17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (2024)

Looking for some homemade pet food recipes? Look no further, because these vet-approved homemade dog treats are just what you need. Whip them up in the comfort of your kitchen because your pets love their treats homemade, too!

Homemade Pet Food Recipes for Healthier Pets

1. Homemade Cat Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (1)

I love cats because they are so independent, but that doesn't stop me from trying to take care of them! So if you have cats in your homestead, spoil them with these homemade cat treats I'm sure they'll find delectable. You know they also deserve some treats and pampering once in a while!

2. Frozen Coconut Oil and Blueberry Dog Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (2)

If you feel hot during the summer, so does your pup! Give them frozen dog treats! No need to share your delicious ice cream. Make him his own refreshing treats that aren't just plain ice cubes. It's a tasty way for your pup to cool off this summer!

3. Spinach, Carrot, And Zucchini Dog Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (3)

If you are particularly into homemade dry dog food, then you're on the right track. These spinach, carrot, and zucchini dog treats are very nutritious, canine-friendly, and so easy to make. It's a sure treat to delight your dogs, but watch out for the crumbs.

4. Easy Crockpot Dog Food


This easy crockpot dog food recipe can easily be made right in the slow cooker. Simply dump everything right in and your pup will get a 2-week food supply.

5. Banana Pup Pops

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (4)

All you need to make thesebanana pup pops is a blender or mini food processor to mix up the ingredients. So whip out your blender and start making cool summer treats for your furry friends!

6. Apple And Peanut Butter Pupcakes

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (5)

These apple and peanut butter pupcakes are a great homemade treat for your dog’s birthday! It's a festive way to celebrate the day your pup became a part of your family.

7. Breath-Freshening Dog Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (6)

If you love making healthy treats for your fur babies, then you definitely have to make them these breath-freshening dog treats. Give them something special you yourself will be surprised by the result!

8. Double Banana Dog Treats


With only three ingredients, you can make a whole batch of these homemade treats for your dog best friends. Rightly so, because these treats will have them coming back for more. Always keep some on hand!

9. Fruit Leather For Dogs

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (7)

You can have fruit leather for your dogs to snack on right along with you. Make sure to choose fruit safe for dogs to eat, like blueberries or strawberries.

10. Homemade Flea Prevention Dog Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (8)

If you love dogs but hate fleas, then this is the dog treat for you! Your dog will give you a big woof-woof for a thank you for these homemade flea prevention dog treats.

11. Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (9)

When your pup's crushing on peanuts, these easy recipes for homemade peanut butter dog treats will have them licking their chops. Pups will love the peanut butter flavor!

12. Peanut Butter Oatmeal Banana Dog Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (10)

If you want your dog to be livelier than ever, these peanut butter oatmeal banana dog treats will definitely increase your dog’s energy levels. Remember to use all-natural peanut butter and never sugar-free or lite peanut butter. These contain artificial sweeteners toxic to dogs.

13. Homemade Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Coconut Oil Dog Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (11)

These scrumptious treats are unbelievably easy to make, quick to freeze, and awesome for hot summer days! You won't believe you can make it with only a handful of ingredients readily available in your kitchen.

14. Chicken And Wild Rice Dog Biscuits

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (12)

Treating our dogs as part of the family means giving them the best treats available–chicken and wild rice dog biscuits. Your furry friend will surely adore these biscuits.

15. Homemade Dog Food

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (13)

If you're looking for a nutritionally-complete homemade dog food, this is it! This homemade dog foodcontains a good balance of essential nutrients with protein, carbs, and veggies.

16. Homemade Rabbit Treats

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (14)

This homemade rabbit treat is so much healthier than treats sold in stores. If you are a true rabbit lover, I'm sure you wouldn't mind all the effort required in preparing this homemade treat. You may not like the green stuff but your furry pets will dig right into it!

17. Banana Oatmeal Carrot Granola – Homemade Rabbit Treat

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (15)

This banana oatmeal carrot granola is made only with 4 ingredients, which we're pretty sure your furry rabbits will enjoy. You can use timothy hay if pandan leaf is not available–pretty sure your rabbits won't mind.

Want even more healthy homemade pet food recipes and treats? Check out this video and learn how to make a homemade doggie stew from TheHelpfuldad:

You can now skip the bags and boxes of store-bought treats. Whip up these healthy homemade pet food recipes for your precious ones instead. You know how cats and dogs are–they have an acute sense of smell and they'll know you are whipping up something only for them! They are also fiercely loyal and these treats will only reinforce it!

Which healthy homemade pet food recipes and treats are you going to try today? Let us know below in the comments section!

Up Next:What Human Food is Good For Your Dog | Infographic

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17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (17)

Editor's Note: This post was originally published on July 10, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

17 Healthy Homemade Pet Food Recipes And Treats | Homesteading (2024)


Is answers a good dog food? ›

Is Answers A Good Dog Food? Overall, Answers dog food is considered a low risk food with high quality ingredients, and all recipes scoring 9.5/10.

What should be the main ingredient in homemade dog food? ›

WHAT IS THE RATIO FOR HOMEMADE DOG FOOD? Dogs are obligate carnivores, so their diet should mainly consist of meats and protein. A good recommendation is 80% meat, 10% vegetable, and 10% Know Better Pet Food Premix.

What is the 25 rule for pet food? ›

The 25% Rule

The named ingredient(s) must comprise at least 10% of the total product by weight and at least 25% of the product by weight not including the added water. Additional descriptors, such as “dinner,” “entrée,” “platter” and so on, appear in the name.

What should top 3 ingredients be in dog food? ›

What are the top 3 ingredients to look for in dog food? The top ingredients to look for in dog food are high-quality proteins (named meat sources - chicken, beef, fish, and lamb), natural carbohydrates (whole fruits and vegetables), and healthy fats (animal fats or plant-based oils).

How can you tell if dog food is high quality? ›

Here's what to look for in dog food and the criteria we use to identify good-quality dry dog foods.
  1. Look for named animal protein sources at the top of the ingredients list. ...
  2. Look for whole-food ingredients in dog food. ...
  3. Look for ingredients that are certified as organic, humanely raised, or sustainably farmed.
Jan 13, 2023

What not to put in homemade dog food? ›

Notes: In general, look for a ratio of 50% protein, 25% veggies/greens, 25% grain. Feel free to mix and match veggies, but there are some things dogs should NEVER eat: NO xylitol, chocolate, avocado, cherries, grapes/raisins, tomatoes, asparagus, mushrooms, onions, garlic, macadamia nuts.

Can I feed my dog chicken and rice every day? ›

Chicken and rice isn't meant to be given as an everyday dog food, nor is it suitable to be used in place of regular dog treats. It's simply a short-term bland diet option intended for a sick dog.

What homemade food is good for dogs everyday? ›

7 Foods to Cook For Your Dog
  • Chicken. Cooked chicken is a good source of protein for dogs. ...
  • Lean Ground Turkey. Lean ground turkey is a safe food to cook for your dog. ...
  • Eggs. Cooked eggs are a safe, healthy food with lots of minerals and vitamins. ...
  • Raw or Steamed Vegetables. ...
  • Fresh Fruits. ...
  • Boiled Potatoes. ...
  • Peanut Butter. ...
  • Yogurt.
Sep 12, 2023

What is the 333 pet rule? ›

The 3-3-3 rule is a guideline for transitioning a rescue dog into its new home and helping it to settle in. It suggests that the first three days should be used for adjusting to its new surroundings, the next three weeks for training and bonding, and the first three months for continued socialization and training.

What is the 3% rule for pet food? ›

The 3% Rule or “with” Rule: A food that says “with Beef” must contain at least 3% Beef. 4. The “Flavor” rule: This is a vague rule, there is no required percentage, but there must be enough of the ingredient in the product to be recognizable by the pet.

What is the 80 20 rule dog food? ›

The term “80/20 dog food” typically refers to a diet that consists of 80% meat and 20% other ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. This ratio is often associated with the concept of a more biologically appropriate and natural diet for dogs.

What is the best meat to put in homemade dog food? ›

Very lean ground beef or poultry- This is the main source of protein and has to be lean since dogs have a high amino acid requirement. Compared to ground beef, ground chicken and turkey are lower in protein, iron, and zinc, so you'll need to make up for it with extra beef liver.

How to make your own dog food at home? ›

  1. Place ground turkey, water, rice, and rosemary into a large Dutch oven. Stir until ground turkey is broken up and evenly distributed throughout the mixture; bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.
  2. Add frozen vegetables, and cook for an additional 5 minutes.

What ingredient to avoid in dog food? ›

Ingredients to avoid:
  • Corn and wheat gluten.
  • Meat and grain meals and by-products.
  • BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole)
  • BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene)
  • Ethoxyquin.
  • Food Dyes (Blue 2, Red 40, Yellow 5 and 6, 4-MIE)
  • PG (Propylene Glycol)
  • Rendered fat.

Does dog food brand matter? ›

The best dog food for your canine companion should meet their nutritional needs. Most commercial dog food brands are specially formulated with at least the minimum nutritional requirements for dogs. But it's important to remember that not every dog has exactly the same nutritional needs.

Does it really matter what kind of dog food you feed your dog? ›

Dogs and humans have similar gastrointestinal tracts and require similar types of food. Just like us, dogs are omnivores and eat meat as well as greens and grains. It's a misconception that dogs need meat only — they require other nutrients too. It's always a good idea to look at the ingredients in your pets' food.

Are prescription dog foods good? ›

Whilst there are a handful of prescription foods that contain active ingredients that make a difference for diagnosed health problems, most prescription foods are, in reality, just standard dog foods. Granted, some brands can offer better nutrition than the cheapest mass-produced kibbles.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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