Iohn Cornwaile, a maister of grammer, chaunged þe lore in gramer scole and construccioun of Frensche in to Englische; and Richard Pencriche lerned þat manere techynge of hym and oþere men of Pencrich; so þat now, þe of oure Lorde a þowsand þre hundred and foure score and fyue, and of þe secounde kyng Richard after þe conquest nyne, in alle þe gramere scoles of Engelond, children leueþ Frensche and construeþ and lerneþ an Englische, 90 91
Anglia, 3 (1880), 424. Polychronicon, II, 159 (Rolls Series), from the version of Trevisa made 1385–1387.
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and haueþ þerby auauntage in oon side and disauauntage in anoþer side; here auauntage is, þat þey lerneþ her gramer in lasse tyme þan children were i-woned to doo; disauauntage is þat now children of gramer scole conneþ na more Frensche þan can hir lift heele, and þat is harme for hem and þey schulle passe þe see and trauaille in straunge landes and in many oþer places. Also gentil men haueþ now moche i-left for to teche here children Frensche. By a fortunate circumstance we know that there was a John Cornwall licensed to teach Latin grammar in Oxford at this time; his name appears in the accounts of Merton in 1347, as does that of Pencrich a few years later.92 The innovation was probably due to a scarcity of competent teachers. At any rate, after 1349 English began to be used in the schools and by 1385 the practice had become general. 107. Increasing Ignorance of French in the Fifteenth Century. The statement already quoted (page 145) from a writer of the beginning of the fourteenth century to the effect that he had seen many nobles who could not speak French indicates a condition that became more pronounced as time went on. By the fifteenth century the ability to speak French fluently seems to have been looked upon as an accomplishment.93 Even the ability to write it was becoming less general among people of position. In 1400 George Dunbar, earl of March, in writing to the king in English, says: “And, noble Prince, marvel ye not that I write my letters in English, for that is more clear to my understanding than Latin or French.”94 Another very interesting case is offered by a letter from Richard Kingston, dean of Windsor, addressed to the king in 1403. Out of deference to custom, the dean begins bravely enough in French, but toward the close, when he becomes particularly earnest, he passes instinctively from French to English in the middle of a sentence.95 An incident that occurred in 1404 seems at first sight to offer an extreme case. The king of France had refused to recognize Henry IV when he seized the English throne, and his kinsman, the count of Flanders, supported him in 92
W.H.Stevenson, “The Introduction of English as the Vehicle of Instruction in English Schools,” Furnivall Miscellany (Oxford, 1901), pp. 421–29. 93 Cf. the case of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, mentioned by Kingsford, Eng. Hist. Lit., p. 195. 94 Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry IV, I, 23–25 (Rolls Series). 95 Ibid., pp. 155–59. The letter ends in a strange mixture: “Jeo prie a la Benoit Trinite que vous ottroie bone vie ove tresentier sauntee a treslonge durre, and sende sone to ows in helþ and prosperitee; for, in god fey, I hope to Al Mighty God that, come owne persone, schulle have the victorie of alle enemyes. “And for salvation of Schire and Marches al aboute, treste nought to no Leutenaunt. “Escript a Hereford, en tresgraunte haste, a trois de la clocke apres noone, le tierce jour de Septembre.”
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his refusal. Outrages were soon committed by the French on English subjects, to which the English retaliated, and finally an attempt was made to settle the matter by negotiation. The English representatives included Sir Thomas Swynford96 and one Nicholas de Ryssheton, who signs himself “Professor of Both Laws,” that is, civil and ecclesiastical. Now there would be nothing remarkable about these negotiations were it not for the fact that several times the English ambassadors complain about the use of French by their French correspondents and ask them to write only in Latin. On two occasions they speak of the French language as being as unknown to them as Hebrew.97 This statement, if taken at its face value, as has generally been done, is astonishing, to say the least. But it is quite unbelievable. De Ryssheton, as a lawyer, must have known French well.98 We need not pause over the reasons for the statement.” The statement was not true; but the English delegates would not have alleged such a reason for carrying on negotiation in Latin if it had not had a certain plausibility. Ignorance of French must have been quite common among the governing class in England from the beginning of the fifteenth century. Before the middle of the century it was necessary to have a “Secretary in the French language” among the government officials.100 At the end of the century Caxton could write: “For the mooste quantyte of the people vnderstonde not latyn ne frensshe here in this noble royame of englond.” 108. French as a Language of Culture and Fashion. When French went out of use as a spoken language in England not only was its sphere more restricted but the reasons for its cultivation changed. In the first decade of the fifteenth century, John Barton wrote a Donet François, a treatise intended for adults who wished to learn French. It is interesting to note the three reasons he gives for Englishmen’s learning the language. He says nothing about their needing it to communicate among themselves but says, first, it will enable them to communicate with their neighbors of the realm of France. In the second place, the laws are largely in French. And finally, he says, gentlemen and women willingly write to each other in French. The first of these reasons would be equally 96
He was the son of Katherine de Swynford and a fairly prominent person. Indeed he was believed to have been the murderer of Richard II. At any rate he was a strong supporter of Henry IV and was one of Richard’s guardians. 97 The letters are printed in Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry IV. 98 On one occasion the English king sends him instructions in French. 99 The explanation is probably to be found in a passage in Froissart (ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, XV, 114–15) from which it appears that ten years before, the English had had to proceed very warily in negotiating a treaty of peace; they had had trouble before through the use of French. But there was also some feeling against the desire of France to have French recognized as the language of diplomacy. A somewhat similar instance of friction occurred in 1413–1414 when a compromise was finally reached by drawing up an agreement between the two countries in both Latin and French in parallel columns. Cf. J.H.Wylie, The Reign of Henry the Fifth, I, 156. 100 Cal Pat. Rolls, 1436–41, pp. 41, 471, 555, and later entries in the Close and Patent Rolls.
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valid today. The other two are a heritage of the past, which in time disappeared. Later Caxton in his Dialogues in French and English has the merchant chiefly in mind: “Who this booke shall wylle [wish to] lerne may well enterprise or take on honde marchandises fro one land to anothir.” But French had been for so long the mark of the privileged class that such cultivation of it as persisted in this century and in after times was prompted largely by the feeling that it was the language of culture and fashion. This feeling was strengthened in the eighteenth century and it is present in the minds of many people today. 109. The Use of English in Writing. The last step that the English language had to make in its gradual ascent was its employment in writing. For here it had to meet the competition of Latin as well as French. The use of Latin for written communication and record was due partly to a habit formed at a time when most people who could write at all could write Latin, partly to its international character, and partly to the feeling that it was a language that had become fixed while the modern languages seemed to be variable, unregulated, and in a constant state of change. Modern languages began to encroach upon this field of Latin at a time when French was still the language of the educated and the socially prominent. French accordingly is the first language in England to dispute the monopoly of Latin in written matter, and only in the fifteenth century does English succeed in displacing both.101 In private and semi-official correspondence French is at its height at about 1350; the earliest English letters appear in the latter part of the century, but there are few before 1400. English letters first occur among the Paston letters and in the Stonor correspondence between 1420 and 1430. After 1450 English letters are everywhere the rule.102 It is rather similar with wills. The earliest known English will subsequent to the Conquest dates from 1383, and English wills are rare before 1400. But in 1397 the earl of Kent made his will in English, and in 1438 the countess of Stafford in doing likewise said, “I…ordeyne and make my testament in English tonge, for my most profit, redyng, and understandyng in yis wise.” The wills of Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI are all in English.103 The fifteenth century also saw the adoption of English for the records of towns and guilds and in a number of branches of the central government. About 1430 a number of towns are seen translating their ordinances and their books of customs into English, and English becomes general in their transac101
The widespread use of French in writing, especially in official documents and letters, is chronicled by Helen Suggett, “The Use of French in England in the Later Middle Ages,” Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., 4th ser., 28 (1946), 61–83. 102 See F.J.Tanquerey, Recueil de lettres anglo-françaises, 1265–1399 (Paris, 1916), and C.L.Kingsford, Prejudice and Promise in XVth Century England (Oxford, 1925), pp. 22–47. 103 The wills mentioned are all in J.Nichols, A Collection of All the Wills…of the Kings… (London, 1780).
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tions after 1450. It is so likewise with the guilds. English was used along with French in the ordinances of the London pepperers as early as 1345. At York the ordinances of the crafts begin to be in English from about 1400 on. An interesting resolution of the London brewers, dating about 1422, shows them adopting English by a formal action: Whereas our mother tongue, to wit, the English tongue, hath in modern days begun to be honorably enlarged and adorned; for that our most excellent lord king Henry the Fifth hath, in his letters missive, and divers affairs touching his own person, more willingly chosen to declare the secrets of his will [in it]; and for the better understanding of his people, hath, with a diligent mind, procured the common idiom (setting aside others) to be commended by the exercise of writing; and there are many of our craft of brewers who have the knowledge of writing and reading in the said English idiom, but in others, to wit, the Latin and French, before these times used, they do not in any wise understand; for which causes, with many others, it being considered how that the greater part of the Lords and trusty Commons have begun to make their matters to be noted down in our mother tongue, so we also in our craft, following in some manner their steps, have decreed in future to commit to memory the needful things which concern us.104 The records of Parliament tell a similar story. The petitions of the Commons, on which statutes were based if they met with approval, are usually in French down to 1423 and seem to have been enrolled in French even when originally presented in English. After 1423 they are often in English.105 The statutes themselves are generally in Latin down to about 1300, in French until the reign of Henry VII. In 1485 they begin to appear in English alongside of French, and in 1489 French entirely disappears. The reign of Henry V (1413–1422) seems to have marked the turning point in the use of English in writing.106 The example of the king in using English in his letters and certain efforts of his to promote the use of English in writing, which 104
William Herbert, The History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London (2 vols., London, 1834–1836), I, 106. 105 Cf. H.L.Gray, The Influence of the Commons on Early Legislation (Cambridge, UK, 1932), p. 231. 106 New evidence is constantly coming to light reinforcing this opinion. For example, R.B. Dobson, working with the incredibly rich collection of records preserved by the Dean and Chapter of Durham, observes, “It was precisely in the second decade of the fifteenth century that the monastic and prior’s registers reveal the complete and remarkably abrupt extinction of French as a language of written as well as verbal communication.” See Durham Priory, 1400–1450 (Cambridge, 1973), p. 73. See also Malcolm Richardson, “Henry V, the English Chancery, and Chancery English,” Speculum, 55 (1980), 726–50.
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we would gladly know more about, are specifically referred to as a precedent in the resolution of the London brewers quoted above. Apparently his brilliant victories over the French at Agincourt and elsewhere gave the English a pride in things English. The end of his reign and the beginning of the next mark the period at which English begins to be generally adopted in writing. If we want a round number, the year 1425 represents very well the approximate date. 110. Middle English Literature. The literature written in England during the Middle English period reflects fairly accurately the changing fortunes of English. During the time that French was the language best understood by the upper classes, the books they read or listened to were in French. All of continental French literature was available for their enjoyment, and we have seen above how this source was supplemented by an important body of French poetry written in England (§ 88). The rewards of patronage were seldom to be expected by those who wrote in English; with them we must look for other incentives to writing. Such incentives were most often found among members of the religious body, interested in promoting right living and in the care of souls. Accordingly, the literature in English that has come down to us from this period (1150–1250) is almost exclusively religious or admonitory. The Ancrene Riwle, the Ormulum (c. 1200), a series of paraphrases and interpretations of Gospel passages, and a group of saints’ lives and short homiletic pieces showing the survival of an Old English literary tradition in the southwest are the principal works of this class. The two outstanding exceptions are Layamon’s Brut (c. 1200), based largely on Wace (cf. § 88), and the astonishing debate between The Owl and the Nightingale (c. 1195), a long poem in which two birds exchange recriminations in the liveliest fashion. There was certainly a body of popular literature that circulated orally among the people, just as at a later date the English and Scottish popular ballads did, but such literature has left slight traces in this early period. The hundred years from 1150 to 1250 have been justly called the Period of Religious Record. It is not that religious works were not written in French too for the upper classes; it is rather the absence in English of works appealing to courtly tastes that marks the English language at this time as the language of the middle and lower classes. The separation of the English nobility from France by about 1250 and the spread of English among the upper class is manifest in the next hundred years of English literature. Types of polite literature that had hitherto appeared in French now appear in English. Of these types the most popular was the romance. Only one English romance exists from an earlier date than 1250, but from this time translations and adaptations from the French begin to be made, and in the course of the fourteenth century their number becomes quite large. The religious literature characteristic of the previous period continues; but we now have other types as well. The period from 1250 to 1350 is a Period of Religious and Secular Literature in English and indicates clearly the wider diffusion of the English language. The general adoption of English by all classes, which had taken place by the latter half of the fourteenth century, gave rise to a body of literature that represents the high point in
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English literary achievement in the Middle Ages. The period from 1350 to 1400 has been called the Period of Great Individual Writers. The chief name is that of Geoffrey Chaucer (1340–1400), the greatest English poet before Shakespeare. Not to mention his delightful minor poems, he is the author of a long narrative poem telling the story of the unhappy love of Troilus and Criseyde and, most famous of his works, the Canterbury Tales, which, besides giving us in the general prologue a matchless portrait gallery of contemporary types, constitutes in the variety of the tales a veritable anthology of medieval literature. To this period belong William Langland, the reputed author of along social allegory, Piers Plowman (1362–1387); John Wycliffe (d. 1384), putative translator of the Bible and author of a large and influential body of controversial prose; and the unknown poet who wrote not only the finest of the Middle English romances, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, but three allegorical and religious poems of great beauty, including Pearl. Any one of these men would have made the later fourteenth century an outstanding period in Middle English literature. Together they constitute a striking proof of the secure position the English language had attained. The fifteenth century is sometimes known as the Imitative Period because so much of the poetry then written was written in emulation of Chaucer. It is also spoken of as a Transition Period, because it covers a large part of the interval between the age of Chaucer and the age of Shakespeare. The period has been unjustly neglected. Writers like Lydgate, Hoccleve, Skelton, and Hawes are not negligible, though admittedly overshadowed by some of their great predecessors, and at the end of the century we have the prose of Malory and Caxton. In the north the Scottish Chaucerians, particularly Henryson, Dunbar, Gawin Douglas, and Lindsay, produced significant work. These authors carry on the tradition of English as a literary medium into the Renaissance. Thus, Middle English literature follows and throws interesting light on the fortunes of the English language. BIBLIOGRAPHY F.M.Powicke’s The Loss of Normandy, 1189–1204 (Manchester, 1913) offers a good point of departure for the study of conditions affecting the position of English in the latter part of our period. The same author’s The Thirteenth Century (2nd ed., Ox-ford, 1962) may also be consulted. The influx of foreigners in the thirteenth century is treated in François Mugnier, Les Savoyards en Angleterre au XIIIe siècle (Chambéry, France, 1890). The reaction against them is well represented by Oliver H.Richardson, The National Movement in the Reign of Henry III and Its Culmination in the Barons’ War (New York, 1897), which may be supplemented by John R.Maddicott’s Simon De Montfort (Cambridge, UK, 1994). On the whole, the best discussion of the Black Death is Philip Ziegler’s The Black Death (London, 1969). For estimates of the mortality, see John Hatcher, Plague, Population, and the English Economy, 1348–1530 (London, 1977). Walter of Bibbesworth’s treatise is edited by William Rothwell (London, 1990). W.H.Stevenson does much to make John Cornwall a real person in “The Introduction of English as the Vehicle of Instruction in English Schools,” Furnivall Miscellany (Oxford, 1901), pp. 421–29. On individual points the works cited in the footnotes to the chapter should be consulted. Other articles bearing on the relation of French and English include: M.Dominica Legge, “Anglo-Norman and the Historian,” History, N.S., 26 (1941), 163–75; George E.Woodbine, “The Language of English Law,” Speculum, 18 (1943), 395−436, parts of which must be used with caution; R.M. Wilson, “English and French in England 1100–1300,” History,
The reestablishment of english, 1200-1500
N.S., 28 (1943), 37–60; and a series of studies by Rolf Berndt, “The Linguistic Situation in England from the Norman Conquest to the Loss of Normandy (1066–1204),” Philologica Pragensia, 8 (1965), 145–63; “The Period of the Final Decline of French in Medieval England (Fourteenth and Early Fifteenth Centuries),” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 20 (1972), 341–69; and “Reflections on the Development of Social Varieties of English in the Late(r) Middle English and Early Modern English Period,” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 34 (1986), 235–49. See also two essays by William Rothwell, “Lexical Borrowing in a Medieval Context,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 63 (1980–1981), 118– 43, and “Stratford atte Bowe and Paris,” Mod. Lang. Rev., 80 (1985), 39–54, as well as the essays by Rothwell cited in §§ 92, 99, and 101, and by lan Short in the Bibliography for Chapter 5.
7 Middle English 111. Middle English a Period of Great Change. The Middle English period (1150–1500) was marked by momentous changes in the English language, changes more extensive and fundamental than those that have taken place at any time before or since. Some of them were the result of the Norman Conquest and the conditions which followed in the wake of that event. Others were a continuation of tendencies that had begun to manifest themselves in Old English. These would have gone on even without the Conquest, but they took place more rapidly because the Norman invasion removed from English those conservative influences that are always felt when a language is extensively used in books and is spoken by an influential educated class. The changes of this period affected English in both its grammar and its vocabulary. They were so extensive in each department that it is difficult to say which group is the more significant. Those in the grammar reduced English from a highly inflected language to an extremely analytic one.1 Those in the vocabulary involved the loss of a large part of the Old English word-stock and the addition of thousands of words from French and Latin. At the beginning of the period English is a language that must be learned like a foreign tongue; at the end it is Modern English. 112. Decay of Inflectional Endings. The changes in English grammar may be described as a general reduction of inflections. Endings of the noun 1
That the change was complete by 1500 has been shown with convincing statistics by Charles C.Fries, “On the Development of the Structural Use of Word-Order in Modern English,” Language, 16(1940), 199–208.
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and adjective marking distinctions of number and case and often of gender were so altered in pronunciation as to lose their distinctive form and hence their usefulness. To some extent the same thing is true of the verb. This leveling of inflectional endings was due partly to phonetic changes, partly to the operation of analogy. The phonetic changes were simple but far-reaching. The earliest seems to have been the change of final -m to -n wherever it occurred, i.e., in the dative plural of nouns and adjectives and in the dative singular (masculine and neuter) of adjectives when inflected according to the strong declension (see § 43). Thus mūðum (to the mouths) >mūðun, gōdum>gōdun. This -n, along with the -n of the other inflectional endings, was then dropped (*mūðu, *gōdu). At the same time,2 the vowels a, o, u, e in inflectional endings were obscured to a sound, the so-called “indeterminate vowel,” which came to be written e (less often i, y, u, depending on place and date). As a result, a number of originally distinct endings such as -a, -u, -e, an, -um were reduced generally to a uniform -e, and such grammatical distinctions as they formerly expressed were no longer conveyed. Traces of these changes have been found in Old English manuscripts as early as the tenth century.3 By the end of the twelfth century they seem to have been generally carried out. The leveling is somewhat obscured in the written language by the tendency of scribes to preserve the traditional spelling, and in some places the final n was retained even in the spoken language, especially as a sign of the plural (cf. § 113). The effect of these changes on the inflection of the noun and the adjective, and the further simplification that was brought about by the operation of analogy, may be readily shown. 113. The Noun. A glance at the few examples of common noun declensions in Old English given in § 41 will show how seriously the inflectional endings were disturbed. For example, in the London English of Chaucer in the strong masculine declension the forms mūð, mūðes, mūðe, mūð in the singular, and mūðas, mūða and mūðum, mūðas in the plural were reduced to three: mūð, mūðes, and mūðe. In such words the -e, which was organic in the dative singular and the genitive and dative plural (i.e., stood for an ending in the Old English paradigm), was extended by analogy to the nominative and accusative singular, so that forms like stōne, mūðe appear, and the only distinctive termination is the -s of the possessive singular and of the nominative and accusative plural. Because these two cases of the plural were those most 2
The chronology of these changes has been worked out by Samuel Moore in two articles: “Loss of Final n in Inflectional Syllables of Middle English,” Language, 3 (1927), 232–59; “Earliest Morphological Changes in Middle English,” Language, 4 (1928), 238–66. 3 Kemp Malone, “When Did Middle English Begin?” Curme Volume of Linguistic Studies (Philadelphia, 1930), pp. 110–17.
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frequently used, the -s came to be thought of as the sign of the plural and was extended to all plural forms. We get thus an inflection of the noun identical with that which we have today.4 Other declensions suffered even more, so that in many words (giefu, sunu, etc.) the distinctions of case and even of number were completely obliterated. In early Middle English only two methods of indicating the plural remained fairly distinctive: the -s or -es from the strong masculine declension and the -en (as in oxen) from the weak (see § 41). And for a time, at least in southern England, it would have been difftcult to predict that the -s would become the almost universal sign of the plural that it has become. Until the thirteenth century the -en plural enjoyed great favor in the south, being often added to nouns which had not belonged to the weak declension in Old English. But in the rest of England the -s plural (and genitive singular) of the old first declension (masculine) was apparently felt to be so distinctive that it spread rapidly. Its extension took place most quickly in the north. Even in Old English many nouns originally of other declensions had gone over to this declension in the Northumbrian dialect. By 1200 -s was the standard plural ending in the north and north Midland areas; other forms were exceptional. Fifty years later it had conquered the rest of the Midlands, and in the course of the fourteenth century it had definitely been accepted all over England as the normal sign of the plural in English nouns. Its spread may have been helped by the early extension of -s throughout the plural in Anglo-Norman, but in general it may be considered as an example of the survival of the fittest in language. 114. The Adjective. In the adjective the leveling of forms had even greater consequences. Partly as a result of the sound-changes already described, partly through the extensive working of analogy, the form of the nominative singular was early extended to all cases of the singular, and that of the nominative plural to all cases of the plural, both in the strong and the weak declensions. The result was that in the weak declension there was no longer any distinction between the singular and the plural: both ended in -e (blinda> blinde and blindan>blinde). This was also true of those adjectives under the strong declension whose singular ended in -e. By about 1250 the strong declension had distinctive forms for the singular and plural only in certain monosyllabic adjectives which ended in a consonant in Old English (sing. glad, plur. glade). Under the circumstances the only ending which remained to the adjective was often without distinctive grammatical meaning and its use was not governed by any strong sense of adjectival inflection. Although it 4
For the use of the apostrophe in the possessive, see § 180.
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is clear that the -e ending of the weak and plural forms was available for use in poetry in both the East and West Midlands until the end of the fourteenth century, it is impossible to know the most usual status of the form in the spoken language. Certainly adjectival inflections other than -e, such as Chaucer’s oure aller cok, were archaic survivals by the close of the Middle English period.5 115. The Pronoun. The decay of inflections that brought about such a simplification of the noun and the adjective as has just been described made it necessary to depend less upon formal indications of gender, case, and (in adjectives) number, and to rely more upon juxtaposition, word order, and the use of prepositions to make clear the relation of words in a sentence. This is apparent from the corresponding decay of pronominal inflections, where the simplification of forms was due in only a slight measure to the weakening of final syllables that played so large a part in the reduction of endings in the noun and the adjective. The loss was greatest in the demonstratives. Of the numerous forms of sē, sēo, þæt (cf. § 44) we have only the and that surviving through Middle English and continuing in use today. A plural tho (those) survived to Elizabethan times. All the other forms indicative of different gender, number, and case disappeared in most dialects early in the Middle English period. The same may be said of the demonstrative þēs, þēos, þis6 (this). Everywhere but in the south the neuter form þis came to be used early in Middle English for all genders and cases of the singular, while the forms of the nominative plural were similarly extended to all cases of the plural, appearing in Modern English as those and these. In the personal pronoun the losses were not so great. Most of the distinctions that existed in Old English were retained (see the paradigm given in § 45). However the forms of the dtive and accusative cases were early combined, generally under that of the dative (him, her, [t]hem). In the neuter the form of the accusative (h)it became the general objective case, partly because 5
In context oure aller cok is translated ‘the cock who wakened us all,’ where the r of aller ‘of us all’ indicates the genitive plural of al. Today we have what may be considered an inflected adjective in such combinations as men students, women soldiers. 6 In Old English it had the following inflection:
A history of the english language
All Genders
N. þēs
G. þisses
D. þissum
A. þisne
it was like the nominative, and partly because the dative him would have been subject to confusion with the corresponding case of the masculine. One other general simplification is to be noted: the loss of the dual number. A language can get along without a distinction in pronouns for two persons and more than two; the forms wit, and their oblique cases did not survive beyond the thirteenth century, and English lost the dual number. It will be observed that the pronoun she had the form hēo in Old English. The modern form could have developed from the Old English hēo, but it is believed by some that it is due in part at least to the influence of the demonstrative sēo. A similar reinforcing influence of the demonstrative is perhaps to be seen in the forms of the third person plural, they, their, them, but here the source of the modern developments was undoubtedly Scandinavian (cf. § 77). The normal development of the Old English pronouns would have been hi (he), here, hem, and these are very common. In the districts, however, where Scandinavian influence was strong, the nominative hi began early to be replaced by the Scandinavian form þei (ON þeir), and somewhat later a similar replacement occurred in the other cases, their and them. The new forms were adopted more slowly farther south, and the usual inflection in Chaucer is thei, here, hem. But by the end of the Middle English period the forms they, their, them may be regarded as the normal English plurals. 116. The Verb. Apart from some leveling of inflections and the weakening of endings in accordance with the general tendency,7 the principal changes in the verb during the Middle English period were the serious losses suffered by the strong conjugation (see §§ 117–18). This conjugation, although including some of the most important verbs in the language, was relatively small8 as compared with the large and steadily growing body of weak verbs. 7
For example, the -an of the Old English infinitive became -en and later -e: OE drīfan> M.E. dnīven>drive. 8 The facts stated in this section are based upon collections for 333 strong verbs in Old English. This number includes a few verbs for which only isolated forms occur and one (*stecan) that is not recorded at all, although its existence is to be inferred from its surviving forms in Middle English.
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While an occasional verb developed a strong past tense or past participle by analogy with similar strong verbs, new verbs formed from nouns and adjectives or borrowed from other languages were regularly conjugated as weak. Thus the minority position of the strong conjugation was becoming constantly more appreciable. After the Norman Conquest the loss of native words further depleted the ranks of the strong verbs. Those that survived were exposed to the influence of the majority, and many have changed over in the course of time to the weak inflection. 117. Losses among the Strong Verbs. Nearly a third of the strong verbs in Old English seem to have died out early in the Middle English period. In any case about ninety of them have left no traces in written records after 1150. Some of them may have been current for a time in the spoken language, but except where an occasional verb survives in a modern dialect they are not recorded. Some were rare in Old English and others were in competition with weak verbs of similar derivation and meaning which superseded them. In addition to verbs that are not found at all after the Old English period there are about a dozen more that appear only in Layamon (c. 1200) or in certain twelfth-century texts based directly on the homilies of Ælfric and other Old English works. In other words, more than a hundred of the Old English strong verbs were lost at the beginning of the Middle English period. But this was not all. The loss has continued in subsequent periods. Some thirty more became obsolete in the course of Middle English, and an equal number, which were still in use in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, finally died out except in the dialects, often after they had passed over to the weak conjugation or had developed weak forms alongside the strong. Today more than half of the Old English strong verbs have disappeared completely from the standard language. 118. Strong Verbs That Became Weak. The principle of analogy—the tendency of language to follow certain patterns and adapt a less common form to a more familiar one—is well exemplified in the further history of the strong verbs. The weak conjugation offered a fairly consistent pattern for the past tense and the past participle, whereas there was much variety in the different classes of the strong verb. We say sing—sang—sung, but drive—drove—driven, fall—fell—fallen, etc. At a time when English was the language chiefly of the lower classes and largely removed from the restraining influences of education and a literary standard, it was natural that many speakers should apply the pattern of weak verbs to some which were historically strong. The tendency was not unknown even in Old English. Thus (to advise) and sceððan (to injure) had already become weak in Old English, while other verbs show occasional weak forms.9 In the thirteenth century the trend becomes clear in 9
For example, dwīnan (to disappear), rēocan (to smoke). Ten strong verbs had developed weak forms by the twelfth century. Doubtless most of these weak forms were of occasional occurrence in Old English though they have not been recorded.
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the written literature. Such verbs as bow, brew, burn, climb, flee, flow, help, mourn, row, step, walk, weep were then undergoing change. By the fourteenth century the movement was at its height. No less than thirty-two verbs in addition to those already mentioned now show weak forms. After this there are fewer changes. The impulse seems to have been checked, possibly by the steady rise of English in the social scale and later by the stabilizing effect of printing. At all events the fifteenth century shows only about a dozen new weak formations and in the whole modern period there are only about as many more. In none of the many verbs which have thus become weak was the change from the strong conjugation a sudden one. Strong forms continued to be used while the weak ones were growing up, and in many cases they continued in use long after the weak inflection had become well established. Thus oke as the past tense of ache was still written throughout the fifteenth century although the weak form ached had been current for a hundred years. In the same way we find stope beside stepped, rewe beside rowed, clew beside clawed. In a good many cases the strong forms remained in the language well into modern times. Climb, which was conjugated as a weak verb as early as the thirteenth century, still has an alternative past tense clomb not only in Chaucer and Spenser but in Dryden, and the strong past tense crope was more common than crept down to Shakespeare’s day. Low for laughed, shove for shaved, yold for yielded, etc., were still used in the sixteenth century although these verbs were already passing over to the weak conjugation two centuries before. While the weak forms commonly won out, this was not always the case. Many strong verbs also had weak forms (blowed for blew, knowed for knew, teared for tore) that did not survive in the standard speech, while in other cases both forms have continued in use (cleft—clove, crowed—crew, heaved—hove, sheared— shore, shrived—shrove). 119. Survival of Strong Participles. For some reason the past participle of strong verbs seems to have been more tenacious than the past tense. In a number of verbs weak participles are later in appearing and the strong form often continued in use after the verb had definitely become weak. In the verb beat the principle beaten has remained the standard form, while in a number of other verbs the strong participle (cloven, graven, hewn, laden, molten, mown, (mis)shapen, shaven, sodden, swollen) are still used, especially as adjectives. 120. Surviving Strong Verbs. When we subtract the verbs that have been lost completely and the eighty-one that have become weak, there remain just sixty-eight of the Old English strong verbs in the language today. To this number may be added thirteen verbs that are conjugated in both ways or have kept one strong form. These figures indicate how extensive the loss of strong verbs in the language has been. Beside this loss the number of new strong for-
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mations has been negligible.10 Since the irregularity of such verbs constitutes a difficulty in language, the loss in this case must be considered a gain. The surviving strong verbs have seldom come down to the present day in the form that would represent the normal development of their principal parts in Old English. In all periods of the language they have been subjected to various forms of leveling and analogical influence from one class to another. For example, the verb to slay had in Old English the forms slēan—slōg—slōgon—slægen. These would normally have become slea (pronounced slee)—slough—slain, and the present tense slea actually existed down to the seventeenth century. The modern slay is reformed from the past participle. The past tense slew is due to the analogy of preterites like blew, grew. In Old English the past tense commonly had a different form in the singular and the plural,11 and in two large classes of verbs the vowel of the plural was also like that of the past participle (e.g., bindan—band—bundon—bunden). Consequently, although normally the singular form survived in Modern English, in many cases the vowel of the plural or of the past participle has taken its place. Thus cling, sting, spin, etc., should have had a past tense clang, stang, span (like sing), but these forms have been replaced by clung, stung, spun from the plural and the past participle. The past tense of slide should have been slode, but the plural and the past participle had i and we now say slide—slid—slid. Sometimes a verb has changed from one class to another. Break belonged originally to the fifth class of strong verbs, and had it remained there, would have had a past participle breken. But in Old English it was confused with verbs of the fourth class, which had o in the past participle, whence our form broken. This form has now spread to the past tense. We should be saying brack or brake, and the latter is still used in the Bible, but except in biblical language the current form is now broke. Speak has had a similar development. Almost every strong verb in the language has an interesting formhistory, but our present purpose will be sufficiently served by these few examples of the sort of fluctuation and change that was going on all through the Middle English period and which has not yet ended. 10
There are fifteen such verbs. Strive (from French) has been inflected on the pattern of drive, as have thrive and rive (both from Old Norse). In some varieties of English dive has developed a past tense dove. Since the eighteenth century stave has had a strong form stove. So, too, has reeve, a nautical term. Wear—wore—worn, a weak verb in Old English, has been reformed on the analogy of verbs like bear and swear. Spat has been the past tense of spit since the sixteenth century, and the strong forms of stick date from the same time. An analogous formation dug appears as a past participle at this date and since the eighteenth century has been used as the past tense. Fling, ring, and string are conjugated like cling, sting, and swing. Hide and occasionally chide have strong past participles like ride—ridden. Tug and drug (like dug) are sometimes heard for tagged and dragged but are not in standard use. A few verbs like show have developed past participles on the analogy of know. 11 The second person singular had the vowel of the plural.
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121. Loss of Grammatical Gender. One of the consequences of the decay of inflections described above was the elimination of that troublesome feature of language, grammatical gender. As explained in § 42, the gender of Old English nouns was not often determined by meaning. Sometimes it was in direct contradiction with the meaning. Thus woman (OE wīf-mann) was masculine, because the second element in the compound was masculine; wife and child, like German Weib and Kind, were neuter. Moreover, the gender of nouns in Old English was not so generally indicated by the declension as it is in a language like Latin. Instead it was revealed chiefly by the concord of the strong adjective and the demonstratives. These by their distinctive endings generally showed, at least in the singular, whether a noun was masculine, feminine, or neuter. When the inflections of these gender-distinguishing words were reduced to a single ending for the adjective, and the fixed forms of the, this, that, these, and those for the demonstratives, the support for grammatical gender was removed. The weakening of inflections and the confusion and loss of the old gender proceeded in a remarkably parallel course. In the north, where inflections weakened earliest, grammatical gender disappeared first. In the south it lingered longer because there the decay of inflections was slower. Our present method of determining gender was no sudden invention of Middle English times. The recognition of sex that lies at the root of natural gender is shown in Old English by the noticeable tendency to use the personal pronouns in accordance with natural gender, even when such use involves a clear conflict with the grammatical gender of the antecedent. For example, the pronoun it in Etað þisne hlāf (masculine), hit is mīm līchama (Ælfric’s Homilies) is exactly in accordance with modern usage when we say, Eat this bread, it is my body. Such a use of the personal pronouns is clearly indicative of the feeling for natural gender even while grammatical gender was in full force. With the disappearance of grammatical gender sex became the only factor in determining the gender of English nouns. 122. Middle English Syntax. As a result of the leveling of inflections, syntactic and semantic relationships that had been signaled by the endings on words now became ambiguous. Whereas in Old English the grammatical functions of two consecutive nouns were clear from their endings in, say, the nominative and dative cases, in Middle English their functions might be uncertain. The most direct way to avoid this kind of ambiguity is through limiting the possible patterns of word order. The process of development from the highly synthetic stage of Old English (see § 40) to the highly analytic stages of Late Middle English and Modern English can be seen in the Peterborough Chronicle. Written in installments between 1070 and 1154, this text of the Anglo-Saxon Chronide spans the period from Old English to Early Middle English. Within the continuations of the text it is possible to trace first a significant loss of inflections and afterwards a corresponding rigidity of word order, making clear the direction of cause and effect.12 This process of development and
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the reality of Middle English as a separate stage of the language grammatically (as well as phonologically and lexically) can be seen in the patterns of subject and verb. In addition to the Modern English order SV, Old English had VS and, in subordinate clauses, S…V (with the finite verb in final position). All of these patterns are still possible even in the last years of the Peterborough Chronicle. Thus, the word order looked much like that of Old English at a time when the inflectional system looked much like that of Modern English. As Bruce Mitchell writes, “the language of the Peterborough Chronide 1122–1154 is Middle, not Modern, English. It is transitional.”13 And as its most recent editor puts it: “before our eyes English is beginning to change from a synthetic language to an analytic one.”14 It is important to emphasize that these changes which affected the grammatical structure of English after the Norman Conquest were not the result of contact with the French language. Certain idioms and syntactic usages that appear in Middle English are clearly the result of such contact.15 But the decay of inflections and the confusion of forms that constitute the truly significant development in Middle English grammar are the result of the Norman Conquest only insofar as that event brought about conditions favorable to such changes. By removing the authority that a standard variety of English would have, the Norman Conquest made it easier for grammatical changes to go forward unchecked. Beyond this it is not considered a factor in syntactic changes. 123. French Influence on the Vocabulary. While the loss of inflections and the consequent simplification of English grammar were thus only 12
Although some earlier scholars believe the loss of inflections to have resulted from a fixed word order, the sequence of development is clearly the reverse. See Cecily Clark, ed., The Peterborough Chronicle, 1070–1154 (2nd ed., Oxford, 1970), p. lxix; and Bruce Mitchell, Old English Syntax (2 vols., Oxford, 1985), § 3950. 13 Mitchell, “Syntax and Word-Order in The Peterborough Chronicle,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 65 (1964), 143. 14 Clark, p. lxxiii. 15 F.H.Sykes, French Elements in Middle English (Oxford, 1899) makes an attempt to support this view. The most extensive treatment of the subject is A.A.Prins, French Influence in English Phrasing (Leiden, Nether lands, 1952), supplemented by articles in English Studies, vols. 40–41. A striking array of instances in which English reflects the use of prepositions and adverbs in French, Latin, and Danish is given in H.T.Price, Foreign Influences on Middle English (Ann Arbor, MI, 1947; Univ. of Michigan Contributions in Modern Philology, no. 10). The standard work on Middle English syntax is Tauno F.Mustanoja, A Middle English Syntax, part 1 (Helsinki, 1960).
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indirectly due to the use of French in England, French influence is much more direct and observable upon the vocabulary. Where two languages exist side by side for a long time and the relations between the people speaking them are as intimate as they were in England, a considerable transference of words from one language to the other is inevitable. As is generally the case, the interchange was to some extent mutual. A good many English words found their way into the French spoken in England. We are naturally less interested in them here, because they concern rather the history of the Anglo-Norman language. Their number was not so large as that of the French words introduced into English. English, representing a culture that was regarded as inferior, had more to gain from French, and there were other factors involved. The number of French words that poured into English was unbelievably great. There is nothing comparable to it in the previous or subsequent history of the language. Although this influx of French words was brought about by the victory of the Conqueror and by the political and social consequences of that victory, it was neither sudden nor immediately apparent. Rather it began slowly and continued with varying tempo for a long time. Indeed it can hardly be said to have ever stopped. The large number of French words borrowed during the Middle Ages has made it easy for us to go on borrowing, and the close cultural relations between France and England in all subsequent periods have furnished a constant opportunity for the transfer of words. But there was a time in the centuries following the Conquest when this movement had its start and a stream of French words poured into English with a momentum that continued until toward the end of the Middle English period. In this movement two stages can be observed, an earlier and a later, with the year 1250 as the approximate dividing line. The borrowings of the first stage differ from those of the second in being much less numerous, in being more likely to show peculiarities of Anglo-Norman phonology, and, especially, in the circumstances that brought about their introduction. When we study the French words appearing in English before 1250, roughly 900 in number, we find that many of them were such as the lower classes would become familiar with through contact with a French-speaking nobility (baron, noble, dame, servant, messenger, feast, minstrel, juggler, largess). Others, such as story, rime, lay, douzepers (the twelve peers of the Charlemagne romances), obviously owed their introduction into English to literary channels. The largest single group among the words that came in early was associated with the church, where the necessity for the prompt transference of doctrine and belief from the clergy to the people is sufficient to account for the frequent transfer of words. In the period after 1250 the conditions under which French words had been making their way into English were supplemented by a new and powerful factor: those who had been accustomed to speak French were turning increasingly to the use of English. Whether to supply deficiencies in the English vocabulary or in their own imperfect command of that vocabulary, or perhaps merely yielding to a natural impulse to use a word long familiar to them and to those they addressed, the upper classes carried over into English an astonishing number of common French words. In changing from French to English they transferred much of their governmental and administrative vocabulary, their ecclesiastical, legal, and military terms, their familiar words of fashion, food, and social life, the vocabulary of art, learning, and medicine. In general we may say that in the earlier Middle English period
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the French words introduced into English were such as people speaking one language often learn from those speaking another; in the century and a half following 1250, when all classes were speaking or learning to speak English, they were also such words as people who had been accustomed to speak French would carry over with them into the language of their adoption. Only in this way can we understand the nature and extent of the French importations in this period. 124. Governmental and Administrative Words. We should expect that English would owe many of its words dealing with government and administration to the language of those who for more than 200 years made public affairs their chief concern. The words government, govern, administer might appropriately introduce a list of such words. It would include such fundamental terms as crown, state, empire, realm, reign, royal, prerogative, authority, sovereign, majesty, scepter, tyrant, usurp, oppress, court, council, parliament, assembly, statute, treaty, alliance, record, repeal, adjourn, tax, subsidy, revenue, tally, exchequer. Intimately associated with the idea of government are also words like subject, allegiance, rebel, traitor, treason, exile, public, liberty. The word office and the titles of many offices are likewise French: chancellor, treasurer, chamberlain, marshal, governor, councilor, minister, viscount, warden, castellan, mayor, constable, coroner, and even the humble crier. Except for the words king and queen, lord, lady, and earl, most designations of rank are French: noble, nobility, peer, prince, princess, duke, duchess, count, countess, marquis, baron, squire, page, as well as such words as courtier, retinue, and titles of respect like sir, madam, mistress. The list might well be extended to include words relating to the economic organization of society—manor, demesne, bailiff, vassal, homage, peasant, bondman, slave, servant, and caitiff—since they often have a political or administrative aspect. 125. Ecclesiastical Words. The church was scarcely second to the government as an object of Norman interest and ambition. The higher clergy, occupying positions of wealth and power, were, as we have seen, practically all Normans. Ecclesiastical preferment opened the way to a career that often led to the highest political offices at court. In monasteries and religious houses French was for a long time the usual language. Accordingly we find in English such French words as religion, theology, sermon, homily, sacrament, baptism, communion, confession, penance, prayer, orison, lesson, passion, psalmody; such indications of rank or class as clergy, clerk, prelate, cardinal, legate, dean, chaplain, parson, pastor, vicar, sexton, abbess, novice, friar, hermit; the names of objects associated with the service or with the religious life, such as crucifix, crosier, miter, surplice, censer, incense, lectern, image, chancel, chantry, chapter, abbey, convent, priory, hermitage, cloister, sanctuary; words expressing such fundamental religious or theological concepts as creator, savior, trinity, virgin, saint, miracle, mystery, faith, heresy, schism, reverence, devotion, sacrilege, simony, temptation, damnation, penitence, contrition, remission, absolution,
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redemption, salvation, immortality, and the more general virtues of piety, sanctity, charity, mercy, pity, obedience, as well as the word virtue itself. We should include also a number of adjectives, like solemn, divine, reverend, devout, and verbs, such as preach, pray, chant, repent, confess, adore, sacrifice, convert, anoint, ordain. 126. Law. French was so long the language of the law courts in England that the greater part of the English legal vocabulary comes from the language of the conquerors. The fact that we speak of justice and equity instead of gerihte, judgment rather than dom (doom), crime in place of synn, gylt, undæd, etc., shows how completely we have adopted the terminology of French law. Even where the Old English word survives it has lost its technical sense. In the same way we say bar, assize, eyre, plea, suit, plaintiff, defendant, judge, advocate, attorney, bill, petition, complaint, inquest, summons, hue and cry, indictment, jury, juror, panel, felon, evidence, proof, bail, ransom, mainpernor, judgment, verdict, sentence, decree, award, fine, forfeit, punishment, prison, gaol, pillory. We have likewise a rich array of verbs associated with legal processes: sue, plead, implead, accuse, indict, arraign, depose, blame, arrest, seize, pledge, warrant, assail, assign, judge, condemn, convict, award, amerce, distrain, imprison, banish, acquit, pardon. The names of many crimes and misdemeanors are French: felony, trespass, assault, arson, larceny, fraud, libel, slander, perjury, adultery, and many others. Suits involving property brought into use such words as property, estate, tenement, chattels, appurtenances, encumbrance, bounds, seisin, tenant, dower, legacy, patrimony, heritage, heir, executor, entail. Common adjectives like just, innocent, culpable have obvious legal import though they are also of wider application. 127. Army and Navy. The large part that war played in English affairs in the Middle Ages, the fact that the control of the army and navy was in the hands of those who spoke French, and the circumstance that much of English fighting was done in France all resulted in the introduction into English of a number of French military terms. The art of war has undergone such changes since the days of Hastings and Lewes and Agincourt that many words once common are now obsolete or only in historical use. Their places have been taken by later borrowings, often likewise from French, many of them being words acquired by the French in the course of their wars in Italy during the sixteenth century. Nevertheless, we still use medieval French words when we speak of the army and the navy, of peace, enemy, arms, battle, combat, skirmish, siege, defense, ambush, stratagem, retreat, soldier, garrison, guard, spy, and we have kept the names of officers such as captain, lieutenant, sergeant. We recognize as once having had greater significance words like dart, lance, banner, mail, buckler, hauberk, archer, chieftain, portcullis, barbican, and moat. Sometimes we have retained a word while forgetting its original military significance. The word “Havoc!” was originally an order giving an army the signal to commence plundering and seizing spoil. Verbs like to arm, array, harness,
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brandish, vanquish, besiege, defend, among many, suffice to remind us of this important French element in our vocabulary. 128. Fashion, Meals, and Social Life. That the upper classes should have set the standard in fashion and dress is so obvious an assumption that the number of French words belonging to this class occasions no surprise. The words fashion and dress are themselves French, as are apparel, habit, gown, robe, garment, attire, cape, cloak, coat, frock, collar, veil, train, chemise, petticoat. So too are lace, embroidery, pleat, gusset, buckle, button, tassel, plume, and the names of such articles as kerchief, mitten, garter, galoshes, and boots. Verbs like embellish and adorn often occur in contexts which suggest the word luxury, and this in turn carries with it satin, taffeta, fur, sable, beaver, ermine. The colors blue, brown, vermilion, scarlet, saffron, russet, and tawny are French borrowings of this period. Jewel, ornament, brooch, chaplet, ivory, and enamel point to the luxuries of the wealthy, and it is significant that the names of all the more familiar precious stones are French: turquoise, amethyst, topaz, garnet, ruby, emerald, sapphire, pearl, diamond, not to mention crystal, coral, and beryl. The French-speaking classes, it would seem, must also be credited with a considerable adornment of the English table. Not only are the words dinner and supper French, but also the words feast, repast, collation, and mess (now military). So, too, are appetite, taste, victuals, viand, and sustenance. One could have found on the medieval menu, had there been one, among the fish, mackerel, sole, perch, bream, sturgeon, salmon, sardine, oyster, porpoise; among meats, venison, beef, veal, mutton, pork, bacon, sausage, tripe, with a choice of loin, chine, haunch, or brawn, and with gravy included; among fowl, poultry, pullet, pigeon, and various game birds mentioned below. One could have pottage, gruel, toast, biscuit, cream, sugar, olives, salad, lettuce, endive, and for dessert almonds, and many fruits, including raisin, fig, date, grape, orange, lemon, pomegranate, cherry,16 peach, or a confection, pasty, tart, jelly, treacle. Among seasoning and condiments we find spice, clove, thyme, herb, mustard, vinegar, marjoram, cinnamon, nutmeg. The verbs roast, boil, parboil, stew, fry, broach, blanch, grate, and mince describe various culinary processes, and goblet, saucer, cruet, plate, platter suggest French refinements in the serving of meals. It is melancholy to think what the English dinner table would have been like had there been no Norman Conquest. A variety of new words suggests the innovations made by the French in domestic economy and social life. Arras, curtain, couch, chair, cushion, screen, lamp, lantern, sconce, chandelier, blanket, quilt, coverlet, counterpane, towel, and basin indicate articles of comfort or convenience, while dais, parlor, wardrobe, closet, pantry, scullery, and garner (storehouse) imply improvements in domestic arrangements. Recreation, solace, jollity, leisure, dance, carol, revel, minstrel, juggler, fool, ribald, lute, tabor, melody, music, chess, checkers, dalliance, and conversation reveal various aspects of entertainment in a baronial hall, while numerous words associated with hunting and riding are a reflection of the principal outdoor pastime of the nobility: ambler, courser, hackney, palfrey, rouncy, stallion for various types of horse, together with rein, curb, crupper, rowel, curry, trot, stable, harness; mastiff, terrier, spaniel, leash, kennel, scent, retrieve; falcon, merlin, tercelet, mallard, partridge, pheasant, quail, plover, heron,
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squirrel; forest, park, covert, warren. One might extend the list to include other activities, with terms like joust, tournament, pavilion, but those given are sufficient to show how much the English vocabulary owes to French in matters of domestic and social life. 129. Art, Learning, Medicine. The cultural and intellectual interests of the ruling class are reflected in words pertaining to the arts, architecture, literature, learning, and science, especially medicine. Such words as art, painting, sculpture, music, beauty, color, figure, image, tone are typical of the first class, while architecture and building have given us cathedral, palace, mansion, chamber, ceiling, joist, cellar, garret, chimney, lintel, latch, lattice, wicket, tower, pinnacle, turret, porch, bay, choir, cloister, baptistry, column, pillar, base, and many similar words. Literature is represented by the word itself and by poet, rime, prose, romance, lay, story, chronicle, tragedy, prologue, preface, title, volume, chapter, quire, parchment, vellum, paper, and pen, and learning by treatise, compilation, study, logic, geometry, grammar, noun, clause, gender, together with verbs like copy, expound, and compile. Among the sciences, medicine has brought in the largest number of early French words still in common use, among them the word medicine itself, chirurgy, physician, surgeon, apothecary, malady, debility, distemper, pain, ague, palsy, pleurisy, gout, jaundice, leper, paralytic, plague, pestilence, contagion, anatomy, stomach, pulse, remedy, ointment, balm, pellet, alum, arsenic, niter, sulphur, alkali, poison. It is clear that the arts and sciences, being largely cultivated or patronized by the higher classes, owe an important part of their vocabulary to French. 130. Breadth of the French Influence. Such classes of words as have been illustrated in the foregoing paragraphs indicate important departments in which the French language altered the English vocabulary in the Middle Ages. But they do not sufficiently indicate how very general was the adoption of French words in every province of life and thought. One has only to glance over a miscellaneous list of words—nouns, adjectives, verbs—to realize how universal was the French contribution. In the noun we may consider the range of ideas in the following list, made up of words that were already in English by 1300: action, adventure, affection, age, air, bucket, bushel, calendar, carpenter, cheer, city, coast, comfort, cost, country, courage, courtesy, coward, crocodile, cruelty, damage, debt, deceit, dozen, ease, envy, error, face, faggot, fame, fault, flower, folly, force, gibbet, glutton, grain, grief, gum, harlot, honor, hour, jest, joy, labor, leopard, malice, manner, marriage, mason, metal, mischief, mountain, noise, number, ocean, odor, opinion, order, pair, people, peril, person, pewter, piece, point, poverty, powder, power, quality, quart, rage, rancor, reason, river, scandal, seal, season, sign, sound, sphere, spirit, square, strife, stubble, substance, sum, tailor, task, tavern, tempest, unity, use, vision, waste. The same universality is shown in the adjective. Here the additions were of special importance since Old English was not very well provided with adjective distinctions. From nearly a thousand French adjectives in Middle English we may consider the following selection,
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all the words in this list being in use in Chaucer’s time: able, abundant, active, actual, amiable, amorous, barren, blank, brief, calm, certain, chaste, chief, clear, common, contrary, courageous, courteous, covetous, coy, cruel, curious, debonair, double, eager, easy, faint, feeble, fierce, final, firm, foreign, frail, frank, gay, gentle, gracious, hardy, hasty, honest, horrible, innocent, jolly, large, liberal, luxurious, malicious, mean, moist, natural, nice, obedient, original, perfect, pertinent, plain, pliant, poor, precious, principal, probable, proper, pure, quaint, real, rude, safe, sage, savage, scarce, second, secret, simple, single, sober, solid, special, stable, stout, strange, sturdy, subtle, sudden, supple, sure, tender, treacherous, universal, usual A list of the verbs borrowed at the same time shows equal diversity. Examples are: advance, advise, aim, allow, apply, approach, arrange, arrive, betray, butt, carry, chafe, change, chase, close, comfort, commence, complain, conceal, consider, continue, count, cover, covet, cry, cull, deceive, declare, defeat, defer, defy, delay, desire, destroy, embrace, enclose, endure, enjoy, enter, err, excuse, flatter, flourish, force, forge, form, furnish, grant, increase, nform, inquire, join, languish, launch, marry, mount, move, murmur, muse, nourish, obey, oblige, observe, pass, pay, pierce, pinch, please, practise, praise, prefer, proceed, propose, prove, purify, pursue, push, quash, quit, receive, refuse, rejoice, relieve, remember, reply, rinse, rob, satisfy, save, scald, serve, spoil, strangle, strive, stun, succeed, summon, suppose, surprise, tax, tempt, trace, travel, tremble, trip, wait, waive, waste, wince. Finally, the influence of French may be seen in numerous phrases and turns of expression, such as to take leave, to draw near, to hold one’s peace, to come to a head, to do justice, or make believe, hand to hand, on the point of, according to, subject to, at large, by heart, in vain, without fail. In these and other phrases, even when the words are English the pattern is French.17 These four lists have been presented for the general impression which they create and as the basis for an inference which they clearly justify. This is, that so far as the vocabulary is concerned, what we have in the influence of the Norman Conquest is a merging of the resources of two languages, a merger in which thousands of words in common use in each language became partners in a reorganized concern. English retains a controlling interest, but French as a large minority stockholder supplements and rounds out the major organization in almost every department. 131. Anglo-Norman and Central French. It will be observed that the French words introduced into English as a result of the Norman Conquest often present an appearance quite different from that which they have in Modern French. This is due first of all to subsequent developments that have taken place in the two languages. Thus the OF feste passed into Middle English as feste, whence it has become feast in Modern English, while in French the s disappeared before other consonants at the end of the twelfth century and we have in Modern French the form fête. The same difference appears in forest— 17
See the references on page 167.
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forêt, hostel—hôtel, bêast—bete, and many other words. The difference is not always fully revealed by the spelling but is apparent in the pronunciation. Thus the English words judge and chant preserve the early French pronunciation of j and ch, which was softened in French in the thirteenth century to [ž] and [š] as in the Modern French juge and chant. Therefore we may recognize charge, change, chamber, chase, chair, chimney, just, jewel, journey, majesty, gentle, and many other words as early borrowings, while such words as chamois, chaperon, chiffon, chevron, jabot, rouge, and the like, show by their pronunciation that they have come into the language at a later date. The word chivalry is an early word and should be pronounced [́č], but it has been influenced by such words as chevalier and by Modern French. A similar case is that of words like police and ravine, where we pronounce the i in the French manner. If these words had been borrowed early, we should pronounce them as we do nice and vine. A second cause of difference between English words and their French counterparts is the fact that the Anglo-Norman or Anglo-French dialect spoken in England differed from the language of Paris (Central French) in numerous respects. A few examples will make this clear. In Anglo-Norman18 initial ca- was often retained, whereas it became cha-, chie- in Central French.19 For example, our word caitiff represents the AN caitif, whereas the Central French form was chaitif. In the same way are explained words like carry, carriage, case (box), cauldron, carrion, etc., since the corresponding words in the dialect of Paris were pronounced with ch (charrier, chaudron, etc.). In some cases English has taken over the same word in both its Norman and its Central French form. Thus AN catel corresponds to Central French chatel: one gives us our word cattle, the other chattel(s). The English verb catch represents the Anglo-Norman cachier, while the Central French chacier (Modern French chasser) appears in the English chase. Or we may take another peculiarity of Anglo-Norman which appears in English. It is a well-known fact that Central French showed an early avoidance of the wsound, both separately and in combination with other consonants, and 18
There is still considerable difference of opinion as to whether this dialect was in any real sense a unified speech. It shows great diversity of forms and this diversity may reflect the variety of the French people who settled in England. Many others besides Normans took part in William’s invasion, and among those who came later every part of France was represented. In this mixture, however, it is certain that Normans predominated, and the Anglo-Norman dialect agrees in its most characteristic features with the dialects of northern France and especially with that of Normandy. Some features of the Norman dialect were characteristic also of its neighbor, Picard, and such features would be reinforced in England by the speech of those who came from the Picard area. 19 This distinction as it appears in Middle English has been studied by S.H.Bush, “Old Northern French Loan-words in Middle English,” PQ, 1 (1922), 161–72.
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whether found in Latin or in words borrowed from the Germanic languages. But the dialects of northern and especially northeastern France, possibly because of their proximity to Flemish and Dutch, showed less hostility to this sound and it accordingly is found in Anglo-Norman. And so we have English wicket representing the old Norman French wiket, which became in the Paris dialect guichet, the form which it has in Modern French. In the same way waste (AN waster) was in Central French guaster or gaster (Mod. F. gâter). Other examples are wasp (F.guêpe), warmnt (F.garantir), reward (F.regarder), wardrobe, wait, warden (cf. guardian, from Central French), wage, warren, wince. In the combination qu– Central French likewise dropped the labial element while it was retained for a time in Anglo-Norman. For this reason we say quit, quarter, quality, question, require, etc., all with the sound of [kw], where French has a simple [k] (quitter, quartier, qualité, etc.). The consonants were not alone in showing special developments in England. The vowels also at times developed differently, and these differences are likewise reflected in the words borrowed by English. One or two illustrations will have to suffice. In Old French the diphthong ui was originally accented on the first element (úi). This accentuation was retained in Anglo-Norman and the i disappeared, leaving a simple u [y]. In Middle English this [y] became [u] or [iu], written u, ui, ew, etc. Hence the English word fruit. In Central French, on the other hand, the accentuation of this diphthong was shifted in the twelfth century from úi to uí, and as a consequence we have in Modern French the form fruit with a quite different pronunciation. Again, the diphthong ei was retained in Anglo-Norman, but early in the twelfth century it had become oi in Central French. Thus we have in English leal, real (AN leial, reial) as compared with French loyal, royal (which we have also subsequently adopted). The Latin endings -ārius, -ōrius appear in AngloNorman as -arie,20 -orie, but in Central French they developed into -aire, -oire. Hence we have English salary, victory, but in French salaire, victoire. Of course, in many respects the French spoken in England was identical in its forms with that of Paris, but the cases in which it differed are sufficient to establish the conclusion that until well into the fourteenth century English borrowed its French words generally in the form which they had in the spoken French of England. While this statement is in accordance with inherent probability and is supported by abundant evidence so far as that evidence enables us to recognize dialectal differences, it must be qualified in one way. We have already seen (§ 101) that by the thirteenth century the preeminence of the Paris dialect was 20
Also as -er, as in carpenter, danger.
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making itself felt outside the capital and it is probable that the French of England was gradually modified in the direction of conformity with that dialect. In spite of Chaucer’s jest about the French of Stratford-at-Bow and the undoubted fact that the French of England was ridiculed by those who spoke the dialect of the Ile-de-France, we know that English children were at times sent abroad to correct their accent and that there was much travel to the continent. All this could not have been without some effect in making the forms of Central French more familiar in England. There was moreover the constant influence of French literature. It is reasonable to suppose, therefore, that as time went on and the use of French in England became more artificial, a larger share of the English borrowing was from Central French. This was more particularly the case in the fifteenth century when the less popular character of many of the words borrowed suggests that they came more often through literary than through colloquial channels.21 132. Popular and Literary Borrowings. There can be little doubt that a large proportion of the words borrowed from French were thoroughly popular in character, that is, words current in the everyday French spoken in England. At the same time the importance of literature is not to be underestimated as a means of transfer. So much of Middle English literature was based directly on French originals that it would have been rather exceptional if English writers had consistently resisted the temptation to carry French words over into their adaptations. Layamon resisted, but most others did not, and when in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries French words were being taken by the hundreds into the popular speech, the way was made easier for the entrance of literary words as well. Although literature was one of the channels by which French words entered English all through the Middle English period, in the fifteenth century it became the principal source. Words like adolescence, affability, appellation, cohort, combustion, destitution, harangue, immensity, ingenious, pacification, representation, sumptuous betray their learned or bookish origin, and in the works of Caxton at the end of the century new words like aggravation, diversify, furtive, prolongation, and ravishment abound. The number of such words entering the language at this time is probably no greater than in the preceding century, but they are more prominent because the adoption of popular words was now greatly curtailed by the practical disappearance of French as a spoken language in England. 133. The Period of Greatest Influence. Some time elapsed after the Norman Conquest before its effects were felt to any appreciable degree by the 21
There is a discussion of the Central French element in English in Skeat, Principles of English Etymology, Second Series (Oxford, 1891), chap. 8.
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English vocabulary. This fact has long been recognized in a general way, but it is only within this century that the materials have been available which enable us to speak with any assurance as to the exact period when the greatest number of French words came into the language. These materials are the dated quotations in the Oxford English Dictionary. In 1905 Otto Jespersen made a statistical study of one thousand words borrowed from French, classifying them according to the dates when they were first recorded in English and grouping them by half centuries.22 The result is highly illuminating. For a hundred years after the Conquest there is no increase in the number of French words being adopted. In the last half of the twelfth century the number increases slightly and in the period from 1200 to 1250 somewhat more rapidly. But it does not become really great until after 1250. Then the full tide sets in, rising to a climax at the end of the fourteenth century. By 1400 the movement has spent its force. A sharp drop in the fifteenth century has been followed by a gradual tapering off ever since. Although there is no way of knowing how long a word had been in the language before the earliest recorded instance, it is a striking fact that so far as surviving records show, the introduction of French words into English follows closely the progressive adoption of English by the upper classes (cf. § 95). As we have seen, the years from 1250 to 1400 mark the period when English was everywhere replacing French. During these 150 years 40 percent of all the French words in the English language came in.23 A further calculation shows that the total number of French words adopted during the Middle English period was slightly over 10,000. Of these about 75 percent are still in current use. 22
Growth and Structure of the English Language (10th ed., 1982), p. 94. The following table differs somewhat from his. It represents an independent calculation based upon the completed dictionary. Jespersen took the first hundred words under the letters A–H and the first fifty under I and J. The method followed in compiling the present table is described in Modern Language Notes, 50 (1935), 90–93. …1050
For statistics based on the letter A only, see F.Mossé, “On the Chronology of French Loan-Words in English,” English Studies, 25 (1943), 33−40. See also Xavier Dekeyser, “Romance Loans in Middle English: A Re-assessment,” in Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries: In Honour of Jacek Fisiak, ed. Dieter Kastovsky and Aleksander Szwedek (2 vols., Berlin, 1986), I, 253–65. 23 As indicated in the text, a word may have been in use some time before the date at which it is first recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary, but such a circumstance can hardly invalidate the conclusion here stated.
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134. Assimilation. The rapidity with which the new French words were assimilated is evidenced by the promptness with which many of them became the basis of derivatives. English endings were apparently added to them with as much freedom as to English words. For example, the adjective gentle is recorded in 1225 and within five years we have it compounded with an English noun to make gentlewoman (1230). A little later we find gentleman (1275), gentleness (1300), and gently (1330). These compounds and derivatives all occur within about a century of the time when the original adjective was adopted. In the same way we have faith (1250) giving faithless and faithful (both by 1300), faithfully (1362), and faithfulness (1388), as well as the obsolete faithly (1325). The adverbial ending -ly seems to have been added to adjectives almost as soon as they appeared in the language. The adverbs commonly, courteously, eagerly, feebly, fiercely, justly, peacefully, and many more occur almost as early as the adjectives from which they are derived, while faintly by mere chance has been preserved in writing from a slightly earlier date than faint. Hybrid forms (French root with English prefix or suffix) like chasthed (chastity), lecherness, debonairship, poorness, spusbruche (spousebreach, adultery), becatch, ungracious, overpraising, forscald24 occur quite early (mostly before 1250), while common (1297) has been made into commonweal (OE wela) by 1330, battle (1297) combined with ax (OE æx) by 1380, and so on. It is clear that the new French words were quickly assimilated, and entered into an easy and natural fusion with the native element in English. 135. Loss of Native Words. Language often seems lavish, if not wasteful, in having many words that appear to duplicate each other. And yet it has been said that there are no exact synonyms in English. There are usually certain peculiarities of meaning or use that distinguish a word from others with which it has much in common. This seems to indicate that a certain sense of economy characterizes people in their use of language and causes them to get rid of a word when its function is fully performed by some other word. After the Norman Conquest, duplications frequently resulted, for many of the French words that came into use bore meanings already expressed by a native word. In such cases one of two things happened: of the two words one was eventually lost, or, where both survived, they were differentiated in meaning. In some cases the French word disappeared, but in a great many cases it was the Old English word that died out. The substitution was not always immediate; often both words continued in use for a longer or shorter time, and the 24
Behrens, Beiträge zur Geschichte der französischen Sprache in England (Heilbronn, Germany, 1886), p. 9.
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English word occasionally survives in the dialects today. Thus the OE ēam, which has been replaced in the standard speech by the French word uncle, is still in use (eme) in Scotland. The OE anda contested its position with the French envy until the time of Chaucer, but eventually lost out and with it went the adjective andig (envious) and the verb andian (to envy). In this way many common Old English words succumbed. The OE æþele yielded to F. noble, and æþeling became nobleman. Dryhten and frēa were displaced by the French prince, although the English word lord, which survived as a synonym, helped in the elimination. At the same time leod was being ousted by people. The OE dēma (judge), dēman (to judge), and dōm (judgment) gave way before French influence in matters of law, but we still use deem in the sense of to think or hold an opinion, and dōm has survived in special senses, as in the day of doom, or to meet one’s (witness),firen (crime), and scyldig (guilty) have likewise doom. OE disappeared, as have here (army), cempa (warrior), and sibb (peace). OE lived on beside flower from French until the thirteenth century, and blēo (color) survives dialectally as blee. Other common words that were lost may be illustrated by ādl (disease), ieldu (age), lof (praise), lyft (air), hold (gracious), earm (poor), slīþe (cruel), gecynde (natural), although it survived as kind with this meaning until the sixteenth century, wuldor (glory) with its adjective wuldrig (glorious), and wlite (beauty), wlitig (beautiful). In all these cases the place of the English word was taken by the word in parentheses, introduced from French. Many common verbs died out in the same way, such as andettan (confess), beorgan (preserve, defend), bieldan and elnian (encourage), dihtan (composo), flītan (contend; flite [dialect]), gōdian (improve), healsian (implore), herian (praise), lēanian (reward), belīfan (remain), miltsian (pity). Here likewise the words in parentheses are the French verbs that replaced the native word. Not all the Old English words that have disappeared were driven out by French equivalents. Some gave way to other more or less synonymous words in Old English. Many independently fell into disuse. Nevertheless the enormous invasion of French words not only took the place of many English words that had been lost but itself accounts for a great many of the losses from the Old English vocabulary. 136. Differentiation in Meaning. Where both the English and the French words survived they were generally differentiated in meaning. The words doom and judgment, to deem and to judge are examples that have already been mentioned. In the fifteenth century hearty and cordial came to be used for feelings which were supposed to spring from the heart. Etymologiscally they are alike, coming respectively from the Old English and the Latin words for heart. But we have kept them both because we use them with a slight difference in meaning, hearty implying a certain physical vigor and downrightness, as in a hearty dinner, cordial a more quiet or conventional manifestation, as in a cordial reception. In the same way we have kept a number of words for smell. The common word in Old English was stench. During the Middle English period this was supplemented by the word smell (of unknown origin) and the French words aroma, odor, and scent. To these we have since added stink (from the
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verb) and perfume and fragrance, from French. Most of these have special connotations and smell has become the general word. Stench now always means an unpleasant smell. An interesting group of words illustrating the principle is ox, sheep, swine, and calf beside the French equivalents beef, mutton, pork, and veal. The French words primarily denoted the animal, as they still do, but in English they were used from the beginning to distinguish the meat from the living beast.25 Other cases of differentiation are English house beside mansion from French, might beside power, and the pairs ask—demand, shun—avoid, seethe—boil, wish—desire. In most of these cases where duplication occurred, the French word, when it came into English, was a close synonym of the corresponding English word. The discrimination between them has been a matter of gradual growth, but it justifies the retention of both words in the language. 137. Curtailment of OE Processes of Derivation. Because language is a form of human activity, it often displays habits or tendencies that one recognizes as characteristic of the speech of a given people at a given time. These habits may be altered by circumstances. As we have already seen (§§ 49–50), Old English, like other Indo-European languages, enlarged its vocabulary chiefly by a liberal use of prefixes and suffixes and an easy power of combining native elements into selfinterpreting compounds. In this way the existing resources of the language were expanded at will and any new needs were met. In the centuries following the Norman Conquest, however, there is a visible decline in the use of these old methods of word formation. 138. Prefixes. This is first of all apparent in the matter of prefixes. Many of the Old English prefixes gradually lost their vitality, their ability to enter into new combinations. The Old English prefix for- (corresponding to German ver-) was often used to intensify the meaning of a verb or to add the idea of something destructive or prejudicial. For a while during the Middle English period it continued to be used occasionally in new formations. Thus at about 1300 we find forhang (put to death by hanging), forcleave (cut to pieces), and forshake (shake off). It was even combined with words borrowed from 25
The well-known passage in Scott’s Ivanhoe in which this distinction is entertainingly introduced into a conversation between Wamba and Gurth (chap. 1) is open to criticism only because the episode occurs about a century too early. Beef is first found in English at about 1300.
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French: forcover, forbar, forgab (deride), fortmvail (tire). But while these occasional instances show that the prefix was not dead, it seems to have had no real vitality. None of these new formations lived long, and the prefix is now entirely obsolete. The only verbs in which it occurs in Modern English are forbear, forbid, fordo, forget, forgive, forgo, forsake, forswear, and the participle forlorn. All of them had their origin in Old English. The prefix to-(German zer-) has disappeared even more completely. Although the 1611 Bible tells us that the woman who cast a millstone upon Abimelech’s head “all tobrake his skull,” and expressions like tomelt and toburst lived on for a time, there is no trace of the prefix in current use. With- (meaning against) gave a few new words in Middle English such as withdraw, withgo, withsake, and others. Withdraw and withhold survive, together with the Old English withstand, but other equally useful words have been replaced by later borrowings from Latin: withsay by renounce, withspeak by contradict, withset by resist, etc. Some prefixes which are still productive today, like over- and under-, fell into comparative disuse for a time after the Norman Conquest. Most compounds of over- that are not of Old English origin have arisen in the modern period. The prefix on- (now un-) which was used to reverse the action of a verb as in unbind, undo, unfold, unwind, and which in Middle English gave us unfasten, unbuckle, uncover, and unwrap, seems to owe such life as it still enjoys to association with the negative prefix un-. The productive power which these formative elements once enjoyed has in many cases been transferred to prefixes like counter-, dis-, re-, trans-, and others of Latin origin. It is possible that some of them would have gone out of use had there been no Norman Conquest, but when we see their disuse keeping pace with the increase of the French element in the language and find them in many cases disappearing at the end of the Middle English period, at a time when French borrowings have reached their maximum, it is impossible to doubt that the wealth of easily acquired new words had weakened English habits of word formation. 139. Suffixes. A similar decline is observable in the formative power of certain suffixes that were widely used in Old English. The loss here is perhaps less distinctly felt because some important endings have remained in full force. Such are the noun suffix -ness and the adjective endings -ful, -less, -some, and -ish. But others equally important were either lost or greatly diminished in vitality. Thus the abstract suffix -lock (OE lāc) survives only in wedlock, -red (OE ) only in hatred and kindred. The ending -dom was used in Old English to form abstract nouns from other nouns (kingdom, earldom, martyrdom) and from adjectives (freedom, wisdom). In Middle English there are some new formations such as dukedom and thralldom, but most of the formations from adjectives, like falsedom and richdom, did not prove permanent, and the suffix is to all intents and purposes now dead. When used today it is for the most part employed in half serious coinages, such as fandom, stardom, topsy-turvydom. The endings -hood and -ship have had a similar history. Manhood, womanhood, likelihood are new formations in Middle English, showing that the suffix retained its power for a while. In fact it occasionally reasserts itself in modern times. Boyhood and girlhood date from the eighteenth century,
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while hardihood is apparently a creation of Milton’s that was revived by Macaulay. Many of the Old English abstracts in -ship were lost. We have kept friendship but not fiendship, and of those formed from adjectives in Old English the only one still in use is worship (worthship). Most of the new formations in Middle English had a short life. We have retained hardship but not boldship, busiship, cleanship, kindship, etc. In all these instances the ending -ness was preferred. As in the case of prefixes, we can see here a gradual change in English habits of word formation resulting from the available supply of French words with which to fill the needs formerly met by the native resources of the language. 140. Self-explaining Compounds. One further habit that was somewhat weakened, although by no means broken, was that of combining native words into self-interpreting compounds. The extent to which words like bookhouse or boatswain entered into Old English has been pointed out above (§ 49). The practice was not abandoned in Middle English, but in many cases where a new word could have been easily formed on the native model, a ready-made French word was borrowed instead. Today self-explaining compounds are still formed by a sure instinct (picture tube, driver’s-side air bag, four-wheel disc brakes), but the method is much less universal than it once was because of new habits introduced after the Norman Conquest. 141. The Language Still English. It must not be thought that the extensive modification of the English language caused by the Norman Conquest had made of it something else than English. The language had undergone much simplification of its inflections, but its grammar was still English. It had absorbed several thousand French words as a natural consequence of a situation in which large numbers of people were for a time bilingual and then gradually turned from the habitual use of French to the habitual use of English. It had lost a great many native words and abandoned some of its most characteristic habits of word formation. But great and basic elements of the vocabulary were still English. No matter what class of society they belonged to, the English ate, drank, and slept, so to speak, in English, worked and played, spoke and sang, walked, ran, rode, leaped, and swam in the same language. The house they lived in, with its hall, bower, rooms, windows, doors, floor, steps, gate, etc., reminds us that their language was basically Germanic. Their meat and drink, bread, butter, fish, milk, cheese, salt, pepper, wine, ale, and beer were inherited from preConquest days, while they could not refer to their arms, legs, feet, hands, eyes, ears, head, nose, mouth, or any common part of the body without using English words for the purpose. While we are under the necessity of paying considerable attention to the large French element that the Norman Conquest brought directly and indirectly into the language, we must see it in proper perspective. The language that the Normans and their successors finally adopted was English, and although it was an English changed in many important particulars from the language of King Alfred, its predominant features were those inherited from the Germanic tribes that settled in England in the fifth century.
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142. Latin Borrowings in Middle English. The influence of the Norman Conquest is generally known as the Latin Influence of the Third Period in recognition of the ultimate source of the new French words. But it is right to include also under this designation the large number of words borrowed directly from Latin in Middle English. These differed from the French borrowings in being less popular and in gaining admission generally through the written language. Of course, it must not be forgotten that Latin was a spoken language among ecclesiastics and men of learning, and a certain number of Latin words could well have passed directly into spoken English. Their number, however, is small in comparison with those that we can observe entering by way of literature. In a single work like Trevisa’s translation of the De Proprietatibus Rerum of Bartholomew Anglicus we meet with several hundred words taken over from the Latin original. Since they are not found before this in English, we can hardly doubt that we have here a typical instance of the way such words first came to be used. The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were especially prolific in Latin borrowings. An anonymous writer of the first half of the fifteenth century complains that it is not easy to translate from Latin into English, for “there ys many wordes in Latyn that we have no propre Englysh accordynge therto.”26 Wycliffe and his associates are credited with more than a thousand Latin words not previously found in English.27 Since many of them occur in the so-called Wycliffe translation of the Bible and have been retained in subsequent translations, they have passed into common 26 27
The Myroure of Oure Ladye, EETSES, 19, p. 7. Otto Dellit, Über lateinische Elemente im Mittelenglischen (Marburg, Germany, 1905), p. 38.
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use. The innovations of other writers were not always so fortunate. Many of them, like the inkhorn terms of the Renaissance, were but passing experiments. Nevertheless the permanent additions from Latin to the English vocabulary in this period are much larger than has generally been realized. It is unnecessary to attempt a formal classification of these borrowings. Some idea of their range and character may be gained from a selected but miscellaneous list of examples: abject, adjacent, allegory, conspiracy, contempt, custody, distract, frustrate, genius, gesture, history, homicide, immune, incarnate, include, incredible, incubus, incumbent, index, individual, infancy, inferior, infinite, innate, innumemble, intellect, interrupt, juniper, lapidary, legal, limbo, lucrative, lunatic, magnify, malefactor, mechanical, minor, missal, moderate, necessary, nervous, notary, ornate, picture, polite, popular, prevent, private, project, promote, prosecute, prosody, pulpit, quiet, rational, reject, remit, reprehend, rosary, script, scripture, scrutiny, secular, solar, solitary, spacious, stupor, subdivide, subjugate, submit, subordinate, subscribe, substitute, summary, superabundance, supplicate, suppress, temperate, temporal, testify, testimony, tincture, tract, tributary, ulcer, zenith, zephyr. Here we have terms relating to law, medicine, theology, science, and literature, words often justified in the beginning by technical or professional use and later acquiring a wider application. Among them may be noticed several with endings like -able, -ible, -ent, -al, -ous, -ive, and others, which thus became familiar in English and, reinforced often by French, now form common elements in English derivatives. All the words in the above list are accepted by the Oxford English Dictionary as direct borrowings from Latin. But in many cases Latin words were being borrowed by French at the same time, and the adoption of a word in English may often have been due to the impact of both languages. 143. Aureate Terms. The introduction of unusual words from Latin (and occasionally elsewhere) became a conscious stylistic device in the fifteenth century, extensively used by poets and occasionally by writers of prose. By means of such words as abusion, dispone, diurne, equipolent, palestral, and tenebrous, poets attempted what has been described as a kind of stylistic gilding, and this feature of their language is accordingly known as “aureate diction.”28 The beginnings of this tendency have been traced back to the fourteenth century. It occurs in moderation in the poetry of Chaucer, becomes a distinct mannerism in the work of Lydgate, and runs riot in the productions of the Scottish Chaucerians— James I, Henryson, Dunbar, and the rest. How 28
The standard treatment of the subject is John C.Mendenhall, Aureate Terms (Lancaster, PA, 1919).
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far this affectation went may be seen in the opening lines of Dunbar’s Ballad of Our Lady:
Hale, sterne superne! Hale, in eterne, In Godis sicht to schyne! Lucerne in derne,29 for to discerne Be glory and grace devyne; Hodiern, modern, sempitern, Angelicallregyne! Our tern30 infern for to dispern Helpe, rialest Rosyne!31 The use of such “halff chongyd Latyne,” as a contemporary poet describes it,32 was quite artificial. The poets who affected aureate terms have been described as tearing up words from Latin “which never took root in the language, like children making a mock garden with flowers and branches stuck in the ground, which speedily wither.”33 This is essentially true, but not wholly so. The novelty that was sought after, and that such words had in the beginning, wore off with use; and words which were “aureate” in Chaucer, like laureate, mediation, oriental, prolixity, have sometimes become part of the common speech. These innovations are of considerable interest in the history of style; in the history of language they appear as a minor current in the stream of Latin words flowing into English in the course of the Middle Ages. 144. Synonyms at Three Levels. Much nonsense has been written on the relative merits of the Germanic and Romance elements in the English vocabulary.34 The Latinized diction of many seventeenth- and 29
lamp in darkness woe 31 rose 32 John Metham, Cf. P.H.Nichols, “Lydgate’s Influence on the Aureate Terms of the Scottish Chaucerians,” PMLA, 47 (1932), 516–22. 33 Thomas Campbell, Essay on English Poetry (London, 1848), p. 39. 34 Even so sensible a scholar as Freeman could write: “This abiding corruption of our language I believe to have been the one result of the Norman Conquest which has been purely evil.” (Norman Conquest, V, 547.) 30
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eighteenth-century writers brought up in the tradition of the classics provoked a reaction in which the “Saxon” element of the language was glorified as the strong, simple, and direct component in contrast with the many abstract and literary words derived from Latin and French. It is easy to select pairs like deed—exploit, spell—enchantment, take— apprehend, weariness—lassitude and on the basis of such examples make generalizations about the superior directness, the homely force and concreteness of the Old English words. But such contrasts ignore the many hundreds of words from French which are equally simple and as capable of conveying a vivid image, idea, or emotion—nouns like bar, beak, cell, cry, fool, frown, fury, glory, guile, gullet, horror, humor, isle, pity, river, rock, ruin, stain, stuff, touch, wreck, or adjectives such as calm, clear, cruel, eager, fierce, gay, mean, rude, safe, tender, to take examples almost at random. The truth is that many of the most vivid and forceful words in English are French, and even where the French and Latin words are more literary or learned, as indeed they often are, they are no less valuable and important. Language has need for the simple, the polished, and even the recondite word. The richness of English in synonyms is largely due to the happy mingling of Latin, French, and native elements. It has been said that we have a synonym at each level—popular, literary, and learned. Although this statement must not be pressed too hard, a difference is often apparent, as in rise—mount—ascend, ask—question— interrogate, goodness—virtue—probity, fast—firm—secure, fire—flame—conflagration, fear—terror—trepidation, holy—sacred—consecrated, time—age—epoch. In each of these sets of three words the first is English, the second is from French, and the third from Latin. The difference in tone between the English and the French words is often slight; the Latin word is generally more bookish. However, it is more important to recognize the distinctive uses of each than to form prejudices in favor of one group above another. 145. Words from the Low Countries. The importance of the Romance element in English has overshadowed and caused to be neglected another source of foreign words in the vocabulary, the languages of the Low Countries—Flemish, Dutch, and Low German. The similarity of these languages to English makes it difftcult often to tell whether a word has been adopted from one of them or is of native origin. Moreover, the influence was not the result of some single cause, like the introduction of Christianity or the Norman Conquest, confined more or less to a given period of time, but was rather a gradual infiltration due to the constant and close relations between England and the people of Flanders, Holland, and northern Germany. This intercourse extends from the days of William the Conqueror, whose wife was Flemish, down to the eighteenth century. All through the Middle Ages Flemings came to England in considerable numbers. In the English wars at home and abroad we repeatedly find Flemish mercenaries fighting with the English forces. Others came for more peaceful purposes and settled in the country. The wool industry was the major industry of England in the Middle Ages. Most of the wool exported from England went to supply Flemish and Dutch looms. On the other hand, weavers from the Low Countries, noted for their superior cloths, were encouraged to come to England and at various times came in large numbers. They were sufficiently numerous to arouse at intervals the antagonism of the
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native population. In the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 we are told that “many fflemmynges loste here heedes…and namely they that koude nat say Breede and Chese, But Case and Brode.”35 Trade between these countries and England was responsible for much travel to and fro. Flemish and German merchants had their hanse at London, Boston, Lynn, and elsewhere. The English wool staple was at different times at Dordrecht, Louvain, Bruges, and other towns near the coast. Add to this the fact that the carrying trade was largely in the hands of the Dutch until the Navigation Act of 1651, and we see that there were many favorable conditions for the introduction of Low German words into English. At the end of the Middle Ages we find entering the language such words as nap (of cloth), deck, bowsprit, lighter, dock, freight, rover, mart, groat, guilder. Later borrowings include cambric, duck (cloth), boom (of a boat), beleaguer, furlough, commodore, gin, gherkin, dollar. Dutch eminence in art is responsible for easel, etching, landscape, while Dutch settlers in America seem to have caused the adoption of cruller, cookie, cranberry, bowery, boodle, and other words. The latest study of the Low Dutch element in English considers some 2,500 words. Many of these are admittedly doubtful, but one must grant the possibility of more influence from the Low Countries upon English than can be proved by phonological or other direct evidence.36 146. Dialectal Diversity of Middle English. One of the striking characteristics of Middle English is its great variety in the different parts of England. This variety was not confined to the forms of the spoken language, as it is to a great extent today, but appears equally in the written literature. In the absence of any recognized literary standard before the close of the period, writers naturally wrote in the dialect of that part of the country to which they belonged. And they did so not through any lack of awareness of the diversity that existed. Giraldus Cambrensis in the twelfth century remarked that the language of the southern parts of England, and particularly of Devonshire, was more ar35
C.L.Kingsford, Chronicles of London (Oxford, 1905), p. 15. The fullest discussion of the Flemings in England and English relations with the Low Countries generally is J.F.Bense, Anglo-Dutch Relations from the Earliest Times to the Death of William the Third (London, 1925). J.A.Fleming, Flemish Influence in Britain (2 vols., Glasgow, 1930), is rather discursive and concerned mostly with Scotland. The Low German influence on English has been treated by Wilhelm Heuser, “Festländische Einflüsse im Mittelenglischen,” Bonner Beiträge zur Anglistik, 12 (1902), 173–82; J.M.Toll, Niederländisches Lehngut im Mittelenglischen (Halle, Germany, 1926); J.F.Bense, A Dictionary of the Low-Dutch Element in the English Vocabulary (The Hague, 1939); H.Logeman, “Low-Dutch Elements in English,” Neophilologus, 16 (1930– 1931), 31–46, 103–16 (a commentary on Bense); T.de Vries, Holland’s Influence on English Language and Literature (Chicago, 1916), a work of slighter value; and E.Ekwall, Shakspere’s Vocabulary (Uppsala, Sweden, 1903), pp. 92 ff. 36
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chaic and seemed less agreeable than that of other parts with which he was familiar;37 and at a slightly earlier date (c. 1125) William of Malmesbury had complained of the harshness of the speech of Yorkshire, saying that southerners could not understand it.38 Such observations continue in subsequent censturies.39 The author of the Cursor Mundi, a northern poem of about 1300, notes that he found the story of the Assumption of Our Lady in Southern English and turned it into his own dialect for “northern people who can read no other English.”40 Even Chaucer, by whose time a literary standard was in process of creation, sends off his Troilus and Criseyde with the famous “Go, little book,” adding,
And for ther is so gret diversite In Englissh, and in writyng of oure tonge, So prey I god that non myswrite the, Ne the mys-metre for defaute of tonge.
147. The Middle English Dialects. The language differed almost from county to county, and noticeable variations are sometimes observable between different parts of the same county. The features characteristic of a given dialect do not all cover the same territory; some extend into adjoining districts or may be characteristic also of another dialect. Consequently it is rather difftcult to decide how many dialectal divisions should be recognized and to mark off with any exactness their respective boundaries. In a rough way, however, it is customary to distinguish four principal dialects of Middle English: Northern, East Midland, West Midland, and Southern. Generally speaking, the Northern dialect extends as far south as the Humber; East Mid-land and West Midland together cover the area between the Humber and the Thames; and Southern occupies the district south of the Thames, together with Gloucestershire and parts of the counties of Worcester and Hereford, thus taking in the West Saxon and Kentish districts of Old English. Throughout 37
Description of Wales, Bk. I, chap. 6. Gesta Pontificum, Bk. III. The remark is repeated in Higden, and in Trevisa’s translation of Higden. 39 “Our language is also so dyverse in yt selfe, that the commen maner of spekyng in Englysshe of some contre [i.e., county] can skante be understonded in some other contre of the same londe.” The Myroure of Oure Ladye (first half of the fifteenth century), EETSES, 19, pp. 7–8. 40 In sotherin englis was it draun, And turnd it haue I till our aun Langage o northrin lede 38
can nan oiþer englis rede. (II. 20,061–64)
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the Middle English period and later, Kentish preserves individual features marking it off as a distinct variety of Southern English.41 The peculiarities that distinguish these dialects are of such a character that their adequate enumeration would carry us beyond our present purpose. They are partly matters of pronunciation, partly of vocabulary, partly of inflection. A few illustrations will give some idea of the nature and extent of the differences. The feature most easily recognized is the ending of the plural, present indicative, of verbs. In Old English this form always ended in -th with some variation of the preceding vowel. In Middle English this ending was preserved as -eth in the Southern dialect. In the Midland district, however, it was replaced by -en, probably taken over from the corresponding forms of the subjunctive or from preterite-present verbs and the verb to be,42 while in the north it was altered to -es, an ending that makes its appearance in Old English times. Thus we have loves in the north, loven in the Midlands, and loveth in the south. Another fairly distinctive form is the present participle before the spread of the ending -ing. In the north we have lovande, in the Midlands lovende, and in the south lovinde. In later Middle English the ending -ing appears in the Midlands and the south, thus obscuring the dialectal distinction. Dialectal differences are more noticeable between Northern and Southern; the Midland dialect often occupies an intermediate position, tending toward the one or the other in those districts lying nearer to the adjacent dialects. Thus the characteristic forms of the pronoun they in the south were hi, here (hire, hure), hem, while in the north forms with th- (modern they, their, them) early became predominant. In matters of pronunciation the Northern and Southern dialects sometimes presented notable differences. Thus OE ā, which developed into an south of the Humber, was retained in the north, giving us such characteristic forms as Southern stone and home, beside stane and hame in Scotland today. Initial f and s were often voiced in the south to v and z. In Southern Middle English we find vor, vrom, vox, vorzoþe instead of for, from, fox, forsope (forsooth). This dialectal difference is preserved in Modern English fox and vixen, where the former represents the Northern and Midland pro41
A pioneering attempt to define significant dialect features was “Middle English Dialect Characteristics and Dialect Boundaries,” by Samuel Moore, Sanford B.Meech, and Harold Whitehall, in Univ. of Michigan Pubns in Lang. and Lit., vol. 13 (1935). It was based primarily on localized documents, which are not sufficiently numerous. The limitations of this study are pointed out in A.Mclntosh, “A New Approach to Middle English Dialectology,” English Studies, 44 (1963), 1–11. See also M.L.Samuels, “Some Applications of Middle English Dialectology,” ibid., pp. 81– 94. The results of several decades of research by Mclntosh and Samuels are published in A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English by Angus Mclntosh, M.L.Samuels, and Michael Benskin with the assistance of Margaret Laing and Keith Williamson (4 vols., Aberdeen, 1986). 42 W.F.Bryan, “The Midland Present Plural Indicative Ending -e(n),” MP, 18 (1921), 457–73.
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THE DIALECTS OF MIDDLE ENGLISH nunciation and the latter the Southern. Similarly ch in the south often corresponds to a k in the north: bench beside benk, or church beside kirk. Such variety was fortunately lessened toward the end of the Middle English period by the general adoption of a standard written (and later spoken) English.43
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148. The Rise of Standard English. Out of this variety of local dialects there emerged toward the end of the fourteenth century a written language that in the course of the fifteenth won general recognition and has since become the recognized standard in both speech and writing. The part of England that contributed most to the formation of this standard was the East Midland district, and it was the East Midland type of English that became its basis, particularly the dialect of the metropolis, London. Several causes contributed to the attainment of this result. In the first place, as a Midland dialect the English of this region occupied a middle position between the extreme divergences of the north and south. It was less conservative than the Southern dialect, less radical than the Northern. In its sounds and inflections it represents a kind of compromise, sharing some of the characteristics of both its neighbors. Its intermediate position was recognized in the fourteenth century by Ranulph Higden. A well-known passage in Trevisa’s translation of Higden’s Polychronicon (c. 1385) reads: for men of þe est wiþ men of þe west, as it were vnder þe same partie of heuene, acordeþ more in sownynge of speche þan men of þe norþ wiþ men of þe souþ; þerfore it is þat Mercii, þat beeþ men of myddel Engelond, as it were parteners of þe endes, vnderstondeþ bettre þe side langages, Norþerne and Souþerne, þan Norþerne and Souþerne vnderstondeþ eiþer oþer. In the second place, the East Midland district was the largest and most populous of the major dialect areas. The land was more valuable than the hilly country to the north and west, and in an agricultural age this advantage was reflected in both the number and the prosperity of the inhabitants. As Maitland remarks, “If we leave Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk out of account we are to all appearances leaving out of account not much less than a quarter of the whole nation…. No doubt all inferences drawn from medieval statistics are exceedingly precarious; but, unless a good many figures have conspired to deceive us, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk were at the time of the Conquest and for three centuries afterwards vastly richer and more populous than any tract of equal area in the West.”44 Only the southern counties pos43 44
For further illustration see Appendix A. Domesday Book and Beyond, pp. 20–22.
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sessed natural advantages at all comparable, and they were much smaller. The prominence of Middlesex, Oxford, Norfolk, and the East Midlands generally in political affairs all through the later Middle Ages is but another evidence of the importance of the district and of the extent to which its influence was likely to be felt. A third factor, more difficult to evaluate, was the presence of the universities, Oxford and Cambridge, in this region. In the fourteenth century the monasteries were playing a less important role in the dissemination of learning than they had once played, while the two universities had developed into important intellectual centers. So far as Cambridge is concerned any influence that it had would be exerted in support of the East Midland dialect. That of Oxford is less certain because Oxfordshire is on the border between Midland and Southern and its dialect shows certain characteristic Southern features. Moreover, we can no longer attribute to Wycliffe an important part in the establishment of a written standard.45 Though he spent much of his life at Oxford, he seems not to have conformed fully to the Oxford dialect. All we can say is that the dialect of Oxford had no apparent influence on the form of London English, which was ultimately adopted as standard. Such support as the East Midland type of English received from the universities must have been largely confined to that furnished by Cambridge. Much the same uncertainty attaches to the influence of Chaucer. It was once thought that Chaucer’s importance was paramount among the influences bringing about the adoption of a written standard. And, indeed, it is unbelievable that the language of the greatest English poet before Shakespeare was not spread by the popularity of his works and, through the use of that language, by subsequent poets who looked upon him as their master and model. But it is nevertheless unlikely that the English used in official records and in letters and papers by men of affairs was greatly influenced by the language of his poetry. Yet it is the language found in such documents rather than the language of Chaucer that is at the basis of Standard English. Chaucer’s dialect is not in all respects the same as the language of these documents, presumably identical with the ordinary speech of the city. It is slightly more conservative and shows a greater number of Southern characteristics. Chaucer was a court poet, and his usage may reflect the speech of the court and to a certain extent literary tradition. His influence must be thought of as lending support in a general way to the dialect of the region to which he belonged rather than as determining 45
Wycliffe was credited with the chief part in the establishment of Standard English by Koch, as Chaucer was by Ten Brink. Later Dibelius (Anglia, 23–24) argued for the existence of an Oxford standard, recognized for a time beside the language of London. This view has now generally been abandoned.
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the precise form which Standard English was to take in the century following his death. 149. The Importance of London English. By far the most influential factor in the rise of Standard English was the importance of London as the capital of England. Indeed, it is altogether likely that the language of the city would have become the prevailing dialect without the help of any of the factors previously discussed. In doing so it would have been following the course of other national tongues—French as the dialect of Paris, Spanish as that of Castile, and others. London was, and still is, the political and commercial center of England. It was the seat of the court, of the highest judicial tribunals, the focus of the social and intellectual activities of the country. In the practicalities of commerce the London economy was especially important as “an engine of communication and exchange which enabled ideas and information to be distributed and business to be done across an increasingly extensive, complex and varied field.”46 Patterns of migration at this time cannot be fully reconstructed, but clearly London drew in a constant stream those whose affairs took them beyond the limits of their provincial homes. They brought to it traits of their local speech, there to mingle with the London idiom and to survive or die as the silent forces of amalgamation and standardization determined. They took back with them the forms and usages of the great city by which their own speech had been modified. The influence was reciprocal. London English took as well as gave. It began as a Southern and ended as a Midland dialect. By the fifteenth century there had come to prevail in the East Midlands a fairly uniform dialect, and the language of London agrees in all important respects with it. We can hardly doubt that the importance of the eastern counties, pointed out above, is largely responsible for this change. Even such Northern characteristics as are found in the standard speech seem to have entered by way of these counties. The history of Standard English is almost a history of London English. 150. The Spread of the London Standard. In the latter part of the fifteenth century the London standard had been accepted, at least in writing, in most parts of the country. Its prestige may possibly be reflected in the fact that Mak the sheep-stealer in the Towneley Plays attempts to impose upon the Yorkshire shepherds by masquerading as a person of some importance and affects a “Southern tooth.” Considerable diversity still existed in the spoken dialects, as will be apparent from what is said in the next paragraph. But in literary works after 1450 it becomes almost impossible, except in distinctly 46
Derek Keene, “Metropolitan Values: Migration, Mobility and Cultural Norms, London 1100– 1700,” in The Development of Standard English 1300–1800: Theories, Descriptions, Conflicts, ed. Laura Wright (Cambridge, UK, 2000), p. 111.
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northern texts, to determine with any precision the region in which a given work was written. And in correspondence and local records there is a widespread tendency to conform in matters of language to the London standard. This influence emanating from London can be seen in the variety of English used in documents of the national bureaucracy as written by the clerks of Chancery. By the middle of the century a fairly consistent variety of written English in both spelling and grammar had developed, and as the language of official use it was likely to have influence in similar situations elsewhere.47 With the introduction of printing in 1476 a new influence of great importance in the dissemination of London English came into play. From the beginning London has been the center of book publishing in England. Caxton, the first English printer, used the current speech of London in his numerous translations, and the books that issued from his press and from the presses of his successors gave a currency to London English that assured more than anything else its rapid adoption. In the sixteenth century the use of London English had become a matter of precept as well as practice. The author of The Arte of English Poesie (attributed to Puttenham) advises the poet: “ye shall therefore take the usuall speach of the Court, and that of London and the shires lying about London within 1x. myles, and not much above.” 151. Complete Uniformity Still Unattained. It would be a mistake to think that complete uniformity was attained within the space of a few generations. Even in matters of vocabulary dialectal differences have persisted in cultivated speech down to the present day, and they were no less noticeable in the period during which London English was gaining general acceptance. Then, too, there were many French and Latin words, such as the aureate stylists were indulging in, that had not been assimilated. It was not easy for a writer at the end of the fifteenth century to choose his words so that his language would find favor with all people. How difftcult it was may be seen from the remarks that Caxton prefixed to his Eneydos, a paraphrase of Virgil’s Aeneid that he translated from French and published in 1490: After dyverse werkes made, translated, and achieved, havyng noo werke in hande, I, sittyng in my studye where as laye many dyverse paunflettis and bookys, happened that to my hande came a lytyl booke in frenshe, whiche late was translated oute of latyn by some noble clerke of fraunce, whiche booke is named Eneydos…. And whan I had advysed me in this sayd boke, I delybered and concluded to translate it into englysshe, and forthwyth toke a penne & ynke, and wrote a 47
See John H.Fisher, The Emergence of Standard English (Lexington, KY, 1996).
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leef or tweyne, whyche I oversawe agayn to corecte it. And whan I sawe the fayr & straunge termes therin I doubted that it sholde not please some gentylmen whiche late blamed me, sayeng that in my translacyons I had over curyous termes whiche coude not be understande of comyn peple, and desired me to use olde and homely termes in my translacyons. And fayn wolde I satysfye every man, and so to doo, toke an olde boke and redde therin; and certaynly the englysshe was so rude and brood that I coude not wele understande it. And also my lorde abbot of westmynster ded do shewe to me late, certayn evydences wryton in olde englysshe, for to reduce it in-to our englysshe now usid. And certaynly it was wreton in suche wyse that it was more lyke to dutche than englysshe; I coude not reduce ne brynge it to be understonden. And certaynly our langage now used varyeth ferre from that whiche was used and spoken whan I was borne. For we englysshe men ben borne under the domynacyon of the mone, whiche is never stedfaste, but ever waverynge, wexynge one season, and waneth & dyscreaseth another season. And that comyn englysshe that is spoken in one shyre varyeth from a nother. In so moche that in my dayes happened that certayn marchauntes were in a shippe in tamyse, for to have sayled over the see into zelande, and for lacke of wynde, thei taryed atte forlond, and wente to lande for to refreshe them. And one of theym named Sheffelde, a mercer, cam in-to an hows and axed for mete; and specyally he axyd after eggys. And the goode wyf answerde, that she coude speke no frenshe. And the marchaunt was angry, for he also coude speke no frenshe, but wolde have hadde egges, and she understode hym not. And thenne at laste a nother sayd that he wolde have eyren. Then the good wyf sayd that she understod hym wel. Loo, what sholde a man in thyse dayes now wryte, egges or eyren? Certaynly it is harde to playse every man by cause of dyversite & chaunge of langage. For in these dayes every man that is in ony reputacyon in his countre, wyll utter his commynycacyon and maters in suche maners & termes that fewe men shall understonde theym. And som honest and grete clerkes have ben wyth me, and desired me to wryte the moste curyous termes that I could fynde. And thus bytwene playn, rude, & curyous, I stande abasshed. But in my judgemente the comyn termes that be dayli used ben lyghter to be understonde than the olde and auncyent englysshe. And for as moche as this present booke is not for a rude uplondyssh man to laboure therin, ne rede it, but onely for a clerke & a noble gentylman that feleth and understondeth in faytes of armes, in love, & in noble chyvalrye, therfor in a meane bytwene bothe I have reduced & translated this sayd booke in to our englysshe, not ouer rude ne curyous, but in suche termes as shall be understanden, by goddys grace, accordynge to my copye.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY The changes in Middle English are discussed in the various Middle English grammars listed in the footnote to § 174. On the loss of grammatical gender, see L.Morsbach, Grammatisches undpsychologisches Geschlecht im Englischen (2nd ed., Berlin, 1926); Samuel Moore, “Grammatical and Natural Gender in Middle English,” PMLA, 36 (1921), 79–103; and Charles Jones, Grammatical Gender in English: 950 to 1250 (London, 1988). Donka Minkova has published a series of studies on the loss of final -e, culminating in The History of Final Vowels in English: The Sound of Muting (Berlin, 1991). On the retention of final -e in fourteenthcentury poetry, see Thomas Cable, The English Alliterative Tradition (Philadelphia, 1991). The later history of strong verbs is treated by Mary M.Long, The English Strong Verb from Chaucer to Caxton (Menasha, WI, 1944). A pioneer in the study of the French element in English and its dependence on the Anglo-Norman dialect was Joseph Payne, whose paper on “The Norman Element in the Spoken and Written English of the 12th, 13th, and 14th Centuries, and in Our Provincial Dialects” was published in the Trans. of the Philological Soc., 1868–1869, pp. 352– 449. His views largely underlie the treatment of Skeat in his Principles of English Etymology, Second Series (Oxford, 1891). Dietrich Behrens dealt in detail with the French borrowings before 1250 in his Beiträge zur Geschichte der französischen Sprache in England: I, Zur Lautlehre der französischen Lehnwörter im Mittelenglischen (Heilbronn, Germany, 1886). Other treatments of the subject in various aspects are Robert Mettig, Die französischen Elemente im Alt-und Mittelenglischen (800–1258) (Marburg, Germany, 1910); O. Funke, “Zur Wortgeschichte der französischen Elemente im Englischen,” Englische Studien, 55 (1921), 1– 25; S.H. Bush, “Old Northern French Loan-words in Middle English,” Philol Qu., 1 (1922), 161–72; Robert Feist, Studien zur Rezeption des französischen Wortschatzes im Mittelenglischen (Leipzig, 1934); Emrik Slettengren, Contributions to the Study of French Loanwords in Middle English ( Örebro, Sweden, 1932); and Bernhard Diensberg, Untersuchungen zur phonologischen Rezeption romanischen Lehnguts im Mittelund Frülhneuenglischen (Tübingen, Germany, 1985), the last two studies dealing with phonological developments in Anglo-French and Middle English. The extent of the French penetration in certain sections of the vocabulary can be seen in such studies as Bruno Voltmer, Die mittelenglische Terminologie der ritterlichen Verwandtschaftsund Standesverhältnisse nach der höfischen Epen und Romanzen des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts (Pinneberg, Germany, 1911), and Helene Döll, Mittelenglische Kleidernamen im Spiegel literarischer Denkmäler des 14. Jahrhunderts (Giessen, Germany, 1932). Comprehensive, and treating borrowings down to the nineteenth century, is Fraser Mackenzie, Les Relations de l’Angleterre et de la France d’après le vocabulaire, vol. 2 (Paris, 1939). There are also special treatments of the Romance element in individual writers, such as Hans Remus, Die kirchlichen und speziellwissenschaftlichen romanischen Lehnworte Chaucers (Halle, Germany, 1906); Joseph Mersand, Chaucer’s Romance Vocabulary (2nd ed., New York, 1939); Georg Reismüller, Romanische Lehnwörter (erstbelege) bei Lydgate (Leipzig, 1911); and Hans Faltenbacher, Die romanischen, speziell französischen und lateinischen (bezw. latinisierten) Lehnwörter bei Caxton (Munich, 1907). Much additional material has become available with the publication of the Middle English Dictionary, ed. Hans Kurath, Sherman M.Kuhn, John Reidy, and Robert E.Lewis (Ann Arbor, MI, 1952–2001). For the study of Anglo-Norman the appendix to A.Stimming’s Der Anglonormannische Boeve de Haumtone (Halle, Germany, 1899) is invaluable. For the earlier period J.Vising’s Étude sur le dialecte anglo-normand du XIIe siècle (Uppsala, Sweden, 1882) is important, and Emil Busch, Laut-und Formenlehre der Anglonormannischen Sprache des XIV. Jahrhunderts, is helpful for the later. L.E.Menger’s The Anglo-Norman Dialect (New York, 1904) attempts to survey the
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phonology and morphology down to the early fourteenth century. M.K.Pope’s From Latin to Modern French with Especial Consideration of Anglo-Norman (2nd ed., Manchester, 1952) contains a chapter on the special developments in England. Skeat’s two lists in the Trans. of the Philological Soc., 1880–1881 and 1888–1890, offer a convenient collection of French words used in England. The loss of native words is treated in a series of monographs, such as Emil Hemken, Das Aussterben alter Substantiva im Verlaufe der englischen Sprachgeschichte (Kiel, Germany, 1906). Similar treatments are those of Oberdörffer on the adjective (Kiel, 1908), Offe on the verb (Kiel, 1908), Rotzoll on diminutives (Heidelberg, 1909), and the more general dissertations of Fr.Teichert, Über das Aussterben alter Wörter im Verlaufe der englischen Sprachgeschichte (Kiel, 1912), and Kurt Jaeschke, Beiträge zur Frage des Wortschwundes im Englischen (Breslau, 1931); and Xavier Dekeyser and Luc Pauwels, “The Demise of the Old English Heritage and Lexical Innovation in Middle English,” Leuvense Bijdragen, 79 (1990), 1–23. The curtailment of prefix and suffix derivatives can be seen in such studies as T.P.Harrison, The Separable Prefixes in Anglo-Saxon (Baltimore, MD, 1892), and the studies of individual prefixes in Old English such as bi by Lenze (Kiel, 1909), for(e) by Siemerling (Kiel, 1909), on(d) by Lüngen (Kiel, 1911), wið(er) by Hohenstein (Kiel, 1912), and ofer by Röhling (Heidelberg, 1914). Full titles of all these works can be found in Kennedy’s Bibliography. The Latin borrowings in Middle English and the affectation of aureate terms are treated in the works of Dellit and Mendenhall mentioned in the footnotes to § 142 and § 143. The important references for the influence of the Low Countries are given in the footnote to § 145. The major study of Middle English dialects is by Angus Mclntosh, M.L.Samuels, and Michael Benskin with the assistance of Margaret Laing and Keith Williamson, A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English (4 vols., Aberdeen, 1986). During the preparation of the Atlas several important essays on the principles of Middle English dialectology were published by Mclntosh and by Samuels and have been reprinted in Middle English Dialectology: Essays on Some Principles and Problems, ed. Margaret Laing (Aberdeen, 1989). There are individual studies of particular dialect features and dialect areas, including the works of Wyld, Ekwall, Serjeantson, and others. A more extensive monograph is Gillis Kristensson, A Survey of Middle English Dialects 1290–1350: The Six Northern Counties and Lincolnshire (Lund, Sweden, 1967; Lund Stud. in English, vol. 35), with a useful bibliography covering the whole of England. On Chaucer’s English, see David Burnley, The Language of Chaucer (London, 1983); Arthur O.Sandved, Introduction to Chaucerian English (Cambridge, UK, 1985), and Christopher Cannon, The Making of Chaucer’s English: A Study of Words (Cambridge, UK, 1998). Structural changes in the verb phrase during Chaucer’s period are examined by Ans van Kemenade, Syntactic Case and Morphological Case in the History of English (Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1987) and by Elly van Gelderen, The Rise of Functional Categories (Amsterdam, 1993). A good overview of Middle English syntax is Olga Fischer’s chapter, “Syntax,” in The Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume II: 1066–1476, ed. Norman Blake (Cambridge, UK, 1992), pp. 207−408. On the rise of Standard English the fundamental work is L.Morsbach, Ueber den Ursprung der neuenglischen Schriftsprache (Heilbronn, Germany, 1888), which may be supplemented by H.M.Flasdieck, Forschungen zur Frülhzeit der neuenglischen Schriftsprache (2 parts, Halle, Germany, 1922). Contributing elements are discussed by R.E.Zachrisson, “Notes on the Essex Dialect and the Origin of Vulgar London Speech,” Englische Studien, 59 (1925), 346–60; Agnes Peitz, Der Einfluss des nördlichen Dialektes im Mittelenglischen auf die entstehende Hochsprache (Bonn, 1933); and H.C.Wyld, “South-Eastern and South-East Midland Dialects in Middle English,” Essays and Studies, 6 (1920), 112–45. The characteristics of the London dialect are treated by B.A.Mackenzie, The Early London Dialect (Oxford, 1928), to which may be added two articles by P.H.Reaney, “On Certain Phonological Features of the Dialect of London in the Twelfth Century,” Englische Studien, 59 (1925), 321–45, and “The Dialect of London in the Thirteenth Century,” ibid., 61 (1926), 9–23. A later period is treated in Hans
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Friederici, Der Lautstand Londons um 1400 (Jena, Germany, 1937; Forsch. zur engl. Phil, no. 6). An influential classification of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century varieties is by M.L. Samuels, “Some Applications of Middle English Dialectology,” English Studies, 44 (1963), 81– 94, revised in Laing. The latest of these varieties, Chancery English, is examined by John H.Fisher in a series of essays and in The Emergence of Standard English (Lexington, KY, 1996). For complexities to be considered in a full account, see Laura Wright, “About the Evolution of Standard English,” in Studies in English Language and Literature, ed. Elizabeth M.Tyler and M.Jane Toswell (London, 1996), pp. 99–115, and the essays in The Development of Standard English 1300–1800: Theories, Descriptions, Conflicts, ed. Laura Wright (Cambridge, UK, 2000). More generally on literacy and writing in medieval England, see M.T.Clanchy’s From Memory to Written Record: England, 1066–1307 (2nd ed., Oxford, 1993). Important collections of localized documents will be found in L.Morsbach, Mittelenglische Originalurkunden von der Chaucer-Zeit bis zur Mitte des XV. Jahrhunderts (Heidelberg, 1923); H.M.Flasdieck, Mittelenglische Originalurkunden (1405–1430) (Heidelberg, 1926); R.W.Chambers and Marjorie Daunt, A Book of London English, 1384–1425 (2nd ed., Oxford, 1967); and John H. Fisher, Malcolm Richardson, and Jane L.Fisher, An Anthology of Chancery English (Knoxville, TN, 1984).
8 The Renaissance, 1500–1650 152. Changing Conditions in the Modern Period. In the development of languages particular events often have recognizable and at times far-reaching effects. The Norman Conquest and the Black Death are typical instances that we have already seen. But there are also more general conditions that come into being and are no less influential. In the Modern English period, the beginning of which is conveniently placed at 1500, certain of these new conditions come into play, conditions that previously either had not existed at all or were present in only a limited way, and they cause English to develop along somewhat different lines from those that had characterized its history in the Middle Ages. The new factors were the printing press, the rapid spread of popular education, the increased communication and means of communication, the growth of specialized knowledge, and the emergence of various forms of self-consciousness about language. The invention of the process of printing from movable type, which occurred in Germany about the middle of the fifteenth century, was destined to exercise a farreaching influence on all the vernacular languages of Europe. Introduced into England about 1476 by William Caxton, who had learned the art on the continent, printing made such rapid progress that a scant century later it was observed that manuscript books were seldom to be seen and almost never used. Some idea of the rapidity with which the new process swept forward may be had from the fact that in Europe the number of books printed before the year 1500 reaches the surprising figure of 35,000. The majority of these, it is true, were in Latin, whereas it is in the modern languages that the effect of the printing press was chiefly to be felt. But in England over 20,000 titles in English had appeared by 1640, ranging all the way from mere pamphlets to massive folios. The result was to bring books, which had formerly been the expensive luxury of the few, within the reach of many. More important, however, was the fact, so obvious today, that it was possible to reproduce a book in a thousand copies or a hundred thousand, every one exactly like the other. A powerful force thus existed for promoting a standard, uniform language, and the means were now available for spreading that language throughout the territory in which it was understood. Such a widespread influence would not have been possible were it not for the fact that education was making rapid progress among the people and literacy was becoming much more common. In the later Middle Ages a surprising number of people of the middle class could read and write, as the Paston Letters abundantly show. In Shakespeare’s London, though we have no accurate means of measurement, it is probable that not less than a third and probably as many as half of the people could at least read. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries there arose a prosperous trades class with the means to obtain an education and the leisure to enjoy it, attested to, for example, by the great
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increase in the number of schools, the tremendous journalistic output of a man like Defoe, and the rapid rise of the novel. Nowadays, when practically everyone goes to school, we witness the phenomenon of newspapers with circulations of several hundred thousand copies daily, even up to 2 million, and magazines that in an exceptional case reach a total of 80 million copies per month. As a result of popular education the printing press has been able to exert its influence upon language as upon thought. A third factor of great importance to language in modern times is the way in which the different parts of the world have been brought together through commerce, transportation, and the rapid means of communication we have developed. The exchange of commodities and the exchange of ideas are both stimulating to language. We shall see later how the expansion of the British Empire and the extension of trade enlarged the English vocabulary by words drawn from every part of the world, besides spreading the language over vast areas whose existence was undreamed of in the Middle Ages. But while diversification has been one of the results of transportation, unification has also resulted from ease of travel and communication. The steamship and the railroad, the automobile, and the airplane have brought people into contact with one another and joined communities hitherto isolated, while the post office sand the telegraph, the telephone, the radio, the movies, television, and electronic data transmission have been influential in the intermingling of language and the lessening of the more easily altered local idiosyncrasies. The fourth factor, the growth of specialized knowledge, has been important not only because new knowledge often requires new vocabulary but also because, in the early centuries of the modern period, Latin became less and less the vehicle for learned discourse. Both trends accelerated strongly during the seventeenth century. As we shall see in the next chapter, the rapid accumulation of new knowledge was matched by a rapid trend away from publishing specialized and learned works in Latin. Finally, there is the factor which we have referred to as self-consciousness about language. This has two aspects, one individual, one public. At the individual level we may observe a phenomenon that has become intensely important in modern times: as people lift themselves into a different economic or intellectual or social level, they are likely to make an effort to adopt the standards of grammar and pronunciation of the people with whom they have identified, just as they try to conform to fashions and tastes in dress and amusements. However superficial such conformity might be, people are as careful of their speech as of their manners. Awareness that there are standards of language is a part of their social consciousness. Most people are less aware that such standards are largely accidental rather than absolute, having developed through the historical contingencies of economics, culture, and class. At the public level a similar self-consciousness has driven issues of language policy over the past four centuries, long before “language policy” acquired its modern meaning. The beginnings of this public discussion are evident in the sixteenth-century defense of English and debates about orthography and the enrichment of the vocabulary. As we shall see in the next chapter, anxiety about language policy reached a new urgency in the second half of the seventeenth century. From that time, through eighteenth-century proposals for an academy to twentieth-century efforts at language planning in former colonies of European powers, a self-consciousness about the shape that English ought to take has been an endless source of concern. This concern has been no less passionate for often
The renaissance, 1500-1650
being fueled by naive beliefs about the nature of language and the determinants of linguistic change.1 153. Effect upon Grammar and Vocabulary. The forces here mentioned may be described as both radical and conservative—radical in matters of vocabulary, conservative in matters of grammar. By a radical force is meant anything that promotes change in language; by conservative, what tends to preserve the existing status. Now it is obvious that the printing press, the reading habit, the advances of learning and science, and all forms of communica tion are favorable to the spread of ideas and stimulating to the growth of the vocabulary, while these same agencies, together with social consciousness as we have described it, work actively toward the promotion and maintenance of a standard, especially in grammar and usage. They operate both singly and in combination. Education, for example, exerts its influence not only through formal instruction in language—grammar, spelling, pronunciation, etc.—but also by making possible something more important, the unconscious absorption of a more or less standard English through books, magazines, and newspapers. We shall accordingly be prepared to find that in modern times changes in grammar have been relatively slight and changes in vocabulary extensive. This is just the reverse of what was true in the Middle English period. Then the changes in grammar were revolutionary, but, apart from the special effects of the Norman Conquest, those in vocabulary were not so great. 154. The Problems of the Vernaculars. In the Middle Ages the development of English took place under conditions that, because of the Norman Conquest, were largely peculiar to England. None of the other modern languages of Europe had had to endure the consequences of a foreign conquest that temporarily imposed an outside tongue upon the dominant social class and left the native speech chiefly in the hands of the lower social classes. But by the close of the Middle English period English had passed through this experience and, though bearing deep and abiding marks of what it had gone through, had made a remarkable recovery. From this time on the course of its history runs in many ways parallel with that of the other important European languages. In the sixteenth century the modern languages faced three great problems: (1) recognition in the fields where Latin had for centuries been supreme, (2) the establishment of a more uniform orthography, and (3) the enrichment of the vocabulary so that it would be adequate to meet the demands that would be made upon it in its wider use. Each of these problems received extensive consideration in the England of the Renaissance, but it is interesting to note that they were likewise being discussed in much the same way in France and Italy, and to some extent in Germany and Spain. Italy 1
See the history of attitudes toward English traced by Richard W.Bailey, Images of English: A Cultural History of the Language (Ann Arbor, MI, 1991).
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had the additional task of deciding upon the basis of its literary dialect, a matter that in France and England had been largely taken care of by the ascendancy of Paris and London. 155. The Struggle for Recognition. Although English, along with the other vernaculars, had attained an established position as the language of popular literature, a strong tradition still sanctioned the use of Latin in all the fields of knowledge. This tradition was strengthened by the “revival of learning,” in which the records of Greek civilization became once more available in the original. Latin and Greek were not only the key to the world’s knowledge but also the languages in which much highly esteemed poetry, oratory, and philosophy were to be read. And Latin, at least, had the advantage of universal currency, so that the educated all over Europe could freely communicate with each other, both in speech and writing, in a common idiom. Beside the classical languages, which seemingly had attained perfection, the vulgar tongues seemed immature, unpolished, and limited in resource. It was felt that they could not express the abstract ideas and the range of thought embodied in the ancient languages. Scholars alone had access to this treasure; they could cultivate the things of the spirit and enrich their lives. It would seem at times as though they felt their superiority to the less educated and were jealous of a prerogative that belonged to them alone. The defenders of the classical tradition were at no loss for arguments in support of their position. It was feared that the study of the classical languages, and even learning itself, would suffer if the use of the vernaculars were carried too far. And there were many who felt that it would be dangerous if matters like the disputes of theology and discussions in medicine fell into the hands of the indiscreet. Against this tradition the modern languages now had their champions. In Italy as early as 1434 Alberti, himself a humanist whose reputation was secured by numerous works in Latin, defends his use of the vernacular also, saying: “I confess that the ancient Latin language is very copious and highly adorned; but I do not see why our Tuscan of today should be held in so little esteem that whatever is written in it, however excellent, should be displeasing to us…. And if it is true, as they say, that this ancient language is full of authority among all people, only because many of the learned have written in it, it will certainly be the same with ours if scholars will only refine and polish it with zeal and care.”2 His position had strong supporters in Speroni and Cardinal Bembo. In France Du Bellay wrote his vigorous Deffence et Illustration de la Langue Françoyse (1549) “in order to show that our language did not have at its birth such enemies in the gods and the stars that it cannot arrive one day at the same state of excellence and of perfection as others, inasmuch as all sciences can be faithfully and copiously treated in it.” Du Bellay’s point of view was expressed many times by other members of the Pléiade. And in England likewise there were many defenders of English against those who wished to 2
Proemio to Book III of his Della Famiglia (Opera Volgari di Leon Batt. Alberti (5 vols., Florence, 1843–1849), II, 221–22). Cf. G.Mancini, Vita di Leon Battista Alberti (2nd ed., rev., Florence, 1911),p. 198.
The renaissance, 1500-1650
discriminate against it, among them influential names like Elyot and Ascham, Wilson, Puttenham, and Mulcaster. Of those champions none was more enthusiastic than Richard Mulcaster, Head Master of the Merchant Taylors’ School: “But why not all in English, a tung of it self both depe in conceit, and frank in deliverie? I do not think that anie language, be it whatsoever, is better able to utter all arguments, either with more pith, or greater planesse, then our English tung is, if the English utterer be as skilfull in the matter, which he is to utter: as the foren utterer is.” He expresses his opinion many times, but perhaps nowhere more eloquently than in the words: “For is it not in dede a mervellous bondage, to becom servants to one tung for learning sake, the most of our time, with losse of most time, whereas we maie have the verie same treasur in our own tung, with the gain of most time? our own bearing the joyfull title of our libertie and fredom, the Latin tung remembring us of our thraldom and bondage? I love Rome, but London better, I favor Italie, but England more, I honor the Latin, but I worship the English.” Influential as utterances such as these were, their importance lies in the fact that they voiced a widespread feeling. The real force behind the use of English was a popular demand, the demand of all sorts of men in practical life to share in the fruits of the Renaissance. The Revival of Learning had revealed how rich was the store of knowledge and experience preserved from the civilizations of Greece and Rome. The ancients not only had lived but had thought about life and drawn practical conclusions from experience. Much was to be learned from their discussion of conduct and ethics, their ideas of government and the state, their political precepts, their theories of education, their knowledge of military science, and the like. The Renaissance would have had but a limited effect if these ideas had remained the property solely of academicians. If the diplomat, the courtier, and the man of affairs were to profit by them, they had to be expressed in the language that everybody read. The demand was soon met. Translations (and, it might be added, original works generated by the same intellectual ferment) virtually poured from the press in the course of the sixteenth century. The historians were great favorites, probably because their works, as so often described on the title pages, were “very delectable and profitable to read.” Thucydides and Xenophon had been Englished before Shakespeare started school, and Herodotus appeared before the dramatist had begun his career. Caesar was translated by Arthur Golding in 1565, Livy and Sallust and Tacitus before the close of the century, and one of the great translations of the age, Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, in the version of Sir Thomas North, was published in 1579. Works dealing with politics and morals were equally popular. The Doctrinal of Princes, made by the noble oratour Isocrates was translated from the Greek as early as 1534 by Sir Thomas Elyot, who had already given the English a taste of Plato in The Knowledge Which Maketh a Wise Man. Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius appeared in whole or in part, while the poets and dramatists included Virgil, Ovid (1567), Horace (1566– 1567), Terence, Theocritus, and most of the lesser names. Various partial translations of Homer were printed before Chapman’s version began to appear in 1598. The translators did not stop with the great works of antiquity but drew also upon medieval and contemporary sources. Saint Augustine, Boethius, Peter Martyr, Erasmus, Calvin, and Martin Luther were among those rendered into English. It would seem that while scholars
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were debating the merits of Latin and English, the issue was being decided by the translators. Other factors, however, contributed to the victory. One was the overzeal of the humanists themselves. Not content with the vigorous and independent Latin that was written in the Middle Ages, they attempted to reform Latin prose on the style and vocabulary of Cicero. Ciceronianism substituted slavish imitation for what had been a natural and spontaneous form of expression. Not only was the vocabulary of Cicero inadequate for the conveyance of modern ideas, but there was no hope of being able to surpass one’s model. As Ascham confessed in his Toxophilus, “as for ye Latin or greke tonge, every thyng is so excellently done in them, that none can do better.” Another factor was the Protestant Reformation, itself a phase of the Renaissance. From the time that Wycliffe refused to carry on his quarrel with the church in the language of the schools and took his cause directly to the people in their own tongue, one of the strongholds of Latin was lost. The amount of theological writing in English is almost unbelievable, for as one Elizabethan remarked, “The dissension in divinity is fierce beyond God’s forbid.” Finally, we must not overlook the fact that the contest between Latin and English had a commercial side. The market for English books was naturally greater than for Latin, and we cannot blame the Elizabethan printer if he sometimes thought, as one said to Thomas Drant in 1567, “Though, sir, your book be wise and full of learning, yet peradventure it will not be so saleable.” Although it is plain to us nowadays that from the beginning the recognition of English was assured, the victory was not lightly won. The use of English for purposes of scholarship was frankly experimental. Sir Thomas Elyot in his Doctrinal of Princes (1534) says: “This little book…I have translated out of greke …to the intent onely that I wolde assaie, if our English tongue mought receive the quicke and proper sentences pronounced by the greekes.” The statement is slightly apologetic. Certainly those who used English where they might have been expected to write in Latin often seem to anticipate possible criticism, and they attempt to justify their action. Ascham prefaces his Toxophilus with the statement: “And althoughe to have written this boke either in latin or Greke… had bene more easier and fit for mi trade in study, yet neverthelesse, I supposinge it no point of honestie, that mi commodite should stop and hinder ani parte either of the pleasure or profite of manie, have written this Englishe matter in the Englishe tongue, for Englishe men.” In his Castle of Health (1534) Elyot is somewhat bolder in his attitude: “If physicians be angry, that I have written physicke in englische, let them remember that the grekes wrate in greke, the Romains in latine, Avicenna, and the other in Arabike, whiche were their own proper and maternall tongues. And if thei had bene as muche attached with envie and covetise, as some nowe seeme to be, they wolde have devised some particular language, with a strange cipher or forme of letters, wherin they wold have written their scyence, whiche language or letters no manne should have knowen that had not professed and practised physicke.” All these attempts at selfjustification had as their strongest motive the desire to reach the whole people in the language they understood best. This is stated with engaging frankness by Mulcaster: “I do write in my naturall English toungue, bycause though I make the learned my judges, which understand Latin, yet I meane good to the unlearned, which understand but English, and he that understands Latin very well, can understand English farre better, if he will confesse the trueth, though he thinks he have the habite and can Latin it exceeding
The renaissance, 1500-1650
well.” Statements such as these, which could be multiplied many times from the literature of the period, show that the recognition of English was achieved in spite of a rather persistent opposition. As we approach the end of the century and see that English has slowly won recognition as a language of serious thought, we detect a note of patriotic feeling in the attitude of many people. They seem to have grown tired of being told that English was crude and barbarous. This is apparent in the outburst of George Pettie in his book on Civile Conversation (1586): “There are some others yet who wyll set lyght by my labours, because I write in Englysh: and…the woorst is, they thinke that impossible to be doone in our Tongue: for they count it barren, they count it barbarous, they count it unworthy to be accounted of.” “But,” he adds, “how hardly soever you deale with your tongue, how barbarous soever you count it, how litle soever you esteeme it, I durst my selfe undertake (if I were furnished with Learnying otherwyse) to wryte in it as copiouslye for varietie, as compendiously for brevitie, as choycely for woordes, as pithily for sentences, as pleasauntly for figures, and every way as eloquently, as any writer should do in any vulgar tongue whatsoever.” Mulcaster goes so far as to say: “I take this present period of our English tung to be the verie height therof, bycause I find it so excellentlie well fined, both for the bodie of the tung it self, and for the customarie writing thereof, as either foren workmanship can give it glosse, or as homewrought hanling can give it grace. When the age of our peple, which now use the tung so well, is dead and departed there will another succede, and with the peple the tung will alter and change. Which change in the full harvest thereof maie prove comparable to this, but sure for this which we now use, it semeth even now to be at the best for substance, and the bravest for circumstance, and whatsoever shall becom of the English state, the English tung cannot prove fairer, then it is at this daie, if it maie please our learned sort to esteme so of it, and to bestow their travell upon such a subject, so capable of ornament, so proper to themselves, and the more to be honored, bycause it is their own.” In 1595 Richard Carew wrote a discourse on The Excellency of the English Tongue, and about 1583 Sir Philip Sidney could say, “But for the uttering sweetly and properly the conceit of the minde, which is the end of speech, that [English] hath it equally with any other tongue in the world.” 156. The Problem of Orthography. Spelling is for most people a pedestrian subject, but for the English, as for the French and the Italians, in the sixteenth century the question of orthography or “right writing,” as Mulcaster preferred to call it, was a matter of real importance and the subject of much discussion. The trouble was not merely that English spelling was bad, for it is still bad today, but that there was no generally accepted system that everyone could conform to. In short, it was neither phonetic nor fixed. Speaking generally, the spelling of the modern languages in the Middle Ages had attempted with fair success to represent the pronunciation of words, and this is true of English in spite of the fact that Norman scribes introduced considerable confusion when they tried to write a language that they imperfectly knew and carried over habits that they had formed in writing French. The confusion was increased when certain spellings gradually became conventional while the
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pronunciation slowly changed (see, for example, § 177). In some cases a further discrepancy between sound and symbol arose when letters were inserted in words where they were not pronounced (like the b in debt or doubt) because the corresponding word in Latin was so spelled (debitum, dubitare), or in other cases (for example, the gh in delight, tight) by analogy with words similarly pronounced (light, night) where the gh had formerly represented an actual sound. The variability of English spelling was an important part of the instability that people felt characterized the English language in the sixteenth century, especially as compared with a language like Latin. To many it seemed that English spelling was chaotic. In reality it was not so bad as that. There were limits to its variety and inconsistency. It varied more from writer to writer, according to education and temperament, than within the practice of the individual. Then as now, some people were more inclined than others to adopt a given way of doing a thing and to stick to it. Consistency in a matter like spelling often went with a scholarly temperament. Sir John Cheke, for example, has a system of spelling that he adheres to fairly closely. He doubles long vowels (taak, haat, maad, mijn, thijn, etc., for take, hate, made, mine, thine), discards final -e (giv, belev), always uses i for y (mighti, dai), and so forth. It is not our system or that of most of his contemporaries, but it is a system, and he observed it.3 Some writers observed a system for a particular reason. Thus Richard Stanyhurst, attempting a translation of Virgil (1582) in quantitative verse after the model of Latin poetry, employs a special spelling to help bring out what he believes to be the length of English syllables. He is consistent about spellings like thee (for the), too (for to), mee, neere, coonning, woorde, yeet, but he writes featlye, neatlie, aptly within three lines. He is strictly speaking consistent only so far as it serves his purpose to be. On the other hand, it is clear from the letters of such a man as John Chamberlain, which begin toward the end of the century, that the average educated person in Shakespeare’s day did not spell by mere whim or caprice but had formed fairly constant spelling habits.4 Such habits were to some extent personal with each individual and differed in some particulars from one person to the next, but most writers show a fair degree of consistency within their own practice. It was somewhat different with the hastier writing of the more popular playwrights and pamphleteers. It is not always clear how much of their spelling is to be credited to them and how much to the printer. Most printers probably took advantage of the variability of English spelling to “justify” a line, with as little scruple about optional letters as about extra spaces. In any case a certain difference is to be noticed between the spelling of pamphlets like those of Robert Greene, which we can hardly believe were proofread, and a book like North’s Plutarch or Holinshed’s Chronicles. In one of Greene’s coney-catching pamphlets, A Notable Discovery of Coosnage (1591), we find coney spelled cony, conny, conye, conie, connie, coni, cuny, cunny, cunnie, while in other words there are such variations as coosnage, coosenage, cosenage, cosnage, been, beene, bin, fellow, felow, felowe, fallow, fallowe, neibor, neighbor, go, goe, their, theyr, and others. But in spite of all the variety that Elizabethan spelling presents, there was by 1550 a nucleus of common practice, and many of the features of English spelling today were clearly becoming established. 3
There were some spellings about which he had apparently not made up his mind. He writes borrowing in three ways within a single paragraph. 4 See Appendix B.
The renaissance, 1500-1650
That the problem of bringing about greater agreement in the writing of English was recognized in the sixteenth century is apparent from the attempts made to draw up rules and to devise new systems. The earliest of these, An A.B.C. for Children (before 1558), is almost negligible. It consists of only a few pages, and part of the space is devoted to “precepts of good lyvynge,” but the author manages to formulate certain general mles such as the use of the final e to indicate vowel length (made, ride, hope). Certain more ambitious treatises attacked the problem in what their authors conceived to be its most fundamental aspect. This was the very imperfect way in which the spelling of words represented their sound. These writers were prepared to discard the current spelling entirely and respell the language phonetically with the use of additional symbols where needed. Thus in 1568 Thomas Smith published a Dialogue concerning the Correct and Emended Writing of the English Language. He increased the alphabet to thirty-four letters and marked the long vowels. Smith’s reform did not win much favor. His work, moreover, was in Latin, and this would further limit its chance of popular influence. The next year another attempt at phonetic writing was made in a work by John Hart called An Orthographie, elaborated in the following year in A Method or Comfortable Beginning for All Unlearned, Whereby They May Bee Taught to Read English (1570).5 Hart makes use of special characters for ch, sh, th, etc., but his system seems to have won no more favor than Smith’s. A more considerable attempt at phonetic reform was made in 1580 by William Bullokar in his Booke at Large, for the Amendment of Orthographie for English Speech. He confesses that he has profited by the mistakes of Smith and Hart, whose works were “not received in use (the chiefe cause whereof, I thinke, was their differing so farre from the old).” So he says, “My chiefe regard (from the beginning) was to follow the figures of the old letters and the use of them…as much as possible.” He accordingly invents few special characters but makes liberal use of accents, apostrophes, and numerous hooks above and below the letters, both vowels and consonants. If his innovations in this way had been more moderate, English spelling might have come to the use of accents such as were being adopted for French at this time, but one glance at a specimen page printed according to his system shows why it could not possibly win acceptance.6 Attempts such as the foregoing continued well into the seventeenth century. Many of them represented mere exercises in ingenuity, as when Charles Butler, in The English Grammar, or The Institution of Letters, Syllables, and Woords in the English for Tung (1634), substitutes an inverted apostrophe for final e’s and Efforts at such a radical reform as these enthusiasts proposed were largely wasted. 5
On Hart see Bror Danielsson, John Hart’s Works on English Orthography and Pronunciation (2 vols., Stockholm, 1955–1964), a model of scholarly editing. 6 Bullokar’s Booke at Large has been reprinted in facsimile with an introduction by Diane Bornstein (Delmar, NY, 1977).
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WILLIAM BULLOKAR’S BOOKE AT LARGE (1580) (see § 156) This was clearly perceived by Richard Mulcaster, the teacher of Spenser, whose Elementarie (1582), “which entreateth chefelie of the right writing of our English tung,” is the most extensive and the most important treatise on English spelling in the sixteenth
The renaissance, 1500-1650
century. Mulcaster’s great virtue is his moderation. He saw the futility of trying to make English spelling phonetic in any scientific sense. He was therefore willing to compromise between the ideal and the practical. He did not believe that the faults of English spelling were so desperate that they could be removed only by desperate remedies. The way to correct an existing difftculty was not to substitute a new and greater one. This seemed to him to be the effect of all those proposals that took into consideration only the sound of words. Even at its best, he did not think that spelling could ever perfectly represent sound. The differences between one sound and another were often too subtle. “Letters,” he says, “can expresse sounds withall their joynts & properties no fuller then the pencill can the form & lineaments of the face.” It was inevitable, he thought, that the same letter must sometimes be used for different sounds, but this was no worse than to use the same word, as we often do, in very different senses. Another difficulty that he saw was that pronunciation constantly changes. These were his theoretical reasons for refusing to go along with the phonetic reformers. His practical reason was that their systems were too cumbersome ever to be accepted. “But sure I take the thing to be to combersom and inconvenient,…where no likeliehood of anie profit at all doth appear in sight.” Every attempt to force people against established custom “hath alwaie mist, with losse of labor where it offered service.” The basis of his reform, therefore, was custom or usage. This he defines not as the practice of the ignorant, but that “wherein the skilfull and best learned do agre.” “The use & custom of our cuntrie hath allredie chosen a kinde of penning wherein she hath set down hir relligion, hir lawes, hir privat and publik dealings.” This cannot now be completely changed, although it can be pruned “so that the substance maie remain, and the change take place in such points onelie as maie please without noveltie and profit without forcing.” “I will therefor do my best,” he says, “to confirm our custom in his own right, which will be easilie obtained where men be acquainted with the matter allredie and wold be verie glad to se wherein the right of their writing standeth.” In making usage his point of departure he does not ignore sound; he merely insists that it shall not be given an undue share of attention. We must use common sense and try to remove defects in the existing system, not substitute a new one. He thinks ease and convenience in writing should be considered, for popular approval is the final authority. Only a general goodness, not perfection in each detail, can be expected. No set of rules can cover all points; some things must be left to observation and daily practice. We cannot enter into the details of his system here but must be content with a statement of his general aims. He would first of all get rid of superfluous letters. There is no use in writing putt, grubb, ledd for put, grub, led, “and a thowsand such ignorant superfluities.” On the other hand, we must not omit necessary letters such as the t in fetch or scratch. He allows double consonants only where they belong to separate syllables (wit-ting), and almost never at the end of a word except in the case of ll (tall, generall). Words ending in -ss he writes -sse (glasse, confesse). Otherwise final -e is used regularly to indicate a preceding long vowel, distinguishing made from mad, stripe from strip, and at the end of words ending in the sound of v or z (deceive, love, wise). An e is added to words that end in a lightly pronounced i: daie, maie, trewlie, safetie; but when the i is sounded “loud and sharp” it is spelled y: deny, cry, defy. Analogy, or as he calls it, “proportion,” plays a justly important part in his system. Since we write hear, we should therefore write fear and dear. This principle, he admits, is subject to exceptions that must
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be made in deference to “prerogative,” that is, the right of language to continue a common custom, as in employing an analogous spelling for where, here, there. In such a case he becomes frankly the apologist, justifying the common practice. He is really more interested in having everyone adopt the same spelling for a given word than he is in phonetic consistency. It is not so much a question of whether one should write where as that one should adopt a single spelling and use it regularly instead of writing where, wher, whear, wheare, were, whair, etc. To this end he prints in the latter part of his book a General Table giving the recommended spelling for some 7,000 of the most common words. Mulcaster’s spelling is not always the one that ultimately came to be adopted. In spite of his effort for the most part to follow current usage, he seems sometimes to have gone counter to the tendency of his own and later times. He advocates spelling guise, guide, guest, and the like without the u and writes băble, dăble, indicating the length of the vowel by a short mark over it. But his book had the great merit—or demerit—of standardizing a large number of current spellings, justifying them, and advocating the consistent use of them. It is impossible to say how influential Mulcaster’s work was. The effect of his precepts seems to be evident in certain later writers. Ben Jonson quotes from him, often without acknowledgment. That English spelling developed along the lines laid down by him is certain, but this may have been due largely to the fact that it was already developing along these lines and would have done so even without the help of his book. During the first half of the next century the tendency toward uniformity increased steadily. The fixation of English spelling is associated in most people’s minds with the name of Dr. Johnson, and a statement in the preface of his dictionary, published in 1755, might lend color to this idea. In reality, however, our spelling in its modern form had been practically established by about 1650. In The New World of English Words published in 1658 by Milton’s nephew Edward Phillips, the compiler says: “As for orthography, it will not be requisite to say any more of it then may conduce to the readers direction in the finding out of words,” and he adds two or three remarks about Latin praebeing rendered in English by pre-, and the like. Otherwise he seemed to think that the subject did not call for any discussion. And in reality it did not. The only changes we should make in the sentence just quoted are in the spelling then (for than) and the addition of an apostrophe in readers. A closer scrutiny of the preface as a whole7 would reveal a few other differences such as an occasional e where we have dropped it (kinde), ll and sse at the end of words (gratefull, harshnesse), -ick for -ic (logick), and a contracted form of the past participle (authoriz’d, chanc’t). Even these differences are not very noticeable. Spelling was one of the problems that the English language began consciously to face in the sixteenth century. During the period from 1500 to 1650 it was fairly settled.8 157. The Problem of Enrichment. In 1531 Sir Thomas Elyot, statesman as well as scholar, published what has been described as the first book on education printed in English. He called it The Governour because it had to do with the training of those who in the future would be occupied at court. The dedication to Henry the Eighth is couched in the following terms:
The renaissance, 1500-1650
I late consideringe (moste excellent prince and myne onely redoughted soveraigne lorde) my duetie that I owe to my naturall contray with my faythe also of aliegeaunce and othe…I am (as God juge me) violently stered to devulgate or sette fourth some part of my studie, trustynge therby tacquite me of my dueties to God, your hyghnesse, and this my contray. Wherfore takinge comfort and boldenesse, partly of your graces moste benevolent inclination towarde the universall weale of your subjectes, partly inflamed with zele, I have now enterprised to describe in our vulgare tunge the fourme of a juste publike weale:… Whiche attemptate is nat of presumption to teache any persone, I my selfe havinge moste nede of teachinge: but onely to the intent that men which wil be studious about the weale publike may fynde the thinge therto expedient compendiously writen. And for as moch as this present 7
See the extract printed in Appendix B. For a comprehensive account of the English orthoepists see E.J.Dobson, English Pronunciation 1500–1700 (2 vols., 2nd ed., Oxford, 1968), vol. 1. 8
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boke treateth of the education of them that hereafter may be demed worthy to be governours of the publike weale under your hyghnesse… I dedicate it unto your hyghnesse as the fyrste frutes of my studye, verely trustynge that your moste excellent wysedome wyll therein esteme my loyall harte and diligent endevour…Protestinge unto your excellent majestie that where I commende herin any one vertue or dispraise any one vice I meane the generall description of thone and thother without any other particular meanynge to the reproche of any one persone. To the whiche protestation I am nowe dryven throughe the malignite of this present tyme all disposed to malicious detraction… In this passage we have an early example of the attempt to improve the English language. The words printed in italics were all new in Elyot’s day; two of them (education, dedicate) are first found in the English language as he uses them in this dedication. Two others (esteem and devulgate) are found in the sense here employed only one year earlier. Several others could be instanced which, although recorded slightly earlier, were not yet in general use.9 In so short a passage these new words are fairly numerous, but not more numerous than in the rest of his book, and, what is more important, they are not the innovations of a pedant or an extremist. Other writers who could be cited were less restrained in their enthusiasm for words drawn from Latin, Greek, and French. Nor are these new words in Elyot the result of chance. They are part of a conscious effort to enrich the English vocabulary. We have already indicated that enlarging the vocabulary was one of the three major problems confronting the modern languages in the eyes of men in the sixteenth century. And it is not difftcult to see why this was so. The Renaissance was a period of increased activity in almost every field. It would have been strange if the spirit of inquiry and experiment that led to the discovery of America, the reform of the church, the Copernican theory, and the revolution of thought in many fields should have left only language untouched. The rediscovery of Latin and Greek literature led to new activity in the modern languages and directed attention to them as the medium of literary 9
Benevolent, enterprise, studious, endeavor, protest, reproach, malignity. The statements in the text are based upon the dated citations in the OED. An earlier occurrence of any word is always possible. For example, in a translation by Skelton (c. 1485) of the History of the World by Diodorus Siculus, more than 800 Latin innovations occur, many earlier than the first instance recorded in the OED. But the work exists in a unique MS and has never been published. While its influence on the English language was probably negligible, it shows that the attitude of the sixteenth-century innovators was not without precedent. See F.M.Salter, John Skelton’s Contribution to the English Language (Ottawa, 1945; Trans. Royal Soc. of Canada). The purpose of this and the following paragraphs, of course, is to record the efforts of Elyot and others to enrich the English language by the conscious importation of words that they believed were needed.
The renaissance, 1500-1650
expression. The result was a healthy desire for improvement. The intellectual aspect of the Revival of Learning had a similar effect. The scholarly monopoly of Latin throughout the Middle Ages had left the vernaculars undeveloped along certain lines. Now that this monopoly was being broken, the deficiencies of English were at the same time revealed. English was undoubtedly inadequate, as compared with the classical languages, to express the thought that those languages embodied and that in England was now becoming part of a rapidly expanding civilization. The translations that appeared in such numbers convinced people of the truth of this fact. The very act of translation brings home to the translators the limitations of their medium and tempts them to borrow from other languages the terms whose lack they feel in their own. For writers to whom Latin was almost a second mother tongue the temptation to transfer and naturalize in English important Latin radicals was particularly great. This was so, too, with French and Italian. In this way many foreign words were introduced into English. One may say that the same impulse that led scholars to furnish the English mind with the great works of classical and other literatures led them to enrich the English language with words drawn from the same source. New words were particularly needed in various technical fields, where English was notably weak. The author of a Discourse of Warre justifies his introduction of numerous military terms by an argument that was unanswerable: “I knowe no other names than are given by strangers, because there are fewe or none at all in our language.” It is not always easy, however, to draw the line between a word that is needed because no equivalent term exists, and one that merely expresses more fully an idea that could be conveyed in some fashion with existing words. We can appreciate the feeling of scholars for whom a familiar Latin word had a wealth of associations and a rich connotation; we must admit the reasonableness of their desire to carry such a word over into their English writing. The transfer is all the more excusable when one is convinced that English would be better for having it and that it is a patriotic duty to employ one’s knowledge in so worthy a cause as that of improving the national speech. This motive actuated many people who were both earnest and sincere in their desire to relieve English of the charge of inadequacy and inelegance. Thus Elyot apologizes for introducing the word maturity: “Wherfore I am constrained to usurpe a latine worde…, which worde, though it be strange and darke [obscure], yet…ones brought in custome, shall be facile to understande as other wordes late commen out of Italy and Fraunce…. Therfore that worde maturitie is translated to the actis of man,…reservyng the wordes ripe and redy to frute and other thinges seperate from affaires, as we have nowe in usage. And this do I nowe remembre for the necessary augmentation of our langage.” In another place he says, “I intended to augment our Englyshe tongue, wherby men shulde as well expresse more abundantly the thynge that they conceyved in theyr hartis,…havyng wordes apte for the pourpose: as also interprete out of greke, latyn or any other tonge into Englysshe as sufficiently as out of any one of the said tongues into an other.” In any case, whether “of pure necessitie in new matters, or of mere braverie to garnish it self withall”—to quote a phrase of Mulcaster’s—English acquired in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries thousands of new and strange words. The greater number of these new words were borrowed from Latin. But they were not exclusively drawn from that source. Some were taken from Greek, a great many from French, and not a few from Italian and Spanish. Even the older periods of English and
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occasionally the local dialects were drawn upon to embellish the language, in this case chiefly the language of poetry. We shall see more particularly in a moment the character of the additions made at this time, but before doing so we must consider the conflicting views that different people held concerning their desirability. 158. The Opposition to Inkhorn Terms. The wholesale borrowing of words from other languages did not meet with universal favor. The strangeness of the new words was an objection to some people. As Edward Phillips said in his New World of Words, “some people if they spy but a hard word are as much amazed as if they had met with a Hobgoblin.” Even Elyot’s prestige did not save him from criticism on this score. In a book published two years after The Governour he alludes to “divers men…[who] doo shewe them selfes offended (as they say) with my strange termes,” and he attempts to justify his practice. Other men were purists by nature and took their stand on general principles. Such a man was Sir John Cheke. His attitude is interesting because he was himself a fine classical scholar and might have been expected to show sympathy for classical borrowings. In a letter to Sir Thomas Hoby, prefaced to Hoby’s translation of The Courtier (1561), he wrote: I am of this opinion that our own tung shold be written cleane and pure, unmixt and unmangeled with borowing of other tunges, wherin if we take not heed by tijm, ever borowing and never payeng, she shall be fain to keep her house as bankrupt. For then doth our tung naturallie and praisablie utter her meaning, when she bouroweth no counterfeitness of other tunges to attire her self withall, but useth plainlie her own, with such shift, as nature, craft, experiens and folowing of other excellent doth lead her unto, and if she want at ani tijm (as being unperfight she must) yet let her borow with suche bashfulnes, that it mai appeer, that if either the mould of our own tung could serve us to fascion a woord of our own, or if the old denisoned wordes could content and ease this neede, we wold not boldly venture of unknowen wordes. Ascham’s admiration for Cheke led him to a similar attitude. Some considered the use of learned words mere pedantry and tried to drive them out by ridicule, calling them “inkhorn” terms. Sir Thomas Chaloner, who translated Erasmus’ Praise of Folly in 1549, is an example: Such men therfore, that in deede are archdoltes, and woulde be taken yet for sages and philosophers, maie I not aptelie calle theim foolelosophers? For as in this behalfe I have thought good to borowe a littell of the Rethoriciens of these daies, who plainely thynke theim selfes demygods, if lyke horsleches thei can shew two tongues, I meane to mingle their writings with words sought out of strange langages, as if it were alonely thyng for theim to poudre theyr bokes with ynkehorne termes, although perchaunce as unaptly applied as a gold rynge in a sowes nose. That and if
The renaissance, 1500-1650
they want suche farre fetched vocables, than serche they out of some rotten Pamphlet foure or fyve disused woords of antiquitee, therewith to darken the sence unto the reader, to the ende that who so understandeth theim maie repute hym selfe for more cunnyng and litterate: and who so dooeth not, shall so muche the rather yet esteeme it to be some high mattier, because it passeth his learnyng. The strongest objection to the new words, however, was on the score of their obscurity. The great exponent of this view was Thomas Wilson, whose Arte of Rhetorique (1553) was several times reprinted in the course of the century and was used by Shakespeare. In a classic passage on “Plainnesse, what it is” he makes a savage attack on inkhorn terms and illustrates the fault by a burlesque letter overloaded with them: Among all other lessons this should first be learned, that wee never affect any straunge ynkehorne termes, but to speake as is commonly received: neither seeking to be over fine, nor yet living over-carelesse, using our speeche as most men doe, and ordering our wittes as the fewest have done. Some seeke so far for outlandish English, that they forget altogether their mothers language. And I dare sweare this, if some of their mothers were alive, thei were not able to tell what they say: and yet these fine English clerkes will say, they speake in their mother tongue, if a man should charge them for counterfeiting the Kings English. Some farre journeyed gentlemen at their returne home, like as they love to goe in forraine apparell, so thei wil pouder their talke with oversea language. He that commeth lately out of Fraunce will talke French English and never blush at the matter. An other chops in with English Italienated, and applieth the Italian phrase to our English speaking, the which is, as if an Oratour that professeth to utter his mind in plaine Latine, would needes speake Poetrie, and farre fetched colours of straunge antiquitie….The unlearned or foolish phantasticall, that smelles but of learning (such fellowes as have seen learned men in their daies) wil so Latin their tongues, that the simple can not but wonder at their talke, and thinke surely they speake by some revelation. I know them that thinke Rhetorique to stande wholie upon darke wordes, and hee that can catche an ynke horne terme by the taile, him they coumpt to be a fine Englisheman, and a good Rhetorician. And the rather to set out this foly, I will adde suche a letter as William Sommer himselfe, could not make a better for that purpose. Some will thinke and sweare it too, that there was never any such thing written: well, I will not force any man to beleeve it, but I will say thus much, and abide by it too, the like have been made heretofore, and praised above the Moone. A letter devised by a Lincolneshire man, for a voyde benefice, to a gentleman that then waited upon the Lorde Chauncellour, for the time being.
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Pondering, expending,10 and revoluting with my selfe, your ingent11 affabilitie, and ingenious capacity for mundaine affaires: I cannot but celebrate, & extol your magnifical dexteritie above all other. For how could you have adepted12 such illustrate prerogative, and dominicall superioritie, if the fecunditie of your ingenie13 had not been so fertile and wonderfull pregnant. Now therefore being accersited14 to such splendente renoume and dignitie splendidious: I doubt not but you will adjuvate15 such poore adnichilate16 orphanes, as whilome ware condisciples17 with you, and of antique familiaritie in Lincolneshire. Among whom I being a scholasticall panion,18 obtestate19 your sublimitie, to extoll mine infirmitie. There is a Sacerdotall dignitie in my native Countrey, contiguate to me, where I now contemplate: which your worshipfull benignitie could sone impetrate20 for mee, if it would like you to extend 10
weighing mentally (L. expendere) huge (L. ingens) 12 attained (L. adeptus) 13 mind, intellect (L. ingenium) 14 brought (L. accersitus) 15 aid (L. adjuvare) 16 reduced to nothing (L. ad nihil) 17 fellow-students 18 companion 19 call upon (L. obtestari, to call upon as a witness) 20 procure (L. impetrare) 11
The renaissance, 1500-1650
your sedules, and collaude21 me in them to the right honourable Lord Chauncellor, or rather Archgrammacian of Englande. You know my literature, you knowe the pastorall promotion. I obtestate your clemencie, to invigilate22 thus much for me, according to my confidence, and as you knowe my condigne merites for such a compendious living. But now I relinquish to fatigate your intelligence, with any more frivolous verbositie, and therfore he that rules the climates, be evermore your beautreux, your fortresse, and your bulwarke. Amen. Dated at my Dome23 or rather Mansion place in Lincolnshire, the penulte of the moneth Sextile. Anno Millimo, quillimo, trillimo. Per me Johannes Octo. What wiseman reading this Letter, will not take him for a very Caulf that made it in good earnest, and thought by his ynke pot termes to get a good Parsonage? In the letter included in the above passage the italicized words were new in Wilson’s day and therefore somewhat strange and obscure—dark, as he says—to the ordinary reader. Of the forty-five, thirty are not found before the sixteenth century, and the remaining fifteen are of such infrequent occurrence as to be considered by him inkhorn terms. It is interesting to note in passing that many of them are in common use today. 159. The Defense of Borrowing. The attitude revealed in these utterances was apparently not the prevailing one. There were many more who in precept or practice approved of judicious importations. As Dryden wrote somewhat later, “I trade both with the living and the dead, for the enrichment of our native tongue. We have enough in England to supply our necessity, but if we will have things of magnificence and splendour, we must get them by commerce.”24 The innovators had precedent on their side. Not only had English borrowed much in the past, but, as they frequently pointed out, all other languages, including Latin and Greek, had enriched themselves in this way.25 The strangeness of the new words, they argued, would soon wear off. As Mulcaster observed, we must first become acquainted with any new thing 21
recommend be watchful 23 house (L. domus) 24 Dedication to his translation of the Aeneid (1697). 25 In France the same argument was being employed: “To wish to take away from a learned man who desires to enrich his language the freedom sometimes to adopt uncommon words would be to restrain our language, not yet rich enough, under a more rigorous law than that which the Greek and Romans gave themselves” (Du Bellay, Deffence et Illustration, chap. 6). 22
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“and make the thing familiar if it seme to be strange. For all strange things seme great novelties, and hard of entertainment at their first arrivall, till theie be acquainted: but after acquaintance theie be verie familiar, and easie to entreat…. Familiaritie and acquaintance will cause facilitie, both in matter and in words.” The charge of obscurity was also met. Elyot maintained that throughout The Governour “there was no terme new made by me of a latine or frenche worde, but it is there declared so playnly by one mene or other to a diligent reder that no sentence is therby made derke or harde to be understande.” Not all men could say as much, but in theory this was their aim. The position of the defender was in general summed up by George Pettie, the translator of Guazzo’s Civile Conversation: For the barbarousnesse26 of our tongue, I must lykewyse say that it is much the worse for them [the objectors], and some such curious fellowes as they are: who if one chaunce to derive any woord from the Latine, which is insolent to their eares (as perchaunce they wyll take that phrase to be) they foorthwith make a jest at it, and terme it an Inkehorne terme. And though for my part I use those woords as litle as any, yet I know no reason why I should not use them, and I finde it a fault in my selfe that I do not use them: for it is in deed the ready way to inrich our tongue, and make it copious, and it is the way which all tongues have taken to inrich them selves…. Wherefore I marveile how our English tongue hath crackt it credite,27 that it may not borrow of the Latine as well as other tongues: and if it have broken, it is but of late, for it is not unknowen to all men how many woordes we have fetcht from thence within these fewe yeeres, which if they should be all counted inkepot termes, I know not how we should speake any thing without blacking our mouthes with inke: for what woord can be more plaine then this word plaine, and yet what can come more neere to the Latine? What more manifest then manifest? and yet in a maner Latine: What more commune then rare, or lesse rare then commune, and yet both of them comming of the Latine? But you wyll say, long use hath made these woords curraunt: and why may not use doo as much for these woords which we shall now derive? Why should not we doo as much for the posteritie as we have received of the antiquitie?28 A little later some sanction for the borrowings was derived from authority. Bullokar says (1616) “it is familiar among best writers to usurpe strange words.” 26
Corruption by foreign elements. An allusion to Cheke’s statement quoted on page 217. 28 Edited by Sir Edward Sullivan (2 vols., London, 1925), Pettie’s Preface. 27
The renaissance, 1500-1650
160. Compromise. The opposition to inkhorn terms was at its height in the middle of the sixteenth century. At the end of Elizabeth’s reign it had largely spent its force. By this time borrowing had gone so far that the attack was rather directed at the abuse of the procedure than at the procedure itself. The use of unfamiliar words could easily be overdone. It was the enthusiast and the pedant who brought down the criticism of reasonable people upon the practice and caused them to condemn it in more sweeping terms than they knew at heart were justified or were consistent with their own usage. Puttenham, for example, although issuing a warning against inkhorn terms, admits having to use some of them himself and seeks to justify them in particular instances. He defends the words scientific, major domo, politien (politician), conduct (verb), and others. The word significative, he says, “doth so well serve the turne, as it could not now be spared: and many more like usurped Latine and French words: as, Methode, methodicall, placation, function, assubtiling, refining, compendious, prolixe, figurative, inveigle, a term borrowed of our common lawyers, impression, also a new terme, but well expressing the matter, and more than our English word…. Also ye finde these wordes, penetrate, penetrable, indignitie, which I cannot see how we may spare them, whatsoever fault wee finde with Ink-horne termes: for our speach wanteth wordes to such sence so well to be used.” Even Wilson, after exercising his wit in the lively bit of burlesque quoted above, proceeds at once to qualify his disapproval: “Now whereas wordes be received, as well Greke as Latine, to set furthe our meanyng in thenglishe tongue, either for lacke of store, or els because wee would enriche the language: it is well doen to use them, and no man therin can be charged for any affectation when all other are agreed to folowe the same waie,” and he cites some that meet with his approval. Each person who used a new word doubtless felt the justification of it and, in a matter about which only time could bring agreement, ran the risk of having their innovations disliked by others. As Ben Jonson remarked in his Discoveries, “A man coins not a new word without some peril and less fruit; for if it happen to be received, the praise is but moderate; if refused, the scorn is assured.” Some of the words that Puttenham defends have not stood the test of time, and some of those he objects to, such as audacious, egregious, compatible, have won a permanent place in the language. One who used any considerable number of new words was in a way on the defensive. Chapman in presenting his translation of Homer says: “For my varietie of new wordes, I have none Inckepot I am sure you know, but such as I give pasport with such authoritie, so significant and not ill sounding, that if my countrey language were an usurer, or a man of this age speaking it, hee would thanke mee for enriching him.” Obscurity is always a valid object of criti-cism, and if the word “inkhorn” could be hurled at an opponent, it was sure to strike him in a vulnerable spot. It was thus that Nash attacked Harvey,29 who, it must be confessed, lent himself to such an attack. He replied in kind30 and was able to convict Nash of interfuseth, finicallitie, sillogistrie, disputative, hermaphrodite, declamatorie, censoriall moralizers, unlineall usurpers of judgement, infringement to destitute the inditement, and a dozen similar expressions. Not the least interesting feature about the whole question of learned borrowings is the way it aroused popular interest. It even got into the playhouses. In the stage quarrel known as the “War of the Theatres”
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Ben Jonson delivered a purge to Marston in the Poetaster (1601), relieving him of retrograde, reciprocal, incubus, lubrical, defunct, magnificate, spurious, inflate, turgidous, ventosity, strenuous, obstupefact, and a number of similar words. The attitude of most people seems to have been one of compromise. No Elizabethan could avoid wholly the use of the new words. Writers differed chiefly in the extent to which they allied themselves with the movement or resisted the tendency. As is so often the case, the safest course was a middle one, to borrow, but “without too manifest insolence and too wanton affectation.” 161. Permanent Additions. From the exaggeration of a critic like Wilson one might get the impression that much of the effort to introduce new words into the language was pedantic and ill-advised. Some of the words Wilson ridicules seem forced and in individual cases were certainly unnecessary. But it would be a mistake to conclude that all or even a large part of the additions were of this sort. Indeed the surprising thing about the movement here described is the number of words that we owe to this period and that seem now to be indispensable. Many of them are in such common use today that it is hard for us to realize that to the Elizabethan they were so strange and difficult as to be a subject of controversy. When Elyot wished to describe a democracy he said, “This manner of governaunce was called in Greke democratia, in Latine popularis potentia, in Englisshe the rule of the comminaltie.” If he were not to have to refer to “the rule of the commonalty” by this roundabout phrase, he could hardly do better than to try to naturalize the Greek word. Again he felt the need of a single word for “all maner of lerning, which of some is called the world of science, of other the circle of doctrine, which is in one word of Greke, encyclopedia” Though purists might object, the word encydopedia filled a need in English, and it has lived on. The words that were introduced at this time were often basic words—nouns, adjectives, verbs. Among nouns we may note as random examples allurement, allusion, 29 30
In Strange Newes, or Four Letters Confuted (1592). Pierce’s Supererogation (1593).
The renaissance, 1500-1650
anachronism, atmosphere, autograph, capsule, denunciation, dexterity, disability, disrespect, emanation, excrescence, excursion, expectation, halo, inclemency, jurisprudence. Among adjectives we find abject (in our sense of “down in spirit”), agile, appropriate, conspicuous, dexterous, expensive, external, habitual, hereditary, impersonal, insane, jocular, malignant. Few of these could we dispense with. But it is among the verbs, perhaps, that we find our most important acquisitions, words like adapt, alienate, assassinate, benefit (first used by Cheke, who thought “our language should be writ pure”!), consolidate, disregard (introduced by Milton), emancipate, emdicate, erupt, excavate, exert, exhilarate, exist, extinguish, harass, meditate (which Sidney apparently introduced). It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a movement that enriched the language with words such as these. Most of the words in this list are Latin. But some of them were earlier acquired by Latin from Greek. Examples are anachronism, atmosphere, autograph. Others might be added, such as antipathy, antithesis, caustic, chaos, chronology, climax, crisis, critic, dogma, emphasis, enthusiasm, epitome, parasite, parenthesis, pathetic, pneumonia, scheme, skeleton, system, tactics. Indeed most of the Greek words in English until lately have come to us either through Latin or French. But in the Renaissance the renewed study of Greek led to the introduction of some Greek words at first hand. Such, for example, are acme, anonymous, catastrophe, criterion, ephemeral, heterodox, idiosyncrasy, lexicon, misanthrope, ostracize, polemic, tantalize, thermometer, and tonic. 162. Adaptation. Some words, in entering the language, retained their original form; others underwent change. Words like climax, appendix, epitome, exterior, delirium, and axis still have their Latin form. The adaptation of others to English was effected by the simple process of cutting off the Latin ending. Conjectural (L. conjectural-is), consult (L. consult-are) exclusion (L. exclusion-em), and exotic (L. exotic-us) show how easily in many cases this could be done. But more often a further change was necessary to bring the word into accord with the usual English forms. Thus the Latin ending -us in adjectives was changed to -ous (conspicu-us>conspicuous) or was replaced by -al as in external (L. externus). Latin nouns ending in -tas were changed in English to -ty (brevityME ship or schip), or had already done so in Old English. But we do not expect much change in the consonantal framework of words. Nor was there much alteration in the quality sof vowels in accented syllables. Most of the short vowels, unless lengthened, passed over into Middle English unaltered. But short æ became a, and y [y] was unrounded to i in most districts, either early or eventually (OE crœft>ME craft; brycg>brigge). The other short vowels, ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ, remained (OE catte>cat, bedd>bed, scip>schip, folc>folk, full> ful). Among the long vowels the most important change was that of ā to preceding paragraph (OE
bone; bāt,
mentioned in the
boat). The long
bride; fire). The long in the same way as short (OE so characteristic a feature of Old English spelling, represented two sounds. In some words it stood for an ā in West Germanic. This sound appears as a close West Saxon area and remains
in Middle English (Non-WS
sleep). In many words OE umlaut of ā.
outside the deed;
was a sound resulting from the i-
This was a more open vowel and appears as
in Middle English (OE
clean; deal). These two sounds have now become identical (cf. deed and clean). The other long vowels of Old English preserved their original quality in Middle English (
meed; fīf>fīf, five;
book; hūs>hūs, house, often written hous through the influence of AngloNorman scribes). The Old English diphthongs were all simplified, and all diphthongs in Middle English are new formations resulting chiefly from the combination of a simple vowel with a following consonant (γ, w) which vocalized. If the quality of Old English vowels did not change much in passing into Middle English, their quantity or length was subject to considerable alteration. For example, Old English long vowels were shortened late in the Old English period or early in Middle English when followed by a double consonant or by most combinations of consonants (grĕtter, comparative of grēt< OE grēat; ăskenME bāken, bake; eat). Such changes in length are little noticeable in the spelling, but they are of great importance because they determine the course which these vowels pursued in their subsequent development. 38
See page 78.
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176. From Middle English to Modern. When we come to the vowel changes in Modern English we see the importance of the factors that determined the length of vowels in Middle English. All Middle English long vowels underwent extensive alteration in passing into Modern English, but the short vowels, in accented syllables, remained comparatively stable. If we compare Chaucer’s pronunciation of the short vowels with ours, we note only two changes of importance, those of a and u. By Shakespeare’s day (i.e., at the close of the sixteenth century) Chaucer’s a had become an [æ] in pronunciation (cat, thank, flax). In some cases this ME a represented an OE (at, apple, back), and the new pronunciation was therefore a return to approximately the form that the word had had in Old English. It is the usual pronunciation in America and a considerable part of southern England today. The change the u underwent was what is known as unrounding. In Chaucer’s pronunciation this vowel was like the u in full. By the sixteenth century it seems to have become in most words the sound we have in but (e.g., cut, sun; love, with the Anglo-Norman spelling of o for u). So far as the short vowels are concerned it is clear that a person today would have little difficulty in understanding the English of any period of the language. 177. The Great Vowel Shift. The situation is very different when we consider the long vowels. In Chaucer’s pronunciation these had still their so-called “continental” value—that is, a was pronounced like the a in father and not as in name, e was pronounced either like the e in there or the a in mate, but not like the ee in meet, and so with the other vowels. But in the fifteenth century a great change is seen to be under way. All the long vowels gradually came to be pronounced with a greater elevation of the tongue and closing of the mouth, so that those that could be raised were raised, and those that could not without becoming consonantal (i, u) became diphthongs. The change may be visualized in the following diagram:
The renaissance, 1500-1650
Such a diagram must be taken as only a very rough indication of what happened, especially in the breaking of i and u into the diphthongs ai and au. Nor must the changes indicated by the arrows be thought of as taking place successively, but rather as all part of a general movement with slight differences in the speed with which the results were accomplished (or the date at which evidence for them can be found).39 The effects of the shift can be seen in the following comparison of Chaucer’s and Shakespeare’s pronunciation: M.E. Chaucer Shakespeare ī
(now [kli:n])
From this it is apparent that most of the long vowels had acquired at least by the sixteenth century (and probably earlier) approximately their present pronunciation. The most important development that has taken place since is the further raising of ME to ī. Whereas in Shakespeare clean was pronounced like our lane, it now rhymes with lean.41 The change occurred at the end of the seventeenth century and had become general by the middle of the eighteenth.42 Such other changes as have occurred are slight and must be sought by the interested reader in the books devoted especially to the history of English sounds.43 39
Furthermore, it is important to be aware that the diagram, although a useful summary and mnemonic, is an oversimplification and idealization in hindsight of a process that developed at different rates in the different dialects. Empirical and ontological problems in this idealization are discussed with evidence from current dialectal change by Robert Stockwell and Donka Minkova, “Explanations of Sound Change: Contradictions between Dialect Data and Theories of Chain Shifting,” Leeds Studies in English, n.s. 30 (1999), 83–102. 40
The pronunciations [aI] and may not have been fully attained in Shakespeare’s day, but they were apparently well on the way. Cf. Wyld, History of Modern Colloquial English, pp. 223 ff., 230 ff. 41 A pronunciation approximating that of today was apparently in use among some speakers but was considered substandard. 42 There are three exceptions: break, great, steak. The pronunciation [i] was apparently considered vulgar at first, later alternated with [e], and finally became the accepted form in most words. See Wyld, Short History of English, p. 173. 43 For a description of the vowel shift within the theory of generative phonology, see Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle, The Sound Pattern of English (New York, 1968).
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It will be noticed that the Great Vowel Shift is responsible for the unorthodox use of the vowel symbols in English spelling. The spelling of English had become fixed in a general way before the shift and therefore did not change when the quality of the long vowels changed. Consequently our vowel symbols no longer correspond to the sounds they once represented in English and still represent in the other modern languages.44 178. Weakening of Unaccented Vowels. A little observation and reflection shows us that in unaccented syllables, too, the spelling does not accurately represent the pronunciation today. This is because in all periods of the language the vowels of unstressed syllables have had a tendency to weaken and then often to disappear. This is true of all parts of a word. For example, we do not distinguish in ordinary or rapid speech between the vowels at the beginning of ago, upon, opinion. The sound in all three words is [ə]; in other cases it is commonly [ə], or [I]. Consider the unstressed middle or final syllable in the words introduce, elegant [ə, I], drama, color, kingdom, breakfast (brεkfəst or brεkf’st), Monday [i]. The weakening is especially noticeable in words from French where an accented vowel came to be unaccented in English (cf. French mouton, raisin, bonté with English mutton, raisin, bounty). One must not be misled by the spelling. The original spelling was generally retained and in recent times has occasionally influenced the pronunciation so that the quality of the vowel has been restored to something like its earlier character. Window now has a fairly welldefined diphthong in the final syllable [oU] or [ou], but the weakened vowel is evident in the dialectal pronunciation winder. Misguided purists often try to pronounce the final syllable of Monday, with the full quality of the diphthong in day. But even when the vowel has been restored in standard speech the weakened form is generally apparent in informal speech and in the dialects. 179. Grammatical Features. English grammar in the sixteenth and early seventeenth century is marked more by the survival of certain forms and usages that have since disappeared than by any fundamental developments. The great changes that reduced the inflections of Old English to their modern proportions had already taken place. In the few parts of speech that retain some of their original inflections, the reader of Shakespeare or the Authorized Version is conscious of minor differences of form and in the framing of sentences may note differences of syntax and idiom that, although they attract attention, are not sufficient to interfere seriously with understanding. The more important of these differences we may pass briefly in review. 44
A comprehensive history of English spelling has yet to be written. The fullest survey is by D.G.Scragg, A History of English Spelling (New York, 1974). For a brief treatment the reader may consult W.W.Skeat, Principles of English Etymology, First Series (2nd ed., Oxford, 1892). chap. 16. A clear statement of modern usage is given in W.A.Craigie, English Spelling: Its Rules and Reasons (New York, 1927).
The renaissance, 1500-1650
180. The Noun. The only inflections retained in the noun were, as we have seen above, those marking the plural and the possessive singular. In the former the s-plural had become so generalized that except for a few nouns like sheep and swine with unchanged plurals, and a few others like mice and feet with mutated vowels, we are scarcely conscious of any other forms. In the sixteenth century, however, there are certain survivals of the old weak plural in -n (see § 113). Most of these had given way before the usual s- forms: fon (foes), kneen (knees), fleen (fleas). But beside the more modern forms Shakespeare occasionally has eyen (eyes), shoon (shoes), and kine, while the plural hosen is occasionally found in other writers. Today, except for the poetical kine and mixed plurals like children and brethren, the only plural of this type in general use is oxen. An interesting peculiarity of this period, and indeed later, is the his-genitive. In Middle English the -es of the genitive, being unaccented, was frequently written and pronounced -is, -ys. The ending was thus often identical to the pronoun his, which commonly lost its h when unstressed. Thus there was no difference in pronunciation between stonis and ston is (his), and as early as the thirteenth century the ending was sometimes written separately as though the possessive case were a contraction of a noun and the pronoun his.45 This notion was long prevalent, and Shakespeare writes ’Gainst the count his galleys I did some service and In characters as red as Mars his heart. Until well into the eighteenth century people were troubled by the illogical consequences of this usage;46 Dr. Johnson points out that one can hardly believe that the possessive ending is a contraction of his in such expressions as a woman’s beauty or a virgin’s delicacy. He, himself, seems to have been aware that its true source was the Old English genitive, but the error has left its trace in the apostrophe, which we still retain as a graphic convenience to mark the possessive. One other construction affecting the noun becomes established during this period, the group possessive: the Duke of Gloucester’s niece, the King of England’s nose, somebody else’s hat. The construction is perhaps illogical, since even a king may be considered to have some rights to his nose, and the earlier construction was the Duke’s niece of Gloucester, etc. But the expressions Duke of Gloucester, King of England, and the like, occurred so commonly as a unit that in the fifteenth century we begin to get the sign of the possessive added to the group. Instances are not common before the sixteenth century, and the construction may be thought of properly as belonging to the modern 45
Wyld, History of Modern Colloquial English, p. 315, calls attention to instances in Genesis and Exodus (c. 1250). 46 For example, Robert Baker in his Remarks on the English Language (2nd ed., 1779) enters into a long polemic against Dr. Johnson and others on the subject. Logic was sometimes conciliated by expressions like my sister her watch.
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period. Nowadays we may say the writer of the book’s ambition or the chief actor in the play’s illness.47 181. The Adjective. Because the adjective had already lost all its endings, so that it no longer expressed distinctions of gender, number, and case, the chief interest of this part of speech in the modern period is in the forms of the comparative and superlative degrees. In the sixteenth century these were not always precisely those now in use. For example, comparatives such as lenger, strenger remind us that forms like our elder were once more common in the language. The two methods commonly used to form the comparative and superlative, with the endings -er and -est and with the adverbs more and most, had been customary since Old English times. But there was more variation in their use. Shakespearian comparisons like honester, violentest are now replaced by the analytical forms. A double comparative or superlative is also fairly frequent in the work of Shakespeare and his contemporaries: more larger, most boldest, or Mark Antony’s This was the most unkindest cut of all. The chief development affecting the adjective in modern times has been the gradual settling down of usage so that monosyllables take -er and -est while most adjectives of two or more syllables (especially those with suffixes like those in frugal, learned, careful, poetic, active, famous) take more and most. 182. The Pronoun. The sixteenth century saw the establishment of the personal pronoun in the form that it has had ever since. In attaining this result three changes were involved: the disuse of thou, thy, thee; the substitution of you for ye as a nominative case; and the introduction of its as the possessive of it. (1) In the earliest period of English the distinction between thou and ye was simply one of number; thou was the singular and ye the plural form for the second person pronoun. In time, however, a quite different distinction grew up. In the thirteenth century the singular forms (thou, thy, thee) were used among familiars and in addressing children or persons of inferior rank, while the plural forms (ye, your, you) began to be used as a mark of respect in addressing a superior.48 In England the practice seems to have been 47
See Eilert Ekwall, Studies on the Genitive of Groups in English (Lund, Sweden, 1943) and Cynthia L.Allen, “The Origins of the ‘Group Genitive’ in English,” Trans. Philological Soc., 95 (1997), 111–31. 48 Cf. A.G.Kennedy, The Pronoun of Address in English Literature of the Thirteenth Century (Stanford University, 1915); R.O.Stidston, The Use of Ye in the Function of Thou in Middle English Literature from MS. Auchinleck to MS. Vernon: A Study of Grammar and Social Intercourse in
The renaissance, 1500-1650
suggested by French usage in court circles, but it finds a parallel in many other modern languages. In any case, the usage spread as a general concession to courtesy until ye, your, and you became the usual pronoun of direct address irrespective of rank or intimacy. By the sixteenth century the singular forms had all but disappeared from contexts in which the plural forms were deemed proper and were maintained into the twentieth century only among the Quakers.49 (2) Originally a clear distinction was made between the nominative ye and the objective you. But because both forms are so frequently unstressed, they were often pronounced alike [jə] A tendency to confuse the nominative and the accusative forms can be observed fairly early, and in the fourteenth century you began to be used as a nominative. By a similar substitution ye appears in the following century for the objective case, and from this time on the two forms seem to have been used pretty indiscriminately until ye finally disappeared. It is true that in the early part of the sixteenth century some writers (Lord Berners, for example) were careful to distinguish the two forms, and in the Authorized Version of the Bible (1611) they are often nicely differentiated: No doubt but ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you (Job). On the other hand Ascham and Sir Thomas Elyot appear to make no distinction in the nominative, while Shakespeare says A southwest wind blow on ye And blister you all over! In The Two Gentlemen of Verona occurs the line Stand, sirs, and throw us that you have about ye, where the two pronouns represent the exact reverse of their historical use. Although in the latter instance, ye may owe something to its unemphatic position, as in similar cases it does in Milton, it is evident that there was very little feeling any more for the different functions of the two words, and in the course of the seventeenth century you becomes the regular form for both cases. (3) In some ways the most interesting development in the pronoun at this time was the formation of a new possessive neuter, its. As we have seen above, the neuter pronoun in Old English was declined hit, his, him, hit, which by the merging of the dative and accusative under hit in Middle English became hit, his, hit. In unstressed positions hit weakened to it, and at the beginning of the modern period it was the usual form for the subject and object. His, however, remained the proper form of the possessive. Although it was thus identical with the possessive case of he, its occurrence where we should now use its is very common in written English down to the middle of the seventeenth century. Thus Portia’s words How far that little candle throws his beams are quite natural, as is the Biblical if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? If grammatical gender had survived in English the continued use of his when referring to neuter nouns wouldprobably never have seemed strange. But when, with the substitution of natural gender, meaning came to be the determining factor in the gender of nouns, and all lifeless objects were thought of as neuter, the situation was somewhat different. The personal pronouns of the third person singular, he, she, it, had a distinctive form for each gender in the nominative and objective cases, and a need seems to have been felt for some distinctive form in the possessive case as well. Various substitutes Fourteenth-Century England (Stanford University, 1917); and Thomas Finkenstaedt, You und Thou: Studien zur Anrede im Englischen (Berlin, 1963). 49 On the Quaker position, see William Penn’s No Cross, No Crown (1669), in A Collection of the Writings of William Penn, vol. 1 (London, 1726).
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were tried, clearly indicating a desire, conscious or unconscious, to avoid the use of his in the neuter. Thus, we find frequently in the Bible expressions like Two cubits and a half was the length of it and nine cubits was the length thereof. Not infrequently the simple form it was used as a possessive, as when Horatio, describing the ghost in Hamlet, says It lifted up it head, or when the Fool in Lear says:
The hedge-sparrow fed the cuckoo so long, That it had it head bit off by it young. The same use of the pronoun it is seen in the combination it own: We enjoin thee…that there thou leave it, Without more mercy, to it own protection (Winter’s Tale). Similarly, the was used in place of the pronoun: growing of the own accord (Holland’s Pliny, 1601). Both of these makeshifts are as old as the fourteenth century. It was perhaps inevitable that the possessive of nouns (stone’s, horse’s) should eventually suggest the analogical form it’s for the possessive of it. (The word was spelled with an apostrophe down to about 1800.) The first recorded instance of this form is in The Second Book of Madrigals, published by Nicholas Yonge in 1597,50 but, like most novelties of this kind in language, it had probably been in colloquial use for a time before it appeared in print. Nevertheless, it is not likely to have been common even at the end of the sixteenth century, considering the large amount of fairly colloquial English that has come down to us from this period with no trace of such a form. At the beginning of the seventeenth century it was clearly felt as a neologism not yet admitted to good use. There is no instance of it in the Bible (1611) or in any of the plays of Shakespeare printed during his lifetime. In the First Folio of 1623 there are only ten instances, and seven of these were in plays written near the end of the dramatist’s career. Milton, although living until 1674, seems to have admitted it but grudgingly to his writings; there are only three occurrences of the word in all his poetry and not many in his prose. Yet so useful a word could hardly fail to win a place for itself among the rank and file of speakers. Toward the close of the seventeenth century its acceptance seems to have gained momentum rapidly, so that to Dryden (1631–1700) the older use of his as a neuter seemed an archaism worthy of comment.51 Finally, mention should be made of one other noteworthy development of the pronoun in the sixteenth century. This is the use of who as a relative. Refinements in the use of subordinate clauses are a mark of maturity in style. As the loose association of clauses (parataxis) gives way to more precise indications of logical relationship and subordination (hypotaxis) there is need for a greater variety of words effecting the union. Old English had no relative pronoun proper. 50 51
See C.L.Quinton in LTLS, April 29, 1944,p. 211 Dramatic Poetry of the Last Age.
The renaissance, 1500-1650
It made use of the definite article (sē, sēo, þæf), which, however it was felt in Old English times, strikes us as having more demonstrative force than relative. Sometimes the indeclinable particle þe was added (sē, þe, which that) and sometimes þe was used alone. At the end of the Old English period the particle þe had become the most usual relative pronoun, but it did not long retain its popularity. Early in the Middle English period its place was taken by þæt (that), and this was the almost universal relative pronoun, used for all genders, throughout the Middle English period. In the fifteenth century which begins to alternate fairly frequently with that. At first it referred mostly to neuter antecedents, although occasionally it was used for persons, a use that survives in Our Father, which art in heaven. But the tendency to employ that as a universal relative has never been lost in the language, and was so marked in the eighteenth century as to provoke Steele to address to the Spectator (No. 78) his well-known “Humble Petition of Who and Which” in protest. It was not until the sixteenth century that the pronoun who52 as a relative came into use. Occasional instances of such a use occur earlier, but they are quite exceptional. There is no example of the nominative case in Chaucer. Chaucer, however, does use the oblique cases whose and whom (infrequently) as relative pronouns, and it is clear that the use of who as a pure relative began with these forms. Two earlier uses of who are the sources of the new construction: who as an indefinite pronoun (Who hath ears to hear, let him hear; Who steals my purse steals trash) and as an interrogative in indirect questions. The latter appears to have been the more important. The sequence Whom do you want? (direct question), They asked whom you wanted (indirect question), I know the man whom you wanted (relative) is not a difftcult one to assume. In any case, our present-day widespread use of who as a relative pronoun is primarily a contribution of the sixteenth century to the language. 183. The Verb. Even the casual reader of Elizabethan English is aware of certain differences of usage in the verb that distinguish this part of speech from its form in later times. These differences are sometimes so slight as to give only a mildly unfamiliar tinge to the construction. When Lennox asks in Macbeth, Goes the King hence today? we have merely an instance of the more common interrogative form without an auxiliary, where we should say Does the king go? or Is the king leaving today? Where we should say has been Shakespeare often says is: Is execution done on Cawdor? and ’Tis unnatural, Even like the deed that’s done; or Arthur, whom [who] they say is killed tonight. A very noticeable difference is the scarcity of progressive forms. Polonius asks, What do you read, my Lord?—that is, What are you reading? The large increase in the use of the progressive is one of the impor52
Hwā was in Old English an interrogative pronoun.
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tant developments of later times (see §§ 209–10). Likewise the compound participle, having spoken thus, having decided to make the attempt, etc., is conspicuous by its infrequency. There are only three instances in Shakespeare and less than threescore in the Bible. The construction arose in the sixteenth century.53 On the other hand, impersonal uses of the verb were much more common than they are today. It yearns me not, it dislikes me, so please him come are Shakespearian expressions which in more recent English have been replaced by personal constructions. In addition to such features of Elizabethan verbal usage, certain differences in inflection are more noticeable, particularly the ending of the third person singular of the present indicative, an occasional -s in the third person plural, and many forms of the past tense and past participle, especially of strong verbs. The regular ending of the third person singular in the whole south and southeastern part of England—that is, the district most influential in the formation of the standard speech—was -eth all through the Middle English period. It is universal in Chaucer: telleth, giveth, saith, doth, etc. In the fifteenth century, forms with -s occasionally appear. These are difficult to account for, since it is not easy to see how the Northern dialect, where they were normal, could have exerted so important an influence upon the language of London and the south. But in the course of the sixteenth century their number increases, especially in writings that seem to reflect the colloquial usage. By the end of this century forms like tells, gives, says predominate, though in some words, such as doth and hath, the older usage may have been the more common. One was free to use either. In the famous plea for mercy in the Merchant of Venice Portia says:
The quality of mercy is not strain’d, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless’d; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:… It is worth noting, however, that in the trial scene as a whole, forms in -s outnumber those in -eth two to one. Certainly, during the first half of the next century -s had become universal in the spoken language. This is beyond doubt, even though -eth continued to be quite commonly written. A writer toward the middle of the century observes that “howsoever wee use to Write thus, leadeth it, maketh it, noteth it, raketh it, per-fumeth it, & c. Yet in our ordinary speech (which is best to bee understood) wee say, leads it, makes it, notes it, rakes it, per-fumes it.”54 It is altogether probable that during Shake53 54
Jespersen, Modern English Grammar, IV, 94. Richard Hodges, A Special Help to Orthographie (London, 1643), p. 26.
The renaissance, 1500-1650
speare’s lifetime -s became the usual ending for this part of the verb in the spoken language. Another feature of the English verb in the sixteenth century, more noticeable at the close than at the opening, is the occurrence of this -s as an ending also of the third person plural. Normally at this time the plural had no ending in the language of literature and the court, a circumstance resulting from the disappearance of the East Midland -en, -e, the characteristic endings of the plural in Chaucer. But alongside this predominant plural without ending, we find occasionally expressions like troubled minds that wakes in Shakespeare’s Lucrece, or Whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect the deeds of others in the Merchant of Venice. These are not solecisms or misprints, as the reader might suppose. They represent forms in actual, if infrequent, use. Their occurrence is also often attributed to the influence of the Northern dialect, but this explanation has been quite justly questioned,55 and it is suggested that they are due to analogy with the singular. While we are in some danger here of explaining ignotum per ignotius, we must admit that no better way of accounting for this peculiarity has been offered. And when we remember that a certain number of Southern plurals in -eth continued apparently in colloquial use, the alternation of -s with this -eth would be quite like the alternation of these endings in the singular. Only they were much less common. Plural forms in -s are occasionally found as late as the eighteenth century. We have already seen (§ 117) that during the Middle English period extensive inroads were made in the ranks of the Old English strong verbs. Many of these verbs were lost, and many became weak. Moreover, those that remained were subject to considerable fluctuation and alteration in the past tense and past participle. Since all of these tendencies were still operative in the beginning of the modern period, we may expect to find them reflected in the language of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Among verbs that developed weak forms in this period were bide, crow, crowd, flay, mow, dread, sprout, and wade, and we accordingly find corresponding strong forms that have since disappeared, still in common use. Strong forms also alternate with weak in verbs that had begun to change earlier. Some of these are mentioned in § 118. Others were waxen, more frequent in the Bible than waxed, sew beside sowed, gnew beside gnawed, holp beside helped. A number of weak forms like blowed, growed, shined, shrinked, swinged were in fairly common use, although these verbs ultimately remained strong. In certain common verbs the form of the past tense differed from that of today. Such preterites as brake and spake, drave and clave, tare, bare, and sware are familiar to us from the 55
Wyld, History of Modern Colloquial English, p. 340.
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Bible. Bote as the past tense of bite (like write—wrote) was still in occasional use. The participle baken is more frequent in the Bible than baked. Brent and brast were common forms for burnt and burst, while wesh and washen were prevalent as the past tense and past participle of wash until the close of the sixteenth century. Because in all these cases the forms current today were also in use, it is apparent that in Shakespeare’s day there was much more latitude in the inflection of the verb than is permitted today. 184. Usage and Idiom. Language isnotmerely a matter of words andinflections. We should neglect a very essential element if we failed to take account of the many conventional features—matters of idiom and usage—that often defy explanation or logical classification but are nevertheless characteristic of the language at a given time and, like other conventions, subject to change. Such a matter as the omission of the article where we customarily use it is an illustration in point. Shakespeare says creeping like snail, with as big heart as thou, in number of our friends, within this mile and half, thy beauty’s form in table of my heart, where modern idiom requires an article in all these cases. On the other hand, where we say at length, at last, Shakespeare says at the length, at the last. Again, usage permitted a different placing of the negative—before the verb—as in such expressions as I not doubt, it not appears to me, she not denies it. For a long time English permitted the use of a double negative. We have now discarded it through a false application of mathematical logic to language; but in Elizabethan times it was felt merely as a stronger negative, as indeed it is today in the instinct of the uneducated. So Shakespeare could say Thou hast spoken no word all this while—nor understood none neither; I know not, nor I greatly care not; Nor this is not my nose neither; First he denied you had in him no right; My father hath no child but I, nor none is like to have; Nor never none shall mistress be of it, save I alone. It is a pity we have lost so useful an intensive. Perhaps nothing illustrates so richly the idiomatic changes in a language from one age to another as the uses of prepositions. When Shakespeare says I’ll rent the fairest house in it after threepence a bay, we should say at; in Our fears in Banquo stick deep, we should say about. The single preposition of shows how many changes in common idioms have come about since 1600: One that I brought up of (from) a puppy; he came of (on) an errand to me; ’Tis pity of (about) him; your name…. I know not, nor by what wonder you do hit of (upon) mine; And not be seen to wink of (during) all the day; it was well done of (by) you; I wonder of (at) their being here together; I am provided of (with) a torchbearer; I have no mind of (for) feasting forth tonight; I were better to be married of (by) him than of another; That did but show thee of (as) a fool. Many more examples could be added. Although matters of idiom and usage generally claim less attention from students of the language than do sounds and inflections or additions to the vocabulary, no picture of Elizabethan English would be adequate that did not give them a fair measure of recognition.
The renaissance, 1500-1650
185. General Characteristics of the Period. As we survey the period of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries—the period of early Modern English—we recognize certain general characteristics, some of which are exemplified in the foregoing discussion, while others concern the larger spirit of the age in linguistic matters. These may be stated in the form of a brief summary as a conclusion to the present chapter. First, a conscious interest in the English language and an attention to its problems are now widely manifested. The fifteenth century had witnessed sporadic attempts by individual writers to embellish their style with “aureate terms.” These attempts show in a way a desire to improve the language, at least along certain limited lines. But in the sixteenth century we meet with a considerable body of literature—books and pamphlets, prefaces and incidental observations—defending the language against those who were disposed to compare it unfavorably to Latin or other modern tongues, patriotically recognizing its position as the national speech, and urging its fitness for learned and literary use. At the same time it is considered worthy of cultivation, and to be looked after in the education of the young. Whereas a century or two before, the upper classes seemed more interested in having their children acquire a correct French accent and sometimes sent them abroad for the purpose, we now find Elyot urging that noblemen’s sons should be brought up by those who “speke none englisshe but that which is cleane, polite, perfectly and articulately pronounced, omittinge no lettre or sillable,” and observing that he knew some children of noble birth who had “attained corrupte and foule pronunciation”56 through the lack of such precautions. Numerous books attempt to describe the proper pronunciation of English, sometimes for foreigners but often presumably for those whose native dialect did not conform to the standard of London and the court. Along with this regard for English as an object of pride and cultivation went the desire to improve it in various ways—particularly to enlarge its vocabulary and to regulate its spelling. All of these efforts point clearly to a new attitude toward English, an attitude that makes it an object of conscious and in many ways fruitful consideration. In the second place, we attain in this period to something in the nature of a standard, something moreover that is recognizably “modern.” The effect of the Great Vowel Shift was to bring the pronunciation within measurable distance of that which prevails today. The influence of the printing press and the efforts of spelling reformers had resulted in a form of written English that 56
The Governour, chap. 5.
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offers little difficulty to the modern reader. And the many new words added by the methods already discussed had given us a vocabulary that has on the whole survived. Moreover, in the writings of Spenser and Shakespeare, and their contemporaries generally, we are aware of the existence of a standard literary language free from the variations of local dialect. Although Sir Walter Raleigh might speak with a broad Devonshire pronunciation,57 and for all we know Spenser and Shakespeare may have carried with them through life traces in their speech of their Lancashire and Warwickshire ancestry, yet when they wrote they wrote a common English without dialectal idiosyncrasies. This, as Puttenham (1589) reminds us, was to be the speech of London and the court. It is not without significance that he adds, “herein we are already ruled by th’ English Dictionaries and other bookes written by learned men, and therefore it needeth none other direction in that behalfe.” However subject to the variability characteristic of a language not yet completely settled, the written language in the latter part of the sixteenth century is fully entitled to be called Standard English. The regularization of spellings in this written standard can be seen as early as the midfifteenth century in the official documents of Chancery.58 Thirdly, English in the Renaissance, at least as we see it in books, was much more plastic than now. People felt freer to mold it to their wills. Words had not always distributed themselves into rigid grammatical categories. Adjectives appear as adverbs or nouns or verbs, nouns appear as verbs—in fact, any part of speech as almost any other part. When Shakespeare wrote stranger’d with an oath he was fitting the language to his thought, rather than forcing his thought into the mold of conventional grammar. This was in keeping with the spirit of his age. It was in language, as in many other respects, an age with the characteristics of youth—vigor, a willingness to venture, and a disposition to attempt the untried. The spirit that animated Hawkins and Drake and Raleigh was not foreign to the language of their time. Finally, we note that in spite of all the progress that had been made toward a uniform standard, a good many features of the language were still unsettled. There still existed a considerable variety of use—alternative forms in the grammar, experiments with new words, variations in pronunciation and spelling. A certain latitude was clearly permitted among speakers of education and social position, and the relation between the literary language and 57
“Old Sir Thomas Malette, one of the judges of the King’s Bench, knew Sir Walter Ralegh, and sayd that, notwithstanding his great travells, conversation, learning, etc., yet he spake broade Devonshire to his dyeing day.” John Aubrey, Brief Lives, ed. Andrew Clark (2 vols., Oxford, 1898),I, 354. 58 See John H.Fisher, Malcolm Richardson, and Jane L.Fisher, An Anthology of Chancery English (Knoxville, TN, 1984), pp. 26–35.
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good colloquial English was so close that this latitude appears also in the written language. Where one might say have wrote or have written with equal propriety,59 as well as housen or houses, shoon or shoes, one must often have been in doubt over which to use. One heard service also pronounced sarvice, and the same variation occurred in a number of other words (certain—sartin, concern—consarn, divert—divart, clerk—clark, smert—smart, etc.). These and many other matters were still unsettled at the close of the period. Their settlement, as we shall see, was one of the chief concerns of the next age. BIBLIOGRAPHY Good brief discussions of the language in this period will be found in Henry Bradley’s article, “Shakespeare’s English,” in Shakespeare’s England (2 vols., Oxford, 1916), II, 539–74, and J.W.H.Atkins’ chapter, “The Language from Chaucer to Shakespeare,” in the Cambridge Hist. of English Lit., III, 499–530. A fuller and more recent account is by Charles Barber, Early Modern English (rev. ed., Edinburgh, 1997), J.L.Moore, Tudor-Stuart Views on the Growth, Status, and Destiny of the English Language (Halle, 1910), gathers together the most important contemporary pronouncements. On issues discussed in this chapter and the next, see Vivian Salmon, The Study of Language in 17th-Century England (Amsterdam, 1979). Convenient facsimile reprints of many of the sources cited in these two chapters have been published by the Scolar Press in its series English Linguistics, 1500–1800 (365 vols., Menston, UK, 1967–1972). An admirable introduction to the problem of recognition which the vernacular languages faced in France and Italy, necessary as a background to the problem in England, is Pierre Villey, Les Sources italiennes de la “Deffense et Illustration de la Langue Françoise” de Joachim du Bellay (Paris, 1908). The situation in France is treated fully by F.Brunot, Histoire de la langue française, 2 (Paris, 1922), 1–91. Du Bellay’s Deffence may be read in an English translation by Gladys M.Turquet (New York, 1940). Other treatments of the struggle of the vernacular for recognition in Italy are Robert A.Hall, Jr., The Italian Questione della Lingua, An Interpretative Essay (Chapel Hill, NC, 1942) and J.A.Symonds’ chapter, “The Purists,” in his Renaissance in Italy, vol. 2. Mulcaster’s Elementaire is edited by E.T.Campagnac (Oxford, 1925), and his views are discussed by Richard F.Jones, “Richard Mulcaster’s View of the English Language,” Washington Univ. Studies, Humanistic Ser., 13 (1926), 267–303. For a comprehensive treatment, see the same author’s The Triumph of the English Language: A Survey of Opinions Concerning the Vernacular from the Introduction of Printing to the Restoration (Stanford, 1953). On late Middle English and Renaissance prose style, see Janel M.Mueller, The Native Tongue and the Word: Developments in English Prose Style 1380–1580 (Chicago, 1984). Elizabethan translations are well treated in F.O.Matthiessen, Translation, An Elizabethan Art (Cambridge, MA., 1931), and H.B.Lathrop, Translations from the Classics into English from Caxton to Chapman, 1477–1620 (Madison, WI, 1933). As an example of the new words introduced by individual writers the student may consult an excellent monograph by Joseph Delcourt, Essai sur la langue de Sir Thomas More d’après ses 59
Gray’s Elegy (1751) was originally published with the title An Elegy Wrote in a Country Churchyard.
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œuvres anglaises (Paris, 1914), especially chap. 5 and Appendix III. The purist reaction is studied by Wilhelm Prein, Puristische Strömungen im 16. Jahrhundert (Eickel i. W., 1909). An excellent account of the early dictionaries interpreting hard words is given by Sir James A.H.Murray in his Evolution of English Lexicography (Oxford, 1900). For more extended treatments, see D.T.Starnes and Gertrude E.Noyes, The English Dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson, 1604–1755 (Chapel Hill, NC, 1946); Gabriele Stein, The English Dictionary before Cawdrey (Tübingen, Germany, 1985); and Tetsuro Hayashi, The Theory of English Lexicography, 1530–1791 (Amsterdam, 1978). Mario Praz treats fully the Italian borrowings in “The Italian Element in English,” Essays and Studies, 15 (1929), 20–66. Since the same words were often being borrowed by French at this time and their introduction into English was thus strengthened, the special student will find of value such works as B.H.Wind, Les Mots italiens introduits en français au XVIe siècle (Deventer, Netherlands, 1928), and Richard Ruppert, Die spanischen Lehn-und Fremdwörter in der französischen Schriftsprache (Munich, 1915). George Gordon’s Shakespeare’s English (Oxford, 1928) is an excellent essay on Shakespeare’s innovations, coinages, and general daring in matters of vocabulary. Eilert Ekwall discusses Shakspere’s Vocabulary: Its Etymological Elements, vol. 1 (Uppsala, Sweden, 1903). For his pronunciation special mention may be made of Wilhelm Viëtor’s Shakespeare’s Pronunciation (Marburg, Germany, 1906); Helge Kökeritz, Shakespeare’s Pronunciation (New Haven, 1953); and Fausto Cercignani’s Shakespeare’s Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation (Oxford, 1981), along with the works of Wyld and others mentioned in the footnote to § 174. More general is E.J.Dobson, “Early Modern Standard English,” Trans. Philol. Soc. (1955), 25–54. Changes in the pronoun and the verb are treated in J.Steinki, Die Entwicklung der englischen Relativpronomina in spätmittelenglischer und frülhneuenglischer Zeit (Breslau, 1932), and H.T.Price, A History of Ablaut in the Strong Verbs from Caxton to the End of the Elizabethan Period (Bonn, 1910). Interesting statistics on the incidence of -s and -th in the third person singular of verbs are given by Rudolph C.Bambas, “Verb Forms in -s and -th in Early Modern English Prose,” JEGP, 46 (1947), 183–87. Two exceptionally full treatments of topics in Renaissance syntax are F.T.Visser, A Syntax of the English Language of St. Thomas More (3 vols., Louvain, 1946–1956), and Mats Rydén, Relative Constructions in Early
The renaissance, 1500-1650
Sixteenth Century English, with Special Reference to Sir Thomas Elyot (Uppsala, Sweden, 1966). Manfred Görlach’s useful introduction to Renaissance English, orginally published in German (1978), is now available in translation as Introduction to Early Modern English (Cambridge, UK, 1991).
9 The Appeal to Authority, 1650–1800 186. The Impact of the Seventeenth Century. The social, commercial, technological, and intellectual forces that were released in the Renaissance had profound effects on the English language, as the previous chapter has described. In the middle and latter part of the seventeenth century the evolution and interaction of these forces led to a culmination, a series of crises, and an eventual reaction. Both the crises and the responses to them were provoked by transmutations of forces that had energized the Renaissance, and these new trends became disruptively intense by the middle of the seventeenth century. The most obvious crisis was the English Civil War of the 1640s, followed by the Restoration of Charles II in 1660. The intellectual turbulence, which involved matters of language and language use, among many other concerns, is somewhat harder to trace than the political turbulence, and it has often been misread. While it is natural for us to take the rationality of scientific discourse as a kind of norm, the new scientists and philosophers of the seventeenth century saw their world view challenged by an outpouring of fervent expression that was often driven by religious zeal and occult science, and which incorporated large measures of irrationality and obscurity, often accompanied by belief in astrology, alchemy, and witchcraft. Radical Nonconformists, Dissenters, and other perceived fanatics were lumped together under the pejorative label “Enthusiasts” by writers and scientists connected with the Royal Society, as well as by more conservative Anglicans. Supporters of rational science such as Henry More, Thomas Sprat, John Wilkins, and Robert Boyle were disturbed by the “ranting” language of the Enthusiasts. More conserva-tive minds were concerned about the very fact of public expression and the sheer bulk of controversial publications. Learned discourse was no longer confined to elite circles; it was now being extensively published, in English. The practitioners of natural science seemed to glory not only in condemning the Enthusiasts and the old authorities but also in open disputation. They regarded science as a cooperative enterprise which required disagreements. In the seventeenth century, however, it was still very difftcult for people to conceive that open controversy was either safe or beneficial to society. As one conservative nobleman put it, “Controversye Is a Civill Warr with the Pen which pulls out the sorde soone afterwards.”1 In the wake of the recent revolutionary turmoil (1640– 1660), featuring civil war, the execution of a king, and a Cromwellian interregnum, his apprehensions were understandable. Thus, there arose during the latter seventeenth century a highly focused public consciousness as regards language. Yet, with few exceptions, though often for different reasons, educated English people recoiled from the solution Thomas Hobbes proposed—that all power, even over knowledge—must reside in a single political authority.
The appeal to authority, 1650-1800
In the 1660s the Royal Society, which served as coordinator and clearing house for English scientific endeavors, proposed a solution in which the English language would play a crucial role. Among the membership, the leading proponents of this solution were religious moderates: Latitudinarian Anglicans and moderate Puritans. They argued that the English prose of scientists should be stripped of ornamentation and emotive language. It should be plain, precise, and clear. The style should be non-assertive. Assent was to be gained not by force of words but by force of evidence and reasoning. An author writing on scientific subjects, as one of them said, should convey “a sense of his own fallibility…. [He] never concludes but upon resolution to alter his mind upon contrary evidence…he gives his reasons without passion...discourses without wrangling, and differs without dividing.”2 Essentially this amounted to a repudiation of classical principles of rhetoric, which had accented powers of persuasion and could easily be used to project mirages of plausibility. Language, it was urged, should be geared for dispassionate, rational—literally prosaic—discourse. It was also recommended that the higher or “Liberal Arts” should be brought in closer contact with the baser “Mechanick Arts.” In this way English prose could facilitate a national unity built around scientific honesty and social utility. 1
The Duke of Newcastle, quoted by Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer. Leviathan and the AirPump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton, 1985), p. 290. Chapters 7 and 8 of this book offer useful background for the discussion of language. 2 Joseph Glanvill, quoted by Barbara J.Shapiro, “Latitudinarianism and Science in SeventeenthCentury England,” Past and Present, 40 (1968), 40.
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This proposal became a credo of the Royal Society, and its principles influenced efforts to design universal languages. All this bespeaks an intense awareness of the importance of language in almost every sphere of politics, society, and culture. John Locke’s ideas about language, in the Essay of Human Understanding and elsewhere in his writings were greatly influenced by the Latitudinarians of the Royal Society. He wished that the qualities desired for scientific prose could be extended to all prose. But the Royal Society could not impose its scheme; it could only hope that its members would set an example. Nor did the Royal Society create the “plain style,” though it may have accomplished something equally important and that is to give elite sanction to the idea that a plain style was best. In all these endeavors, linguistic and scientific, one sees the emergence of certain widely noted characteristics of the decades that followed in England. 187. The Temper of the Eighteenth Century. In the light of this seventeenth-century background we may more readily understand the temper of the eighteenth century. The first half of the eighteenth century is commonly designated in histories of literature as the Augustan Age in England. The principal characteristics of this age which affected the course of the English language emerged early and maintained their influence throughout the century, in spite of the eruption of some radical challenges in the final two decades. The eighteenth century sought to retain from the seventeenth century the best features of rational discourse that had been established while rejecting the uncontrolled proliferation of what sober minds regarded as dangerous tendencies in English prose. In England the age was characterized by a search for stability. One of the first characteristics to be mentioned is a strong sense of order and the value of regulation. Adventurous individualism and the spirit of independence characteristic of the previous era gave way to a desire for system and regularity. This involves conformity to a standard that the consensus recognizes as good. It sets up correctness as an ideal and attempts to formulate rules or principles by which correctness may be defined and achieved. The most important consideration in the foundation of this standard is reason. The spirit of scientific rationalism in philosophy was reflected in many other domains of thought. A great satisfaction was felt in things that could be logically explained and justified. It must not be supposed, however, that the powerful new current of scientific rationalism swept away the firmly grounded reverence for classical literature. Not only in literature but also in language Latin was looked upon as a model, and classical precedent was often generalized into precept. It is easy to see how a standard having its basis in regularity, justified by reason, and supported by classical authority might be regarded as approaching perfection, and how an age that set much store by elegance and refinement could easily come to believe in this standard as an indispensable criterion of “taste.” While continuing to venerate Greece and Rome, eighteenth-century English people were increasingly conscious of ways in which their own achievements could be judged as surpassing those of the ancient world. They could easily come to believe in the essential rightness of their judgment and think that their own ideals could be erected into
The appeal to authority, 1650-1800
something like a permanent standard. We may well believe that permanence and stability would seem like no inconsiderable virtues to a generation that remembered the disorders and changes of the Revolution and Restoration. 188. Its Reflection in the Attitude toward the Language. The intellectual tendencies here noted are seen quite clearly in the eighteenth-century efforts to standardize, refine, and fix the English language. In the period under consideration discussion of the language takes a new turn. Previously interest had been shown chiefly in such questions as whether English was worthy of being used for writings in which Latin had long been traditional, whether the large additions being made to the vocabulary were justified, and whether a more adequate system of spelling could be introduced. Now for the first time attention was turned to the grammar, and it was discovered that English had no grammar. At any rate its grammar was largely uncodified, unsystematized. The ancient languages had been reduced to rule; one knew what was right and what was wrong. But in English everything was uncertain. One learned to speak and write as one learned to walk, and in many matters of grammatical usage there was much variation even among educated people. This was clearly distasteful to an age that desired above all else an orderly universe. The spontaneous creativeness of a Shakespeare, verbing it with nouns and adjectives, so to speak, sublimely indifferent to rules, untroubled by any considerations in language save those springing from a sure instinct, had given place to hesitation and uncertainty, so that a man like Dryden confessed that at times he had to translate an idea into Latin in order to decide on the correct way to express it in English. In its effort to set up a standard of correctness in language the rationalistic spirit of the eighteenth century showed itself in the attempt to settle disputed points logically, that is, by simply reasoning about them, often arriving at entirely false conclusions. The respect for authoritative example, especially for classical example, takes the form of appeals to the analogy of Latin, whereas a different manifestation of the respect for authority is at the bottom of the belief in the power of individuals to legislate in matters of language and accounts for the repeated demand for an English Academy. Finally it is an idea often expressed that English has been and is being daily corrupted, that it needs correction and refinement, and that when the necessary reforms have been effected it should be fixed permanently and protected from change. In other words, it was desired in the eighteenth century to give the English language a polished, rational, and permanent form. How mistaken were these goals and methods will be shown later. The various features of that attempt will constitute the major topics for discussion in the remainder of this chapter. 189. “Ascertainment.” Eighteenth-century attempts to codify the English language and to direct its course fall, we may repeat, under three main heads: (1) to reduce the language to rule and set up a standard of correct usage; (2) to refine it—that is, to remove supposed defects and introduce certain improvements; and (3) to fix it permanently in the desired form.
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As pointed out in the preceding section, one of the chief defects of English that people became acutely conscious of in the latter part of the seventeenth century was the absence of a standard, the fact that the language had not been reduced to a rule so that one could express oneself at least with the assurance of doing so correctly. Dryden sums up this attitude in words: “we have yet no prosodia, not so much as a tolerable dictionary, or a grammar, so that our language is in a manner barbarous.”3 That is, the language did not possess the character of an orderly and well-regulated society. One must write it according to one’s individual judgment and therefore without the confidence that one might feel if there were rules on which to lean and a vocabulary sanctioned by some recognized authority. It was a conviction of long standing with him. In his dedication of Troilus and Cressida to the earl of Sunderland (1679) he says: “how barbarously we yet write and speak, your lordship knows, and I am sufficiently sensible in my own English. For I am often put to a stand, in considering whether what I write be the idiom of the tongue, or false grammar.” And he adds: “I am desirous, if it were possible, that we might all write with the same certainty of words, and purity of phrase, to which the Italians first arrived, and after them the French; at least that we might advance so far, as our tongue is capable of such a standard.” The ideal was expressed many times in the earlier part of the eighteenth century, perhaps nowhere more accurately than in the words “we write by guess, more than any stated rule, and form every man his diction, either according to his humour and caprice, or in pursuance of a blind and servile imitation.”4 In the eighteenth century the need for standardization and regulation was summed up in the word ascertainment. The force of this word then was some-what different from that which it has today. To ascertain was not so much to 3
Discourse concerning Satire (1693). Thomas Stackhouse, Reflections on the Nature and Property ofLanguage in General, on the Advantages, Defects, andManner oflmproving the English Tongue in Particular (1731), p. 187. 4
The appeal to authority, 1650-1800
learn by inquiry as to settle a matter, to render it certain and free from doubt. Dr. Johnson defined ascertainment as “a settled rule; an established standard”; and it was in this sense that Swift used the verb in his Proposal for Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue.5 When reduced to its simplest form the need was for a dictionary that should record the proper use of words and a grammar that should settle authoritatively the correct usages in matters of construction. How it was proposed to attain these ends we shall see shortly. 190. The Problem of “Refining” the Language. Uncertainty was not the only fault that the eighteenth century found with English. The lack of a standard to which all might conform was believed to have resulted in many corruptions that were growing up unchecked. It is the subject of frequent lament that for some time the language had been steadily going down. Such observations are generally accompanied by a regretful backward glance at the good old days. Various periods in the past were supposed to represent the highest perfection of English. It was Dryden’s opinion that “from Chaucer the purity of the English tongue began,” but he was not so completely convinced as some others that its course had been always downward. For Swift the golden age was that of the great Elizabethans. “The period,” he says, “wherein the English tongue received most improvement, I take to commence with the beginning of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, and to conclude with the great rebellion in forty-two. From the civil war to this present time, I am apt to doubt whether the corruptions in our language have not at least equalled the refinements of it; and these corruptions very few of the best authors in our age have wholly escaped. During the usurpation, such an infusion of enthusiastic jargon prevailed in every writing, as was not shaken off in many years after. To this succeeded the licentiousness which entered with the restoration, and from infecting our religion and morals fell to corrupt our language.”6 With this opinion Dr. Johnson agreed. In his Dictionary he says, “I have studiously endeavoured to collect examples and authorities from the writers before the restoration, whose works I regard as the wells of English undefiled, as the pure sources of genuine diction.” It is curious to find writers later in the century, such as Priestley, Sheridan, and the American Webster, looking back upon the Restoration and the period of Swift himself as the classical age of the language. It is apparent that much of this talk springs merely from a sentimental regard for the past and is to be taken no more seriously than the perennial belief that our children are not what their parents were. Certainly the 5 6
Cf. §193. Proposal for Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue.
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corruptions that Swift cites seem to us rather trivial. But the significance of such utterances lies in the fact that they reveal an attitude of mind and lead to many attempts in the course of the century to “purify” the language and rid it of supposed imperfections. There have always been, and doubtless always will be, people who feel a strong antipathy toward certain words or expressions or particular constructions, especially those with the taint of novelty about them. Usually such people do not make their objections felt beyond the circle of their friends. But occasionally an individual whose name carries weight and who is possessed with a crusading spirit offers his or her views to the public. However much the condemned usages may represent mere personal prejudice, they are often regarded by others as veritable faults in the language and continue to be condemned in words that echo those of the original critic until the objections attain a currency and assume a magnitude out of all proportion to their significance. Such seems to have been the case with the strictures of Dean Swift on the English of his day. In matters of language Swift was a conservative. His conservatism was grounded in a set of political and religious, as well as linguistic, opinions. He cherished the principle of authority in church and state, and thus deplored the Latitudinarians. He decried the skeptical spirit of inquiry proposed by the Royal Society. Innovation, whether in politics or language, cmmbled the cement of society. Taking his writings as a whole, one may surmise that he would have preferred that the seventeenth century, at least after 1640, with its political, commercial, and scientific revolutions had never happened.7 Although Swift upheld the classics, he understood the merits of a plain English style, so long as it was not polluted by crude and careless usages. The things that specifically troubled the gloomy dean in his reflections on the current speech were chiefly innovations that he says had been growing up in the last twenty years. One of these was the tendency to clip and shorten words that should have retained their full polysyllabic dignity. He would have objected to taxi, phone, bus, ad, and the like, as he did to rep, mob, penult, and others. The practice seems to have been a temporary fad, although not unknown to any period of the language. It continued, however, to be condemned for fifty years. Thus George Campbell in his Philosophy of Rhetoric (1776) says: “I shall just mention another set of barbarisms, which also comes under this class, and arises from the abbreviation 7
Interesting perspectives on the motives that underlay Swift’s language proposals may be found in Brian Vickers, ed., The World of Jonathan Swift (Cambridge, MA, 1968), especially the essays by Pat Rogers, Brian Vickers, and Hugh Sykes Davies. See also Ann Cline Kelly, Swift and the English Language (Philadelphia, 1988).
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of polysyllables, by lopping off all the syllables except the first, or the first and second. Instances of this are hyp for hypochondriac, rep for reputation, ult for ultimate, penult for penultimate, incog for incognito, hyper for hypercritic, extra for extraordinary. Happily all these affected terms have been denied the public suffrage. I scarcely know any such that have established themselves, except mob for mobile. And this it hath effected at last, notwithstanding the unrelenting zeal with which it was persecuted by Dr. Swift, wherever he met with it. But as the word in question hath gotten use, the supreme arbitress of language, on its side, there would be as much obstinacy in rejecting it at present, as there was perhaps folly at first in ushering it upon the public stage.”8 Campbell’s admission of the word mob is interesting, because in theory he accepted the test of usage, but he could not quite free himself from prejudice against this word. A second innovation that Swift opposed was the tendency to contract verbs like drudg’d, disturb’d, rebuk’d, fledg’d “and a thousand others everywhere to be met with in prose as well as verse, where, by leaving out a vowel to save a syllable, we form a jarring sound, and so difficult to utter, that I have often wondered how it could ever obtain.” His ostensible reason for rejecting this change, which time has fully justified, is that “our language was already overstocked with monosyllables.” We accordingly hear a good bit in the course of the century about the large number of monosyllabic words in English, an objection that seems to have no more to support it than the fact that a person of Swift’s authority thought monosyllables “the disgrace of our language.” A third innovation that aroused Swift’s ire has to do with certain words then enjoying a considerable vogue among wits and people of fashion. They had even invaded the pulpit. Young preachers, fresh from the universities, he says, “use all the modern terms of art, sham, banter, mob, bubble, bully, cutting, shuffling, and palming, all which, and many more of the like stamp, as I have heard them often in the pulpit, so I have read them in some of those sermons that have made most noise of late.” Swift was by no means alone in his criticism of new words. Each censor of the language has his own list of objectionable expressions (cf. § 205). But this type of critic may be illustrated here by its most famous representative. All of these faults that Swift found in the language he attacked in a letter to the Tatler (No. 230) in 1710, and he called attention to them again two years later in his Proposal for Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English 8
I. 428–29.
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Tongue. In the former paper, in order to set out more clearly the abuses he objected to, he published a letter supposedly “received some time ago from a most accomplished person in this way of writing”: Sir, I cou’dn’t get the things you sent for all about Town.—I thôt to ha’ come down myself, and then I’d ha’ brout’um; but I han’t don’t, and I believe I can’t do’t, that’s pozz.—Tom begins to g’imself airs because he’s going with the plenipo’s.—’Tis said, the French King will bamboozl’ us agen, which causes many speculations. The Jacks, and others of that kidney, are very uppish, and alert upon’t, as you may see by their phizz’s.—Will Hazzard has got the hipps, having lost to the tune of five hundr’d pound, thô he understands play very well, nobody better. He has promis’t me upon rep, to leave off play; but you know ‘tis a weakness he’s too apt to give into, thô he has as much wit as any man, nobody more. He has lain incog ever since.—The mobb’s very quiet with us now.—I believe you thôt I banter’d you in my last like a country put.—I sha’n’t leave Town this month, &c. “This letter,” he says, “is in every point an admirable pattern of the present polite way of writing.” The remedy he proposes is for the editor (Steele) to use his position to rid the language of these blemishes, “First, by argument and fair means; but if these fail, I think you are to make use of your authority as Censor, and by an annual index expurgatorius expunge all words and phrases that are offensive to good sense, and condemn those barbarous mutilations of vowels and syllables.” Later, in his Proposal, he was to go much further. 191. The Desire to “Fix” the Language. One of the most ambitious hopes of the eighteenth century was to stabilize the language, to establish it in a form that would be permanent. Swift talked about “fixing” the language, and the word was echoed for fifty years by lesser writers who shared his desire and, like him, believed in the possibility of realizing it. The fear of change was an old one. Bacon at the end of his life had written to his friend, Sir Toby Matthew (1623): “It is true, my labours are now most set to have those works, which I had formerly published,…well translated into Latin…. For these modern languages will, at one time or other, play the bankrupts with books.”9 9
Works, ed. Basil Montagu (Philadelphia, 1841), III, 151.
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A succession of writers voiced the fear that in a few generations their works would not be understood. Shortly after the Restoration the poet Waller wrote (Of English Verse):
But who can hope his lines should long Last, in a daily changing tongue? While they are new, Envy prevails; And as that dies, our language fails…. Poets that Lasting Marble seek, Must carve in Latin or in Greek; We write in Sand…. A little later Swift wrote: “How then shall any man, who hath a genius for history equal to the best of the ancients, be able to undertake such a work with spirit and cheerfulness, when he considers that he will be read with pleasure but a very few years, and in an age or two shall hardly be understood without an interpreter?” And he added, “The fame of our writers is usually confined to these two islands, and it is hard it should be limited in time as much as place by the perpetual variations of our speech.”10 Pope echoed the sentiment when he wrote in his Essay on Criticism, “And such as Chaucer is, shall Dryden be.” Even after the middle of the century, when the hope of fixing the language was less frequently expressed, Thomas Sheridan addressed a plea to the earl of Chesterfield to exert his influence toward stabilizing the language: “Suffer not our Shakespear, and our Milton, to become two or three centuries hence what Chaucer is at present, the study only of a few poring antiquarians, and in an age or two more the victims of bookworms.”11 It is curious that a number of people notable in various intellectual spheres in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries should have been blind to the testimony of history and believed that by taking thought it would be possible to suspend the processes of growth and decay that characterize a living language. It is the more remarkable in that the truth had been recognized by some from a considerably earlier date. The anonymous author of the pamphlet Vindex Anglicus: or, The Perfections of the English Language Defended and Asserted (1644)12 noted that changes in language are inevitable. Even earlier (1630) that delightful letter writer James Howell had observed: “that as all other sublunary things are subject to corruptions and decay,… the learnedest and more eloquent languages are not free from this common fatal10
Proposal. British Education (1756), p. xvii. 12 Harleian Miscellany, 5 (1808–1811), 428–34. 11
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ity, but are liable to those alterations and revolutions, to those fits of inconstancy, and other destructive contingencies which are unavoidably incident to all earthly things.”13 Nevertheless, laboring under the mistaken notion that the classical languages, particularly Greek, had continued unchanged for many centuries, some held that English might be rendered equally stable. That great scholar Bentley explained the changes that English had undergone in the previous two centuries as due chiefly to the large number of Latin words incorporated into the language, and he thought that it would not change so much in the future, adding: “Nay, it were no difftcult contrivance, if the Public had any regard to it, to make the English Tongue unmutable; unless here after some Foreign Nation shall invade and overrun us.”14 Bentley’s influence is apparent in Swift’s opinion that “if it [English] were once refined to a certain standard, perhaps there might be ways found out to fix it for ever, or at least till we are invaded and made a conquest by some other state.” In the same place Swift says: “But what I have most at heart, is, that some method should be thought on for ascertaining and fixing our language for ever, after such alterations are made in it as shall be thought requisite. For I am of opinion, it is better a language should not be wholly perfect, than that it should be perpetually changing.” And again he adds, “I see no absolute necessity why any language should be perpetually changing; for we find many examples to the contrary.”15 It would be possible to show the continuance of this idea through much of the rest of the century, but it is sufficient to recognize it as one of the major concerns of the period with respect to the language. 192. The Example of Italy and France. It was perhaps inevitable that those who gave thought to the threefold problem which seemed to confront English—of standardizing, refining, and fixing it—should consider what had been done in this direction by other countries. Italy and France were the countries to which the English had long turned for inspiration and example, and in both of these lands the destiny of the language had been confided to an academy. In Italy, prolific in academies, the most famous was the Accademia della Crusca, founded as early as 1582. Its avowed object was the purification of the Italian language, and to this end, it published in 1612 a dictionary, the famous Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca. The dictionary provoked controversy, one of the most effective kinds of publicity, and, though subsequently modified in important ways, it went through several editions. In the third (1691) it had reached the proportions of three folio volumes, and the fourth edition (1729–1738) filled six. Here then was an impressive example 13
Epistolae Ho-Elianae, Bk. II, Sec. VII, Letter LX. Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris (1699), p. 406. 15 Proposal. 14
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of the results attained in at least one country from an effort to improve its language. Perhaps an even more effective precedent was furnished by France. In 1635 Cardinal Richelieu offered a royal charter to a small group of men who for several years had been meeting once a week to talk about books and to exchange views on literature. The original group was composed of only six or eight; the maximum membership was set at forty. The society was to be known as the French Academy (1’Académie française), and in the statutes that were drawn up defining its purpose it was declared: “The principal function of the Academy shall be to labor with all possible care and diligence to give definite rules to our language, and to render it pure, eloquent, and capable of treating the arts and sciences.” It was to cleanse the language of impurities, whether in the mouths of the people or among people of affairs, whether introduced by ignorant courtiers or preachers or writers. It would be well “to establish a certain usage of words” and accordingly it should undertake to compile a dictionary, a grammar, a rhetoric, and a treatise on the art of poetry. The most important of these projects was the dictionary. Work on it proceeded slowly, but in 1694 it appeared. Thus while England continued to lament the lack of an adequate dictionary, Italy and France had both apparently achieved this object through the agency of academies. 193. An English Academy. There can be little doubt that the vital incentive to the establishment of an academy in England came from the example of France and Italy. The suggestion of an English Academy occurs early in the seventeenth century. Indeed, learned societies had been known in England from 1572, when a Society of Antiquaries founded by Archbishop Parker began holding its meetings at the house of Sir Robert Cotton and occupied itself with the study of antiquity and history. It might in time have turned its attention to the improvement of the language, but it languished after the accession of James I. A proposal that promised even more was made about the year of Shakespeare’s death by Edmund Bolton, an enthusiastic antiquary. It was for a society to be composed of men famous in politics, law, science, literature, history, and the like. Those proposed for membership, beside the originator, included such well-known names as George Chapman, Sir Edward Coke, Sir Robert Cotton, Sir Kenelm Digby, Michael Drayton, Ben Jonson, Inigo Jones, John Selden, Sir Henry Spelman, and Sir Henry Wotton, all men with scholarly tastes and interests. But the project died with James I. In time, however, the example of the French Academy began to attract attention in England. In 1650 James Howell spoke approvingly of its intentions to reform French spelling, and in 1657 its history appeared in English, translated from the French of Pellisson. With the Restoration, discussion of an English Academy became much more frequent. In the very year that Charles II was restored to the throne, a volume was published with the title New Atlantis…Continued by R.H.Esquire (1660) in which, as a feature of his ideal commonwealth, the author pictured an academy “to purifie our Native Language from Barbarism or Solecism, to the height of Eloquence, by regulating the termes and phrases thereof into constant use of the most significant words, proverbs, and phrases, and justly appropriating them either to the Lofty, mean, or Comic stile.”16
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Shortly thereafter the idea of an academy received support from several influential persons, notably from Dryden and John Evelyn. In the dedication of the Rival Ladies (1664) Dryden says, “I am Sorry, that (Speaking so noble a Language as we do) we have not a more certain Measure of it, as they have in France, where they have an Academy erected for the purpose, and Indow’d with large Privileges by the present King.” A few months later the Royal Society took a step that might have led it to serve the purpose of an academy. This society, founded in 1662, was mainly scientific in its interests, but in December 1664 it adopted a resolution to the effect that as “there were persons of the Society whose genius was very proper and inclined to improve the English tongue, Particularly for philosophic purposes, it was voted that there should be a committee for improving the English language; and that they meet at Sir Peter Wyche’s lodgings in Gray’s-Inn once or twice a month, and give an account of their proceedings, when called upon.” The committee was a large one; among its twenty-two members were Dryden, Evelyn, Sprat, and Waller. Evelyn, on one occasion, unable to attend the meeting of the committee, wrote out at length what he conceived to be the things that they might attempt. He proposed the compilation of a grammar and some reform of the spelling, particularly the leaving out of superfluous letters. This might be followed by a “Lexicon or collection of all the pure English words by themselves; then those which are derivative from others, with their prime, certaine, and natural signification; then, the symbolical: so as no innovation might be us’d or favour’d, at least, ‘till there should arise some necessity of providing a new edition, & of amplifying the old upon mature advice.” He further suggested collections of technical words, “exotic” words, dialect expressions, and archaic words that might be revived. Finally, translations might be made of some of the best of Greek and Latin literature, and even out of modern languages, as models of elegance in style. He added the opinion in conclusion that “there must be a stock of reputation gain’d by some public writings and compositions of ye Members of this Assembly, and so others may not thinke it dishonor to come under the test, or 16
Edmund Freeman, “A Proposal for an English Academy in 1660,” MLR, 19 (1924), 291–300. The author of this article plausibly suggests Robert Hooke as the R.H.Esquire.
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accept them for judges and approbators.” Evelyn’s statement is important not so much for the authority that attaches to his words as for the fact that his notions are quite specific and set out at length. Whether because the program he outlined appeared too ambitious or for some other reason, nothing was done about it. The committee seems to have held only three or four meetings. The Royal Society was not really interested in linguistic matters. It is quite likely, as O.F.Emerson thought,17 that the moving spirit in this gesture of the Royal Society was John Dryden. Though he was certainly not a pioneer in suggesting the creation of an English Academy, he was the most distinguished and consistent advocate of it in public. Later he seems to have joined forces with the earl of Roscommon. Horace Walpole, in his life of the earl, says: “we are told that his Lordship in conjunction with Dryden projected a society for refining and fixing the standard of our language. It never wanted this care more than at that period; nor could two men have been found more proper to execute most parts of that plan than Dryden, the greatest master of the powers of language, and Roscommon, whose judgment was sufficient to correct the exuberances of his associate.”18 Thus the movement for an academy did not lack the support of wellknown and influential names. But at the end of the century the idea was clearly in the air. In 1697, Defoe in his Essay upon Projects devoted one article to the subject of academies. In it he advocated an academy for England. He says: “I would therefore have this society wholly composed of gentlemen, whereof twelve to be of the nobility, if possible, and twelve private gentlemen, and a class of twelve to be left open for mere merit, let it be found in who or what sort it would, which should lie as the crown of their study, who have done something eminent to deserve it.” He had high hopes of the benefits to be derived from such a body: “The voice of this society should be sufficient authority for the usage of words, and sufficient also to expose the innovations of other men’s fancies; they should preside with a sort of judicature over the learning of the age, and have liberty to correct and censure the exorbitance of writers, especially of translators. The reputation of this society would be enough to make them the allowed judges of style and language; and no author would have the impudence to coin without their authority. Custom, which is now our best authority for words, would always have its original here, and not be allowed without it. There should be no more occasion to search for derivations and constructions, and it would be as criminal then to coin words as money.” 17
O.F.Emerson, John Dryden and a British Academy (London, 1921; Proc. of the British Academy). 18 Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England (2nd ed., 1959). The statement is echoed by Dr. Johnson in his Lives of the Poets.
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194. Swift’s Proposal, 1712. By the beginning of the eighteenth century the ground had been prepared, and the time was apparently ripe for an authoritative plan for an academy. With the example of Richelieu and the French Academy doubtless in his mind, Swift addressed a letter in 1712 to the earl of Oxford, Lord Treasurer of England. It was published under the title A Proposal for Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue. After the usual formalities he says: “My Lord, I do here in the name of all the learned and polite persons of the nation complain to your Lordship as first minister, that our language is extremely imperfect; that its daily improvements are by no means in proportion to its daily corruptions; that the pretenders to polish and refine it have chiefly multiplied abuses and absurdities; and, that in many instances it offends against every part of grammar.” He then launches an attack against the innovations he had objected to in his paper in the Tatler two years before, observing, “I have never known this great town without one or more dunces of figure, who had credit enough to give rise to some new word, and propagate it in most conversations, though it had neither humour nor significancy.” The remedy he proposes is an academy, though he does not call it by that name. “In order to reform our language, I conceive, my lord, that a free judicious choice should be made of such persons, as are generally allowed to be best qualified for such a work, without any regard to quality, party, or profession. These, to a certain number at least, should assemble at some appointed time and place, and fix on rules, by which they design to proceed. What methods they will take, is not for me to prescribe.” The work of this group, as he conceives it, is described in the following terms: “The persons who are to undertake this work will have the example of the French before them to imitate, where these have proceeded right, and to avoid their mistakes. Besides the grammar-part, wherein we are allowed to be very defective, they will observe many gross improprieties, which however authorized by practice, and grown familiar, ought to be discarded. They will find many words that deserve to be utterly thrown out of our language, many more to be corrected, and perhaps not a few long since antiquated, which ought to be restored on account of their energy and sound.” And then he adds the remark which we have quoted in a previous paragraph, that what he has most at heart is that they will find some way to fix the language permanently. In setting up this ideal of permanency he allows for growth but not decay: “But when I say, that I would have our language, after it is duly correct, always to last, I do not mean that it should never be enlarged. Provided that no word, which a society shall give a sanction to, be afterwards antiquated and exploded, they may have liberty to receive whatever new ones they shall find occasion for.” He ends with a renewed appeal to the earl to take some action, indulging in the characteristically blunt reflection that “if genius and learning be not encouraged under your Lordship’s administration, you are the most inexcusable person alive.” The publication of Swift’s Proposal marks the culmination of the movement for an English Academy. It had in its favor the fact that the public mind had apparently become accustomed to the idea through the advocacy of it by Dryden and others for more than half a century. It came from one whose judgment carried more weight than that of anyone else at the beginning of the eighteenth century who might have brought it forward. It was
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supported by important contemporary opinion. Only a few months before, Addison, in a paper in the Spectator (No. 135) that echoes most of Swift’s strictures on the language, observed that there were ambiguous constructions in English “which will never be decided till we have something like an Academy, that by the best Authorities and Rules drawn from the Analogy of Languages shall settle all Controversies between Grammar and Idiom.” Apparently the only dissenting voice was that of John Oldmixon, who, in the same year that Swift’s Proposal appeared, published Reflections on Dr. Swift’s Letter to the Earl of Oxford, about the English Tongue. It was a violent Whig attack inspired by purely political motives. He says, “I do here in the Name of all the Whigs, protest against all and everything done or to be done in it, by him or in his Name.” Much in the thirty-five pages is a personal attack on Swift, in which he quotes passages from the Tale of a Tub as examples of vulgar English, to show that Swift was no fit person to suggest standards for the language. And he ridicules the idea that anything can be done to prevent languages from changing. “I should rejoice with him, if a way could be found out to fix our Language for ever, that like the Spanish cloak, it might always be in Fashion.” But such a thing is impossible. Oldmixon’s attack was not directed against the idea of an academy. He approves of the design, “which must be own’d to be very good in itself.” Yet nothing came of Swift’s Proposal. The explanation of its failure in the Dublin edition is probably correct; at least it represented contemporary opinion. “It is well known,” it says, “that if the Queen had lived a year or two longer, this proposal would, in all probability, have taken effect. For the Lord Treasurer had already nominated several persons without distinction of quality or party, who were to compose a society for the purposes mentioned by the author; and resolved to use his credit with her Majesty, that a fund should be applied to support the expence of a large room, where the society should meet, and for other incidents. But this scheme fell to the ground, partly by the dissensions among the great men at court; but chiefly by the lamented death of that glorious princess.” This was the nearest England ever came to having an academy for the regulation of the language. Though Swift’s attempt to bring about the formation of such a body is frequently referred to with approval by the advocates of the idea throughout the century, no serious effort was made to accomplish the purpose again. Apparently, it was felt that where Swift had failed it would be useless for others to try. Meanwhile, opposition to an academy was slowly taking shape. The importance of the Proposal lies in the fact that it directed attention authoritatively to the problems of language that then seemed in need of solution. 195. Objection to an Academy. Though the idea of establishing an academy died hard, the eighteenth century showed a growing skepticism toward it and an increasing attitude of dissent. The early enthusiasm for the example of France had given place, in the minds of some, to doubts about the value of the results obtained by the French Academy. As an anonymous writer in 1724 observes, “many say, that they have been so far from making their language better, that they have spoiled it.”19 Certainly they had not prevented it from changing. The claim that
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a language could be fixed in permanent form was the rock on which the hope for an academy seems first to have split. Oldmixon, in his attack on Swift’s Proposal referred to above, vigorously opposes the notion. “The Doctor,” he says, “may as well set up a Society to find out the Grand Elixir, the Perpetual Motion, the Longitude, and other such Discoveries, as to fix our Language beyond their own Times…This would be doing what was never done before, what neither Roman nor Greek, which lasted the longest of any in its Purity, could pretend to.” A much more authoritative utterance was that of Dr. Johnson in the Preface to his Dictionary (1755): “Those who have been persuaded to think well of my design, require that it should fix our language, and put a stop to those alterations which time and chance have hitherto been suffered to make in it without opposition. With this consequence I will confess that I flattered myself for a while; but now begin to fear that I have indulged expectation which neither reason nor experience can justify. When we see men grow old and die at a certain time one after another, from century to century, we laugh at the elixir that promises to prolong life to a thousand years; and with equal justice may the lexicographer be derided, who being able to produce no example of a nation that has preserved their words and phrases from mutability, shall imagine that his dictionary can embalm his language, and secure it from corruption and decay, that it is in his power to change sublunary nature, or clear the world at once from folly, vanity, and affectation. “With this hope, however, academies have been instituted, to guard the avenues of their languages, to retain fugitives, and repulse intruders; but their vigilance and activity have hitherto been vain; sounds are too volatile and subtile for legal restraints; to enchain syllables, and to lash the wind, are equally the undertakings of pride, unwilling to measure its desires by its strength. The French language has visibly changed under the inspection of the academy…and no Italian will maintain, that the diction of any modern writer is not perceptibly different from that of Boccace, Machiavel, or Caro.” Other grounds for objecting to an academy were not wanting. When in the same preface Johnson said, “If an academy should be established…which I, who can never wish to see dependence multiplied, hope the spirit of English liberty will hinder or destroy,” he was voicing a prevailing English attitude. The English have always been moved by a spirit of personal liberty in the use of their language. A policy of noninterference appeals to them much more than one of arbitrary regulation. As Johnson late in life again remarked of Swift’s Proposal, “The certainty and stability which, contrary to all experience, he thinks attainable, he proposes to secure by instituting an academy; the decrees of which every man would have been willing, and many would have been proud to disobey.” Johnson’s views apparently had a decided influence. After the publication of his Dictionary, advocacy of an academy becomes less frequent. Instead we find his views reflected in the opinions expressed by other writers. Thomas Sheridan in his British Education, published a year later, says: “The only scheme hitherto proposed for correcting, improving, and ascertaining our language, has been the institution of a society for that purpose. But this is liable to innumerable objections; nor would it be a difftcult 19
Cf. H.M.Flasdieck, Der Gedanke einer englischen Sprachakademie (Jena, Germany, 1928), p.95.
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point to prove, that such a method could never effectually answer the end.” He then repeats Johnson’s objections. At least some people realized that language has a way of taking care of itself, and that features which appear objectionable to one age are either accepted by the next or have been eliminated by time. Joseph Priestley, who, as we shall see, was remarkably liberal in his views upon language, anticipating the attitude of later times, inserts a passage in his Grammar (1761) that may be taken as indicating the direction that opinion on the subject of an academy was taking in the latter half of the eighteenth century: “As to a public Academy, invested with authority to ascertain the use of words, which is a project that some persons are very sanguine in their expectations from, I think it not only unsuitable to the genius of a free nation, but in itself ill calculated to reform and fix a language. We need make no doubt but that the best forms of speech will, in time, establish themselves by their own superior excellence: and, in all controversies, it is better to wait the decisions of time, which are slow and sure, than to take those of synods, which are often hasty and injudicious.”20 196. Substitutes for an Academy. Since the expectation of those who put their hopes in an academy must have been considerably lessened by the failure of Swift’s Proposal, the only means left to them was to work directly upon the public. What could not be imposed by authoritative edict might still win adoption through reason and persuasion. Individuals sought to bring about the reforms that they believed necessary and to set up a standard that might gain general acceptance. In 1724 there appeared an anonymous treatise on The Many Advantages of a Good Language to Any Nation: with an Examination of the Present State of Our Own. This repeats the old complaints that English has too many monosyllables, uses too many contractions, and has no adequate grammar or dictionary. But what is of more importance is that it seeks to stir up popular interest in matters of language, calls upon the public to take part in the discussion, and proposes the publication of a series of weekly or monthly pamphlets on grammar and other linguistic topics. In 1729 one Thomas Cooke published “Proposals for Perfecting the English Language.”21 The reforms he suggests extend to the changing of all strong verbs to weak, the formation of all plurals of nouns by means of -s or -es, the comparison of adjectives only with more and most, and the like. Cooke was both an idealist and an optimist, but he did not put his faith in academies. The change in attitude, the belief that a standard was to be brought about not by force but by general consent, is revealed in the words of Sheridan: “The result of the researches of rational enquirers, must be rules founded upon rational principles; and a general agreement amongst the most judicious, must occasion those rules to be as generally known, and established, and give them the force of laws. Nor would these laws meet with opposition, or be obeyed with reluctance, inasmuch as they would not be established by the hand of power, but by common suffrage, in which every one has a right to give his vote: nor 20 That the idea of an academy was not dead is shown by Allen W.Read, “Suggestions for an Academy in England in the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century,” MP, 36 (1938), 145–56. 21
As an appendix to his Tales, Epistles, Odes, etc.
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would they fail, in time, of obtaining general authority, and permanence, from the sanction of custom, founded on good sense.”22 The two greatest needs, still felt and most frequently lamented, were for a dictionary and a grammar. Without these there could be no certainty in diction and no standard of correct construction. The one was supplied in 1755 by Johnson’s Dictionary, the other in the course of the next half-century by the early grammarians. 197. Johnson’s Dictionary. The publication in 1755 of A Dictionary of the English Language, by Samuel Johnson, A.M., in two folio volumes, was hailed as a great achievement. And it was justly so regarded, when we consider that it was the work of one man laboring almost without assistance for the short space of seven years. True, it had its defects. Judged by modern standards it was painfully inadequate. Its etymologies are often ludicrous. It is marred in places by prejudice and caprice. Its definitions, generally sound and often discriminating, are at times truly Johnsonian.23 It includes a host of words with a very questionable right to be regarded as belonging to the language.24 But it had positive virtues. It exhibited the English vocabulary much more fully than had ever been done before. It offered a spelling, fixed, even if sometimes badly, that could be accepted as standard. It supplied thousands of quotations illustrating the use of words, so that, as Johnson remarked in his preface, where his own explanation is inadequate “the sense may easily be collected entire from the examples.” It is the first purpose of a dictionary to record usage. But even today, when the scientific study of language makes us much less disposed to pass judgment upon, and particularly to condemn, its phenomena, many people look upon the editor of a dictionary as a superior kind of person with the right to legislate in such matters as the pronunciation and use of words. This attitude was well-nigh universal in Johnson’s day and was not repugnant to the lexicographer himself. In many ways he makes it clear that he accepts the responsibility as part of his task. “Every language,” he says in the preface, “has its anomalies, which, though inconvenient, and in themselves once unnecessary, must be tolerated among the imperfections of human things, and which require only to be registred, that they may not be increased, and ascertained, that they may not be confounded: but every language has likewise its improprieties and absurdities, which it is 22
T.Sheridan, British Education, pp. 370–71. Network: Any thing reticulated or decussated, at equal distances, with interstices between the intersections. Cough: A convulsion of the lungs, vellicated by some sharp serosity. 24 Webster was severe in his judgment of the work on this score: “From a careful examination of this work and its effect upon the language, I am inclined to believe that Johnson’s authority has multiplied instead of reducing the number of corruptions in the English Language. Let any man of correct taste cast his eye on such words as denominable, opiniatry, ariolation, assation, ataraxy, clancular, comminuible, conclusible, detentition, deuteroscopy, digladiation, dignotion, cubiculary, discubitory, exolution, exenterate, incompossible, incompossibility, indigitate, etc., and let him say whether a dictionary which gives thousands of such terms, as authorized English words, is a safe standard of writing.” Cf. Stanley Rypins, “Johnson’s Dictionary Reviewed by His Contemporaries,” PQ, 4 (1925), 281–86. Denominable, detentition, exolution, exenterate were not in the original edition. 23
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the duty of the lexicographer to correct or proscribe.” In a paper he published in the Rambler (No. 208) while he was still engaged on the Dictionary he wrote: “I have laboured to refme our language to grammatical purity, and to clear it from colloquial barbarisms, licentious idioms, and irregular combinations.” He condemns the word lesser as a barbarous corruption, though he admits that “it has all the authority which a mode originally erroneous can derive from custom.” Under nowise he says, “this is commonly spoken and written by ignorant barbarians, noways” But noways was once much used and, as a later contemporary observed, “These ignorant barbarians…are only Pope, and Swift, and Addison, and Locke, and several others of our most celebrated writers.”25 In addressing the Plan of his work to the earl of Chesterfield, Johnson said: “And though, perhaps, to correct the language of nations by books of grammar, and amend their manners by discourses of morality, may be tasks equally difftcult; yet, as it is unavoidable to wish, it is natural likewise to hope, that your Lordship’s patronage may not be wholly lost.” That Johnson’s Dictionary should suggest comparison with similar works in France and Italy, prepared by academies, is altogether natural. Garrick wrote an epigram on his friend’s achievement in which occur the lines
And Johnson, well arm’d like a hero of yore, Has beat forty French, and will beat forty more. A notice that appeared on the continent observes that Johnson may boast of being in a way an academy for his island.26 Johnson himself envisaged his work as performing the same function as the dictionary of an academy. Speaking of pronunciation, he says, “one great end of this undertaking is to fix the English language”; and in the same place he explains, “The chief intent of it is to preserve the purity, and ascertain the meaning of our English idiom.” Summing up his plan he says, “This…is my idea of an English Dictionary; a dictionary by which the pronunciation of our language may be fixed, and its attainment facilitated; by which its purity may be preserved, its use ascertained, and its duration lengthened.”27 These statements sound like the program of an academy. Chesterfield felt that it would accomplish the same purpose. In the paper published in the World (No. 100), by which he is supposed to have angled for the dedication of the work, he said: “I had long lamented, that we had no lawful standard of our language set up, for those to repair to, who might choose to speak and write it grammatically and correctly.” Johnson’s Dictionary, he believed, would supply one. “The time for discrimination seems to be now come. Toleration, adoption, and naturalization, 25
Campbell, Philosophy of Rhetoric, I, 371. Journal Britannique, 17 (1755), 219. 27 The Plan of an English Dictionary. 26
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have run their lengths. Good order and authority are now necessary. But where shall we find them, and at the same time the obedience due to them? We must have recourse to the old Roman expedient in times of confusion, and choose a Dictator. Upon this principle, I give my vote for Mr. Johnson to fill that great and arduous post.” In 1756 Sheridan wrote, “if our language should ever be fixed, he must be considered by all posterity as the founder, and his dictionary as the corner stone.”28 Boswell was apparently expressing the opinion of his age when he spoke of Johnson as “the man who had conferred stability on the language of his country.” 198. The Eighteenth-century Grammarians and Rhetoricians. What Dr. Johnson had done for the vocabulary was attempted for the syntax by the grammarians of the eighteenth century. Treatises on English grammar had begun to appear in the sixteenth century29 and in the seventeenth were compiled by even such authors as Ben Jonson and Milton. These early works, however, were generally written for the purpose of teaching foreigners the language or providing a basis for the study of Latin grammar. Occasional writers like John Wallis (Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae, 1653) recognized that the plan of Latin grammar was not well suited to exhibiting the structure of English, but not until the eighteenth century, generally speaking, was English grammar viewed as a subject deserving of study in itself. Even then freedom from the notions derived from Latin was something to be claimed as a novelty and not always observed. William Loughton, Schoolmaster at Kensington, whose Practical Grammar of the English Tongue (1734) went through five editions, inveighs against those who “have attempted to force our Language (contrary to its Nature) to the Method and Rules of the Latin Grammar” and goes so far as to discard the terms noun, adjective, and verb, substituting names, qualities, affirmations. But most of the compilers of English grammars came equipped for their task only with a knowledge of the classical languages and tried to keep as many of the traditional concepts as could be fitted to a more analytic and less inflectional language. The decade beginning in 1760 witnessed a striking outburst of interest in English grammar. In 1761 Joseph Priestley published TheRudiments of English Grammar. In it he showed the independence, tolerance, and good sense that characterized his work in other fields, and we shall have more to say of it below. It was followed about a month later by Robert Lowth’s Short Introduction to English Grammar (1762). Lowth was a clergyman who ultimately rose to be bishop of London. He was much more conservative in his stand, a typical representative of the normative and prescriptive school of grammarians. His gram28
T.Sheridan, British Education, I, 376. See Emma Vorlat, The Development of English Grammatical Theory 1586–1737, with Special Reference to the Theory of Parts of Speech (Leuven, Belgium, 1975). 29
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mar was more in accordance with the tendencies of the time and soon swept the field. At least twenty-two editions appeared during the eighteenth century, and its influence was spread by numerous imitators, including the well-known Lindley Murray. The British Grammar by James Buchanan appeared in the same year. A somewhat more elementary manual, by John Ash, was published in 1763 with the title Grammatical Institutes. It was designed as an “easy introduction to Dr. Lowth’s English Grammar.” These were the most popular grammars in the eighteenth century. In 1784 Noah Webster published the second part of A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, which enjoyed much prestige in America and not a little circulation in England. Most of these books were the work of men with no special qualifications for the thing they attempted to do. There were, to be sure, writings on linguistic matters that were not in the mold of the practical, prescriptive grammars. A philosophical concern for linguistic universals, especially lively in France at the time, found expression in England in works such as John Wilkins’ Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language (1668) and James Harris’ Hermes (1751). After more than a century of relative neglect these and other “universal grammars” have recently been revived because of similarities that have been found between them and certain aspects of contemporary linguistics.30 The effect of these philosophical writings upon the development of specific structures in the English language is difficult to assess, but it seems to have been negligible. More important for the history of the English language are the works of more practical and often less gifted grammarians who turned philosophical concerns into linguistic prescriptions. They exerted a considerable influence, especially through the use of their books in the schools, and it will be necessary to consider their aims, the questions they attempted to settle, their method of approach, and the results they achieved.31 With them belongs another group that may be called the rhetoricians. Though they did not compile grammars, they often discussed the same questions of usage. Of these one of the most important was Thomas Sheridan, father of the dramatist. His most important work was a lengthy treatise called British Education (1756), in which he attempted to show “that a revival of the art of speaking, and the study of our language, might contribute, in a great measure,” to the cure of “the evils of immorality, ignorance and false taste.” The second part of his 30
See Noam Chomsky, Cartesian Linguistics (New York, 1966), an influential but professedly polemical account. Cf. Robin Lakoff, rev. of facsimile ed. of Grammaire générale et raisonée, ou La Grammaire du Port-Royal, Language, 45 (1969), 343–64, and Hans Aarsleff, “The History of Linguistics and Professor Chomsky,” Language, 46 (1970), 570–85. 31 Here, too, discriminations must be made among grammars such as Lowth’s, which by the light of the times was by no means contemptible, and inferior imitations such as Murray’s. See R.S.Sugg, Jr., “The Mood of Eighteenth-Century English Grammar,” PQ, 43 (1964), 239–52.
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work discussed the absolute necessity for such study “in order to refine, ascertain, and fix the English language.” He held “that the study of eloquence was the necessary cause of the improvement, and establishment of the Roman language: and the same cause would infallibly produce the same effect with us. Were the study of oratory once made a necessary branch of education, all our youth of parts, and genius, would of course be employed in considering the value of words both as to sound and sense.” His interest in language thus grew out of his interest in elocution, but his opinions throw an interesting light on the eighteenth-century attitude toward language. More influential was George Campbell, a learned Scottish divine, whose Philosophy of Rhetoric appeared in two volumes in 1776. Campbell professed greater respect for the evidence of usage and is responsible for the definition of “good use” that is still accepted today. His book is the ancestor of numerous later works, such as those of Blair (1783) and Whateley (1828) and a succession of nineteenth-century treatises. Questions of grammar and usage had become a matter of popular interest. In 1770 one Robert Baker published Reflections on the English Language, “in the Manner of those of Vaugelas on the French; being a detection of many improper expressions used in conversation, and of many others to be found in authors.” As qualifications for his task he mentions the fact that he knows no Greek and very little Latin, and he adds, “It will undoubtedly be thought strange, when I declare that I have never yet seen the folio edition of Mr. Johnson’s dictionary: but, knowing nobody that has it, I have never been able to borrow it; and I have myself no books; at least, not many more than what a church-going old woman may be supposed to have of devotional ones upon her mantlepiece: for, having always had a narrow income, it has not been in my power to make a collection without straightening myself. Nor did I ever see even the Abridgment of this Dictionary till a few days ago, when, observing it inserted in the catalogue of a Circulating Library, where I subscribe, I sent for it.” Nevertheless Baker’s book went through two editions. By men such as these was the English language “ascertained.” 199. The Aims of the Grammarians. Just as the goals of linguistic scholarship vary from author to author in the present century, so one must recognize a variety of concerns in the eighteenth century. In a comprehensive and balanced history of linguistic thought, it would be necessary to consider the full range of writings, from the most specific rules of the handbooks to the speculations of the universal grammars.32 For a history of the English lan32
See, for example, Hans Aarsleff, “The Eighteenth Century, Including Leibniz,” in Current Trends in Linguistics, 13, Historiography of Linguistics, ed. Thomas A.Sebeok et al. (The Hague, 1975), pp. 383−479, and James Knowlson, Universal Language Schemes in England and France, 1600–1800 (Toronto, 1975).
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guage it is appropriate to single out those efforts that most directly affected structures of English, especially as they were taught in the classroom. There was undeniably a coherent prescriptive tradition, within which eighteenthcentury grammarians aimed to do three things: (1) to codify the principles of the language and reduce it to rule; (2) to settle disputed points and decide cases of divided usage; and (3) to point out common errors or what were supposed to be errors, and thus correct and improve the language. All three of these aims were pursued concurrently. (1) One of the things that the advocates of an academy had hoped it would do was to systematize the facts of English grammar and draw up rules by which all questions could be viewed and decided. In his Dictionary Johnson had declared, “When I took the first survey of my undertaking, I found our speech copious without order, and energetick without rules: wherever I turned my view, there was perplexity to be disentangled, and confusion to be regulated.” It was necessary to demonstrate that English was not incapable of orderly treatment, was not so “irregular and capricious” in its nature that it could not be reduced to rule and used with accuracy.33 As Lowth said in the preface to his grammar, “It doth not then proceed from any peculiar irregularity or difficulty of our Language, that the general practice both of speaking and writing it is chargeable with inaccuracy. It is not the Language, but the Practice that is in fault. The Truth is, Grammar is very much neglected among us: and it is not the difficulty of the Language, but on the contrary the simplicity and facility of it, that occasions this neglect. Were the Language less easy and simple, we should find ourselves under a necessity of studying it with more care and attention. But as it is, we take it for granted, that we have a competent knowledge and skill, and are able to acquit ourselves properly, in our own native tongue: a faculty, solely acquired by use, conducted by habit, and tried by the ear, carries us on without reflexion; we meet with no rubs or difficulties in our way, or we do not perceive them; we find ourselves able to go on without rules, and we do not so much as suspect, that we stand in need of them.” This need obviously had to be met. The grammarians of the eighteenth century would, without exception, have agreed with Campbell, whose Philosophy of Rhetoric has been mentioned above: “The man who, in a country like ours, should compile a succinct, perspicuous, and faithful digest of the laws, though no lawgiver, would be universally acknowledged to be a public benefactor.” And he adds that the grammarian is a similar benefactor in a different sphere. 33
John Ash, in the preface to his Grammatical Institutes, says: “…it has been supposed, even by Men of Learning, that the English Tongue is too vague, and untractable to be reduced to any certain Standard, or Rules of Construction.”
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(2) But the grammarian set himself up as a lawgiver as well. He was not content to record fact; he pronounced judgment. It seems to have been accepted as self-evident that of two alternate forms of expression one must be wrong. As nature abhors a vacuum, so the eighteenth-century grammarians hated uncertainty. A choice must be made; and once a question had been decided, all instances of contrary usage were unequivocally condemned. Of all the grammarians of this period only Priestley seems to have doubted the propriety of ex cathedra utterances and to have been truly humble before the facts of usage. (3) “The principal design of a Grammar of any Language,” says Lowth, “is to teach us to express ourselves with propriety in that Language; and to enable us to judge of every phrase and form of construction, whether it be right or not. The plain way of doing this is, to lay down rules, and to illustrate them by examples. But, beside shewing what is right, the matter may be further explained by pointing out what is wrong.” The last-named procedure is a prominent feature of his and other contemporary grammars. Indeed, one may question whether it is not too prominent. One grows weary in following the endless bickering over trivialities. However the grammarians might justify the treatment of errors pedagogically, one cannot escape the feeling that many of them took delight in detecting supposed flaws in the grammar of “our most esteemed writers” and exhibiting them with mild self-satisfaction. One wishes there had been more Priestleys, or grammarians who shared his opinion: “I… think a man cannot give a more certain mark of the narrowness of his mind… then to shew, either by his vanity with respect to himself, or the acrimony of his censure with respect to others, that this business is of much moment with him. We have infinitely greater things before us; and if these gain their due share of our attention, this subject, of grammatical criticism, will be almost nothing. The noise that is made about it, is one of the greatest marks of the frivolism of many readers, and writers too, of the present age.”34 200. The Beginnings of Prescriptive Grammar. To prescribe and to proscribe seem to have been coordinate aims of the grammarians. Many of the conventions now accepted and held up as preferable in our handbooks were first stated in this period. The prescriptive distinction between the two verbs lie and lay was apparently first specifically made in the second half of the eighteenth century; before that, intransitive lay was not considered a solecism. The expressions had rather, had better were condemned by Johnson, Lowth, and Campbell. Lowth says: “It has been very rightly observed, that the Verb had, in the common phrase, I had rather, is not properly used, either as an 34
Rudiments of English Grammar, Preface.
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Active or as an Auxiliary Verb; that, being in the Past time, it cannot in this case be properly expressive of time Present; and that it is by no means reducible to any Grammatical construction. In truth, it seems to have arisen from a mere mistake, in resolving the familiar and ambiguous abbreviation, I’d rather, into I had rather, instead of I would rather, which latter is the regular, analogous, and proper expression.” This attitude is still found in some current books. Various opinions were expressed on the propriety of using whose as the possessive of which, and in spite of historical justification, opposition to this use is still found among purists. The preference for different from (rather than different than or to) and the proscription of between you and I are among the attitudes which, generally speaking, have been subsequently approved in the standard speech. Such is the case also with the differentiation of between and among, the use of the comparative rather than the superlative where only two things are involved (the larger, not largest, of two), the feeling that incomparables such as perfect, chief, round, should not be compared (more perfect, etc.), the defense of from hence and the condemnation of this here and that there (although Webster defended these as ancient usage). Webster also defended you was as a singular, and the expression was certainly common in literature. But Lowth and Priestley and others were against it, and subsequent usage has settled upon were. It would be possible to point out many other matters of usage that were disputed by the grammarians. The nature of the questions considered, however, is sufficiently clear from those cited above. One or two more of special interest may be mentioned. The proper case after than and as was a question that troubled the eighteenth century greatly (he is taller than I, or me) but Lowth expressed the view that has since been accepted, that the pronoun is determined by the construction to be supplied or understood (he is older than she; he likes you better than me). Another puzzling question concerned the case before the gerund ( I don’t like him doing that or his doing that). His in this construction was vigorously opposed by Harris, Lowth, and others; but Webster held that this was “the genuine English idiom” and the only permissible form. His opinion has come to be the one widely held. Finally we may note that the eighteenth century is responsible for the condemnation of the double negative. Lowth stated the rule that we are now bound by: “Two Negatives in English destroy one another, or are equivalent to an Affirmative.” Thus a useful idiom was banished from polite speech. One important series of prescriptions that now forms part of all our grammars—that governing the use of shall and will—had its origin in this period. Previous to 1622 no English grammar recognized any distinction between these words. In 1653 Wallis in his Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae stated for the benefit of foreigners that simple futurity is expressed by shall in the first person, by will in the second and third. It was not until the second half of the eighteenth century, however, that the usage in questions and subordinate clauses was explicitly defined. In 1755 Johnson, in his Dictionary, stated the rule for questions, and in 1765 William Ward, in his Grammar of the English Language, drew up for the first time the full set of prescriptions that underlies, with individual variations, the rules found in modern books. His pronouncements were not followed generally by other grammarians until Lindley Murray gave them greater currency in 1795. Since about 1825 they have often been repeated in English grammars.35 Here, as elsewhere, the grammarians seem to have been making absolute what was apparently a
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common but not universal tendency in the written language, evident in the letter-writers of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.36 That the distinction was not observed in colloquial speech may be inferred from the language of plays, and today it is commonly ignored except by speakers who conform consciously to the rules or inherit a tradition which has been influenced by rules. 201. Methods of Approach. The considerations by which these questions were settled were three in number: reason, etymology, and the example of Latin and Greek. Dryden had asserted that “the foundation of the rules is reason.” But reason covered a multitude of sins. Johnson argued from it when he condemned the grammar is now printing,37 because the active participle was “vulgarly used in a passive sense.” By similar logic Lowth objected to I am mistaken, since it should properly mean I am misunderstood and not I am wrong. But reason was commonly taken to mean consistency or, as it was called, analogy. Analogy appeals to an instinct very common at all times in matters of language, the instinct for regularity. Even Priestley was influenced by it. “The chief thing to be attended to in the improvement of a language,” he says, “is the analogy of it. The more consistent are its principles, the more it is of a piece with itself, the more commodious it will be for use.” Consequently, where one expression could be paralleled by another in the language it was commonly preferred for that reason. Campbell erects this into one of his general “canons.” He says: “If by the former canon the adverbs backwards and for35
See Charles C.Fries, “The Periphrastic Future with shall and will in Modern English,” PMLA, 40 (1925), 963–1024. 36 For evidence drawn from letters of a preference for shall in the first person in simple future statements, see J.R.Hulbert, “On the Origin of the Grammarians’ Rules for the Use of shall and will,” PMLA, 62 (1947), 1178–82. For evidence that the grammarians’ rules for direct statements, indirect statements, and questions had a basis in usage, see J.Taglicht, “The Genesis of the Conventional Rules of Shall and Will,” English Studies, 51 (1970), 193–213. 37 On this construction see § 210.
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wards are preferable to backward and forward; by this canon, from the principle of analogy, afterwards and homewards should be preferred to afterward and homeward. Of the two adverbs thereabout and thereabouts, compounded of the particle there and the preposition, the former alone is analogical, there being no such word in the language as abouts. The same holds of hereabout and whereabout. In the verbs to dare and to need, many say, in the third person present singular, dare and need, as ‘he need not go’; ‘he dare not do it’ Others say, dares and needs. As the first usage is exceedingly irregular, hardly any thing less than uniform practice could authorize it.”38 It was also reasoned, however, that where two expressions often used interchangeably could be differentiated, it was better to make a distinction. Accordingly Campbell argued: “In the preposition toward and towards, and the adverbs forward and forwards, backward and backwards, the two forms are used indiscriminately. But as the first form in all these is also an adjective, it is better to confine the particles to the second. Custom, too, seems at present to lean this way.”39 The same consideration led Priestley to say, “As the paucity of inflections is the greatest defect in our language, we ought to take advantage of every variety that the practice of good authors will warrant; and therefore, if possible, make a participle different from the preterite of a verb; as, a book is written, not wrote; the ships are taken, not took” With this opinion Dr. Johnson was in sympathy. A second consideration was etymology. On this account Johnson and Lowth preferred averse from to averse to. Campbell again states this principle most fully. He says, “When etymology plainly points to a signification different from that which the word commonly bears, propriety and simplicity both require its dismission. I use the word plainly, because, when the etymology is from an ancient or foreign language, or from obsolete roots in our own language, or when it is obscure or doubtful, no regard should be had to it. The case is different, when the roots either are, or strongly appear to be, English, are in present use, and clearly suggest another meaning. Of this kind is the word beholden, for obliged or indebted. It should regularly be the passive participle of the verb to behold, which would convey a sense totally different. Not that I consider the term as equivocal, for in the last acceptation it hath long since been disused, having been supplanted by beheld. But the formation of the word is so analogical, as to make it have at least the appearance of impropriety, when used in a sense that seems naturally so foreign to it.”40 By the same reasoning he maintains, “The verb to unloose, should analogically 38
Philosophy of Rhetoric, I, 378–79. Ibid., I, 374–75. 40 Ibid., I, 397–98. 39
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signify to tie, in like manner as to untie signifies to loose. To what purpose is it then, to retain a term, without any necessity, in a signification the reverse of that which its etymology manifestly suggests?”41 Fortunately, the third consideration, occasionally made the basis on which questions of grammar were decided, the example of the classical languages, and especially of Latin, was not so commonly cited. It is true that Johnson is quoted as saying, “It is, seriously, my opinion, that every language must be servilely formed after the model of some one of the ancient, if we wish to give durability to our works.”42 Such an attitude derived in part from concerns with universal grammar, which Harris defines as “that grammar, which without regarding the several idioms of particular languages, only respects those principles, that are essential to them all.”43 Harris was more interested in the philosophical problems involving language than in any practical applications that discussions of those problems might have.44 There were other grammarians with more normative goals who found it natural to turn descriptive comparisons into prescriptive rules, especially since most of the ideas of universal grammar were derived from the literary traditions of Latin and Greek. In the course of the eighteenth century a fairly definite feeling grew up that there were more disadvantages than advantages in trying to fit English into the pattern of Latin grammar, and though its example was called upon by one even so late as Noah Webster and is occasionally appealed to even today, this approach to grammatical questions was fortunately not often consciously employed. The interest in universal grammar for its own sake waned during the following century, and it was not until the mid-twentieth century that the works of Wilkins, Harris, and other philosophically oriented grammarians in England and France were revived as precursors of generative approaches to linguistic analysis (see § 255). 202. The Doctrine of Usage. In the latter half of the eighteenth century we find the beginnings of the modern doctrine that the most important criterion of language is usage. Sporadic recognition of this principle is encountered in the previous century, doubtless inspired by the dictum of Horace that “use is the sole arbiter and norm of speech.” Thus John Hughes, who quotes the remark of Horace, says in his essay Of Style (1698) that “general acceptation…is the only standard of speech.” In the fifty years following, Dennis, Johnson, and Chesterfield spoke to the same effect. In the Plan of his dictionary, Johnson said, “It is not in our power to have recourse to any estab41
Ibid., I, 398. Leonard, Doctrine of Correctness, p. 50. 43 Hermes (1751), p. x. 44 Ibid., pp. 293–96. 42
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lished laws of speech; but we must remark how the writers of former ages have used the same word…. I shall therefore, since the rules of stile, like those of law, arise from precedents often repeated, collect the testimonies on both sides, and endeavour to discover and promulgate the decrees of custom, who has so long possessed, whether by right or by usurpation, the sovereignty of words.” But he constantly strayed from his intention. Chesterfield spoke in similar terms: “Every language has its peculiarities; they are established by usage, and whether right or wrong, they must be complied with. I could instance very many absurd ones in different languages; but so authorized by the jus et norma loquendi [Horace again], that they must be submitted to.” The person who more wholeheartedly than anyone else advocated the doctrine, however, was Joseph Priestley. His voluminous writings on chemistry, natural philosophy, theology, and politics have overshadowed his contributions to the study of language. In this field, however, as in all others, he was independent and original, and in his Rudiments of English Grammar (1761) he repeatedly insisted upon the importance of usage. “Our grammarians,” he says, “appear to me to have acted precipitately in this business” of writing a grammar of the language. “This will never be effected by the arbitrary rules of any man, or body of men whatever.” “It must be allowed, that the custom of speaking is the original and only just standard of any language. We see, in all grammars, that this is sufficient to establish a rule, even contrary to the strongest analogies of the language with itself. Must not this custom, therefore, be allowed to have some weight, in favour of those forms of speech, to which our best writers and speakers seem evidently prone…?” He states his own practice accordingly: “The best and the most numerous authorities have been carefully followed. Where they have been contradictory, recourse hath been had to analogy, as the last resource. If this should decide for neither of two contrary practices, the thing must remain undecided, till all-governing custom shall declare in favour of the one or the other.” In his lectures on the Theory of Language, written the following year, he again affirmed his creed: “In modern and living languages, it is absurd to pretend to set up the compositions of any person or persons whatsoever as the standard of writing, or their conversation as the invariable rule of speaking. With respect to custom, laws, and every thing that is changeable, the body of a people, who, in this respect, cannot but be free, will certainly assert their liberty, in making what innovations they judge to be expedient and useful. The general prevailing custom, whatever it happen to be, can be the only standard for the time that it prevails.”45 45
Theological and Miscellaneous Works (25 vols., n.p., n.d.), XXIII, 198.
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Of almost equal importance in representing this point of view, and perhaps more influential in giving it currency, was George Campbell, whose Philosophy of Rhetoric (1776) in two substantial volumes has already been referred to. Proceeding from Priestley’s position, which he refers to with approval, he states his own views in very similar terms: “Language is purely a species of fashion…. It is not the business of grammar, as some critics seem preposterously to imagine, to give law to the fashions which regulate our speech. On the contrary, from its conformity to these, and from that alone, it derives all its authority and value. For, what is the grammar of any language? It is no other than a collection of general observations methodically digested, and comprising all the modes previously and independently established, by which the significations, derivations, and combinations of words in that language, are ascertained. It is of no consequence here to what causes originally these modes or fashions owe their existence, to imitation, to reflection, to affectation, or to caprice; they no sooner obtain and become general, than they are laws of the language, and the grammarian’s only business is to note, collect, and methodise them.”46 This sounds peculiarly modern. What is even more important, however, is the fact that Campbell did not stop here but went on to inquire what constituted this body of usage that he recognized as so authoritative. And he defined it as present, national, and reputable use, a definition so reasonable and sound that it has been accepted ever since. It is so well known that it needs no explanation other than the remark that by reputable use Campbell meant “whatever modes of speech are authorized as good by the writings of a great number, if not the majority of celebrated authors.” The difference between Priestley and Campbell is that whereas Campbell expounded the doctrine of usage with admirable clarity and then violated it, Priestley was almost everywhere faithful to his principles. Campbell is frankly inconsistent. In one place he holds “that to the tribunal of use, as to the supreme authority, and consequently, in every grammatical controversy, the last resort, we are entitled to appeal from the laws and the decisions of grammarians; and that this order of subordination ought never, on any account, to be reversed.” In another passage, however, he says that everything favored by good use is “not on that account worthy to be retained” and he sets up canons by which features of the language sanctioned by good use may be pronounced objectionable and discarded. Thus Priestley stands alone in his unwavering loyalty to usage. After the perpetual dogmatizing of other eighteenth-century grammarians, it is refreshing to find on almost every page of his grammar statements like “This may be said to be ungrammatical; or, at least, a very harsh ellipsis; but custom authorizes it, and many more departures from strict grammar, particularly in conversation.” “The word lesser, though condemned by Dr. Johnson, and other English grammarians, is often used by good writers.” “It is very common to see the superlative used for the comparative degree, when only two persons or things are spoken of…. This is a very pardonable oversight.” “The word whose begins likewise to be restricted to persons, but it is not done so generally but that good writers, and even in prose, use it when speaking of things.” “A language can never be properly fixed, till all the varieties with which it is used, have been held forth to public view, and the general preference of certain forms have been declared, by the general practice afterwards. Whenever I have mentioned any variety in the grammatical forms that are
The appeal to authority, 1650-1800
used to express the same thing, I have seldom scrupled to say which of them I prefer; but this is to be understood as nothing more than a conjecture, which time must confirm or refute.” One must come down almost to our own day to find an attitude so tolerant and so liberal. And the doctrine of usage is so fundamental to all sound discussion of linguistic matters that it is important to recognize the man in whom it first found real expression. 203. Results. If we attempt to view the work of the eighteenth-century grammarians in retrospect and estimate the results that they achieved, we shall find them not inconsiderable. It must be remembered that consciously or unconsciously these grammarians were attempting to “ascertain” the language and to give definiteness and order to a body of hitherto uncodified practice. As a consequence it could no longer be said that English was a language without rules. It might almost be said that we had too many rules. Some of them have since been set aside. Others are of doubtful validity, although they still find a place in our handbooks and are imposed upon those who consider conformity to supposed authority a sufficient criterion of correctness. But though we may recognize that the grounds on which decisions were reached were often faulty, and the decisions themselves were often arbitrary, we must admit that a considerable number of disputed points, rightly or wrongly, were settled and have since become established. Some of the more significant of these have already been mentioned. Thus, with the codification of usage and the settlement of many matters that were in dispute, much of the uncertainty that troubled Dryden and Swift was removed. For this and other reasons English escaped the artificial restraints and the repressive influence of an academy. 204. Weakness of the Early Grammarians. While acknowledging the results attained by the eighteenth-century grammarians and reformers, it is necessary to emphasize the serious limitations in nearly all of them. Their greatest weakness was, of course, their failure, except in one or two conspicuous cases, to recognize the importance of usage as the sole arbiter in linguistic matters. They did not realize, or refused to acknowledge, that changes in language often appear to be capricious and unreasonable—in other words, are the result of forces too complex to be fully analyzed or predicted. Accordingly, they approached most questions in the belief that they could be solved by logic and that the solutions could be imposed upon the world by authoritative decree. Hence the constant attempt to legislate one construction into use and another out of use. In this attempt little or no recognition was shown for the legitimacy of divided usage. Thus, as Noah Webster pointed out, every time they refused to base their statements on the facts of current use they were also refusing to preserve an agreement between books and practice and were contributing “very much to create and perpetuate differences between the written and spoken language.” At the root of all their mistakes was their ignorance of the processes of linguistic change. The historical study of English was still in its infancy,47 and though the materials were rapidly becoming available on
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which sounder opinions could be formed, most people in the eighteenth century did not realize their importance. 205. Attempts to Reform the Vocabulary. Similar weaknesses characterized the attempts to reform the vocabulary at this time. Everyone felt competent to “purify” the language by proscribing words and expressions because they were too old or too new, or were slang or cant or harsh sounding, or for no other reason than that they disliked them. Swift’s aversions have already been referred to. “I have done my best,” he said, “for some Years past to stop the Progress of Mobb and Banter, but have been plainly borne down by Numbers, and betrayed by those who promised to assist me.” George Harris objected to expressions such as chaulking out a way, handling a subject, driving a bargain, and bolstering up an argument. In a volume of Sketches by “Launcelot Temple” the author attacks encroach, inculcate, purport, betwixt, methinks, and subject-matter. Of the last he says: “in the Name of every thing that’s disgusting and detestable, what is it? Is it one or two ugly words? 47
The study of Old English had its beginnings in the Reformation in an effort on the part of the reformers to prove the continuity and independence of the English church and its doctrines. This motive was accompanied by the desire to discredit the doctrine of the divine right of kings and to find the source of English law and administrative practice. The first specimen of the language to be printed, Ælfric’s Easter homily, appeared about 1566–1567 in a volume called A Testimonie of Antiquity. In 1659 William Somner published a Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum, the first Old English dictionary. In 1689 the first Old English grammar was published, the work of George Hickes. In 1755 the first permanent chair of Anglo-Saxon was established at Oxford by Richard Rawlinson. See Eleanor N. Adams, Old English Scholarship in England from 1566–1800 (New Haven, CT, 1917); Ewald Flügel, “The History of English Philology,” Flügel Memorial Volume (Stanford University, 1916), pp. 9–35; M. Sue Hetherington, The Beginnings of Old English Lexicography (Austin, 1980); and Carl T.Berkhout and Milton McC.Gatch, eds., Anglo-Saxon Scholarship: TheFirst Three Centuries (Boston, 1982).
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What’s the Meaning of it? Confound me if I ever could guess! Yet one dares hardly ever peep into a Preface, for fear of being stared in the Face with this nasty Subject Matter.” Campbell, referring to the strictures in this volume, says: “I think there is at present a greater risk of going too far in refining, than of not going far enough. The ears of some critics are immoderately delicate.” Yet he himself has his own list of words to be banned, some of which “though favoured by custom, being quite unnecessary, deserve to be exploded. Such, amongst others, are the following: the workmanship of God, for the work of God; a man of war, for a ship of war; and a merchantman, for a trading vessel. The absurdity in the last two instances is commonly augmented by the words connected in the sequel, in which, by the application of the pronouns she and her, we are made to understand that the man spoken of is a female. I think this gibberish ought to be left entirely to mariners; amongst whom, I suppose, it hath originated.” He objected to other words because “they have a pleonastic appearance. Such are the following, unto, until, selfsame, foursquare, devoid, despoil, disannul, muchwhat, oftentimes, nowadays, downfall, furthermore, wherewithal; for to, till, same, square, void, spoil, annul, much, often, now, fall, further, wherewith. The use of such terms many writers have been led into, partly from the dislike of monosyllables, partly from the love of variety…. However, with regard to the words specified, it would not be right to preclude entirely the use of them in poetry, where the shackles of metre render variety more necessary, but they ought to be used very sparingly, if at all, in prose.” Individual objection to particular expressions is not confined to the eighteenth century, but it is here a part of the prevailing attitude toward language. Most of the words criticized are still in use, and these misguided efforts to ban them show the futility of trying to interfere with the natural course of linguistic history. 206. Objection to Foreign Borrowings. The concern that the eighteenth century expressed for the purity of the language included what seems like an undue apprehension that English was being ruined by the intrusion of foreign words, especially French. Defoe observed that “an Englishman has his mouth full of borrow’d phrases…he is always borrowing other men’s language.”48 And in his Review (October 10, 1708) he complained: “I cannot but think that the using and introducing foreign terms of art or foreign words into speech while our language labours under no penury or scarcity of words is an intolerable grievance.” Shortly before, Dryden had expressed a similar feeling: “I cannot approve of their way of refining, who corrupt our English idiom by mixing it too much with French: that is a sophistication of language, not an 48
Complete English Gentleman, p. 220.
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improvement of it; a turning English into French, rather than a refining of English by French. We meet daily with those fops who value themselves on their travelling, and pretend they cannot express their meaning in English, because they would put off on us some French phrase of the last edition; without considering that, for aught they know, we have a better of our own. But these are not the men who are to refme us; their talent is to prescribe fashions, not words.”49 The feeling was very common. In 1711 Addison wrote in the Spectator (No. 165): “I have often wished, that as in our constitution there are several persons whose business is to watch over our laws, our liberties, and commerce, certain men might be set apart as superintendents of our language, to hinder any words of a foreign coin, from passing among us; and in particular to prohibit any French phrases from becoming current in this kingdom, when those of our own stamp are altogether as valuable.” Even quite late in the century Campbell could say, “Nay, our language is in greater danger of being overwhelmed by an inundation of foreign words, than of any other species of destruction.” It is not difficult to see how French was in a strong position to influence English at this time. The language was then at the height of its prestige. It was used at almost every court in Europe. The knowledge of the language among the upper classes in England was quite general, equaled only by the ignorance of English on the part of the French. Sheridan, speaking of the widespread use of Latin in the Middle Ages, says that it was written by all the learned of Europe “with as much fluency and facility as the polite now speak or write French.” Travel in France was considered a necessary part of one’s education, and the cultural relations between the two countries were very close. And yet the danger does not seem to have been acute. The number of French words admitted to the language in the period from 1650 to 1800 was not unusually large.50 The Oxford English Dictionary records a fair number that did not win permanent acceptance, but among those that have been retained are such useful words as ballet, boulevard, brunette, canteen, cartoon, champagne, chenille, cohesion, coiffure, connoisseur, coquette, coterie, dentist, negligee, patrol, pique, publicity, routine, soubrette, syndicate. Most of these are words that we could ill afford to lose. Time has again done the sifting and clearly done it well. 207. The Expansion of the British Empire. When we take our eyes from the internal problems which the language was facing and the English were attempting to solve, we observe that in this period the foundations were 49 50
Dramatic Poetry of the Last Age. See table in footnote, § 133.
The appeal to authority, 1650-1800
being laid for that wide extension of English in the world which has resulted in its use throughout more than a quarter of the earth’s surface. Although we occasionally come across references by those who wrote about the language suggesting that the reforms they hoped for and the changes they were suggesting would be advantageous to the language in its use abroad, it is doubtful whether the future spread of the English language was suspected any more than the growth of the empire itself. For the British Empire was not the result of a consciously planned and aggressively executed program but the product of circumstances and often of chance. England entered the race for colonial territory late. It was the end of the fifteenth century that witnessed the voyages which opened up the East and the West to European exploitation. And when Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492 and Vasco de Gama reached India in 1498 by way of the Cape of Good Hope, their achievements were due to Spanish and Portuguese enterprise. It was only when the wealth of America and India began pouring into Spanish and Portuguese coffers that the envy and ambition of other countries were aroused. In the sixteenth century Spain was the greatest of the European powers, but it spent its wealth on a prolonged and exhausting effort to protect its imperial lands and titles in Europe. Furthermore, its maritime communications with the New World were all too attractive to French, Dutch, and English predators. Thereafter England’s real rival for a colonial empire was France. The English settlements at Jamestown and Plymouth were the beginning of a process of colonization in North America that soon gave to England the Atlantic seaboard. The French settlements began in Montreal, Quebec, and on the St. Lawrence, and then pressed vigorously to the west and south, toward the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. Wolfe’s victory (1759) over Montcalm paved the way for the ultimate control of much of this continent by the English. Although the American Revolution deprived England of one of its most promising colonies, it did not prevent the language of this region from remaining English. Meanwhile England was getting a foothold in India. At the end of the sixteenth century the revolt of the Netherlands and their rapid rise as a maritime power soon brought the Dutch into active competition with the Portuguese in the trade with India. Inspired by the Dutch example, the English entered the contest and in 1600 the East India Company was founded to promote this trade, establishing settlements at Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta. In the reign of Louis XIV the French formed similar settlements not far from Calcutta and Madras. By the middle of the eighteenth century the two great rivals in India, as in America, were England and France. Largely through the accomplishments of a young Englishman named Robert Clive, a clerk in the East India Company with a genius for military matters, the struggle that ensued ended in a series of triumphs for the English, and in the course of another century an area almost equal to that of European Russia became part of the British Empire. The beginnings of the English occupation of Australia also occurred in the eighteenth century. In 1768 the Royal Society persuaded the king to sponsor an expedition into those parts of the Pacific to observe the transit of Venus across the sun. The Admiralty provided a ship and placed it under the command of an extraordinarily skillful seaman, Captain James Cook. After the astronomical observations had been completed he executed his secret Admiralty orders to explore any lands in the neighborhood. He sailed around the islands of New Zealand and then continued 1,200 miles westward until he
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reached Australia. In both places he planted the British flag. A few years later the English discovered a use to which this territory could be put. The American Revolution had deprived them of a convenient place to which to deport criminals. The prisons were overcrowded, and in 1787 it was decided to send several shiploads of convicts to Australia. Soon after, the discovery that sheep raising could be profitably carried on in the country led to considerable immigration, which later became a stampede when gold was discovered on the continent in 1851. The colonizing of Africa was largely the work of the nineteenth century, although it had its start likewise at the close of the eighteenth century. Early in the Napoleonic Wars Holland had come under the control of France, and in 1795 England seized the Dutch settlement at Cape Town. From this small beginning sprang the control of England over a large part of South Africa. This is not the place to pursue the complicated story of the English penetration of Africa: how the missionary efforts and the explorations of Livingstone played their part and had their culmination in the work of a visionary financier and empire builder, Cecil Rhodes. Nor can we pause over the financial embarrassments of Egypt and Britain’s acquisition of control over the Suez Canal which led to the British protectorate over the region of the Nile. Our interest is merely in sketching in the background for the extension of the English language and the effect that this extension had upon it. 208. Some Effects of Expansion on the Language. Apart from the greatly enlarged sphere of activity that the English language thus acquired and the increased opportunity for local variation that has naturally resulted, the most obvious effects of English expansion are to be seen in the vocabulary. New territories mean new experiences, new activities, new products, all of which are in time reflected in the language. Trade routes have always been important avenues for the transmission of ideas and words. Contact with Na-tive Americans resulted in a number of characteristic words such as caribou, hickory, hominy, moccasin, moose, opossum, papoose, raccoon, skunk, squaw, terrapin, toboggan, tomahawk, totem, wampum, and wigwam. From other parts of America, especially where the Spanish and the Portuguese were settled, we have derived many more words, chiefly through Spanish. Thus we have in English Mexican words such as chili, chocolate, coyote, tomato; from Cuba and the West Indies come barbecue, cannibal, canoe, hammock, hurricane, maize, potato, tobacco; from Peru we get through the same channel alpaca, condor, jerky, llama, pampas, puma, quinine; from Brazil and other South American regions buccaneer, cayenne, jaguar, petunia, poncho, tapioca. British contact with the East has been equally productive of new words. From India come bandana, bangle, bengal, Brahman, bungalow, calico, cashmere, cheroot, china, chintz, coolie, cot, curry, dinghy, juggernaut, jungle, jute, loot, mandarin, nirvana, pariah, polo, punch (drink), pundit, rajah, rupee, sepoy, thug, toddy, tom-tom, and verandah. From a little farther east come gingham, indigo, mango, and seersucker, the last an East Indian corruption of a Persian expression meaning ‘milk and sugar’ and transferred to a striped linen material. From Africa, either directly from the Africans or from Dutch and Portuguese traders, we obtain banana, Boer, boorish, chimpanzee, gorilla, guinea, gumbo, Hottentot, palavar, voodoo, and zebra. Australia later contributed
The appeal to authority, 1650-1800
new terms to the general language. Boomerang and kangaroo are interesting examples of native words that have passed into universal use. Other words are sometimes found in the English of Australians—wombat, a kind of burrowing animal, paramatta, a light dress fabric, and cooey, a signal cry used by the aborigines and adopted by the colonists; one is said to be ‘within cooey’ of Sydney when within an easy journey of the city. Thus, one of the reasons for the cosmopolitan character of the English vocabulary today is seen to be the multitude of contacts the English language has had with other tongues in widely scattered parts of the world. 209. Development of Progressive Verb Forms. Before concluding this survey of the factors affecting the language in the eighteenth century we must notice in particular one characteristic development in English grammar. In a work such as this it is impossible to follow in detail the history of each part of speech. All that can be done is to indicate the more important grammatical changes that have taken place since Old English times and to note such new developments as are of most significance in the language of today. Of these, one of great importance concerns the verb. Where French says je chante or German ich singe, English may say I sing, I do sing, or I am singing. The do-forms are often called emphatic forms, and this they sometimes are; but their most important uses are in negative and interrogative sentences (I don’t sing, do you sing). The forms with to be and the present participle are generally called progressive forms because their most common use is to indicate an action as being in progress at the time implied by the auxiliary. The wide extension of the use of progressive forms is one of the most important developments of the English verb in the modern period. In Old English such expressions as he wœs lærende (he was teaching) are occasionally found, but usually in translations from Latin.51 In early Middle English, progressive forms are distinctly rare, and although their number increases in the course of the Middle English period,52 we must credit their development mainly to the period since the sixteenth century. The chief factor in their growth is the use of the participle as a noun governed by the preposition on (he burst out on laughing).53 This weakened to he burst out a-laughing and finally to he burst out laughing. In the same way he was on laughing became he was a-laughing and he was laughing. Today such forms are freely used in all tenses (is laughing, was laughing, will be laughing, etc.). 51
A thorough study of the contexts in which this pattern occurs in Old English, including contexts not influenced by Latin, is by Gerhard Nickel, Die Expanded Form im Altenglischen (Neumünster, Germany, 1966). 52 A valuable list of early occurrences is given in W.Van der Gaff, “Some Notes on the History of the Progressive Form,” Neophilologus, 15 (1930), 201–15. 53 In Middle English, forms without the preposition are usually accompanied by an adverb like always, all day, etc. (cf. Chaucer’s syngynge he was, or floytynge, al the day).
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210. The Progressive Passive. The extension of such forms to the passive (the house is being built) was an even later development. It belongs to the very end of the eighteenth century. Old English had no progressive passive. Such an expression as the man is loved, feared, hated is progressive only in so far as the verbs loving, fearing, hating imply a continuous state. But no such force attaches to the man is killed, which does not mean the man is being killed but indicates a completed act. The construction the man is on laughing was capable also of a passive significance under certain circumstances. Thus the house is on building can suggest only that the house is in process of construction. This use is found from the fourteenth century on, and in its weakened form the construction is not unknown today. Colloquially, at least, we say there is nothing doing at the mill this week. The dinner is cooking and the coffee is brewing are familiar expressions. In some parts of America one may hear there’s a new barn a-building down the road. When the preposition was completely lost (on building>a-building>building) the form became the house is building. Because such an expression may at times be either active or passive, it had obvious limitations. Thus the wagon is making is a passive, but the wagon is making a noise is active. And whenever the subject of the sentence is animate or capable of performing the action, the verb is almost certain to be in the active voice (the man is building a house). With some verbs the construction was impossible in a passive sense. Thus the idea he is always being called could not be expressed by he is always calling. In the last years of the eighteenth century we find the first traces of our modern expression the house is being built. The combination of being with a past participle to form a participial phrase had been in use for some time. Shakespeare says: which, being kept close, might move more grief to hide (Hamlet). This is thought to have suggested the new verb phrase. The earliest instance of the construction that has been noted is from the year 1769.54 In 1795 Robert Southey wrote: a fellow, whose uppermost upper grinder is being torn out by a mutton-fisted barber. It seems first to have been recognized in an English grammar in 1802.55 As yet it is generally used only in the present and simple past tense (is or was being built). We can hardly say the house has been being built for two years, and we avoid saying it will be being built next spring. The history of the new progressive passive shows that English is a living and growing thing, that its grammar is not fixed, that it will continue to change in the future as it has changed in the past, even if more slowly. If the need is felt for a new and better way of 54
OED, s.v. be. The history of this construction was first traced by Fitzedward Hall in his book Modern English (New York, 1873). Much valuable material is assembled by Alfred Akerlund in On the History of the Definite Tenses in English (Cambridge, UK, 1911). See also Jespersen, Modern English Grammar, vol. 4 (1931), and Fernand Mossé, Histoire de la forme périphrastique être+ participe présent en germanique (2 parts, Paris, 1938). 55
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expressing an idea, we may rest assured that a way will be found. But it is interesting to note that even so useful a construction was at first resisted by many as an unwarranted innovation. Although supported by occasional instances in Coleridge, Lamb, Landor, Shelley, Cardinal Newman, and others, it was consciously avoided by some (Macaulay, for example) and vigorously attacked by others. In 1837 a writer in the North American Review condemned it as “an outrage upon English idiom, to be detested, abhorred, execrated, and given over to six thousand penny-paper editors.” And even so enlightened a student of language as Marsh, in 1859, noted that it “has widely spread, and threatens to establish itself as another solecism.” “The phrase ‘the house is being built’ for ‘the house is building’, “he says, “is an awkward neologism, which neither convenience, intelligibility, nor syntactical congruity demands, and the use of which ought therefore to be discountenanced, as an attempt at the artificial improvement of the language in a point which needed no amendment.”56 Artificial it certainly was not. Nothing seems to have been more gradual and unpremeditated in its beginnings. But, as late as 1870 Richard Grant White devoted thirty pages of his Words and Their Uses to an attack upon what still seemed to him a neologism. Although the origin of the construction can be traced back to the latter part of the eighteenth century, its establishment in the language and ultimate acceptance required the better part of a century. BIBLIOGRAPHY For a well-rounded introduction to the quantity and variety of seventeenth-century publication see Douglas Bush, English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600–1660 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1962). On the incidence of literacy, David Cressy, Literacy and the Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England (Cambridge, UK, 1980) is the standard work. Barbara J.Shapiro’s Probability and Certainty in Seventeenth-Century England (Princeton, 1983) provides the essential background for understanding the impact of the new learning on controversies about the English language. Brian Vickers, “The Royal Society and English Prose Style: A Reassessment,” in Rhetoric and the Pursuit of Truth: Language Change in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1985) is of central importance to an ongoing debate. Linguistic aspects of the issues raised may be approached through the essays of Hans Aarsleff, collected in From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History (Minneapolis, MN, 1982) and in the studies of various scholars edited by Joseph L.Subbiondo, John Wilkins and 17th-Century British Linguistics (Amsterdam, 1992). Robert Adolph, in The Rise of Modern Prose Style (Cambridge, MA, 1968), argues that a utilitarian plain style achieved ascendancy during the Restoration period. The appeal to authority and its reflection in the efforts to set up an academy are discussed in detail by H.M.Flasdieck, Der Gedanke einer englischen Sprachakademie (Jena, Germany, 1928), where references to the previous literature will be found. D.M.Robertson, A History of the French Academy (London, 1910), treats the model which Swift and others had most in mind. The fullest study of Johnson’s dictionary, by James H.Sledd and Gwin J.Kolb, Dr. Johnson’s Dictionary: Essays in the Biography of a Book (Chicago, 1955) can be complemented by Allen Reddick, The Making of Johnson’s Dictionary, 1746–1773 (Cambridge, UK, 1990), which 56
George P.Marsh, Lectures on the English Language (4th ed., New York, 1872), p. 649.
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examines newly available manuscript materials. Sterling A.Leonard’s The Doctrine of Correctness in English Usage, 1700–1800 (Madison, WI, 1929) surveys the points most often in dispute among the eighteenth-century grammarians. The most comprehensive study of early grammars of English is lan Michael, English Grammatical Categories and the Tradition to 1800 (Cambridge, UK, 1970). A full list of the works of the grammarians will be found in Kennedy’s Bibliography, supplemented by R.C.Alston, A Bibliography of the English Language…to the Year 1800 (Leeds, UK, 1965–87). Important also are A.F.Bryan’s “Notes on the Founders of Prescriptive English Grammar,” Manly Anniversary Studies (Chicago, 1923), pp. 383–93, and “A Late Eighteenth-Century Purist” (George Campbell), Studies in Philology, 23 (1926), 358– 70. The special circumstances of the Scottish grammatical tradition and Scottish pronunciation are treated by Charles Jones in A Language Suppressed: The Pronunciation of the Scots Language in the 18th Century (Edinburgh, 1995). A useful collection of excerpts from sixteenth- to eighteenth-century writings is Susie I.Tucker, English Examined: Two Centuries of Comment on the Mother-Tongue (Cambridge, UK, 1961). The same author’s Protean Shape: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Vocabulary and Usage (London, 1967) discusses a large number of words that have undergone semantic change since the eighteenth century. The borrowings from French in this period are treated by Anton Ksoll, Die französischen Lehn-und Fremdwörter in der englischen Sprache der Restaurationszeit (Breslau, 1933), and Paul Leidig, Französische Lehnwörter und Lehnbedeutungen im Englischen des 18. Jahrhunderts: Ein Spiegelbild französischer Kultureinwirkung (Bochum–Langendreer, Germany, 1941; Beiträge zur engl. Philologie, no. 37). The best brief account of British overseas trade and settlement is still James A. Williamson, A Short History of British Expansion (2 vols., 6th ed., London and New York, 1967). For a fuller treatment of the development of progressive verb forms the student may consult the works referred to in §§ 209–10.
10 The Nineteenth Century and After 211. Influences Affecting the Language. The events of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries affecting the English-speaking countries have been of great political and social importance, but in their effect on the language they have not been revolutionary. The success of the British on the sea in the course of the Napoleonic Wars, culminating in Nelson’s famous victory at Trafalgar in 1805, left England in a position of undisputed naval supremacy and gave it control over most of the world’s commerce. The war against Russia in the Crimea (1854–1856) and the contests with princes in India had the effect of again turning English attention to the East. The great reform measures—the reorganization of parliament, the revision of the penal code and the poor laws, the restrictions placed on child labor, and the other industrial reforms—were important factors in establishing English society on a more democratic basis. They lessened the distance between the upper and the lower classes and greatly increased the opportunities for the mass of the population to share in the economic and cultural advantages that became available in the course of the century. The establishment of the first cheap newspaper (1816) and of cheap postage (1840) and the improved means of travel and communication brought about by the railroad, the steamboat, and the telegraph had the effect of uniting more closely the different parts of Britain and of spreading the influence of the standard speech. During the first half of the twentieth century the world wars and the troubled periods following them affected the life of almost everyone and left their mark on the language. At the same time, the growth in importance of some of England’s larger colonies, their eventual in-dependence, and the rapid development of the United States have given increased significance to the forms of English spoken in these territories and have led their populations to the belief that their use of the language is as entitled to be considered a standard as that of Great Britain. Some of these events and changes are reflected in the English vocabulary. But more influential in this respect are the great developments in science and the rapid progress that has been made in every field of intellectual activity in the last 200 years. Periods of great enterprise and activity seem generally to be accompanied by a corresponding increase in new words. This is the more true when all classes of the people participate in such activity, both in work and play, and share in its benefits. Accordingly, the great developments in industry, the increased public interest in sports and amusements, and the many improvements in the mode of living, in which even the humblest worker has shared, have all contributed to the vocabulary. The last two centuries offer an excellent opportunity to observe the relation between a civilization and the language which is an expression of it.
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212. The Growth of Science. The most striking thing about our present-day civilization is probably the part that science has played in bringing it to pass. We have only to think of the progress that has been made in medicine and the sciences auxiliary to it, such as bacteriology, biochemistry, and the like, to realize the difference that marks off our own day from that of only a few generations ago in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and cure of disease. Or we may pause to reflect upon the relatively short period that separates the Wright brothers, making history’s first powered and controlled airplane flight, from the landings of astronauts on the moon, the operation of a space shuttle, and the voyages of spacecraft past the outer planets of the solar system. In every field of science, pure and applied, there has been need in the last two centuries for thousands of new terms. The great majority of these are technical words known only to the specialist, but a certain number of them in time become familiar to the layperson and pass into general use. In the field of medicine this is particularly apparent. We speak familiarly of anemia, appendicitis, arteriosclerosis, difftcult as the word is, of bronchitis, diphtheria, and numerous other diseases and ailments. We use with some sense of their meaning words like bacteriology, immunology, orthodontics, and the acronym AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). We maintain clinics, administer an antitoxin or an anesthetic, and vaccinate for smallpox. We have learned the names of drugs like aspirin, iodine, insulin, morphine, and we acquire without effort the names of antibiotics, such as penicillin, streptomycin, and a whole family of sulfa compounds. We speak of adenoids, endocrine glands, and hormones and know the uses of the stethoscope, the EKG (electrocardiogram), and the CAT scan (computerized axial tomography). We refer to the combustion of food in the body as metabolism, distinguish between proteins and carbohydrates, know that a dog can digest bones because he has certain enzymes or digestive fluids in his stomach, and say that a person who has the idiosyncrasy of being made ill by certain foods has an allergy. Cholesterol is now a part of everyone’s vocabulary, and there is an awareness that some fats are polyunsaturated. All of these words have come into use during the nineteenth and, in some cases, the twentieth century. In almost every other field of science the same story could be told. In the field of electricity words like dynamo, commutator, alternating current, arc light have been in the language since about 1870. Physics has made us familiar with terms like calorie, electron, ionization, ultraviolet rays, quantum mechanics, and relativity, though we don’t always have an exact idea of what they mean. The development of atomic energy and nuclear weapons has given us radioactive, hydrogen bomb, chain reaction, fallout, and meltdown. In recent years laser, superconducting supercollider, quasar, and pulsar have come into common use; and black holes, quarks, the big bang model, and superstrings have captured the popular imagination. Chemistry has contributed so many common words that it is difficult to make a selection—alkali, benzine, creosote, cyanide, formaldehyde, nitroglycerine, radium, to say nothing of such terms as biochemical, petrochemical, and the like. The psychologist has taught us to speak of schizophrenia, extrovert and introvert, behaviorism, inhibition, defense mechanism, inferiority complex, bonding, and psychoanalysis. Originally scientific words and expressions such as ozone, natural selection, stratosphere, DNA (for deoxyribonudeic acid) became familiar through
The nineteenth century and after
the popularity of certain books or scientific reports in magazines and newspapers. Among the most publicized events since the 1960s have been the achievements of space and engineering in the exploration of space. In addition to astronaut and cosmonaut, space science has given us dozens of new words, especially compounds like spacecraft, space shuttle, launch pad, countdown, blast off, flyby, command module. Consciously or unconsciously, we have become scientifically minded in the last few generations, and our vocabularies reflect this extension of our consciousness and interest. 213. Automobile, Film, Broadcasting, Computer. Scientific discoveries and inventions do not always influence the language in proportion to their importance. It is doubtful whether the radio and motion pictures are more important than the telephone, but they have brought more new words into general use. Such additions to the vocabulary depend more upon the degree to which the discovery or invention enters into the life of the community. This can be seen especially in the many new words or new uses of old words that have re-sulted from the popularity of the automobile and the numerous activities associated with it. Many an old word is now used in a special sense. Thus we park a car, and the verb to park scarcely suggests to the average driver anything except leaving his or her car along the side of a street or road or in a parking space. But the word is an old one, used as a military term (to park cannon) and later in reference to carriages. The word automobile is new, but such words as sedan (saloon in Britain) and coupe are terms adapted from earlier types of vehicles. The American truck is the British lorry to which we may attach a trailer. We have learned new words or new meanings in carburetor, spark plug (British sparking plug), choke, clutch, gearshift (British gear lever), piston rings, differential, universal, steering wheel, shock absorber, radiator, hood (British bonnet), windshield (in Britain windscreen), bumper, chassis, hubcap, power steering, automatic transmission, and turbocharger. We engage cruise control, have a blowout, use radial tires, carry a spare, drive a convertible or station wagon (British estate car), and put the car in a garage. We may tune up the engine or stall it, or we may skid, cut in, sideswipe another car and be fined for speeding or running a traffic light. We must buy gas in America and petrol in Britain. Many more examples could be added to terms familiar to every motorist, to illustrate further what is already sufficiently clear, the way in which a new thing that becomes genuinely popular makes demands upon and extends the resources of the language. The same principle might be illustrated by film, radio, and television. The words cinema and moving picture date from 1899, whereas the alternative motion picture is somewhat later. Screen, reel, film, scenario, projector, closeup, fade-out are now common, and although the popularity of three-D (or 3-D) as a cinematic effect was shortlived, the word is still used. The word radio in the sense of a receiving station dates from about 1925, and we get the first hint of television as early as 1904. Since many of the terms from radio broadcasting were applicable in the later development of television, it is not surprising to find a common vocabulary of broadcasting that includes broadcast itself, aerial, antenna, lead-in, loudspeaker, stand by, and solid-state. Words like announcer, reception, microphone, and transmitter have acquired special meanings sometimes more common than their more general senses. The abbreviations FM (for
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frequency modulation) and AM (for amplitude modulation) serve regularly in radio broadcasting for the identification of stations, while terms associated with television include cable TV, teleprompter, videotape, VCR, and DVD. The related development of increasingly refined equipment for the recording of sound since Thomas Edison’s invention of the phonograph in 1877 has made the general consumer aware of stereo and stereophonic, quad and quadraphonic, tweeter, woofer, tape deck, reel-to-reel, and compact disc or CD. The first electronic digital computers date from Word War II, and a few terms have been in general use since then. New meanings of program, language, memory, and hardware are familiar to people who have never used a computer. With the widespread manufacturing and marketing of personal computers during the 1980s, a much larger number of English speakers found the need for computer terms in their daily work: PC itself, RAM (random-access memory), ROM (read-only memory), DOS (disk operating system), microprocessor, byte, cursor, modem, software, hacker, hard-wired, download, and new meanings of read, write, mouse, terminal, chip, network, workstation, windows, and virus. The use of bug for a problem in running a computer program is sometimes traced in computer lore to an actual moth residing in the Mark II at Harvard in 1945. It was discovered by Grace Hopper and is taped in the logbook for September 9, 1945. As it turns out, however, the 1972 Supplement to the OED records bug for a problem in technology as early as 1889, by Thomas Edison working on his phonograph. Admiral Hopper may have a stronger claim to the first use of debug. 214. The World Wars. As another example of how great developments or events leave their mark upon language we may observe some of the words that came into English between 1914 and 1918 as a direct consequence of World War I. Some of these were military terms representing new methods of warfare, such as air raid, antiaircraft gun, tank, and blimp. Gas mask and liaison officer were new combinations with a military significance. Camouflage was borrowed from French, where it had formerly been a term of the scene-painter’s craft, but it caught the popular fancy and was soon used half facetiously for various forms of disguise or misrepresentation. Old words were in some cases adapted to new uses. Sector was used in the sense of a specific portion of the fighting line; barrage, originally an artificial barrier like a dam in a river, designated a protective screen of heavy artillery or machine-gun fire; dud, a general word for any counterfeit thing, was specifically applied to a shell that did not explode; and ace acquired the meaning of a crack airman, especially one who had brought down five of the enemy’s planes. In a number of cases a word that had had only limited circulation in the language now came into general use. Thus hand grenade goes back to 1661 but attained new currency during the war. Other expressions already in the language but popularized by the war were dugout, machine gun, periscope, no man’s land, and even the popular designation of an American soldier, doughboy, which was in colloquial use in the United States as early as 1867. Blighty was a popular bit of British army slang, derived from India and signifying Britain or home, and was often applied to a wound that sent a man back to Britain. Other expressions such as slacker, trench foot, cootie, and war bride were either struck off in the heat of the
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moment or acquired a poignant significance from the circumstances under which they were used. It would seem that World War II was less productive of memorable words, as it was of memorable songs. Nevertheless it made its contribution to the language in the form of certain new words, new meanings, or an increased currency for expressions that had been used before. In connection with the air raid, so prominent a feature of the war, we have the words and expressions alert (air-raid warning), blackout, blitz (German Blitzkrieg, literally ‘lightning war’), blockbuster, dive-bombing, evacuate, air-raid shelter. The words beachhead, parachutist, paratroop, landing strip, crash landing, roadblock, jeep, fox hole (as a shelter for one or two men), bulldozer (an American word used in a new sense), decontamination, task force (a military or naval unit assigned to the carrying out of a particular operation), resistance movement, and radar are not in the first edition of the OED or its 1933 Supplement. To spearhead an attack, to mop up, and to appease were new verbs or old verbs with a new military or political significance. Flak (antiaircraft fire) was taken over from German, where it is an abbreviation of Fliegerabwehrkanone, ‘antiaircraft gun’. Commando, a word that goes back to the Boer War, acquired a new and specialized meaning. Some words that were either new or that enjoyed great currency during the war—priority, tooling up, bottleneck, ceiling (upper limit), backlog, stockpile—have become a part of the vocabulary of civilian life, while lend-lease has passed into history. The aftermath of the war gave us such expressions as iron curtain, cold war, fellow traveler, front organization, police state, all with a very special connotation. 215. Language as a Mirror of Progress. Words, being but symbols by which people express their ideas, are an accurate measure of the range of their thoughts at any given time. Words obviously designate the things a culture knows, and just as obviously the vocabulary of a language must keep pace with the advance of the culture’s knowledge. The date when a new word enters the language is in general the date when the object, experience, observation, or whatever it is that calls it forth has entered public consciousness. Thus with a work like the OED, which furnishes us with dated quotations showing when the different meanings of every word have arisen and when new words first appear in the language, we could almost write the history of civilization merely from linguistic evidence. When in the early part of the nineteenth century we find growing up a word like horsepower or lithograph, we may depend upon it that some form of mechanical power that needs to be measured in familiar terms or a new process of engraving has been devised. The appearance in the language of words like railway, locomotive, turntable about 1835 tells us that steam railways were then coming in. In 1839 the words photograph and photography first appear, and a beginning is made toward a considerable vocabulary of special words or senses of words such as camera, film, enlargement, emulsion, focus, shutter, light meter. Concrete in the sense of a mixture of crushed stone and cement dates from 1834, but reinforced concrete is an expression called forth only in the twentieth century. The word cable occurs but a few years before the laying of the first Atlantic cable in 1857–1858. Refrigerator is first found in English in an American quotation of 1841. The words emancipation and
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abolitionist have for every American specific meanings connected with the efforts to abolish slavery, efforts that culminated in the Civil War. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century an interesting story of progress is told by new words or new meanings such as typewriter, telephone, apartment house, twist drill, drop-forging, blueprint, oilfield, motorcycle, feminist, fundamentalist, marathon (introduced in 1896 as a result of the revival of the Olympic games at Athens in that year), battery and bunt, the last two indicating the growing popularity of professional baseball in America. The twentieth century permits us to see the process of vocabulary growth going on under our eyes, sometimes, it would seem, at an accelerated rate. At the turn of the century we get the word questionnaire, and in 1906 suffragette. Dictaphone, raincoat, and Thermos became a part of the recorded vocabulary in 1907 and free verse in 1908. This is the period when many of the terms of aviation came in, some still current, some reflecting the aeronautics of the time—airplane, aircraft, airman, monoplane, biplane, hydroplane, dirigible. Nose-dive belongs to the period of the war. About 1910 we began talking about the futurist and the postimpressionist in art, and the Freudian in psychology. Intelligentsia as a designation for the class to which superior culture is attributed, and bolshevik for a holder of revolutionary political views were originally applied at the time of World War I to groups in Russia. At this time profiteer gained a specialized meaning. Meanwhile foot fault, fairway, fox trot, and contract bridge were indicative of popular interest in certain games and pastimes. The 1933 supplement to the OED records Cellophane (1921) and rayon (1924), but not nylon, deep-freeze, airconditioned, or transistor; and it is not until the first volume of the new supplement in 1972 that the OED includes credit card, ecosystem, existentialism (1941, though in German a century earlier), freeze-dried, convenience foods, bionics, electronic computer, automation, cybernetics, bikini, discotheque. Only yesterday witnessed the birth of biofeedback, power lunch, fractal, chaos theory, and cyberspace. Tomorrow will witness others as the exigencies of the hour call them into being. 216. Sources of the New Words: Borrowings. Most of the new words coming into the language since 1800 have been derived from the same sources or created by the same methods as those that have long been familiar, but it will be convenient to examine them here as an illustration of the processes by which a language extends its vocabulary. It should be remembered that the principles are not new, that what has been going on in the last century and a half could be paralleled from almost any period of the language. As is to be expected in the light of the English disposition to borrow words from other languages in the past, many of the new words have been taken over ready-made from the people from whom the idea or the thing designated has been obtained. Thus from the French come apéritif, chauffeur, chiffon, consommé, garage; from Italian come ciao, confetti, and vendetta, and from Spanish, bonanza, canyon, patio, rodeo, barrio, machismo, and cantina. In the Southwestern United States and increasingly throughout the country, the dinner table is enriched and spiced by borrowings from Mexican Spanish. Although chili has been in the language since the seventeenth century, most of the culinary terms date from the modern period: enchilada, fajita, jalapeño, nachos, taco,
The nineteenth century and after
tortilla, tostada; and through Spanish from the Native American language Nahuatl, guacamole and tamale. German has given us angst, festschrift, gestalt, schadenfreude, weltanschauung, zeitgeist, and zither. From Russia have come troika, vodka, and, with momentous political and economic changes, glasnost and perestroika. Goulash is a Magyar word, and robot is from Czech. Asia is represented by karma, loot, and thug from India; pajamas (British pyjamas) from Persia; yin, yang, t’ai chi, and chow mein from China; and geisha, haiku, Noh, sake, samurai, sayonara, shogun, sushi, soy, and yen from Japan. The cosmopolitan character of the English vocabulary, already pointed out, is thus being maintained, and we shall see in the next chapter that America has added many other foreign words, particularly from Spanish and the languages of the Native Americans. 217. Self-explaining Compounds. A second source of new words is represented in the practice of making self-explaining compounds, one of the oldest methods of word formation in the language. In earlier editions of this book such words as fingerprint (in its technical sense), fire extinguisher, hitchhike, jet propulsion, the colloquial know-how, lipstick, steamroller, steam shovel, and streamline were mentioned as being rather new. They have now passed into such common use that they no longer carry any sense of novelty. This will probably happen, indeed has already happened, to some of the more recent formations that can be noted, such as skydiving, jet lag, house sitter, lifestyle, hatchback, greenhouse effect, acid rain, roller blades, junk food, e-mail, and the metaphorical glass ceiling. Many of these betray their newness by being written with a hyphen or as separate words, or by preserving a rather strong accent on each element. They give unmistakable testimony to the fact that the power to combine existing words into new ones expressing a single concept, a power that was so prominent a feature of Old English, still remains with us. 218. Compounds Formed from Greek and Latin Elements. The same method may be employed in forming words from elements derived from Latin and Greek. The large classical element already in the English vocabulary makes such formations seem quite congenial to the language, and this method has long been a favorite source of scientific terms. Thus eugenics is formed from two Greek roots, — —meaning to be born. The word therefore means well-born and meaning well, and is applied to the efforts to bring about well-born offspring by the selection of healthy parents. The same root enters into genetics, the experimental study of heredity and allied topics. In the words stethoscope, bronchoscope, fluoroscope, and the like we have -scope, which appears in telescope. It is a Greek word σκoπóς meaning a watcher. Just as in Greek means far and enters into such words as telephone, telescope, television, and the like, so we have stethoscope with the first element from Greek (breast or chest), bronchoscope from Greek ßρóγχoς (windpipe), and fluoroscope with the same
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first element as in fluorine (from Latin fluere, to flow). Panchromatic comes from the Greek words παv- (all) and χρωµατικóς (relating to color), and is thus used in photography to describe a plate or film that is sensitive to all colors. An automobile is something that moves of itself (Greek
‘self’+Latin mobilis ‘movable’).
Orthodontia is from Greek ‘straight’ and ‘tooth’, and thus describes the branch of dentistry that endeavors to straighten irregular teeth. A few minutes spent in looking up recent scientific words in any dictionary will supply abundant illustrations of this common method of English word formation. 219. Prefixes and Suffixes. Another method of enlarging the vocabulary is by appending familiar prefixes and suffixes to existing words on the pattern of similar words in the language. Several of the Latin prefixes seem to lend themselves readily to new combinations. Thus in the period under discussion we have formed transoceanic, transcontinental, trans-Siberian, transliterate, transformer, and several more or less technical terms such as transfinite, transmarine, transpontine, etc. We speak of postimpressionists in art, postprandial oratory, the postclassical period, and postgraduate study. In the same way we use pre- in such words as prenatal, preschool age, prehistoric, pre-Raphaelite, preregistration; we may preheat or precool in certain technical processes; and passengers who need more time may preboard. In film parlance we may have a preview, a prerelease, or even a prequel. From World War I came counterattack and from World War II counterintelligence. In his Man and Superman Bernard Shaw coined the word superman to translate the German Übermensch of Nietzschian philosophy. We subirrigate and build a subcellar, and foreign movies sometimes come to us with subtitles. We can decode a message, defrost a refrigerator, deflate the currency, and we may debunk a statement, debug a machine, and decaffeinate coffee. It is so also with suffixes. Twentieth-century popular creations on old patterns are stardom,filmdom,fandom, gangster, pollster, profiteer, racketeer. Familiar endings like -some, -ful, -less can be freely added in accordance with longstanding habits in the language. 220. Coinages. A considerable number of new words must be attributed to deliberate invention or coinage. There has probably never been a time when the creative impulse has not spent itself occasionally in inventing new words, but their chances of general adoption are nowadays often increased by a campaign of advertising as deliberate as the effort that created them. They are mostly the product of ingenuity and imitation, the two being blended in variable proportions. Thus the trademark Kodak, which seems to be pure invention, was popularly used for years to refer to cameras of any brand, and Victrola and Frigidaire enjoyed something of the same currency as synonyms for phonograph and refrigerator. Kleenex and Xerox are trade terms that are often treated as common nouns, and Zipper, a word coined by the B.F. Goodrich Company and registered in 1925 as the
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name for a boot fitted with a slide fastener, has become the universal name for the fastener itself. Words formed by combining the initial or first few letters of two or more words are known as acronyms. Radar (radio detecting and ranging) is an example, as are scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) and OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).1 In deliberate coinages there is often an analogy with some other word or words in the language. This is felt, consciously or unconsciously, to be desirable. It permits the meaning more easily to be guessed at, reveals a mild degree of ingenuity on the part of the inventor, and focuses the attention on the distinctive syllable or syllables. Mazola obviously refers to maize and oil, and Sine-off in addition to its reference to sinuses evokes associations with “signing off” in broadcasting or going to sleep. Dictaphone combines elements found in the words dictate and telephone, just as travelogue is a cross between travel and dialogue. Bureaucrat and plutocrat are obviously formed on the model of aristocrat, autocrat, etc., as electrocute is modeled after execute. Sometimes a Latin formative element is used and the new word has a rather specious classical air, as in novocaine from Latin novus (new) grafted upon the English word cocaine. 1
More than 520,000 other examples have been collected in Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations Dictionary, ed. Jennifer Mossman (16th ed., Detroit, 1992).
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Words such as electrocute or travelogue are often called portmanteau words, or better, blends.2 In them two words are, as it were, telescoped into one. This was a favorite pastime of the author of Alice in Wonderland, and to him we owe the words chortle, a blending of snort and chuckle, and snark (snake+shark). Similarly, the tunnel beneath the English Channel is called the Chunnel. Often such coinages are formed with a playful or humorous intent. The OED records brunch in the year 1900. Although it was originally used facetiously in speaking of those who get up too late for breakfast and therefore combine breakfast and lunch, it is now as likely to be used for the name of a social occasion. Paradoxology, alcoholiday, revusical, yellocution, guestimate, condomania, ecopolypse, and the like, often reveal flashes of wit. They carry a momentary appeal, like the coinages of Time magazine (cinemactress, cinemaddict, cinemagnate), but only a few of them—socialite for one—are likely to find a permanent place in the language. Like epigrams they lose their luster when passed about at second hand. 221. Common Words from Proper Names. Another source from which many English words have been derived in the past is the names of persons and places. For example, sandwich owes its use to the fact that the earl of Sandwich on one occasion put slices of meat between pieces of bread. Like other processes of English word derivation this can be well illustrated in the nineteenth century and later. Thus we get the word for tabasco sauce from the name of the Tabasco River in Mexico. Camembert comes from the village in France from which cheese of this type was originally exported. A limousine is so called from the name of a province in France, and during the 1920s the American city Charleston gave its name to a dance. The word colt for a certain kind of firearm is merely the name of the inventor. Wistaria, the vine whose most common variety is now known as wisteria, is named after Caspar Wistar, an American anatomist of the mid-1800s. In 1880 Captain Boycott, the agent of an Irish landowner, refused to accept rents at the figure set by the tenants. His life was threatened, his servants were forced to leave, and his figure was burnt in effigy. Hence from Ireland came the use of the verb to boycott, meaning to coerce a person by refusing to have, and preventing others from having, dealings with him. Similarly, lynch law owes its origin to Captain William Lynch of Virginia, about 1776, and in the early nineteenth century we find the verb to lynch. Shrapnel is from the name of the British general who invented the type of missile. More than 500 common words in English have been traced to proper names, and they must be con2
See Louise Pound, Blends: Their Relation to English Word Formation (Heidelberg, 1914) and Garland Cannon, “Blends in English Word Formation,” Linguistics, 24 (1986), 725–53.
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sidered as illustrating one of the sources from which new words are still being derived. 222. Old Words with New Meanings. The resources of the vocabulary are sometimes extended from within by employment of an old word in a new sense. We have already seen many examples of this in some of the paragraphs preceding, especially many of the words now applied to the automobile and the computer. But the process can be widely illustrated, for it is one of the commonest phenomena in language. Skyline formerly meant the horizon, but it is now more common in such an expression as the New York skyline. Broadcast originally had reference to seed, but its application to radio seems entirely appropriate. A record may be many other things than a phonograph disc, and radiator was used for anything that radiated heat or light before it was applied specifically to steam heat or the automobile. Cabaret is an old word meaning a booth or shed, and later a small drinking place. Today it signifies a certain type of nightclub. We sign off or stand by in broadcasting, take off in an airplane, kick off in football, call up on the telephone, and in each of these cases we convey a specific, often technical meaning, quite different from the sense that these expressions previously had. A certain amount of experimenting with words is constantly going on, and at times the new use of a word may meet with opposition. Many people still object to the use of contact as a verb, and impact has drawn similar criticism (as in “The needs of industry have impacted the university’s graduate program”). The shift in transitivity of verbs often meets with resistance: transform as intransitive (“He transformed into a hero”) or commit as intransitive (“The player wouldn’t commit to the team”). It is well to remember that Swift objected to behave without the reflexive pronoun. Time will decide the fate of these words, but whether or not the new uses establish themselves in the language, they must be considered as exemplifying a well-recognized phenomenon in the behavior of words. 223. The Influence of Journalism. In the introduction and popularizing of new words journalism has been a factor of steadily increasing importance. Newspapers and popular magazines not only play a large part in spreading new locutions among the people but are themselves fertile producers of new words. Reporters necessarily write under pressure and have not long to search for the right word. In the heat of the moment they are likely as not to strike off a new expression or wrench the language to fit their ideas. In their effort to be interesting and racy they adopt an informal and colloquial style, and many of the colloquialisms current in popular speech find their way into writing first in the magazine and the newspaper. In this way we have come to back a horse or a candidate, to boost our community, comb the woods for a criminal, hop the Atlantic, oust a politician, and spike a rumor, and we speak of a probe, a cleanup, a business deal, a go-between. Sportswriters are often hard pressed to avoid monotony in their descriptions of similar contests day after day, and in their desire to be picturesque they seldom feel any scruple about introducing the latest slang in their
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particular field of interest. Many an expression originating in the sports page has found its way into general use. We owe neck and neck and out of the running to the race track, and sidestep, down and out, straight from the shoulder, and many other expressions to boxing. In America we owe caught napping and off base to baseball. If some of these locutions are older than the newspaper, there can be no question but that today much similar slang is given currency through this medium. Several magazines make the use of verbal novelties a feature of their style with puns, rhymes, coinages (nobelity for winners of a Nobel prize, jeerworthy), strings of hyphenated words (from one short review: zillion-dollar, double-dome, dimbulbed, dog-stealing, summer-stocked), and many other examples of the search for novelty. 224. Changes of Meaning. It is necessary to say something about the way in which words gradually change their meaning. That words do undergo such change is a fact readily perceived, and it can be illustrated from any period of the language. That we should choose to illustrate it by more or less recent examples is a matter merely of convenience. Differences of meaning are more readily perceived when they affect current use. It should be clearly recognized, however, that the tendencies here discussed are universal in their application and are not confined to the twentieth century or to the English language. They will be found at work in every language and at all times. The branch of linguistic study that concerns itself with the meanings of words and the way meanings develop is known as semantics. It has been observed that in their sense development, words often pursue certain wellmarked tendencies. Among the more common of these are extension of meaning, narrowing of meaning, degeneration, and regeneration. By extension of meaning is meant the widening of a word’s signification until it covers much more than the idea originally conveyed. The tendency is sometimes called generalization. The word lovely, for example, means primarily worthy to be loved, and great means large in size, the opposite of small. But today lovely and great have no such meaning. A box of candy or a chair may be lovely, and anything from a ball game to the weather may be great. When a college student says that a certain book is great, it is more than likely that the statement has nothing to do with the value of the book judged as a work of art but simply means that he or she thoroughly enjoyed it. In everyday use these words have come to express only enthusiastic approval of a rather vague sort. The word proposition primarily means a statement set forth for purposes of discussion, or in mathematics, for demonstration. It was so used by Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address: “a new nation…dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” But in America during the last century it began to be used more loosely. Owen Wister says in The Virginian, “Proposition in the West does, in fact, mean whatever you at the moment please.” “That’s a different proposition” expresses an idea that in more formal English becomes “That’s a different matter” (an equally general word). The word is often accompanied by an adjective: a tough proposition; he was the coolest proposition I ever met. All of these uses are distinctly colloquial and are not accepted in England, but they illustrate the principle of generalization. A more acceptable illustration is the word dean. It has, of course, its proper meanings, such as the head of the chapter in a cathedral church or the head of the
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faculty in a college. But it has come to be used as a designation for the senior or foremost person of any group or class, so that we may speak of the dean of American critics or, indeed, of sportswriters. The opposite tendency is for a word gradually to acquire a more restricted sense, or to be chiefly used in one special connection. A classic example of this practice is the word doctor. There are doctors (i.e., learned men and women) in theology, law, and many other fields beside medicine, but nowadays when we send for the doctor we mean a member of only one profession. In some of the preceding paragraphs, especially that in which were presented examples of old words in new meanings, will be found a number of similar instances. The verb to park as applied to automobiles and the war word tank are cases in point. The use of a word in a restricted sense does not preclude its use also in other meanings. There was a time in the 1890s when the word wheel suggested to most people a bicycle, but it could still be used of the wheel of a cart or a carriage. Often the restricted sense of a word belongs to a special or class vocabulary. An enlargement means to a photographer a large print made from a small negative, and in educational circles a senior is a member of the graduating class. Consequently, it sometimes happens that the same word will acquire different restricted meanings for different people. The word gas is an inclusive term for the chemist, but it calls up a more restricted idea in the kitchen and a still different one in the garage. Narrowing of meaning may be confined to one locality under the influence of local conditions. Nickel in America means a coin, and for a number of years the word prohibition in this country generally suggested the prohibition of alcohol. In the same way the terms democrat and republican seldom have their broader significance to an American but rather imply adherence to one or the other of the two chief political parties in the United States. Degeneration of meaning may take several forms. It may take the form of the gradual extension to so many senses that any particular meaning which a word may have had is completely lost. This is one form of generalization already illustrated in the words lovely and great.3 Awful and terrible have undergone a similar deterioration. In other cases a word has retained a very specific meaning but a less favorable one than it originally had. Phillips in his New World of Words (1658) defines garble as “to purifie, to sort out the bad from the good, an expression borrowed from Grocers, who are said to garble their Spices, i.e. to purifie them from the dross and dirt.” The word was still used in this sense 3
Chesterfield has an interesting comment on this development in the word vast in his time: “Not contented with enriching our language by words absolutely new, my fair countrywomen have gone still farther, and improved it by the application and extension of old ones to various and very different significations. They take a word and change it, like a guinea into shillings for pocketmoney, to be employed in the several occasional purposes of the day. For instance, the adjective vast, and its adverb vastly, mean anything, and are the fashionable words of the most fashionable people. A fine woman, under this head I comprehend all fine gentlemen too, not knowing in truth where to place them properly, is vastly obliged, or vastly offended, vastly glad, or vastly sorry. Large objects are vastly great, small ones are vastly little; and I had lately the pleasure to hear a fine woman pronounce, by a happy metonymy, a very small gold snuff-box that was produced in company to be vastly pretty, because it was vastly little.” (The World, No. 101, December 5, 1754.)
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down through the eighteenth century and even beyond. But in the time of Johnson it occasionally carried the implication of selecting in an unfair or dishonest way, and as used today it always signifies the intentional or unintentional mutilation of a statement so that a different meaning is conveyed from that intended. Smug was originally a good word, meaning neat or trim; its present suggestion of objectionable self-satisfaction seems to have grown up during the nineteenth century. The same thing is true of vulgar in the meaning bordering on obscene, and of pious in its contemptuous sense. Amateur and dilettante now imply inexpertness or superficiality, although the former word still conveys a favorable idea when applied to athletics. In England one speaks only of insects, since the word bug has degenerated to the specialized meaning “bedbug.” A very interesting form of degeneration often occurs in words associated with things that it is not considered polite to talk about. In 1790 the satirist Peter Pindar wrote:
I’ve heard that breeches, petticoats and smock, Give to thy modest mind a grievous shock And that thy brain (so lucky its device) Christ’neth them inexpressibles so nice.4 Thus the common word for a woman’s undergarment down to the eighteenth century was smock. It was then replaced by the more delicate word shift. In the nineteenth century the same motive led to the substitution of the word chemise, and in the late twentieth century, after various other euphemisms have come and gone, including combinations and stepins, the usual words are bra, panties, and slip (the last of which referred to an outer garment in the eighteenth century and an undergarment as early as the mid-nineteenth). Changing attitudes toward this part of the vocabulary may halt the process of degeneration and give a longer life to those terms currently in use.
Roland for Oliver.
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If words sometimes go downhill, they also undergo the opposite process, known as regeneration. Words like budge, coax, nonplus, shabby, squabble, stingy, tiff, touchy, wobbfy, which were recorded with proper disparagement by Dr. Johnson, have since passed into the standard speech. In the eighteenth century snob and sham were slang, but in the nineteenth they attained respectability, the former word partly through the influence of Thackeray. The word sturdy originally meant harsh, rough, or intractable. We now use it in a wholly complimentary sense. Even the word smock, which was mentioned above as losing caste in the eighteenth century, has now been rehabilitated as applied to an outer garment. We use it for a certain type of woman’s dress and we speak of an artist’s smock. The changes of meaning that words undergo are but another evidence of the constant state of flux that characterizes the living language. 225. Slang. All the types of semantic change discussed in the preceding paragraph could be illustrated from that part of the vocabulary which at any given time is considered slang. It is necessary to say “at any given time” not only because slang is fleeting and the life of a slang expression likely to be short, but also because what is slang today may have been in good use yesterday and may be accepted in the standard speech of tomorrow. Slang has been aptly described as “a peculiar kind of vagabond language, always hanging on the outskirts of legitimate speech, but continually straying or forcing its way into the most respectable company.”5 Yet it is a part of language and cannot be ignored. One of the developments that must certainly be credited to the nineteenth century is the growth of a more objective and scientific attitude toward this feature of language. The word slang does not occur in Johnson’s Dictionary. It first occurs a few years later and in its early use always has a derogatory force. Webster in 1828 defines it as “low, vulgar, unmeaning language.” But the definition in the Oxford Dictionary, expressing the attitude of 1911, is very different: “Language of a highly colloquial type, below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words, or of current words employed in some special sense.” Here slang goes from being “unmeaning language” to having a “special sense,” and it is treated frankly as a scientific fact. One reason why slang cannot be ignored even by the strictest purist is that it has not infrequently furnished expressions that the purist uses without suspecting their origin. Even students of language are constantly surprised when they come across words that they use naturally and with entire propriety but find questioned or condemned by writers of a generation or a few generations before. The expression what on earth seems to us an idiomatic intensive and certainly would not be objected to in the speech of anyone today. But De Quincey condemned it as slang and expressed horror at hearing it used by a government official. The word row in the sense of a disturbance or commotion was slang in the eighteenth century and described by Todd (1818) as “a very low expression,” but
Greenough and Kittredge, Words and Their Ways in English Speech (New York, 1901),S p.55.
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today we find it in the works of reputable writers as a word that fittingly suggests the qualities of a vulgar brawl. Boom, slump, crank, and fad, in becoming respectable, have acquired an exact and sometimes technical meaning. Even the harmless word joke was once slang. In surveying contemporary English, not only do we have to consider the slang that has lifted itself into the level of educated speech but we must recognize the part played by slang in its own character. For there is hardly a person who does not make use of it upon occasion. Slang results from an instinctive desire for freshness and novelty of expression. Naturally the less a person is inclined to submit to the restraints imposed by a formal standard, the more ready he or she is to accept indiscriminately the newest slang locution. To criticize seems to the person in the street tame and colorless, if not stilted, so to badmouth is substituted. For the same reason a person who fails to keep an engagement with another person stands him up. Since novelty is a quality that soon wears off, slang has to be constantly renewed. Vamoose, skedaddle, twenty-three skiddoo, beat it, scram, buzz off have all had their periods of popularity in the twentieth century as expressions of roughly the same idea, usually in imperative form. It can hardly be denied that some slang expressions, while they are current, express an idea that it would be difftcult to convey by other means. Nerd, geek, dweeb, dork, bimbo, and scumbag undoubtedly owe their popularity to some merit that is recognized by a sure instinct among the people. It is sometimes difficult to define the precise quality that makes an expression slang. It is often not in the word itself, but in the sense in which it is used. Put down is proper enough if we speak of soldiers who put down a rebellion, but it is slang when we speak of a remark that put someone down or refer to the remark as a put-down. It is dangerous to generalize about the relative prominence of slang in this and former times. But it would seem as though the role it plays today is greater than it has been at certain times in the past, say in the Elizabethan age or the eighteenth century, to judge by the conversation of plays and popular fiction. The cultivation of slang has become a feature of certain types of popular writing. We think of men like George Ade, who wrote Fables in Slang, or Ring Lardner or O.Henry. They are not only the creators of locutions that have become part of the slang of the day, but they have popularized this outer fringe of the colloquial and given it greater currency. It would certainly be an incomplete picture of the language of today that failed to include slang as a present feature and a source from which English will doubtless continue to be fed in the future. 226. Cultural Levels and Functional Varieties.6 The discussion of slang has clearly indicated that there is more than one type of speech. Within the limits of any linguistic unity there are as many language levels as there are groups of people thrown together by propinquity and common interests. Beyond the limits of the general language there are local and class dialects, technical and occupational vocabularies, slang, and other forms of speech. Even within the region of 6
For the distinction, see John S.Kenyon, “Cultural Levels and Functional Varieties of English,” College English, 10 (1948), 1–6. For a criticism of the distinction, see William Labov, The Study of Nonstandard English (Champaign, IL, 1970), pp. 22–28.
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the common language from which these are diverging forms it is possible to distinguish at least three broad types. Occupying a sort of middle ground is the spoken standard. It is the language heard in the conversation of educated people. It is marked by conformity to the rules of grammar and to certain considerations of taste that are not easily defined but are present in the minds of those who are conscious of their speech. Whatever its dialectal coloring or qualities varying with the particular circumstances involved, it is free from features that are regarded as substandard in the region. To one side of this spoken standard lies the domain of the written standard. This is the language of books, and it ranges from the somewhat elevated style of poetry to that of simple but cultivated prose. It may differ both in vocabulary and idiom from the spoken standard, although the two frequently overlap. When we say big time and write to a superlative degree we are making a conscious choice between these two functional varieties. In the other direction we pass from one cultural level to another, from the spoken standard to the region of popular or illiterate speech. This is the language of those who are ignorant of or indifferent to the ideals of correctness by which the educated are governed. It is especially sympathetic to all sorts of neologisms and generally is rich in slang. While the three types—the literary standard, the spoken standard, and popular speech—are easily recognized, it is not possible to draw a sharp line of demarcation between them. To a certain extent they run into one another. The spoken standard itself covers a wide range of usage. In speech suitable to formal occasions the spoken standard approaches the written standard, whereas in easy and relaxed conversation it may tend in the direction of its more unconventional neighbor. Some interchange between one type and the next is constantly going on. The written and the spoken standards have been drawing appreciably closer, possibly because reading is such a widespread accomplishment today, possibly because we have come to feel that the simplest and best prose is that which most resembles the easy and natural tone of cultivated speech. In the same way words and locutions current among the masses sometimes find their way into the lower reaches of the spoken standard. This is particularly true of slang. One may reason that when slang is acceptable to those who in general conform to the spoken standard it should no longer be called slang. But such a conclusion is hardly justified. It is better to hold that there are different levels in slang, and that some use of slang is rhetorically effective in the conversation of most educated speakers. It is necessary to recognize that from a linguistic point of view each of the varieties— whether of cultural level or degree of formality—has its own right to exist. If we judge them simply on their capacity to express ideas clearly and effectively, we must admit that one kind of English is seldom superior to another. I seen it and I knowed it may not conform to the standard of correctness demanded of cultivated speech, but these expressions convey their meaning just as clearly as the standard forms and historically are no worse than dozens of others now in accepted use. Likewise much could be said, historically and logically, for ain’t and the double negative. It is rather in their social implications that the varieties of English differ. The difference between the spoken standard and popular speech is in their association with broadly different classes. As Bernard Shaw once remarked, “People know very well that certain sorts of speech cut off a person for ever from getting more than three or four pounds a week all their life long—
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sorts of speech which make them entirely impossible in certain professions.” Statements such as Shaw’s reporting a bias against certain ways of speaking and the practical economic effect of that bias have been made by enlightened linguists who do not share the bias at all and who aim to remedy its practical effect. However, the topic is fraught with pitfalls for well-meaning observers and authorities, and the movement for bidialectalism during the 1960s was criticized on these grounds.7 James Milroy cites ostensibly objective studies of linguistic variation and says of their treatment: “This has the effect of marginalizing non-standard vernaculars—appearing to present them as abnormal or pathological language states—when the majority of human beings throughout history must have used varieties that were, to a greater or lesser extent, nonstandard.”8 Thus, the tendency of the historical linguist is often to present the development of the language retrospectively as a uniform dialect proceeding in a straight line toward Received Standard English. The implicit ideology of the dispassionate and scientific study of the language may inadvertently reinforce the very bias that the linguists criticize as naïve and unfortunate. The irony is especially acute if the speaker of the standard variety happens to be pretentious or prolix. Listeners even of the same social class may find the speech of one who employs language of the literary variety in their conversation, who talks like a book, an obstacle to free intercourse, because they associate such language with stiff and pedantic qualities of mind or a lack of social ease. In this case what is objected to has clearly nothing to do with the question of correctness. It is a question merely of appropriateness to the occasion. As in numerous other linguistic matters, we have come in recent times to look upon the different types of speech more tolerantly, to recognize them as one of the phenomena of language. We do not expect (or wish) people to talk like Matthew Arnold, and we do not include in a sweeping condemnation all those who fail to conform to the spoken standard of the educated. In recent years a sometimes strident discussion among linguists and sociologists has dealt with the relations between the standard dialects of the middle classes and the nonstandard dialects of lower socioeconomic groups. African American Vernacular English in the United States presents especially vexed questions for the educational system and society as a whole (see § 250.8). The issues are finally economic, political, and psychological in a debate that seems far from arriving at a satisfactory resolution. 227. The Standard Speech. The spoken standard or, as it is called in Britain, Received Pronunciation, often abbreviated RP, is something that varies in different parts of the English-speaking world. In Britain it is a type of English perhaps best exemplified in the speech of those educated in the great public schools but spoken also with a fair degree of uniformity by cultivated 7
See James Sledd, “Bi-dialectalism: The Linguistics of White Supremacy,” English Journal, 58 (1969), 1307–15; and Rosina Lippi-Green, English with an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States (London, 1997). 8
Linguistic Variation and Change (Oxford, UK, 1992), p. 52.
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people in all parts of the country. It is a class rather than a regional dialect. This is not the same as the spoken standard of the United States or Canada or Australia. The spread of English to many parts of the world has changed our conception of what constitutes Standard English. The growth of countries like the United States and Canada and the political independence of countries that were once British colonies force us to admit that the educated speech of these vast areas is just as “standard” as that of London or Oxford. It is perhaps inevitable that people will feel a preference for the pronunciation and forms of expression that they are accustomed to, but to criticize the British for omitting many of their r’s or the Americans for pronouncing them betrays an equally unscientific provincialism irrespective of which side of the Atlantic indulges in the criticism. The hope is sometimes expressed that we might have a world standard to which all parts of the English-speaking world would try to conform. So far as the spoken language is concerned it is too much to expect that the marked differences of pronunciation that distinguish the speech of, let us say, Britain, Australia, India, and the United States will ever be reduced to one uniform mode. We must recognize that in the last 200 years English has become a cosmopolitan tongue and must cultivate a cosmopolitan attitude toward its various standard forms.9 228. English Dialects. In addition to the educated standard in each major division of the English-speaking world there are local forms of the language known as regional dialects. In the newer countries where English has spread in modern times these are not so numerous or so pronounced in their individuality as they are in the British Isles. The English introduced into the colonies was a mixture of dialects in which the peculiarities of each were fused in a common speech. Except perhaps in the United States, there has scarcely been time for new regional differences to grow up, and although one region is sometimes separated from another by the breadth of a continent, the improvements in transportation and communication have tended to keep down differences that might otherwise have arisen. But in Great Britain such differences are very great. They go back to the earliest period of the language and reflect conditions that prevailed at a time when travel was difftcult and communication was limited between districts relatively close together. Even among the educated the speech of northern England differs considerably from that of the south. In words such as butter, cut, gull, and some the southern vowel [Λ] occurs in the north as [U], and in chaff, grass, and path the southern retracted vowel [a:] occurs as short [a] in northern dialects. In the great Midland district one distinguishes an eastern variety and a western, as well as a central type lying between. But such a classification of the English 9
The issues are clearly presented and debated by Randolph Quirk, “Language Varieties and Standard Language,” English Today, 21 (1990), 3–10, and Braj B.Kachru, “Liberation Linguistics and the ‘Quirk Concern,”’ English Today, 25 (1991), 3–13.
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dialects is sufficient only for purposes of a broad grouping. Every county has its own peculiarities, and sometimes as many as three dialectal regions may be distinguished within the boundaries of a single shire. This wide diversity of dialects is well illustrated by the materials published since 1962 in the Survey of English Dialects. In the six northern counties at least seventeen different vowels or diphthongs occur in the word house, including the [u:] of Old English hūs.10 The dialect of southern Scotland has claims to special consideration on historical and literary grounds. In origin it is a variety of Northern English, but down to the sixteenth century it occupied a position both in speech and in writing on a plane with English. In the time of Shakespeare, however, it began to be strongly influenced by Southern English. This influence has been traced in part to the Reformation, which brought in the Bible and other religious works from the south, in part to the renaissance of English literature. The most important factor, however, was probably the growing importance of England and the role of London as the center of the English-speaking world. When in 1603 James VI of Scotland became the king of England as James I, and when by the Act of Union in 1707 Scotland was formally united to England, English was plainly felt to be standard, and Scots became definitely a dialect. During the eighteenth century it managed to maintain itself as a literary language through the work of Ramsay, Ferguson, and Robert Burns. Since then it has gradually lost ground. English is taught in the schools, and cultivation of English has, rightly or wrongly, been taken as the first test of culture. The ambitious have avoided the native dialect as a mark of lowly birth, and those who have a patriotic or sentimental regard for this fine old speech have long been apprehensive of its ultimate extinction.11 Prompted in part by this concern, three major linguistic projects have focused on Scottish speech. A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue records the language before 1700, The Scottish National Dictionary after that year. In addition, the Linguistic Survey of Scotland, which collected information since 1949 on both Scots and Gaelic, has published the three volumes of its Atlas.12 The characteristics of this dialect are known to most people through the poetry of Robert Burns:
O ye wha are sae guid yoursel, Sae pious and sae holy, Ye’ve nought to do but mark and tell 10
Orton and Dieth, eds., Survey of English Dialects, 1, part 2, 459. See also two studies deriving from the Survey: Eduard Kolb, Phonological Atlas of the Northern Region (Bern, Switzerland, 1966), and Harold Orton and Nathalia Wright, A Word Geography of England (London, 1974). 11 See an interesting address by the philologist most responsible for Scottish lexicography in the twentieth century, Sir William Craigie, “The Present State of the Scottish Tongue,” in The Scottish Tongue (London, 1924), pp. 1−46. The survival of the dialect now appears unlikely. Cf. David Murison, “The Scots Tongue—the Folk-Speech,” Folklore, 75 (1964), 37−47. 12 See Angus McIntosh, An Introduction to a Survey of Scottish Dialects (Edinburgh, 1952), and J.Y.Mather and H.H.Speitel, eds., The Linguistic Atlas of Scotland (London,
The nineteenth century and after
Your Neebour’s fauts and folly! Whase life is like a weel-gaun mill, [well-going] Supply’d wi’ store o’ water, The heapet happer’s ebbing still, [heaped hopper] And still the clap plays clatter. Here we see some of the characteristic differences of pronunciation, wha, whase, sae, weel, neebour, guid, etc. These could easily be extended from others of his songs and poems, which all the world knows, and the list would include not only words differently pronounced but many an old word no longer in use south of the Tweed. Familiar examples are ain (own), auld (old), lang (long), bairn (child), bonnie (beautiful), braw (handsome), dinna (do not), fash (trouble oneself), icker (ear of grain), maist (almost), muckle (much, great), syne (since), unco (very). Irish English, or Hiberno-English, has also left its mark on the literary tradition, although in different ways at different periods. In the eighteenth century, “stage Irish” was a familiar convention for representing and often ridiculing Irish characters in plays written by English authors whose use of stereotypical linguistic features was not always accurate. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Irish authors, especially Douglas Hyde (1860–1940), J.M.Synge (1871–1909), and W.B.Yeats (1865–1939), used selected features to give an Irish flavor to their works. In the twentieth century there has been a more realistic tradition, including the work of Sean O’Casey (1880–1964) and Brendan Behan (1923–1964) and the use by James Joyce (1882–1941) of carefully collected dialect phrases in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.13 The distinctiveness of Irish English derives from a mixture of three sources: the influence of the Irish language; the influence of Scots, especially in the Northeast; and the nature of the original English that was brought to Ireland from western England in the seventeenth century and that has remained quite conservative compared with both RP and American English. For example, Irish English is firmly rhotic in contrast with RP. Except in the Scots-Irish district of Ulster, the English language in Ireland has not preserved so many old words as have survived in Scotland. But the language of the southern part of the island has an exuberance of vocabulary that recalls the lexical inventiveness of Elizabethan times, the period during which English began to spread rapidly in Ireland. The vocabulary has been influenced also by Irish (blarney, galore, smithereens, and many other examples of the 13
See Alan Bliss, Spoken English in Ireland 1600–1740 (Dublin, 1979), pp. 312–26, and Michael V.Barry, “The English Language in Ireland,” in English as a World Language, ed. R.W.Bailey and M.Görlach (Ann Arbor, MI, 1982), pp. 92–93.
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diminutive ending -een, from the Irish diminutive ending -in, which may be added to any English word: maneen, boyeen, girleen). Although different varieties of Hiberno-English are distinguished, especially in the north and the south, certain peculiarities of pronunciation are fairly general. Dialect stories make use of spellings such as tay (tea), desaive (deceive), foine (fine), projuce (produce), fisht (fist), butther (butter), thrue (true), and the like. As an instance of sh for s before a long u, P.W.Joyce quotes the remark of one Dan Kiely “That he was now looking out for a wife that would shoot him.”14 Syntactic structures in Hiberno-English often reflect the patterns of the Irish language.15 The present perfect and past perfect tenses of English (have got, had got), which have no equivalents in Irish, can be expressed using after, the verb to be, and the present participle: He said that he knew that I was after getting lost (“…that I had got lost”). Irish also does not have the equivalent of indirect questions introduced by if and whether; instead of the declarative word order of Standard English, these sentences have the interrogative word order that is found in other varieties of English, including African American Vernacular English (see § 250): He wanted to see would he get something to eat. The influence of the Irish prepositional system upon Hiberno-English is evident in the use of with instead of for meaning “for the duration of”: He’s dead now with many a year; He didn’t come back with twenty-eight years. The lack of an expression for no one in Irish, explains why anyone is used where no one is expected in Standard English: Anyone doesn’t go to mass there. 229. English World-Wide. In the various parts of the former British Empire, as in the United States, the English language has developed differences that distinguish it from the language of England. In Australasia, Africa, South Asia, and Canada, peculiarities of pronunciation and vocabulary have grown up that mark off national and areal varieties from the dialect of the mother country and from one another. These peculiarities are partly such as arise in communities separated by time and space, and are partly due to the influence of a new environment. In some countries the most striking changes are the result of imperfect learning and systematic adaptations by speakers of other languages. Differences of nature and material civilization, and generally contact with some foreign tongue, are clearly reflected in the vocabulary. 1. Australia and New Zealand. In Australia it has been well said, “It is probably not too much to say that there never was an instance in history when 14
English as We Speak It in Ireland (Dublin, 1910), p. 96. An illuminating treatment of Hiberno-English syntax, from which the following examples are taken, is A. Lunny, “Linguistic Interaction: English and Irish in Ballyvourney, West Cork,” in 15
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Aspects of English Dialects in Ireland, 1, ed. Michael V.Barry (Belfast, 1981), pp. 118–41. See also P.L.Henry, An Anglo-Irish Dialect of North Roscommon (Dublin, 1957).
so many new words were needed, and that there never will be again, for never did settlers come, nor can they ever come again, upon Flora and Fauna so completely different from anything seen by them before. An oak in America is still a Quercus, not as in Australia a Casuarina. But with the whole tropical region intervening it was to be expected that in the South Temperate Zone many things would be different, and such expectation was amply fulfilled.”16 Australian English uses many words that would not be understood in England or America. Some of these are old words that have acquired new meanings by being applied to new things. Thus the term robin is used for various birds not known in Europe. The word jackass (shortened from laughing jackass) means a bird whose cry is like a donkey’s bray. Other words have been borrowed from the aboriginal languages of Australia and from Maori in New Zealand. Kangaroo and boomerang have become general English, but wombat is still chiefly Australian because it is the name of an Australian animal.17 The Australian calls a rowdy street loafer a larrikan. A swagman is a man traveling through the bush (back country) carrying a swag (tramp’s bundle). Where an American talks of a ranch, the Australian speaks of a station and, like us, distinguishes between a sheep station and a cattle station. A boundary rider is one who patrols an estate and keeps the owner informed concerning every part of it. The English of Australia not only is characterized by interesting differences of vocabulary but varies strikingly in pronunciation from the received standard of England. The accent of the majority of Australians has characteristics often associated with Cockney, especially in the quality of the vowels and diphthongs that occur in the words say, so, beat, boot, high, and how.18 Because an Australian’s pronunciation of hay may register on an American as high, or basin as bison, these systematic differences have been the source of misunderstandings between speakers of General Australian and speakers of other national varieties, though not among speakers of General Australian themselves. Within Australia there are possible difficulties in the different patterns of General Australian, the dialect of the great majority, and Cultivated Australian, a minority accent that approaches the received standard of England.19 Social varieties such as these, and Broad Australian at the uncultivated extreme of the scale, are the only significant dialectal differences in a country where regional variations are negligible. The distinctive characteris16
E.E.Morris, Austral English: A Dictionary of Australasian Words, Phrases and Usages (London, 1898), p. xii. 17 Of course, this has not prevented kangaroo from gaining general currency. 18 For important differences with Cockney, see A.G.Mitchell, The Pronunciation of English in Australia, rev. ed. with Arthur Delbridge (Sydney, 1965), pp. 7–8. 19 See A.G.Mitchell and Arthur Delbridge, The Speech of Australian Adolescents: A Survey (Sydney, 1965), pp. 37, 83.
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tics of General Australian pronunciation and the uniformity of the dialect throughout the continent are attributed to the circumstance that the early settlers were deported prisoners and adventurers often drawn from the lower classes of England (cf. § 207). Although detailed information about the dialects spoken by these settlers is lacking, it is clear that the predominant varieties were lower-class urban dialects of southeastern England. In Australia the constant moving of convicts from place to place brought about the development of a mixed dialect that became homogeneous throughout the settled territory and distinct from any of the British dialects that contributed to the mixture. The English of Australia offers an interesting example of the changes that take place in a language transplanted to a remote and totally different environment. 2. South Africa. The same thing is true in a somewhat different way of Africa, the most multilingual continent on earth. The present Republic of South Africa had been occupied successively by the Bushmen, Hottentots, Bantus, Portuguese, and Dutch before the English settlers came. From all these sources, but especially from Dutch and its South African development, Afrikaans, the English language has acquired elements. A few words that occurred earlier in peculiarly South African contexts have passed into the general English vocabulary. In addition to apartheid and veldt (or veld), which retain their original associations, British and American speakers use commando, commandeer, and trek in contexts that no longer reflect their South African history. The great majority of Afrikanerisms (i.e., words and expressions borrowed from Dutch and Afrikaans) would still be generally meaningless in other parts of the English-speaking world yet are quite common in the daily life of South Africans. A recently compiled list of words and phrases that South Africans themselves consider to be characteristic of their variety of English includes biltong (strips of dried meat), braaivleis (a barbecue), donga (ravine), gogga (insect), koeksisters (a confection), kopje (hill), lekker (nice), mealies (Indian corn), ou (fellow, U.S. guy), spruit (gully), stoep (verandah, U.S. stoop), and veldskoen (hide-shoes).20 As in Australian English, a number of good English words are used in quite new senses. South African racial policies gave a new meaning to location as an area in which black Africans are required to live. Lands in South Africa are just those portions of a farm that can be used for cultivation of crops, camp refers to the fenced-in portion of a farm, and the leopard (Afrikaans tier, from tyger) is sometimes called a 20
William Branford, “Aardvark to Zwarthout: Social and Historical Aspects of the South African English Vocabulary,” in Seven Studies in English, ed. Gildas Roberts (Cape Town and London, 1971), p. 134.
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tiger.21 Cookies (small cakes) is the same as our word, which we also learned from the Dutch. Divide (watershed) is said to be borrowed from American use, and upcountry is used much as we use it in the eastern states. The use of with without an object (Can I come with?) can be found dialectally in this country, but we do not say “He threw me over the hedge with a rock” (i.e., “He threw a stone over the hedge and hit me”), a syntactic pattern that occurs in the English speech of Afrikaners and in the spoken language of relatively uneducated English speakers. Occasionally an old word now lost to Standard English in Britain has been preserved in South Africa, although this does not seem to have happened so often as in America. Dispense or spens, meaning a pantry or kitchen cupboard, is found in Chaucer (Al vinolent as botel in the spence: Summoner’s Tale). It was doubtless carried to South Africa from one of the English dialects. The variations of the English vocabulary in different parts of the former British Empire are so fascinating that one is tempted to pursue them at too great a length. Enough has probably been said to illustrate the individual character of many expressions in South African use. In pronunciation the English of South Africa has been much influenced by the pronunciation of Afrikaans and to a lesser extent by the speech of many Scottish schoolmasters.22 To Afrikaans it apparently owes not only the peculiar modification of certain vowels (e.g., [pen] for pin; [kεb] for cab, etc.), but also its higher pitch and the tendency to omit one of two or more consonants at the end of a word (e.g., tex for text). South African shares with American English the general disposition to pronounce the r when it appears in the spelling and to give full value to unaccented syllables (extraordinary, rather than the English extraord’n’ry). 3. West and East Africa. In other parts of sub-Saharan Africa that were once British colonies and are now independent countries, the English language has a complex relationship to the many African languages. Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Uganda, and other former colonies have a choice of retaining their colonial linguistic inheritance or rejecting it. In Nigeria three main African languages—Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo—and scores of languages spoken by smaller groups exist alongside English. Although only a tiny minority of the population speaks English, almost always as a second language, it is the official language of the country. Ethnic jealousies that would arise from the selection of one of the African languages, and the ad21
See also Charles Pettman, Africanderisms: A Glossary of South African Colloquial Words and Phrases and Place and Other Names (London, 1913), and W.S.Mackie, “Afrikanerisms,” in Standard Encydopedia of South Africa, 1 (Cape Town, 1970), 188. 22 See David Hopwood, South African English Pronunciation (Cape Town and Johannesburg, 1928), and L.W.Lanham, The Pronunciation of South African English (Cape Town, 1967).
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vantages of English for communication both internally and internationally, are sufficient to overcome the reluctance toward using a colonial language. Swahili is the official language in Tanzania, but government business is routinely transacted in English. Some nations have deferred making the choice of an official language and continue to use English simultaneously with one or more of the African languages. Even more complex than the choice of an official language is the question of a standard. Among speakers who learn English as a second language there will inevitably be a wide range of varieties, from pidgin at one extreme to a written standard of international acceptability at the other. Because many speakers know no English and many know only the patois of the marketplace, West African English is remarkable for its varieties. With as yet no identifiable West African standard, graders of examinations often have difftculty drawing the line between an incorrect answer and a local variant. Such practicalities illustrate the larger philosophical problem of correctness and acceptability in varieties of English that diverge markedly from the international Standard English of educated speakers in Great Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and many speakers in the West African countries. The question of whether a West African standard will emerge, and if so, whether such a standard is desirable and should be taught, evoke a wide range of answers that reflect a bewildering diversity of opinion concerning language and its use.23 Examples from Nigerian English illustrate the distinctions that must be made in describing a regional or national standard. We have seen differences in pronunciation among standard British dialects, and in Chapter 11 we shall see an even more basic set of differences between British English and American English. It is to be expected that the standard dialects of English throughout the world will vary according to settlement history and the local linguistic influences that are at work. In Nigeria the phonological systems of the languages spoken as first languages by the great majority of people— Yoruba and Igbo and in the South and Hausa in the North—have contributed to the distinctive Nigerian accent. Vowel harmony in Igbo, for example, causes follow to be pronounced with the same back vowel in both syllables: Hausa speakers tend to break up consonant clusters by inserting a vowel, so that screw becomes [sukuru]. The smaller number of vowel contrasts in the 23
Cf. the contrasting views in M.A.K. Halliday, Angus Mclntosh, and Peter Strevens, The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching (London, 1964), pp. 203−4 et passim; C.H.Prator, “The British Heresy in TEFL,” in Language Problems of Developing Nations, ed. Joshua A. Fishman et al. (New York, 1968), pp. 459–76; J.H.Sledd, “Un-American English Reconsidered,” American Speech, 48 (1973), 46–53; and K.A.Sey, Ghanaian English: An Exploratory Survey (London, 1973).
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African languages carries over into Nigerian English, where beat and bit have the same tense vowel, distinguished if at all by length: [bi:t] beat and [bi·t] bit. The absence of the tense-lax distinction, which J.C.Wells calls “one of the most characteristic features of African English,” produces a large number of homophones in Nigerian English and in other African varieties: leave—live, seen—sin, and Don’t sleep on the floor—Don’t slip on the floor, all with the tense vowel.24 The rarity of the central vowel [ə] and of syllabic consonants accounts for the full value of vowels in the final syllables of words—for example, smoother [smuθa], [smuda] (where Nigerian English, like Southern British English, is nonrhotic), bottle lesson The rarity of reduced vowels and weak forms is typical of syllable-timed languages such as those of West Africa, in contrast with the stress-timed rhythms of English—thus, the difference between the Received Pronunciation and the West African pronunciation of the following sentence: RP
[aIv sín hIm təde]
West African
[aI hav si·n him tude]25
Notice also the lack of a diphthong in today, which has the simple vowel [e] instead, a feature that is common in African English. The usual processes that allow for expansion of vocabulary and for new meanings of words operate with especially interesting effect in countries where English is mainly a second language. Typical lexical items in Nigerian English, which often reflects aspects of the cultural background by way of borrowings or calques from the local languages, include head-tie (woman’s headdress), juju music (a type of dance music), bush meat (game), tie-dye cloth (cloth into which patterns are made by tying up parts of it before dyeing), akara balls (bean cakes), white-cap chiefs (senior chiefs in Lagos whose rank is shown by the white caps they wear). Extensions and narrowing of meanings of words occur in corner (a bend in a road), globe (a lightbulb), wet (to water [flowers]), environment (neighborhood), gallops (potholes), and bluff (to give an air of importance).26 It is sometimes difftcult to distinguish general West African usage from a national variety—Nigerian English, Ghanaian English, Cameroon English; the following words and expressions occur in West African English, some with quite widespread currency: balance (change, “You did not give me any balance”), bata (sandals, shoes), move 24
J.C.Wells, Accents of English (3 vols., Cambridge, UK, 1982), III, 637. This example and several other examples in this section are from Loreto Todd, “The English Language in West Africa,” in Bailey and Görlach, pp. 281–305. 25
See Ayọ
Language and Society in Nigeria (Stanford, 1973), pp. 106–7.
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with (court, go out with), wedding bells (invitation to a wedding), take in (become pregnant), be in state (be pregnant), give kola (offer a bribe), have long legs (have influence), cry die (wake, funeral rites). The morphology and syntax of English in Africa have generally the same structures as those of the international varieties of standard English, although one may note formations with the plural suffix of words that are not ordinarily count nouns (equipments, aircrafts, deadwoods, offsprings). Also, some standard English transitive verbs gain particles and become phrasal verbs, as in voice out instead of “voice” (“I am going to voice out my opinion”); discuss about instead of “discuss” (“We shall discuss about that later”); and cope up with instead of “cope with.” After some verbs the to is dropped from the following infinitive (“enable him do it”). As in other second-language varieties and pidgins, certain tag questions are common: “He loves you, isn’t it?” or “He loves you, not so?” In East Africa, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Seychelles, the syntactic and lexical patterns of English that differ from varieties spoken elsewhere in the world often do so in ways that parallel the West African divergencies. For example, verbs that are phrasal in standard English lose the adverbial particle but keep the meaning of the phrasal verb (“Her name cropped in the conversation” for “cropped up”; “I picked him outside his house and he dropped at work” for “picked him up” and “dropped him off”). Some nouns in Kenyan and Tanzanian colloquial speech have a plural form but are treated as singulars: behaviours, bottoms, laps, minds, nighties, noses, popcorns. Hancock and Angogo point out that in “My noses are stuffed up,” the influence of Bantu is clearly apparent since there is no single word for nostril in Bantu.27 The Bantu language Kiswahili is the most important African language throughout East Africa, and from its influence the East African variety of English has acquired some of its characteristic phonological patterns (for example, the lack of [ð]/[θ] as in [zis siŋ] this thing). From Kiswahili also have come loanwords that have passed into international currency: safari, simba (lion), bwana (master), jambo (hello). 4. South Asia. The issues concerning English in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal are similar in many respects to those in Africa except that a clearly identifiable South Asian variety of English has emerged over the years. The problems and prospects of Indian English were summarized by Raja Rao more than half a century ago: “The telling has not been easy. One has to convey in a language that is not one’s own the spirit that is one’s own. One has to convey the various shades and omissions of a certain 27
Ian F.Hancock and Rachel Angogo, “English in East Africa,” in Bailey and Görlach, p. 316.
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thought-movement that looks maltreated in an alien language. I use the word ‘alien,’ yet English is not really an alien language to us. It is the language of our intellectual makeup…but not of our emotional make-up. We are all instinctively bilingual, many of us writing in our own language and in English. We cannot write like the English. We should not. We cannot write only as Indians. We have grown to look at the large world as part of us. Our method of expression therefore has to be a dialect which will some day prove to be as distinctive and colorful as the Irish or the American. Time alone will justify it.”28 Peculiarly Indian features of pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntax, which the British regarded with condescension during the days of the Empire, have in recent years received more appropriately neutral descriptions from linguists. Certain pronunciations result from the systematic influence of Indian languages. For speakers of the variety of Hindi that does not permit sk, st, and sp at the beginning of words, English station is regularly pronounced with an initial vowel [Iste: šən]29 In some varieties of Indian English [v] and [w] are not distinguished, and [t], [d], [l], and [r] are pronounced with retroflection. Dozens of words and phrases that strike British and American speakers as strange are the natural expressions of cultural contexts that are absent in Western society. Indian English is characterized by greetings such as bow my forehead, fall at your feet, blessed my hovel with the good dust of your feet; abuses and curses such as you eater of your masters, you of the evil stars, the incestuous sister sleeper; blessings and flattery such as thou shalt write from an inkwell of your shoe and my head; and modes of address such as cherisher of the poor, king of pearls, policewala, mother of my daughter.30 The future of English in India and the rest of South Asia will be determined by a complex set of social, political, and linguistic forces. The Indian Constitution of 1950 recognized fourteen Indian languages, of which Hindi was to be the first national language. English was to serve as a transitional language with Hindi until 1965, but it has continued to be used as an official language. Whatever the stated policies may be in the future, it is certain that the English language will be spoken and written by a small but influential minority of the Indian population, including leaders in government, education, and the press. It is also certain that the variety of English recognized as standard in India—and in Bangladesh and in Pakistan—will be a distinctively South Asian variety in its pronunciation, syntax, and vocabulary. It will continue to be affected 28
Kanthapura (1938; reprinted New York, 1963), p. vii. Cf. Noah Webster on American English, § 246. 29 Braj B.Kachru, “South Asian English,” in Bailey and Görlach, p. 359. 30 Further examples are given in Braj B.Kachru, “The Indianness in Indian English,” Word, 21 (1965), 391–410.
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by the culture and native languages of South Asia, and in turn it will affect those languages and serve as the medium for Western influences on the culture. 5. Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong. The development of English as a second language in the Pacific rim is especially interesting because of the influence of background languages (the Chinese dialects Hokkien, Cantonese, and Mandarin; Malay; the southern Indian Tamil) and because of the effects of different language policies instituted by the various governments. Historically, the Malay peninsula has been among the most important trading areas of the world, the site of a productive if sometimes uneasy cultural mix of Chinese, Malays, Indians, and, since the sixteenth century, Europeans. The state of Malacca on the Malay peninsula was ruled by the Portuguese from 1511 to 1640, then by the Dutch, and, after 1824, by the British. In 1819 Sir Stamford Raffles founded Singapore at the tip of the Malay peninsula, which together with Malacca and Penang became a British crown colony, the Straits Settlements. From the very beginning, Singapore prospered economically, and throughout the rest of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, English was an important language of government, business, and education. When independence came to the British colony in 1957 Singapore was originally federated with the Malaysian mainland and islands that surrounded it. The separation of the states two years later resulted partly from ethnic and cultural tensions between the Malays, who formed a majority of the population outside of Singapore, and the Chinese, who formed a majority of the population within Singapore. These different cultural settings are reflected in the subsequent history of the English language in the region. During the 1970s a national fervor in Malaysia brought about a policy of promoting Bahasa Malay as the official language, and the use of English declined rapidly. By the mid-1980s, however, it was clear that the advantages that had been gained in unifying the country’s diverse ethnic populations under a national language had been offset by the growing inability of Malaysians to read English, including scientific publications, and to compete internationally in commerce. A former vicechancellor of the University of Malaya described the situation: “You should sit among the students in the library. You see these people open the book and they don’t move the pages. And they’re looking awfully concerned.”31 Recently, the Malaysian government has quietly begun to reemphasize English. In Singapore the changing relationship between English and the Asian languages has been in a sense the reverse of that in Malaysia. With English as 31
Margot Cohen, “Malaysian Students Struggle to Cope with Language Shift,” Chronicle of Higher Education (June 8, 1988), p. A29.
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one of the four official languages and the main medium for administration, commerce, industry, and education, the country has prospered in international trade and in its domestic economy. However, key government leaders, including the founder of the independent state, Lee Kuan Yew, have expressed concern over the loss of Asian values and have begun to promote the use of Mandarin. As the director of the Confucian Ethics Project Team expressed it: “English is for getting on in life, for practical use. But for moral behavior we must learn Chinese, our own language.”32 Thus, Malaysia and Singapore in their separate ways illustrate the tensions between the international language and the languages of ethnic and cultural identity. Bilingualism and multilingualism will be essential in both countries for years to come. Hong Kong, although more than a thousand miles across the South China Sea from Singapore, has similarities in the use of English because of its British colonial history. The main difference is in the relatively homogeneous population, which is 97 percent Chinese. English is much less frequently used for oral communication among Hong Kong’s Cantonese-speaking Chinese than among the Chinese in Singapore. Some of the specific features of English in Malaysia and Singapore are shared by English-based creoles in other parts of the world and by African American Vernacular English in the United States: the lack of an ending to mark the third person singular present tense of the verb; the omission of be both as a copula (“This coffee house—very cheap,” in contrast with standard British and American English “This coffee house is very cheap”) and also as an auxiliary (“My brother—working” instead of “My brother is working”).33 These structures reflect corresponding structures in the background languages. Among the differences in syntax is the word order of indirect questions (“May I ask where is the stamp counter?” or “I’d like to know what are the procedures”). In phonology, the pronunciation of both British and American English is with a “stresstimed rhythm.” Stressed syllables recur at equal intervals, but unstressed syllables are unequally spaced in time. In Singaporean English, however, the rhythm is “syllabletimed.” Syllables tend to recur at equal intervals of time, stressed or unstressed. 6. The Caribbean. The countries of the Caribbean face multilingual situations that in certain respects of their history and present status resemble those of the Pacific. Paradoxically, however, the solutions to social problems involving languages in contact appear to become more difficult as the varieties of the languages are more similar. The very question of whether Ja32
Ian Buruma, “Singapore,” New York Times Magazine (June 12, 1988), p. 58. John Platt and Heidi Weber, English in Singapore and Malaysia: Status, Features, Functions (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1980), pp. 63–64. 33
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maican Creole is a separate language or a point on a continuum that includes Jamaican English is a charged political question with implications for educational policy, the legal system, and the mass media. As we shall see in § 230, the problem of definition involves whether a creole language is stable or evolving, and, if evolving, in what direction. A determination of these questions requires a consideration of the complex history of the region, which, for the English language, goes back to the arrival of settlers in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 and in Bermuda two years later. A full history would take into account the Spanish presence in the Caribbean during the sixteenth century, a heritage that is clearly seen in Puerto Rico, where both Spanish and English survive side by side, as well as in Belize, Panama, and Guyana.34 For most of the anglophone Caribbean islands, however, including Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, the Leeward Islands, and the Windward Islands, the most relevant languages in contact are those of the west coast of Africa. Ewe, Twi, Efik, Yoruba, Ibo, Hausa, and other African languages were spoken by slaves who were brought to the islands during the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. In addition to the syllable-timed rhythm that we have seen in other varieties of world English, final syllables in Jamaican Creole frequently have rising tone, reflecting the West African tone language spoken by the slaves, who carried their own phonology into their reinterpretation of a Germanic language with light and heavy stresses. Despite gaps in the written records of both the early forms of Caribbean English and of the African source languages, continuing lexicographical efforts have revealed much about the complex history of English in this part of the world. A large number of words can be traced clearly to African languages. Forms of nyam (to eat) occur as verbs in Wolof and Fula and as nouns referring to food in Hausa na:ma (flesh, meat), Efik unam (flesh), Twi εnãm (flesh, meat of any animal). In Jamaican Creole, nyam is generally the verb, ninyam a noun (food), and nyaams a specific food (yam). One of the most characteristic Jamaicanisms, juk (to prick, poke, spur, jab, stab), has been traced to several possible sources, the most plausible of which is perhaps F.G.Cassidy’s suggestion of Fula jukka (to spur, poke, knock down).35 Obeah (the practice of malignant magic) has roots in Efik ubio (a charm) and Twi Caribbean English is in 34
(witch, wizard). Part of the vitality of
See John Holm, “The Spread of English in the Caribbean Area,” in Focus on the Caribbean, ed. Manfred Görlach and J.A.Holm (Amsterdam, 1986), pp. 1–22. 35 See F.G.Cassidy, Jamaica Talk: Three Hundred Years of the English Language in Jamaica, (2nd ed., London, 1971), p. 146. For other examples cited here, see also F.G.Cassidy, “Etymology in Caribbean Creoles,” in Görlach and Holm, pp. 133–39.
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the formation of compounds that are loan-translations of African metaphors: door-mouth (a doorway, or the place just outside the doorway of a small house or hut) can be compared with Yoruba iloro enu (threshold; literally porch mouth) and Hausa baki (a mouth, an opening, an entrance); and strong-eye (firm, determined) is possibly a loantranslation from Twi n’ani yε deŋ (strong-eye, insolent, self-willed). It is often difficult to be certain about etymologies in Caribbean creoles. Cassidy points out that kakanabu (foolishness, nonsense) at first appears African, with the initial reduplication and the final vowel [u], but it turns out to be quite regularly derived from cock-and-a-bull, as in “a cock-and-bull story.” Conversely, dutty (earth, soil; excrement) at first appears to be a regular Jamaican development of Standard English dirt, dirty; however, the main source (soil, earth), with some influence from the English words. turns out to be Twi More recent developments are recorded fully in print and especially as regards music in the electronic media. The speech of the Rastafari (a religious and social movement that arose during the 1940s among the Jamaican poor and was energized by a sense of identification with Africa, and specifically Ethiopia) has given new forms to pronouns: you is eliminated for being divisive and I and I is used instead, as well as for I and for me. From popular culture Jamaican English and the world at large have received the words reggae and ska. The variety of creoles in the Caribbean can be illustrated by versions of sentences in as many as thirty-three different languages.36 The Standard English sentence “The dog of the man who lives in that house is named King” becomes in Jamaican Creole [di ma:n wa lIb i:na da
da:g njεm kIŋ]; in Trinidad Creole [di
tu di man dat
ne:m kIŋ]; in Caymans Creole [da man hu lrv In da i dag lIvεn In dat ne:m kIŋ]. Comparisons can be made with African creoles. In Nigerian Creole the sentence takes the form [di
we na di man we lif
da haυs gεt am, i nem kiŋ] and
in Krio, the creole language of Sierra Leone, [di man we tap na da os nεm kiŋ]. Phonetic transcription is useful for those who have studied it, though not for the general public, and the question of the written representation of creole languages is part of the unresolved complex of political, social, and psychological issues surrounding the linguistic question. A modified standard orthography with markings for tone is another way of representing speech on paper, as in these examples of Jamaican English: 36
See Ian Hancock, “A Preliminary Classification of the Anglophone Atlantic Creoles with Syntactic Data from Thirty-three Representative Dialects,” in Pidgin and Creole Languages: Essays in Memory of John E.Reinecke, ed. Glenn G.Gilbert (Honolulu, 1987), pp. 264–333.
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mi granma chier “my grandmother’s chair” Him did go down Hope Ruod “He/she went down Hope Road” 7. Canada. Canadian English, as would be expected, has much in common with that of the United States while retaining a few features of British pronunciation and spelling. Where alternative forms exist the likelihood for a particular choice to be British or American varies with region, education, and age. British items such as chips, serviette, and copse tend to occur more frequently in the West, while the more common American choices French fries, napkin, and grove tend to occur in the East. British spellings such as colour and pronunciations such as schedule with an initial [š] occur most frequently throughout Canada among more highly educated and older speakers.37 In addition there are a number of words with meanings that are neither British nor American but peculiarly Canadian. Thus one finds aboiteau (dam), Blue nose (Nova Scotian), Creditiste (member of the Social Credit party), Digby chicken (smoke-cured herring), mukluk (Inuit boot), reeve (chairman of a municipal council), salt-chuck (ocean), and skookum (powerful, brave). The Dictionary of Canadianisms, published in Canada’s Centennial Year, allows historical linguists to establish in detail the sources of Canadian English.38 Many of the earlier settlers in Canada came from the United States, and the influence of the United States has always been very strong. A writer in the Canadian Journal in 1857 complained of the new words “imported by travellers, daily circulated by American newspapers, and eagerly incorporated into the language of our Provincial press.” Needless to say, he considered the influence wholly bad, and his words are still echoed by Canadians who deplore the wide circulation of American books and magazines in Canada and in recent years the further influence of movies and television. Nevertheless a linguistically informed opinion would have to concede that in language as in other activities “it is difftcult to differentiate what belongs to Canada from what belongs to the United States, let alone either from what might be called General North American.”39 230. Pidgins and Creoles. Of the varieties of English discussed in the preceding section, those of West and East Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Rim coexist and interact with well-established English-based pidgins 37
See H.J.Warkentyne, “Contemporary Canadian English: A Report of the Survey of Canadian English,” American Speech, 46 (1971; pub. 1975), 193–99. 38 Walter S.Avis et al., Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles (Toronto, 1967). 39 Raven I.McDavid, Jr., “Canadian English,” American Speech, 46 (1971), 287.
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and creoles.40 The linguistic and sociological issues that are raised by these varieties of language in daily contact have already been suggested with respect to Jamaican English. The theoretical interest to linguists, however, goes even deeper, because the study of pidgin and creole languages may give clues to a better understanding of a number of interrelated problems: the analyticsynthetic distinction, which we have considered in the development of Middle English; the idea of a “continuum” among varieties of a single language and between closely related languages; the acquisition of language by children; the language-processing abilities of the human brain; and the origin of language. Because English-based creoles are so numerous and so widespread, the study of present-day English in all its worldwide varieties is useful not only in itself but also in the illumination that it gives to some of these most basic issues in language and cognition. Of the approximately 125 pidgin and creole languages throughout the world, spoken by more than nine million people, about thirty-five are English-based.41 Historical settlement and colonization produced two major groups of English-based creoles, an Atlantic group and a Pacific group. The Atlantic creoles were established in West Africa and the Caribbean area mainly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and include varieties in Sierra Leone (Krio), Liberia, Suriname (formerly Dutch Guiana in northern South America), Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Jamaica, and other West African countries and Caribbean islands. The Pacific group, established largely during the nineteenth century, includes varieties in Hawaii, Papua New Guinea (Tok Pisin), and other islands. The lexical impoverishment of pidgin and creole language often results in periphrastic and metaphorical expressions to designate things and events which in established language are signified by unrelated morphemes. The single word hum in English is expressed in Tok Pisin (literally ‘talk pidgin’) by the circumlocution, singsing long taim maus i pas (‘to sing when the mouth is closed’). English ‘grass’ in Tok Pisin is gras; ‘moustache’ is mausgras; ‘beard’ is gras bilong fes (‘grass on face’); ‘hair’ is gras bilong hed; ‘eyebrow’ is gras antap longai (‘grass on top along eye’); ‘weed’ is gras nogut. In these pidgin expressions, prepositions and word order rather than inflectional endings signal the grammatical and semantic relationships.42 The preposition 40
A creole, like a pidgin, is based on two or more languages, but unlike a pidgin it is learned as a native language, and it contains fuller syntax and vocabulary. 41 For helpful surveys of pidgins and creoles, see Ian F. Hancock, “Appendix: Repertory of Pidgin and Creole Languages,” in Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, ed. Albert Valdman (Bloomington, IN, 1977), pp. 362–91; and John Holm, Pidgins and Creoles, 2 vols. (Cambridge, UK, 1988–1989), especially, for English-based creoles, 11.405–551. 42 See Suzanne Romaine, Pidgin and Creole Languages (London, 1988), pp. 26–36.
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bilong (from the verb ‘belong’) serves a number of functions in Tok Pisin that in English would be assigned to varying case forms, including possession: ‘my mother’ is mama bilong mi; ‘John’s house’ is haus bilong John. With a greatly reduced system of inflections and a correspondingly greater reliance on function words and word order, pidgin and creole languages show clearly the analytic structure that we noted when we observed the development from Old English to Middle English. The other side of lexical impoverishment is the visibility and richness of certain aspectual distinctions, some never explicitly marked in the verb phrase of historical English. For example, habitual or continuing action is indicated in Hawaiian Creole by including the particle stay in the verb phrase, and other creoles have similar markers: I stay run in Kapiolani Park every evening indicates habitual or repetitive action rather than action completed at a certain point. Similarly, the accomplishment of purpose is made explicit in creole languages around the world. The English sentence “John went to Honolulu to see Mary” does not specify whether John actually saw Mary. Such ambiguity must be resolved in Hawaiian Creole. If the speaker knows that John saw Mary, the appropriate sentence is John bin go Honolulu go see Mary. If John did not see Mary or if the speaker does not know whether John saw Mary, the appropriate verb form expresses intention without expressing completion: John bin go Honolulu for see Mary.43 Another important factor of language in general which the study of pidgins and creoles clarifies is the idea of a linguistic continuum. Whereas earlier observations noted only a binary distinction between the standard language and the “patois,” research during the past quarter century has made it clear that there are multiple, overlapping grammars between the basilect (the most extreme form of pidgin or creole) and the acrolect (the standard language). These intermediate grammars are known as mesolects. There is often an observable hierarchy of linguistic features associated with various points on the continuum (for example, different past tense formations of verbs, some closer than others to the standard). If a speaker has a nonstandard feature located near the basilectal extreme, it is likely that the speaker will also have all of the other nonstandard features that are increasingly closer to the standard language. This technique of analysis is known as an “implicational scale.”44 The regularity of such scales in pidgin and creole languages world-wide leads to yet another interesting problem: the order of acquisition of the scaled features 43
These examples are from Derek Bickerton, “Creole Languages,” Scientific American (July 1983); rpt. in Language, Writing and the Computer (New York, 1986), pp. 24–30. 44 On the theory underlying the creole continuum, see Derek Bickerton, Dynamics of a Creole System (Cambridge, UK, 1975).
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in the process of learning a language. Typically the standard features near the basilectal end of the implicational scale are learned first, and those near the acrolectal end are learned later if at all. The study of language acquisition leads finally to a convergence in the concerns of creolists and generative grammarians (see § 255). In what Noam Chomsky has called “Plato’s problem,” generative grammarians have aimed to explain how language can be acquired at all, given the poverty of the stimulus.45 “How can we know so much on the basis of so little experience?” they ask. Their answer is that a knowledge of linguistic universals is part of the innate structure of the human brain. Similarly, on the basis of evidence such as we have seen, Derek Bickerton has developed a theory of a “bioprogram” for the acquisition of language.46 Although these theories often differ on the details of their specific analysis, as indeed all theories do, they both see the study of language as ultimately rooted in the biology of the speaking animal. 231. Spelling Reform. In the latter part of the nineteenth century renewed interest was manifested in the problem of English spelling, and the question of reform was vigorously agitated. For nearly 400 years the English have struggled with their spelling. It was one of the chief problems that seemed to confront the language in the time of Shakespeare (see pages 208–14), and it continued to be an issue throughout the seventeenth and to some extent in the eighteenth century. The publication in 1837 of a system of shorthand by Isaac Pitman led to his proposal of several plans of phonetic spelling for general use. In these schemes Pitman was assisted by Alexander J.Ellis, a much greater scholar. They were promoted during the 1840s by the publication of a periodical called the Phonotypic Journal, later changed to the Phonetic Journal. The Bible and numerous classic works were printed in the new spelling, and the movement aroused considerable public interest. By 1870 the English Philological Society had taken up the question, and the Transactions contain numerous discussions of it. Prominent members who took part in the debate included Ellis, Morris, Payne, Sweet, Furnivall, Skeat, and Murray. The discussion spread into the columns of the Academy and the Athenaeum. America became interested in the question, and in 1883 the American Philological Association recommended the adoption of a long list of new spellings approved jointly by it and the English society. Spelling Reform Associations were formed in both countries. In America men like March, Lounsbury, Grandgent, William Dean Howells, and Brander Matthews lent their support to the movement. In 1898 the National Education 45
Among many writings by Chomsky on this subject, see Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use (New York, 1986). 46 Language and Species (Chicago, 1990).
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Association formally adopted for use in its publications twelve simplified spellings—tho, altho, thoro, thorofare, thru, thruout, program, catalog, prolog, decalog, demagog, and pedagog. Some of these have come into general use, but on the whole the public remained indifferent. In 1906 there was organized in the United States a Simplified Spelling Board, supported by a contribution from Andrew Carnegie. Their first practical step was to publish a list of 300 words for which different spellings were in use (judgement—judgment, mediaeval—medieval, etc.) and to recommend the simpler form. This was a very moderate proposal and met with some favor. Theodore Roosevelt endorsed it. But it also met with opposition, and subsequent lists that went further were not well received. Newspapers, magazines, and book publishers continued to use the traditional orthography, and though the Simplified Spelling Board continued to issue from time to time its publication, Spelling, until 1931, its accomplishment was slight, and it eventually went out of existence. The efforts that have been described produced only slender results, but they did succeed in stimulating public interest for a time and gained the support of various people whose names carried weight. This interest, however, was far from universal. Advocates of reform had to contend with the apathy of the public and face at the same time a certain amount of active opposition. Innate conservatism was responsible for some of it, and there are always those who feel that the etymological value of the old spelling is an asset not to be lightly relinquished.47 An influential opinion was expressed by Henry Bradley in his paper “On the Relation of Spoken and Written Language” (1919). He held that it was a mistake to think that the sole function of writing was to represent sounds. For many people nowadays the written word is as important as the spoken word, and as we read, many words convey their meaning directly without the intermediate process of pronunciation, even mental pronunciation. To change the symbol that long practice enables us instantaneously to translate into an idea would be a handicap to many people, even though a temporary one. Besides, there are the numerous words that are distinguished in writing, though pronounced alike. For these and other reasons Bradley was opposed to any radical change in English spelling. The history of spelling reform makes it clear that in opposing radical change he was expressing the attitude of the majority of people. It is probably safe to say that if our spelling is ever to be reformed, it must be reformed gradually and with as little 47
The case against spelling reform is stated by Sir William Craigie, Problems of Spelling Reform (Oxford, 1944; S.P.E. Tract No. 63). More recently it has been argued that predictable morphophonemic alternations (e.g., divine~divinity) make conventional orthography “a near optimal system for the lexical representation of English words.” See Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle, The Sound Pattern of English (New York, 1968), p. 49.
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disruption to the existing system as is consistent with the attainment of a reasonable end. 232. Purist Efforts. Conservatives in matters of language, as in politics, are hardy perennials. We have seen many examples of the type in the course of this history. They flourished especially during the eighteenth century, but their descendants are fairly numerous in the nineteenth and scarcely less common today. They generally look upon change with suspicion and are inclined to view all changes in language as corruptions. In retrospect they seem often melancholy figures, fighting a losing fight, many times living to see the usages against which they fought so valiantly become universally accepted. Thomas De Quincey argued at length against the use of implicit in such expressions as implicit faith or confidence, wishing to restrict the word to a sense the opposite of explicit. The American philologist George P.Marsh spoke against “the vulgarism of the phrase in our midst” and objected to a certain adjectival use of the participle. “There is at present,” he says, “an inclination in England to increase the number of active, in America, of passive participles, employed with the syntax of the adjective. Thus, in England it is common to hear: ‘such a thing is very damaging,’ and the phrase has been recently introduced into this country. Trench says: ‘Words which had become unintelligible or misleading,’ and ‘the phrase could not have been other than more or less misleading’; ‘these are the most serious and most recurring.’ Now, though pleasing, gratifying, encouraging, and many other words have long been established as adjectives, yet the cases cited from Trench strike us as unpleasant novelties.”48 Dean Alford, the author of The Queen’s English (1864), a curious composite of platitude and prejudice with occasional flashes of unexpected liberality, a book that was reprinted many times, finds much to object to, especially in the English of journalism. “No man ever shows any feeling, but always evinces it…. Again, we never begin anything in the newspapers now, but always commence…. Another horrible word, which is fast getting into our language through the provincial press, is to eventuate…. Avocation is another monster patronised by these writers…. Desirability is a terrible word…. Reliable is hardly legitimate…” and so with many others. The battle over reliable was still being waged at the end of the nineteenth century, as over lengthy and standpoint. Often the American was accused of introducing these supposed outrages against good English, and just as often accused unjustly. It is unnecessary to multiply examples that could be useful only to the future historian of human error. If we might venture a moral, it would be to point out the danger and the futility of trying to prevent the natural development of language. 48
Lectures, I, 657.
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An effort that gave promise of being saved from some of the pitfalls that beset the reformers of language took the form of a Society for Pure English (S.P.E.). If it were to escape the common fate of such efforts, it would have been because of the moderateness of its aims and the fuller knowledge of the ways of language that some of its members possessed. The society was founded in 1913, but World War I delayed its plans and it was not until after the Armistice that it began its activities. The original committee was composed of Henry Bradley, the distinguished philologist, Robert Bridges, the poet laureate, Sir Walter Raleigh, Oxford Professor of English Literature, and Logan Pearsall Smith, a well-known literary man. The moving spirit was Bridges. In their proposals they stated their aim to be “to agree upon a modest and practical scheme for informing popular taste on sound principles, for guiding educational authorities, and for introducing into practice certain slight modifications and advantageous changes.” They specifically disavowed any intention “of foolish interference with living developments.” Their hope of directing the development of the vocabulary seems, in the light of history, perhaps overoptimistic, but their recognition of the popular voice inspired confidence. “Now, believing that language is or should be democratic both in character and origin, and that its best word-makers are the uneducated classes, we would prefer vivid popular terms to the artificial creations of scientists.” This at least is sound doctrine. One must likewise applaud the recognition given to local dialects, from which the standard speech has so often been enriched in the past. But most praiseworthy of all was the intention to achieve its ends not by authoritative pronouncement but by the dissemination of fact and enlightened opinion. For this purpose it proposed to issue from time to time short Tracts on various linguistic topics and promote the discussion of pertinent questions. In this respect the S.P.E. recalls the proposal of the anonymous writer of 1724 (cf. § 196). The difference lies in the fact that this society actually issued more than three score of its Tracts before becoming inactive. Almost from the beginning some skepticism was expressed. Dissent appeared as early as 1926. “The ‘Society for Pure English,’ recently formed by the Poet Laureate, is getting a great deal of support at this moment, and is the literary equivalent of political Fascism. But at no period have the cultured classes been able to force the habit of tidiness on the nation as a whole…. The imaginative genius of the uneducated and half-educated masses will not be denied expression.”49 Nevertheless the movement appealed to many on 49
Robert Graves, Impenetrability, or The Proper Habit of English (London, 1926), pp. 30–31. Cf. Basil de Selincourt: “The best and most English instinct is still that of resistance to change, and above all to any plan or method of change, any committee or academy or association to school and enlighten us.” (Pomona, or The Future of English, London, n.d., p. 69.)
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both sides of the Atlantic. In 1922 a group of Americans proposed that some plan of cooperation between England and America be devised, and a committee was appointed in England to consider the question. A few years later, at a meeting of the Royal Society of Literature held in London, a number of English and American writers and scholars agreed to form an “International Council for English” to consider the problems of the common language of the English-speaking countries.50 Such movements indicate that even if the idea of a formal academy was no longer entertained, not all hope had been given up of exercising some control over the development of the language. 233. Gender Issues and Linguistic Change. The course of the history of English since the Renaissance has seen numerous conscious attempts to reform the language in one way or another: to prohibit or encourage borrowings, to prescribe matters of grammatical usage, to change the established spellings of words, to found an academy with goals like these. More often than not the reforms have failed and the language has developed in a seemingly inexorable way, especially in the later periods when the efforts of any one person or group of persons appear powerless against the language’s very vastness in geographical extent and number of speakers. Since the 1970s the efforts to eliminate sexism from English, though having met with resistance, have been more successful than most attempts at reform. Published works from just a few years earlier now seem oddly dated in their use of what is now seen as sexist language. Among the most obvious instances of the earlier usage are the noun man and the masculine pronoun he, sometimes with man as the antecedent, both words referring to men and women. Such usage was normal in the English language for two centuries, although one interesting result of recent research is the demonstration that grammarians since the eighteenth century, mostly male, have helped to bring about and reinforce a usage that is socially biased and grammatically illogical. Writers at the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century have generally found it easy to substitute people, person, or human beings for man and mankind, though the problem of the pronoun has proved thornier. In the sentence, “Everybody should button their coat,” males and females are treated equally, but the plural pronoun their has as its antecedent the singular noun everybody. English does not have a gender-neutral, or epicene, pronoun for persons. For more than a century proposals have been suggested to remedy this lack including thon; e, es, em; heshe, hes, hem; shey, shem, sheir, and many others. None of these has gained general accep50
See J.H.G.Grattan, “On Anglo-American Cultivation of Standard English,” Review of English Studies, 3 (1927), 430–41, and Kemp Malone, “The International Council for English,” American Speech, 3 (1928), 261–75. Nothing came of the proposal.
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tance, and it is clear that none will. The closed class of personal pronouns is much more resistant to additions and substitutions than the open classes of nouns and adjectives. We have seen during the late medieval period the plural pronouns in h- (hie, hem, hir) replaced by borrowings from Old Norse (Present-day they, them, their) and the rise of analogical its during the Renaissance. However, most of the changes in pronouns have simply been losses in number and case, and it would be unprecedented for a consciously constructed pronoun to come into general use. There is precedence, however, for the simplest solution to the problem of pronoun agreement in gender, and that is lack of agreement in number, as in the sentence with which we began: “Everybody should button their coat.” English, which once distinguished between singular thou, thee, thy and plural ye, you, your in the second person, has had plural you, your as the standard form for the past four centuries. An extension of the plural they, their to certain singular contexts would cause no more disruption in syntax than the change in the second person, and of course it already shows up in informal usage, as in the sentence quoted.51 Other nouns, adjectives, and forms of address have supplanted sexist language so naturally that it is sometimes hard to imagine the resistance with which they originally met. Ms is a happy replacement in many contexts for the uncertainties that often attend a choice of Miss or Mrs., putting the female form of address on the same footing as Mr., for which indications of marital status have always been considered irrelevant. Flight attendant has given stewardess a dated ring, somewhat like a 1950s movie, where one might also hear girl for woman in a way that now jars, especially if there is no question of referring to the man as a boy. Poetess, authoress, and sculptress were out or on their way out before the feminist writings of the 1970s, while actress has had more resilience, possibly in part because of distinctions in awards for performance that would not apply to poets, authors, and sculptors. Job titles ending in -man, such as chairman and Congressman, sometimes substitute -person, though there is variation according to personal preference. A familiar choice in recent years is the shorter form chair, a word that the Oxford English Dictionary records with this meaning as early as 1658. 234. The Oxford English Dictionary. In the more enlightened attitude of the Society for Pure English, as distinguished from most purist efforts in the past, it is impossible not to see the influence of a great work that came into being in the latter half of the nineteenth century. About 1850 the inadequacy 51
See Ann Bodine, “Androcentrism in Prescriptive Grammar: Singular ‘they’, Sex-indefinite ‘he’, and ‘he or she,”’Language in Society, 4 (1975), 129–46.
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Frederick James Furnivall Sir James A.H.Murray Henry Bradley Sir William A.Craigie C.T.Onions (see § 234) of the existing dictionaries of the English language began to be acutely felt. Those of Johnson and Richardson, even in their later revisions, were sadly incomplete and far below the standards of modern scholarship. In 1857 at a meeting of the Philological Society in London a committee was appointed to collect words not in the dictionaries, with a view to publishing a supplement to them. The committee consisted of Herbert Coleridge, Dean Trench (whose little books English Past and Present and The Study of Words had shown his interest in word history), and F.J.Furnivall, that great student and inspirer of students of early English literature. Furnivall seems to have suggested the undertaking. The most important outcome of the committee’s activity was a paper read to the Society by Dean Trench, “On Some Deficiencies in Our English Dictionaries.” In it he laid down the historical principles on which a dictionary should be compiled. As a result of this paper the society decided that a supplement would not be satisfactory, and in January 1858 it passed resolutions calling for a new dictionary. A formal “Proposal for the Publication of a New English Dictionary by the Philological Society” was issued the following year. The two principal aims of the new project were to record every word that could be found in English from about the year 1000 and to exhibit the history of each— its forms, its various spellings, and all its uses and meanings, past and present. The lastnamed feature was especially to be shown by a full selection of quotations from the whole range of English writings. This would of course necessitate the systematic reading of thousands of texts. A call for volunteers was issued and met with a most gratifying response. Hundreds of readers not only from England but all over the world began to send in material. This was the nucleus out of which the future dictionary grew. The number of contributors increased, and before the last part of the dictionary was published some six million slips containing quotations had been gathered. An important by-product of the dictionary enterprise was the founding of a society for the publication of unedited texts, chiefly from the Middle Ages. It was early apparent that the words from this great mass of literature could be obtained only with great difficulty as long as much of it remained in manuscript. In order to provide the machinery for the printing of this material by subscription, Furnivall founded in 1864 the Early English Text Society. Through this society more than 400 volumes, chiefly of Middle English texts, have been published. The first editor appointed to deal with the mass of material being assembled was Herbert Coleridge, already mentioned. Upon his sudden death in 1861 at the age of thirtyone, he was succeeded by Furnivall, then in his thirty-sixth year. For a time work went forward with reasonable speed, but then it gradually slowed down, partly because of Furnivall’s increasing
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(By permission of the Oxford University Press) absorption in other interests. Meanwhile James A.H.Murray, a Scottish schoolmaster with philological tastes, had been approached by certain publishers to edit a dictionary to rival those of Webster and Worcester. After the abandonment of this project Murray was drawn into the Philological Society’s enterprise, and in 1879 a formal agreement was entered into with the Oxford University Press whereby this important publishing house was to finance and publish the society’s dictionary and Murray was to be its editor. From this time on the work was pushed with new energy and in 1884 the first installment, covering part of the letter A, was issued. By 1900 four and a half volumes had been published, extending as far as the letter H.World War I made serious inroads in the dictionary staff, and progress was for a time retarded. But in 1928 the final section was issued, just seventy years after the Philological Society had passed its now notable resolution looking toward “A New English Dictionary.” Dr. Murray did not live to see the completion of the task that he had undertaken. But his genuine scholarship and sure judgment in laying down the lines along which the work should be carried out were of the greatest importance to its success. In 1887 he secured the services of Henry Bradley, then comparatively unknown but instantly recognized through the merit of a long review which he wrote of the first installment. In 1888 he became a co-editor. In 1897 William A.Craigie, recently called to Oxford from the University of St. Andrews, joined the staff and in 1901 became a third editor. Finally, in 1914, Charles T.Onions, who had been working with Dr. Murray since 1895, was appointed the fourth member of the editorial staff. Two of the editors were knighted in recognition of their services to linguistic scholarship, Murray in 1908 and Craigie in 1928. But the list of editors does not tell the story of the large number of skillful and devoted workers who sifted the material and did much preliminary work on it. Nor would the enterprise have been possible at all without the generous support of the Oxford University Press and the voluntary help of thousands who furnished quotations. The dictionary was originally known by the name A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), although in 1895 the title The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) was added and has since become the standard designation. The completed work fills ten large volumes, occupies 15,487 pages, and treats 240,165 main words. In 1933 a supplementary volume was published, containing additions and corrections accumulated during the forty-four years over which the publication of the original work extended. A four-volume Supplement that absorbed the 1933 Supplement was published under the editorship of R.W. Burchfield between 1972 and 1986. A second edition by J.A.Simpson and E.S.C.Weiner in 1989 amalgamated the first edition, the Burchfield Supplement, and approximately 5,000 new words, or new senses of existing words, in twenty volumes. The second edition contains about 290,500 main entries, or about 38,000 more than the first edition with its 1933 Supplement. In the 1970s a micrographic reproduction of the first edition in two volumes made the dictionary available to many who could not afford it in its original format, and the availability of the second edition online has opened up new possibilities for the use of computer technology. In preparation for the third edition Oxford University Press is publishing supplements to the entries of the second edition
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and completely new entries under the title Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series. Three volumes were published between 1993 and 1997. The influence of this great publication—the greatest dictionary of any language in the world—has been far-reaching. Its authority was recognized from the appearance of the first installment. It has provided a wealth of exact data on which many questions relating to the history of the language have been resolved. But it has had a further important effect that was scarcely contemplated by the little committee of the Philological Society to which it owed its inception. It has profoundly influenced the attitude of many people toward language, and toward the English language in particular. By exhibiting the history of words and idioms, their forms and various spellings, their changes of meaning, the way words rise and fall in the levels of usage, and many other phenomena, it has increased our linguistic perspective and taught us to view many questions of language in a more scientific and less dogmatic way. When historians of English a century or two hence attempt to evaluate the effect of the Oxford Dictionary on the English language they may quite possibly say that it exerted its chief force in making us historically minded about matters of English speech. 235. Grammatical Tendencies. The several factors already discussed as giving stability to English grammar (§ 152)—the printing press, popular education, improvements in travel and communication, social consciousness—have been particularly effective during the past two centuries. Very few changes in grammatical forms and conventions are to be observed. There has been some schoolmastering of the language. The substitution of you were for you was in the singular occurs about 1820, and it is I is now seldom heard. What was left of the subjunctive mood in occasional use has disappeared except in conditions contrary to fact (if I were you). Some tendency toward loss of inflection, although we have but little to lose, is noticeable in informal speech. The nonstandard he don’t represents an attempt to eliminate the ending of the third person singular and reduce this verb in the negative to a uniform do in the present tense. Likewise the widespread practice of disregarding the objective case form whom in the interrogative (Who do you want?) illus-trates the same impulse. Though some people are shocked by the latter “error,” it has a long and honorable history. Shakespeare often commits it, and historically the reduction of case forms in this pronoun is as justifiable as that in the second person (you for ye; cf. § 182).52 Occasionally a new grammatical convention may be seen springing up. The get passive (he got hurt) is largely a nineteenth-century development, called into being because he is hurt is too static, he became hurt too formal. This construction is noted only from 165253 and is unusual before the nineteenth century. One other tendency is sufficiently important to be noticed separately, the extension of verb-adverb combinations discussed in the following paragraph.
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236. Verb-adverb Combinations. An important characteristic of the modern vocabulary is the large number of expressions like set out, gather up, put off, bring in, made up of a common verb, often of one syllable, combined with an adverb.54 They suggest comparison with verbs having separable prefixes in German, and to a smaller extent with English verbs like withstand and overcome. The latter were much more common in Old English than they are today, and we have seen (§§ 138–39) that their gradual disuse was one of the consequences of the Norman Conquest. Old English made but slight use of the modern type, and during the Middle English period the large number of new verbs from French seems to have retarded for a time what would probably have been a normal and rapid development. Such combinations as we do find before the modern period are generally expressions in which the meaning is the fairly literal sense of the verb and the adverb in the combination (climb up, fall down), often a mere intensification of the idea expressed by the simple verb. One of the most interesting features of such combinations in modern times, however, is the large number of figurative and idiomatic senses in which they have come to be used. Familiar examples are bring about (cause or accomplish), catch on (comprehend), give out (become exhausted), keep on (continue), put up with (tolerate), hold up (rob), lay off (cease to employ), turn over (surrender), size up (estimate), let up (cease), bid up, bid in, and knock down with their meanings at an auction sale. Another is the extensive use, especially in colloquial speech, of these verb-adverb combinations as nouns: blowout, cave-in, holdup, runaway.55 52
Cf. J.S.Kenyon, “On Who and Whom,” American Speech, 5 (1930), 253–55. OED, s.v. get, 34b. 54 On this subject see A.G.Kennedy, The Modern English Verb-Adverb Combination (Stanford University, 1920), and Bruce Fraser, The Verb-Particle Combination in English (corrected ed.,NewYork, 1976). 55 See Edwin R.Hunter, “Verb+adverb=noun,” American Speech, 22 (1947), 115–19; U.Lindelöf, English Verb-adverb Groups Converted into Nouns (Helsinki, Finland, 1937; Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, vol. 9, no. 5). 53
The nineteenth century and after
It will be noticed that many of these expressions are substitutes for single verbs such as comprehend, continue, surrender, etc., of more learned or formal character, and the interesting observation has been made that the vocabulary has thus been pursuing a development similar to that which took place in English grammar at an earlier period and which changed the language from a synthetic to an analytic one.56 It is also apparent that many of the expressions among the examples given are more or less colloquial and betray clearly their popular origin. Many others are slang or considered inelegant. The single adverb up enters into such combinations as bring up, brace up, cough up, dig up, dish up, drum up, fly up, gum up, jack up, loosen up, pass up, perk up, scrape up, shut up, spruce up, whack up, and we have recently seen the frequent use of crack down. Everyone in America will recognize the familiar meaning that attaches to these expressions in colloquial speech. Opposition is sometimes expressed toward the extensive growth of these verb-adverb combinations, and not only toward the less accepted ones. Even among those that are universally accepted in both the spoken and written language there are many in which the adverb is, strictly speaking, redundant. Others, to which this objection cannot be made, are thought to discourage the use of more formal or exact verbs by which the same idea could be conveyed. But it is doubtful whether the objection is well founded. Usually the verb-adverb combination conveys a force or a shade of meaning that could not be otherwise expressed, and there can be no question about the fact that the flexibility of the language, to say nothing of its picturesqueness, has been enormously increased. The twenty verbs back, blow, break, bring, call, come, fall, get, give, go, hold, lay, let, make, put, run, set, take, turn, and work have entered into 155 combinations with more than 600 distinct meanings or uses.57 The historian of language can view this development only as a phenomenon going on actively for over 400 years, one that shows no tendency to lose its vitality and that has its roots in the most permanent and irresistible source of linguistic phenomena, the people. 237. A Liberal Creed. In closing this chapter on the language of our own day it may not be inappropriate to suggest what should be an enlightened modern attitude toward linguistic questions. It has often been necessary in the course of this book to chronicle the efforts of well-meaning but misguided persons who hoped to make over the language in accordance with their individually conceived pattern. And we will find all too often provincialism and prejudice masquerading as scientific truth in discussions of language by men and women who 56 57
Kennedy, p. 42. Kennedy, p. 35.
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would blush to betray an equal intolerance of the music or furniture or social conventions of other parts of the world than their own. Doubtless the best safeguard against prejudice is knowledge, and some knowledge of the history of English in the past is necessary to an enlightened judgment in matters affecting present use. Such knowledge warns us to beware of making arbitrary decisions on questions that only time can settle. It teaches us that reason is but a sorry guide in many matters of grammar and idiom and that the usage of educated speakers and writers is the only standard in language for the educated. It should make us tolerant of colloquial and regional forms, because like the common people, they claim their right to exist by virtue of an ancient lineage. And finally, it should prepare us for further changes since language lives only on the lips of living people and must change as the needs of people in expressing themselves change. But knowledge of the ways of language in the past is not all that is necessary. Knowledge must be coupled with tolerance, and especially tolerance toward usage that differs from our own. We must avoid thinking that there is some one region where the “best” English is spoken, and particularly that that region is the one in which we ourselves live. We must not think that the English of London or Oxford, or Boston or Philadelphia, is the norm by which all other speech must be judged, and that in whatever respects other speech differs from this norm it is inferior. Good English is the usage—sometimes the divided usage— of cultivated people in that part of the English-speaking world in which one happens to be. BIBLIOGRAPHY The best source of information about the growth of the vocabulary in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is the second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, ed. J.A.Simpson and E.S.C.Weiner (20 vols., Oxford, 1989) and its Additions Series (1993–). For the ways in which changes in the vocabulary take place, excellent treatments are J.B.Greenough and G.L.Kittredge, Words and Their Ways in English Speech (New York, 1901); George H.McKnight, English Words and Their Background (New York, 1923); and J.A.Sheard, The Words We Use (New York, 1954). A regular department of the quarterly journal American Speech is “Among the New Words,” and annual lists appear in the Britannica Book of the Year. For many examples of common words from proper names, see Ernest Weekley, Words and Names (London, 1932), and Eric Partridge, Name into Word (2nd ed., New York, 1950). A readable account of the growth of scientific English is Theodore H.Savory, The Language of Science (2nd ed., London, 1967). Principles of English word formation are explained and fully illustrated in Herbert Koziol, Handbuch der englischen Wortbildungslehre (2nd ed., Heidelberg, 1972); Hans Marchand, The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-Formation (2nd ed., Munich, 1969); and Valerie Adams, An Introduction to Modern English WordFormation (London, 1973). On degeneration and regeneration there are two important monographs: H.Schreuder, Pejorative Sense Development in English (Groningen, 1929), and G.A.Van Dongen, Amelioratives in English (Rotterdam, 1933). For slang see Eric Partridge, ed., Slang To-day and Yesterday (4th ed., New York, 1970); Harold Wentworth and Stuart Berg Flexner, eds., Dictionary of American Slang (2nd ed., New York 1975); Jonathan E.Lighter et al., eds., Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, vol. 1, A-G (New York, 1994); and Connie Eble, Slang & Sociability: In-Group Language among College Students (Chapel Hill, NC, 1996). An engaging account of differences between nineteenth-century and
The nineteenth century and after
contemporary English is Richard W.Bailey’s Nineteenth-Century English (Ann Arbor, MI, 1996). For varieties of English in the British Isles, good overviews are Martyn F.Wakelin, English Dialects: An Introduction (rev. ed., London, 1977); Arthur Hughes and Peter Trudgill, English Accents and Dialects: An Introduction to Social and Regional Varieties of British English (London, 1979); Peter Trudgill, ed., Language in the British Isles (Cambridge, 1984); and Peter Trudgill, The Dialects of England (Oxford, 1990). The essays in Dialects of English: Studies in Grammatical Variation, ed. Peter Trudgill and J.K.Chambers (London, 1991) emphasize syntax, mainly in British and American varieties. All these studies are compatible in their approaches with the geographically specialized volumes of the series Varieties of English around the World (VEAW), under the general editorship of Manfred Görlach—for example, Wolfgang Viereck, ed., Focus on: England and Wales, VEAW G4 (Amsterdam, 1985). The two full-scale dialect surveys are Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary (6 vols., London, 1898–1905), from which his English Dialect Grammar was published separately (Oxford, 1905), and The Linguistic Atlas of England, ed. Harold Orton, Stewart Sanderson, and J.D.A.Widdowson (London, 1978), the publication of which was preceded by an Introduction and twelve books of Basic Material in the Survey of English Dialects, ed. Harold Orton and Eugen Dieth (Leeds, UK, 1962–1971). Vocabulary items from the Survey are displayed in Harold Orton and Nathalia Wright, A Word Geography of England (London, 1974). A useful companion to the Orton Atlas is Eduard Kolb et al., Atlas of English Sounds (Bern, 1979). The essays in Studies in Linguistic Geography: The Dialects of English in Britain and Ireland, ed. John M.Kirk, Stewart Sanderson, and J.D.A.Widdowson (London, 1985) discuss methods of dialectology in the British Isles. In British urban sociolinguistics, numerous studies have followed Peter Trudgill, The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich (Cambridge, UK, 1974). An older work by William Matthews, Cockney Past and Present: A Short History of the Dialect of London (London, 1938) is a treatment of a perennially interesting subject. Traditional responses to prestigious and stigmatized accents in Britain are described in John Honey, Does Accent Matter? The Pygmalion Factor (London, 1989). Various aspects of Scots are treated in The Scottish Tongue: A Series of Lectures on the Vernacular Language of Lowland Scotland, by W.A.Craigie et al. (London, 1924), and the pronunciation is described in William Grant, The Pronunciation of English in Scotland (Cambridge, UK, 1913). More recent studies are gathered in Languages of Scotland, ed. A.J.Aitken and Tom McArthur (Edinburgh, 1979) and in Focus on: Scotland, ed. Manfred Görlach, VEAW G5 (Amsterdam, 1985). Of the two major Scottish dictionaries, the Scottish National Dictionary, ed. William Grant and David A.Murison (10 vols., Edinburgh, 1931–1976) is complete, and A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, ed. William A.Craigie and A.J.Aitken (Chicago, 1931–) is still in progress. A third major reference work is The Linguistic Atlas of Scotland, ed. J.Y.Mather and H.H.Speitel (3 vols., London, 1975–1986). For Wales, David Parry has done important work, including the Survey of AngloWelsh Dialects (2 vols., Swansea, UK, 1977–1979). Essays on the English of Ireland are collected in Aspects of English Dialects in Ireland, ed. Michael V.Barry (Belfast, 1981). Good introductions to Australasian English are G.W.Turner, The English Language in Australia and New Zealand (2nd ed., London, 1972), and W.S.Ramson, ed., English Transported: Essays on Australasian English (Canberra, Australia, 1970). See also S.J.Baker, The Australian Language (2nd ed., Sydney, 1966), whose scholarly methods have been criticized; W.S.Ramson, Australian English: An Historical Study of the Vocabulary, 1788–1898 (Canberra, 1966); and Barbara Horvath, Variation in Australian English: The Sociolects of Sydney (Cambridge, UK, 1985). The essays in Language in Australia, ed. Suzanne Romaine (Cambridge, UK, 1991), cover aboriginal languages and pidgins and creoles as well as Australian English. Two dictionaries of Australian English are to a degree complementary: The Macquarie Dictionary, ed. A.Delbridge (St. Leonards, Australia, 1981) is synchronic and inclusive; The Australian National Dictionary: A Dictionary of Australianisms on Historical Principles, ed. W.S.Ramson (Melbourne, 1988) is diachronic in the OED tradition and
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regionally focused. Two other recent OED-style dictionaries for the Southern Hemisphere are The Dictionary of New Zealand English, ed. Harry W.Orsman (Auckland, 1997) and A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles, ed. Penny M. Silva et al. (Oxford, 1996), which supersedes Charles Pettman’s Africanderisms (London, 1913) and which may be complemented by Jean Branford’s Dictionary of South African English (4th ed. with W.Branford, 1991). For South African pronunciation there are descriptions by David Hopwood, South African English Pronunciation (Cape Town and Johannesburg, 1928), and L.W.Lanham, The Pronunciation of South African English (Cape Town, 1967). An overview of English in former African colonies is Josef Schmied’s English in Africa: An Introduction (London, 1991). The only dictionary of Indian English is now dated, Henry Yule and A.C.Burnell, HobsonJobson, rev. William Crooke (London, 1903). Among Braj B.Kachru’s many writings on South Asian English, The Indianization of English: The English Language in India (Delhi, 1983) is especially useful. For Singapore and Malaysia, see Platt and Weber (pp. 328–33) and Ray K.Tongue, The English of Singapore and Malaysia (2nd ed., Singapore, 1979). Walter S.Avis, the . of A Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles (Toronto, 1967), provides an overview of Canadian English in “The English Language in Canada,” in Current Trends in Linguistics, vol. 10, Linguistics in North America, ed. Thomas A.Sebeok et al. (The Hague, 1973), 40–75. Helpful discussions of English and English creoles in the Caribbean are R.B. Le Page and David DeCamp, Jamaican Creole (London, 1960); Frederick G.Cassidy, Jamaica Talk: Three Hundred Years of the English Language in Jamaica (2nd ed., London, 1971); and Barbara Lalla and Jean D’Costa, Language in Exile: Three Hundred Years of Jamaican Creole (Tuscaloosa, AL, 1990). Lexical items from Jamaican Creole and the post-creole continuum to Standard Caribbean English are included in F. G.Cassidy and R.B.Le Page, eds., Dictionary of Jamaican English (2nd ed., Cambridge, UK, 1980). For further discussions of creole languages, see Derek Bickerton, Dynamics of a Creole System (Cambridge, UK, 1975) and Suzanne Romaine, Pidgin and Creole Languages (London, 1988). Authoritative essays on all these varieties of English are in the volumes edited by Bailey and Görlach, by Kachru, by Pride, by Platt, Weber, and Lian, and by Schneider, cited in the bibliography for Chapter 1. See also Wolfgang Viereck, Edgar W.Schneider, and Manfred Görlach, A Bibliography of Writings on Varieties of English, 1965–1983 (Amsterdam, 1991), supplemented by Beat Glauser et al., A New Bibliography of Writings on Varieties of English 1984–1992/3 (Amsterdam, 1993). From the same publisher (Benjamins: Amsterdam) are three volumes of essays by Manfred Görlach: Englishes (1991), More Englishes (1995), and Even More Englishes (1998). The fifth volume of The Cambridge History of the English Language, ed. Robert Burchfield (Cambridge, UK, 1994), contains excellent essays on most of these British and Overseas varieties. On gender issues see Francine Frank and Frank Anshen, Language and the Sexes (Albany, NY, 1983), Dale Spender, Man Made Language (2nd ed., London, 1985), Dennis Baron, Grammar and Gender (New Haven, CT, 1986), Camille Roman, Suzanne Juhasz, and Cristanne Miller, The Women and Language Debate: A Sourcebook (New Brunswick, NJ, 1994), and Suzanne Romaine, Communicating Gender (Mahwah, NJ, 1999). For the earlier part of the period covered in this chapter, Hans Aarsleff, The Study of Language in England, 1780–1860 (Princeton, 1967) is of interest; grammatical study is treated by Ian Michael, The Teaching of English from the Sixteenth Century to 1870 (Cambridge, UK, 1987) and by Manfred Görlach, An Annotated Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century Grammars of English (Amsterdam, 1998). For Sir James Murray’s labors on the OED, two engaging accounts are by K.M.Elisabeth Murray (his granddaughter), Caught in the Web of Words (New Haven, 1977) and by Simon Winchester, The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary (New York, 1998).
11 The English Language in America 238. The Settlement of America. The English language was brought to America by colonists from England who settled along the Atlantic seaboard in the seventeenth century.1 It was therefore the language spoken in England at that time, the language spoken by Shakespeare and Milton and Bunyan. In the peopling of this country three great periods of European immigration are to be distinguished. The first extends from the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 to the end of colonial times. This may be put conveniently at 1787, when Congress finally approved the Federal Constitution, or better, 1790, when the last of the colonies ratified it and the first census was taken. At this date the population numbered approximately four million people, 95 percent of whom were living east of the Appalachian Mountains, and 90 percent were from various parts of the British Isles. The second period covers the expansion of the original thirteen colonies west of the Appalachians, at first into the South and into the Old Northwest Territory, ending finally at the Pacific. This era may be said to close with the Civil War, about 1860, and was marked by the arrival of fresh immigrants from two great sources, Ireland and Germany. The failure of the potato crop in Ireland in 1845 precipitated a wholesale exodus to America, a million and a half emigrants coming in the decade or so that followed. At about the same time the failure of the revolution in Germany (1848) resulted in the migration of an equal number of Germans. Many of the 1
There is no easy solution to the ambiguity of “American” and “Americans.” The present chapter is about English in the United States, and although many of the observations apply to Canadian English as well, the distinctive characteristics of Canadian English are discussed in Chapter 10.
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latter settled in certain central cities such as Cincinnati, Milwaukee, and St. Louis or became farmers in the Middle West. The third period, the period since the Civil War, is marked by an important change in the source from which our immigrants have been derived. In the two preceding periods, and indeed up to about 1890, the British Isles and the countries of northern Europe furnished from 75 to 90 percent of all who came to this country. Even in the last quarter of the nineteenth century more than a million Scandinavians, about one-fifth of the total population of Norway and Sweden, settled here, mainly in the upper Mississippi valley. But since about 1890 great numbers from Southern Europe and the Slavic countries have poured in. Just before World War I, Italians alone were admitted to the number of more than 300,000 a year, and of our annual immigration of more than a million, representatives of the east and south European countries constituted close to 75 percent. Outside the patterns of European immigration was the forced immigration of Africans through the slave trade that began in the seventeenth century and continued until the midnineteenth. There are presently some 25 million African Americans in the United States, mostly settled in the South and in the larger cities of the North. Finally, one should note the influx during the mid-twentieth century of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and other Hispanic immigrants. Extreme economic imbalances among the countries of the Western Hemisphere have caused a sharp increase in migration, both legal and illegal, to the United States during the past two decades. For the student of the English language the most interesting period of immigration to America is the first. It was the early colonists who brought us our speech and established its form. Those who came later were largely assimilated in a generation or two, and though their influence may have been felt, it is difficult to define.2 It is to these early settlers that we must devote our chief attention if we would understand the history of the English language in America. 239. The Thirteen Colonies. The colonial settlement, the settlement of the thirteen colonies along the Atlantic seaboard, covered a long narrow strip of land extending from Maine to Georgia. This area is familiarly divided into three sections—New England, the Middle Atlantic states, and the South Atlantic states. The earliest New England settlements were made around Massachusetts Bay. Between 1620 and 1640 some 200 vessels came from England to New England bringing upward of 15,000 immigrants. By the latter year 2
On this question see two papers by E.C.Hills, “The English of America and the French of France,” American Speech, 4 (1928–1929), 43−47; “Linguistic Substrata of American English,” ibid., 431– 33.
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this number had grown to about 25,000 inhabitants. The majority of the settlers came first to Massachusetts, but in a very few years groups in search of cheaper land or greater freedom began to push up and down the coast and establish new communities. In this way Connecticut got its start as early as 1634, and the coasts of Maine and Rhode Island were early occupied. New Hampshire was settled more slowly because of the greater resistance by the Native Americans. New England was not then misnamed: practically all of the early colonists came from England. East Anglia was the stronghold of English Puritanism, and, as we shall see, there is fair evidence that about two-thirds of the early settlers around Massachusetts Bay came from the eastern counties. The settlement of the Middle Atlantic states was somewhat different. Dutch occupation of New York began in 1614, but the small size of the Netherlands did not permit of a large migration, and the number of Dutch in New York was never great. At the time of the seizure of the colony by the English in 1664 the population numbered only about 10,000, and a part of it was English. After the Revolution a considerable movement into the colony took place from New England, chiefly from Connecticut. New York City even then, though small and relatively unimportant, had a rather cosmopolitan population of merchants and traders. New Jersey was almost wholly English. The eastern part was an offshoot of New England, but on the Delaware River there was a colony of Quakers direct from England. At Burlington opposite sides of the town were occupied by a group from Yorkshire and a group from London. Pennsylvania had a mixed population of English Quakers, some Welsh, and many Scots-Irish and Germans. William Penn’s activities date from 1681. Philadelphia was founded the following year, prospered, and grew so rapidly that its founder lived to see it the largest city in the colonies. From about 1720 a great wave of migration set in from Ulster to Pennsylvania, the number of emigrants being estimated at nearly 50,000. Many of these, finding the desirable lands already occupied by the English, moved on down the mountain valleys to the southwest. Their enterprise and pioneering spirit made them an important element among the vigorous frontier settlers who opened up this part of the South and later other territories farther west into which they pushed. But there were still many of them in Pennsylvania, and Franklin was probably close to the truth in his estimate that in about 1750 one-third of the state was English, one-third Scots, and one-third German. Germantown, the first outpost of the Germans in Pennsylvania, was founded in 1683 by an agreement with Penn. In the beginning of the eighteenth century Protestants in the districts along the Rhine known as the Palatinate were subject to such persecution that they began coming in large numbers to America. Most of them settled in Pennsylvania, where, likewise finding the desirable lands around Philadelphia already occupied by the English, they went up the Lehigh and Susquehanna valleys and formed communities sufficiently homogeneous to long retain their own language. Even today “Pennsylvania Dutch” is spoken by scattered groups among their descendants. Lancaster was the largest inland town in any of the colonies. Maryland, the southernmost of the middle colonies, and in some ways actually a southern colony, was originally settled by English Catholics under a charter to Lord Baltimore, but they were later outnumbered by new settlers. The Maryland back country was colonized largely by people from Pennsylvania, among whom were many Scots-Irish and Germans.
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The nucleus of the South Atlantic settlements was the tidewater district of Virginia. Beginning with the founding of Jamestown in 1607, the colony attracted a miscellaneous group of adventurers from all parts of England. It is said, however, that the eastern counties were largely represented. There were political refugees, royalists, Commonwealth soldiers, deported prisoners, indentured servants, and many Puritans. The population was pretty mixed both as to social class and geographical source. From Virginia colonists moved south into North Carolina. In South Carolina the English settlers were joined by a large number of French Huguenots. Georgia, which was settled late, was originally colonized by English debtors who, it was hoped, might succeed if given a fresh start in a new country. It was the most sparsely populated of any of the thirteen colonies. The western part of all these South Atlantic colonies was of very different origin from the districts along the coast. Like western Maryland, the interior was largely settled by Scots-Irish and Germans who moved from western Pennsylvania down the Shenandoah valley and thus into the back country of Virginia, the Carolinas, and even Georgia. 240. The Middle West. The country from the Alleghenies to the Mississippi is divided into a northern and a southern half by the Ohio River. South of the Ohio this territory belonged originally to the colonies along the Atlantic, whose boundary in theory extended west to the Mississippi. North of the Ohio was the Old Northwest Territory. The settlement of this whole region illustrates strikingly the spread and intermingling of elements in the population of the original thirteen colonies. Kentucky was an offspring of Virginia with many additions from Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Tennessee was an extension of western North Carolina with the same strongly Scots-Irish coloring that we have seen in this part of the parent colony. Alabama and Mississippi were settled from the districts around them, from Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Tennessee. Nearly half the population, however, was African American. Louisiana, through being so long a French colony, had a population largely French, but even before the Louisiana Purchase there were numerous Scottish and English settlers from the mountainous parts of the southern colonies, and after 1803 this migration greatly increased. Missouri likewise had many French, especially in St. Louis, but as a territory in which slavery was permitted it had numerous settlers from its neighbors to the east, Kentucky and Tennessee, and even Virginia and North Carolina. These soon outnumbered the French in this region. The Old Northwest Territory began to be opened up shortly after the Revolution by settlers coming from three different directions. One path began in New England and upper New York, earlier colonized from western New England. The movement from this region was greatly stimulated by the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825. A second route brought colonists from Pennsylvania and from other states who came through Pennsylvania. The third crossed the Ohio from Kentucky and West Virginia and accounts for the large number of southerners who migrated into the territory.3 In 1850 the southerners in Indiana outnumbered those from New England and the Middle States two to one. Michigan and Wisconsin were the only states in this territory with a population predominantly of New England origin. In the latter part of the nineteenth century the Old
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Northwest Territory and the upper Mississippi valley received large numbers of German and Scandinavian immigrants whose coming has been mentioned above. 241. The Far West. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 opened up the first of the vast territories beyond the Mississippi. From here fur traders, missionaries, and settlers followed the Oregon trail into the Pacific Northwest, and the Santa Fe trail into the sparsely populated Spanish territory in the Southwest. After the Mexican War and the treaty with Great Britain (1846) establishing the forty-ninth parallel as the northern boundary of the United States to the Pacific, when the territory of this country extended to the ocean, it was only a question of time before the Far West would be more fully occupied. Oregon in 1860 had a population of 30,000 pioneers. About half of them had come up from Missouri and farther south, from Kentucky and Tennessee; the other half were largely of New England stock. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 resulted in such a rush to the gold fields that in 1849 the 2,000 Americans that constituted the population in February had become 53,000 by 3
“A good illustration of this migration is Daniel Boone, himself of English stock, who was born on the Delaware only a few miles above Philadelphia. The Boone family soon moved to Reading. Thence drifting southwestward with his compatriots, Daniel Boone settled in the North Carolina uplands, along the valley of the Yadkin, then passed beyond into Kentucky, and, after that location began to be civilized, went on as a pioneer to Missouri. His son appears a little later as one of the early settlers of Kansas, his grandson as a pioneer in Colorado.” (Madison Grant, The Conquest of a Continent [New York, 1933], pp. 122–23.)
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December. When the territory was admitted to the Union as a state in September 1851, its population was at least 150,000, and in not much more than another twelve months it had become a quarter of a million. Every part of America was represented in it. 242. Uniformity of American English. In this necessarily rapid survey some emphasis has been laid on the geographical and ethnic groups represented in the settlement of different parts of the country. The reason for this emphasis will appear later (§ 250). But it been equally the intention to show that except for a few districts, such as the region around Massachusetts Bay and the tidewater section of Virginia, the most prominent characteristic of the occupation of the United States is the constant mingling of settlers from one part with settlers from other parts. Not only were practically all sections of the British Isles represented in the original colonists, with some admixture of the French and the Germans, but as each new section was opened up it attracted colonists from various districts which had become overcrowded or uncongenial to them. Thus colonists from Massachusetts went north into Maine and New Hampshire and south into Rhode Island and Connecticut. Others moved from New England into New York, New Jersey, and colonies as far south as Georgia, as when a body from Dorchester in Massachusetts, known as the Dorchester Society, moved to Georgia in 1752. The Ulster Scots seem to have been of a more roving disposition or a more pioneering spirit than the English, and their movement from Pennsylvania to the South, from there into the Old Northwest Territory, and eventually into the Pacific Northwest seems to indicate that they were generally to be found on each advancing frontier. Except for a few of the larger cities with numerous recent and as yet unassimilated immigrants, and except for certain localities such as Wisconsin and Minnesota where the settlement of large groups of Scandinavians and Germans took place in the nineteenth century, there is probably nowhere a European population of such size and extent with so homogeneous a character.4 Linguistically the circumstances under which the American population spread over the country have had one important consequence. It has repeatedly been observed, in the past as well as at the present day, especially by travelers from abroad, that the English spoken in America shows a high de4
The history of African Americans is strikingly different. The institution of slavery during the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, the decades of segregation in the South following the Civil War, and the isolation of African Americans in northern cities during the present century have produced a major anomaly in the structure and mobility of American society. This anomaly has had its corresponding linguistic effects, which require separate treatment below (§ 250.8). The uniformity of the language of the majority of Americans, as described in the following paragraphs, makes the contrast with the English of many African Americans more evident than it would appear in a linguistically diverse society.
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gree of uniformity. Those who are familiar with the pronounced dialectal differences that mark the popular speech of different parts of England will know that there is nothing comparable to these differences in the United States. This was the object of remark as early as 1781, when John Witherspoon, the Scottish president of Princeton University, observed of the common people in America that “being much more unsettled, and moving frequently from place to place, they are not so liable to local peculiarities either in accent or phraseology.”5 Isaac Candler, an Englishman who traveled in America in 1822–1823, wrote: “The United States having been peopled from different parts of England and Ireland, the peculiarities of the various districts have in a great measure ceased. As far as pronunciation is concerned, the mass of people speak better English, than the mass of people in England. This I know will startle some, but its correctness will become manifest when I state, that in no part, except in those occupied by the descendants of the Dutch and German settlers, is any unintelligible jargon in vogue. We hear nothing so bad in America as the Suffolk whine, the Yorkshire clipping, or the Newcastle guttural. We never hear the letter H aspirated improperly, nor omitted to be aspirated where propriety requires it. The common pronunciation approximates to that of the well educated class of London and its vicinity.”6 We must not be misled by his statement about the goodness of American English. He does not mean that equally good English was not spoken in England. What he says is that in America there was little local variation and in the matter of pronunciation there was a more general conformance to what he conceived to be an educated standard. At about the same time James Fenimore Cooper spoke to much the same effect. “If the people of this country,” he said, “were like the people of any other country on earth, we should be speaking at this moment a great variety of nearly unintelligible patois; but, in point of fact, the people of the United States, with the exception of a few of German and French descent, speak, as a body, an incomparably better English than the people of the mother country. There is not, probably, a man (of English descent) born in this country, who would not be perfectly intelligible to all whom he should meet in the streets of London, though a vast number of those he met in the streets of London would be nearly unintelligible to him. In fine, we speak our language, as a nation, better than any other people speak their language. When one reflects on the immense surface of country that we occupy, the general accuracy, in pronunciation and in the use of words, is quite astonishing. This resemblance in speech can only be ascribed to the great diffusion of 5
In a paper contributed to the Pennsylvania Journal, conveniently reprinted in M.M.Mathews, The Beginnings of American English (Chicago, 1931), p. 16. 6 A Summary View of America…by an Englishman (London, 1824), p. 327.
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intelligence, and to the inexhaustible activity of the population, which, in a manner, destroys space.”7 We may excuse the patriotism that inspired some of these remarks, remembering that Cooper was writing at a time when Americans often felt the need for dwelling on the advantages of their country, but the fact remains that the uniformity of American English seems to have been something generally recognized at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Indeed, in another passage Cooper expresses the opinion that such local differences as did exist and that could be detected “by a practised ear” were diminishing. “It is another peculiarity of our institutions, that the language of the country, instead of becoming more divided into provincial dialects, is becoming, not only more assimilated to itself as a whole, but more assimilated to a standard which sound general principles, and the best authorities among our old writers, would justify. The distinctions in speech between New England and New York, or Pennsylvania, or any other state, were far greater twenty years ago than they are now.”8 The merging of regional differences through the mixture of the population that has been described has been promoted since by a certain mobility that characterizes the American people. It has been said that it is unusual to find adult Americans living in the place in which they were born, and while this is an obvious exaggeration, it is nevertheless true that change of abode is distinctly common. The very extensiveness of the country, moreover, tends to create an attitude of mind that may almost be said to diminish space. Americans are so accustomed to distance that they disregard it. Witness the willingness of the westerner to make trips of five hundred or a thousand miles upon slight occasions, or to drive across the continent for a vacation. In the past Americans have had to reckon with the influence of Webster’s spelling book (see § 248) and Lindley Murray’s grammar, and at all times public education in America has been a standardizing influence. We respect in language the authority of those who are supposed to know;9 it is part of our faith in specialists, whether in surgeons or “publicity experts.” And we must not forget the American instinct of conformity and the fact that they readily accept standardization in linguistic matters as in houses, automobiles, and other things. This is not to deny that currents contrary to standardization have always run through American speech communities. Traditional dialectology, sociolinguistics, and studies in the sociology of language have illuminated contin7
Notions of the Americans (2 vols., London, 1828), II, 164–65. Ibid., II, 165–66. 9 “If pressed to say definitely what good American English is, I should say, it is the English of those who are believed by the greater number of Americans to know what good English is.” R.O. Williams, Our Dictionaries (New York, 1890), p. iii. 8
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uing variation and change in American English. Joshua Fishman’s description of immigrant languages in the United States reminds us of an often neglected point: “The two processes—de-ethnization and Americanization, on the one hand, and culturallinguistic self-maintenance, on the other—are equally ubiquitous throughout all of American history. They are neither necessarily opposite sides of the same coin nor conflicting processes. Frequently the same individuals and groups have been simultaneously devoted to both in different domains of behavior. However, as a nation we have paid infinitely more attention to the Americanization process than to the selfmaintenance process.”10 As we shall see later, at least nine varieties of American English have enough coherence within themselves and distinction from other varieties, to warrant their description as separate dialects. But just because distinguishing features can be perceived, it is easy to exaggerate them while losing sight of the great majority of features that the speech of all parts of the country has in common. Even African American Vernacular English, the most conspicuous example of a non-standard dialect, diverges from the uniformity of American English in superficial ways (see § 250.8). The relatively few features that characterize African American Vernacular English, some of which are features of standard Southern English, are more important as a social reality than as a linguistic reality.11 The features are perceived as more pervasive than they actually are, and a few occurrences of patterns such as He tired or She don’t be busy evoke in the listener’s mind a full stereotype with its associations, negative or positive, depending on the listener’s nonlinguistic sympathies. But regarding the linguistic insignificance of the features themselves, sociolinguists and traditional dialectologists have made the same point. William Labov draws upon the deep structures of generative grammar to show that differences between the English of black speakers and that of white speakers “are largely confined to superficial, rather low level processes.”12 And Raven I.McDavid, Jr., who spent years recording American dialects for the Linguistic Atlas, confirmed the conclusions of the less systematic observers quoted above: “To those familiar with the situation in European countries, such as France or Italy or even England, dialect differences in American English are relatively small.”13 10
Language Loyalty in the United States (The Hague, 1966), p. 15. This useful distinction is drawn by William Labov, “Some Features of the English of Black Americans,” in Varieties of Present-Day English, ed. Richard W.Bailey and Jay L.Robinson (New York, 1973), pp. 242–43. 12 William Labov, The Study of Nontandard English (Champaign, IL, 1970), p. 40. Labov’s analysis shows that the patterns of Black English provide systematic aspectual distinctions and thus are not “mistakes” in the usual sense. 13 “The Dialects of American English,” McDavid’s chapter in W.Nelson Francis, The Structure of American English (New York, 1958), p. 482. 11
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243. Archaic Features in American English. A second quality often attributed to American English is archaism, the preservation of old features of the language that have gone out of use in the standard speech of England. American pronunciation as compared with that of London is somewhat old-fashioned. It has qualities that were characteristic of English speech in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The preservation of the r in General American and a flat a in fast, path, etc. (§ 250.7) are two such that were abandoned in southern England at the end of the eighteenth century. In many little ways standard American English is reminiscent of an older period of the language. Most Americans pronounce either and neither with the vowel of teeth or beneath, while in Britain an alternate pronunciation has developed since the American colonies were established and the more usual pronunciation is now with an initial diphthong [aI]. The American use of gotten in place of got as the past participle of get always impresses the British of today as an old-fashioned feature not to be expected in the speech of a people that prides itself on being up-to-date. It was the usual form in Britain two centuries ago. American English has kept a number of old words or old uses of words no longer used in Britain. Americans still use mad in the sense of angry, as Shakespeare and his contemporaries did, and they have kept the general significance of sick without restricting it to nausea. They still speak of rare meat, whereas the British now say underdone. Platter is a common word in the United States but is seldom used anymore in Britain except in poetry. Americans have kept the picturesque old word fall as the natural word for the season. They learn autumn, the word used in Britain, in the schoolroom, and from books. The American I guess, so often ridiculed in England, is as old as Chaucer and was still current in English speech in the seventeenth century. If we were to take the rural speech of New England or that of the Kentucky mountaineer, we should find hundreds of words, meanings, and pronunciations now obsolete in the standard speech of both England and this country. There can be no question about the fact that many an older feature of the language of England can be illustrated from survivals in the United States. The phenomenon is not unknown in other parts of the world. The English spoken in Ireland illustrates many pronunciations indicated by the rhymes in Pope, and modern Icelandic is notably archaic as compared with the languages of the Scandinavian countries of the mainland. Accordingly it has often been maintained that transplanting a language results in a sort of arrested development. The process has been compared to the transplanting of a tree. A certain time is required for the tree to take root, and growth is temporarily retarded. In language this slower development is often regarded as a form of conservatism, and it is assumed as a general principle that the lan-guage of a new country is more conservative than the same language when it remains in the old habitat. In this theory there is doubtless an element of truth. It would be difficult to find a student of the Scandinavian languages who did not feel that the preservation of so many of the old inflections in Icelandic, which have been lost in modern Swedish and Danish, speaks strongly in support of it. And it is a well-recognized fact in cultural history that isolated communities tend to preserve old customs and beliefs. To the extent, then, that new
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countries into which a language is carried are cut off from contact with the old we may find them more tenacious of old habits of speech. Yet it is open to doubt whether the English language in America can really be considered more conservative than the English of England.14 It is but a figure of speech when we speak of transplanting a language. Language is only an activity of people, and it is the people who are transplanted to a new country. Language is but the expression of the people who use it, and should reflect the nature and the experiences of the speakers. Now we generally do not think of the pioneer who pulls up roots and tries the experiment of life in a new world as more conservative than the person who stays at home. Moreover, the novel conditions of the new environment and the many new experiences that the language is called upon to express are inducements to change rather than factors tending to conserve the language unaltered. We may well ask ourselves, therefore, whether the archaic features we have noted in the language of America are evidence of a conservative tendency or are survivals that can be otherwise accounted for—whether, in short, American English is more conservative than the English of England. And here we must ask ourselves what form of American English we are considering and with what we are going to compare it in England—with the received standard that grew up in the southern parts of the island or with the form of the language spoken in the north. If we compare the English spoken in America outside of New England and the South with the received standard of England, it will undoubtedly appear conservative, but it is not noticeably so as compared with the speech of the northern half of England. On the other hand, the language of New England and in some features that of the South have undergone many of the changes in pronunciation that characterize the received standard of England. We must be equally careful in speaking of archaic survivals in the American vocabulary. Illustrations of these are often drawn from the rural speech of 14
This doubt has been well expressed by Frank E.Bryant, “On the Conservatism of Language in a New Country,” PMLA, 22 (1907), 277–90, and supported with additional arguments by George P.Krapp, “Is American English Archaic?” Southwest Review, 12 (1927), 292–303, and by Manfred Görlach, “Colonial Lag? The Alleged Conservative Character of American English and Other ‘Colonial’ Varieties,” English World-Wide, 8 (1987), 41–60.
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New England. But they are no more characteristic of American speech in general than of the received standard of England, and many of them can be matched in the rural dialects of England. In this respect the rural speech of England is just as conservative as that of America. Even the archaisms that are really a part of educated American English can generally be found surviving locally in the mother country. The difference is one of dissemination and social level. It is a question whether an equal number of survivals could not be found, such as fortnight, porridge, heath, moor, iron-monger, in educated English that are lost or uncommon on this side of the Atlantic. In general, it seems nearest the truth to say that American English has preserved certain older features of the language that have disappeared from Standard English in England. But it has also introduced innovations equally important, to which we must turn. 244. Early Changes in the Vocabulary. When colonists settle in a new country they find the resources of their language constantly taxed. They have no words for the many new objects on every hand or the constant succession of new experiences that they undergo. Accordingly in a colonial language changes of vocabulary take place almost from the moment the first settlers arrive. When the colonists from England became acquainted with the physical features of this continent they seem to have been impressed particularly by its mountains and forests, so much larger and more impressive than any in England, and the result was a whole series of new words like bluff, foothill, notch, gap, divide, watershed, clearing, and underbrush. Then there were the many living and growing things that were peculiar to the New World. The names for some of these the colonists learned from Native Americans, words like moose, raccoon, skunk, opossum, chipmunk, porgy, terrapin; others they formed by a descriptive process long familiar in the language: mud hen, garter snake, bullfrog, potato bug, groundhog, reed bird. Tree names such as the hickory and live oak, and the locust are new to colonial English, as are sweet potato, eggplant, squash, persimmon, pecan. Contact with Native Americans brought into English a number of words having particular reference to their way of life: wigwam, tomahawk, canoe, toboggan, mackinaw, moccasin, wampum, squaw, papoose. These are Native American words, but we have also English words formed at the same time and out of the same experience: war path, paleface, medicine man, pipe of peace, big chief, war paint, and the verb to scalp. Native American words for Native American foods were taken over in the case of hominy, tapioca, succotash, and pone. The latter is still heard in the South for corn bread, the kind of bread the Native Americans made. The individual character of our political and administrative system required the introduction of words such as congressional, presidential, gubernatorial, congressman, caucus, mass meeting, selectman, statehouse, land office. Many other words illustrate things associated with the new mode of life—back country, backwoodsman, squatter, prairie, log cabin, clapboard, corncrib, popcorn, hoe cake, cold snap, snow plow, bobsled, sleigh. As indicated above, the colonists got a number of the words they needed ready-made from the languages of the Native Americans. They got some, too, from other languages. From the French colonists they learned portage, chowder, cache, caribou, bureau, bayou,
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levee, and others; from the Dutch cruller, coleslaw, cookie, stoop, boss, scow; from German noodle, pretzel, smearcase, sauerkraut. More interesting, however, are the cases in which colonists applied an old word to a slightly different thing, as when they gave the name of the English robin to a red-breasted thrush, applied the word turkey to a distinctive American bird, and transferred the word corn to an entirely new cereal. Indian corn was known in England only from the accounts of travelers, and naming its various features seems to have taxed the ingenuity of the first Americans. Maize, the West Indian name that came into England through the Spanish, was seldom used by the American settler. Henry Hudson called it Turkish wheat, a designation found in French and Italian and among the Pennsylvania Germans. But the colonists used the common English word corn, which in England is used of any kind of grain, but especially of wheat. At first they prefixed the distinguishing epithet “Indian,” but this was soon dropped, and consequently corn means something quite different in England and in America today. There were other difftculties. Tassel and silk were natural descriptions of the flower, but the ear was more troublesome. The cob was known in Virginia as the husk or huss, and John Smith calls it the core. The outer covering, which we generally call the husk today, was variously known as the hose, the leaves, and the shuck. The latter word survives in the sociable activity of corn-shucking, the equivalent of the New England husking bee. In an instance like this we catch a glimpse of the colonists in the very act of shifting and adapting their language to new conditions, and we find them doing the same thing with rabbit, lumber, freshet, and other words that have a somewhat different meaning in American and English use. American speakers were perhaps at their best when inventing simple, homely words like apple butter, sidewalk, lightning rod, spelling bee, crazy quilt, lowdown, and know-nothing, or when striking off a terse metaphor like log rolling, wire pulling, to have an ax to grind, to be on the fence. Americans early manifested the gift, which they continue to show, of the imaginative, slightly humorous phrase. To it we owe to bark up the wrong tree, to face the music, fly off the handle, go on the war path, bury the hatchet, come out at the little end of the horn, saw wood, and many more, with the breath of the country and sometimes of the frontier about them. In this way America began her contributions to the English language, and in this period also we see the beginning of such differentiation as has taken place between the American and the British vocabulary. Both of these matters will be dealt with in their later aspects below. 245. National Consciousness. There is evidence that at the time of the American Revolution and especially in the years immediately following it, Americans were beginning to be conscious of their language and to believe that it might be destined to have a future as glorious as that which they confidently expected for the country itself. It was apparent that in the 150 years since the founding of Jamestown and Plymouth the English language on this continent had developed certain differences that were often the subject of remark. Thomas Jefferson thought that Americans were more tolerant of innovations in speech than the people of England and that these innovations might eventually justify calling the language of America by a name other than English. The consciousness of an American variety of English with characteristics of its own led to the consideration of a standard that should
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be recognized on this side of the Atlantic. John Witherspoon, whose papers on the English language in the Pennsylvania Journal for 1781 have already been mentioned, believed it probable that American English would not follow the course of Scots and become a provincial dialect. “Being entirely separated from Britain,” he says, “we shall find some centre or standard of our own, and not be subject to the inhabitants of that island, either in receiving new ways of speaking or rejecting the old.” That others were thinking along the same lines and were unwilling that this standard should be left to chance is evident from a communication published in January 1774 in the Royal American Magazine. The writer signs himself “An American” and gives evidence of his patriotic fervor by venturing the opinion that although English has been greatly improved in Britain within the last century, “its highest perfection, with every other branch of human knowledge, is perhaps reserved for this Land of light and freedom.” He proposes the formation of something like an academy in this country: I beg leave to propose a plan for perfecting the English language in America, thro’ every future period of its existence; viz. That a society, for this purpose should be formed, consisting of members in each university and seminary, who shall be stiled, Fellows ofthe American Society of Language: That the society, when established, from time to time elect new members, & thereby be made perpetual. And that the society annually publish some observations upon the language and from year to year, correct, enrich and refine it, until perfection stops their progress and ends their labour. I conceive that such a society might easily be established, and that great advantages would thereby accrue to science, and consequently America would make swifter advances to the summit of learning. It is perhaps impossible for us to form an idea of the perfection, the beauty, the grandeur, & sublimity, to which our language may arrive in the progress of time, passing through the improving tongues of our rising posterity; whose aspiring minds, fired by our example, and ardour for glory, may far surpass all the sons of science who have shone in past ages, & may light up the world with new ideas bright as the sun.15 Whether the author of this proposal was John Adams, a future president of the United States, is not certain. His name has sometimes been mentioned in connection with it because a few years later he made a somewhat similar suggestion in a letter to the president of Congress, written from Amsterdam, September 5, 1780. After directing attention to the importance of “eloquence and language” in a republic and citing the example of France, Spain, and Italy in forming academies for the improvement of their languages, he continues:
First republished by Albert Matthews in Trans. of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, XIV, 263–64. It is reprinted in M.M.Mathews, The Beginnings of American English (Chicago, 1931), pp. 40–41.
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The honor of forming the first public institution for refining, correcting, improving, and ascertaining the English language, I hope is reserved for congress; they have every motive that can possibly influence a public assembly to undertake it. It will have a happy effect upon the union of the States to have a public standard for all persons in every part of the continent to appeal to, both for the signification and pronunciation of the language. The constitutions of all the States in the Union are so democratical that eloquence will become the instrument for recommending men to their fellow-citizens, and the principal means of advancement through the various ranks and offices of society…. …English is destined to be in the next and succeeding centuries more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age. The reason of this is obvious, because the increasing population in America, and their universal connection and correspondence with all nations will, aided by the influence of England in the world, whether great or small, force their language into general use, in spite of all the obstacles that may be thrown in their way, if any such there should be.It is not necessary to enlarge further, to show the motives which the people of America have to turn their thoughts early to this subject; they will naturally occur to congress in a much greater detail than I have time to hint at. I would therefore submit to the consideration of congress the expediency and policy of erecting by their authority a society under the name of “the American Academy for refining, improving, and ascertaining the English Language….”16 There is nothing very original in this suggestion. It follows the proposals that had been made by Swift and others in England (see §§ 192ff.). But it is significant as indicating a growing sense of the importance that Americans were beginning to attach to the form that English was taking and should take in the future in America. That feeling was to find expression in the more extreme views of one of Adams’ contemporaries, Noah Webster. 246. Noah Webster and an American Language. The Declaration of Independence and the years during which the colonies were fighting to establish their freedom from England produced an important change in American psychology. Accustomed for generations to dependence upon the mother country, the people who settled in America imported most of their books and many of their ideas from
Mathews, The Beginnings of American English, pp. 42–43.
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Europe. It was a natural and entirely just recognition of the superior civilization of the Old World and the greatness of English literature and learning. But with political independence achieved, many of the colonists began to manifest a distaste for anything that seemed to perpetuate the former dependence. An ardent, sometimes belligerent patriotism sprang up, and among many people it became the order of the day to demand an American civilization as distinctive from that of Europe as were the political and social ideals that were being established in the new world. No one expressed this attitude more vigorously than Noah Webster (1758–1843). Born on the outskirts of Hartford, Connecticut, he received at Yale such an education as universities in the country then offered and later undertook the practice of law. But business in the legal profession was slow, and he was forced for a livelihood to turn to teaching. The change determined his entire subsequent career. The available English schoolbooks were unsatisfactory, and the war diminished the supply of such as there were. Webster accordingly set about compiling three elementary books on English, a spelling book, a grammar, and a reader. These he published in 1783, 1784, and 1785 under the high-sounding title A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. They were the first books of their kind to be published in this country. The success of the first part was unexpectedly great. It was soon reissued under the title The American SpellingBook and in this form went through edition after edition. It is estimated that in a hundred years, more than 80 million copies of the book were sold. From a profit of less than a cent a copy Webster derived most of his income throughout his life. The influence of the little book was enormous and will be discussed below. Here it is sufficient to note that it had the effect of turning its author’s attention to questions of language and enabled him to devote himself to a number of projects of a linguistic kind. In 1789 he published a volume of Dissertations on the English Language, with Notes Historical and Critical. In 1806 he brought out a small Dictionary, the prelude to his greatest work. This was An American Dictionary ofthe English Language, published in 1828 in two quarto volumes. In all of these works and in numerous smaller writings he was animated by a persistent purpose: to show that the English language in this country was a distinctly American thing, developing along its own lines, and deserving to be considered from an independent, American point of view. His selfassurance had its faults as well as its virtues. It led him to ignore discoveries from Europe that were establishing the principles of comparative linguistics, and to spend years writing etymologies that were inadequate even for his time.17 The etymologies could be replaced eventually by a German scholar, C.A.F. Mahn, but the sustaining zeal that carried him to the completion of his work drew on resources of personality more complex and rarer than current knowledge of the discipline. In the preface to the first part of the Grammatical Institute Webster says: “The author wishes to promote the honour and prosperity of the confederated republics of America; and cheerfully throws his mite into the common treasure of patriotic exertions. This 17
See Allen W.Read, “The Spread of German Linguistic Learning in New England during the Lifetime of Noah Webster,” American Speech, 41 (1966), 163–81, and Joseph H.Friend, The Development of American Lexicography, 1798–1864 (The Hague, 1967), pp. 75–79.
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country must in some future time, be as distinguished by the superiority of her literary improvements, as she is already by the liberality of her civil and ecclesiastical constitutions. Europe is grown old in folly, corruption and tyranny…. For America in her infancy to adopt the present maxims of the old world, would be to stamp the wrinkles of decrepid age upon the bloom of youth and to plant the seeds of decay in a vigorous constitution.” Six years later, in his Dissertations on the English Language, he went much further. “As an independent nation,” he says, “our honor requires us to have a system of our own, in language as well as government. Great Britain, whose children we are, should no longer be our standard; for the taste of her writers is already corrupted, and her language on the decline. But if it were not so, she is at too great a distance to be our model, and to instruct us in the principles of our own tongue.” But independence of England was not the only factor that colored people’s thinking in the new nation. A capital problem in 1789 was that of welding the thirteen colonies into a unified nation, and this is also reflected in Webster’s ideas. In urging certain reforms of spelling in the United States he argues that one of the advantages would be that it would make a difference between the English orthography and the American, and “that such an event is an object of vast political consequence.” A “national language,” he says, “is a band of national union. Every engine should be employed to render the people of this country national; to call their attachments home to their own country; and to inspire them with the pride of national character.” Culturally they are still too dependent upon England. “However they may boast of Independence, and the freedom of their government, yet their opinions are not sufficiently independent; an astonishing respect for the arts and literature of their parent country, and a blind imitation of its manners, are still prevalent among the Americans.” It is an idea that he often returns to. In his Letter to Pickering (1817) he says, “There is nothing which, in my opinion, so debases the genius and character of my countrymen, as the implicit confidence they place in English authors, and their unhesitating submission to their opinions, their derision, and their frowns. But I trust the time will come, when the English will be convinced that the intellectual faculties of their descendants have not degenerated in America; and that we can contend with them in letters, with as much success, as upon the ocean.” This was written after the War of 1812. So far as the language is concerned, he has no doubt of its ultimate differentiation. He is sure that “numerous local causes, such as a new country, new associations of people, new combinations of ideas in arts and science, and some intercourse with tribes wholly unknown in Europe, will introduce new words into the American tongue. These causes will produce, in a course of time, a language in North America, as different from the future language of England, as the Modern Dutch, Danish and Swedish are from the German, or from one another.” The culmination of his efforts to promote the idea of an American language was the publication of his American Dictionary in 1828. Residence for a year in England had somewhat tempered his opinion, but it was still fundamentally the same. In the preface to that work he gave final expression to his conviction: “It is not only important, but, in a degree necessary, that the people of this country, should have an American Dictionary of the English Language; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England, and it is desirable to perpetuate that sameness, yet some differences must exist. Language is the expression of ideas; and if the people of our country cannot preserve an identity of ideas, they cannot retain an identity of language. Now an identity of ideas depends
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materially upon a sameness of things or objects with which the people of the two countries are conversant. But in no two portions of the earth, remote from each other, can such identity be found. Even physical objects must be different. But the principal differences between the people of this country and of all others, arise from different forms of government, different laws, institutions and customs… the institutions in this country which are new and peculiar, give rise to new terms, unknown to the people of England…No person in this country will be satisfied with the English definitions of the words congress, senate and assembly, court, &c. for although these are words used in England, yet they are applied in this country to express ideas which they do not express in that country.” It is not possible to dismiss this statement as an advertisement calculated to promote the sale of his book in competition with the English dictionaries of Johnson and others. He had held such a view long before the idea of a dictionary had taken shape in his mind. Webster was a patriot who carried his sentiment from questions of political and social organization over into matters of language. By stressing American usage and American pronunciation, by adopting a number of distinctive spellings, and especially by introducing quotations from American authors alongside those from English literature, he contrived in large measure to justify the title of his work. If, after a century and a half, some are inclined to doubt the existence of anything so distinctive as an American language, his efforts, nevertheless, have left a permanent mark on the language of this country. 247. Webster’s Influence on American Spelling. It is a matter of common observation that American spelling often differs in small ways from that customary in England.18 We write honor, color, and a score of words without the u of English honour, colour, etc. We sometimes employ one consonant where the English write two: traveler—traveller, wagon—waggon, etc. We write er instead of re in a number of words like fiber, center, theater. We prefer an s in words like defense, offense, and write ax, plow, tire, story, and czar, for axe, plough, tyre, storey, and tsar. The differences often pass unnoticed, partly because a number of English spellings are still current in America, partly because some of the American innovations are now common in England, and in general because certain alternatives are permissible in both countries. Although some of the differences have grown up since Webster’s day, the majority of the distinctively American spellings are due to his advocacy of them and the incorporation of them in his dictionary. Spelling reform was one of the innumerable things that Franklin took an interest in. In 1768 he devised A Scheme for a New Alphabet and a Reformed 18
For an excellent discussion of English and American spellings see H.L.Mencken, The American Language (4th ed., New York, 1936), chap. 8.
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Mode of Spelling and went so far as to have a special font of type cut for the purpose of putting it into effect. Years later he tried to interest Webster in his plan, but without success. According to the latter, “Dr. Franklin never pretended to be a man of erudition— he was self-educated; and he wished to reform the orthography of our language, by introducing new characters. He invited me to Philadelphia to aid in the work; but I differed from him in opinion. I think the introduction of new characters neither practicable, necessary nor expedient.”19 Indeed, Webster was not in the beginning sympathetic to spelling reform. At the time that he brought out the first part of his Grammatical Institute (1783) he wrote: “There seems to be an inclination in some writers to alter the spelling of words, by expunging the superfluous letters. This appears to arise from the same pedantic fondness for singularity that prompts new fashions of pronunciation. Thus they write the words favour, honour, &c. without u…. Thus e is omitted in judgment; which is the most necessary letter in the word…. Into these and many other absurdities are people led by a rage for singularity…We may better labour to speak our language with propriety and elegance, as we have it, than to attempt a reformation without advantage or probability of success.” But by 1789 Franklin’s influence had begun to have its effect. In the Dissertations on the English Language, published in that year, Webster admitted: “I once believed that a reformation of our orthography would be unnecessary and impracticable. This opinion was hasty; being the result of a slight examination of the subject. I now believe with Dr. Franklin that such a reformation is practicable and highly necessary.” As an appendix to that volume he published An Essay on the Necessity, Advantages and Practicability of Reforming the Mode of Spelling, and of Rendering the Orthography of Words Correspondent to the Pronunciation. In this he urged the omission of all superfluous or silent letters, such as the a in bread and the e in give, the substitution of ee for the vowels in mean, speak, grieve, key, etc., the use of k for ch in such words as had a k-sound (chamcter, chorus), and a few other “inconsiderable alterations.” The next year he exemplified his reform in A Collection of Essays and Fugitive Writings, but the changes here proposed met with so much opposition that he abandoned most of them in favor of a more moderate proposal. By 1806 when he published his first small dictionary20 he had come to hold that “it would be useless to attempt any change, even if practicable, in those 19
Letter to Pickering (1817), p. 32. Franklin’s letter to Webster on the subject was written June 18, 1786, and indicates that Webster had already devised an alphabet of his own (Writings of Benjamin Franklin, ed. A.H.Smyth, IX, 518, 527; for Franklin’s Scheme, V, 169–78). 20 A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. In which Five Thousand Words are added to the number found in the best English compends. The Orthography is, in some instances, corrected, etc. By Noah Webster (Hartford, CT, 1806). The work is available in a facsimile edition with an Introduction by Philip B.Gove (New York, 1970).
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anomalies which form whole classes of words, and in which, change would rather perplex than ease the learner.” The most important modifications he introduces are that he prints music, physic, logic, etc., without a final k; scepter, theater, meter, and the like with er instead of re; honor, favor, etc., without the u; check, mask, risk, etc., for cheque, masque, risque; defense, pretense, recompense, and similar words with an s; and determin, examin, doctrin, medicin, etc., without a final e. In all except the last of these innovations he has been followed generally in American usage. He was not always consistent. He spelled traffick, almanack, frolick, and havock with a final k where his own rule and modern practice call for its omission. But on the whole the principles here adopted were carried over, with some modifications and additions,21 into his American Dictionary of 1828, and from this they have come into our present use.22 It has been thought well to trace in some detail the evolution of Webster’s ideas on the subject of spelling, because the most characteristic differences between British and American practice today are owed to him. Some of his innovations have been adopted in Britain, and it may be said in general that his later views were on the whole moderate and sensible. 248. Webster’s Influence on American Pronunciation. Though the influence is more difftcult to prove, there can be no doubt that to Webster are to be attributed some of the characteristics of American pronunciation, especially its uniformity and the disposition to give fuller value to the unaccented syllables of words. Certainly he was interested in the improvement of American pronunciation and intended that his books should serve that purpose. In the first part of his Grammatical Institute, which became the American Spelling Book, he says that the system “is designed to introduce uniformity and accuracy of pronunciation into common schools.” That it was not without effect can, in one case at least, be shown. In the preface to that work he says, “Angel, ancient, the English pronounce anegel, anecient, contrary to every good principle.” Now James Fenimore Cooper, in his Notions of the Americans, tells how as a boy he was sent off to a school in Connecticut, and when 21
For example, he restored the e in determine, examine, stated the rule for not doubling the consonant in words like traveler, traveling, etc. 22 “Webster inculcated his views on orthography and pronunciation upon all occasions. He wrote, he lectured, he pressed home his doctrines upon persons and assemblies…. The present printer [1881] of ‘Webster’s Dictionary’ remembers that when he was a boy of thirteen, working at the case in Burlington, Vermont, a little pale-faced man came into the office and handed him a printed slip, saying, ‘My lad, when you use these words, please oblige me by spelling them as here: theater, center, etc.’ It was Noah Webster traveling about among the printing-offices, and persuading people to spell as he did: a better illustration could not be found of the reformer’s sagacity, and his patient method of effecting his purpose.” (Horace E.Scudder, Noah Webster [Boston, 1882], pp. 213–14.)
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he came home for a vacation he was pronouncing the first syllable of angel like the article an, and beard as berd or baird (another Websterian pronunciation). He was only laughed out of the absurdity by the rest of his family. But he adds: “I think…a great deal of the peculiarity of New England pronunciation is to be ascribed to the intelligence of its inhabitants. This may appear a paradox; but it can easily be explained. They all read and write; but the New England-man, at home, is a man of exceedingly domestic habits. He has a theoretical knowledge of the language, without its practice…. It is vain to tell a man who has his book before him, that cham spells chame, as in chamber, or an, ane as in angel; or dan, dane, as in danger. He replies by asking what sound is produced by an, dan, and cham. I believe it would be found, on pursuing the inquiry, that a great number of their peculiar sounds are introduced through their spelling books, and yet there are some, certainly, that cannot be thus explained.”23 In this case the effect was fortunately temporary. But because of the use to which the Webster Spelling Book was put in thousands of schools, it is very likely that some of its other effects were more lasting. In the reminiscences of his early life, Joseph T.Buckingham, a newspaper publisher of some prominence in New England, gives an interesting account of the village school at the close of the eighteenth century: It was the custom for all such pupils [those who were sufficiently advanced to pronounce distinctly words of more than one syllable] to stand together as one class, and with one voice to read a column or two of the tables for spelling. The master gave the signal to begin, and all united to read, letter by letter, pronouncing each syllable by itself, and adding to it the preceding one till the word was complete. Thus a-d ad, m-i mi, admi, r-a ra, admira, t-i-o-n shun, admiration. This mode of reading was exceedingly exciting, and, in my humble judgment, exceedingly useful; as it required and taught deliberate and distinct articulation When the lesson had been thus read, the books were closed, and the words given out for spelling. If one was misspelt, it passed on to the next, and the next pupil in order, and so on till it was spelt correctly. Then the pupil who had spelt correctly went up in the class above the one who had misspelt…. Another of our customs was to choose sides to spell once or twice a week…. [The losing side] had to sweep the room and build the fires the next morning. These customs, prevalent sixty and seventy years ago, excited emulation, and emulation produced improvement.24 23
Cooper, Notions of the Americans (London, 1828), II, 172–74. Letter to Henry Barnard, December 10, 1860, printed in Barnard’s American Journal of Education, 13 (1863), 129–32. 24
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Webster quotes Sheridan with approval to the effect that “A good articulation consists in giving every letter in a syllable its due proportion of sound, according to the most approved custom of pronouncing it; and in making such a distinction, between syllables, of which words are composed, that the ear shall without difficulty acknowledge their number.” And he adds the specific injunction, “Let words be divided as they ought to be pronounced clus-ter, hab-it, nos-tril, bish-op, and the smallest child cannot mistake a just pronunciation.” In the light of such precept and evidence of its practice, and considering the popularity of spelling bees among those of a former generation, it seems certain that not a little influence on American pronunciation is to be traced to the old blue-backed spelling book. 249. Pronunciation. The earliest changes in the English language in America, distinguishing it from the language of the mother country, were in the vocabulary. These have already been mentioned. From the time when the early colonists came, however, divergence in pronunciation began gradually to develop. This has been due in part to changes that have occurred here but has resulted still more from the fact that the pronunciation of England has undergone further change and that a variety of southern English has come to be recognized as the English received standard. At the present time American pronunciation shows certain well-marked differences from English use.25 Perhaps the most noticeable of these differences is in the vowel sound in such words as fast, path, grass, dance, can’t, half. At the end of the eighteenth century southern England began to change from what is called a flat a to a broad a in these words, that is from a sound like the a in man to one like the a in father. The change affected words in which the vowel occurred before f, sk, sp, st, ss, th, and n followed by certain consonants. In parts of New England the same change took place, but in most other parts of the country the old sound was preserved, and fast, path, etc., are pronounced with the vowel of pan. In some speakers there is a tendency to employ an intermediate vowel, halfway between the a of pan and father, but the “flat a” must be regarded as the typical American pronunciation. Next to the retention of the flat a, the most noticeable difference between English and American pronunciation is in the treatment of the r. In the received pronunciation of England this sound has disappeared except before vowels. It is not heard when it occurs before another consonant or at the end of a word unless the next word begins with a vowel. In America, eastern New England and some of the South follow the English practice, but in the Middle 25
See Eilert Ekwall, American and British Pronunciation (Uppsala, Sweden, 1946), and J.C. Wells, Accents of English (3 vols., Cambridge, UK, 1982).
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States and the West the r is pronounced in all positions. Thus in the received standard of England lord has the same sound as laud and there is pronounced [ðεə] with the indeterminate vowel [ə] as a glide at the end. The American r is either a retention of older English pronunciation or the result of north-of-England influence in our speech. It has caused more comment than any other distinction in American pronunciation. A distinction less apparent to the layman is the pronunciation of the o in such words as not, lot, hot, top. In England this is still an open o pronounced with the lips rounded, but in America except in parts of New England it has commonly lost its rounding and in most words has become a sound identical in quality with the a in father, only short. There are other differences of less moment between English and American pronunciation, because they concern individual words or small groups of words. Thus in England been has the same sound as bean but in America is like bin. Leisure often has in America what is popularly called a long vowel but in England usually rhymes with pleasure. There, too, the last syllable of words like fertile and sterile rhymes with aisle. American English has kept the common eighteenth-century pronunciation with a short vowel or a mere vocalic l. The British pronunciation of either and neither is sometimes heard in America, as is process with a close o. But Americans do not suppress the final t in trait or pronounce an f in lieutenant. The pronunciation of figure with [jər] would be considered pedantic in Britain, according to Fowler, who also confirms the pronunciation of ate as et, while noting that the American pronunciation has been growing there. In the United States figger and et would betray a lack of cultivation. A more important difference is the greater clearness with which Americans pronounce unaccented syllables. They do not say secret′ry or necess′ry. Bernard Shaw said he once recognized an American because he accented the third syllable of necessary, and the disposition to keep a secondary stress on one of the unaccented syllables of a long word is one of the consequences of our effort to pronounce all the syllables. Conversely, the suppression of syllables in Britain has been accompanied by a difference at times in the position of the chief stress. The British commonly say centen′ary and labor′atory, and adver′tisement is never advertise′ment. There is, of course, more in speech than the quality of the sounds. There is also the matter of pitch and tempo. Americans speak more slowly and with less variety of tone. There can be no gain-saying the fact that American speech is a bit more monotonous, is uttered with less variety in the intonation, than that of Britain. The differences between British and American pronunciation are not such as should cause any alarm for the future, any fear that the British and Americans may become unintelligible to each other. As already said, the difference in the pronunciation of the o in lot, top, and so on is one that often escapes the notice of the lay person. The pronunciation of the r may continue to stir mutual curiosity, but the difference between the broad a and the flat a affects fewer than 150 words in common use.26 Other differences are sporadic and on the whole negligible. 250. The American Dialects. Certain features of pronunciation characteristic of a part of New England and others associated with many parts of the South are so easily recognized and so well known that
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for a long time it was customary to distinguish three main dialects in American English— the New England dialect, the Southern dialect, and General American, meaning the dialect of all the rest of the country. Such a division, in a broad way, is not unjustified because each of the dialect types is marked by features that distinguish it clearly from the others. But it is not sufficiently exact. Not all of New England shares in the features— such as the so-called “broad a” and the loss of [r] finally and before consonants—that are thought of as most characteristic. Parts of the South were settled from Pennsylvania and are not typically southern in speech. And finally, General American itself shows regional differences which, although not so obvious to the lay person, can be recognized by the linguist and charted. Our ability to distinguish more accurately the various speech areas that exist in this country is due to the fact that we now have a large mass of accurate data gathered by field workers for the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada (see page 399) and a growing number of detailed studies of regional pronunciation and other features. These have contributed greatly to a clearer understanding of some of the speech areas of the country.27 In 1949 Professor Hans Kurath published a study of the first importance, A Word Geography of the Eastern United States. On the basis of lexical evidence, mainly in the Atlantic Coast states as far south as South Carolina, he distinguished eighteen speech areas, which he grouped into three main groups: Northern, Midland, and Southern. Positing a Midland dialect had the effect of taking parts of what had been considered General American and 26
See J.S.Kenyon, “Flat a and Broad a,” American Speech, 5 (1930), 323–26. The following studies may be mentioned by way of illustration: Hans Kurath and Raven I. McDavid, Jr., The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States (Ann Arbor, 1961); E.Bagby Atwood, Survey of Verb Forms in the Eastern United States (Ann Arbor, 1953), and the same author’s Regional Vocabulary of Texas (Austin, 1962); and Craig M.Carver, American Regional Dialects: A Word Geography (Ann Arbor, 1987). An account of the more important dialect areas will be found in the chapter contributed by McDavid to W.Nelson Francis, The Structure of American English (New York, 1958). An excellent overview that includes social dialects is by Walt Wolfram and Natalie Schilling-Estes, American English: Dialects and Variation (Oxford, 1998). The newest description of American dialect areas is by William Labov in the Atlas of North American English: www.ling.upenn.edu/phono_atlas. For the publication of regional atlases and dictionaries, see § 255. 27
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THE DIALECTS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH Southern and carving out a third major dialect, straddling the traditional boundary and extending from the Middle Atlantic area to the Mississippi and beyond. This area was divided into North Midland, which comprised most of Pennsylvania and the central areas of the Great Lakes states; and South Midland, which continued to be referred to as the Upper South or the Southern Uplands, and which included the southern Appalachians, the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas, and parts of Oklahoma and Texas. Subsequent studies have supported or modified particular isoglosses and dialect boundaries, the results varying from study to study with the phonological and lexical criteria used. The main point of controversy has been whether the selection and weighting of isoglosses supports a distinct Midland dialect. Although Kurath’s tripartite division was widely accepted for forty years, recent investigations have led some dialectologists to reemphasize a primary North-South linguistic boundary. Craig M.Carver, for example, proposes Upper South for South Midland and Lower North for North Midland.28 Ellen Johnson, while supportive of Kurath’s Midland, prefers the term Appalachian for that dialect, and for Kurath’s South the term Deep South.29 These and other differences among dialectologists are partly matters of nomenclature, though not merely that, because it is nomenclature linked to culture and history; the differences also result from the indeterminacy of the concept dialect itself. Unlike state and county boundaries, which can be found demarcated on the land, dialect boundaries are abstractions of linguists, artifices that are built on empirical 28 29
American Regional Dialects, p. 181. “Yet Again: The Midland Dialect,” American Speech, 69 (1994), 419–30.
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observations but that depend on the diagnostic features chosen. We shall use the terms “Upper North,” “Lower North,” “Upper South,” and “Lower South,” and we shall recognize Eastern New England as a distinctive enough subregion within Upper North to merit separate description. The boundary marking the main North-South division begins in central Delaware, runs westward near the old Mason-Dixon Line and continues approximately along the Ohio River, eventually extending south into Oklahoma and Texas.30 The line separating the Upper North (Kurath’s Northern) from the Lower North (North Midland) runs northwest across New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania and then in a fairly regular westward progression across the northern parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. As the boundary approaches the Mississippi in northwestern Illinois it turns north and, to the extent that it can be traced as a boundary at all, continues that general course across the upper Midwest. The division between the Upper South (South Midland) and the Lower South (Southern) begins at the Atlantic Ocean at a midpoint on the Delmarva peninsula, describes a northward arc through Maryland, and turns southwest, skirting the eastern edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia and North Carolina and turning west just north of Atlanta. To the east lie the Piedmont and the coastal plain. To the west the Midland-Southern boundary continues through northern Georgia and Alabama, then turns north into western Tennessee. West of the Mississippi the boundary becomes predictably more diffuse, but it can still be traced through Arkansas and east Texas. At least six regional dialects in the eastern half of the country are prominent enough to warrant individual characterization, and three additional dialects of considerable importance extend over several regions: 1. Eastern New England. This includes the whole or parts of states that lie to the east of the Connecticut River in Massachusetts and Connecticut and east of the Green Mountains in Vermont. Although not all features of the dialect are uniform in their distribution, we may recognize as characteristic the retention of a rounded vowel in words like hot and top, which the rest of the country has unrounded to a shortened form of the a in father; the use of the broad a in fast, path, grass, etc.; and, as we have seen, the loss of the r in car, hard, and the like except before vowels (carry, Tory). Boston is its focal area.31 30
The boundaries (especially the broken lines) on the accompanying map are approximations that are crossed by individual features, lexical and phonological. The Norfolk, Virginia, region, for example, is included in the Virginia area but has largely escaped the Piedmont influence and is more closely related to the adjacent part of North Carolina. 31 A focal area is one that because of its political, commercial, cultural, or other importance (e.g., social) has influenced the speech of surrounding areas. Tonic (soft drink), for instance, has spread apparently only to communities served by distributors whose headquarters are in Boston.
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2. New York City. Although often considered a part of the Eastern New England dialect, the speech of New York City and adjacent counties is on the whole quite different. The occurrence of r has increased significantly since World War II, and its frequency among various groups of speakers has become a reliable indicator of social class.32 Cot and caught are phonemically contrasted because the o in words like cot and top, before voiceless stops, is almost always unrounded. The pronunciation of curl like coil, third as thoid is the characteristic most distinctive of New York City in the popular mind, although it should be added that among cultivated New Yorkers curl and coil are phonemically distinct 3. Upper North. Western New England, upstate New York, and the basin of the Great Lakes share features of pronunciation that derive from the original settlement and the spread of the population westward through the water route of the lakes. Like the speech of eastern New England, the Upper North dialect distinguishes [o] in words like mourning and hoarse in morning and horse. Also like the dialect of eastern New England and in from contrast with the prevailing forms of the Pennsylvania settlement area, the Upper North has [ð] regularly in with, [s] in grease (verb) and greasy, and [U] in roots. The Linguistic Atlas of the Upper Midwest (see § 255) shows that traces of the boundary can be extended beyond the Mississippi into Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, and the Dakotas, although it is less distinct than the boundary in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, just as the boundary in those states is less distinct than that of the original settlements in Pennsylvania. Because the speech of the Upper North differs strikingly from that of eastern New England in its retention of postvocalic [r] and in the occurrence of the vowel [æ] in words like ask, it is necessary to separate these two Northern varieties, with a prominent boundary running in a northerly direction from the mouth of the Connecticut River to the Green Mountains of Vermont. 4. Lower North. Like the dialect of the Upper North, that of the Lower North preserves the r in all positions and has [æ] in fast, ask, grass, etc. Within the Lower North region one of the two major subareas is the Middle Atlantic, which includes the eastern third of Pennsylvania below the Northern-Midland line, the southern half of New Jersey, the northern half of Delaware, and the adjacent parts of Maryland. The speech of this subarea has the unrounded vowel in forest as well as in hot, the [ε] of egg in care, Mary, merry, and a merging of [o] and 32
before [r] and four and forty. The other major subarea
See William Labov, The Social Stratification of English in New York City (Washington, DC, 1966), pp. 63–89, 207–43, et passim.
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includes the speech of western Pennsylvania and its derivatives in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Although closely related to the Middle Atlantic dialect, it has some differences of pronunciation such as the merging of the vowels in cot and caught. The two words are the same vowel occurring with a considerable range of generally homonyms allophones in lot, John, palm, barn, law,frost, dog, fog, and foggy. 5. Upper South. This area includes all of West Virginia except the counties bordering on Pennsylvania and Maryland,33 the mountain regions of Virginia and North Carolina, most of Kentucky and Tennessee, with a small portion of the states to the north and the south. At the present stage of investigation it appears that the dialect of the Upper South extends west of the Mississippi through southern Missouri and northern Arkansas into north Texas, where it blends with that of the Plantation South. Settled first from Pennsylvania and later from the South, the region shows in its speech the mixed character that is to be expected under the circumstances. Although none of the dialect features of the Upper South are unique in themselves, and all of them occur in either the Lower North or the Plantation South, the configuration of features is peculiar to the Upper South. Thus the r is sounded as in the Lower North, but [aI] is generally pronounced [aε],or in the southern part of the area [aə, a] as in many parts of the South. Despite this mix, the speech of the Upper South has so much in common with that of the Plantation South that a variety of Southern English comprising the two large regions is a linguistic and cultural reality. 6. Lower South. The dialect of the Lower South covers a large area, the old plantation country, and it would be unreasonable to expect uniformity in it. Important focal areas are the Virginia Piedmont and the low country near the coast of South Carolina. In many districts it agrees with eastern New England in the loss of r finally and before consonants, as in car and hard, but tends to go even further and omit the r before a word beginning with a vowel, as in far away [fa:ə’we]. But it does not have the rounded vowel in words like top and hot, or the broad a in grass and dance. In the latter words it shows a preference for [æə, æI] aeI]. A distinctive feature of the Southern dialect is the treatment of the diphthong in out. Instead of the usual [aU] the Southern speaker begins this diphthong with [æ] before voiced consonants and finally, while in Virginia and South Carolina this diphthong takes the form [əU, ΛU] before voiceless consonants. Equally characteristic is the so-called Southern drawl. This is not only a matter of slower enunciation but involves a diphthongization or double diphthongization of stressed vowels. In its most pronounced form this results in yes becoming [jεIs] or [jεjəs], class becoming [klæIs] or [klæjəs], etc. Final consonant groups are likely to suffer from a weakened articulation: las’, kep’, fin’, for last, kept, find, especially in nonstandard use. Around New Orleans and Charleston 33
In the southern and eastern part of West Virginia the influence of Virginia speech is strong.
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curl and third are pronounced [kΛIl] and [θΛId], as in New York City, a pattern that may be phonologically related to certain other diphthongizations in the Southern drawl.34 Many speakers pronounce Tuesday and duty with a glide [tjus-, dju-], and in much of the South homonomy of mid and high front vowels before nasals is general, no distinction occurring between pin and pen [pIn]. There are considerable differences in the speech of the South, enabling a southerner at times to tell from a short conversation the particular state that another southerner comes from. But a northerner can seldom do this. 7. General American. This variety and the next one, African American Vernacular English, are controversial and unlike the dialects discussed above in not directly reflecting geographical patterns of migration and settlement. Both varieties can be superimposed on large areas of the map of dialects at the beginning of this section, although many dialectologists would deny the validity of such a description. At the time of the first edition of this history, General American was widely accepted as one of the three main dialects of American English, along with New England and Southern. It was usually said to be characterized by the flat a (in fast, path, etc.), the unrounded vowel in hot, top, etc., the retention of a strong r in all positions, and less tendency than British English to introduce a glide after the vowels [e] and [o], late, note. The western half of the country and the regions enumerated in the preceding discussions except eastern New England, metropolitan New York, and Southern were often spoken of as constituting General American. Since the 1930s, investigations for the Linguistic Atlas (see § 255) have identified dialect areas within the old General American area and have prompted a repudiation of this “prescientific concept.”35 However, if the term is completely abandoned, something very much like it will have to be invented in the future. It is difficult to know whether the western areas of the old General American should be subdivided at all. Even as the records of the Linguistic Atlas become available in published form, they reflect the language of speakers who were of the older generation during the middle decades of this century. The questions asked and the informants interviewed put an emphasis on items of rural vocabulary that are now seldom used by younger speakers. If the trend toward homogeneity within the vast area of General American continues, there will be less utility in the terms “Northern” and “Midland” for identifying speakers from, say, Minnesota (Northern) and southern lowa (Midland) than in the supplanted term “General 34
See James Sledd, “Breaking, Umlaut, and the Southern Drawl,” Language, 42 (1966), 18–41.
Roger Abrahams and Rudolph C.Troike, eds., Language and Cultural Diversity in American Education (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972), p. 130. See also W.R.Van Riper, “General American: An Ambiguity,” in Lexicography and Dialect Geography: Festgabe for Hans Kurath (Wiesbaden, 1973), pp 232−42, and J.B.McMillan, “Of Matters Lexicographical,” American Speech (1970; pub. 1974), 289–92. Frederic G.Cassidy abandoned the term in his 1954 revision of Stuart Robertson, The Development of Modern English (New York, 1934), as did C.K. Thomas in his 1958 revision of An Introduction to the Phonetics of American English (New York, 1947), proposing instead four regional dialects in the General American area beyond the Atlantic states.
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American,” which would group these speakers together along with the majority of speakers from the West Coast and the states in between.36 8. African American Vernacular English. One of the most intensively studied varieties of English during the past three decades has been the speech of many African Americans in the South and in northern cities. The very name of this variety, African American Vernacular English or Vernacular Black English, indicates both that the variety is not a geographical dialect and also that it is not the dialect of all African Americans. The term vernacular refers to nonstandard features of the variety, just as nonstandard features of English spoken mainly by whites have brought about the use of White Vernacular. Although African American might be more misleading than useful because of the many middle-class African Americans who do not speak the black English vernacular, the term does serve to identify a coherent linguistic situation on the west coast of Africa and in the Caribbean during the days of the slave trade. Pidgin English, characterized by syntactic structures and words from West African languages, was the means of communication between English-speaking Europeans and Africans, and among Africans whose languages were mutually unintelligible. In the New World this pidgin English continued to be spoken by transported slaves and eventually as a creole dialect by their descendants.37 The bestknown example of an English-based creole in the continental United States is the Gullah dialect spoken by blacks along the coast and on the coastal islands of South Carolina and Georgia.38 In studies of African American Vernacular English during the 1960s, controversy between traditional dialectologists and creole scholars centered on the extent to which linguistic features could be traced either to British English or to creole origins.39 Both views recognized that the migrations of African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North during the past century brought a dialect with distinctly Southern features to New York, Chicago, Detroit, and other cities, where it has continued to be learned by successive generations. The balanced perspective of recent studies generally accepts the “creole hypothesis” as an important part of the explanation of current “street speech” without denying the interaction of features traditionally identified from the different dialects of urban and rural England.40 Controversy has shifted to the question of 36
See, for example, J.C.Wells’s use of “General American” in Accents of English (3 vols., Cambridge, UK, 1982), III, 470–90. 37 On pidgin and creole languages, see § 230, pp. 325–28. See also David DeCamp, “Introduction: The Study of Pidgin and Creole Languages,” in Pidginization and Creolization of Languages, ed. Dell Hymes (Cambridge, 1971), pp. 13–39. For problems in defining pidgins and creoles, see Suzanne Romaine, Pidgin and Creole Languages (London, 1988), pp. 23–70. 38 The standard work on Gullah is Lorenzo D.Turner, Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect (1949; reprinted with a new foreword by David DeCamp, Ann Arbor, MI, 1974). On its present state see Salikoko Mufwene, “The Ecology of Gullah’s Survival,” American Speech, 72 (1997), 69–83. 39 See, for example, the articles by B.L.Bailey, W.A.Stewart, and D.Dalby reprinted in Black-White Speech Relationships, ed. Walt Wolfram and Nona H.Clarke (Washington, D.C., 1971). 40 See John Baugh, Black Street Speech: Its History, Structure, and Survival (Austin, TX, 1983), pp. 11–12.
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whether the black and white vernaculars are diverging or converging.41 From the creole hypothesis one might expect a steady convergence over the years through the process of “decreolization.” Recent studies, however, have found features of the vernaculars of both African Americans and whites in cities such as New York and Philadelphia to be diverging from those of standard English. The issue has received attention in the press, partly because of educational policies that may be implied. Some features of African American Vernacular English (often abbreviated AAVE) occur also in the Southern white nonstandard English of comparable socioeconomic levels. However, there are also phonological and morphological features that occur almost exclusively in AAVE or occur at a significantly higher rate than in other varieties. The reduction of final consonant clusters (for example, lis’ for list), as we have seen, is a common feature of the Lower South, as is the loss of postvocalic r (ca’ for car, fo’ for four), and both of these deletions occur in AAVE. The most usual context for deletion of such consonants is before a word beginning with a consonant. AAVE differs from other varieties in having a higher rate of deletion before a vowel (for example, lif’ up for lift up). AAVE is also characterized by deletion of a word-final single consonant after a vowel as in ma’ for man, with a nasalized [æ], or boo’ for boot. Both voiced and voiceless th vary from Standard English in AAVE—for example,[ð] in that realized as [d], dat; [θ] in thin realized as [t], tin; and [θ] in nothing and mouth realized as [f], nuf’n, mouf. As in many varieties of English, both standard and nonstandard, the -ing suffix occurs as [In], singin’. Among the grammatical features of AAVE, the verbal system is especially interesting in its systematic differences from Standard English. The verb to be is regularly deleted both as the linking verb and as the helping verb: for example He tall for Standard English He is tall, and They runnin’ for They are running. There is a category of verbal aspect that represents habitual action that may occur over a period of time repeatedly, though not necessarily continuously; for example, They be runnin’ for Standard English They are usually running, or They usually run42 In AAVE this structure contrasts with They runnin’, cited above, which means They are running right now. Other systematic features of the verbal system in AAVE include the use of done to emphasize the completed nature of an action—for example, He done did it for Standard English He’s already done it— and the absence of third person singular present tense -s, as in He talk for Standard English He talks. 9. Hispanic American English. Like African American Vernacular English, Hispanic American English is a social and ethnic variety, but like the Anglo 41
See the essays by Ralph W.Fasold, William Labov, Fay B.Vaughn-Cooke, Guy Bailey, Walt Wolfram, A.K.Spears, and John Rickford in American Speech, 62 (1987). 42
In informal discussion of grammar a distinction is often not made between verbal tense and aspect, though clearly it is necessary to be more precise in describing these categories in AAVE. Tense refers to the time during which the action of a verb takes place. Aspect refers to the beginning, duration, completion, or repetition of the action of a verb.
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dialects of the Southwest it is also a geographical variety for which isoglosses can be traced across the map. Indeed, some of the roots of its geography reach back further than those of any other variety of American English, to the late sixteenth century and for more than two centuries afterwards, when Texas was a part of Mexico. Hispanic American English is unique among the major varieties of English in being the result of languages in continuing contact within a bilingual culture, and yet the complexity of the linguistic situation is such that some scholars have questioned whether it is a dialect at all. The alternative would be to consider the features associated with Hispanic American English the result of language contact with Spanish and thus the manifestations of English learned as a second language, rather than the features of a stable dialect. It has been only within the past three decades that enough research has been done to establish that it is a variety of American English in its own right. Many of the features of Hispanic American English do not appear in Spanish, and many of its speakers have low proficiency in Spanish or are monolingual in English. These facts make clear that the variety is learned and spoken like any other variety of English. Yet the situation is complex, because the community of speakers includes those who are fluently bilingual, those who are much more proficient in Spanish than in English, those who are much more proficient in English than in Spanish, and others located at various points along the spectrum. While features of pronunciation and intonation may remain stable, the selection of those features depends on numerous variables, including the context of speech and the attitude of the speaker. In a study of Mexican-American English, a variety often referred to as Chicano English, the authors conclude: “Within the Chicano community, there is a large span of social differences which are correlated to differences in language acquisition patterns, language usage— code-choice—and linguistic variables pertaining to Chicano English and other dialects. When considering Chicano English and patterns of language usage, it is perhaps a misnomer to refer to ‘the Chicano community’ when there is such wide variation within the community.”43 Such variation contributes to the difficulty of estimating the number of speakers of Chicano English; within the United States a reasonable number would be 25 to 30 million people. Whereas speakers of other varieties of English might modulate the degree of regionalism or ethnicity by changing the proportions of certain variable structures of English, speakers of Chicano English who also know Spanish might shift out of English altogether within a single sentence. This code-switching between English and Spanish is a familiar feature of Chicano English, as illustrated in the works of Rolando Hinojosa: 43
Joyce Penfield and Jacob L.Ornstein-Galicia, Chicano English: An Ethnic Contact Dialect (Amsterdam, 1985), p. 18.
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Mi querido Rafa: Election Day plus two and God’s in his heaven and Noddy’s in his; regarding each other with suspicion, one would imagine. Pues sí, it’s in all the papers y no te traigo noticias que tú no sepas. Ahora solamente es asunto de pick up the pieces and the litter. Our newest commissioner is more restrained, less exuberant, as it were—eso de ‘as it were’ es frasecita de Ira; le gusta y la usa venga o no al caso. Sorry, no free samples, Si no se cuida, la gente le va a poner Asitwere, at the very least. Dear Rafe: Election Day plus two and God’s in His heaven, and Noddy’s in his, regarding each other with suspicion, one would imagine. Well, sir, it’s in all the papers, and Fm not telling you something you don’t already know. And now, it’s simply a matter of picking up the pieces and the litter. Our newest commissioner is more restrained, less exuberant, as it were. This last is now a pet phrase. As such, he uses it at the drop of a jaw. If he’s not careful, the instructed electorate will start calling him Asitwere. At the very least.44 To the extent that dialects are defined by word choices, the lexicon of Hispanic American English presents a more contemporary picture than the oldfashioned rural vocabulary of traditional dialect studies. While fewer and fewer speakers know that a whiffletree involves a harness or that a spider can be a skillet, words used to trace isoglosses in Hans Kurath’s Word Geography, a growing population in the United States and in other English-speaking countries knows the meaning of tapas, seviche, and luminaria. The categories of borrowed words include politics, from which we get Sandinista, Contra, Fidelist; food and drink, represented by nachos, burrito, sangria, margarita; and ethnicity, with Chicano and Chicana, Latino and Latina as prominent designations.45 In the past, Spanish borrowings have typically marked the regional dialects of Western and border states—California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado—and then some have gained general currency in American English. A few of these words have become part of world English. Contact between Spanish and English will be a continuing source for the introduction of new or revived Spanish words into regional varieties of English 44
Rolando Hinojosa, Mi querido Rafa (Houston, 1981), p. 44; Dear Rafe (Houston, 1985), p. 51. Used by permission of Arte Público Press. 45 For more on Spanish loanwords, see Garland Cannon, “Recent borrowings from Spanish into English,” in Spanish Loanwords in the English Language: A Tendency towards Hegemony Reversal, ed. F.R.González (Berlin, 1996), 41–60.
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and into larger domains. As Ronald Butters, the president of the American Dialect Society, observes, “Whatever social and political directions our linguistic future may take, Spanish is sure to play an increasing role, one that is different from anything we have ever experienced.”46 Although certain patterns in African American Vernacular English have clearly been influenced by African languages and those in Hispanic American English by Spanish, many other dialectal differences in the United States have been explained by tracing them to the districts in England from which the earliest settlers came.47 If this explanation is valid, we must believe that the English spoken by the first colonists—mainly those who came during the seventeenth century—determined the speech of the communities in which they settled, and that later accretions to the population of districts already occupied were made sufficiently gradually to be assimilated to the speech that had become established there. There is nothing in the facts to contradict this assumption. The nucleus of the New England colonies was in the district around Massachusetts Bay, and the earliest settlements in the South were in the tidewater district of Virginia. Fortunately, it is for just these sections that we have the fullest information concerning the English homes of the earliest settlers. In the Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States48 the evidence has been collected. Of the settlers in New England before 1700, 1,281 have been traced to their source in England, and for Virginia during the same period the English homes have been found for 637. These numbers, to be sure, are not large, but it is believed that the group of colonists identified in each case is representative of the two settlements. The result shows that the predominant element in New England was from the southeastern and southern counties of England.49 Sixty-one percent of those traced are accounted for by 46
“The Internationalization of American English: Two Challenges,” American Speech, 75 (2000), 283–84. 47 For an excellent statement of this view see Hans Kurath, “The Origin of the Dialectal Differences in Spoken American English,” Modern Philology, 25 (1928), 385–95. A convenient summary of supporting evidence collected in the years since is Kurath’s Studies in Area Linguistics (Bloomington, IN, 1972), especially chap. 5, “The Historical Relation of American English to British English.” 48 Prepared by Charles O.Paullin and John K.Wright (Washington and New York, 1932), pp. 46– 41. To this may be added Marcus L.Hansen, The Atlantic Migration, 1607–1860 (Cambridge, MA, 1940) and the same author’s account of the settlement of New England contributed to the Handbook of the Linguistic Geography of New England mentioned on p. 399. 49 “The number of settlers from London for New England was 193, or 15 percent; for Virginia 179, or 28 percent. The counties (with numbers) sending the most settlers to New England are as follows: Norfolk 125, Suffolk 116, Kent 106, Essex 100, Devon 76, Wiltshire 69; to Virginia, Gloucester 44, Kent 42, Yorkshire 30, and Lancaster 22. Of the emigrants from Gloucester both to New England and Virginia more than half came from Bristol. Of the Norfolk emigrants to New England half came from Hingham and Norwich.” (Paullin and Wright, op. cit., p. 46.)
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the larger counties mentioned in the footnote, and because the figures for the smaller counties are not given, we may conservatively say that two-thirds of the New England colonists before 1700 came from the south of England, especially the southeast. For Virginia the percentage is not quite so large but is still decisive. Forty-two percent were derived from London, Gloucester, and Kent, all in the south. Again figures for the smaller counties are omitted. From the map that these statistics accompany, however, it appears that the south Midlands and the west were more fully represented among the settlers of Virginia than in the New England colonies. In any case, it is certain that more than 50 percent of the Virginia settlers traced came from the southern half of England. The inference is that the English brought to New England and Virginia was that spoken in the southern parts of England, and that the similarity of the New England and Southern dialects in this country to present-day standard English is due to the preponderance of settlers from the south of England in these colonies. The importance of Virginia in the later settlements of the South has already been pointed out and doubtless accounts for the spread of the early Virginia form of speech in the southern states. We unfortunately do not have the same sort of information about the early settlers in the middle colonies. But we are not without a basis for inference. We know that the Quakers played the principal part in the settlements along the Delaware, and that this sect had its largest following in the north of England and the north Midlands. We should expect a good many of the settlers in eastern Pennsylvania and the adjacent parts of New Jersey and Delaware to have come from the northern half of England. We know also that large numbers of Scots-Irish settled in Pennsylvania and were later prominent in the settlement of parts of the South and the West. They were mostly Scots who had been settled for a few generations in northeastern Ireland. They, of course, spoke Northern English. The Germans, who formed a large element in the population of the middle colonies, acquired their English from the English-speaking colonists among whom they settled. It would seem likely that the population of the Middle States was much more northern than that of New England and Virginia, and that the preservation of the r and other characteristics of Northern English found in the dialect of these states is to be accounted for in this way. It may not be too much to assert that the prominence of the Scots-Irish in the constant advance of the western frontier was an influential factor in carrying the form of English spoken in the middle colonies into the newer territories of the West and in making this speech the basis of General American. In describing the principal dialect areas that can be distinguished in the language of this country we have spoken only of distinctive features of the pro-nunciation. This does not mean that there are no other local differences. There are also peculiarities of vocabulary or idiom that may represent a survival of some older form of expression or some special development whose origin cannot be traced. They are especially characteristic of the popular speech. When a person calls a certain kind of cheese smearcase, we suspect contact at some time with the Pennsylvania Dutch settlements. In the neighborhood of Boston one may call for a tonic when one wants only a soft drink. In different parts of the country one may get sugar in a bag, a sack, or a poke, and may either carry it or, in the South, tote it. The Philadelphian uses the word square not only for a small city park but also for what Baedeker describes as “a rectangular mass of buildings bounded by four streets,” and what is elsewhere known as a block. Within a
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small area a number of interesting variants for the same thing can often be found in the half-hidden recesses of popular speech. Thus in different New England communities the earthworm exists under the name angleworm, angledog, easworm (with variants eastworm and easterworm), fishworm, mudworm, and minworm.50 There are also odd deviations of idiom from the standard speech. Such are the Middle Western phone up and I want in, or the expression reported from South Dakota, “I got up at six o’clock this morning although I don’t belong to get up until seven.” It would be easy to multiply local peculiarities of word or phrase in all parts of America, as in other countries. In this country they are not always genuine examples of dialect, because they are not peculiar to a particular dialectal region but may occur in numerous parts of the country, often at a considerable distance from one another.51 In any case they should not by themselves be made the basis for distinguishing major dialect areas. In connection with this discussion of American dialects it is necessary to recall what was said above about the general uniformity of the English language in this country. The differences between the English of one section and that of another are not great. The universal spread of education in modern times and the absence of any sharp differentiation of social classes in this country are not favorable to the development or maintenance of dialect. Although southerners or people from “down East” can usually be recognized by their speech, there are large sections of the country in which it would be impossible to tell within a thousand miles the district from which an individual comes. That such differences as exist are more noticeable in the East and are 50
Cf. Rachel S.Harris, “New England Words for the Earthworm,” American Speech, 8, no. 4 (1933), 12–17, and maps 139 and 140 in Kurath, Word Geography, mentioned on page 370. 51 Miles L.Hanley, at one time editor of Dialect Notes, gave an interesting example of this in the Connecticut term “the minister’s face” for the head of a pig after the animal has been butchered and the ears, jowls, eyes, etc., have been removed. The phrase is occasionally found in New Hampshire in parts settled from Connecticut but also occurs in Virginia.
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greater from north to south than from east to west is but a natural consequence of the geographical configuration of colonial America.52 251. The Controversy over Americanisms. From the time that differences in the vocabulary and idiom of Americans began to be noticed, they became the subject of comment and soon of controversy. In the beginning English comment was uniformly adverse, at least as far back as the utterances of Dr. Johnson. Often Americans were accused of corrupting the English language by introducing new and unfamiliar words, whereas they were in fact only continuing to employ terms familiar in the seventeenth century that had become obsolete in England. When the injustice of this attitude was perceived, Americans began to defend their use of English and, with a growing sense of their position among nations, to demand parity for their speech with the English of England. Over this difference in point of view a controversy was carried on through most of the nineteenth century. The first person to use the term Americanism was John Witherspoon, one of the early presidents of Princeton University. In 1781 he defined it as “an use of phrases or terms, or a construction of sentences, even among persons of rank and education, different from the use of the same terms or phrases, or the construction of similar sentences in GreatBritain.” In justification of the word he added, “The word Americanism, which I have coined for the purpose, is exactly similar in its formation and signification to the word Scotticism.” Himself a Scot, he naturally did not look upon differences from the English of England as necessarily bad. He said, “It does not follow, from a man’s using these, that he is ignorant, or his discourse upon the whole inelegant; nay, it does not follow in every case, that the terms or phrases used are worse in themselves, but merely that they are of American and not of English growth.”53 So independent an attitude is not surprising in one who, if he did not paint his name in characters so bold as John Hancock, was nevertheless one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson, who did not scruple to coin the word belittle, was independent without being belligerent. He objected to “raising a hue and cry against every word he [Johnson] has not licensed…. Here where all is new, no innovation is feared which offers good…. And should the language of England continue stationary, we shall probably enlarge our employment of it, until its new character may separate it 52
For discussions of the English language in Hawaii, which touch on some of the same problems found in discussions of AAVE, see John E.Reinecke, Language and Dialect in Hawaii: Sociolinguistic History to 1935, ed. Stanley M.Tsuzaki (Honolulu, 1969); Elizabeth Carr, Da Kine Talk: From Pidgin to Standard English in Hawaii (Honolulu, 1972); and the articles by Elizabeth Carr and Stanley Tsuzaki in Pidginization and Creolization of Languages, ed. Dell Hymes. 53 In the Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser, reprinted in M.M.Mathews, The Beginnings of American English (Chicago, 1931), p. 17.
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in name, as well as in power, from the mother tongue.” With most, however, the spirit of conformity prevailed. Even so original a thinker as Franklin was ready to accept English usage as his own guide. Acknowledging a criticism of Hume’s, he wrote: “I thank you for your friendly admonition relating to some unusual words in the pamphlet. It will be of service to me. The pejorate and the colonize, since they are not in common use here [in England], I give up as bad; for certainly in writings intended for persuasion and for general information, one cannot be too clear; and every expression in the least obscure is a fault. The unshakable, too, tho clear, I give up as rather low. The introducing new words, where we are already possessed of old ones sufficiently expressive, I confess must be generally wrong, as it tends to change the language…. I hope with you, that we shall always in America make the best English of this Island our standard, and I believe it will be so.”54 The first dictionary of Americanisms was published in 1816 by John Pickering under the title A Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be Peculiar to the United States of America. Although the work of an American, it is thoroughly English in its point of view. Both in the introductory essay that accompanies it and in the comment throughout the body of the glossary Pickering shows clearly that he has been inspired by a desire to purify the language of his countrymen by pointing out all departures from English usage and persuading them that only by strict accord with that usage can they hope to write pure English. This attitude aroused the wrath of Noah Webster, who felt that his own position had been attacked. With manifest effort at selfcontrol he replied in a published Letter to the Honorable John Pickering on the Subject of His Vocabulary (1817). “With regard to the general principle,” he wrote, “that we must use only such words as the English use let me repeat, that the restriction is, in the nature of the thing, impracticable, and the demand that we should observe it, is as improper as it is arrogant. Equally impertinent is it to ridicule us for retaining the use of genuine English words, because they happen to be obsolete in London, or in the higher circles of life.” “Let it be further observed,” he said, “that the charge against the people of this country, of introducing new words, is, to a great degree, unfounded. Your own researches have proved this fact. I question whether ten words can be found among men of reputable character in the United States, which are not authorized by English usage, either general or local. But whether the number is ten or fifty, is not material. New words will be formed and used, if found necessary or convenient, without a license from Englishmen.” The battle was on. 54
Writings, ed. A.H.Smyth, IV, 83–84. In the same place Franklin says: “Yet, at the same time, I cannot but wish the usage of our tongue permitted making new words, when we want them, by composition of old ones whose meanings are already well understood….”
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A much more ambitious Dictionary of Americanisms was published in 1848 by John R.Bartlett and greatly enlarged in a second edition of 1859. The author was for three years commissioner on the Mexican boundary and had an opportunity to gather many words from prairie and frontier life. Considering the date at which it was compiled, it is a very commendable piece of work. In it the older attitude of Pickering has given place almost entirely to an interest in dialect for its own sake. Bartlett refrains from controversy, and though he has no hope that “the pure old idiomatic English style can ever be restored in this country,” he ventures the thought that we may some day have a“style and a literature which will also have their beauties and merits, although fashioned after a somewhat different model.” Up to the time of the Civil War the prevailing attitude in the United States seems to have been one of deference to English usage. In 1866, however, James Russell Lowell published in book form the Second Series of The Biglow Papers and supplied it with a lengthy introduction. Ostensibly an exposition of the dialect in which the Papers were written, this essay is in reality one of the most important contributions to the controversy over Americanisms. Although it had often been recognized that many of the distinctive features of American English were survivals of the older English of England, no one had been at pains to bring together the enormous mass of evidence on the subject. Lowell filled more than fifty pages with closely packed but eminently readable parallels to American expressions, drawn from his wide reading of the older literature of England. His reputation both in this country and abroad ensured a wide public for his views. Since the appearance of this essay, the legitimacy of one large class of Americanisms has not been questioned. Those who have written most on the subject, such as Lounsbury55 and Brander Matthews, have generally taken Lowell’s defense as a point of departure, explicitly or implicitly, and have employed their strength in combatting the idea that because an expression is of American origin it has no right to a hearing. They have preached the doctrine of American English for the American as a natural mark of intellectual sincerity. “For our novelists to try to write Americanly, from any motive,” said William Dean Howells, “would be a dismal error, but being born Americans, we would have them use ‘Americanisms’ whenever these serve their turn; and when their characters speak, we should like to hear them speak true American, with all the varying Tennesseean, 55
Lounsbury further stressed the fact that many so-called Americanisms were not Americanisms at all by pointing to parallels in the English dialects. He found such “typically American” expressions as to ride like blazes, in a jiffy, a tip-top fellow, before you could say Jack Robinson, that’s a whopper, gawky (awkward), glum (gloomy), gumption (sense), sappy (silly) in a glossary for Suffolk, England, published in 1823. Cf. the International Rev., 8 (1880), 479.
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Philadelphian, Bostonian, and New York accents.”56 What Brander Matthews, in his Americanisms and Briticisms, wrote of English criticism of American spelling has a wider significance as indicative of the contemporary attitude in America toward English authority in matters of linguistic usage: “Any American who chances to note the force and the fervor and the frequency of the objurgations against American spelling in the columns of the Saturday Review, for example, and of the Athenaeum, may find himself wondering as to the date of the papal bull which declared the infallibility of contemporary British orthography, and as to the place at which it was made an article of faith.” By the end of the twentieth century passionate criticisms and defenses of Americanisms had given way to other concerns about language, and the general attitude on both sides of the Atlantic now seems to be close to what the British author William Archer wrote a century earlier: “New words are begotten by new conditions…. America has enormously enriched the language.” 252. The Purist Attitude. The controversy over Americanisms has at times been more or less connected in the United States with the purist attitude,57 always an element in linguistic discussions in any age. There is nothing, of course, to compel purists in America to be hostile to an American standard of “purity,” but as a matter of fact they were in the beginning almost always identical with those who accepted English usage as a norm and believed that Americans should conform as completely as possible to it. While theoretically the purist ideal and advocacy of the English standard are two quite distinct things, they are so often united in our guardians of linguistic decorum that it would be difficult to separate them for purposes of discussion. Conversely, in England at any time during the nineteenth century any impurity in the language, meaning anything that the individual purist objected to, was more likely than not to be described as an Americanism. Coleridge objected to “that vile and barbarous word, talented,” adding, “Most of these pieces of slang come from America.” Talented did not come from America, though the point is of no consequence. Mencken tells us that scientist was denounced as “an ignoble Americanism” in 1890.58 It is well known that the word has been disliked by many in England, although it was coined in 1840 by an Englishman. 56
Harper’s Magazine, 32 (1886), 325. Purist and purism “are for the most part missile words, which we all of us fling at anyone who insults us by finding not good enough for him some manner of speech that is good enough for us…; by purism is to be understood a needless and irritating insistence on purity or correctness of speech.” (Fowler, Modern English Usage [Oxford, 1926], pp. 474–75.) 58 TheAmerican Language (1st ed.), p. 38. 57
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That the various modifications of the English language in the United States were all “gross corruptions” was a belief vigorously expressed by an anonymous writer of 1800 in The Monthly Magazine and American Review. The article “On the Scheme of an American Language” contains an ironical reference to those who “think grammars and dictionaries should be compiled by natives of the country, not of the British or English, but of the American tongue.” After thus paying respects to Webster, the author states the conviction that for their standard of language Americans must look to “the best educated class, whose dialect is purified by intimate intercourse with English books.” Pickering, whose Vocabulary of Americanisms has been mentioned above, begins his introductory essay with the statement: “The preservation of the English language in its purity throughout the United States is an object deserving the attention of every American, who is a friend to the literature and science of his country.” This seems general enough, but after quoting several pages of extracts from English journals in condemnation of Americanisms, he adds that the language of the United States “has in so many instances departed from the English standard, that our scholars should lose no time in endeavouring to restore it to its purity, and to prevent future corruption.” In 1835 an unknown writer in the Southern Literary Messenger looked forward (none too hopefully) to the time when “we shall no longer see such a term as firstly in a work on metaphysics, nor hear such a double adverb as illy on the floor of Congress—no longer hear of an event’s transpiring, before it has become public, nor of an argument being predicated on such and such facts.” He stated that the only safeguard against such licenses was the adoption of some common and acknowledged standard. “Such a standard exists in the authorized classics of Great Britain.” The famous “Index Expurgatorius” of William Cullen Bryant has often been cited as an example of the purist ideal in journalism. It is a list of words that he excluded from the New York Evening Post and that seems to have grown up gradually during the years (1829–1878) when he was the editor of this wellknown newspaper. Many of the expressions he disliked “bear the stamp of vulgarity, pretension, haste, and slang,” but the only objection to some of them, such as dutiable, presidential, lengthy (defended by Webster fifty years before), seems to have been the fact that they were Americanisms. A purist of a rather extreme type was Richard Grant White. In his books called Words and Their Uses (1870) and Every-Day English (1880) conformity to the purist ideal and acceptance of the English standard of usage become practically synonymous. In the preface to the former book he specifically disavows any right of Americans “to set up an independent standard.” His opinion carried much weight with a certain class of people, a class possessed of a fine, if somewhat old-fashioned, culture. Such people are likely to have the point of view of the purist and to be more or less constantly influenced by English literary tradition. With the establishment during the previous century and the flourishing during the present of a modern tradition in American literature, the authority of English opinion and usage has diminished. Sentiments favoring prescriptivism persist, however, and the purist ideal continues to find expression in the popular press and in lexicographical enterprises. When the Merriam Company published Webster’s Third New International Dictionary in 1961, an outpouring of reviews ignored the considerable merits of the dictionary to criticize its restraint in legislating on matters of usage. The inclusion of finalize and normalcy without statements of their acceptability and of irregardless (though it was
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labeled “nonstandard”) stirred editorial responses of extraordinary emotion and hostility. When the New York Times announced that it would continue to use the Second International edition of 1934, Bergen Evans pointed out that the very issue of the Times which made the announcement used 153 separate words, phrases, and constructions listed in the Third International but not in the Second and nineteen others that are condemned in the Second. Evans concluded: “Anyone who solemnly announces in the year 1962 that he will be guided in matters of English usage by a dictionary published in 1934 is talking ignorant and pretentious nonsense.”59 It is no more reasonable to look to a past, or a supposed past, in American lexicography for guidance in the current use of the language than to look across the ocean. The purist ideal is a manifestation of the same temperament in America as elsewhere in the world. In the United States it has been guided in past years by a considerable respect for English opinion and usage, and in recent times by what seems to be self-confident introspection.60 In all periods, the purist ideal has made the answers to difficult questions rather easier than they actually are. The judgments that can be asserted for lists of words taken without regard to context, audience, or expository intent imply falsely that linguistic forms have a certain value once and for all, and that the keys to effective writing and speaking can be found in the mastery of a few, clear, permanent proscriptions. 253. Present Differentiation of Vocabulary. Except in pronunciation the distance that the English language in America has traveled in its separation from that of England is chiefly measured in its vocabulary. It is easy to exaggerate the 59
“But What’s a Dictionary For?” Atlantic (May 1962), p. 62; reprinted in an instructive collection of reviews and essays on the subject, Dictionaries and That Dictionary, ed. James Sledd and Wilma R.Ebbitt (Chicago, 1962), p. 248. 60 As, for example, in Dwight Macdonald, “The String Untuned,” The New Yorker (March 10, 1962), pp. 130–34, 137–40, 143–50, 153–60; reprinted in Sledd and Ebbitt, pp. 166–88.
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importance of the differences that can be readily pointed out. The American on going to England or the British traveler on arriving in America is likely to be impressed by them, because each finds the other’s expressions amusing when they do not actually cause puzzlement. As examples of such differences the words connected with the railroad and the automobile are often cited. The British word for railroad is railway, the engineer is a driver, the conductor a guard. The baggage car is a van, and the baggage carried is always luggage. American freight train and freight yard become in Britain goods train and goods yard. Some of the more technical terms are likewise different. A sleeper in the United States is a sleeping car; in Britain it is what Americans call a tie. American switch is a point, a grade crossing a level crossing, and so on. In connection with the automobile, the British speak of a lorry (truck), windscreen (windshield), bonnet (hood), sparking plugs, gear lever (gearshift), gearbox (transmission), silencer (muffler), boot (trunk), petrol (gasoline or gas). British motorway is American expressway and dual carriageway is divided highway. Such differences can be found in almost any part of the vocabulary: lift (elevator), post (mail), hoarding (billboard), nappy (diaper), spanner (wrench), underground (subway), cotton wool (absorbent cotton), barrister (lawyer), dustman (garbage collector). Americans readily recognize the American character of ice cream soda, apple pie, popcorn,free lunch, saloon from their associations, and can understand why some of them would not be understood elsewhere. A writer in the London Daily Mail complained that an English person would find “positively incomprehensible” the American words commuter, rare (as applied to underdone meat), intern, tuxedo, truck farming, realtor, mean (nasty), dumb (stupid), enlisted man, seafood, living room, dirt road, and mortician, although some of these have since become normal in British English. It is always unsafe to say what American words a British person will not understand, and there are some pairs in this list that would be pretty generally “comprehended” on both sides of the Atlantic. Some words have a deceptive familiarity. Lumber with Americans is timber but in Britain is discarded furniture and the like. Laundry in America is not only the place where clothing and linen are washed but the articles themselves. A lobbyist in England is a parliamentary reporter, not one who attempts to influence the legislative process, and a pressman for Americans is not a reporter but one who works in the pressroom where a newspaper is printed.61 It is of course on the level of more colloquial or popular speech that the greatest differences are noticed. The American seems to have a genius for 61
For words, phrases, and syntactic structures from British English that have recently been adopted into American English, see John Algeo, “The Briticisms Are Coming! How British English is Creeping into the American Language,” Journal of English Linguistics, 23 (1990–95), 123−40.
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ephemeral coinages that are naturally quite meaningless to one who is not constantly hearing them. Bawl out, bonehead, boob, bootlegger, dumbbell, flivver, go-getter, grafter, hootch, peach of a, pep, punk, and to razz are part of a long list of terms in an American novel that had to be explained by a glossary in the British edition. There is nothing surprising about the geographical limitations of slang. Colloquial language has always shown more local variation than the more formal levels of speech. There were doubtless many colloquialisms current in Shakespeare’s London that would not have been understood in contemporary Stratford. These do not constitute the English language either in Britain or America. It is well to remember that in the written language the difference between the British and the American use of words is often so slight that it is difficult to tell, in the case of a serious book, on which side of the Atlantic it was written. 254. American Words in General English. The difference between the British and the American lexicon today is lessened by the fact that many American words have made their way into British use, and their number appears to be increasing rather than diminishing. Often they have had to make their way against long and bitter opposition. The verbs to advocate, placate, and antagonize were buried under a literature of protest during most of the nineteenth century. This is not true of most of the early words adopted by the colonists from the Native Americans for Native American things. Other words associated with American things have at times been accepted fairly readily: telephone, phonograph, typewriter, ticker, prairie are familiar examples. Some American political terms, especially those associated with less admirable practices, have also been taken in: caucus, logrolling, graft, to stump, among others. It is easy to recognize the American origin of such words as to lynch, blizzard, jazz, joyride, bucket shop, but in many other cases the American origin of a word has been forgotten or the word has been so completely accepted in Britain that the dictionaries do not think it important any longer to state the fact. Generally speaking, it may be said that when an American word expresses an idea in a way that appeals to the British as fitting or effective, the word is ultimately adopted in Britain. Ernest Weekley, in his Adjectives— and Other Words, says: “It is difftcult now to imagine how we got on so long without the word stunt, how we expressed the characteristics so conveniently summed up in dopefiend or high-brow, or any other possible way of describing that mixture of the cheap pathetic and the ludicrous which is now universally labelled sob-stuff” It is difficult to determine how large the debt of English is to the American vocabulary, but in the last two hundred years it has probably exceeded the debt of English to any other source. 255. Scientific Interest in American English. Apart from the interest in Americanisms, which, as we have seen, goes back to the beginning of the nineteenth century, considerable study of American English as a branch of English philology developed during the twentieth century. It began with the investigation by individual scholars of particular dialects or regional characteristics.
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Pioneers in the field were George Hempl, Charles H.Grandgent, and O.F.Emerson.62 Interest in American dialects led to the formation in 1889 of the American Dialect Society, which published a journal called Dialect Notes. The society, reorganized, now issues PADS (Publications of the American Dialect Society). In 1919 H.L.Mencken published a book of nearly 500 pages which he called The American Language. This contained a large amount of entertaining and valuable material presented in a popular way and had the effect of stimulating a wider interest in the subject. It has gone through four editions, and subsequently two supplements were published (1945 and 1948), both larger than the original book.63 A few years later a magazine called American Speech was launched, in which popular and technical discussions appear as evidence of the twofold appeal that American English has for the people of this country. In 1925 George P.Krapp published the first comprehensive and scholarly treatment of American English in his two-volume work The English Language in America. This is the work of a philologist but is not without its attraction for the lay person. Subsequently there have been prepared and published at the University of Chicago A Dictionary of American English on Historical Principles, edited by Sir William Craigie and James R. Hulbert (4 vols., Chicago, 1938– 1944), and A Dictionary of Americanisms, on Historical Principles, the work of Mitford M.Mathews (2 vols., Chicago, 1951). An American dictionary comparable with Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary has been a goal of the American Dialect Society since its founding. The Dictionary of American Regional English (1985–) under the editorship of Frederic G.Cassidy achieves that goal and provides an invaluable account of American dialects as they were recorded between 1965 and 1970. The five-year period of fieldwork in more than one thousand communities in all fifty states provides an almost instantaneous picture in comparison with the time required for most dialect surveys. Much longer in the making and in many ways the most important of the undertakings designed to record the characteristics of American speech is the 62
Grandgent was interested in the speech of New England. His most important essays on the New England dialect are reprinted in a volume called Old and New (Cambridge, MA, 1920). Emerson’s monograph on the dialect of Ithaca, New York, was the first extensive study of an American dialect. 63 A convenient abridged edition in one volume, with annotations and new material is by Raven McDavid, Jr. (New York, 1963).
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Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada, publication of which began in 1939. Although conceived as a single enterprise, the various regional projects have evolved into a series of independent but closely associated investigations. In this undertaking America has followed the lead of Europe. In the latter part of the nineteenth century there began to grow up an interest in linguistic geography, the study of the geographic distribution of linguistic phenomena. Apart from the value of such study in ensuring the preservation of accurate records of dialects and even languages that were in process of dying out, it was seen that it might play an important role in linguistic science. The best way to study the phenomena of linguistic evolution and change is in the living speech of communities whose origin, cultural development, and relation to other communities can still be traced. Accordingly there have been published, or are in course of preparation, linguistic atlases for more than a dozen European speech areas, notably French, German, and Italian.64 The proposal for an American atlas was made in 1928 at a meeting of the Modern Language Association and, independently, at a session of the Linguistic Society. With the support of the American Council of Learned Societies, work was begun in 1931 under the direction of Professor Hans Kurath of the University of Michigan. The portion of the Atlas covering the New England states was published during the first twelve years of the project, the data being presented graphically in a series of 730 maps.65 Records of the speech of some 200 communities were made. “In each community at least two informants (subjects) are selected: (1) An elderly representative of the long established families whose speech is felt to be old fashioned. (2) A representative of the middle-aged group who has not had too much schooling and has preserved, in the main, the local type of speech.” The history of the settlement is traced and generally a fairly full history of the individual informant is obtained before he or she is approached. The material collected covers pronunciation, grammatical forms, syntactical usages, and vocabulary and is obtained 64
For an account of the various surveys then being made see J.Schrijnen, Essai de bibliographie de géographie linguistique générale (Nimègue, 1933). Later information may be found in the issues of Orbis: Bulletin internationale de documentation linguistique (Louvain, 1952–). For a survey of earlier work and a general treatment of the province of linguistic geography, see Albert Dauzat, La Géographie linguistique (Paris, 1922), and the exhaustive work of Sever Pop, La Dialectologie: Aperçu historique et méthodes d’enquêtes linguistiques (2 vols., Louvain, 1950). William A.Kretzschmar, Jr., traces the relation of the older European work to current studies in “Dialectology and Sociolinguistics: Same Coin, Different Currency, Language Sciences, 17 (1995), 271–82. 65 Linguistic Atlas of New England, ed. Hans Kurath et al. (3 vols., in 6 parts, Providence, 1939– 1943), with a Handbook of the Linguistic Geography of New England, by Kurath et al. (Providence, 1939), discussing the dialect areas distinguished, the selection of communities and informants, the settlement of New England, the work sheets, and various procedural matters.
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by means of a carefully prepared questionnaire designed to bring out the most characteristic dialectal features, known or suspected.66 The answers are recorded in phonetic notation and supplemented by phonograph records and tapes. A half century after the publication of the Linguistic Atlas of New England, the volumes for the Upper Midwest (Minnesota, lowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota) and for the Gulf states (Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and East Texas) have appeared,67 and materials for most of the other regions have been collected or are well advanced. Even in their unedited and unpublished form, they have been the source for a number of regional studies (see footnote 27, page 376). Any large project that requires several decades to record features of a language will encounter the problem of changes in the language as well as changes in the methods of studying human institutions. In the half century since the inception of the Linguistic Atlas, both kinds of change have occurred at a rapid rate in the United States. While the Atlas fieldworkers were recording rural linguistic items from older, settled speakers, American society was becoming increasingly mobile and urban. In recent years linguists have turned more of their attention to the complex patterns of speech in the cities of the United States. William Labov’s work has been especially influential in its application of techniques from sociology to the description of urban speech. In studying the social varieties of English, Labov and others have attempted to observe the language in its social setting, outside the artificial context of an interview.68 The methodological conclusions that these linguists have drawn from their trials, failures, and successes in recording urban English are as important as their descriptions of particular pronunciations or syntactic structures. Labov argues that the lack of verbal ability and logic that some linguists find in nonstandard English is the result of asking the wrong questions in the wrong situations and then analyzing the answers within the 66
See Alva L.Davis, Raven I.McDavid, Jr., and Virginia G.McDavid, eds., A Compilation of the Work Sheets of the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada and Associated Projects (2nd ed., Chicago, 1969). 67 Harold B.Allen, The Linguistic Atlas of the Upper Midwest (3 vols., Minneapolis, 1973–1976); and Lee Pederson, ed., Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States (7 vols., Athens, GA, 1986–1992). The materials for the rest of the Atlantic seaboard, collected during the 1930s and early 1940s by Guy S.Lowman, were passed to Hans Kurath, then to Raven I.McDavid, Jr., and now to William A.Kretzschmar, Jr., whose team has edited the Handbook of the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States (Chicago, 1993). See also William A.Kretzschmar, Jr., and Edgar W.Schneider, Introduction to Quantitative Analysis of Linguistic Survey Data: an Atlas by the Numbers (Thousand Oaks, CA, 1996) and William A.Kretzschmar, Jr., “Quantitative and Areal Analysis of Dialect Features,” Language Variation and Change, 8 (1996), 13–39. Many of the Linguistic Atlas materials are now available on the Internet at http://us.uga.edu/. 68 See William Labov, Sociolinguistic Patterns (Philadelphia, 1972), chap. 8, and Language in the Inner City (Philadelphia, 1972), chaps. 5–7.
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investigator’s linguistic system rather than the subject’s. If the practical implications that have been drawn from recent sociolinguistic studies are often contradictory, the contradictions are hardly surprising at our present stage of understanding.69 It is unrealistic to expect the discipline of sociolinguistics, which has only recently acquired its name, to provide immediate solutions to problems that are rooted not only in the stratification of the language but finally in the society that the language reflects. At the same time that linguistic geography and sociolinguistics were contributing so much to our knowledge of the language of the United States in its regional and social aspects, the study of American English was making great advances in one other direction, that of its basic structure. In the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth the interests of linguistic scholars were mainly historical and comparative. Such studies, of course, still constitute a large and important field of scholarship. But with the increasing interest in the United States in the recording and interpretation of the languages of Native Americans, new procedures were found to be necessary to deal with structures totally different from those of the languages most familiar to us, the languages of Europe and western Asia. In the new approach Franz Boas and his pupil Edward Sapir were the pioneers, and their work was supplemented and continued by Leonard Bloomfield. The publication in 1933 of Bloomfield’s book Language, the most important work on general linguistics in the first half of the twentieth century, marked a turning point in American linguistic scholarship. The methods that had proved their worth in the study of Native American languages began to be applied to the study of American English (and other modern languages). Starting with the premise that any language is a structured system of arbitrary signals (here conceived of as vocal sounds), structural linguistics sought to determine which elements (including stress, intonation, pauses, etc.) are significant and to describe the pattern in which they are organized. It began with phonemic analysis70 and proceeded 69
Cf. the contrasting conclusions drawn by Labov, “The Logic of Nonstandard English,” in Language in the Inner City, chap. 5, and those by the influential British sociologist Basil Bernstein, “Elaborated and Restricted Codes: Their Social Origins and Some Consequences,” in The Ethnography of Communication, ed. J.J.Gumperz and D.Hymes, special pub. of American Anthropologist, 66, no. 6, part 2 (1964), 55–69. 70 The phoneme is a minimum unit of speech sound in any given language or dialect by which a distinction is conveyed. Thus the initial sounds of pit and bit in English are different phonemes. On the other hand, the initial sounds of keep and coop (or Kodak), though physiologically and acoustically different, are in English (but not, for example, in Arabic) only varieties of the phoneme /k/ because they always occur in different phonetic environments, and in phonemic transcription need not be represented by different symbols. Such varieties of the same phoneme are called allophones and are said to be in complementary distribution. It is customary to enclose phonetic symbols within brackets [k], phonemes between diagonal strokes /k/.
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from there to morphology and syntax. It generally ignored semantics, or the study of meaning.71 In 1957 Noam Chomsky presented a radically different model of language in a thin, technical book entitled Syntactic Structures. Instead of beginning the description with phonology, as the structuralists who followed Bloomfield had done, Chomsky began with syntax and argued that the part of the grammar which describes syntactic structures should have priority as the creative component. By this view, the other two major parts of grammar—semantics and phonology—are “interpretive components,” the purpose of which is to act upon and assign meaning and sound to the structures generated by the syntax. In characterizing the syntactic component of grammar as “creative,” Chomsky brought attention to certain obvious but easily overlooked facts about English (and every other natural language), and he pointed out inadequacies in existing systems of descriptive grammar. The fact that speakers of English can recognize and produce sentences which they have never before encountered suggests that the grammar which describes English must provide for infinite syntactic novelty. But the grammar itself must be a finite thing if one assumes that a goal of linguistic description is to account for the knowledge—or, in a technical sense of the word, the “competence”—of a native speaker of a language. Chomsky sketched a model of a grammar that was unlike existing grammars in its ability to generate an infinite number of sentences from a finite set of rules. In addition, he formalized the kind of rule necessary to show certain relationships of meaning, as for example between an active sentence and its corresponding passive form. These rules which show relationships are known as transformational rules, and the system of description is known as generative grammar. In its revised forms in Chomsky’s Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (New York, 1965) and Lectures on Government and Binding: The Pisa Lectures (Dordrecht, Holland, 1981), it has become the most influential system of linguistic description in the second half of the twentieth century, and it has had a significant effect on the related disciplines of psychology and sociology, as well as on the teaching of grammar in the schools.72 During the past quarter century a number of linguists have challenged, and others have 71
H.A.Gleason, An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics (rev. ed., New York, 1961) is a good general treatment of linguistics from a structural point of view. See also G.L.Trager and H.L.Smith, Jr., An Outline of English Structure (Norman, OK, 1951; Studies in Linguistics, Occasional Papers, no. 3); C.C.Fries, The Structure of English (New York, 1952); and A.A.Hill, Introduction to Linguistic Structures (New York, 1958), as well as the numerous publications of B.Bloch, W.N.Francis, R.A.Hall, Z.S.Harris, C.F.Hockett, H.M.Hoenigswald, E.A.Nida, K.L.Pike, M.Swadesh, W.F.Twaddell, and R.S.Wells, to mention only a few. 72 For the highly abstract phonology of generative grammar, the major work is by Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle, The Sound Pattern of English (New York, 1968).
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defended and modified, various parts of the extended standard theory of generative grammar.73 In the 1960s participants in the debate often viewed their discipline as parallel to the natural sciences in its pattern of advancement, and Chomsky’s model was seen as a “paradigm change” in the sense described by Thomas S.Kuhn.74 The lively attacks on Chomsky’s model and the counterattacks on competing theories were inspired in part by the belief that further changes in the paradigm were imminent. After a period of extreme fragmentation in the 1970s, the major linguistic theories have developed in a general direction of convergence, at least to the extent that some form of generative grammar is the overwhelmingly preferred orientation for any discussion of theoretical syntax and phonology. The most obvious challenges to Chomsky’s Government-Binding approach to syntax, including Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical-Functional Grammar, are themselves generative grammars.75 A criticism sometimes made of all generative grammars is that they deal with marginal sentences invented by the linguist rather than with empirical surveys of actual language use. Such a criticism misses the point that the marginal sentences lead to a distinction between a “core” language (the idealized structures that are determined arbitrarily by universal grammar) and a “periphery” (the parts of a particular language or dialect that are unsystematic: the results of borrowings, historical residues, inventions, and so on). With this distinction, better descriptions of English in all its varieties are possible, as for example, in the studies of pidgins and creoles by Derek Bickerton and others (see § 230). In identifying both what does not occur in a dialect, the gaps, and also the historical accretions, one can provide a more adequate description of the dialects of American English or of any other variety. 256. American English and World English. In bringing the history of the English language to a conclusion with a chapter on American English, it is clear that the United States and the United Kingdom are countries whose national varieties of the language (each with varieties within it) serve as major points of reference and contrast. As regards the formal written language, the differences between British English and American English are so minor that often a para73
Among the hundreds of books, articles, and papers on syntactic theory during the past three decades, the advanced student will find important developments in John R.Ross, “Constraints on Variables in Syntax” (Dissertation, MIT, 1967), published as Infinite Syntax (Norwood, NJ, 1985); Noam Chomsky’s Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use (New York, 1986) and The Minimalist Program (Cambridge, MA, 1995); James D.McCawley, The Syntactic Phenonmena of English (2 vols., Chicago, 1988); and Irene Heim and Angelika Kratzer, Semantics in Generative Grammar (Malden, MA, 1998). 74 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (2nd ed., Chicago, 1970). 75 See Carl Pollard and Ivan A.Sag, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (Chicago, 1994); and Joan Bresnan, Lexical-Functional Syntax (Malden, MA, 2001).
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graph of a whole essay will not reveal the nationality of the author. A century ago American commentators often felt called upon to defend their national variety, though it is hard to find anyone much concerned about the matter now. There is nothing at present like the sustained controversy over Americanisms of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (see § 251), and a judgment such as Basil De Selincourt’s would be taken as facetious exaggeration on either side of the Atlantic: “Only when we hear English on the lips of Americans do we fear for its integrity.” To be sure, during most of the twentieth century Europeans preferred British English, and European instruction in English as a foreign language followed the norms of British English in pronunciation (specifically RP), lexical choice, and spelling. This was a result of proximity, the effective methods of language teaching developed by British institutions such as the British Council, and the perceived “prestige” of the British variety. As American English grew more influential in the world, it became an option alongside British English in mainland Europe and elsewhere. For a while, especially during the second half of the twentieth century, a prominent attitude was that either variety was acceptable for a learner of English as long as each variety was kept distinct. The idea was that one could speak British English or American English but not a random mix of the two. The global context of English described in Chapter 10 has made the traditional categories more problematic and the choices more complex than they were previously perceived to be. It is worth distinguishing again between English as a second language (especially in multilingual countries where English has an official status) and English as a foreign language. Where English is widely used as a second language, as in India, Africa, and Singapore, national varieties have developed that are neither British nor American, whatever the historical, political, and cultural interactions had been. Where English is mainly a foreign language, as in France, Japan, or China, the language often has a mix of British features and American features, Americanization being especially prominent in business and technology. As we have seen, there is linguistic variation among groups of native speakers within both Britain and American. Some of these varieties are more comprehensible than others, and some can be understood in international settings only with great difftculty. Indeed, many Scandinavian speakers of English can communicate more effectively in these settings than many British or American speakers with a strong regional dialect and accent. It has been argued that English as an international language is being shaped as much by non-native speakers as by native speakers, and the variety that is emerging will not be rooted in the culture, geography, and national sense of any country. The term “Mid-Atlantic English” has been used to describe this cosmopolitan variety.76 David Crystal, one of the leading scholars in reconceptualizing the categories of an expanding global English points to his own three dialects: his original Welsh/Liverpool mix functioning as a marker of local identity; his educated (Standard) British English functioning both as a means of national communication within Britian and as a marker of national identity outside; and what he foresees as an international standard of spoken English, to be used as a means of international communication.77 A form of this last variety can be seen in “Euro-English,” in which politicians, diplomats, and civil servants from Britain working in Brussels accommodate their use of English to speakers of other languages. This result is not “foreigner talk” or anything resembling pidgin, but
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something more subtle: the accommodation of an increasingly syllable-timed rhythm (as in French), the avoidance of idioms and colloquial vocabulary, a slower rate of speech, and the avoidance of some of the assimilations and elisions that would be natural in a first-language setting (p. 15). American English may be the most prominent source of emerging global English, and yet it will be American English deracinated and adapted in a utilitarian way to the needs of speakers whose geography and culture are quite different. To the extent that Americans think about the global use of English at all, it is often as a possession that is lent on sufferance to foreigners, who often fail to get it right. Such a parochial attitude will change as more Americans become involved in the global economy and as they become more familiar with the high quality of literature being produced in post-colonial settings. Many earlier attacks on American English were prompted by the slang, colloquialisms, and linguistic novelties of popular fiction and journalism, just as recent criticism has been directed at jargon in the speech and writings of American government officials, journalists, and social scientists. Along with the good use of English there is always much that is indifferent or frankly bad, but the language of a whole country should not be judged by its least graceful examples. Generalizations about the use of English throughout a region or a culture are more likely to mislead than to inform, and questions that lead to such generalizations are among the least helpful to ask. In the United States, as in Britain, India, Ghana, and the Philippines, in Australia and 76
See Marko Modiano, “Rethinking ELT,” English Today, 62 (April 2000), 31. See also two related articles by Modiano, “International English in the Global Village,” English Today, 58 (April 1999), 22–28, and responses, pp. 28–34; and “Standard English(es) and Educational Practices for the World’s Lingua Franca,” English Today, 60 (October 1999), 3–13. 77 David Crystal, “The Future of Englishes,” English Today, 58 (April 1999), 16.
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Jamaica, one can find plentiful samples of English that deserve a low estimate, but one will find a language that has adapted to the local conditions, usually without looking over its shoulder to the standards of a far away country, and in so adapting has become the rich medium for writers and speakers of great talent and some of genius. BIBLIOGRAPHY An excellent one-volume account of the settlement of America is Curtis P.Nettels, The Roots of American Civilization: A History of American Colonial Life (2nd ed., New York, 1963), which may be supplemented by the detailed studies of Charles M. Andrews, The Colonial Period of American History (4 vols., New Haven, CT, 1934–1938), and Wesley F.Craven, The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1607–1698 (Baton Rouge, 1949). A careful study of intercommunication between England and colonial America is lan K.Steele, The English Atlantic, 1675–1740: An Exploration of Communication and Community (Oxford, 1986). For the history of the frontier Ray A.Billington’s Western Expansion (3rd ed., New York, 1967) is clear and comprehensive. Standard works on the major immigrant groups are Marcus L.Hansen, The Atlantic Migration, 1607–1860 (Cambridge, MA, 1940), and Carl Wittke, We Who Built America: The Saga of the Immigrant (rev. ed., Cleveland, 1964). See also George von Skal, History of German Immigration in the United States (New York, 1908), and G.T.Flom, A History of Norwegian Immigration to the United States…to 1848 (Iowa City, 1909). On the history of the English language in this country, George P.Krapp’s The English Language in America (2 vols., New York, 1925) is still indispensable. H.L.Mencken, The American Language (4th ed., New York, 1936) contains much valuable material, although overemphasizing colloquial and vulgar speech. For the supplements and an abridged edition, see above, page 398. Thomas Pyles, Words and Ways of American English (New York, 1952) and Albert H. Marckwardt, American English (New York, 1958) are readable and informative. M.M.Mathews, The Beginnings of American English (Chicago, 1931), reprints in convenient form some of the earlier discussions of English in America, and Jane L. Mesick’s The English Traveller in America, 1785–1835 (New York, 1922) gives references to early comments on American speech. A skillful study based on manuscripts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is Norman E.Eliason, Tarheel Talk: An Historical Study of the English Language in North Carolina to 1860 (Chapel Hill, NC, 1956). There are biographies of Noah Webster by Horace E.Scudder (Boston, 1882; American Men of Letters Series) and Harry R.Warfel (New York, 1936). Emily E.F. Ford, Notes on the Life of Noah Webster (2 vols., New York, 1912) contains extensive material from Webster’s diaries and correspondence. The fullest account of his work on the dictionary is by Joseph H.Friend, The Development of American Lexicography, 1798–1864 (The Hague, 1967), which may be supplemented by Kemp Malone, “A Linguistic Patriot,” American Speech, 1 (1925), 26–31; Edward Wagenknecht, “The Man Behind the Dictionary,” Virginia Qu. Rev., 5 (1930), 246–58; and Allen W.Read, “The Spread of German Linguistic Learning in New England during the Lifetime of Noah Webster,” American Speech, 41 (1966), 163–81. On the history of language planning and reform in America during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, see Dennis E.Baron, Grammar and Good Taste: Reforming the American Language (New Haven, 1982). Excellent introductions to American pronunciation are John S. Kenyon, American Pronunciation (12th ed. by Donald M.Lance and Stewart A. Kingsbury, Ann Arbor, MI, 1997), and C.K.Thomas, An Introduction to the Phonetics of American Pronunciation (2nd ed., New York, 1958). Studies of the subject based on materials for the Linguistic Atlas are Hans Kurath and Raven I.McDavid, Jr., The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States (Ann Arbor, 1961), and Hans Kurath, A Phonology and Prosody
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of Modern English (Ann Arbor, 1964). For other publications associated with the Linguistic Atlas, see the references on pages 376 and 399−400. Recent sociolinguistic dialectology has culminated in a major survey of the changing phonology of American English in William Labov, ed., Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change (Berlin, 2001). Comparison with English pronunciation may be made by means of Daniel Jones’s An Outline of English Phonetics (9th ed., New York, 1960) and the same author’s English Pronouncing Dictionary, ed. Peter Roach and James Hartman (15th ed., Cambridge, UK, 1997), along with John S.Kenyon and Thomas A.Knott, A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English (Springfield, MA, 1949). A.C.Gimson, An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English (2nd ed., London, 1970) is useful for recent changes in English pronunciation, and J.Windsor Lewis, A Concise Pronouncing Dictionary of British and American English (London, 1972) conveniently lists the variants side by side. The most up-to-date reference is the Oxford Dictionary of Pronunciation of Current English, ed. Clive Upton, William A.Kretzschmar, Jr., and Rafal Konopka (Oxford, 2001). Surveys of recent and ongoing work in American dialectology are gathered in American Dialect Research, ed. Dennis R.Preston (Amsterdam, 1993) and in Language Variation in North American English: Research and Teaching, ed. A.Wayne Glowka and Donald M.Lance (New York, 1993). Representative essays on specific topics are in “Heartland” English: Variation and Transition in the American Midwest, ed. Timothy C.Frazer (Tuscaloosa, AL, 1993), Focus on the USA, ed. Edgar W. Schneider (Amsterdam, 1996), and Language Variety in the South Revisited, ed. Cynthia Bernstein, Thomas Nunnally, and Robin Sabino (Tuscaloosa, AL, 1997). An exhaustive bibliography for the Southern dialect is James B.McMillan and Michael B. Montgomery, Annotated Bibliography of Southern American English (2nd ed., Tuscaloosa, AL, 1989). Many local word lists will be found in American Speech and the Publications of the American Dialect Society. An attempt to present a regional record of the American vocabulary is Harold Wentworth, American Dialect Dictionary (New York, 1944), which has been superseded by publication of the Dictionary of American Regional English under the editorship of Frederic G.Cassidy. On the subject of Americanisms the principal glossaries and dictionaries have been mentioned on pages 391–93. The American point of view is well represented in T.R. Lounsbury, “The English Language in America,” International Rev., 8 (1880), 472–82, 596–608, and Brander Matthews, Americanisms and Briticisms (New York, 1892). For an expression of liberal English opinion, see J.Y.T.Greig, Breaking Priscian’s Head (London, 1928). An authoritative and up-to-date account of the most widely studied of all dialects of English is John R.Rickford, African American Vernacular English (Oxford, 1999). John Baugh, Out of the Mouths of Slaves: African American Language and Educational Malpractice (Austin, TX, 1999) examines the social issues involved. See also the essays in African-American English: Structure, History and Use, ed. Salikoko S. Mufwene, J.R.Rickford, G.Bailey, and J.Baugh (London, 1998). Classic essays by William Labov are conveniently collected in Sociolinguistic Patterns (Philadelphia, 1972) and Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English Vernacular (Philadelphia, 1972). R.W.Shuy, W.A.Wolfram, R.W.Fasold, and others have presented the results of their sociolinguistic investigations in volumes of the Urban Language Series, published by the Center for Applied Linguistics. A general survey of sociolinguistics in the United States is Walt Wolfram and R.W.Fasold’s The Study of Social Dialects in American English (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1974). Among J.L.Dillard’s sometimes controversial writings, see Black English (New York, 1972) and Lexicon of Black English (New York, 1977). Edgar W.Schneider’s Morphologische und syntaktische Variablen in amerikanischen Early Black English (Frankfurt a.M., 1981) has been published in an English translation as American Earlier Black English: Morphological and Syntactic Variables (Tuscaloosa, AL, 1989). The question of the divergence of the black and white vernaculars is the subject of an issue of American Speech, 62:1 (1987). Bibliographies of Black English and related topics in pidgin and creole languages are Ila W.Brasch and Walter M.Brasch, A Comprehensive Bibliography of American Black English (Baton Rouge, 1974) and John E.Reinecke et al., A Bibliography of Pidgin and Creole
A history of the english language
Languages (Honolulu, 1975). A helpful introduction to generative grammar is C.L.Baker’s English Syntax (2nd ed., Cambridge, MA, 1995). The historiography of recent linguistics is given a readable treatment by Frederick J.Newmeyer, Linguistic Theory in America (2nd ed., Orlando, FL, 1986).
APPENDIX A Specimens of the Middle English Dialects The discussion of the Middle English dialects in the text (§ 147) is necessarily general. The subject may be further illustrated by the following specimens. It is not to be expected that students without philological training will be able to follow all the details in the accompanying observations, but these observations may serve to acquaint the reader with the nature of the differences that distinguish one dialect from another. Some of them, such as the endings of the verb or the voicing of initial f in Southern and Kentish, are easily enough recognized. Northern The Cursor Mundi, c. 1300.
are þe maters redde on raw i thynk in þis bok to draw, Schortly rimand on þe dede, For mani er þai her-of to spede. Notful me thinc it ware to man 5 To knaw him self how he began,— How [he] began in werld to brede, How his oxspring began to sprede, Bath o þe first and o þe last, In quatking curs þis world es past. 10 Efter haly kyrc[es] state ilk bok it es translate In to Inglis tong to rede For þe love of Inglis lede, Inglis lede of Ingland, 15 For þe commun at understand. Frankis rimes here I redd, Comunlik in ilk[a] sted: Mast es it wroght for frankis man. Quat is for him na frankis can? 20
Appendix A
Of Ingland þe nacion— Es Inglis man þar in commun— speche þat man wit mast may spede, Mast þar-wit to speke war nede. Selden was for ani chance 25 Praised Inglis tong in france. Give we ilkan þare langage, Me think we do þam non outrage. To laud and Inglis man i spell understandes þat i tell…. 30 TRANSLATION: These are the matters explained in a row that I think in this book to draw, shortly riming in the doing, for many are they who can profit thereby. Methinks it were useful to man to know himself, how he began,—how he began to breed in the world, how his offspring began to spread, both first and last, through what kind of course this world has passed. After Holy Church’s state this same book is translated into the English tongue to read, for the love of English people, English people of England, for the commons to understand. French rimes I commonly hear read in every place: most is it wrought for Frenchmen. What is there for him who knows no French? Concerning England the nation—the Englishman is common therein—the speech that man may speed most with, it were most need to speak therewith. Seldom was by any chance English tongue praised in France. Let us give each their language: methinks we do them no outrage. To layman and Englishman I speak, that understand what I tell. OBSERVATIONS: The most distinctive feature of the Northern dialect is the retention of OE ā as an a, whereas it became an o in all the other dialects: raw (1), knaw (6), bath (9), haly (11), mast (19, etc.: Northumbrian māst), na (20). Northern shares with all non-W.S. dede (3) rhyming with spede (OE spēdan), rede dialects for W.S. (13) rhyming with lede (OE lēod), etc. Characteristic of the Northern is the spelling qu– for hw-: quatking (10), quat (20); the retention of a hard consonant in kyrces (11), ilk (12), ilka(n) (18, 27); s for sh in Inglis (13, 14), Frankis (17). The pres. participle ends in -and: rimand (3), the 3rd pers. sing. pres. indic. in -es: understandes (30). The verb to be shows typical Northern forms in es (10, 12, etc.) for is, er (4) and are (1), and the pret. plur. ware (5), with a from Scandinavian influence, corresponding to Midland wẹren, Southern węren. With this may be compared þar (22: ON þar)=Southern þer. The infinitive at understand (16) likewise points to Scandinavian influence and the north. The 3rd pers. plur. pronoun in th– is a Northern characteristic at this date, especially in the oblique cases: þai (4) þare (27), þam (28).
Appendix A
East Midland The Bestiary, c. 1250.
Cethegrande is a fis ðe moste ðat in water is; ðat tu wuldes seien get, gef ðu it soge wan it flet, ðat it were an eilond 5 ðat sete one ðe se sond. ðis fis ðat is unride, ðanne him hungreð he gapeð wide; ut of his ðrote smit an onde, ðe swetteste ðing ðat is on londe; 10 ðer-fore oðre fisse to him dragen; wan he it felen he aren fagen; he cumen and hoven in his muð; of his swike he arn uncuð ðis cete ðenne hise chaveles lukeð, 15 ðise fisses alle in sukeð; ðe smale he wile ðus biswiken, ðe grete maig he nogt bigripen. ðis fis wuneð wið ðe se grund, and liveð ðer evre heil and sund, 20 til it cumeð ðe time ðe storm stireð al ðe se, ðanne sumer and winter winnen; ne mai it wunen ðer Ser-inne, So drovi is te sees grund, 25 ne mai he wunen ðer ðat stund, oc stireð up and hoveð stille; wiles [ðat] weder is so ille, ðe sipes ðat arn on se fordriven,— loð hem is ded, and lef to liven,—30 biloken hem and sen ðis fis; an eilond he wenen it is, ðer-of he aren swiðe fagen, and mid here migt ðat-to he dragen,
Appendix A
sipes on festen, 35 and alle up gangen; Of ston mid stel in ðe tunder wel[m] to brennen one ðis wunder, warmen hem wel and heten and drinken; ðe fir he and doð hem sinken, 40 for sone he diveð dun to grunde, he drepeð hem alle wið-uten wunde. Significacio
Ðis devel is mikel wið and magt, So wicches haven in here craft; he doð men hungren and haven ðrist, 45 and mani oðer sinful list, tolleð men to him wið his onde: wo so him he folegeð he findeð sonde; ðo arn ðe little in leve lage; ðe mikle ne maig he to him dragen,—50 ðe mikle, i mene ðe stedefast in rigte leve mid fles and gast. wo so listneð develes lore, on lengðe it sal him rewen sore; wo so festcð hope on him, 55 he sal him folgen to helle dim. TRANSLATION: The cetegrande (whale) is a fish, the greatest that is in water; so that thou wouldst say, if thou saw it when it floats, that it was an island that set on the seasand. This fish, that is enormous, when hungry gapes wide; out of its throat it casts a breath, the sweetest thing that is on land; therefore other fishes draw to it. When they perceive it they are glad; they come and linger in its mouth—of its deceit they are ignorant. This whale then shuts its jaws, sucks all these fishes in; the small he will thus deceive, the great can he not catch. This fish dwells on the sea-bottom and lives there ever hale and sound till it comes the time that a storm stirs up all the sea, when summer and winter contend. Nor may it dwell therein; so troubled is the bottom of the sea, he can not abide there that hour, but comes to the surface and remains still. Whilst the weather is so ill, the ships (seamen) that are tossed about on the sea—loath to them is death, and to live dear—look about them and see this fish. They think it is an island; thereof they are very glad and draw thereto with all their might, moor fast the ships and all go up (on land) to light a fire on this wonder, from stone with steel in the tinder, to warm themselves well and eat and drink. He feels the fire and doth sink them, for soon he dives
Appendix A
down to the ground and kills them all without wound. Significatio. This Devil is so great with will and might, as witches have in their craft, that he makes men to hunger and have thirst and many other sinful desires. He draws men to him with his breath. Whoso follows him finds shame: those are the little (who are) low (weak) in faith; the great he can not draw to him,—the great, I mean the steadfast in right belief with flesh and ghost (body and soul). Whoso listeneth to the Devil’s lore, at length shall rue it sorely. Whoso finds hope in him shall follow him to Hell dim. OBSERVATIONS: The East Midland character of this text is not so much indicated by distinctive features as by a combination of phonological characteristics that can be found individually in other dialects. Thus OE appears as a, as it does also at this date generally: ðat (2) water (2), fagen (12), craft (44), etc. As in the north OE appears generally as i: unride (7), stireð (22), fir (40), diveð (41), ðrist (45), sinfull (46), list (46), and ĕo becomes e: lef (30), sen (31), devel (43, 53). But the development of OE ā>ō in loð (30), wo (48), lore (53), sore (54) indicates a district south of the Humber. Northern influence is possible in gast (52) although the a may be due to shortening. The morphology is typically East Midland. The 3rd pers. sing. pres. indic. always ends in -eð (except in contractions); hungreð (8), gapeð (8), lukeð (15), etc.; the pres. plur. always ends in -en: dragen (11), felen (12), aren (12), cumen (13), etc.; the strong past participle ends in -en: fordriven (29), as do all infinitives: seien (3), biswiken (17), bigripen (18), etc.; the 3rd pers. plur. of the pronoun is he (12, etc.), here (34, 44), hem (30, etc.). That the text belongs toward the northern part of the region is indicated by the frequent occurrence of s for OE sc:fis, fisses (1, etc.), sipes (29), sonde (4), fles (52), sal (54, 56); by the -es of the 2nd pers. sing.: wuldes (3); and by the more Northern aren, arn (12, 14, etc.) in place of the typical East Midland form ben (which occurs in other parts of the poem). West Midland St. Katherine, c. 1230. In þis ilke burh wes wuniende a meiden swiðe
wone of twenti, feier & freolich o wlite & o westum, ah is mare wurð, steðelfest wiðinnen, of treowe bileave, anes kinges Cost hehte anlepi dohter icuret clergesse Katerine inempnet. federles & moderles of hire childhade. Ah þah ha
meiden wes baðe were, ha heold 5
hire aldrene hird wisliche & warliche i þe heritage & i þe herd hire burde: nawt for þi
hire þhte god in hire heorte to habben monie
under hire & beon icleopet lefdi, offearet of scheome & of sunne, misferden,
com of
feole telleð wel to, ah ba ha wes þeo weren todreauet oðer
hire forðfederes, hefden ifostret. For hire seolf ne kepte ha
Appendix A
10 nawt of þe worlde.
lo, for hare sake ane dale ha etheold of hire
ealdrene god & spende al oðer in neodfule & in nakede. milde, meoke meiden þeos lufsume lefdi mid lastelese lates ne luvede heo nane lihte plohen ne nane sotte songes. Nalde ha nane ronnes ne nane luve runes leornin ne lustnen, ah eaver ha hefde on hali writ ehnen oðer 15 heorte, oftest ba togederes. TRANSLATION: In this same town was dwelling a maiden very young in years—two lacking of twenty—fair and noble in appearance and form, but yet, which is more worth, steadfast within, of true belief, only daughter of a king named Cost, a distinguished scholar named Katherine. This maiden was both fatherless and motherless from her childhood. But, though she was young, she kept her parents’ servants wisely and discreetly in the heritage and in the household that came to her by birth: not because it seemed to her good in her heart to have many under her and be called lady, that many count important, but she was afraid both of shame and of sin if they were dispersed or went astray whom her forefathers had brought up. For herself, she cared naught of the world. Thus, lo, for their sake she retained one part of her parents’ goods and spent all the rest on the needy and on the naked. This mild, meek maiden, this lovesome lady with faultless looks, loved no light playings or foolish songs. She would neither learn nor listen to any songs or love poems, but ever she had her eyes or heart on Holy Writ, oftenest both together. OBSERVATIONS: The more significant West Midland characteristics of the above passage are: the preservation of OE
as a rounded vowel, spelled u: icuretō: (1), huo (10), holy (14), etc. London Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, c. 1387.
Whan that Aprille with his shoures sote The droghte of Marche hath perced to the rote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth 5 Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne, And smale fowles maken melodye, That slepen